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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    All the Days of Our Lives

    Belle is sitting on the couch in Sami's house. Sami comes down the stairs, ready for her date with EJ.
    Belle: Wow Sami, you look great.
    Sami: Are you sure?
    Belle: Of course! Now go, before you're late!
    Sami: Ok, ok.
    Sami leaves the house, and Belle locks the door. Belle's phone rings. She answers it.
    Belle: Hello?
    Shawn: Hey, Belle.
    Belle: Shawn, where are you? You were supposed to be here half an hour ago!
    Shawn: Sorry, but I have to stay late today.
    Belle: Again? Shawn, this is the third time in a row.
    Shawn: I know, and I promise, I'll try to get home at a decent time.
    Belle: Ok.
    Shawn: I have to go, but I'll try and call you later. Bye.
    Belle: Bye.
    She hangs up, and buries her head in her hands. She takes her head our of her hands, and looks around. She looks confused. Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Belle: Hello?
    Man: Hey Mary, how are you?
    Belle: Sorry, you have the wrong number.

    Kate is in her apartment. She turns the TV off, and goes into the kitchen. There is a knock at the door. She opens the door, and John is standing there.
    John: I was a little upset when you left me at the bar.
    Kate: I had some things to do.
    John: Are you going to let me in?
    Kate moves out of the way, and he walks into her apartment.
    Kate: Why did you come, John? Do you have an answer to my question?
    He kisses her.
    Kate: Hmm, I think you'll need to tell me that again.
    He kisses her more passionately, and they start making out. They move closer to the couch. She unbuttons his shirt and takes it off.

    Sami and EJ are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    EJ: So, what are you thinking about having?
    Sami: The filet mignon looks really good.
    EJ: I was thinking the same thing.
    Sami: Oh God.
    She puts down the menu.
    EJ: What is it?
    Sami: What, you don't feel the awkwardness?
    EJ: Oh, I thought I was the only one.
    Sami: Why are we even on a date? Were way past this!
    EJ: I thought it would be nice to just have a night together, to enjoy a meal. If you want to do something else, then it's up to you.
    Sami: No! No, it's fine here. I'm great! No awkwardness at all.
    EJ laughs. Jeannie comes to their table.
    Jeannie: Hi, I'm Jeannie, and I'll be your server tonight.
    Sami laughs.
    Sami: Since when do you work here?
    Jeannie: Since I needed to save up some money. Hmm, this is an interesting couple. Are you guys discussing your children, or is this pleasure?
    Sami and EJ look at each other.

    Valerie is sitting in the airport, reading Bella Magazine.
    Valerie: What the hell is taking so long?
    Intercom: Now boarding, flight 317 Salem to Milan.
    Valerie: Finally.
    She gets up. She grabs her luggage, and Stefano comes behind her.
    Stefano: Where do you think you're going?
    Valerie: What the hell does it matter to you? I thought you didn't want me in your house anymore.
    Stefano: Oh, stop the game! You are acting like a 5 year old who didn't get her way.
    Valerie: No, I'm going to go visit my aunt! You know, your sister, maybe you should take time out of your busy life to go visit her once in a while.
    Stefano: Do not lecture me on my relationships with my family.
    Valerie: You're right, their all too dysfunctional to explain!
    She turns around, and he grabs her arm.
    Stefano: You're coming back home.
    Valerie laughs.
    Valerie: Then you wonder why I act like a 5 year old! You're treating me like one right now!
    He tightens his grip on her arm.
    Valerie: Let go of me!

    Belle hangs up the phone, and Claire walks in the room.
    Belle: Hey Ciara, how are you sweetie?
    Claire: Mommy, why did you call me Ciara?
    Belle looks confused, and then realizes something.
    Belle: Oh, sorry honey, I made a mistake.
    Ciara: I want to watch a movie.
    Belle: Ok, I'll go get Johnny and Alexis, and I'll put in a movie for you guys. Just sit on the couch, and I'll be right back.
    Belle leaves the room. She goes halfway up the stairs, and looks confused.
    Belle: Sami, you're going to kill me, but I forgot the milk! I'll go back to the store.
    She goes back down the stairs, and opens the door, where Marleana is standing, about to knock.
    Belle: Mom! What are you doing here?
    Marleana: I just came to see my beautiful grandchildren!
    It hits Belle that she's watching the twins.
    Belle: Well, you can only see three of them, because Will is out.
    Marleana: Oh, what else is new?
    They laugh, as Marleana walks in.
    Marleana: Where were you going?
    Belle looks confused.

    John and Kate are lying naked on her couch, making out.
    Kate: John, I honestly thought I would never have this ever again.
    John kisses her neck.
    John: I think we should do this more often.
    Kate: I like the way you think.
    They kiss.

    Sami and EJ are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Sami: Well, now I know that my whole family will know that I was on a date tonight.
    EJ: Why? Is it a bad thing?
    Sami: I didn't say that.
    Jeannie comes with their food.
    Jeannie: Here you guys go. Enjoy you're meal.
    Sami: Thanks.
    EJ: Thank you.
    Jeannie: So, I'm going on break soon, I could sit with you guys.
    Sami gives her a look.
    Jeannie: Oh, right. I'll be back soon, to take your empty plates, and get you're dessert orders.
    She leaves.
    EJ: That was funny.
    Sami: Funny?
    EJ: Oh, come on, Samantha. She's excited for us.
    Sami laughs.
    Sami: So, where would we go after this?
    EJ: Well, I moved out of my father's house, back into my apartment.
    Sami: Really?

    Stefano lets go of Valerie's arm.
    Stefano: Would you just come home?
    Valerie: I am going to go visit my sick aunt! What the hell is you're problem?
    Stefano: You are pregnant!
    Valerie: I can still fly! I'm not staying there for my entire pregnancy!
    Intercom: Last call for flight 317 Salem to Milan.
    Valerie: You might find this weird to hear me say, hell even I do, but I do love you. I mean, you are my father. You are a nut job some of the time, but I still love you.
    Stefano: If I didn't know you were pregnant, I would ask what you were drinking.
    Valerie hugs him.
    Valerie: I'll be back soon. Don't worry about me.
    She grabs her luggage, and leaves. Stefano stands there.
    Stefano: My lord, what are you planning?

    Belle and Marleana are standing in Sami's house, in front of the door.
    Belle: Oh, I just heard a noise, and checked to see; I guess it was you.
    Marleana: I guess so.
    Claire comes out of the living room.
    Claire: Grandma!
    Marleana: Hello sweetie!
    Marleana picks her up, and kisses her.
    Marleana: How are you?
    Claire: Hungry.
    Marleana laughs.
    Marleana: Go in the kitchen, and I will be there in 5 minutes to make something for you.
    Claire: Ok.
    Marleana puts her down, and Claire goes to the kitchen.
    Marleana: So, did you see you're father yet?
    Belle: I saw him earlier today, actually. He said he missed me, and remembered a lot. He also told me about you two.
    Marleana: Oh, he did, did he?
    Belle: If you don't want to talk about it, that's fine.
    Marleana: I'm going to go make some food for Claire.
    Marleana goes into the kitchen.

    Valerie sits on the plane. Eric sits beside her.
    Eric: So, I was thinking maybe a nice dinner at Chez Rouge, but Milan is nice too.
    Valerie laughs.
    Valerie: I was thinking we can stay there for the rest of my pregnancy.
    Eric: I don't think that's a great idea.
    Valerie holds her stomach.
    Valerie: Maybe I could change you're mind.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Belle is on the phone in Sami's house.
    Belle: This is Mary.

    Sami and EJ walk into EJ's apartment, kissing.
    EJ: I love you, Samantha.

    Stefano is at Sami's house, in the living room with Marleana.
    Stefano: What do you mean you're son is going on a trip?
    Marleana: Not that it's any of you're business, but he's going to Milan for a photo shoot.

    John goes into the hallway of Kate's apartment building. He kisses her, as Will walks by.
  2. Daniel
    Announcer: This week, old relationships are revisited!

    Clip of John and Kate kissing.

    Clip of EJ and Sami kissing.

    Clip of Philip and Belle kissing.

    Announcer: A couple tries to mend their relationship

    Clip of Bo and Hope.

    Announcer: But, will someone stand in their way?

    Clip of Bo, Hope, and Billie in Chez Rouge.

    Billie: I'm pregnant.

    Announcer: And someone makes a shocking realization!

    Clip of Sami and Carly in the DiMera mansion.

    Sami: What the hell are you doing here?

    Announcer: All this and more, on All the Days of Our Lives!
  3. Daniel
    All the Days of Our Lives

    John and Kate are kissing at the bar in the Penthouse Grill. Sami walks by, and sees them.
    Sami: Wow, I thought you were different, John.
    She goes in the elevator.
    Kate: Wow, I wasn’t expecting that.
    John: Life is full of surprises.
    Kate: I know that, but I just don’t understand where this is coming from.

    Anna is in the Brady Pub, looking over some papers. Caroline walks by.
    Anna: Caroline, do you know if Jeannie got here yet?
    Caroline: No, sorry. When she does, I’ll tell her to come see you.
    Anna: Thank you so much.
    Jeannie walks into the pub, and sees Anna sitting at the table.
    Jeannie: Anna! Hey, did you look over everything?
    Anna: I did, I did.
    Jeannie: What do you think?
    Anna: Jeannie, this could work!
    Jeannie smiles.
    Jeannie: New York, here we come!
    Anna laughs.
    Anna: Not so fast, Jeannie. There is still a lot of work to do.
    Jeannie: I know, I know, but we are one step closer!
    Anna: Yes, we are.

    Stefano is sitting in the living room of the DiMera mansion. He dials a number on the phone.
    Stefano: Martino, is our guest on the way?
    Martino: Your guest should be landing any minute, and will be at the mansion within the hour.
    Stefano: Good.
    Stefano hangs up, as Valerie comes in the room.
    Valerie: Who was on the phone?
    Stefano: None of your concern. Are Elvis’ bags packed?
    Valerie: Wow, your slow today. His stuff is already in his apartment.
    Stefano: Ah.
    Valerie: Aww, what’s wrong? Sad that Elvis is moving out?
    Stefano: No, I’m happy that at least one of my children is doing something with their lives.
    Valerie: Oh, shut up, you old fart.
    Stefano: If I make you so uncomfortable here, why don’t you leave? Move in with your new boy toy, as they call it.
    Kristen walks into the living room.
    Kristen: Fighting again?
    Stefano: Another one of my children on a free ride!
    Kristen: Has EJ’s decision to move out finally set in, daddy?
    Stefano: Maybe you two should follow! This place isn’t a hotel!
    Valerie: We know, were not paying anything.
    Stefano yells.
    Stefano: Get out of my sight!
    Kristen: Well, I actually have something to do.
    Valerie: I’ll go clean my room.
    Stefano: Oh, like that will ever happen.
    They both leave the living room.

    Paul is on the pier. Hope walks on it, and he turns around.
    Paul: Hope! Hey.
    Hope: Hi, Paul.
    Paul goes closer to her.
    Paul: I can’t help but thing of that night we shared.
    Hope: Which was a mistake.
    Paul: You really think it was a mistake?
    He kisses her, and she doesn’t stop him.
    Paul: Why don’t we go to my apartment?
    Hope: No, Paul! I’m putting my life back together, and that doesn’t involve you.

    John and Kate are sitting at the bar in the Penthouse Grill.
    John: This is just me realizing that me and you never finished off properly.
    Kate: And what about Marleana? Do you still love her?
    John doesn’t say anything.
    Kate: I have my answer.
    John: Kate, it’s not that simple.
    Kate: John, I am not going to get in the way of you and Marleana. Sorry.
    She gets up, and leaves.

    Sami walks into her house, and sees Will on the couch with Claire.
    Sami: Hey, where’s Belle?
    Will: She just had to go pick something up at the post office.
    Sami: You are not going to believe who I saw kissing at the Penthouse Grill.
    Will: Who?
    Sami: Your disgusting grandmother, and John!
    Will laughs.
    Will: I don’t think you saw the right thing.
    Sami: Oh, give me a break! I know what I saw!
    Will: Ok then. So, why do you need Belle to watch the twins tonight?
    Sami: Because you’re not available.
    Will: Way to avoid the question.
    Sami: Fine. I have a date.
    Will: With who?
    Sami: EJ.
    Will: Oh Lord.
    Sami: Will, I am not having this conversation with you.
    Sami goes upstairs.

    Stefano is sitting in the DiMera mansion, smoking a cigar. One of his henchmen walks in, with a woman.
    Stefano: I’m glad you agreed to meet me; we are going to make a great team.
    Woman: Well, it’s not like I have anything better to do these days.
    Stefano smiles. Carly Colson puts her purse on the table.
    Carly: I’m at your service, Stefano.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami and EJ are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Sami: So, where would you plan to take me after this?
    EJ: Well, I moved out of my father’s house.

    Valerie is at the airport. She grabs her luggage. Stefano comes behind her.
    Stefano: Where do you think your going?

  4. Daniel
    Laura Wright Back!

    After being fired from the show, months back, Laura Wright returns to All The Days of Our Lives, as Carly Colson! She first airs March 13, and has a 6 month contract!

  5. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    The next day…

    Brady is in his apartment. He takes his shirt off, and turns on the water in the shower. There is a knock on the door, and he turns off the water, and goes to get the door. He opens it, and Rebecca is standing outside.
    Brady: Hey, what are you doing here?
    Rebecca: I came to talk.
    Brady: Rebecca, we already talked.
    Rebecca: We didn’t get to finish. Brady, we left things unresolved between us.
    Brady: You left without saying goodbye, Rebecca. I got over you.
    Rebecca: So that kiss on New Years was you over me?
    Brady: It was a mistake.
    She closes the door. She puts her hand on his chest. I don’t think there are mistakes.
    She kisses him. He pulls away.
    Rebecca: Don’t deny it.
    He pushes her against the wall, as they start making out.

    Shane and Kim are outside the Brady Pub.
    Shane: Kimberly, I just wanted you to know how happy I am that we found each other again.
    Kim: I’m happy too. We wasted too much time over the years.
    Shane: Let’s not think about that; let’s focus on our future.
    Kim: What do you mean?
    Shane gets down on one knee.
    Shane: Kimberly Brady, will you marry me, again?
    She smiles.
    Kim: Of course I will!
    He puts the ring on her finger, and gets up.
    Shane: I love you, Kimberly.
    Kim: I love you too.
    They kiss.

    Philip and Kate are eating lunch at the Penthouse Grill.
    Kate: So, I hear Titan is doing well.
    Philip: We are, surprisingly, with this recession.
    They see Belle, Claire, and Sami leaving the restaurant.
    Kate: Is something wrong?
    Philip: No, why do you ask?
    Kate: Well, if I didn’t know any better, I’d say that you have a crush on Belle.
    Philip: What are you talking about?
    Kate: Maybe I don’t know any better.
    Philip: Where on earth do you get this stuff from?
    Kate: Your face! I saw the way you looked at her, and if I were you, I’d be careful.
    Philip: There is nothing to be careful about, because I am not in love with her.
    Kate: Whatever you say.
    Philip: What about you? Who are you in love with?
    Kate: Nobody… at the moment.

    Brady and Rebecca are making out in his apartment. He pulls himself away from her.
    Rebecca: What’s wrong?
    Brady: What’s wrong? Are you really asking that?
    Rebecca: I don’t see the problem, Brady! Oh, you’re in love with that Carrie girl, aren’t you?
    Brady: Yes, I am actually! Why did you come here, anyway?
    Rebecca: I wanted to see if you still loved me!
    Brady: It’s been 16 years, Rebecca! I got over you! And if you didn’t, then there’s a problem!
    Rebecca: Maybe I didn’t, because I have a constant reminder of you every day!
    Brady: What are you talking about?
    Rebecca: We have a son, Brady! That’s why I left! Because I was carrying your child!

    Shane and Kimberly are kissing in front of the Brady Pub. Kayla comes out of the Pub. She clears her throat. They all laugh.
    Kayla: So, what are we so happy about?
    Shane: Should you tell her, or should I?
    Kimberly: Shane and I just got engaged!
    Kayla: Oh my God! Congratulations!
    She hugs them both.
    Kayla: I’m so happy for you two!
    Kimberly: Just imagine how happy we are!
    Kayla: So, when am I allowed to tell people that my sister is engaged?
    Kimberly: Not yet. We want to announce it at a dinner party.
    Shane: We?
    Kimberly: Ok, I do. You have no idea how many thoughts are going through my head right now.

    Sami, Belle, and Claire are in Sami’s house.
    Sami: Belle, are you sure you can watch the twins tonight?
    Belle: Of course!
    Sami: Thank you so much!
    Belle: I have an idea, why don’t they sleep over?
    Sami: That sounds great!
    Belle: Oh, just a question though.
    Sami: What?
    Belle: What’s going on tonight?
    Sami: I have a date.
    Belle: Oh! Good for you! Who is it? Anybody I know?
    Sami: EJ.
    Belle: Oh.
    Sami: Well, don’t sound too excited.
    Belle: Sorry, you just know how I feel about the DiMera’s.
    Sami: He is different, Belle. He is an amazing father!
    Belle: You’re right. He is a great father. I’m happy for you, and I hope you guys work out.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Sami looks through her purse.
    Sami: Oh, crap I left my phone at the Penthouse Grill.
    Belle: I’ll be here when you get back.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Sami leaves.

    Brady and Rebecca are in Brady’s apartment.
    Brady: What do you mean you were carrying my child?
    Rebecca: I found out I was pregnant a week before graduation. I knew you were going to school for business, and I didn’t want to ruin your life with a child!
    Brady: Why wouldn’t you tell me?
    Rebecca: I wanted to, but I didn’t want to ruin your life!
    Brady: You wouldn’t have ruined my life, Rebecca! He’s my child! I had a right to know about him.
    Rebecca: I’m sorry.
    Brady: Sorry!? You think sorry is going to make it all better?
    Rebecca starts crying, and runs out of the apartment. Brady stands there, in shock.

    Kate is sitting at the bar in the Penthouse Grill. John sits next to her.
    Kate: John! I didn’t know you were back.
    John: Just got back today, actually.
    Kate: Oh, so how was your trip?
    John: Very insightful, actually.
    Kate: What do you mean?
    John: Well, I’ve realized some things, and I also remembered a lot.
    Kate: Oh really? Like us?
    John: Yes, actually.
    We had some good times, John.
    John: It was never properly ended.
    They kiss. Sami walks by, and watches them, in shock.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Stefano is in the DiMera mansion, talking to someone.
    Stefano: I’m glad you have agreed to meet me. We are going to make a great team.

    Anna and Jeannie are sitting in the Brady Pub.
    Anna: Jeannie, this could work!
    Jeannie: New York, here we come!

    Sami and Will are in Sami’s house.
    Sami: You are not going to believe what I saw at the Penthouse Grill!

  6. Daniel
    All the Days of Our Lives

    Marleana walks to the bar in Chez Rouge. She taps John’s back. He turns around.
    Marleana: Hi John.
    John: Marleana!
    He hugs her.
    Marleana: So, how was your trip?
    John: I got my thoughts all sorted out. My head is clear, and I feel great.
    Marleana: Are you still seeing Isabella?
    John: No. But as crazy as it sounds, she helped me a lot. I came to terms with her death, and I have my priorities sorted out.

    Bo is on the docks, sitting after a run. His phone rings. He answers it.
    Bo: Hello?
    Billie: Hey Bo, it’s me.
    Bo: What is it? Is Josh ok?
    Billie: Yes, he’s fine. I was just wondering when you were going to pick him up.
    Bo: I thought his doctor appointment was tomorrow.
    Billie: Oh, it is? Oh sorry. I’m so confused. See you tomorrow.
    Bo: Bye.
    Bo closes his phone, and Hope walks onto the dock.
    Bo: Hi Hope.
    Hope: Hi.
    Bo: How are you?
    Hope: Not great.
    Bo: Why?
    Hope: Because I miss you.

    Eric is sitting at a table in the Brady Pub. Nicole sits down across from him.
    Nicole: Hello Eric.
    Eric: Hey.
    Nicole: What’s wrong? Oh, I heard. You got that Valerie girl knocked up.
    Eric: What is your problem?
    Nicole: Just found it funny that you ditched me one night, and I ended up with someone who I couldn’t be happier with. And here you are sitting miserable, waiting for a kid to pop out.
    Eric: Why don’t you leave, Nicole?
    Nicole: That’s a good idea.
    She gets up, and bumps into Valerie.
    Nicole: How funny, we were just talking about you!
    Valerie: Get out of my way, blonde bimbo.
    Nicole: Don’t worry; I won’t be sticking around here.

    John and Marleana are at the bar in Chez Rouge.
    Marleana: And what are your priorities?
    John: I have realized some things these past few months, and a lot has to do with you. Marleana: What about me?
    John: Marleana, I think were better off not together.
    Marleana looks at him, shocked.
    Marleana: John, what do you mean?
    John: We have been apart for so long. We have been through so much, and it is just so hard. I think you are better off without me.
    Marleana: I don’t, John! I love you! We have been in love for so long!
    John: I know, and I think our time is over. I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.
    He leaves, and tears roll down Marleana’s face.

    Bo and Hope are on the docks.
    Bo: You miss me?
    Hope: Of course I do! How could I not?
    Bo: I thought you hated me.
    Hope: Bo, I’ve realized that you were going through something that I couldn’t help you with. And you turned to Billie; you made a mistake, we all do.
    Bo looks at her.
    Hope: And to tell you the truth, I have wanted you back so much.
    Bo: Are you saying you’re going to give us another chance?
    They kiss.

    Valerie and Eric are sitting across from each other in the Brady Pub.
    Valerie: Do me a favor; stay away from that bitch.
    Eric: I don’t think that should be any of your concern.
    Valerie: What are you talking about?
    Eric: I don’t think I can do this.
    Valerie: What do you mean you don’t know if you can do this?
    Eric: I don’t think it’s the best idea for us to be together.
    Valerie: What?
    Eric: Just because you’re pregnant with my child doesn’t mean that we should get together.
    Valerie: I thought we’d at least try for this baby’s sake, but now I see you don’t give a crap about our baby!
    Eric: I didn’t say I didn’t care about our baby! I just don’t see the point of us being together!
    Valerie: Does anything I say enter your brain!? Oh, I get it! You wish it was that blonde bimbo that you knocked up!

    Stefano and Marleana are at the bar in Chez Rouge.
    Marleana: What the hell do you want?
    She wipes her tears.
    Stefano: Did John upset you?
    Marleana: Mind your own business!
    Stefano: Doesn’t it upset you that one person’s deranged plan is the cause for all this? You and John would be together and happy right now.
    Marleana looks at him coldly.
    Marleana: This is your fault! It is your fault that John is the way he is! It is your fault that this person came up with this idea to fake John’s death!
    Stefano: Keep in mind that it is also because of me that you ever met John.
    Stefano leaves Chez Rouge.

    Billie walks on the docks, and sees Bo and Hope kissing. She hides behind a wall.
    Billie: Damn it!
    Bo and Hope stop kissing.
    Hope: Bo, I have never stopped loving you.
    Bo: We belong together, Hope.
    Hope: Let’s go get a coffee.
    They leave, and Billie moves from the wall.
    Billie: There is no way I am going to let this happen!
    She holds her stomach.
    Billie: I’ll do whatever the hell I have to do.

    Eric holds Valerie’s hand.
    Eric: Valerie, I just don’t think that it’s right for us to be together for the baby’s sake. What is the baby going to think?
    Valerie: I agree with you, but can’t we at least try it out?
    Eric: Ok. I’ll call you tomorrow.
    Valerie: Thanks.
    He gets up, and leaves the pub.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Brady and Rebecca are in Brady’s apartment.
    Rebecca: So that kiss on New Years was you over me?
    He pushes her against the wall, as they start making out.

    Shane and Kim are outside the Brady Pub.
    Shane: I love you, Kimberly.
    Kim: I love you too.
    They kiss.

    John and Kate are at the Penthouse Grill.
    Kate: We had some good times, John.
    John: It was never properly ended.
    They kiss, as Sami watches.

  7. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Marleana is sitting a table in Chez Rouge. She looks at her watch. Stefano comes, and sits across from her.
    Stefano: It’s good to see you, Marleana.
    Marleana: What can you possibly have to tell me, that I will be interested in?
    Stefano: It’s about John.
    Marleana: Stefano, I don’t have time for this.
    Stefano: Marleana, I am not pulling your leg! I have something that proves that he did not agree to fake his death!

    Scotty and Julie are in Scotty’s apartment.
    Scotty: What horrible things do you have to say about Nicole this time, grandma?
    Julie: Must I repeat myself?
    Scotty: What is it?
    Julie: I just have a question.
    Scotty: Shoot.
    Julie: How old is Alex?
    Scotty: 8.
    Julie: How old is Nicole’s son, Benjamin?
    Scotty: Where are you going with this?
    Julie: I am wondering if you are trying to replace Alex with Benjamin! Carly has his in Paris, you hardly see him. They are around the same age-
    Scotty: Grandma, stop!
    Julie: This has gone on for too long! It’s time to dump the gold digger!

    Hope and Jennifer are sitting at a table in the Brady Pub.
    Jennifer: What did you mean when you said you couldn’t get over something you did?
    Hope: Nothing.
    Jennifer: Hope did you cheat on Bo, too?
    Hope looks at her.
    Jennifer: Hope, if you did I won’t judge you.
    Hope: I got drunk at the Cheatin’ Heart one night, and brought someone home.
    Jennifer: It only happened once?
    Hope: Yes, and I’ve regretted it ever since.

    Philip walks into the Java Café, and sees Belle and Claire sitting at a table. He goes to them.
    Philip: Hello.
    Belle looks at Philip, with a disappointed look on her face.
    Belle: Claire, why don’t you go say hi to Maria? Her and her mom are sitting at that table.
    Claire: Ok.
    Claire gets up, and goes to the other table.
    Philip: What’s the problem?
    Belle: Philip, I’m not in the mood right now.
    Philip: The mood for what? I just came to say hi.
    Belle: I almost ruined my relationship with Shawn for you! He turned to drugs because of us! I’m not going to do that again.
    Philip: First of all, it took both of us to have an affair, and second of all, Shawn turned to drugs all on his own! He didn’t have to turn to drugs.
    Belle: Philip, please don’t start this.
    Will walks into the café. He goes to Belle’s table.
    Will: Hey Aunt Belle. Is everything ok here?

    Marleana and Stefano are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Marleana: Stefano, what are you talking about? There are documents showing John’s signature!
    Stefano: Those documents were falsified, Marleana! Wake up and smell the coffee! Why would John agree to leave his family again, after waking up from a coma?
    Marleana: To bring you down!
    Stefano: Give me a break! You think it was an accident that John lost his memory?
    Marleana: Then why did they do it? Why did they fake John’s death?
    Stefano: Because the ISA has it in their heads that John has secretes about the DiMera’s locked inside his brain.
    Marleana: Let’s say that you are telling the truth. How did you find this out?
    Stefano: I have my sources.
    Marleana: Ok, so you’re telling me that the ISA, who has been completely loyal to John just turned against him.
    Stefano: It wasn’t the ISA; it was one of their agents.

    Scotty and Julie are in Scotty’s apartment.
    Scotty: Grandma, I really don’t have time for this fight anymore.
    Julie: I’m just warning you, Scotty.
    Scotty: Is there a reason you came over here, or was it to trash Nicole?
    Julie: I was in the neighborhood, and I decided to come up, and ask when Alex will be in town next.
    Scotty: Actually, I’m going to go visit him next week in Paris.
    Julie: Oh! That’s nice! Too bad you’re going to have to see that nut job, Carly!
    Scotty: Here we go again.

    Ciara walks into the Brady Pub, and walks right past Hope and Jennifer’s table.
    Hope: I am so upset over this.
    Jennifer: Hope, is this why she has been mad at you these past few months? Is this why she moved in with your dad and Julie? She walked in on you?
    Hope: Yes. I didn’t know she was there when she saw it, but it came out when we had a fight.
    Jennifer: Hope, I’m so sorry.
    Hope: Don’t feel sorry for me; feel sorry for her.

    Will, Belle, and Philip are at the table in the Java Café.
    Philip: What? You don’t say hi to your uncle anymore?
    Will: When you want to start acting like one, let me know.
    Belle: Philip, please, just leave us alone.
    Philip: Fine. See you guys later.
    He leaves.
    Will: What was that about?
    Belle: I don’t know. He just came to see Claire; I overreacted.
    Will: So, where’s Shawn?
    Belle: At work. He’s almost done is training, and he will be one of Salem’s finest in no time.
    Will: That’s good. What about you?
    Belle: What about me?
    Will: How is the nursing thing going?
    Belle: It’s going good. I have a test tomorrow that I should really study for.
    Will: Oh, do you want me to leave?
    Belle: No, of course not! I don’t even have my books here.
    Belle sees Philip reading a magazine.
    She has a flashback.
    Belle and Philip are upstairs in the Brady Pub. They start to make love.
    Will: You ok, Belle?
    Belle: Ya, I’m fine.

    Stefano and Marleana are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Stefano: Marleana, if you do not want to believe me, then don’t.
    Marleana: Stefano, even if this is true, why would you tell me?
    She sees someone at the bar.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
    Stefano: What?
    Marleana: John? He’s back?
    Stefano turns around, as Marleana gets up.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    John and Marleana are at the bar in Chez Rouge.
    John: Marleana, I think were better off not together.

    Valerie and Eric are sitting at a table in the Brady Pub.
    Valerie: What do you mean you don’t know if you can do this?
    Eric: I don’t think it’s the best idea for us to be together.

    Bo and Hope are on the docks
    Bo: Are you saying you’re going to give us another chance?
    They kiss.

  8. Daniel
    All the Days of Our Lives

    A very pregnant Jennifer walks into the Brady Pub. She sits at a table. Hope comes, and sits across from her.
    Hope: Hey Jen. How are you?
    Jennifer: Tired. What about you?
    Hope: Good.
    Jennifer: Ok, can we stop with the fake talk?
    Hope: What are you talking about?
    Jennifer: Well, both our marriages are falling apart.

    Sami knocks on the door of the DiMera mansion. Valerie answers.
    Sami: Oh, great. It’s you.
    Valerie: It’s always a pleasure to see you.
    Sami looks at her pregnant stomach.
    Sami: Imagine you as a mother.
    Valerie: Oh shut up, Sami. You’re just upset that your precious brother knocked me up.
    Sami: My brother slept with you while he was drunk. What does that tell you?
    Valerie: Oh just shut up. Why the hell are you here anyway?
    Sami: I’m looking for EJ!
    EJ comes down the stairs.
    EJ: Hello, Samantha.

    Nicole is in Scotty’s apartment. Scotty comes out of his room.
    Scotty: Good morning.
    He kisses her.
    Nicole: Good morning.
    Scotty: Where are you going so early?
    Nicole: I’m meeting Rebecca for breakfast.
    Scotty: Oh, could I join you?
    Nicole: Oh, stop. You have Benjamin to watch.
    Scotty: Fine. But bring me back some French toast.
    Nicole: I will.
    She opens the door, just as Julie is about to knock.
    Julie: Good, you’re leaving.
    Nicole: Always a pleasure to see you.

    Anna walks into the Penthouse Grill. She sits at a table with Isabella.
    Anna: So, how was your date?
    Isabella: I’m starting to think that maybe I’m past the dating thing.
    Anna: No! Why do you say that?
    Isabella: Maybe because every guy you have set me up with turns out to be a complete loser! They all talk about how the economy sucks, how their ex-wives won’t stop bugging them, and how they never see their kids!
    Anna: Sorry. If I knew they were all like that, I wouldn’t have set you up with them.
    Isabella: It’s not your fault; you were just trying to help.
    Anna: What if I set you up with one more guy?
    Isabella: No thanks. I’ve had enough for a while now.
    Anna: What if I told you this guy is not going to ruin the date?
    Isabella: Who is he?

    Hope and Jennifer are sitting at a table in the Brady Pub.
    Hope: Jen, your marriage is not falling apart.
    Jennifer: Hope, I told you about the situation between Jack and me.
    Hope: You guys are going through a rough patch right now. You’re pregnant, and you have had a couple scares. You guys are just going through a rough patch; it’ll pass.
    Jennifer: Well, what about you and Bo? How is that going?
    Hope: We are getting to a point where we can actually get along for long periods of time.
    Jennifer: I really hope that your rough patch passes.
    Hope: I don’t know. A part of me wants to go back to him, but they had an affair! They had a child!
    Jennifer: Hope, they lost a child that they thought had been dead. They were both in a horrible place, and were the only ones that could comfort each other.
    Hope: I know that. And I thought I could try again with him, but I still can’t get over something I did.
    Hope has a flashback: Paul and Hope are in Hope’s bed, kissing. They take each other’s clothes off, and start making love.
    Jennifer: What is it?

    Sami, EJ, and Valerie are in the foyer of the DiMera mansion.
    Sami: Why you choose you live in this nut house is beyond me. But whatever.
    EJ: Johnny and Alexis will be right down.
    Sami: Good. Um, can you pick them up tomorrow from pre-school?
    EJ: Sure. You busy?
    Sami: Yes, I have to help my sister with something.
    EJ: Ok, it’s no problem.
    Sami: Ok, I should be here around 7:00 tomorrow to pick them up.
    EJ: Sure. Um, Samantha, can I talk to you privately?
    Sami looks at Valerie.
    Valerie: Fine I’ll leave! I’ll go call Eric.
    Sami gives her a nasty look.
    Sami: I could just kill her!
    EJ: Um, you can do that later.
    Sami laughs.
    Sami: So what do we have to talk about? Is it the twins?
    EJ: No, it’s about you and me.

    Nicole sits at a table in the Penthouse Grill. Rebecca sits with her.
    Nicole: Hey.
    Rebecca: Hey. How are you?
    Nicole: I am great. Scotty and I are-
    Rebecca: Great, great. I have a problem.
    Nicole: What? Oh Lord, is this about Brady?
    Rebecca: Of course it is! I need to tell him about our child!
    Nicole: I already told you that isn’t such a great idea! I mean come on! You guys dated in high school! Do you think Brady is going to run to you when he finds out you hid a child from him for 17 years?
    Rebecca: I did what I thought was best at the time.
    Nicole: Look, he is in love with Carrie. Why are you going to ruin his life?
    Rebecca: So now it would not be the right thing?
    Nicole: Ha! The right thing! The right thing! Are you joking?! I’m sorry, I’m your friend and all, but you hid a child from him for 17 years! I think were a little late for “the right thing”.
    Rebecca: I guess your right.
    Nicole: Then again, secretes do have a nasty way of coming out.
    Rebecca: Are you just going to be against everything I decide?
    Nicole: No! I’m just saying.
    Rebecca: I am in such a hole!
    Nicole: Well, maybe if you did the right thing back then, you wouldn’t be in this hole.
    Rebecca: Well, guess what? I didn’t do the right thing! I’m not going to dwell on the past.
    Nicole: Good idea, just keep digging this hole deeper for yourself.

    Sami and EJ are in the foyer of the DiMera mansion.
    Sami: What do you mean?
    EJ: I want to know if you would be interested in going out sometime.
    Sami: EJ, I really don’t know if we should go there again. I mean, you know your father.
    EJ: I will make sure nothing happens to you.
    Sami: Did you say that to Carly too?
    Valerie brings Johnny and Alexis down the stairs.
    Johnny: Mommy!
    Sami: Hey guys. Did you have fun?
    Alexis: Yes. We drew you a picture!
    Sami: Great! I can’t wait to see it!
    EJ bends down, and kisses them both.
    EJ: Have fun.
    He gets back up, and kisses Sami on the cheek.
    EJ: Please reconsider it.
    Sami: Tomorrow night at 8:00.
    EJ smiles, as Sami and the twins leave.
    Valerie: What the hell is tomorrow night at 8:00?
    EJ laughs.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Stefano sits across from Marleana at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Marleana: What can you possibly have to tell me?
    Stefano: It’s about John.

    Scotty and Julie are in Scotty’s apartment.
    Julie: This has gone on for too long! It’s time to dump the gold digger!

    Hope and Jennifer are in the Brady Pub.
    Jennifer: Hope, did you cheat on Bo, too?

  9. Daniel
    Rebecca Budig

    Rebecca Budig is in as a new character, Rebecca Morris. She first airs on March 9, and has a 6 month contract.
    Joshua Morrow

    Joshua Morrow will remain with the show, playing Dr. Paul. He has a 1 year contract with the show.

    Aidan Turner

    Aidan Turner is staying with the show as Brady Black. He has a 6 month contract with the show.
  10. Daniel
    Announcer: Prepare for the return of All the Days of Our Lives!

    Clip of Sami snooping in the DiMera mansion living room. A woman comes in.

    Woman: What are you looking for, Sami?

    Sami: Oh my God.

    Announcer: A marriage of convenience;

    Clip of Stefano at the altar of the church, and a woman walking down the aisle.

    Announcer: A marriage that is breaking.

    Clip of Bo, Hope, and Billie at Kate's hotel.

    Billie: I'm pregnant, Bo!

    Announcer: A couple rekindles their love.

    Clip of Kimberly and Shane.

    Announcer: While another says goodbye.

    Clip of Steve and Kayla.

    Announcer: A man conflicted;

    Clip of John, Marleana, and Kristen.

    Announcer: While another seeks revenge.

    Clip of EJ and Stefano.

    Announcer: An unexpected union causes tension;

    Clip of Eric, Valerie, and Sami.

    Announcer: While another one brings happiness.

    Clip of Scotty and Nicole.

    Announcer: A woman goes insane;

    Clip of Kristen.

    Announcer: While another discovers love again;

    Clip of Isabella.

    Announcer: A woman has a secrete…

    Clip of a woman (Rebecca Budig)

    Announcer: That threatens upcoming nuptials.

    Clip of Brady and Carrie.

    Announcer: A couple grows closer;

    Clip of Jack and Jennifer.

    Announcer: As another drifts apart.

    Clip of Shawn and Belle.

    Announcer: All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, returning Monday March 9!

  11. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives is returning next week! The show is being brought back months after it's last episode. A lot has changed in Salem, and more is going to change.


    The cast is going to go through some major changes. Many actors are leaving, and a few are coming in. 2 actors already confirmed out are Stephen Nicholas and Mary-Beth Evans.

    Huge Storylines

    The show is coming back with 2 huge storylines! The These storylines change the lives of many Salemites. These storylines set the exit points for many characters. Some characters involved in these storylines are: Shane, Nicole, Scotty, Sami, John, Marleana, Stefano, Steve, Kayla, EJ, Tony, Shawn, Belle, Bo, Hope, and Jeannie.


    A spin-off is in the works for All The Days of Our Lives. It is still in the works, but here are some details:

    - It will air three times a week- Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, with an episode on Saturday once a month.

    - It is already confirmed that at least 3 characters from All The Days of Our Lives will be headed there.

    - It is set in New York

    - You do not have to watch All The Days of Our Lives to watch the spin-off.

  12. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Shawn, Belle, Marleana, Steve, and Kayla are sitting in the Brady Pub.
    Belle: Thank God everyone is ok.
    Kayla: I would still like to know how Kristen got there.
    Marleana: Apparently, she couldn't get a hold of either John or me, and decided that it was up to her to find us.
    Shawn: When she found you, why didn't you just kick her off the plane?
    Marleana: We were going t oask her to leave, but then the plane took off.
    Belle: Well, I'm just glad you guys are home and safe.
    Steve: Speaking of home and safe, wheres John?

    John is outside the Pub, with Isabella.
    Isabella: Look in there. Theres your daughter.
    John: I remember all the little things we used to do together.
    John smiles.
    Isabella: What about Marleana?
    John's smile fades.
    John: I remember her. I remember things we did, but there is no emotion attached to it like I have with you.

    Jennifer gets out of her bed. Jack comes into the room.
    Jack: Hey, where are you going?
    Jennifer: Oh come on! I'm allowed to go to the couch, aren't I?
    Jack: I'll help you.
    Jennifer: You can also make me a tea, and some toast with butter and strawberry jam. Oh wow, I'm so hungry.
    Jack: I'll get right on the breakfast.
    Jennifer: Oh, and maybe you can go pick up my grandmother, and make sure she brings the dounguhts.
    Jack :I will make sure of that.
    They leave the room.

    Marleana sips some of her coffee.
    Marleana: Belle, your father has a suprise for you.
    Belle: Really? What?
    Marleana: He should be here any minute.
    She looks out the window.
    Marleana: Oh, I see him. I'll be right back.
    Marleana goes outside the Pub.
    Marleana: John? Are you going to come inside?
    John: Marleana, please understand that I am going through a very hard time right now. I don't have any emotions attached to the memories I have of you.
    Marleana: What are you saying?
    John: Can we try at another time?
    Marleana: John, I cannot do this anymore! Make up your mind! Do you want to try this or not?
    John: No.
    John goes into the Pub.

    Ciara is in her room, packing. Hope comes in.
    Hope: Ciara, what is going on!?
    Ciara: I'm moving out. I'm going to go live with grandma and grandpa.
    Hope: What? Why? If it's because of your father and I-
    Ciara: I saw you last night mom! You can go to hell!
    Hope looks shocked.
    Hope: Saw me where?
    Ciara: In your bed! With that guy!
    Hope: Ciara, please let me explain.
    Ciara: No, mom! You cheated on dad. You broke this family. This is your fault.
    Ciara closes her suitcase, and leaves her room.

    Alice and Jack walk into Jack and Jennifer's house.
    Jennifer: Hi Gram!
    Alice hugs her.
    Alice: Sweetie, I heard you had a little scare.
    Jennifer: Yes, but I'm ok.
    Alice: Good, dear. I brought some donghuts
    Jennifer: Oh, thank God!
    They laugh.

    John and Marleana walk into the Pub. Belle hugs John.
    Belle: I'm so happy your ok.
    John: Theres something i need to tell you.
    Belle: Ok, what is it?
    John: I'm still a bit sketchy, but I have my memory back.
    Belle :Really!? Oh my God! I'm so happy for you!
    She hugs him ,and she starts crying.
    Belle: I've missed you so much.
    Brady, Carrie, Sami, and Eric walk into the Pub.
    Marleana: Oh my God! Thank God you guys are ok!
    She hugs them.
    Sami: I heard you and John got into a little trouble too.
    Marleana: Were ok.

    Ciara gets out of the hospital elevator, and goes to the nurses station.
    Ciara: Hi, can I get an application to voulenteer, please?
    Nurse: Sure.
    She hands her some papers. Ciara sits down in the waiting room, and looks over the papers. Philip sees her, and sits next to her.
    Philip: Hey Ciara.
    Ciara: Philip! Hey. How are you?
    Philip: I'm good. I hope everythings ok?
    Ciara: Oh, ya. I'm just here to get some voulenteer fourms.
    Philip: Oh. Thats good of you.
    Ciara: It'll give me something to do.
    Philip laughs.
    Philip: Why don't you come to dinner tonight? My dad would love it.
    Ciara: Oh, Sami is comming back today, and I'll be at the Pub all day. What about tomorrow?
    Philip: Tomorrow sounds good.
    Ciara: See you then.

    Sami, Carrie, Brady, Eric, Shawn, Belle, John, Marleana, Steve, and Kayla are sitting at a table in the Pub.
    Belle: Well, now that everything is back to normal, why don't we have dinner tomorrow night at the Penthouse Grill.
    Sami; That sounds like a great idea.
    Kayla: I could go for that.
    Stefano walks into the Pub. Everyone turns and sees him.
    Stefano: Samantha, I'm so glad your ok.
    Sami gets up. Sami slaps Stefano.
    Sami: I am going to finish you, Stefano!
    Stefano chuckles.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Scotty walks into his apartment, and sees Nicole sitting on the couch.
    Scotty: What are you doing here?
    Nicole: I got the mail, watered tha plants. Like a good wife.

    Ciara and Hope are in the living room of their house.
    Ciara: I saw you in bed wit hanother guy, mom! People just don't forget about that in time!

    EJ is in the Brady Pub with Sami.
    Sami: What happened with Carly?
    EJ: It's over.
  13. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Tony and Anna walk into Chez Rouge. They go to the podium, and talk to the hostess.
    Anna: Hi, is Maggie here tonight?
    Hostess: No, she had a family emergency. She won't be back tonight.
    Anna: Oh, I hope everythings ok.

    Maggie is sitting beside Jennifer in her hospital room.
    Maggie: The drugs have seemed to work. You and your baby are going to be ok, Jennifer.
    Jennifer: I hope so. I don't know what I'm going to do if I loose this baby.
    Maggie: Don't talk like that.
    Jennifer: Have you seen Hope? She hasn't been her in a while.
    Maggie: I haven't.

    Hope is sitting at the Cheatin' Heart bar, a little drunk. Paul sits beside her.
    Paul: Hope, right?
    Hope: Yes. Paul, right?
    Paul: Yup. How's Carly?
    Hope: Carly is in Paris. Apparently, she isn't comming back.
    Paul: Well, I don't blame her.
    Hope: I've been through much worse, and I'm still here.
    Paul: Why don't I bring you home?
    Hope: Only if you stay with me.
    She kisses him.

    Stefano is sitting ink the DiMera mansion living room, drinking wine. Adrianna comes into the living room.
    Adrianna: Hello father.
    Stefano: Hello darling!
    Adrianna: You'll be happy after I tell you something.
    Stefano: What is it dear?
    Adrianna: EJ just called. He'll be home soon, but Carly won't.
    Stefano: What!? She is carrying a DiMera heir! Who the hell does she think she is?
    Adranna: I'm not done. While she was being brought to London, your stupid guards roughed her up too much, and she lost the baby.
    Stefano looks saddened.
    Adrianna: I hope your happy.
    She leaves the mansion.

    Tony and Anna are sitting at Chez Rouge.
    Anna: Tony, theres something I should tell you.
    Tony: What?
    Anna: It's about my daughter.
    Tony: Is Carrie alright?
    Anna: Yes, Carrie is on her way back from Russia. But it's not about Carrie.
    Tony: If it's not about Carrie, then who could it be about?
    Anna: Nicole Walker.
    Tony: Nicole Walker?
    Anna: Nicole is my daughter.

    Ciara is in the Pub, with Jeannie.
    Jeannie: So, what are your plans for tonight?
    Ciara: Going to a movie, then sleeping at my friends house.
    Jeannie: Ohh-la-la; what friend?
    Ciara: Oh stop, it's not a guy.
    Jeannie: Well, is there anybody?
    Ciara: Nop, how about with you?
    Jeannie: There might be somebody.
    Ciara: Really? Who?
    Jeannie: You don't know him.
    Ciara gets up, and looks around.
    Ciara: Crap, I left my bag at home. I need to get it. Will you drive me?
    Jeannie: Sure.
    They leave the Pub.

    Paul and Hope walk into Bo and Hope's room, stumbling. She takes his shirt off.
    Paul: Are you sure you want to do this?
    Hope kisses him. They go on the bed, and start making out. Outside, Jeannie stops in the parking lot. Ciara gets out of the car. She goes inside the house, and gets her bag. She hears a bang.
    Ciara: Mom?
    She goes upstairs, and goes into Bo and Hope's room. She looks shocked.
    Ciara: Oh my God.
    Tears form in her eyes. Paul and Hope don't notice that she is there. Ciara leaves the house, and goes back in Jeannie's car.
    Jeannie: Thats all you had to-
    She notices the tears in her eyes.
    Jeannie: Are you ok?
    Ciara: Ya, I'm fine.
    Jeannie: Are you sure? You don't look-
    Ciara: I'm fine! Let's go!

    Alexandra walks into the DiMera mansion.
    Stefano: You have news? Good, I hope?
    Alexandra: Your in the clear, Stefano. Carly said she would not admit to anything as long as you stay away from her and her son.
    Stefano: Thank you, my dear. I might have another job for you.
    Alexandra: Name it.
    Stefano: Help my son get over that wench.
    Alexandra smiles.
    Alexandra: Sorry, I don't mix business with pleasure.
    Stefano: Ahh, I would really appreciate it.
    Alexandra: Sorry. Now, I need to go. I have a party to attend. See you later.
    She leaves the mansion.

    Tony holds Anna's hand.
    Tony: Nicole is your daughter? I don't understand.
    Anna: I gave her up when she was born, and I recently found out that she is my daughter.
    Tony: Have you told her about it?
    Anna: Yes, I have. She wasn't thrilled. I feel so bad, Tony. I gave her up so she can have a better life, but instead she had a horrible childhood.
    Tony: That isn't your fault Anna.
    Anna: Yes it is. I'm not saying I would be the best mother in the world, but she would have had a much better childhood!

    Jack and Maggie are sitting beside Jennifer in her hospital room. Diane comes in.
    Diane: I have great news. The contractions have stopped, and your baby is fine.
    Jennifer: Oh thank God! Thank you so much!
    Diane: Now, I want you to take it easy. And I mean it! I want you either in your bed, or on the couch. You can get up to go to the washroom, to go from bed to couch, and you can go with somebody once a day for a walk around the block.
    Jennifer: I will, I promise.
    Diane: I mean it, Jennifer.
    Jennifer: Thank you so much.
    Maggie: Can we take her home now?
    Diane: Yes, I just need the fourms signed, and she will be good to go.

    Stefano walks into the living room at the mansion, and sees EJ sitting in a chair.
    Stefano: Elvis, your back.
    EJ: Are you happy father? You managed to get Carly out of my life, and you also managed to kill out child.
    Stefano: Elvis, I didn't want that!
    EJ: Really? Then why did you creat an imposter? Wow, I knew that you could do these kinds of things, but not to your own children.
    Stefano: I did it for you, Elvis!
    EJ: Stay the hell out of my life! As of now, I do not live her! You are not my father! The same goes for Adrianna! I am moving her out of this hell!
    Stefano: You can not do this!
    EJ leaves the living room.
    Stefano: Damn it!
    He throws a glass on the floor.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami and Stefano are in the Brady Pub. Sami slaps Stefano.
    Sami: I am going to finish you, Stefano!

    Ciara is in her room, packing. Hope comes in.
    Hope: Ciara, what is going on!?
    Ciara: I saw you last night mom! You can go to hell!

    John and Marleana are outside the pub.
    Marleana: John, I cannot do this anymore! Make up your mind! Do you want to try this or not?
    John: No.
  14. Daniel
    All the Days of Our Lives

    Kristen brings coffee in Marleana's room at the cabin.
    Marleana: Is it poisioned?
    Kristen: Yes, actually. I knew the plane was going to crash, and we were going to be in a cabin, so I came prepared with some poison.
    She hands Marleana the mug.
    Kristen: What happened last night, with John?
    Marleana: We talked. And no, don't think that he has chosen you.
    Kristen: Here we go. How is it posssible that he remembers you, he remembers his life, but he doesn't want to be with you.
    Marleana: He doesn't remember everything. The things he does remember are sketchy, and there isn't much feeling attached.
    Kristen: I can't imagine what he's going through.

    John is walking outside, in the forest with Isaella.
    John: It's a beautiful day, Izzy B.
    Isabella: Are you going to ignore what you did?
    John: What did I do? Tell Marleana I don't think it's right to be with her?
    Isabella: Because you want to be with a dead woman?
    John: I love you, Isabella. I lost you once, I'm not going to leave you now that I have you back.
    Isabella: John, you don't understand!

    Steve and Kayla are in the forest, where John's plane went down.
    Steve: They should be here somewhere.
    Kayla: I hope were not too late.
    Steve: Don't worry. We've looked all around the plane. They probaly jumped out before it went down.
    Kayla: I hope so.

    Eric, Brady, and Carrie are at the airport in Lensk, Russia.
    Carrie: Ok, we should go to the location Bo sent us, right?
    Eric: I guess so. Sami told him she wouldn't move.
    Brady: Ok, let's get to it.

    Jennifer wakes up in the hospital, with Jack next to her.
    Jennifer: Is our baby ok?
    Jack: Yes, honey.
    He kisses her.
    Jennifer: Thank G-
    She jumps forward in pain.
    Jennifer: Ahh! Jack! It's hurting!
    Nicole comes in the room with water.
    Nicole: Oh my God! I'll get a doctor!
    Nicole goes in the hall, and sees Hope and Mike talking.
    Nicole: Mike, theres something wrong with Jennifer.
    Hope and Mike rush to Jennifer's room, and see her getting up.
    Mike: Jenn, lied back down!
    She looks at the bed, and sees blood on the blanket.
    Jennifer: Oh my God.

    Carly, Kimberly, Alex, and Scotty are in an apartment in Paris.
    Kimberly: Carly, sweetie, are you sure this is what you want to do?
    Carly: I have to do this. For Alex, for this baby.
    She holds her stomach. Somebody knocks at the door. Carly opens it, and EJ is standing outside.

    Marleana goes into the living room of the cabin.
    Marleana: I can't believe there is not a phone in here.
    Kristen: I know, eh?
    Marleana: I just want to get home.
    Kristen: I know how you feel.
    Marleana: I'm sure someone is looking for us.

    Steve and Kayla see somebody walking in the forest.
    Steve: Hey!
    John sees them.
    John: Steve! Kayla!
    He hugs them.
    Kayla: Hi John.
    John: I remember you guys.
    He smiles.
    Kayla: Oh my God! You remember!
    John: Yes.
    Steve: Good! So, how are you and Marleana?
    John: We aren't together.
    Kayla: What do you mean?
    John: Come on, I'll bring you to the cabin, and we could bring Marleana and Kristen home.
    Steve: Kristen?

    Carrie, Brady, and Eric knock on the door of a hotel room. Sami opens it.
    Sami: Oh thank God!
    She hugs them.
    Carrie: Thank God your ok!
    Eric: Where the hell are Andre and Lucas?
    Dora and Valeri come into the room.
    Dora: They are dead.
    Brady: What are they doing here?
    Sami: They helped me. It's ok.
    Eric: How are they dead?
    Valeri: We blew up the warehouse, with them in it.
    They are no longer a threat.
    Dora: Well, we should go now, shall we?
    They leave the hotel.

    Jennifer yells on pain. Mike and Jack help her back onto the bed. Hope goes to her bedside.
    Hope: It's going to be ok, Jen.
    Diane comes in with the ultrasound equitment.
    Diane: Ok, I need everyone out of here who isn't a docotor.
    Jack: Jennifer, we'll be right outside.
    Jennifer yells in pain. Nicole comes in the room, and puts something in Jennifer's IV.
    Diane: Jenn, I'm going to need you to try and rest and be calm. Nicole is giving you something that will help you.
    Jennifer: Please don't let anything happen to my baby.
    Diane looks at Mike.
    Diane: She's going into preterm labour.
    Jennifer: No! Please!
    Diane: Jenn, were going to give you some drugs to delay the labour.
    Diane goes outside.
    Hope: Is she going to be ok?
    Diane: She's going into preterm labour.
    Hope: Oh my God.
    She puts her hand on Jack's shoulder.

    EJ walks into the hotel room.
    Carly: EJ, please don't make this harder than it already is.
    EJ: I'm not. I just wanted to say goodbye.
    Kimberly: We'll leave you two alone.
    Kimberly, Scotty, and Alex leave the room.
    Carly: EJ, I'm sorry. I don't want to do this, but I have to.
    EJ: I understand.
    Carly: I'm sorry your not going to be part of your baby's life.
    EJ: I understand why I can't.
    Carly: What about Stefano? Will he still search for the baby?
    EJ: I'll tell him you miscarried.
    Carly: Thank you.
    They hug, and they both cry.
    Carly: I love you, EJ.
    EJ: I love you too.

    Diane, Hope, and Jack are outside Jennifer's hospital room.
    Jack: Is there a way to stop this?
    Diane: Were giving her some drugs. They will delay the labour.
    Hope: For how long?
    Diane: It will either be delayed for a few weeks, or it might be only a couple of hours, and she will give birth early.
    Jack: What does it look like?
    Diane: I honestly can't answer that. I can only hope it is delayed for a few weeks.
    Hope: If the baby is born early, will it have a chance to survive?
    Diane: At this stage of the pregnancy, it is too early for the baby to be out of the womb.
    Hope hugs Jack.
    Diane: You guys will be able to go in soon.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Hope is at the Cheatin' Heart, with Paul.
    Paul: Why don't I bring you home?
    Hope: Only if you stay with me.
    She kisses him.

    Anna and Tony are at Chez Rouge.
    Anna: Tony, theres something I should tell you.
    Tony: What?
    Anna: It's about my daughter.

    Alexandra walks into the DiMera mansion.
    Alexandra: Your in the clear, Stefano.
    Stefano: Thank you, my dear. I might have another job for you.
  15. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Jack is in the living room of his and Jennifer's house. Jennifer comes in the living room.
    Jennifer: Hey. What's going on?
    Jack: Joanne is still trying to buy the Spectator.
    Jennifer: What the hell is her problem? Why does she have to have the Spectator?
    Jack: I don't know. I have some work to go do, but I'll be back soon.
    Jennifer: Hurry!
    Jack kisses her, and he leaves. Jennifer picks up a paper on the floor. She holds her stomach in pain.
    Jennifer: Oh God.

    Belle gets out of her car in the hospital parking lot. She locks the door, and a masked man pushes her against the car.
    Belle: Help!
    He covers her mouth.
    Man: Tell me where your mother is.
    Belle: I don't know.
    She starts crying.

    Marleana and Kristen are walking around the forest.
    Kristen: Everything looks the same! How do we know if were moving?
    Marleana: It'll get better in the morning.
    Kristen: I can't do this anymore!
    John is in the forest.
    John: Marleana!
    Kristen: Did you hear that?
    Marleana: What?
    Kristen: I thought I heard someone yelling.

    Bo is at the police station. His cell phone rings.
    Bo: Hello?
    Sami: Uncle Bo! It's me!
    Bo: Sami! Where are you!?
    Sami: I'm in Russia. I just escaped from Andre. I took a van.
    Bo: Ok, I'm going to track your location.

    Jennifer drops the paper, and bends down in pain. Outside, Jeannie knocks on the door.
    Jeannie: Come on, it's freezing!
    Jennifer: Help!
    Jeannie: Oh my God.
    She tries to open the door, but it's locked. She goes to the back, and the door in unlocked. She goes in. She sees Jennifer bending, down in pain.
    Jeannie: Oh my God! Are you ok?
    Jennifer: I think it's the baby.
    Jeannie grabs the phone, and calls 911.
    Jeannie: I need an ambulance!

    The man grabs Belle by her throat.
    Man: Tell me where she is!
    Another man hits him on the head with a bat. He falls to the ground. Shawn drops the bat.
    Belle: Shawn!
    They hug.
    Belle: I've missed you so much!
    Shawn: Me too, Belle. I've had a lot of time to think.
    Belle: About what?
    Shawn: About us. I want to be with you.
    He kisses her.

    Marleana yells in the forest.
    Kristen: Thats great! What if he's a killer! Now he'll want to kill us!
    Marleana: Oh shut up! It's probaly John!
    John: Marleana!
    Marleana: John!
    John sees them, and runs to them.
    Marleana: Oh thank God your ok!
    John: Marleana, theres something we have to talk about.
    Marleana: What?
    John: I remember.

    Bo and Abe are at the police station, on the phone with Sami.
    Abe: Sami, Carrie and Brady are on their way to find you!
    Bo: In the meantime, you focus on getting as far away from Andre as you can.

    Dora is outside the warehouse, in Russia. Valeri comes outside.
    Valeri: It's done.
    Dora: Are you sure he's in there?
    Valeri: Yes. Do you want to do the honours?
    Valeri hands Dora a remote. Dora pushes the button, and the warehouse blows up.

    Shawn and Belle are in the hospital waiting room.
    Belle: Shawn, I'm so happy your back. Claire has missed you so much.
    Shawn: I've missed her too.
    Jennifer is brought on a stretcher into the hospital.
    Belle: Oh my God. Shawn.
    Shawn looks back, and sees Jennifer. He gets up, and goes to her.
    Shawn: Jenn, are you ok?
    Jennifer: Shawn, call Jack.
    Jeannie comes in.
    Jeannie: Shawn, your back?
    Shawn: Yes. What happened to Jennifer?
    Jeannie: I went to their house to go do so work, and I heard her yelling. I opened the door, and found her bending in pain in the living room.
    Shawn: Oh my God. Did you call Jack?
    Jeannie: My phone died.
    Shawn: I'll call him.

    Marleana, John, and Kristen are in the forest. Tears form in Marleana's eyes.
    Marleana: You remember?
    John: Yes. It's sketchy, but I know what I want.
    Marleana: What?
    John: I don't think we should be together.
    Marleana and Kristen both look shocked.
    Marleana: What? But-
    John: A lot of things have changed. Come on, we'll talk more in the cabin.
    John turns around and walks, and Marleana stands there, shocked.

    Dora and Valeri leave the blown up warehouse. A man stumbles out of the warehouse.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Jennifer wakes up in the hospital, with Jack next to her.
    Jennifer: Is our baby ok?

    Carly, Kimberly, Alex, and Scotty are in an apartment in Paris.
    Carly: I have to do this.
    Somebody knocks at the door. Carly opens it, and EJ is standing outside.

    Steve and Kayla are in the forest, where John's plane went down.
    Steve: They should be here somewhere.
    Kayla: I hope were not too late.
  16. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    John is lying on the couch in a cabin. A woman comes to his side.
    Woman: Hello John.
    John stares at her, shocked. Isabella Toscano looks back at him. Memories flood back into John's mind. Tears form in his eyes.
    John: Isabella?
    Isabella: It's me, John.
    John: But I thought you were-
    Isabella: I am John.
    She smiles at him.

    Nicole gets out of the elevator at Scotty's apartment. She sees Julie outside Scotty's door.
    Nicole: Julie, thanks for meeting me.
    Julie: No problem. I just have no ida why.
    Nicole: We'll talk about it with Scotty.
    Julie: I have been knocking for about 5 minutes. I don't think he's here.
    Nicole: What? You don't have a key?
    Julie: I do, but-
    Nicole: Oh Lord, just open the door.
    Julie takes out her key, and unlocks the door. They go inside the apartment.
    Julie: Well, what is so important that you need to discuss with me?
    Nicole: Scotty and I got married.

    Marleana and Kristen sit down in the forest.
    Kristen: We have looked everywhere! Where the hell could he have gone?
    Marleana: I don't know. But we can't stop looking.
    Kristen: Was there not a phone on that damn plane?
    Marleana: Great idea! Maybe we should have taken the phone connected to the wall! That would have helped us!
    Kristen: I meant a cell phone, you genious. You know, one of those satelite ones!
    Marleana: Who cares if it was on the plane or not? It's not like we can go get it!
    Kristen: God, Marleana! You are the worst person to get stranded with!
    Marleana: Once again, nobody invited you to come with us!
    Kristen: I want to snap your damn neck!

    Hope is in the living room of her and Bo's house. Bo's phone vibrates, and falls off of the table. Hope goes to pick it up, and opens it. She sees there is a text message. She reads it.
    Text: Bo, thank you for being there for me before. I think we need to talk about Josh.
    Hope closes the phone, and she is angry. Bo comes down the stairs.
    Bo: John and Marleana are missing. Steve, Kayla, Carrie, and Brady went to go look for them. I'm going to go see if I can help find Sami.
    Hope: Before you go, you got a text message.
    She hands him the phone. Bo reads it.
    Hope: I read it, Bo.
    Bo: Hope, it's not-
    Hope: Tell me the truth, Bo!
    Bo: I need to help find Sami!
    Hope: Is Josh your son, or not!?

    John sits up, and Isabella sits next to him.
    John: I have missed you so much!
    Isabella: I know, John.
    John: Why did you have to leave me?
    He starts crying.
    Isabella: I didn't want to, John. But these things happen.
    John: Your here now. How? Why?
    Isabella: I'm here to try and help you realize something.
    John starts remembering more of his life.
    Isabella: Do you remember Marleana?
    John starts remembering Marleana.
    John: Yes.
    Isabella: She loves you, John. And it seems like you don't care.
    John: I've been really confused for a long time. I didn't know who I was. Now I do.
    Isabella: Now that you do know who you are, what do you want?
    John: You.

    Julie closes the door of Scotty's apartment.
    Julie: You what!?
    Nicole: We bumped into each other in Vegas, and the rest is history.
    Julie: Oh my God! Where the hell is he!?
    Nicole takes her cell phone out. She dials his number. He answers.
    Scotty: Hello?
    Nicole: Scotty, where the hell are you?
    Scotty: I'm on a plane, going to France.
    Nicole: What do you mean your going to France!?
    Scotty: We'll talk when I get back.

    Kristen takes a gronola bar out of her pocket.
    Kristen: You want one?
    Marleana looks at her.
    Marleana: Sure.
    Kristen hands it to her.
    Kristen: Marleana, you have to understand my situation. I found John on the side of a road. I didn't know what was happening, because I thought he was dead! I helped him, and then I realized that he didn't remember anything!
    Marleana: So you don't call anybody? What is wrong with you?
    Kristen: I'm sorry, Marleana. I didn't think it was the thing to talk about over the phone! I brought him to Salem, didn't I?
    Marleana: Yes, and then you decide to rub it in my face, that heonly knows you, and wants to be with you!
    Kristen: I'm sorry! It was wrong of me! All those feelings from what happend all that time ago came back, and you know I wasn't in my right mind!
    Marleana: Well, you need to get the help you need.

    Lensk, Russia....
    Sami is in a warehouse, with Lucas.
    Sami: Lucas, what are they going to do with me?
    Lucas: I don't know Sami.
    He gets up, and looks out the window. She slowely gets up, and grabs a vase. She hits Lucas over the head with it. He falls over. She goes to the door, and opens it. Andre is standing outside. He smiles.
    Andre: Leaving, are we?
    He pushes Sami back in.
    Sami: I'm sick of this!
    She grabs Lucas' gun, and aims for Andre, but she misses and it hits a pipe. Gas spews out.
    Andre: Uh oh
    Sami: Whats going to happen?
    Andre: The place is going to blow up.
    He heads towards the door.
    Sami: No way!
    She shoots him in the leg, and he falls over. She grabs his phone, and leaves.

    John and Isabella are sitting on the couch in the cabin.
    Isabella :John, you know you can't have that. I'm dead, John.
    John: Then why are you doing this? Why did you have to come back to me, just for me to loose you again?
    Isabella: John-
    John: Wait, if your here now, then you don't have to leave. We can stay here forever!
    Isabella: John, you can't do that! You have a life you have a family! You have Brady, and Belle.
    John: Izzy B, please.
    Isabella: John, you can't stay here! Marleana and Kristen are stranded in the forest!
    John: I'll go look for them, as long as you'll be here when I get back.
    Isabella: Of course I will. We still have a lot of talking to do.

    Bo grabs his keys. Hope starts crying.
    Hope: It's true! It's true!
    Bo leaves the house.
    Hope: No!!!
    She starts throwing things, and yelling. She falls down, and starts crying.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    John is in the forest.
    John: Marleana!

    Bo is at the police station. His cell phone rings.
    Bo: Hello?
    Sami: Uncle Bo! It's me!
  17. Daniel
    Actors out!

    Laura Wright
    Laura Wright is Exiting All the Days of Our Lives, this November. Her character leaves Salem, but the door will be left open for her return.

    Allison Sweeney
    Allison Sweeney, who is expecting her second child, will exit the show in January, on maternity leave. At this point, it is unclear when her character will be back.

    James Scott
    James Scott will also exit the show in January also. His character leaves with Sami, but he will be back.

    Actress Back!
    Staci Greason returns to All the Days of Our Lives on Monday November 24! Her character hasn't come back from the dead; she is involved in a new storyline with her former love, John Black. Her stint will end in mid-January.
  18. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Kristen, Marleana, and an unconcious John are on the plane.
    Kristen: What do you mean jump out? What about John?!
    Marleana: I'll strap him with me.
    Kristen: You know that isn't going to work, Marleana!
    John starts to wake up.
    Marleana: Oh, thank God!

    Kimberly and EJ are in the apartment that Carly was in. EJ is reading a letter.
    Kimberly: EJ, what does it say?
    EJ: It says 'EJ, for the sake of my life and my sons life, I can't do this anymore. I should have left Salem that time I told you I wanted to. I'm sorry, but we can't be together anymore. I will call you to let you know that this is really me, and I'm going to meet my mom in France so she can get confirmation. I'm sorry. It just wasn't meant to be.'
    Kimberly: EJ, I'm so sorry.
    EJ: Let's go to the airport.

    Jeannie walks out of a classroom at Salem High. She sees J.J. at his locker.
    Jeannie: Hey.
    J.J.: Hey. Whats up?
    Jeannie: I have an essay due tomorrow. Oh God I'm so screwed.
    A bag falls out of J.J's locker. Jeannie picks it up, and she realizes there is coccain in it.
    Jeannie: What the hell is this?

    John, Marleana, and Kristen have their parachutes on.
    Marleana: John, are you sure your ok?
    John: Yes, let's get out of here now!
    Kristen opens the door.
    Kristen: Good luck!
    She jumps out. Marleana follows. John is about to jump, but gets dizzy. He falls out of the plane.

    Kimberly and EJ are at the airport in London.
    EJ: I'll go buy the plane tickets to Paris.
    Kimberly: EJ, you read the letter, didn't you?
    EJ: Of course I did.
    Kimberly: EJ, you need to do whats best for her. She can't be in your world.
    EJ: I can't just stay away form her! I need to be in her life! We have a child together!
    Kimberly: For this child's sake, do whats best, EJ. Please.
    EJ looks at Kimberly, with tears forming in his eyes.
    Kimberly: I'm sorry.

    Steve, Kayla, Carrie, and Brady are sitting at a table at the Pub. Carrie is on her phone.
    Carrie: Thanks, Shane.
    She hangs up.
    Kayla: What happened?
    Carrie: The ISA lost contact with their plane! Their unreachable!
    Steve: We need to look for them.
    Kayla: The plane was headed to Russia, right?
    Carrie: Yes. Maybe two of us will go look for Sami, and the other two will look for John and Marleana.
    Steve: Hold on a minute, you two aren't comming.
    Kayla: Steve, don't start.
    Carrie: Ya, were going too!
    Brady: I don't think we should fight them on this one.
    Steve: Fine. Kayla and I will go to the area where the plane was last seen, and you two go look for Sami.
    They get up, and leave the Pub.

    J.J. grabs the bag from Jeannie.
    J.J.: Their not mine.
    Jeannie: Oh my God. Are you kidding me?
    J.J: My friend was suspected of having them, so he asked me to hold them for him incase his locker gets searched.
    Jeannie: Do you not realize how stupid that is? If you get caught-
    J.J.: I won't!
    He closes his locker. Ciara comes.
    Ciara: Hey guys. What's going on?
    J.J: Not much.

    Marleana and Kristen are in the middle of a forest.
    Kristen: Where the hell is John?!
    Marleana: John! John!
    Kristen: Great job with the idea to jump out of the plane, Marleana!
    Marleana: Shut up Kristen! Nobody asked you to come! And what have you rather have done? Crash with the plane?
    Kristen: What if John crashed withi it!?
    Marleana: He didn't. I saw him get out of the plane.
    Kristen: Then where the hell is he!?

    Carrie and Brady are on a private jet.
    Carrie: I hope John and Marleana are ok.
    Brady: I have a bad feeling.
    Carrie: About your dad?
    Brady: Yes. I can't help but feel that something is really wrong.

    Steve and Kayla are on another private jet.
    Steve: You ok, sweetness?
    Kayla: I just hope we find John and Marleana before anything happens.
    Steve: Don't worry.
    He hugs her.

    John wakes up in a cabin. He looks around, and doesn't see anybody. He sees a woman come out of a room, but he doesn't see her face. She goes to the couch. He looks shocked.
    Woman: Hello, John.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami hits Lucas over the head with a vase. She opens the door, to get out, and Andre is standing outside the door.

    Nicole is in Scotty's apartment, on the phone.
    Nicole: What do you mean your going to France!?
    Scotty: We'll talk when I get back.

    Bo and Hope are in their house.
    Hope: Tell me the truth, Bo!
    Bo: I need to help find Sami!
  19. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Billie is in the hospital waiting room. Kate comes.
    Kate: Oh my God, Billie! Is he ok?
    Billie: I don't know. The doctors aren't telling me anything!
    Kate: It's going to be ok.
    Kate hugs her.
    Kate: Theres something you need to do.
    Billie: What?
    Kate: Call Bo.

    John and Marleana are on John's private jet.
    Marleana: John, why are we stopped?
    John: I don't know. I'll check with the pilot.
    Kristen walks onto the plane.
    Kristen: Thank God your ok!
    Marleana: What the hell are you doing here?
    Kristen: I heard what has been happening. I tried calling you and John, but you werent answering your phones.
    John: Kristen, look-
    The pilot comes on the intercom.
    Pilot: We will be taking off right now. Please buckle your seatbelts.
    Marleana: Good, this is a great oppournity to discuss our sitaution.

    Nicole wakes up in bed, next to Scotty. She looks confused.
    Nicole: Oh my God.
    She looks under the blanket, and realizes Scotty is naked. Scotty wakes up. She notices a ring on her finger.
    Nicole: No way!
    Scotty is shocked.
    Scotty :What the hell?
    Nicole: Good morning, husband!
    Scotty: That's a bad joke right?
    She shows him her finger.
    Scotty: That doesnt mean were married!
    She gets up, and puts a robe on. She looks around.
    Nicole: Crap!
    Scotty: What?
    Nicole holds up a marriage certificate.

    Bo gets out of the elevators of the hospital. He sees Kate.
    Bo: Kate, whats going on?
    Kate: It's Josh. Billie told me not to get you involved, but I think you need to.
    Bo: Whats wrong?
    Kate: He had a really high fever last night, and it hasn't gone away.
    Bo: Oh my God.
    Billie comes to the waiting room.
    Billie: Bo, what are you doing her?
    Bo: I need to be here.
    He hugs Billie.

    John, Marleana, and Kristen are sitting silently on the plane.
    Kristen: Marleana, what problem are you talking about?
    Marleana: Oh please, Kristen! John, what are you doing?
    John: Right now, I am on a plane to rescue your daughter.
    Marleana: I mean with this situation. Do you want to be with Kristen? Or so you want toget your old life back?
    John: What if I wanted both?
    Marleana looks at him, blankly.
    Marleana: John, if you want your old life back, I come with it.

    Nicole is on the phone. Scotty comes out of the washroom with a towel around his waist.
    Nicole: Thank you, we would love to see the recording.
    She hangs up.
    Nicole: Apparently, our wedding was recorded.
    Scotty: So was our sex.
    Nicole spits out her coffee.
    Nicole: Sex? We had sex!?
    Scotty: Well, we were drunk, we got married, and we were naked in bed together. What the hell idd you expect?
    Nicole starts to remember last night.
    Nicole: Well, I can't complain about the sex.
    Scotty laughs.
    There is a knock at the door.
    Nicole: That must be our tape.

    Bo and Billie are sitting in the waiting area. of the hospital.
    Bo: It's going to be ok.
    Hope walks out of the elevator. She goes to the nurses station.
    Hope: Hi, can I talk to Dr. Horton?
    Nurse: Sure. I'll page him.
    Hope notices Bo and Billie sitting on the chairs in the waiting area.

    John gets up, and pours himself a drink.
    John: I don't know what I want, right now.
    Kristen: John, I hate to side with Marleana, but you need to decide. It's not fair just stringing us along.
    John: When I get my memory back, I'll let you know.
    Marleana: Your not doing anything to help get your memory back! Your just waiting to wake up one day, and have it! You won't John!
    John: This is all very hard for me! I wake up in the middle of a road, with Kristen, and I don't remember a thing! Then I come to Salem, and I find out I have this whole family!
    Marleana: I think I know what you want, but your just not saying anything because your scared your going to hurt somebody.
    John: And what is it that you think I want?
    Marleana: Your old life. Why else would you be so eager to help me find my daughter?
    Kristen: Wow, Marleana.
    Marleana: Is it the truth, John?
    The plane starts to move werid.
    Kristen: What's going on?
    The pilot comes on the intercom.
    Pilot: We are expierencing some slight turblance, it should be over soon.

    The doctor comes to talk to Billie.
    Dr. Wilson: Billie, right?
    Billie: Yes, I'm Josh's mother.
    Dr. Wilson: Josh seems to have the flu. I'm going to give you some antibiotics, and he should be ok within a couple of days.
    Billie: Are you sure? He's going to be ok?
    Dr. Wilson: Yes, I promise.
    Billie: Thank you so much, I was so worried. Can I go see him?
    Dr. Wilson: Of course.
    Billie looks at Bo.
    Billie: Thank you.
    Bo notices Hope at the nurses station. He goes to her.
    Hope: What was going on with Billie?
    Bo: Her son had a scare, but he's ok.
    Hope: Is he ok?
    Bo: Ya, he'll be fine.

    John drops is glass, and begins to feel dizzy.
    Marleana: John? John? Are you ok?
    John passes out.
    Kristen: Oh my God!
    The plena expierences more turblance.
    Kristen: Something is wrong! This isn't normal.
    Marleana: I agree.
    Kristen goes to the pilot, but realizes nobody is there. She looks at the fuel gage, and realizes there is alomost no fuel left.
    Kristen: Oh my God!
    Kristen goes back to Marleana.
    Kristen: There's no pilot, and no fuel!
    Marleana: What!?
    Kristen: Were going to die!
    Marleana: No were not!
    She looks around.
    Marleana: We have to jump out!
    Kristen looks at her, scared.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Marleana, and Kristen are in a forest.
    Marleana: Shut up, Kristen! Nobody asked you to come!

    Carrie, Brady, Steve, and Kayla are in the Pub.
    Carrie: The ISA lost contact with their plane! Their unreachable!
    Steve: We need to look for them.

    Kimberly and EJ are at the airport in London.
    Kimberly: EJ, you need to do whats best for her.

    Jeannie and J.J. are at Salem High. J.J. opens his locker, and a bag drops out. Jeannie picks it up.
    Jeannie: What the hell is this?
  20. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    John and Marleana are in John's car. John is driving.
    Marleana: Are we close?
    John: Were almost there. They are stopped for some reason.
    Marleana: I hope Sami is ok.
    John drives faster.

    EJ is looking through the desk in the DiMera mansion living room. He picks up a piece of paper.
    EJ: I think I've got it.
    Kimberly: What is it?
    EJ: My father booked a flight for London, the day of the wedding. The hotel information is all here too.
    Kimberly: Ok, lets go!
    Carlo walks into the room with a gun.
    EJ: Carlo, what the hell are you doing?
    Carlo: Stopping you from making a mistake.
    EJ: Put the gun down, Carlo!
    Adrianna comes down the stairs, and hears whats going on. She grabs a pot, and slowely goes behind Carlo. She hits him over the head with it, and he falls to the ground.
    EJ: Adrianna?
    Adrianna: Hurry! Go!
    Kimberly: Thank you so much!
    EJ and Kimberly leave the mansion.

    Las Vegas...
    Nicole walks into the bar of a casino.
    Nicole: Give me whatever you think is best.
    Scotty sits beside her.
    Scotty: And here I thought I would be lonely.
    Nicole turns around and sees Scotty. She smiles.
    Nicole: Well, well. What are you doing here?
    Scotty: Needed a vacation.
    Nicole: Same here.
    Scotty: Did you bring your son along with you?
    Nicole: Ha ha. He's with my mother for the week.
    Scotty: Thats nice.
    Nicole drinks a shot.
    Nicole: You can keep them comming.
    Scotty: Wow, your serious.
    Nicole: Yup.

    John and Marleana get out of the car.
    John: They should be right here.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
    John: What?
    Marleana looks down, in a ditch.
    John: runs down there.
    Marleana: John! Wait!
    John looks in the car. He punches it.
    John: Damn it!
    Marleana: What's wrong?
    John: Theres nobody in here.

    Sami wakes up in a helicopter. She looks around.
    Sami: Where am I?
    She realizes she is on a helicopter.
    Sami: Oh my God.
    She flashes back to when Stefano threw her off the helicopter.
    Sami: Get me out of here!

    John and Marlena get back into the car.
    Marleana: What are we going to do?
    John: I'm going to call the ISA and see if they can get me anything.

    Stefano walks into the DiMera mansion. He is on his phone.
    Stefano: I know Elvis knows. Do whatever it takes! Make sure he doesnt get to Carly!
    He hangs up his hpone, and throws it on the floor.
    Stefano: Damn it!

    Las Vegas...
    Scotty and Nicole are drunk, sitting at the bar.
    Nicole: So I'm on the plane, and Eric calls and hes all like 'oh I'm sorry theres some stuff going on' and I just told him I didn't want to hear it.
    Scotty: Good for you.
    Nicole: You know what we should do?
    Scotty: What?
    She starts laughing.
    Nicole: We should-
    She starts laughing harder. She drinks another shot.
    Nicole: We should get married!
    Scotty: That sounds like a good idea.
    They get up. Nicole almost falls, and Scotty helps her.
    Scotty: Let's look for a chapel.

    John and Marleana walk into John's jet.
    Marleana: John, how can they be sure that Sami is being taken to France?
    John: I don't know. Thats what they told me, and I hope their right.
    The plane takes off.

    EJ and Kimberly are on a private jet.
    EJ: Don't worry, Kimberly. Were going to find her.

    Carly is in an apartment, on the phone. She leaves a message on somebodys answering machine.
    Carly: I need you to help me.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Nicole and Scotty wake up in bed together.
    Nicole: No way!

    Marleana and John are on John's private jet.
    Marleana: Why are we stopped?
    Kristen walks into the plane.
    Kristen: Thank God your ok!
  21. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    John and Marleana get back into John's car.
    Marleana: Were never going to find them now!
    John: Don't worry. The ISA could still get me their signal.
    Marleana: What are we supposed to do till then?
    John: I think we should stay where we are, so we don't risk going in the wrong direction.
    Marleana: John, theres something Sami said just before the phone hung up.
    John: What?
    Marleana: She said something about Stefano making a double of Carly.
    John: I wouldn't put it past that bastard.
    Marleana: Oh my God! I need to call EJ.

    Kimberly walks into "Carly"'s room.
    "Carly": Hey.
    Kimberly: How are you feeling honey?
    "Carly": I feel a lot better.
    Kimberly: Good. Mike told me that you can go home tomorrow.
    "Carly": Can't wait!

    Stefano walks into the DiMera mansion living room. The phone rings, and he answers it.
    Stefano: Hello?
    Person: Hello uncle.
    Stefano: Andre? Where the hell are you?
    Andre: I escaped from the hospital. I have your niece with me.
    Stefano: Dora?
    Andre: Yes. Were on our way to another country.
    Stefano: Why did you take her?
    Andre: Leverge. You give me all the money and resources I need, and maybe I won't kill her.

    Lucas and Sami are in Lucas' car. He starts going faster.
    Sami: Your going to get us killed!
    Lucas: Shut up Sami!
    Sami looks out the window, scared.

    Carrie, EJ and Brady are in the living room of Roman's house.
    EJ: Whats going on?
    Carrie: Sami was kidnapped. John and Marleana-
    EJ's phone rings, and he answers it.
    EJ: Hello?
    Marleana: EJ, it's me. Theres something you need to know.
    EJ: What is going on?
    Marleana: It's about Carly.

    Stefano is on the phone in the DiMera living room.
    Stefano: Andre, I swear to you if she dies, I will kill you with my own hands!
    Andre laughs.
    Andre: I'll call you later.
    Andre hangs up.
    Stefano throws the phone.
    Stefano: Damn it!

    Lucas continues driving fast.
    Sami: Lucas, it rained yesterday, and now it's freezing! There is probaly ice all over the ground!
    Lucas turns around.
    Lucas: Sami, I already told you-
    Lucas loosses control of the car.

    EJ walks into "Carly"'s room.
    "Carly": Hey. I'm feeling much-
    EJ grabs her by the throat.
    EJ: Where the hell is Carly!?
    "Carly": What are you talking about!?
    EJ: Stop this game! I know all about Stefano's plan!
    Kimberly walks into the room.
    Kimberly: EJ! What the hell are you doing? Get off of her!
    EJ: This isn't Carly!
    "Carly": What the hell is wrong with you?
    EJ: I got a call from Marleana. Lucas kidnapped Sami, and she managed to call Marleana. While Sami was talking to Lucas she asked him why Stefano made a double of Carly.
    "Carly" looks guilty.
    Kimberly: Oh my God. It's true.

    John and Marleana are sitting in John's car, waiting for the signal.
    Marleana: John, please call them again! This is taking too long!
    John: Marleana, theres nothing I can do. We just have to be patient.
    Marleana: My daughter is being held against her will by a physco!
    She pauses.
    Marleana: I'm sorry. I didn't mean to blow up on you.
    John: I understand. Your very upset and scared for your daughter.

    Will walks into Roman's house. He goes into the living room and sees Carrie and Brady sitting on the couch.
    Will: What's wrong?
    Carrie: It's your mother.
    Will: Whats going on?
    Carrie: She was kidnapped tonight.
    Will: What! By who?
    Carrie:Your father.
    Will: This is insane! Is anybody even looking?
    Brady: John and your grandmother are.
    Will: John and my grandmother? Are you joking! What about the cops?
    Carrie: John is working with the ISA. The ISA will be more helpful than the cops, Will.
    Will: Am I just supposed to stand here and do nothing?
    Brady: Will, theres nothing we can do now. We just need to wait for any news, and be hopeful.

    Lucas turns the wheel, but it is too late. Sami is yelling.
    Sami: You bastard!
    The car spins, and crashes into the guardrail. The car goes down a hill, and lands upside down at the botom of a ditch.

    Kimberly and EJ walk into the manison. Stefano comes out of the living room, angry.
    Kimberly: You bastard!
    She slaps him.
    Kimberly: Where is my daughter?!
    Stefano: What the hell are you talking about?
    EJ: Enough with the games!
    He throws a flower pot against the wall.
    EJ: What did you do with Carly?!
    Stefano looks at EJ, confused.
    Stefano: I don't have time for this! I did not do anything!
    Stefano leaves the mansion.
    Kimberly: Your just going to let him go?
    EJ goes into the living room. He looks around the desk.
    EJ: There must be something around here.

    John's phone rings. He answers it.
    John: Hello?
    ISA Agent: We just got the location. It will show up on your screen anytime now.
    John: Thank you so much.
    John looks at the GPS, and the location of Lucas' car shows up.
    Marleana: Oh thank God!
    John: Ok, let's get moving.

    Lucas' car lies upsidedown in a ditch. Sami's hand reaches out of a window.
    Sami: Help me.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    John and Marleana get out of the car.
    John: They should be right here.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
  22. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Marleana is in the hospital waiting room, with the twins. She is on her phone. She hangs up.
    Marleana: Damn it Sami! Where are you?
    John comes.
    John: Is something wrong, Marleana?
    Marleana: Sami was supposed to be back her to pick up the twins over an hour ago! She isn't answering her phone, or anything.
    John: That bastard.
    Marleana: Stefano did this, didn't he?

    Brady is in the Kirikas mansion living room. Victor comes into the living room.
    Victor: Waiting for Carrie?
    Brady: Ya, she should be here any minute.
    Victor: Brady, I"m so proud that you have found somebody that makes you happy.
    Brady: Me too. You don't understand how happy she makes me.
    Victor: Thats good.
    Brady: I was actually thinking of marriage.
    Victor: Marriage?
    Brady: Yes, but I don't know if she is ready yet. You know, with everything that happend with Austin, and the baby.
    Victor: Thats a conversation you need to have with her.

    Sami wakes up in the back of a van.
    Sami: My head.
    She looks around, and remembers what happened.
    Sami: Lucas! Lucas! What the hell are you doing?
    Lucas: Just doing what I was asked to do.
    Sami: What the hell are you going to do with me?
    Lucas: Don't worry.
    Sami: Lucas! You can't do this to me! What the hell happened to you!
    Lucas: You died. Then you came back, and betrayed me.
    Sami: You abandoned my children, Lucas! You betrayed me!
    Lucas: Just shut up, Sami!
    Sami: Are you going to kill me?

    John comes back into to the waiting room.
    John: Marleana! I got a video from the hospital security cameras. I can't see the faces clearly, but I'm pretty sure that somebody put Sami in the back of a van!
    Marleana: Oh my God! Do you have any idea where they could have went?
    John: No, but I'm getting the highway cameras. We'll find them.
    His phone rings.
    John: John Black.
    He pauses.
    John: Thank you.
    He hangs up.
    John: Their headed south on the 38.
    Marleana: Lets go!
    John: You too?
    Marleana: Of course!

    Henderson brings Carrie into the Kirikas mansion living room.
    Carrie: Hi Brady, Victor.
    Brady kisses her.
    Victor: How are you Carrie?
    Carrie: I'm good. How about you?
    Victor: I'm doing ok.
    Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Carrie: Hello?
    Marleana: Carrie, I need you to pick up the twins from the hospital. Their with Diane.
    Carrie: Marleana, whats wrong?
    Marleana: John and I are going to find Sami. She was kidnaped. I'll explain more later. I need to go now.
    Carrie: Oh my God! Be careful!

    John and Marleana are on the highway.
    Marleana: John, do you see them?
    John: No. Don't worry. The ISA is trying to track them, and they will send it to my GPS soon.
    Marleana: Oh, John! I"m so worried!
    John looks at his GPS.
    John: What the hell is taking them so long?

    Bo sees Carrie and Brady at the hospital with the twins. He goes to her.
    Bo: Hey Carrie, Brady. Your watching the twins tonight?
    Carrie: Oh my God, Uncle Bo, Sami was kidnapped!
    Bo: What?
    Carrie: Marleana called me, and asked me to pick up the twins, because her and John are looking for Sami.

    Lucas gets off the phone.
    Lucas: Damn it.
    Sami: You didn't answer my question.
    Lucas: No, I'm not going to kill you!
    Sami looks around the van, and realizes her purse is there.
    Sami: Idiot.
    Lucas: What?
    Sami: I didn't say anything.
    She slowly gets her purse, and takes out her phone. She looks at it, and sees 10 missed calls. She dials Marleana's number.

    Marleana looks at the GPS.
    Marleana: Still nothing.
    Her phone rigns. She looks at it, and sees that it is Sami.
    Marleana: Oh my God! Sami!
    She picks it up.
    Marleana: Sami! Sami! Where are you?
    John: Hook it up to the GPS. It'll send a signal to the ISA.
    She hooks up the wire, and puts the phone to her ear again. She hears Sami talking.
    Sami: Lucas, what are you going to do with me?
    Marleana: Oh my God. Lucas took her.
    Lucas: Stop talking, Sami!

    Nicole walks into the Java Cafe, and sees EJ sitting at a table. She goes to his table.
    Nicole: Hi, EJ DiMera?
    EJ: Yes.
    They shake hands.
    EJ: Nicole, right?
    Nicole: Yes. There's something you should know.
    EJ: What?
    EJ's phone rings. He answers it.
    EJ: Hello?
    Carrie: EJ, it's Carrie.

    John is speeding towards Lucas and Sami. Lucas looks in his mirror, and realizes somebody is following him. Lucas goes faster.
    Sami: Stop! Your going to get us killed!
    In John's car, Marleana looks worried.
    Marleana: John, we have to catch up to them!
    John: We will!
    A black van comes in front of John's car.
    John: Damn it!
    In Lucas' car, Sami looks at the phone.
    Sami: Where is the real Carly? Why did Stefano make a double of her?
    Lucas looks back, and sees Sami's phone.
    Lucas: What the hell!
    He grabs it, and throws it out the window. In John's car, Marleana looks at the GPS.
    Marleana: They just made a right!
    John turns right onto another road.
    John: We should be right on top of them.
    Marleana looks out the window, and sees the cell phone.
    Marleana: John, the phone's here!
    John: Damn it!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Will walks into Roman's house. He goes into the living room and sees Carrie and Brady sitting on the couch.
    Will: What's wrong?
    Carrie: It's your mother.

    Lucas' car lies upsidedown in a ditch. Sami's hand reaches out of a window.
  23. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives[/b]

    Jack and Jennifer are in the kitchen, cooking pancakes. The doorbell rings, and J.J. gets it. He lets Bo, Hope, and Ciara in.
    Hope: Hey honey. How are you?
    J.J.: I'm good.
    Hope: Good thing school starts later today.
    Ciara: Tell me about it. So, J.J. did you finish that assigment, or is Mr. Walsh going to kick you out again?
    J.J.: What do you think, Ciara?
    She laughs. Jack and Jennifer come out of the kitchen.
    Jennifer: Hey!
    Jennifer hugs Bo and Hope.
    Jennifer: Hey Ciara.
    Ciara: Hey Jenn.
    Jennifer: Hey sweetie. Ok, lets go in the kitchen. Breakfast is ready!

    Sami, Johnny, and Alexis walk out of the hospital elevator. Mike sees Sami.
    Mike: Hey Sami.
    Sami: Hey Mike. How are you?
    Mike: Good, you?
    Sami: I'm ok.
    Mike: Here to see Carly?
    Sami: Ya. The twins wanted to see her.
    Mike bends down to them.
    Mike: You guys want a lolipop?
    They nod yes. Mike smiles.
    Mike: Ok, I'll be right back.
    Sami smiles.
    Sami: Thanks.

    Isabella and Anna are at the Penthouse Grill, eating breakfast.
    Isabella: So, how are things with Nicole going?
    Anna: She still wants nothing to do with me. And she doesn't want her child to have anything to do with me either.
    Isabella: Well, you can't really blame her, but don't worry; maybe she'll come around soon.
    Anna: I doubt that. So what's going on with Adrianna?
    Isabella: Not much. Her and Andrew are doing good.
    Anna: Thats good, thats good.

    Dora is on the phone in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Dora: Valeri, their not going to stop. You know that right? Stop ignoring my calls, and call me back as soon as you get this.
    She hangs up. Adrianna comes into the living room.
    Dora: Hello Adrianna.
    Adrianna: Hello. Have you seen my father today?
    Dora: No, not yet. Not sure if thats good or bad.
    Adrianna: Tell me about it.
    Rolf comes into the living room with John.
    Dora: Why, hello John. You wouldn't be looking for my uncle, now would you?
    John: I am, actually.
    Dora: Well, we haven't seen him at all today.
    John: Intresting.

    "Carly" is sitting in her hospital room. Stefano walks in.
    "Carly": You bastard!
    Stefano: I'm sorry, it-
    "Carly": I didn't sign up for this so I can get shot!
    Stefano: Think of it as a blessing in disguise; you don't have to wear a body suit to make you look pregnant.
    "Carly": Oh please! I could have faked a miscarriage!
    Stefano: Don't worry. Your alive, your fine. And you'll be out of here soon, living Carly's life.
    Sami walks in.

    Jack, Jennifer, Bo, Hope, J.J., Abby, and Ciara are sitting at the table, eating breakfast.
    Hope: So, Jenn, what's the big news?
    Jennifer: Well, what have you noticed about me these past few weeks?
    Nobody says anything.
    Jennifer: I know you all noticed, but since your all too shy to say anything, I'll say it! I have gained weight. Why, you ask? Because I am pregnant!
    Hope: Oh my God! Congraulations sweetie!
    Jack kisses her. Everyone hugs Jennifer.
    Jennifer: Ok, calm down! Your squezzing me!
    Everybody laughs.

    Isabella gets out of the hospital elevator. She opens the door to her office, and walks right over a letter on the floor. She sits at her desk. Her phone rings, and she answers it.
    Isabella: Hello?
    Person: Help.
    Isabella: Who is this?
    Person: I'm in London.
    Isabella: What? Who the hell is this?

    Sami stands in the doorway of "Carly"'s room, shocked.
    Sami: Umm, the twins wanted to see you.
    She turns to leave, but Stefano grabs her arm.
    Stefano: What did you hear, Samantha?
    Sami: I didn't hear anything! Let go of me!
    Mike comes in the room, and Stefano lets go of her.
    Mike: Is everything ok here?
    Stefano: Everything's fine.
    Mike: Sami, the twins are with one of the voulenteers.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Sami leaves the room, and sees the twins sitting with Nicole in the waiting area, playing with some blocks. She rushes over there.
    Sami: Are you kidding me!?
    Nicole: What is your problem now?
    Sami: Your with my- oh, wait theres a bigger problem!
    Stefano comes.
    Stefano: Samantha, why don't you come with me?
    Nicole looks at Sami, knowing something is wrong.

    John knocks on Marleana's office door at the hospital.
    Marleana: John! Hi. How are you?
    John: I'm ok. How about you?
    Marleana: I'm good.
    John: We need to find Stefano.
    Marleana: Why? What's wrong?
    John:I have a feeling he has something else planned.
    They leave Marleana's office.

    Stefano grabs Sami's arm.
    Nicole: Stefano, we were actually-
    Stefano: Samantha, let's go.
    Sami: I'm not going anywhere without my kids.
    Johnny: Mommy, where are you going?
    Stefano: Mommy has to go somewhere, but she will be right back.
    Isabella comes into the waiting room.
    Isabella: Stefano, let go of her!
    John and Marleana come in the waiting room too.
    Marleana: Let go of my daughter!
    Stefano: This isn't over, Samantha.
    Stefano leaves.
    John: Sami, what happened?
    Sami: Stefano was just upest because I didn't let him see the twins. Thats all.
    Nicole looks at Sami, knowing she is lying.

    London, England...
    Carly is sitting in an apartment. She holds her baby bump. She picks up a phone.
    Carly: Please don't die.
    She dials a number. It rings. She quickly answers it.
    Carly: Hello! Help me!
    Stefano: Having fun, my dear.
    Carly: You bastard!

    Sami kisses the twins, and leaves them with Marleana.
    Sami: I'll be back in about an hour.
    She gets in the elevator.

    Stefano: Carly, I understand you made a phone call. That was a grave mistake.
    Carly: Go to hell.
    She throws the phone.

    Sami walks into the parking lot of the hospital. She is on the phone.
    Sami: Uncle Bo, you don't understand how important this is!
    Lucas comes behind Sami, and grabs the phone. He throws it on the ground.
    Sami: What the hell?
    He covers her mouth, as she tries to scream. He throws her in the back of a van.
    Sami: What are you doing! Let me go!
    He drives off!
  24. Daniel
    November Previews:


    After overhearing Stefano and imposter Carly's conversation, Sami doesnt only realize the truth, but realizes she is in danger. John and Marleana realize Sami is missing, and immidently know Stefano is to blame. They go on an adventure to find Sami with the help of Steve and Kayla.Nicole accidently stumbles on the truth about Carly, but Stefano stops her from exposing the truth. Meanwhile, the real Carly is trapped in an apartment in London. An accident threatns the life of her unborn baby!


    The endless triangle reignites when Bo and Billie's son, Josh has a health crisis. After noticing a moment, Jennifer realizes the truth about what was going on between Bo and Billie. In a moment of weakness, Hope turns to somebody else, but they both realize that it was a mistake. Bo puts his life on hold for a minute, to go rescue his niece, Sami, but was this his last chance to fix things?


    John and Marleana go on an adventure to find Sami. John has shown an intrest in creating a life with Marleana, but has no intrest in regaining his memory. Marleana decides that without his memory, then he will always be drawn to the woman who saved him, Kristen. Kristen thinks that John is in some kind of trouble, and decides to go and help him and Marleana. She reminds John about how she saved his life, and how much she needs him. John doesnt know if he could abandon her for Marleana. Marleana walks in on a moment between John and Kristen, and she deicides that John Black really did die. John is torn between the woman he knows is the love of his life, and the woman who saved his life.


    Brady and Carrie's romance continues to develop. Brady contemplates proposing to Carrie, but doesn't know if Carrie is ready. After John and Marleana go off the radar, Carrie decides it's up to her and Brady to find them, and rescue her sister. She goes to Steve and Kayla for help, and they agree. Eric hears about them going to help, and he decides to help as well. Will decides that he has to go too. They follow a trail of clues, only to hit a dead end that may cost them their lives.


    Andre escapes from prison, and forces Dora to be his mode of transportation. On their way to Russia, Dora realizes that Andre has done something with Valeri, who is actually fooling Andre into thinking his plan is going smoothly. Valeri suprises them in Russia with a huge bomb, that actually causes more harm, on her part.

    All these stories come together as one, and a huge event puts lives in danger!


    Joanne still plans on buying out the spectator, but Jack, Jennifer, and Jeannie try and make sure that it won't happen. J.J. gets into trouble at school, but Jeannie gets him out of it. A romance starts between the two.


    After being stood up by Eric, Nicole and Scotty end up in Vegas.... hitched! After both freaking out at first, Nicole realizes this will benefit her! When Nicole gets back to Salem, her mother, Faye is waiting there, with Nicole's son. Faye tells Nicole she needs to be a better mother; first step, telling the father- but who is it? Brady?


    Shawn gets back to Salem from his drug rehab, and his first task-rescuing Belle! It is an adrelynin pumped reunion, and through it, Shawn tells Belle he wants her, and only her. After getting back to Salem, they realize what was going on, and try to help John and Marleana, but decide that more time away from Claire won't do any good.


    -Kimberly and Shane contemplate getting together again. Their story becomes front and centre in December.

    -Adrianna and Andrew's relantionship continues to develop, but a wrench is thrown.

    -Mike and Diane finally go on that first date.

  25. Daniel
    All The Days of Our Lives

    Stefano, Bo, and Ciara are in the Brady Pub.
    Stefano: Why would you want to know where my daughter is?
    Bo: Oh, come on, Stefano. We know she shot Carly. We found a survaliance tape of her getting into the same limo that was at the wedding, with the gun that shot Carly. That same limo then went to a warehouse on the docks. And guess who Valeri was talking to in front of the warehouse.
    Stefano: So what? I was talking to my daughter. Please, if that was a crime, lock me up now.
    Bo: Oh please! Don't tell me you have no idea where she is now!
    Stefano: This is getting tiresome. When you find any evidence, please call me.
    Bo: Oh, I will.
    Stefano: Let me go get my coat, in the kitchen.
    Stefano goes in the kitchen.
    Bo: What the hell did he want with you?
    Ciara: He said he wanted to see Johnny.
    Bo: Your babysitting the twins, right?
    Ciara: Ya, tonight.
    Stefano listens to their conversation.

    Nicole closes her locker in the hospital locker room. Her phone rings. She answers it.
    Nicole: Hello?
    Faye: Hey Nicole.
    Nicole: Hey mom. How's my little angel?
    Faye: He's very good, actually. Now, I know you dont want to get into this now, but-
    Nicole: Your right; I don't want to get into this now.
    Faye: If you just-
    Nicole: I'm not getting into this now! Goodbye mom.
    Nicole hangs up the phone.

    EJ walks into the mansion, and slams the door shut. He sees Sami comming down the stairs with some bags.
    EJ: What are you doing here?
    Sami: I have had enough! From now on, the twins will not be comming here! They will not be spending nights here! Get your own place, and that will be fine! They are not staying with your nutjob of a father any longer!
    Stefano walks into the door.
    Stefano: I think my ears are burning.
    EJ turns to Stefano.
    EJ: I swear to God, if you did this, I will kill you with my bare hands!
    Stefano: Oh, I do not have time for this! I am so tired of everyone looking at me everytime something horrible happens in this town!
    Sami: Oh, I wonder why, Stefano!
    Stefano: Why are you here, anyway?
    Sami: Don't worry, I was just leaving!
    She opens the door, and Lucas is standing outside.
    Sami: Well, it all fits, doesn't it? Did you hire Lucas to shoot Carly?
    Lucas: What the hell are you babbling about now, Sami?
    Sami: Oh, just shut up!
    Sami is about to leave.
    EJ: Samantha, wait.

    Marleana is sitting in the hospital cafetaria. John sits across from her.
    Marleana: Hi John.
    John: Hi. Are you ok?
    Marleana: Yes. I'm fine. Why?
    John: I heard you were at the wedding, and I was just wondering if anything happened to you.
    Marleana: No. Nothing happened. I'm ok.
    John: Marleana, I've done some research. It turns out we were once very in love.
    Marleana: I told you that when you came back, John.
    John; Yes, but I just wanted to see.
    Marleana: Ok, so why are you telling me this?
    John: Because I want to regain my memory, and be what I was to you.

    Nicole walks into the Pub, and sees Ciara sitting at the bar.
    Nicole: Hey, you guys still opened?
    Ciara: No. But I'll get you something if you want.
    Nicole: Really? Wow it's refreshing to have somebody going out of their way for me.
    Ciara: It's no big deal. You want a sandwich?
    Nicole: A veal sandwich would be great.
    Ciara: Ok. I'l be back in a minute.
    Ciara goes in the kitchen.
    Nicole smiles.

    Sami turns, and looks at EJ.
    Sami: Are you freaking kidding me? Your asking me to stay here longer? What the hell is wrong with you people?!
    Dora walks in.
    Dora: Well, this looks fun!
    Sami: What the hell is this, DiMera variety night?
    Kristen walks in.
    Kristen: The variety is about to get a hell of a lot better!
    Sami: You know what? This might actually be good! Everybody go into the living room. We need to have a nice talk.
    They go into the living room.

    Ciara comes out of the kitchen with a sandwich. She give it to Nicole, who is sitting at the bar.
    Nicole: Ah, that you so much.
    Ciara: No problem.
    Nicole: So, are you generally nice, or do I just bring it out in you?
    Ciara laughs.
    Ciara: Actually, my reasons are a bit selfish.
    Nicole: How so?
    Ciara: Well, everyone is either at the hospital, or doing hell knows what, and I'm here all alone, with the twins who are either sleeping or watching a cartoon.
    Nicole laughs.
    Nicole: Well, I have absoutly nothing to do tonight, so, I'd love to keep you company.
    Ciara smiles.
    Ciara: Thanks.

    Jennifer is in the living room in her house. She holds her baby bump, and smiles. The doorbell rings.
    Jennifer: Finally!
    She gets up, and opens the door. Mike comes in. They hug.
    Mike: How are you sis?
    Jennifer: I'm good. How about you?
    Mike: I'm great.
    He looks at her, noticing something is up.
    Mike: I know it isn't a brother's place, but I'm curious.
    Jennifer: About what?
    Mike: Well, I've noticed you've umm, you know.
    Jennifer: Gained weight?
    Mike: Umm.
    Jennifer: You can just ask me, Mike.
    Mike: Your also glowing.
    Jennifer: That might have something to do with-
    Mike: I knew it! Your pregnant!
    Jennifer smiles.
    Jennifer: I am!
    He hugs her.
    Mike: Congraulations! I'm so happy for you!
    Abby comes through the door.
    Abby :Hello!
    Jennifer: Honey! Your back!
    Jennifer hugs her.

    Dora, Stefano, Sami, EJ, Kristen, and Adrianna are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Sami: Now, you all listen to me! My children are not your pawns in your stupid mind games! You will all leave them out of whatever the hell you want to do.
    Stefano: All I want to do is see my grandosn! What is so wrong with that!
    Vivian walks into the manison with Alexandra.
    Stefano: Oh dear God, take me now!
    Sami: Were all praying for the same thing Stefano!
    Vivian turns to Alexandra.
    Vivian: So, your the new DiMera family attorney?
    Alexandra: Yes, it seems intresting.
    Vivian: I suggest you head for the nearest exit! This is your modern day Adam's family! Theres the patricarh of the family, Stefano who has done everything from kidnapping to brainwahsing; there's his crazy niece, Dora who hates the entire family, and is thirsty for revenge;
    Dora: I do not hate the entire family!
    Vivian: Then theres questionably the nuttiest of them all, Kristen, don't get on her bad side, she just might lock you ina secrete room; there's Adrianna, who hates her father, but is still living with him, and taking handouts from him;
    Adrianna: Excuse me?
    Vivian: There's Elvis, who can't decide wheather he want's to be a DiMera or not; then there's his ex-wife/mother of his child, Samantha who has a tendancy of yelling at everyone, oh, and is still in love with Elvis, even though he has clearly moved on.
    Sami: Why the hell are you here, anyway?
    Vivian: Didn't I tell you?
    Dora: Let's not forget Stefano's nutty ex-wife who buries people alive for fun.
    Vivian: That would be me, Alexandra.
    Alexandra: This is all very intresting, and I look forward to spending lots of time with you guys.

    Jennifer, Mike, and Abby go into the living room.
    Mike: So, how was London, Abby?
    Abby: It was great, but I missed home.
    Jennifer: We missed you too.
    Abby: Wheres dad and J.J?
    Jennifer: They just went to go pick up the Chineese food. They'll be back soon.
    Jack and J.J. walk in.
    Abby :Daddy!
    She hugs Jack. J.J. hugs her.
    Abby: I missed you guys so much!
    Jack: We missed you too, sweetie.
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