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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    Nancy Lee Grahn In!

    Nancy Lee Grahn has been chosen to play the role of Dr. Isabella Albert beggining on episode 5! She will be playing Marleana's physcracist, but will also have a story outside of that. She is currently on recurring status until May, but if things look good, her contract can be extended!

    Darin Brooks Out!

    Darin Brooks (Max Brady) is out! He will last air in late November, with no plans to bring him back.

    Expect two more outstings! One in early December, and one in late December!
  2. Daniel
    Announcer: On All the Days of Their Lives, who killed EJ?

    Marleana( talking to a physcriast): I grabbed a vase and hit him over the head with it!

    Flashbacks of that night:

    Stephanie takes a gun out of her purse, and aims.

    The lights come back on, and Roman has a broken wine bottel in his hand.

    The lights come back on, and Bo lifts his gun, with blood all over it.

    Announcer: And could somebody who supposedly wasn't at the party killed EJ?

    Somebody lifts a bloody bat, and puts it in their trunk. Lucas' face is revealed!

    Announcer: And what will a father do to avenge his sons death?

    Chelsea is in a room with gas comming out of the vents, and she is yelling.

    Stefano: Oh this is just the beggining! The Brady's better watch their backs!

    There are flashes of:

    Shawn in bed with somebody, and somebody with a gun watching outside the window

    Hope on the floor, and a man taking Claire from her

    Anouncer: And the worst one yet;

    Austin is in his car when a truck smashes into him!

    Announcer: What happens next is anybodys guess!

    There are fast flashes of Stephanie, Steve, Caroline, Shawn, Kayla, Carrie, Will, and Max.

    All this and more on All the Days of Their Lives, only on SONBC
  3. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives Part 2:

    (Jeremy Horton is being played by Paul Korver)

    Sami wakes up at Marleana's penthouse to the sound of Alexis crying.

    Sami: Hungry honey?

    She picks her up, and brings her downstaires where Eric is sleeping on the couch. She goes into the kitchen where Marleana is preparing pancakes.

    Sami: Hey mom, what are you doing?

    Marleana doesnt turn around

    Sami: Mom? Whats wrong?

    Marleana: Nothing honey.

    She turns around, and she has been crying.

    Sami: Thinking about John?

    Marleana: His pancakes were the best.

    Sami: Mom, I'll just feed Alexis, and then I'll make them, don't worry about it.

    Marleana: It's ok Sami, I should do these little things to help me get through it.

    Sami: You also need a break once in a while.

    Marleana: So how did you sleep last night?

    Sami: the best I've slept since the night before I married EJ

    Marleana: Thats good. Your lucky it's a happy occasion when your husband died.

    She starts to cry a little.

    Sami: Mom, please sit down, I'll finish it.

    Carrie comes in the room.

    Sami: Good morning Carrie.

    Carrie (still upset with Sami over the last time she was in Salem): Hi Sami.

    Marleana: How did you sleep?

    Carrie: Alright I guess. I can't believe EJ's dead.

    Sami: It's a good thing.

    Carrie: Marleana, why don't you go watch some TV? I'll finish making tha pancakes. \

    Sami: I'm going to go put Alexis back to bed.

    She leaves the room.

    Sami (talking to Alexis): Yup, your aunt Carrie always does that.

    She rolls her eyes.

    Eric: Sami, Sami, Sami, Already teaching them to hate their aunt?

    Sami: Shut up Eric.

    She goes up the staires.

    Chole is in Sami's room, holding Johnny.

    Chole: Sorry Sami, I heard him crying, and I knew you weren't here, and -

    Sami (cutting her off): Chole it's fine, thank you actually.

    Chole smiles.

    Chole: The are two little angels Sami, really

    Sami: Thanks Chole; so have you and Brady talked about kids.

    Chole: We always said we wanted kids, but just havent decided when the right time is.

    Sami: Well, if you want them now, you should tell Brady.

    Chole: I kinda was thinking about it.

    Sami: Then tell him, mabye he feels the same way.

    Chole: Ok, I will Sami. Is it ok if I go feed Johnny?

    Sami: Sure, go ahead.

    Sami puts Alexis in her bed, and goes to the wasroom. She sees something sticking out of the garbage. She rubs against it by accident, and it falls out. She picks it up, and it is a pregnancy test!

    Sami: Let's hope Brady wants kids!

    At The Brady Pub...

    Shawn and Belle are in their room, Belle just got out of the shower.

    Shawn: Hey baby, how are you?

    He goes to kiss her.

    Belle (backing away from the kiss): When did you get home?

    Shawn: When you were in the shower.

    He goes in for another kiss, but she backs away again.

    Shawn: What's wrong?

    Belle: I'm not feeling that good today.

    Shawn: Upset about your dad?

    Belle: Ya.

    Shawn: Well I heard the good news, about EJ.

    Belle: It was great news.


    Hope comes out of the kitchen.

    Bo: Where's Ciara?

    Hope: Your mom's feeding her. so did you, Roman, and Abe find anything out about the killer?

    Bo: Not yet. The killer has killed two people now.

    Hope: Who will be next?

    Bo: Don't talk like that.

    Hope: Bo, we can't ignor it! It's going to happen, and we need to plan!

    Bo: We need to catch who ever is doing this, and fast.

    Hope: Lets hope they aren't planning another murder.

    At the Penthouse...

    Chole comes back upstaires with Johnny.

    Sami: Hey Chole, how was he?

    Chole: He was great! I don't think I've ever seen a baby so good!

    Sami: Chole look, I hate beating around the bush, so I'm just going to get to it.

    Chole: Get to what?

    Sami: I found the pregnancy test; I know your pregnant.

    Chole: I'm not pregnant! Sami, really I'm not!

    Sami: Chole, please tell me the truth.

    Chole: Sami, if I was, I'd tell you; I'm not pregnant.

    Sami: That witch! Of couse! She probaly planned to get pregnant right after mine were born, just so she could steal-

    Chole: Sami, what are you talking about?

    Sami: Carrie of course! She got pregnant, just so she can look better!

    Carrie walks into the room.

    Carrie: Wow Sami, when will you realize that the world doesnt revolve around you?

    Sami: Sorry Carrie, I was just-

    Carrie: Save it Sami! I'm not pregnant by the way!

    Sami: Ok Carrie, you can just admit it now!

    Carrie: I'm not pregnant Sami! And even if I was, do you have to know everything!?!?!

    Sami looks at Chole.

    Chole: Sami, weve been over this already.

    Sami: Then who can be pregnant.

    Carrie: Shut up Sami! Crap! Why don't you bring it to your little lab, and run your tests, and then you'll find out who's pregnant! It's me Sami! Is that ok with you?

    Carrie leaves the room.

    Later that night...

    Stephanie and Jeremy are at a hotel.

    Stephanie: Jeremy, why did you come back to town?

    Jeremy: I came for you baby

    Stephanie: We are over Jeremy, I think you made that very clear before you left.

    Jeremy: I was an idiot back then.

    Stephanie: It wasn't that long ago, Jeremy.

    Jeremy: I know, but I'm diffrent now! I swear

    Stephanie: A lot has happened since you were gone Jeremy.

    Stephanie flashes back to Ford raping her. Jeremy comes closer to her, and she pushes him away.

    Stephanie: Stay away from me!

    Jeremy backs away, and Stephanie starts crying. She leaves the hotel room.

    At The Brady Pub...

    Shawn gets out of the shower only in a towel.

    Belle: You look great Shawn.

    He kisses her, and her phone rings.

    Belle(answering her phone): Hello?

    Philip: I just got to the loft, when are you leaving?

    Belle: Ok, I'll be right there Mr. Smith.

    Shawn: Who was that?

    Belle: It was work, sorry I have to go in.

    Shawn: We were supposed to spend the night together.

    Belle: I know, I'm sorry. We'll do it another night.

    Shawn: Ok

    She gets her purse, and her phone falls out onto the table. She grabs Shawn's phone by mistake. They kiss, and she leaves.

    At the Penthouse...

    Sami, Carrie, Austin, Brady, Eric, and Chole are at the Penthouse with Marleana.
    Marleana: So how was everyone's day today?
    Eric: It was great. I had lunch with Steve, Kayla, grandma and grandpa, and then I went to Bo and Hope's house. Wow Ciara is so cute!
    Marleana: So are you going to stay here for a while honey?
    Eric: I was actually thinking of moving back home!
    Sami: Thats great!
    Eric: So Sami, did you call Lucas yet?
    Sami: I'll call him when he gets back.
    Marleana: Sami, you have no idea when that's going to be! Call Kate, and ask her where he is!
    Sami: Ok, I'll call her tomorrow!
    Carrie: Why didn't Belle come tonight?
    Marleana: She had to work tonight at the clinic.
    Carrie: Oh.
    There is a knock on the door. Marleana goes to answer it. She opens it to see Stefano!
    Marleana: What the hell are you doing here Stefano?
    Stefano: I'm here to get my grandson.
    Eric gets up.
    Eric: Get the hell out of here you old goat!
    Stefano: Stay out of matters that don't concern you!
    Eric: This does concern me, and if you don't leave, I will throw you out myself!
    Sami :Leave Stefano! You are not going to see Johnny!
    Stefano: Oh, my dear how very wrong you are! I will see my grandson! You will all be sorry for what you have done!
    Marleana: Shut up Stefano, and leave!
    Stefano: Make sure to watch the news tonight!
    He laughs, and he leaves.
    Carrie: What the hell was he talking about?
    Brady: Who the hell knows?
    Stefano(in the elevator): Go ahead with the plan. It must happen tonight

    At the loft...
    Belle opens the door, and walks inside. There are flowers and candels everywhere. Philip comes downstairs.
    Belle: Philip, I want you so much!
    Philip: Come here.
    They start to kiss, and they make love near the fireplace.

    At the Brady Pub...
    Shawn grabs Belle's phone, thiniking it's his own, and heads downstairs.
    Caroline: Shawn, theres a phone call for you.
    Shawn: Who is it?
    Caroline: She said her name was Cathy Adams.
    Shawn gets the phone: Hello, this is Shawn Brady.
    Cathy: Hi, I'm Cathy Adams, I heard about you selling your apartment, and I would like to see it. Do you know when we can book a date to see it?
    Shawn: Actually, I'm free tonight, so would you like to go tonight?
    Cathy: Sure
    Shawn: Ok, meet me there at 8:00. Oh, and before we hang up, are you looking for the loft or the apartment?
    Cathy: I was thinking the apartment, but I would like to see both.
    Shawn: Ok, I'll see you at 8:00. Bye.
    Cathy: Bye.

    At Marleana's penthouse garage....
    Chelsea gets out of her car. Her phone rings.
    Chelsea (answering her phone): Hello?
    Shawn: Hey Chels, I'm meeting somebody tonight about the apartment, so do you still want to room with somebody?
    Chelsea: Ya, sure. Just make sure she is a woman though.
    Shawn: She is don't worry.
    Chelsea: Ok, I'll call you later, and then mabye I'll stop by.
    Shawn: Ok, thats great bye.
    Chelsea: Bye.
    She hangs up, and goes to her trunk. She opens it, and takes out two bags with toys for the babies. She closes her trunk, and somebody comes behind her, and chrloforms her! She tries to yell, but goes unconcious. The person leaves her bags, and her phone falls out of her hand. The person throws her in a black van, and they drive off. Her phone rings. The caller ID says Sami on it. It freezes on Chelsea's phone...

    Next on All the Days of Their Lives...
    Marleana: Is Chelsea comming?
    Sami: Ya, I don't know whats taking her so long, and she's not answering her phone.

    Shawn: Hi, I'm Shawn Brady.
    Cathy: Cathy Adams.
    They shake hands.
    Cathy: So you guys still live in the loft?
    Shawn: No, why do you think that?
    Cathy: I heard some music
    Shawn unclocks the door.

    A woman walks into the Brady Pub, and goes to talk to Caroline.
    Woman: Hi, I'm Carly Colson, and I'm looking for Kimberly Brady.
    Caroline: O my God, Carly.
    Tears start to form in Caroline's eyes.
  4. Daniel
    Laura Wright In!

    Laura Wright will be joining the cast of DAYS as Carly Colson. No, she will not be playing her character from GH, she will be playing a new character who has a storyline with the Brady's. She will join DAYS in episode 3 when her character walks into the Brady Pub. Her contract lasts until Feburaury, but can be extended!

    Brandon Beemer Out!

    Brandon Beemer will be leaving DAYS at the end of November. But don't worry, he will be back soon! You may think he's leaving for his honeymoon with his onscreen fiance, but it's actually quite the opposite...
  5. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives Episode 1:

    We see the inside of Chez Rouge, all black, with blood splattered everywhere. Pieces of glass are on the floor, and tables and chairs are turned over. A hand is seen. We move over to the body, and see that EJ's dead body is lying on the floor with blood all over him. In his other hand, is a chess piece of a black rook. Bo, Roman, Abe, and many other cops come inside. Bo, Roman, and Abe are dressed in suits.

    Bo: This is the second murder so far.

    Abe: Is there a chess piece?

    Roman bends down, and picks up the chess piece of a black rook.

    Roman: Same person.

    Bo: This person got away with murder again.

    Abe: I guess they wanted to finish the job, since they couldn't finish it at the wedding.

    Bo: What time is it?

    Roman looks at his watch.

    Roman: 12:40

    Roman's watch starts to turn counter clockwise very fast.

    Saturday November 3rd 2007

    Chelsea, Bo, Hope, Chelsea and Ciara walk into Chez Rouge.

    Chelsea: So who is this woman again?

    Hope: Her name is Vivian Alamain, she is, sorry, was John's aunt.

    Bo: I can't believs she's doing all this after paying for the expensive funeural.

    Vivian comes behind them.

    Vivian: I felt so bad about not comming to the funeural, so I decided a way to see everyone would be to have a party like this in honour of John.

    Hope: That is very nice of you.

    Vivian looks at Chelsea.

    Vivian: Who is this beautiful girl?

    Bo: She is my daughter, with Billie.

    Vivian: I thought... ok, I won't get into DiMera plots.

    Hope: Thats a good idea; one night without thinking aout the DiMera's would be great.

    The doors open, and everyone looks. Sami walks in with EJ. Sami looks mad and bitter.

    Chelsea goes up to them.

    Chelsea: I thought you would still be in the hospital after your shooting.

    EJ: Well, I wouldn't want to miss a party in honour of John Black!

    Chelsea slaps EJ!

    Chelsea: You are not wanted here!

    Marleana comes. She puts her hand on Chelsea's shoulder.

    Marleana: Chelsea thank you.

    She looks at EJ now.

    Marleana: EJ get out of here now, or I will throw you out!

    EJ: I'm sorry, but I thought I would be welcome sice I'm your son-in-law!

    Chelsea: Oh please! You came here to creat more drama!

    She looks at Sami now.

    Chelsea: Why did you make him come Sami? I'm sure you knew that nobody wouldn't want him here.

    Sami doesnt say anything, and just has an empty look on her face.

    Chelsea: What the hell is wrong with you!?! Ever since you entered this sham of a marriage, you hardly say a word!

    Sami: I need to go to the washroom.

    Chelsea: Where's Johnny and Alexis? With grandpa Stefano?

    Sami goes into the washroom, and falls to the floor and cries.

    Sami: I can't do this anymore.

    At the Brady Pub...

    Belle is in her and Shawn's room getting ready. She has a robe on. Her phone rings. She answers it.

    Belle: Hello.

    Shawn: Hey honey, sorry I couldn't make it.

    Belle: It's ok, your job is important.

    Shawn: How are you today?

    Belle: Better than the funeural, but I don't know how long that will last.

    Shawn hears a noise on his phone.

    Shawn: sorry my phone is dying. I'll call you later.

    Belle: Bye.

    There is a knock on the door.

    Belle: Caroline and Shawn already left; who can that be?

    She goes to open the door, and sees Philip standing there.

    Belle: What are you doing here?

    Philip: I heard Shawn was out of town.

    Belle: So?

    Philip: Belle, stop beating around the bush, and lets cut to the chase.

    Belle: Philip I made a mistake, and it won't happen again.

    Philip: This fells familiar. Isn't this how it started the last time? He says then this happened

    He kisses her on the cheek.

    Belle: No Philip! I can-

    Philip (stopping her in midsentence): I love you Belle.

    He kisses her on the lips. She lets go, about to say something, but he kisses her again.

    Philip: Tell me you don't want this.

    She kisses him.

    Philip: You want it don't you.

    Belle (laughs): Shut up and kiss me

    She kisses him, and pushes him against a wall. She starts to unbutton his shirt. He smiles, and takes off her robe. They fall on the bed, and begin to make love.

    At the DiMera Mansion...

    Stefano is on the phone with Kate.

    Stefano: How would you like to go to Chez Rouge with me tonight for John's memorial?

    Kate: Stefano stay away! Don't even think about going there! Your just going to make everyone feel worse!

    Stefano: Shut up Kate! Will you go with me? Yes or no?

    Kate: No!

    She hangs up her phone.

    Stefano: Women!

    Dr. Rolf comes in the room.

    Rolf: Where's your grandson, and your step-granddaughter?

    Stefano: Samantha wil do just about anything, execpt leave her kids with her!

    Rolf: So where are they?

    Stefano: Carrie and Austin picked them up last night, and they will be going to Chez Rouge with them later.

    Rolf: I need to leave.

    Stefano: Where are you going?

    Rolf: I have a meeting in Germany tomorrow.

    Stefano: I'll see you.

    Stefano goes to the stairs.

    Stefano (laughing): They said I would never climb stairs again.

    He goes up the stairs laughing.'

    At Chez Rouge...

    Chelsea walks into the washroom to see Sami on the floor, crying.

    Chelsea: I'm sorry Sami, I just got upset. I'm not happy that your with EJ.

    Sami: It's just been a picnic for me! I have to lock my door, make sure the window lock is locked! I have to have the cribs right next to my bed! I can't take it anymore Chelsea! I just can't!

    Chelsea hugs her.

    Chelsea: Just leave him! Go back to Lucas!

    Sami: And then the DiMera's will strike again!

    Chelsea: I hate seeing you like this! Ever since the wedding, I don't think I've seen you smile once.

    Sami: I want to go back to the party. Is EJ gone.

    Chelsea: I don't know. Before we go back, I have to ask you something.

    Sami: What?

    Chelsea: Has EJ raped you?

    Sami: No! I made sure that will never happen again!

    They walk back outside. EJ is sitting at the bar. Marleana hugs Sami. Stephanie, Bo, Hope, Roman, Anna, Caroline, and Shawn are standing there.

    Stephanie goes to the bar and orders a drink.

    EJ sees her.

    EJ: How's your mom and dad doing?

    Stephanie: Shut up.

    EJ: I'm being sincear! And how are you? I hope your father's ok, after being attacked.

    Stephanie: Shut up you bastard!

    She pours her drink all over him.

    EJ: What is with your family!?!

    Hope: Stephanie, what happened?

    Stephanie: EJ was bothering me about my dad.

    Hope: That son of a-

    She walks to him.

    Hope: What the hell is wrong with you?

    EJ: What did I do now?

    Hope: How dare you bother Stephanie like that?

    EJ: She's my new cousin, I care how she feels!

    Hope: Shut up! You better watch out EJ!

    EJ take his phone out, and starts recording.

    Hope: Whoever tried to kill you at the wedding will try again, and they will succeed!

    EJ stops recording. He whispers in Hope's ear.

    EJ: You better watch out, because Steve was attacked, and that girl Morgan was killed; mabye their going after the Brady lovers! Mabye you will be next!

    He walks away, leaving Hope with an angry look on her face.

    At the Brady Pub:

    Belle and Philip are lying in bed. Belle is lying on Philip's chest.

    Belle: That was great Philip.

    Philip: See Belle, we can have this every night, if you would just leave Shawn.

    Belle: Why do we have to ruin the mood?

    Philip: Belle I need you! Not just once in a while! I want you with me when I get home, when I eat, when I watch TV, when I go to bed espically.

    Belle turns a bit, and kisses Philip.

    Belle: Philip, can you meet me tomorrow night?

    Philip: Of course! Where?

    Belle: Meet me at the loft.

    Philip: I thought it was still under construction.

    Belle: It was done a while ago, but me and Shawn want to sell it.

    Philip: I see where your going with this.

    Belle: Buy it Philip.

    At the parking lot of Chez Rouge...

    Eric Brady gets out of his car. He sees Brady and Chole Black. He goes up to them.

    Eric: Hi Brady, Chole. I'm so sorry.

    Brady: Thanks.

    He hugs him, and then hugs Chole.

    Chole: So how have you been?

    Eric: Good you guys?

    Chole: We've been ok.

    Brady: Lets go inside.

    They go inside Chez Rouge. Marleana runs up to them and hugs them. Sami comes from the washroom, and sees Eric. He rushes to her, and hugs her.

    Sami (with tears in her eyes): Eric, I've missed you so much!

    Eric: Me too Sami. So where are my new niece and nephew.

    Sami: They will be comming with Carrie and Austin soon.

    Bo comes to talk to Eric. They hug.

    Bo: So how you've been man?

    Eric: Pretty good, I quit my job though.

    Sami: Why?

    Eric: I'm moving back home.

    Sami hugs him.

    Sami: Thats great!

    Hope comes with Claire and Ciara.

    Hope: Hi Eric

    Eric: Hey aunt Hope. Are these two who they think they are?

    Hope: This is your niece Claire, and your cousin Ciara.

    Eric: They are so beautiful! Ciara's just like her mom.

    EJ comes to them. He puts his hand out to Eric.

    EJ: Hi, you must be Eric Brady, I'm your brother-in-law.

    Eric grabs his hand, and pulls him forward. He punches him in the face!

    Eric: You stay the hell away from my sister!

    EJ: Is that how you welcome all the new family members?

    Eric: Only the scum.

    Maggie comes. She hugs Eric, and welcomes him.

    Maggie: EJ, leave now, or I will call the police.

    EJ: Your telling me to leave? He's the one who just punched me!

    Maggie gets her phone out: Leave now!

    EJ: Fine!

    He kisses Sami on the cheek.

    EJ: I'll see you later.

    Eric: Stay the hell away from that SOB

    Sami: He's my husband Eric, thats going to be kind of hard.

    Eric: Leave him Sami!

    Sami: I can't Eric!

    Eric walks away, upset.

    Eric sees Roman.

    Roman: Hey son!

    They hug.

    Eric: Hey dad! I missed you!

    Roman: Me too.

    Eric stretches his hand to Anna.

    Eric: Hi, Anna, right?

    Anna: Yes, so good to meet you. So how long to you plan to stay in Salem?

    Eric: Actually, I'm planning to move to Salem.

    Roman: Thats great!

    Carrie, Austin, and Belle walk in Chez Rouge, Belle holding Johnny, and Carrie holding Alexis.

    Vivian walks up to them.

    Vivian: What beautiful children! (She looks at Belle) Sorry about your dad sweetie.

    Belle: Thanks Vivian, I'm sorry for your loss too.

    Vivian looks at Carrie now: I'm sorry for you too Carrie, he was as much your dad as Belle's.

    Carrie: Thanks.

    Everyone talks, and the night carries on.

    A couple hours later...

    Stefano DiMera walks into Chez Rouge! Everyone is shocked at his appearance!

    Stefano: Hello everyone; I hope I am welcome to mourn a great man.

    Marleana: Get the hell out of here! You are not welcome!

    Brady gets up: How dare you show up here? We know it was you who had my father killed!

    Stefano: I hate that you think that Brady, your father was a g-

    Brady cuts him off: Shut up, and get out! Before I throw you out myself!

    Chole and Belle are sitting at a table, Chole holding Claire.

    Chole: I should go stop him.

    Belle: Leave him, whatever he does to Stefano, he deserves!

    Stefano: Fine then. I will leave.

    EJ walks in.

    EJ: Father, whats wrong, did they not welcome you?

    EJ goes to Sami

    EJ: How are my children?

    Sami: What the hell are you doing here? GET OUT!!!

    EJ: Don't talk to me like that! It's getting late, I want my children to come home!

    Sami: If they could talk, they would say they wouldn't want to be anywhere near you!

    EJ looks shocked at they way Sami is talking to him.

    We see the empty wine wall. Guns start to come in the holes! Anna looks behind her, and yells!

    Roman: Whats wrong?

    The guns start shooting, and everyone starts yelling! Bo pushes Hope over the table, and everyone goes to the ground! The shooting stops.

    Bo: Is everyone ok?

    The lights go out. More shooting is heard! Everyone is yelling. The lights come back on. Sami looks down, and yells! She sees EJ's dead body on the ground! People are running out of Chez Rouge.

    Stefano: Noooo!!! My son! He runs to the body! (He sees a chess piece in his hand)

    Cops come to Chez Rouge. They tell everyone to get out. Stefano isn't leaving.

    Cop: Sir, were going to have to ask you to leave.

    Stefano: This is my son!

    Bo: Stefano, get out of here!

    Bo, Abe, and Roman leave too to check on everyone.

    Next on All The Days of Their Lives:

    Bo and Hope are at the Brady Pub.

    Bo: This killer has now killed two people.

    Hope: Who will be next?

    Bo: Let's not talk about that

    Hope: Bo we can't ignor it! We need to plan!

    Shawn and Belle are in their room.

    Belle (on the phone): Ok, I'll be right there, Mr. Smith

    Shawn: Who was that?

    Belle: Work, I need to go now. Sorry.

    Sami, Carrie, Austin, Brady, Eric, and Chole are at the Penthouse with Marleana. There is a knock on the door.

    Marleana: What the hell are you doing here Stefano?

    Stefano: I'm here to get my grandson.

    Belle and Philip are at the loft.

    Belle: Philip, I want you so much!

    Philip (only in his boxers): Come here

    They start making out, and start making love near the fireplace.
  6. Daniel

    Matthew Ashford (Jack Deveraux) and Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Deveraux) are comming back to Salem for Christmas! Right now it is just for a month, but it can be extended!

    Ashley Benson (Abby Deveraux) will also be comming back to Salem for Christmas, with her onscreen parents!

    Nadia Bjorlin (Chole Lane Black) will be comming back to Salem with a two year contract!

    DAYS has recasted Brady Black with Aidan Turner! He will join his onscreen wife back to Salem, with a two year contract!

    Jensen Ackles also comes back to Salem with a two year contract!

    Austin Peck, and Christie Clark (Austin and Carrie Reed) are also comming back to Salem with a two year contract!

    DAYS has also recasted the role of Mike Horton, with Mark Collier! He will come to Salem with a two year contract.

    DAYS has also recasted the role of his onscreen son, Jeremy Horton with Paul Korver! He will also come to Salem with a two year contract!

    DAYS has cast the role of Carlo DiMera with Paul Leyden. He will come to Salem sometime in December or January.

    DAYS has also cast the role of Cathy Adams, a new character with Kelly Monaco! She will arrive in Salem in December!


    James Scott is leaving his role of EJ Wells in December, which will kick-start an exicting storyline! This may be the last of EJ, but is it the last of James Scott?.....
    Don't expect James Scott to be the last of the cast cuts with this new storyline!

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