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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Jack is on his laptop. The doorbell rings. He goes to get it, and Steve is there.
    Jack: Steve! Come in!
    Steve: Hey Jack.
    Jack: Where's Kayla and Stephanie? I thought they were comming.
    Steve: They are, later. I need to talk to you about something.
    Jack: What?
    Steve: I want to help you.
    Jack: Help me with what?
    Steve: Catching this killer.
    Jack: Steve, we can't.

    Nicole unlocks the door to her apartment. Her and Shawn go inside.
    Nicole: I'm so sorry about Belle.
    Shawn: Thanks.
    Nicole: Shawn, I need to ask you something.
    Shawn: What?
    Nicole: Is there a future for us? Can we ever be together?
    Shawn: Nicole, I don't know that right now.
    Nicole: Ok, but would a couple months help?
    Shawn: A couple months?
    Nicole: We can go to Switzerland, but you don't have to go to rehab.
    Shawn: What do you mean?

    Anna is at Chez Rouge. Don comes behind her, and kisses her neck.
    Don: Good evening beautiful.
    Anna looks nervous.
    Anna: Please, I'm not in the mood.
    Don: Your not doing a very good job of pretending we are an engaged couple in love.
    Anna: Would you stop!
    Don: I want you to ask Maggie to close Chez Rouge next week, for our engagment party.
    Anna: This is insane!
    Don: Ok, mabye I should go talk to the cops.
    Anna: I'll do it.

    Jack closes his laptop.
    Steve: Jack, please, let me help you.
    Jack: Chelsea wanted to help me, and I let her. Now look where she is, Steve.
    Steve: Jack, we'll be more careful, please, we need to find this killer, or who knows how many more people are going to be victims!
    Jack: Steve, look-
    The doorbell rings, and Jennifer comes downstairs.
    Jennifer: Steve, your already here?
    Steve: Ya, we had to take different cars.
    Jennifer opens the door, and Kayla and Stephanie walk in.
    Jennifer: Hey.
    She hugs both of them.
    Jennifer: How are you, Steph?
    Stephanie: I'm doing better.
    Jennifer: Good.

    Shawn sits on the couch.
    Nicole: I can get somebody to pretend to be you, and go to the rehab. You don't have to go, and me and you can have a good time together.
    Shawn: Thats sounds like a good idea.
    Nicole: Good.
    She kisses him.
    Shawn: Do you think it's wrong that I'm already moving on, after this just happened with Belle?
    Nicole: Shawn, that's not really a question for me, but I think you should do whatever you want.
    Shawn kisses her.

    Anna is talking to Maggie.
    Anna: Would I be able to book Chez Rouge for an engagment party, for the whole night?
    Maggie: Your engaged? To who?
    Anna: Don Craig.
    Maggie looks at her oddly.
    Maggie: Umm sure, which night.
    Carly comes.
    Carly: I had the same idea.
    Anna turns around.
    Anna: Carly! Your engaged also?
    Carly: Yes. EJ and I just got engaged tonight.
    Maggie: Congraulations.
    Anna rolls her eyes at Maggie.
    Anna: Yes, congraulations.
    Maggie: Well, I'm sorry, but I can only afford to loose one night of business.
    Carly: That's fine, Anna, you can have it. You asked first.
    Anna: Are you sure?
    Carly: Of course, jut as long as I'm invited.
    Anna: Of course you are!

    Jack, Jennifer, Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie finish dinner.
    Kayla: So, when's Abby comming back?
    Jennifer: She should be back next week.
    Steve: J.J.'s out tonight?
    Jennifer: Yes, Alice wanted to babysit him, and she wants him to help with the dounghts.
    They laugh.
    Steve: I have to go to the washroom, but I'll be back.
    He gets up, and goes into the living room, and goes to Jack's laptop. He opens it, and looks at what Jack was working on. He sends everything to his e-mail.

    Nicole takes Shawn's shirt off, and he goes on top of her.
    Nicole: Make love to me, Shawn.
    Shawn takes his pants off, and his phone rings.
    Nicole: Leave it.
    He gets up, and carries Nicole to her bedroom. He closes the door, and pushes Nicole against the door. He puts his head in her top, and starts kissing. He takes her top off. She unxips her jeans, and he pulls them down. They go in the bed, and start to make love.

    Carly leaves Chez Rouge, and bumps into Don Craig.
    Carly: I'm sorry.
    Don: Sorry, my fault.
    She smiles, and she goes to her car.
    Don goes into Chez Rouge. He goes behind Anna, and whishpers in her ear.
    Don: I have another suprise for you.
    Anna: And just what is that?
    Don: A daughter.
    Anna looks at him in shock.
    Anna: You have no idea what your talking about.
    Don: Oh, but I do Anna.

    Steve comes back to the dinner table.
    Steve: So, what were we talking about?
    Jennifer: Actually, I was just about to go get desert.
    Jennifer goes into the kitchen, and Kayla goes with her.
    Kayla: Jenn, can I ask you something.
    Jennifer: Sure.
    Kayla: Is Jack still working on that killer thing?
    Jennifer: I told him not to, and he said he isn't. But I don't know. Why?
    Kayla: I think Steve wants to help him with it.
    Jennifer: Well, we have to stop them before this killer goes after them.

    Carly leaves the Penthouse Grill. She takes her phone out.
    Carly: EJ, hey.
    EJ: Hello darling, How's my beautiful bride to be?
    Carly: I'm good. I found a place for our engagment party!
    EJ: Where?
    Carly: The Penthouse Grill!
    EJ: Thats great! When?
    Carly: Next week, the 14th! I can't wait!
    EJ: Me either.
    The killer watches from a corner, and takes their phone out. They put in a reminder "EJ and Carly's Engagment Party".

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    EJ walks into the DiMera mansion living room, and sees Sami crying.
    EJ: What's wrong?
    Sami: It's Belle.
    He hugs her.

    Roman, Isabella, Don, and Anna are at dinner at Chez Rouge.
    Roman: Call me crazy, but doesnt this seem a little sudden?
    Anna: Don and I are in love!
  2. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Roman and Marleana walk into the hospital, following Belle on a strecther. Sami comes in the waiting room, and sees them.
    Sami: Mom, whats going on?
    Malreana: We found Belle, but she doesn't look too good.
    Sami: Oh my God! Where was she?
    Marleana: A little outside Salem.
    Sami: Why was she there?
    Marleana: Kristen DiMera kidnapped her.

    Nicole walks into Shawn's room.
    Nicole: Hey.
    Shawn: Hi.
    Nicole: How are you?
    Shawn: Better.
    Nicole: I heard you start rehab soon.
    Shawn: I'm trying to work something out with Victor to get me out of it.
    Nicole: Shawn, you shouldn't do that.
    They look at each other.
    Nicole: Shawn, these past few months haven't just been about sex. I know I already said this, but I need to know if you feel the same. Shawn, I know that kiss was real.
    Shawn: So do I.
    He kisses her.

    Brady and Carrie are sitting at the Penthouse Grill.
    Brady: There is a reason I asked you to breakfast.
    Carrie: And why's that?
    Brady: I wanted to ask you if you'd go on a date with me.
    Carrie smiles. Brady's phone rings.
    Brady: Hello?
    He pauses.
    Brady: Oh my God.
    Carrie: Whats wrong?
    Brady: They found Belle! I need to go to the hospital.
    Carrie: I'll go with you!

    Roman, Marleana, and Sami go into Belle's room.
    Marleana: Oh my God. Belle!
    Mike and Diane come in the room.
    Diane: I'm so sorry, but Belle lost the baby.
    Marleana starts crying.
    Marleana: Because of the car crash?
    Diane: No, actually. She lost it shortly before the crash; she was under heavy stress, and she couldnt carry a baby to term.
    Sami and Marleana hug.
    Marleana: Mike, how is she?
    Mike: She hit her head pretty hard during the crash, and she is in a coma.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
    Sami: Can't we get her out of it? What about that antidote that was used on Jeannie?
    Mike: We don't have anymore of that, and it was a fluke that it worked on Jeannie.

    Carly, Jeannie, and Kimberly are in Andrew's room.
    Kimberly: So, you get to go home tomorrow.
    Andrew: I can't wait. This food is not exactly the best.
    Carly laughs.
    Carly: Alex goes home too tomorrow.
    Kimberly looks at Carly's hand.
    Kimberly: What's that?
    Carly: EJ and I are engaged!

    Shawn stops the kiss.
    Shawn: I can't do this.
    Bo and Hope come in the room.
    Hope: Wha the hell are you doing in here?
    Nicole: I was told to check on Shawn.
    Hope: Well, you can leave now.
    Nicole: You know what, Saint Hope? I'm doing my job! so why don't you lay off a little?
    Hope: Fine, finish what you have to do and get out.
    Bo: Shawn, we have some news.
    Shawn: What?
    Bo: Belle was found.
    Shawn: Really? Where is she?
    Hope: She was brought to the hospital. She was in a car accident, and she is in a coma.
    Shawn: What? Whatdid the doctor say?
    Hope: Mike said it doesn't look too good.

    Brady and Carrie arrive in the hospital waiting room. They see Marleana and Sami sitting on the chair.
    Brady: Marleana! What happened?
    Marleana: We found her outside of Salem. She was in a car accident. Brady, she's in a coma.
    Brady: Oh my God.
    He hugs her.
    Brady: Is she going to wake up?
    Marleana: Mike said it doesn't look too good.
    Carrie: I'm so sorry.
    She hugs Marleana and Sami.

    Kimberly looks confused.
    Kimberly: Your engaged? When did he propose?
    Carly: Well, he was going to do it tonight, but the suprise was spoiled, so I gave him my answer right away.
    Jeannie: Wow! It's huge!
    Carly:I know!
    Kimberly: The size doesnt matter, girls.
    Carly: I know.
    Jeannie: But it sure helps!
    EJ comes in the room.
    Jeannie: Hey EJ! Congraulations!
    She hugs him. She whispers in his ear.
    Jeannie: Great job with the ring!
    He laughs.
    EJ: Thanks. Hello Kimberly, Andrew.
    Him and Carly kiss.
    Kimberly: EJ, can I talk to you alone, for a minute, please?
    EJ: Sure.

    Nicole leaves Shawn's room, and Hope sits beside him.
    Hope: Shawn, we've looked into a couple rehab places.
    Shawn: I'm not going, mom! Victor said he can get something to get me out of it!
    Hope: What! You need to get rid of this addidction!
    Shawn: I am! I already have! I don't want the drugs anymore!
    Bo: Shawn, drug addidctions don't just go away like that!
    Hope: We found a place in Switzerland. You'll be going next week.
    Shawn: I want to see Belle before I go.
    Hope: You can gosee her now.

    Brady, Marleana, and Sami are in Belle's room.
    Brady: Why was the OBGYN in here earlier?
    Tears form in Marleana's eyes.
    Marleana: She was pregnant, Brady. When Kristen held her captive, she lost the baby due to stress.
    Brady gets up.
    Marleana: Where are you going?
    Brady: I'm going to find that bitch, and make her pay!
    Shawn and Hope walk into Belle's room.
    Marleana: Shawn, thank God your here.
    Shawn: I'm so sorry.
    Marleana: Me too.
    He hugs her, and he sits next to Belle. He kisses her on the forehead, and holds her hand.
    Shawn: Will she ever wake up?
    Marleana: Mike said it isn't likely, but we have to keep up hope! When John was in his coma, the doctor said he would never wake up, and he did.
    Hope: Your right, Marleana. Belle's strong; she'll make it through this.
    Mike comes in the room.
    Mike: I'm sorry, but I have some bad news.

    Kimberly and EJ are outside Andrew's room.
    Kimberly: EJ, I just wanted to thank you for being there for my daughter.
    EJ: It's no problem, Kimberly. I love her so very much.
    Kimberly: I'm very happy for you two, and I don't think there is anybody else that has made her as happy as you do, EJ.
    EJ: She makes me more happy, then I could have ever imagined.
    Kimberly: I'm happy about that.
    They hug, and Carly comes outside.
    Carly: What are you guys talking about?
    Kimberly: Oh nothing. So what time of year are you looking into for the wedding?
    Carly: Well, I was thinking in September or October.
    Kimberly: An autumn wedding is beautiful.
    Carly: What time of the year do you think, EJ?
    EJ: Any time of the year is fine as long as your the beautiful bride.
    She smiles, and they kiss.

    Mike closes the door.
    Marleana: Mike, whats wrong?
    Mike: She seems to have had a breakdown, due to the kidnapping, and then the car accident. It was just to much for her to handel, all at once.
    Sami: But she's going to come out of it, right?
    Mike: Unfortunatly, I don't have an answer for that. It's whatever her brain decides to do. Has she ever suffered other trautmatic expirerences?
    Marleana: Yes.
    Mike: Then the chances of her waking up again are very slim.
    Sami: But I've been through a lot of traumatic expierences. My last pregnancy was full of stress, and the babies are fine, I'm fine. Why is this happening to her?
    Mike: Everybody's different. Too many trautamatic expierences have been going on in Belle's life, and unforuntally she hit her breaking point, when she got in that car accident.
    Marleana starts crying.
    Mike: I'm so sorry, but there is a good chance she will remain catatonic for the rest of her life.
    Mike leaves the room.
    Sami: What are we going to do, mom?
    Marleana stops crying, and wipes her tears.
    Marleana: We need to find a centre for her, where she can stay.
    Shawn: We can't just forget about her!
    Marleana: Thats not what were doing, Shawn. She needs to go somewhere where they can properly care for her, and feed her.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Anna is at Chez Rouge, talking to Maggie.
    Anna: Would I be able to book Chez Rouge for an engagment party, for the whole night?
    Carly comes.
    Carly: I had the same idea.

    Shawn is at Nicole's apartment.
    Nicole: We can go to Switzerland, but you don't have to go to rehab.
    Shawn: What do you mean?

    Steve is in Jack and Jennifer's living room, with Jack.
    Steve: I want to help you.
    Jack: Steve, we can't.
  3. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami closes the door of the twins' room, and goes downstairs, to the living room. She pours herself a cup of coffee, and EJ comes in the room.
    Sami: Good morning.
    EJ: Good morning Samantha.
    Sami: So, how's Alex?
    EJ: He's doing very good. He's going to make a full recovery.
    Sami: Thats good. I'm going to go see him today, when I go to see Andrew.
    EJ pours himself a cup of coffee.
    Sami: So, things with you and Carly are good?
    EJ: Great. I think I'm going to ask her to marry me.
    Sami stares in shock.

    Isabella and Anna are seated at the Penthouse Grill.
    Isabella: What are you going to have? I think I'm going to have pancakes.
    Anna: I'm having french toast.
    Anna keeps putting her ring finger in front of Isabella. Isabella looks at her oddly. Isabella is holding her glass with her left hand, and moves it closer to Isabella, and spills it on her menu.
    Isabella: Anna! Wha tthe hell are you doing?
    Anna: My God, for a physcriast, you don't notice a thing!
    Isabella: Notice wh- Oh my God! What is that ring doing on your finger?
    Anna: Don and I are engaged!
    Isabella spits out her drink.
    Isabella: What!

    Belle wakes up in her room. She goes to the door, and bangs on it. The door slowely opens. She goes outside the room, and looks around the cabin. She realizes that Kristen isn't there. She runs to the front door, but it opens, and she quickly hides.

    Diane is sitting at her desk. She looks at her appoitment book, and looks confused. She dials Belle's number, but it goes to her voice mail. Diane gets up, and walks to Marleana's office. she knocks on the door.
    Marleana: Come in.
    Diane comes in.
    Diane: I hate to bother you, Dr. Evans, but I can't get a hold of Belle.
    Marleana looks at her confused.
    Marleana: She didn't tell you she was leaving town?
    Diane: She left town? Our last appoitment, she said she'd be back today.
    Marleana: Hold on a minute. Tha twas the same day she left town.
    Diane: Is everything ok?
    Marleana: I'm not sure.
    Marleana dials Roman's number.

    EJ looks at Sami.
    EJ: Is something wrong?
    Sami: Sorry, I lost brain activity for a minute; I thought I heard you were going to ask Carly to marry you.
    EJ: No, you heard right.
    Sami: Thats crazy! How long have you two been together?
    EJ: Since April.
    Sami: That's just 5 months, EJ! Are you crazy? Usually people know each other a little better before they jump into marriage!
    EJ: We know each other very well, Samantha. These past few months have been great, and she's the one for me.
    Sami: Your making a mistake, EJ!
    EJ grabs his briefcase, and heads for the door.
    EJ: Thats only your opionion, Samantha.
    Sami: Mine, and the rest of the general population!
    EJ closes the door. Sami drinks the rest of her coffee.

    Anna stares at Isabella.
    Anna: Is there a problem?
    Isabella: You guys met last night!
    Anna: Yes, but we love each other, so much. We just click so well.
    Isabella: Did you even have sex?
    Anna: On the first date, what's wrong with you.
    Isabella's jaw drops.
    Anna: You did! I saw you with that man!
    Isabella: Sex on the first date is more normal that engagment! And plus, I knew him from before!
    Anna: Don and I are in love, and we are getting married. I'm thinking an autum wedding.
    Isabella: What is going on? Is his dying wish to get married? Thats it! He's dying!
    Anna: Don't be silly! He's in the best of health!
    Isabella: Marriage! Marriage! Do you hear yourself! 2 seconds ago you were in love with Tony-
    Anna: Who turned out to be a nut! I love Don, he's right for me!
    Isabella: This is too much to take in during breakfast!
    Anna: Yes, after a night of wonders. We just talked the whole night. We were so entranced, that we stayed at Chez Rouge until it closed.
    Isabella: I can't hear anymore! I can't understand how you can be engaged after a couple hours!

    Kristen and a man walk into the cabin.
    Kristen: Ok, doctor, just follow me, she's probaly still sleeping.
    Kristen and the doctor go to her room, and Belle sees Kruisten's car keys on the table. She grabs them, and runs outsdie! Kristen and the doctor arrive to her room, and see it is empty.
    Kristen: Where the hell is she?
    Kristen looks in the room.
    Kristen: Wait here, I'll go find her.
    Kristen goes outside the room, and realizes the front door is open!
    Kristen: Damn it!
    She runs outside, and sees Belle driving away!
    Kristen: No!

    Roman is in Marleana's office. He is talking to Diane.
    Roman: So, Belle told you she would be at he rnext appoitment?
    Diane: Yes, there wasn't a doubt in her voice. Thats why I was so suprised when I heard she left town.
    Roman: Ok, so she left the Pub at 12:30, then finished with her appoitment at 2:00. The security camaras in the parking lot werent working from 2:00 to 2:10. So I think she was kidnapped right her from the hospital.
    Marleana: Who would have done this?
    Roman: I don't know, but our main priority is finding Belle. I'm going to talk to any doctors and nurses who were working that day, and see if they can tell me anything.
    Marleana: Thank you Roman, and thank you Diane.
    Diane: No problem. Call me if you need anything else.
    Roman: We will.

    Sami comes out of the hospital elevators. She goes to the nurses station.
    Sami: Can you tell me what room Andrew Donovan is in.
    Nicole turns around.
    Nicole: Sami! How great to see you!
    Sami: Oh God. They put you in a hospital? Thats a smart move!
    Nicole: I'm volentiring. Something you would never do.
    Sami: Oh just shut up, and tell me what room my cousin is in!
    Nicole: 316! Have a nice day.
    Nicole smiles, and Sami rolls her eyes. Sami walks into Andrew's room, and sees Kimberly and Jeannie sitting there.
    Sami: Hey guys. How are you, Andrew?
    Andrew: I'm ok. Just a bullet to the shoulder.
    Sami laughs.
    Sami: So, Alex is ok?
    Kimberly: Yes, Carly is taking him home tomorrow.
    Sami: Thats good. I'm really happy for her.

    Anna and Isabella's food comes.
    Anna: It looks great!
    Isabella: Where is Don anyway?
    Anna: He wasn't feeling too good this morning, so he stayed in his hotel room.
    Isabella rolls her eyes.
    Anna: I'm thinking of having the engagment party at Chez Rouge, you think thats a good idea?
    Isabella: Superb! Then you'll get bombarded with questions as to why your marrying him!
    Anna: Why can't you be happy for me?
    Isabella: Because something is wrong here!

    Belle is on the road, hoping she is driving towards Salem. She realizes there is a cell phone on the passenger seat. She picks it up, and dials a number. It rings. In Marleana's office, her phone rings. She answers it.
    Marleana: Hello?
    Belle: Mom! It's me!
    Marleana: Oh my God! Belle! Where are you?
    Belle: I'm on the road. Kristen DiMera kidnapped me!
    Marleana: Oh my God! Do you know where you are?
    Belle: No. I'm going to get off in a couple of exits and try and get some information.
    Marleana: Thank God! Call me when you get off, and I'll get Roman to send a helicopter to get you.
    Belle: Thanks. Wait; the sign says Salem is just 3 exits away!
    Marleana: Thank God! I'm staying on the phone with you.
    Belle continues driving, but she drops her phone.
    Marleana: Belle?
    Belle reaches for the phone, and a truck comes! It crashes right into Belle, sending her car right into the grass.
    Marleana: Belle! Belle! What happened!?
    The line goes dead, and Roman comes into Marleana's office.
    Marleana: Roman! Roman!

    EJ and Carly are in Alex's room.
    EJ: So, what do you say we have dinner tonight?
    Carly: Sure. Their kicking me out soon to let Alex get some rest.
    They laugh.
    EJ: Carly, I'm so happy that everything is ok. I love you.
    Carly: I love you too.
    He kisses her, and Sami walks in.
    Sami: Well, well, EJ. You sure didn't waste any time.
    Carly looks at her.
    Carly: Is there a problem?
    Sami: With you two getting married? Ya, ther- Oh! You didn't do it yet! I"m so sorry.
    Carly gives her a look.
    Sami: I should go!
    Sami leaves the room.
    Carly: What is she talking about, EJ?

    Isabella finishes her coffee.
    Isabella: You know what? I'm just going to forget about this crazy scenario, and get on with my life.
    Anna: With that man you were with last night?
    Isabella: No! With Roman!
    Anna: Did you even have sex with Roman yet?
    Isabella: Only you can get mad at a woman for choosing a man, whom she hasn't had sex with yet, while your engaged to a man you haven't even known for 24 hours! Oh my God!
    Anna: What?
    Isabella: I just realized that you two haven't even known each other for 24 hours!
    Anna: If this is going to be a lecture as to why I'm marrying Don Craig, then please forget about it!
    Carrie walks by.
    Carrie: Your getting married to Don Craig?
    Anna: Carrie! What are you doing here?
    Carrie: I came to meet Brady for breakfast.
    Anna: Really! Go for it, honey! He finally divorced that sleeze-
    Carrie: Mom, were friends. Please don't think anything of it.
    Isabella: Did you know that your mother and Don Craig haven't even known each other for 24 hours!?
    Carrie: What?
    Anna: Oh look! Brady's here!
    Brady comes.
    Brady: Hello Anna, Isabella, Carrie.
    Him and Carrie hug.
    Carrie: It's good to see you.
    Brady: Good to see you too.
    Anna winks at Isabella.
    Isabella: Oh, no You don't get to do that until you tell me whats going on!

    EJ and Carly are outside of Alex's room now.
    EJ: I was going to ask you to marry me tonight, but it seems that was ruined.
    Carly smiles.
    Carly: It wasn't ruined, EJ. And since I already know your going to ask, I already know the answer, so would you like me to tell you know, or wait till dinner?
    EJ: Dinner. No, wait. I"m not very good at being patient.
    Carly: Well, my answer, is obviouslly yes!
    EJ smiles. They kiss.
    EJ: I love you.
    Carly clears her throat.
    EJ: Oh!
    He goes into his pocket, and takes out the engagment ring box. He opens it, and a beautiful three diamond ring is in there. He takes it out of there.
    EJ: The first diamond represents our past, which was hard without each other.
    She laughs, as tears form in her eyes.
    EJ: The second diamond is out present, where we found each other. And the third represents our future, because we will be together forever.
    Carly: EJ, I love you so much.
    They kiss, as Sami watches from a corner.

    Belle's car is lying upsidedown in the grass. A helicopter is in the sky. The helicopter lands where Belle's car is. Roman and Marleana get out.
    Marleana: Oh my God! Belle!
    Roman goes to the car.
    Roman: Oh God.
    Marleana: What! Roman! Whats wrong?
    The paramedics come, and get Belle out of the car.
    Marleana starts crying.
    Marleana: Is she going to be ok?
    Paremedic: I don't know.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Brady and Carrie are sitting at the Penthouse Grill.
    Brady: There is a reason I asked you to breakfast.
    Carrie: And why's that?
    Brady: I wanted to ask you if you'd go on a date with me.

    Nicole is in Shawn's room.
    Nicole: Shawn, I know that kiss was real.
    Shawn: So do I.

    Carly, Jeannie, and Kimberly are in Andrew's room.
    Carly: EJ and I are engaged!
  4. Daniel
    Leighton Meester: Contract Cut Short!

    In a shocking casting move, Leighton Meester has been cut from the cast. The orignal plan was to renew her contract when it was up in November, but due to storyline purpouses, she will be leaving the show earlier than expected. A last airdate hasn't been given yet, but it is in September.

    Eva Longoria In!

    Eva Longoria has been casted in the role as Valeri. Her character has ties to the DiMera's. She comes to the show with a three month contract. Her role is said to be a short stint, but that can be changed. She first airs September 3!

    Don Diamont In!

    Don Diamont has been playing Eddie, Amanda's ex-husband. His role is said to get a little deeper in September. He has a 6 month contract.

  5. Daniel
    Jed Allen Re-joins Cast!

    After not being seen for more than 20 years, Jed Allen reprises his role as Don Craig! It is currently undecided on how long he will be staying. He's current;y on reccurring for about 2 months, keeping him here until October. If things go well, his contract will be renewed.

    Brandon Beemer; not so Out?

    Brandon Beemer leaves All the Days of Our Lives this month, for a short while when his character leaves town. His last air date is August 7, and he should be back around late November, early December
  6. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Bo is outside with Skye.
    Bo: So you knew that Lorenzo was alive this whole time, and you didn't try to contact him?
    Skye: No, but your brother did! He is making a mistake getting involved with him.
    Bo: How did he get involved with him?
    Skye: Roman got Lorenzo to get Sami back.

    Isabella and Anna are sitting at the bar in Chez Rouge.
    Isabella: So, how have you been these past couple of months?
    Anna: What do you mean? Just because my love turned out to be a nut who kidnaps people? I'm fine.
    Isabella: If you don't want to talk about it-
    Anna: No, lets talk. I come back to Salem and reconnect with an old love. Then I find out that he is not my old love, but he is his look-alike cousin, and he's really been on an island for 20 years!
    Maggie comes behind the bar.
    Maggie: Looks like you could use a refill.
    Anna: Then, things are great, and it turns out he's holding a woman hostage in our house, and he runs away!
    A man comes behind Anna.
    Man: Sounds exicting.
    Maggie: Oh my God! Don!
    Don Craig smiles.

    Amanda walks into Eddie's hospital room. He looks at her.
    Eddie: What the hell are you doing in here?
    Amanda: You sick bastard! What the hell is wrong with you? That little boy could have died!
    Eddie: Our little boy died! But you didn't care! You just gave away his organs!
    Amanda: I did that to keep his memory alive! His organs have saved and are saving people!
    Eddie: Oh shut up, you never cared about him! It's your fault he died!
    Amanda slaps him.
    Amanda: I will not let you talk to me like that anymore! It was not my fault he died! It was not my fault that you were gone during the whole pregnancy! You are an emotional bully who doesnt care about anybody!
    She wipes her tears.
    Amanda: I pushed away my family, I left my home, and for what? To be with an abusive bastard! You ruined my life! I hate you!
    She starts choking him.

    Hope and Ciara come out of the elevator of the hospital.She sees Kimberly.
    Hope: Kimberly! I heard about Andrew!
    Kimberly: Thanks for comming.
    Hope: How is he?
    Kimberly: He was shot in the shoulder, but he's ok.
    Hope hugs her, and she sees Shawn comming in the hospital on a stretcher!
    Hope: Oh my God! Shawn!
    She follows Shawn.

    Bo locks the door.
    Bo: What do you mean?
    Skye: He made a deal with Lorenzo to get Sami if Roman would lock up Jason Morgan.
    Bo: Thanks, Skye, but theres nothing I can do about it.
    Skye: Ok, but before I go theres one thing you should know.
    Bo: What's that?
    Skye: If Roman doesnt lock up Jason Morgan, Lorenzo will not only come after Roman, but your whole family.

    Maggie and Don kiss on the cheek.
    Maggie: Don, it's been so long.
    Don: Too long.
    Maggie: I'd love to stay and talk for a while, but I'm really busy at this time, but we'll talk later.
    Don: Oh, I would have come sooner, but I had to mail a letter before comming here.
    Maggie: Ok, see you soon.
    Maggie goes inside the kitchen, and Don looks at Anna.
    Don: Anna, right?
    Anna: Yes, and your Don Craig.
    Don: Would you like to dance?
    Anna: Sure!
    Anna gets up, and Isabella rolls her eyes. Lorenzo Alcazar comes beside her.
    Lorenzo: Wow, you are so beautiful.
    Isabella looks at him.
    Isabella: Lorenzo!

    Bo is in the hospital waiting room, and sees Hope. He goes to her, and sees that she is crying.
    Bo: Hope, whats wrong?
    Hope: It's Shawn! He was brought into the hospital.
    Bo: What? Is he ok?
    Hope: I don't know.
    Dr. Burban comes out of Shawn's room.
    Dr. Burban: You can go see your son, but I need to talk to you about something first.
    Hope: What's wrong?
    Dr. Burban: Shawn suffered from a seizure.
    Hope: Oh my God. Do you think it could be epilepsey?
    Dr. Burban: No; Shawn was on drugs, which caused the seizure.
    Bo and Hope look at each other in shock.

    Amanda stops choking him.
    Amanda: Don't worry; I won't kill you. You can rot in jail, and have a wonderful time there.
    Eddie: You are going to hell for what you did to our son.
    Amanda grabs the phone and throws it at him! She starts pounding his chest.
    Amanda: I hate you so much!
    Roman comes in the room, and quickly takes Amanda off of him.
    Amanda: I hate you!
    Roman: He's not worth it, Amanda.
    Roman takes her out of the room.

    Carly is sitting in the waiting room with Jeannie and Scotty. Mike comes out of the OR. They get up.
    Carly: How is he?
    Mike: The surgery went very successful.
    Carly: Thank God!
    Her and Scotty hug.
    Mike: We expect him to make a full recovery.
    Carly: When can I take him home?
    Mike: That depends on how fast he recovers, but don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long.
    Carly: Thank you so much.
    EJ comes in the waiting room.
    EJ: Good news?
    Carly: Yes! The surgery was a success!
    He hugs her.
    EJ: That's wonderful news!
    Carly: Mike said he's going to make a full recovery! He's going to be ok!
    EJ hugs her.

    Isabella finishes her drink.
    Isabella: Look, what ever is going on between you and Stefano, Adrianna is not involved in this, so please keep her out of this!
    Lorenzo: I just came to ask you to dinner.
    Isabella closes her mouth, and looks shocked. Isabella laughs.
    Lorenzo: What's so funny?
    She continues laughing, and then starts crying.
    Isabella: Why on earth am I going to get involved with a mobster again?
    Lorenzo: Involved?
    Isabella: Yes! We are going to have a wonderful dinner, full of compliments! Then we are going to go either to your hotel, or my house, and have mind blowing sex! Then I'm going to regret it, because I'd be putting my life as well as my daughter's life in danger!
    Lorenzo looks shocked.
    Lorenzo: All I wanted was to have dinner with you.
    Isabella: That would be great, and I would, but your wife, or whatever she is just walked in.
    Skye walks to the bar, but turns away.
    Lorenzo: Did she see me see her?
    Isabella: No. Wha tthe hell! Shouldn't you talk to her?
    Lorenzo: No!
    Skye leaves Chez Rouge.

    Anna and Don are sitting at a table in Chez Rouge.
    Anna: So you and Marleana were married?
    Don: Yes, and we had a son.
    Anna: A son! Where is he now?
    Don: He died shortly after birth.
    Anna: Oh my God! I"m so sorry.
    Don: Thanks. Thats what broke our marriage apart.
    Anna: It's a shame, really.
    Don: I agree.
    Marleana and Sami walk into Chez Rouge.
    Don: Speak of the devil.
    Anna: What?
    Don: Here's Marleana.
    Marleana and Sami walk by their table, and Marleana stops.
    Marleana: Don?
    Don: Marleana!
    He gets up, and they kiss on the cheek.
    Don: You look beautiful.
    Marleana: Thank you, Don. You look very good.
    Sami clears her throat.
    Marleana: Oh, Don, this is my daughter, Sami.
    Don shakes her hand.
    Don: Great to meet you.
    Sami: Likewise.

    Bo and Hope go into Shawn's room. Shawn wakes up.
    Shawn: Mom, dad.
    Bo: Shawn, we know whats been going on.
    Hope: Tell me what you've been doing!
    Nicole comes in.
    Bo and Hope turn.
    Hope: What are you doing in here?
    Nicole: I came to see Shawn.
    Bo: Please leave, we don't have time for your games.
    Nicole: I'm not here to play games! I'm here to see if Shawn's ok.
    Hope: You can come back later; were busy right now.
    Nicole leaves the room.
    Hope: Well? What is going on?
    Shawn: After Belle and I were locked in the freezer, and it blew up, I was on pain killers for the pain in my back. I got addidcted to them. After a while, I started doing coccain.
    Hope: Oh my God.
    Bo: Shawn, you need to stop this! You have Belle, you have Claire!
    Shawn: I know-
    Hope: Then stop!

    Lorenzo and Isabella sit at a table.
    Lorenzo: So, Isabella; you with anybody?
    Isabella: No, well kinda, but not really.
    Lorenzo: Stefano?
    Isabella: No! I'm done with him!
    Lorenzo: So would this kinda but not really boyfriend mind if we did have mind blowing sex tonight?
    Isabella: I don't know. Would Skye?
    Lorenzo sips some of his champagne, and laughs.

    Marleana smiles.
    Marleana: Well Don, it was nice seeing you.
    Don: You too.
    Marleana and Sami sit at their table.
    Sami: Why were you so nice to him?
    Marleana: Sami, please.
    Sami: He treated you so badly!
    Marleana: It was a long time ago! Wounds heal.
    Sami: Oh please! Do you really believe that?
    Marleana: What are you having? I think I'm going to have some sort of pasta.
    Sami: Fine, ignor it, but when he asks you out on a date, if you accept, I will kill you!
    Marleana: A date! After what happened between us?
    Sami: It was a long time ago. Wounds heal.
    Marleana: Haha, very funny Sami.

    Scotty and Carly are in Alex's room. Carly kisses his cheek. She smiles.
    Carly: Honey, your fine! Your going to be ok!
    Scotty: Your mothers right, Alex.
    Carly: Thank you, Scotty.
    Scotty: For what?
    Carly: For being here. Telling me he's going to make it. It means a lot to me that we are friends now, and we can forget about all that.
    Scotty: It means a lot to me too.
    They hug.

    Nicole walks into Shawn's room. She sits beside him.
    Nicole: Your parents were very welcoming, Shawn.
    Shawn: Why are you here Nicole?
    Nicole: Shawn, I care about you. These past few months havent been just sex for me, and I know it wasn't just sex for you either.
    They move closer to each other, and Shawn kisses her. They start kissing passionatly, and Jeannie walks in. They don't notice, and she quickly gets out.
    Jeannie: Well, well.

    The waiter brings food to Lorenzo and Isabella's table.
    Lorenzo: Looks good.
    Isabella: Lorenzo, why did you ask me to dinner?
    Lorenzo: Because I saw a beautiful woman I haven't seen in a while, and I thought I'd ask her for a nice night, and mabye a nice morning.
    Isabella: You don't know how much I want you right now.
    Lorenzo almost spits out his drink.
    Lorenzo: Wanna forget about dinner?
    Isabella: Hell ya!
    They get up, and leave Chez Rouge.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Isabella and Anna are at breakfast at the Penthouse Grill.
    Anna: Don and I are engaged!
    Isabella spits out her drink.
    Isabella: What!

    Belle walks around the cottage. She notices Kristen isn't there, and she goes to a phone!

    Sami and EJ are in the DiMera living room.
    Sami: So, things with you and Carly are good?
    EJ: Great. I think I'm going to ask her to marry me.
    Sami stares in shock.

    Diane is in Marleana's office.
    Diane: I hate to bother you, Dr. Evans, but I can't get a hold of Belle.
  7. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Hope is sitting in her and Bo's house, on the couch. Bo comes in.
    Hope: Bo, we have to talk.
    Bo: Hope, I'm sorry about what happened. If you want me to move out, I'll go pack everything.
    Hope: No. When Zach died, I turned away from you, and I had sex with Patrick. I'm willing to forgive you for what you did, but I need to know one thing.
    Bo: Anything.
    Hope: I just need to know if your the father of her baby.
    Bo: I'm not.

    Shawn is sitting in the Brady Pub. Nicole walks in, and sits with him.
    Nicole: Hey lover.
    Shawn: Don't call me that.
    Nicole: I have something for you.
    She takes out a bag with coccain in it. Shawn is about to grab it, but she takes it away fast.
    Nicole: It comes at a price.
    Shawn: I can't. Belle's missing, please Nicole, just give me it, and we can meet up another night.
    Nicole: No Shawn! You'll get it when I get mine.
    She gets up, and Shawn follows her.

    Carly turns to Amanda.
    Carly: If you knew he was going to do this, then why the hell didn't you stop him? Or call the police?
    Amanda: He told me he was going to kill me if I did anything! He loked me in a room last night, and I got out this morning, realizing that he had come here.
    Carly: I'm so sorry. Is he capable of actually shooting somebody?
    Amanda: I don't know anymore.
    In the Operation Room, Roman moves closer to the man.
    Man: Stay away, or I'll shoot you!
    Roman: Calm down!
    Man: All I want you to do is to stop this operation, and I'll leave you guys alone!
    Outside, Amanda starts yelling.
    Amanda: Eddie! Stop this!
    Eddie turns around.
    Eddie: Don't try anything.
    He goes outside. He holds his gun to Amanda.

    Hope gets up.
    Hope: How long has this been going on?
    Bo: Today was the first time. It was a mistake. We were both hurt, and we made a mistake turning to each other.
    Hope: Ok Bo. I believe you.
    Bo: Hope,
    Hope: No. You were both hurt, and thats all that happened. I need to get away for a while. From everybody.
    Bo: What do you mean?
    Hope: I need to take a vacation, just with Ciara.

    Belle wakes up in Kristen's cottage. Kristen comes in her room with pancakes, and tea.
    Kristen: See how good a hostess I can be?
    Belle: You'd be an even better hostess if you let me go.
    Kristen: We are not having this discussion.
    Belle: Ok, then why the hell am I here? Why did you kidnap me?
    Kristen: Your baby is going to be my grandchild, because you were supposed to be me and John's child.
    She smiles, and Belle looks confused.

    Amanda looks at him.
    Amanda: Stop this! This little boy needs this surgery to live!
    Eddie: I'm not going to let them use out baby's heart! Even though you don't care!
    Amanda: What the hell are you talking about? Our son died, and his heart can be used to save somebody else! What the hell is wrong with you!
    Eddie: Go to hell!
    He starts shooting! Everybody ducks, and Carly hits the floor hard. Roman shoots Eddie in the back, and Eddie falls to the ground.

    Nicole unlocks the door to her apartment. Her and Shawn go in. He kisses her.
    Nicole: Shawn, you can leave Belle, and be with me.
    Shawn: That isn't going to happen.
    Nicole pulls him away.
    Nicole: I can't do this anymore.
    Shawn: What are you talking about?
    Nicole: I can't be in this anymore. I'm feeding you drugs, and I"m having meaningless sex. Please leave.
    Shawn is about to take the bag of drugs, but Nicole stops him.
    Nicole: I don't think so.

    Bo closes the door as Hope leaves with Ciara. He turns the TV on, andsees the news. He sees the shooting at the hospital.
    Bo: Oh my God.
    He turns the TV off, and gets up. He opens the door, and a woman is standing there.
    Bo: Can I help you?
    Woman: Yes, actually. I'm Skye Quartermaine. You Bo Brady, right?
    Bo: Yes, but I need to go somewhere now. Can we do this later?
    Skye: It's about your brother.

    Carly sees blood on the floor.
    Carly: Was I shot?
    She slowely gets up, with the help of Isabella.
    Isabella: Oh my God! What happened?
    Carly: That man started shooting!
    She looks around, and realizes that Andrew was shot!
    Carly: Andrew!
    Roman comes out of the operating room, and takes Eddie's gun away form him. Amanda wipes her tears. Eddie looks at Amanda.
    Eddie: This isn't over.
    The nurses put Andrew and Eddie on stretchers.
    Kimberly: Don't worry honey, your going to be ok.
    Andrew: It was just in the shoulder. I"ll be fine.
    Mike comes out of the operating room. Carly rushes to him.
    Carly: Is my son going to be ok?
    Mike: Were going to restart the surgery in about an hour, and we'll do out best.
    Carly: Thank you.

    Kristen is about to leave the room.
    Belle: You aren't going to get away with this.
    Kristen: Who's going to save you, Belle? Everybody thinks you left town.
    Belle: They probaly already don't believe it.
    Kristen: Keep telling yourself that, Belle.
    Belle: No, you keep telling yourself that I was supposed to be your child, and that this is your grandchild!
    Kristen: You know Belle, you should start being a bit nicer to me. I could have your precious mother brought here, and killed right in front of you!
    She leave the room, and Belle starts crying. She holds her stomach.
    Belle: Please, Shawn.

    Shawn walks out of Nicole's apartment building. He walks a little to find his car, and starts getting dizzy.
    Shawn: Help!
    A woman sees him, and goes closer to him. Shawn falls to the ground, and starts having a seizure!
    Woman: Oh my God!
    She takes her phone out, and calls 911.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo and Skye are outside Bo's house.
    Skye: If Roman doesnt lock up Jason Morgan, Lorenzo will not only come after Roman, but your whole family.

    Shawn is in his hospital room. Bo and Hope are in there.
    Hope: Tell me what you've been doing!
    Nicole comes in.

    Amanda is in Eddie's hospital room.
    Amanda: You ruined my life! I hate you!
    She starts choking him!

    Isabella and Lorenzo is at Chez Rouge.
    Isabella: Adrianna is not involved in this, so please keep her out of this!
    Lorenzo: I just came to ask you to dinner.
  8. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carly, Kimberly, EJ, Andrew, Scotty, and Jeannie are sitting in the waiting room.
    Carly: Do you think they started the surgery yet?
    Kimberly :They should have.
    In Alex's surgery room, Mike walks in.
    Mike: Ok, evrything's ready. Lets start this.
    The box with the heart is sitting on the table. A doctor looks at it suspicouslly.
    Mike: Is there a problem?

    Roman walks into his office at the Salem PD. Marleana walks in after him.
    Roman: Marleana, there is nothing we can do. Belle called Shawn, and told him she was fine.
    Marleana: Roman, I understand that, but it isn't like her!
    Roman: I agree with you, but she said she was fine.
    Marleana: What if somebody was forcing her to make that call? The number she called from wasn't even her number!
    Roman: It could have been a pay phone, or the hotel phone.
    Marleana: Nothing is missing! She didn't pack anything! Roman, something is wrong! She wouldn't leave, espically now!
    Roman :I understand she would want to be with Shawn after his sisters death, but-
    Marleana: Thats not the only reason she wouldnt leave; Roman, she's pregnant.

    Hope walks Ciara to her room.
    Hope: Did the Maria give you your snack?
    Ciara: Yes mommy. Can you read me a story?
    Hope: Of course sweetie.
    She looks at the time, and realizes that Bo shuld have been home by now.
    Hope: Which one do you want to read?

    Mike looks at the doctor.
    Mike: Is something wrong?
    Doctor: Yes, actually. There is.
    He takes out a gun!
    Doctor: This operation is not going to happen.
    Outside in the hall, Carly is pacing.
    Carly: A nurse should have come out by now to give us an update!
    EJ: Calm down, Carly. She'll probaly be out soon.
    Kimberly: You need to sit sweetie, your going to make a hole in the floor.
    A woman comes to their area.
    Woman: Are you Carly?
    Carly: Yes. Who are you?
    Woman: I'm Amanda. Your son is having the heart transplant today, right?
    Carly: Yes. Why do you want to know?
    Amanda: You need to stop this surgery right now!

    Roman sits in his chair.
    Roman: Look, I really hate to say this, and I hope it isn't the case, but do you think it's possible that Belle could have had a miscarriage, and left town after finding out?
    Marlena: If she wanted to leave town, she would have went to somebody face to face first, Roman!
    Roman: Ok, I"ll look into it, and see if she purchased a plane ticket, or checked into any hotels.
    Marleana: Thank you Roman.
    She gets up, and leaves his office.

    Hope sits on the couch, and turns the TV on. She turns it off, and gets up. She gets the phone, and dials a number.
    Hope: Hey Julie. Can you come to watch Ciara for a bit, please?
    Julie: Sure Hope. I"ll be there in a bit.
    Hope: Thanks.

    Carly looks confused.
    Carly: What are you talking about?
    Amanda: My husband is in there, pretending to be a doctor. The heart they are using was our son's.
    Carly: Oh my God.
    Inside the Operation room, the man looks around.
    Mike: What are you doing? This boy is going to die if we do not do this surgery!
    Man: My son is already dead! And your going to use his heart on this kid! I don't think so!
    Mike: Your sons heart can save another life!
    Man: No!
    He gets angry, and shoots the window!
    Everybody in the waiting room is shocked.
    Carly: Alex!
    She runs to the doors. EJ holds her back.
    Carly: No! My son is in there! Alex!
    A nurse at the nurses station calls the police.

    Bo and Billie are sleeping in bed together. There is a knock at the door. Billie wakes up.
    Bo: What was that?
    Billie: Somebody knocked on the door. Oh my God, Bo! What if it's Hope?
    Bo: We need to put our clothes on.
    Outside her apartment, Hope knocks on the door.
    Hope: I know I said I"d only use this for emergencys.
    She takes out a key, and puts it in the key hole. She turns the key, and the door unlocks.

    Roman comes out of the hospital elevator with a bunch of cops. Kimberly runs to him.
    Kimberly: Roman! Thank God your here!
    Roman: Was anybody hurt?
    Kimberly :I don't think so. Roman, you have to get him out of there!
    Carly: Roman, please get him out of there!
    Roman: I'm going to do everything I can.

    Doug and Julie are in the kitchen at Bo and Hope's house.
    Julie: Should we cook something for Bo and Hope for when they get home?
    Doug: Sure. I don't think Hope is in the mood to cook.
    The doorbell rings. Julie goes to go get it. She opens the door, and Jennifer is there.
    Jennifer: Hey Julie. Where's Bo and Hope?
    Julie: Hope just left, and Bo wasn't here when we got here.
    Jennifer: I hope everythings ok. I just came her to ssee if they were ok.
    Julie: Well, I'm sure they'll be here soon. Hope said she wouldn't be long.
    Jennifer: Ok.

    Hope opens the door to Billie's apartment, and sees Bo and Billie putting their clothes on!
    Hope: Oh my God!
    She starts crying. She throws her key at them.
    Bo: Hope-
    Hope: No, you don't have to explain! I'll have all your stuff packed by tomorrow! You can be with her all you want now!
    Bo: Hope!
    She leaves the apartment, and slams the door. He goes after her.
    Bo: Hope!
    He goes outside her apartment, but Hope is already gone.

    Roman slowely goes into the operating room. The man points his gun to Roman.
    Man: What the hell are you doing?
    Roman: I'm just here to talk to you.
    Man: Well I don't want to talk!
    Roman: Look-
    The man shoots! Everybody ducks.
    Man: Get the hell out of here now!
    Roman: I'm not going anywhere!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo and Hope are at their house.
    Hope: I just need to know if your the father of her baby.
    Bo: I'm not.

    Shots ring out in the hospital. Carly lies on the floor.
    Carly: Alex!
  9. Daniel
    Casting News

    Tamara Braun In!

    The role of Amanda, has been given to Tamara Braun. She comes to the show with a 6 month contract, keeping her here until January, when it will be decided wheather she will stay on or not. Her role is recurring, but that can change in the comming months. She first airs Wednesday July 30.

    Thad Luckbill In!

    Hunk, That Luckinbill joins the castas Jeff, a boyfriend of Jeannie's. He comes to the show with a 6 month contract, on reccuring. He first airs on July 30.

  10. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives 80: Tues 29

    The next morning...
    EJ is sitting in Carly's living room. Carly comes out of the bathroom.
    Carly: Ok, I'm ready. Lets go.
    EJ: Ok.
    They go out into the hallway, and Carly locks the door. Nilan comes out of her apartment.
    Nilan: Good morning Carly, EJ.
    Carly: Good morning Nilan.
    EJ: Good morning, good to see you.
    Nilan: Thank you. Today's the surgery, right?
    Carly: Yes; were going to the hospital right now.
    Nilan: Good, good. I'm praying for your son, and I hope everything works out.
    Carly: Thank you.
    They hug, and EJ and Carly go into the elevator.

    Bo, and Hope are in the church. Billie comes in. Hope hugs her.
    Hope: Hey Billie. How are you holding up?
    Billie: I'm doing better, but still really bad.
    Hope: I know.
    Bo: It'll be ok, Billie we'll get through this.
    Bo hugs her, and Hope looks at them. Carrie, Marleana, Sami, Eric, Roman, Kimberly, Jeannie, and Andrew walk into the church. They all hug. They sit down.
    Bo sits with Kimberly.
    Bo: Wheres Ma and Pop?
    Kimberly: There comming soon with Steve and Kayla. I'm so sorry, Bo.
    They hug.

    Victor, Kate, Steve, Kayla, and Stephanie meet outside the church.
    Kayla: I'm so sorry.
    Kate: Thank you.
    They hug.
    Victor: Ok, lets go in.

    EJ and Carly get out of the car in the hospital parking lot.
    Carly: EJ, thank you for everything.
    EJ hugs her.
    EJ: No problem.
    Carly: And thank you for last night. It was great.
    He smiles.
    EJ: I feel the same.
    They go into the hospital, and EJ pushes the button for the elevator. They go inside. Carly pushes the button, and the doors close.
    EJ: You look much better today.
    Carly :I am going to think positively about this. Alex is going to make it through.
    EJ: If he's anything like his mother, he'll be just fine.
    They hug and the elevator starts shaking.
    Carly: Whats going on?!?
    The elevator stops shaking, and it stops.
    Carly: No! No! This can't be happening!

    Everybody is in the church, and the funeural has started. Billie is standing near Chelsea's coffin.
    Billie: As you all know, I did not find out about Chelsea being my daughter until recently. I was asked by her mother to take care of her, and people told me not to get to close, because I was in the process of looking for my daughter. Little did I know that I didn't have to look any further. Chelsea filled something in my life that I was looking for for so long.
    She holds her pregnant stomach. She starts crying.
    Billie: I'm sorry, I didn't want to do this.
    Bo gets up, and helps her to her seat. He gets up to talk next.
    Bo: When we started to look for Chelsea, I was very upset at first, knowing that I had missed out on her childhood. But then I realized that I had the rest of her life, not to miss.
    He starts crying.
    Bo: I was wrong, and I should have protected her.
    He sits down, and Hope gets up.

    Carly pushes the emergency button, but the power goes out.
    Carly: Oh my God! EJ, we have to get out of here!
    EJ: Don't worry.
    He takes his phone out, but he has no service.
    EJ: Damn it!

    Scotty and Mike are in Mike's office.
    Scotty: I don't know whats taking Carly so long. She's usually on time for everything.
    Mike: Well, I need to start the surgery soon. Alex has been ready for a while now. I need to go get something downstairs.
    Scotty: Ok, no problem.
    Mike leaves his office, and goes to the elevator. He pushes the button, but notices that the light doesnt come.A nurse comes.
    Nurse: This elevator isn't working for some reason. I hope nobody's in there.
    Mike: Ya. Oh no.
    He realizes that Carly might be in there.
    Mike: Did you call anyone to get it moving again?
    Nurse: Not yet, it happens all the time. It should be fine in a couple hours.
    Mike: What! Somebody is in there! Call somebody right now!
    Nurse: Ok, Dr. Horton.

    Hope wipes a tear.
    Hope: Chelsea and I didn't always get along, but we finally did, and I have to say, she was an amazing human being. I'm so sad that I'm never going to completly get to know Chelsea.
    She starts crying, and she sits down. Bo puts his arm around her.

    The elevator technician stands away form the elevator. Inside, the power comes back on, and it starts moving again.
    Carly: Thank God!
    Her and EJ hug. The doors open, and they get out of the elevator. Carly looks at the technician.
    Carly: Wha tthe hell took you so long!?!
    Technician: I can guess why she's in the hospital.
    Carly: Wow, you are so funny!
    Diane comes into the hallway, and bumps into the technician.
    Diane: Oh, sorry Jeff.
    Carly: You must come here often.
    She looks at Diane.
    Carly: Mabye you should get this fancy hospital to get elevators that actually work!
    EJ: Ok, ok, Carly. Calm down.
    Mike: Ok, umm, I'll bring you to see Alex before the surgery.
    Carly: Thanks. They walk away.
    Jeff looks at the TV.
    News Anchor: Today, the funeural is being held for Chelsea Brady, who was killed by Salem's Serial Killer! More on this story later.

    Chelsea has just been buried, and people start to leave the church. Hope is talking to Maggie. Bo goes to hug Billie.
    Bo: You ok?
    Billie: No. I need you to be with me right now Bo.
    Bo: Hope's already suspicious of us after I went to your apartment.
    Billie: Please Bo. Theres nobody else I can be with right now.
    He rubs her stomach.
    Bo: Ok. I'm going to go tell Hope that I"m going to drive you home.
    Billie: Thanks.

    Carly is in Alex's room. She holds him.
    Carly: Your going to be ok, honey. You have to be storng, and you will get through this.
    Kimberly comes in the room.
    Carly: Hey.
    Kimberly: Hi. How are you?
    Carly: I'm doing better. The funeural's over?
    Kimberly: Yes. So how is he?
    Carly: He's doing good. You want to hold him?
    Kimberly: Sure.
    Carly hands him to her, and Kimberly kisses him.
    Kimberly: I love you so much. Your going to be ok, honey.

    Billie unlocks the door to her apartment, and her and Bo go inside.
    Billie: Thank you so much, Bo.
    They stand in silence for a moment, and they kiss. They start kissing passionatly.
    Billie: I want you, Bo.
    They go into her room, and start to make love.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly, Kimberly, EJ, Andrew, Scotty, and Jeannie are in the waiting room. A woman comes to talk to them.
    Woman: You need to stop this surgery, right now.

    In Alex's surgery room, the box with the heart inside of it is sitting on the table. A doctor looks at it suspicouslly.
  11. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Kristen is driving a van. She is driving in the country. She looks back at Belle.
    Kristen: Sleep, sweetie, sleep.
    She flashes back to going into Marleana's penthouse, and looking at pictures of Belle as a baby.
    She comes back.
    Kristen: You should have been my child with John.
    Belle wakes up in the back.
    Belle: What's going on?

    EJ comes down the stairs in the DiMera mansion. He goes into the living room, and picks up his watch from the table.
    Sami: Where are you going?
    EJ: To Carly's apartment.
    Sami: So, it's getting serious?
    EJ: I guess so.
    They have an awkward silence.
    Sami: I heard about Alex. How is she doing with that?
    EJ: She's trying to be strong.
    Sami: Your a great guy, being with her during this time. Most guys would run for the hills.
    EJ: Thank you, Sami. Well, I better leave. I'll see you later.
    Sami: Bye.

    Scotty walks into the Cheatin Heart. He sits at the bar and orders a drink. Cathy walks in, and sits next to him.
    Cathy: Rough day?
    Scotty looks at her and smiles.
    Scotty: You can bet your bottom dollar.
    Cathy: Mabye I can help with that.
    She rubs his shoulder. Scotty takes her hand off his shoulder.
    Scotty: I'm not into random hookups.
    Cathy: I'm sorry? What do I look like to you?
    Scotty: A woman in desperate need for sex.

    Kristen gets off at the next exit.
    Kristen: Just sleep, Belle. You'll be fine.
    Belle: What the hell is going on? Where am I?
    Kristen: Don't worry about that.
    Kristen turns into the driveway of a cottage. She gets out of the car. She opens Belle's door.
    Kristen: Get out.
    Belle gets out, and they go inside the cottage.
    Kristen: Sit on the couch.
    Belle sits.
    Belle: What the hell do you want with me?
    Kristen gives her a cell phone.
    Kristen: Call Shawn. Tell him that you had to leave town to sort out a couple of things.
    Belle: He's not an idiot!
    Kristen: Just shut up and do it! Try anything, and he'll be dead.

    The doorbell of the DiMera mansion rings, and Sami goes to answer it. Marleana and Eric come in.
    Eric: Hey Sami.
    Sami: Hey mom, hey Eric.
    Marleana: What's wrong?
    Sami: Nothing. I'm just a little tired
    Eric: Are you going to the funeural tomorrow?
    Sami: Yes. Can you guys pick me up?
    Marleana: Sure no problem.

    EJ comes out of the elevator of Carly's apartment. He knocks on the door. Carly answers.
    EJ: Hey sweetie.
    He kisses her.
    Carly: Hey.
    He goes inside.
    EJ: So, any news on Alex?
    Carly: Yes, actually. Dr. Horton found a donor for him. He wants to do the surgery tomorrow.
    EJ: Thats good. What time?
    Carly: In the morning.
    EJ: Where's Alex?
    Carly: He's at the hospital. Their doing some tests on him, and they want him to stay over night.
    EJ: Carly, if you want to go, it's really no problem.
    Carly: No, it's fine. I was there all day. They pratcially ordered me to go home.
    Tears start to form in her eyes.
    EJ: Hey, it's going to be ok. He's going to make it.
    He hugs her.

    Shawn is at the Pub with Hope.
    Hope: Shawn, don't worry. I"m sure she's fine.
    Shawn's phone rings. He answers it.
    Shawn: Hello?
    Belle: Shawn, it's me.
    Shawn: Belle! Where are you?
    Belle: Don't worry. I left town. I need to sort out a couple things. I'll be fine.
    Shawn: Belle, whats going on?
    Belle: I have to go. Sorry.
    She hangs up.
    Hope: What's wrong?
    Shawn: That was Belle. She said she left town.
    Hope: What? Thats not like her.
    Shawn tries to call back the number, but it goes straight to voicemail.
    Sami, Eric, Marleana, and the twins come into the Pub. Shawn gets up.
    Shawn: Marleana, can I talk to you?
    Marleana: Of course. Whats wrong?

    Scotty gets out of the elevator of the hospital. He goes to Alex's room. A nurse is in there.
    Nurse: Hi, your Mr. Banning, right?
    Scotty: Yes.
    Nurse: Your son is doing very well. We expect the surgery to go smoothly tomorrow.
    Scotty: Thank you.
    She leaves the room, and Scotty sits with Alex.
    Scotty: Hey Alex. Your going to be ok. You have to be strong for tomorrow. For your mother, for me.
    He kisses him on the cheek.

    EJ is sitting on the couch, and Carly comes out of the bathroom.
    Carly: Sorry EJ. I know I look horrible, and I'm acting like a nutcase.
    EJ: You do not look horrible. You look beautiful, as always.
    He kisses her. The kiss becoms more passionate, and they start making out.
    Carly: EJ, I want you.
    They go into her bedroom, and they start kissing on the bed. They take their clothes off, and start to make love.

    Marleana is sitting with Shawn and Hope.
    Marleana: That certinally doesnt sound like Belle.
    Hope: I know.
    Marleana: Did anything happen between you two before she left? A fight?
    Shawn: No, everything was great.
    Marleana: I'll try to call her. And if she calls me, I'll let you know.
    Shawn: Thanks.

    Belle is in a bedroom. The door is locked, and she can't get out. She starts crying.
    Belle: Please let me out!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    EJ and Carly are in the elevator of the hospital. The elevator shakes. It stops, and it is stuck.
    Carly: EJ, I have to be there!

    Carrie, Marleana, Sami, Eric, Roman, Kimberly, Jeannie, and Andrew walk into the church for Chelsea's funeural.

    Hope stands at Chelsea's coffin, with tears in her eyes.
    Hope: I'm so sad that I'm never going to completly get to know Chelsea.
  12. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carly and Scotty meet in the hospital waiting room.
    Scotty: How are you?
    Carly: Im ok. How about you?
    Scotty: I'm good.
    He sees tears form in her eyes.
    Scotty: It will be ok Carly. He's going to make it.
    Carly starts crying.
    Carly: What if he doesnt?
    He hugs her.

    Roman and Sami walk into the Brady Pub. Bo, Hope, Kimberly, Jeannie, Andrew, Eric, Will, Marleana, Shawn, Caroline, Carrie, and Shawn are shocked to see Sami.
    Marleana: My sweet angel, thank God.
    Everybody gets up, and hugs Sami.
    Eric: Sami, I'm so happy your back.
    Will: Mom, I love you so much.
    Sami: Me too honey.
    She hugs him.

    Belle is in Diane's office. Diane comes in.
    Diane: Hi Belle; how are you?
    Belle: I'm good. How about you?
    Diane: Good. So, I got those tests back, and everything is good with your baby.
    Belle: Thanks.
    Diane: So did you tell your family yet?
    Belle: I told my mom, but iddnt have the chance to tell Shawn yet.
    Diane: Oh, I heard about his sister. I'm so sorry about what happened to her.
    Belle: Thanks.

    Scotty and Carly are in Mike's office. Mike comes in.
    Mike: Hello.
    He shakes hands with Scotty and Carly.
    Carly: So, whats going on?
    Mike: I have some good news; we found a heart for Alex.
    Carly: And, will Alex be ok?
    Mike: Carly, I am going to do my best to make sure that Alex makes it through this surgery.
    Scotty: Have you done this before?
    Mike: Yes; I've done it two other times, and they were very succesful.
    Carly: But were they in the same condition as Alex?
    Mike hesitates for a moment.
    Mike: No.

    Bo and Hope are sitting at a table in the Pub.
    Hope: Bo, I never apogolized for last night. I'm sorry about what I said. You didn't deserve that after what happened.
    Bo: Thanks Hope.
    Sami comes to their table.
    Sami: Hey uncle Bo, aunt Hope. I heard what happened last night. I'm so sorry about Chelsea.
    Bo: Thank you Sami.
    She hugs him.
    Sami: When are you guys having the funeural.
    Bo: Tomorrow.
    Sami: Ok. I'll see you guys tomorrow. Bye.
    Bo: Bye.
    Hope: Bye sweetie.

    Belle leaves Diane's office, and turns a corner. She bumps into Kristen. Belle drops her ultrasound picture.
    Kristen: Oh, I'm so sorry.
    Belle: It's ok.
    Kristen picks up her picture for her. She realizes it's an ultrasound picture.
    Kristen: Your pregnant!
    Belle: Yes.
    Belle looks uneasy, and tries to walk away, but Kristen gets in her way.
    Belle: Excuse me.
    Kristen: Belle Black. I knew your father. I'm Kristen Blake, by the way.
    Belle looks confused, then realizes who she is.
    Belle: Oh my God.
    Belle turns to walk away.

    Mike gets out a paper and a pen.
    Mike: Ok, it's best to do this surgery as soon as possible. How's tomorrow?
    Carly: Tomorrow's ok with me.
    Scotty: Carly, are you sure you want to do it tomorrow? Chelsea's funeural is tomorrow.
    Carly: Yes, it's fine. Alex needs this surgery.
    Mike: Then tomorrow it is. Thanks; I'll call you later on the time and everything.
    Carly: Thanks.
    Scotty shakes his hand.
    Scotty: Thanks Mike.

    Kristen: Sorry Belle, I can't let you leave.
    Kristen chlorforms her. Belle falls back, and Kristen catches her. She puts Belle in a nearby wheelchair and wheels her out of the hospital.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives.

    Kristen is driving. Belle wakes up in the back.
    Belle: What's going on?

    Shawn is on the phone.
    Shawn: Belle, whats going on?
    Belle: I have to go. Sorry.

    EJ and Sami are in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    Sami: Where are you going?
    EJ: To Carly's apartment.
    Sami: So, it's getting serious?

    Scotty is at the Cheatin' Heart. Cathy sits next to him.
    Cathy: Rough day?
    Scotty looks at her and smiles.
  13. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Abe is sitting in his desk at the Salem PD. Carly rusehs into his office.
    Abe: Carly, what's wrong?
    Carly: It's the killer! He attacked me in the elevator.
    Abe: Are you ok?
    Carly: I'm fine. I got out, and went into my car fast.
    Abe: Ok; I'm going to have a guard take you home, and he's going to stay outside your door tonight.
    Carly: Thanks.
    Abe: You didin't hear, did you?
    Carly: Hear what?
    Abe: About Chelsea.

    Bo and Hope open the door to their house.
    Hope: Bo, I'm so sorry.
    They hug. Bo goes upstairs, and Hope goes to the phone. Bo comes back down, and she hangs up the phone.
    Hope: Bo, where are you going?
    Bo: To Billie's apartment. I'm going to see if she's ok.
    Hope: Bo, I think you should stay here right now. I'm sure Kate's there.
    Bo: Hope, I have to go.
    Hope: What is with you? And your need to always comfort her? What about the father of her baby?
    Bo: Hope,
    Hope: Oh my God. Your the father.

    Lorenzo is in a board room. He takes a sip of his drink, and the door opens.
    Lorenzo: Ahh, good to see you.
    Stefano DiMera walks into the room.
    Stefano: Mr. Alcazar, what do I owe this pleasure to?
    They shake hands.
    Lorenzo: Sit, Stefano, sit.
    Stefano: So, what's this about? I'm a very busy man, Lorenzo.
    Lorenzo: We just have to discuss the explosion.
    Stefano stares at him.

    Carly opens the door to the Brady Pub. Her guard waits outside. Shawn, Caroline, and Kimberly come out from the kitchen.
    Carly: I"m so sorry about Chelsea.
    She hugs them.
    Caroline: Thank you, Carly.
    Kimberly: Alex is sleeping upstairs; do you want me to go get him.
    Carly: I have to talk to you about something first.

    Bo puts down his car keys.
    Bo: Hope, I'm not the father of her baby!
    Hope: Then why do you always feel the need to go comfort her when she needs comforting?
    Bo: We just lost our daughter Hope!
    Hope: Well, I guess going to yuor wife for comfort is just crazy, now isn't it?
    Bo: Like when you went to Patrick for comfort?
    Bo takes his car keys and leaves. Hope starts crying.

    Stefano takes a sip of water.
    Stefano: I will assure you that you will be companseated for that. Now is that it, or is there more?
    Lorenzo: Theres more. You don't have to make up for any of my lost items.
    Stefano: Really? What do I have to do for you?
    Lorenzo: Give me Sami Brady.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: And what do you want with the lovely Samantha?
    Lorenzo: You can either give me Samantha, or I expose your where abouts and I give the Salem PD proof that you have Samantha Brady.

    Kimberly and Carly sit at a table.
    Kimberly: Whats wrong?
    Carly: I met with Dr. Horton today to discuss Alex's condition, and he told me that Alex needs a heart transplant.
    Kimberly: Oh my God. But they do these things all the time, right?
    Carly: Yes, but with Alex's case, it's very risky. He can't guarentee that Alex will survive.
    Kimberly: Honey, he has to do this transplant.
    Carly: Or not. Theres one more thing we can try.
    Kimberly: What's that?
    Carly: Do the same thing we did with you; only with my father.

    Hope comes out of the kitchen, as the doorbell rigns. She goes to answer it, and lets Marleana in. Marleana hugs her.
    Marleana: I'm so sorry about Chelsea.
    Hope: Thank you.
    Marleana: Where's Bo?
    Hope: He's with Billie.
    Hope closes the door.
    Marleana: Hope, I heard a little resentment in your voice. Do you have a problem with him being with Billie at this time?
    Hope: I just expected him to come to his wife for comfort.
    Marleana: Hope, you went to Patrick when Zach passed away.
    Hope: Marleana that was a different situation! Bo let Chelsea drive that night.
    Marleana: Did Bo tell her to accidently hit Zach? If somebody shoots someone, do the cops blame the man that sold the gun?
    Hope: Well, good to know your taking his side.
    Marleana: Thats not what I'm doing Hope. You are being unreasonable, and you know it.

    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: You should know better, than to try and blackmail Stefano DiMera!
    Lorenzo: This building is full of ISA agents who are just waiting to take you into custody. Just give me Samantha Brady, and you walk out of here with no problem.
    Stefano looks at him.
    Stefano: She's downstairs, in room 271.
    Lorenzo takes his phone out.
    Lorenzo :I'll just have that checked out.
    He dials a number.
    Lorenzo: 271, check it.
    The man on the phone tells him something.
    Lorenzo: Thank you, Stefano. I'll see myself out.
    Lorenzo leaves the room, and Stefano throws his glass at the door.

    Kimberly stands up.
    Carly: Come on, it can help Alex.
    Kimberly: I'm so sorry honey; your father's dead.
    Carly starts crying.
    Carly: What if he doesnt make it?
    Kimberly: He will honey, you have to believe that he will.

    Lorenzo walks with Sami out of the building.
    Sami: Why did you save me?
    Lorenzo: Your father asked me to.
    Sami: And I'm sure that you just said "Oh sure, no problem" What's he doing for you?
    Lorenzo: You don't have to worry about that; I'm just going to get you home.
    Sami: Well, thanks anyway. It means a lot to me.
    Lorenzo: No problem.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Roman and Sami walk into the Brady Pub. Bo, Hope, Kimberly, Jeannie, Andrew, Eric, Marleana, Shawn, Caroline, Carrie, and Shawn are shocked to see Sami.
    Marleana :My sweet angel, thank God.

    Belle bumps into Kristen, and she drops her ultrasound picture.
    Kristen: Your pregnant!

    Scotty and Carly are in Mike's office.
    Mike: I have some good news; we found a heart for Alex.
    Carly: And, will Alex be ok?
  14. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Jack is on his laptop. His phone rings.
    Jack: Hello? Chelsea!
    Chelsea: Jack, it's me. Calm down!
    Jack: Chelsea, don't do anything!
    Chelsea: I know who it is! I know who killed her!
    Jack: Chelsea, you've already said too much! Are you alone?
    Chelsea: Jack, I need to go.
    Jack: No!
    Jennifer comes behind him, and looks at his laptop.
    Jennifer: Jack! I knew you were investigating this killer!

    Bo and Hope arrive at Chez Rouge. They sit at Shawn and Belle's table.
    Bo: Hey guys.
    They get up, and they all hug.
    Hope: So, how are you guys?
    Belle: Were good. Why didn't you bring Ciara?
    Hope: We wanted to, but she got really sick. Maggie's watching her.
    Belle: Oh. I hope she's feeling better!
    Hope: What about Claire?
    Belle: She has a sleepover tonight.
    Hope: Oh. Her first one?
    Belle: Ya; she was so exicted.
    Bo: So how's the wedding plans comming?

    Stephanie knocks on Bo and Hope's door.
    Stephanie: Chelsea, where are you?
    She goes to the back door, and takes out a key. She unlocks it, and goes inside.
    Stephanie: Chelsea! Are you here? I know what you and Jack are doing!
    The lights flicker on and off. Stephanie walks into the living room, and sees there is blood on the floor.
    Stephanie: Chelsea!
    She sees blood on the door knob going to the basement. She takes her phone out. She opens the door, and sees Chelsea's lifeless body on the stairs! Stephanie yells, and drops her phone.

    Jack closes his laptop.
    Jack: Jennifer, you don't understand.
    Jennifer: The hell I don't! Do you want to get yourself killed?
    Jack: Jennifer, please stop.
    Jennifer: No!
    Jack goes to the door.
    Jack: I need to help Chelsea.
    Jennifer: Jennifer: Jack Deveraux! Don't get yourself in this!
    Jack: I already am.
    He closes the door, and Jennifer throws a cup at the wall.

    Belle takes a sip of her water.
    Belle: Good, actually. I found a dress.
    Hope: Have you set a date?
    Belle: When we find Sami.
    Bo: Don't worry Belle; we'll find her.
    Belle: I hope so. Well, there was a reason I invited you guys.
    Shawn: And it's been killing me all night, so lets get on with it.
    Belle: Ok, I have some big news.

    Stephanie is covered in blood, and she is yelling and crying. There is a knock at the door. Kimberly, Andrew, and Jeannie are standing outside.
    Jeannie: Mom, you can just use your key.
    Stephanie opens the door, and their faces turn to shock.
    Kimberly: Stephanie, what happened?
    Jeannie: Oh my God!
    Andrew: Chelsea!
    Stephanie: I don't know! I don't know!
    Jeannie grabs the phone, and calls 911.
    Stephanie: It's the same person who killed Lexie! She knows! She knows who it is!
    Kimberly: Steph, it's ok honey.
    Stephanie: No it's not!

    Jack is on the road, trying to call Chelsea's phone. He arrives at the Brady Pub. He rushes in, and sees Caroline.
    Jack: Caroline, is Chelsea here?
    Caroline: No, she left a couple hours ago. I think she went home.
    Jack: Damn it!

    Hope smiles.
    Hope: Well, what is it?
    Belle: I'm-
    Bo's phone rings.
    Bo: I'm so sorry.
    He answers the phone. He listens to the person, and his face grows long.
    Hope: Bo, what's wrong?
    Bo: It's Chelsea
    Shawn: What happened?
    Bo: She's being rushed to the hospital.
    Belle: Oh my God!
    They quickly get up, and head to the hospital.

    Stephanie sits on the couch, as Kimberly goes with the paramedics in the ambulance. Jennie and Andrew sit with her. Stephanie is starring into nothing.
    Jeannie: Steph, are you ok?
    She doesn't answer.
    Jeannie: Steph?
    Andrew: She's very stressed now, just let her rest for a little.
    Jeannie: Did anybody call Billie?
    Andrew: I don't think so. I'll call her.

    Bo, Hope, Shawn, and Belle get out of the elevator, just as Chelsea is brought into the hospital on a stretcher. Kimberly follows.
    Kimberly: Bo, Hope. I'm so sorry.
    She hugs Bo.
    Bo: What happened?
    Kimberly: We knocked on your door, and Stephanie answered it covered in blood. Oh Bo, I don't know what happend!
    Bo tries to follow Chelsea.
    Nurse: Sorry, we'll call you when were ready.
    Bo starts crying. Hope hugs him. Billie comes out of the elevator in tears.
    Billie: Bo, Bo, what happened?
    Bo hugs her. The doctor comes out, with a sad face on. Billie holds her pregnant stomach.

    Jack is in the hospital parking lot. He gets a text message. He ckecks it.
    Text: I GOT YOUR WIFE.
    Jack looks in shcok, and calls Jennifer.

    At Jack and Jennifer's house, there is a knock on the door. Jennifer goes to answer it, but the phone rings. She gets the phone.
    Jennifer: Hello.
    Jack: Jennifer! Thank God! Don't get the door.
    Jennifer: Jack, what's wrong?
    A rock is thrown through the window in the door. Jennifer yells, and drops the phone. The killer leaves, and Jennifer picks up the phone.
    Jennifer: Jack! Jack!
    A letter is attached to the rock. Jennifer picks it up and reads it.
    It reads: YOU CAN'T HIDE.

    Shawn and Caroline are at the Pub, cleaning up.
    Shawn: We had a lot of customers today.
    Caroline: I know.
    Steve and Kayla come into the Pub.
    Caroline: What's wrong?
    Kayla: It's Chelsea.

    Billie wipes tears from her eyes.
    Billie: Bo, is she going to be ok?
    Bo: I don't know.
    Billie holds her stomach.
    Bo: Are you ok?
    Billie: I'm fine, Bo. We need to see our daughter!
    Mike comes out of Chelsea's room.
    Mike: I'm sorry; Chelsea has no brain activity. She is only surviving on life support, and she will never breath on her own again.
    Billie's face falls in her hands, and Bo hugs her. Belle hugs Shawn, and Hope starts crying.

    Carly comes out of the elevator of Scotty's apartment. She knocks on his door. Scotty answers, and she walks in, seeing Doug and Julie.
    Carly: Scotty, we need to talk.
    Julie: Doug, mabye we should leave.
    Carly: It's about Alex.
    Scotty sees tears in her eyes.
    Scotty: Carly, what happened?
    Carly starts crying.
    Carly: Alex needs a heart transplant. The doctor said it's very risky.
    Scotty hugs her.

    Steve, Kayla, Caroline, and Shawn walk into the hospital waiting room. They hug Hope.
    Caroline: Hope, is she ok?
    Hope: She has no brain activity. She's dead.
    Hope starts crying, and Caroline hugs her.
    Caroline: Where's Bo and Billie?
    Hope: They went to see Chelsea.

    Bo and Billie are in Chelsea's room.
    Billie: Do you think she can hear us, Bo?
    Bo: I don't think so, Billie.
    Billie starts crying.
    Billie: Chelsea, please, wake up.
    Bo hugs her.
    Bo: What are we going to do?
    Billie: We only have one choice, don't we?

    Carly picks up her purse.
    Carly: I need to go.
    Scotty: Carly, wait!
    She levaes the apartment, and runs in the elevator, as it almost closes. Carly wipes her tears, and looks to her right. She sees someone standing there with a mask on, holding a knife! She yells, and Scotty hears her scream!

    Mike comes in Chelsea's room. Bo turns to look at Mike.
    Bo: We've come to a decesion.
    Mike: Look, you are under no pressure, you guys can take all the time you need.
    Billie: We already came to a decision. Were going to take her off the life support.

    Carly is still yelling in the elevator.
    Killer: So, did you get a good look at my face when you saw me kill Leixe?
    Carly: If I did, you would be behind bars right now.
    Killer: Well, I won't take that chance. You can join your cousin.
    Carly: What are you talking about?
    The killer rubs the knife around Carly's neck.
    Carly: You forgot something.
    Killer: Really? What is that?
    The elevator doors open, and she steps on their foot. She runs out to the apartment garage. She looks in her purse for her keys. She gets them, and quickly goes into her car. She locks the doors, and takes a breath. She looks for her phone, but it is dead.
    Carly: Damn it.
    She puts the key is the ignition, and the killer comes to the window.
    The killer bangs on the window. She yells, and drives away.

    Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Shawn, Caroline, Shawn, Belle, Billie and Mike are in Chelsea's room.
    Billie: Goodbye my sweet, little angel. I'm so sorry.
    She kisses her head. Mike pulls the plug, and Chelsea dies. Tears fall down everyone's face. Hope is about to hug Bo, butBo hugs Billie.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Lorenzo is sitting at a table. The door opens.
    Lorenzo: Ahh, good to see you.
  15. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carly comes out of the elevator at Salem University Hospital. She goes to the nurse's station.
    Carly: Hi, I have an appoitment with Dr. Horton.
    Nurse: You can go in his office. If he's not there, he'll be there in a little bit.
    Carly: Thanks. She goes to his office.

    Marlena wakes up in her office as the door opens. Belle walks in.
    Belle: Hey mom. You stayed here again?
    Marleana: Yes. I was here late doing some work.
    Belle: Mom, please you need to stop this. I know it's been hard with everything with dad and Sami, but you need to get through it.
    Marleana: It's so ironic, Belle. I have helped patients through this, telling them the same thing. But now I realize that telling somebody to get through it doesn't work. It doesnt!
    Marleana starts crying, and Belle hugs her. Belle puts her purse next to her, and an ultrasound falls out of it.

    Lorenzo Alcazar sits next to Roman.
    Roman: So, word in Port Charles is that you were dead.
    Lorenzo: And how did you find out I wasn't?
    Roman: An old contact; Jerry Jax.
    Lorenzo: So; you know I'm alive, and that can get me in loads of trouble. Why should I help you?
    Roman: You help me, and I'll make sure that Jason Morgan fries for your "murder".
    Lorenzo: I highly doubt that.
    Roman: Really? Why?
    Lorenzo: Jerry Jax, and my ex-wife will just find another way to get him out of it.
    Roman: I heard about that. Carly Jax, right?
    Lorenzo: Yup.
    Roman: Well, I'll make sure that won't happen.
    Lorenzo: And what do you want from me?
    Roman: Get in contact with Stefano DiMera.

    Carly is sitting in Mike's office.
    Mike: Carly, there's no easy way to say this.
    Carly: Say what?
    Mike: We need to go with the orignal plan.
    Carly: What are you saying?
    Mike: Alex needs the heart transplant.
    Carly stares blankly at him, as tears form in her eyes.
    Carly: He's going to be ok right, I mean it's a simple surgery right?
    Mike: Carly, it's very difficult and risky for his age.
    Carly: But he'll be ok, right? Your the best doctor for this, right?
    Mike: Carly, I'm going to do my best to make sure he is ok, but I can't promise anything.

    Kristen unlocks the door to her hotel room. She takes out a photo album. It is a photo album of John, Marleana, and Belle when Belle was a baby. She rips out a picture of Marleana and throws it into the fireplace. She closes it, and goes to the desk. She picks up a frame of John, and hugs it. She sits on the couch with it, and starts crying.

    Marleana looks on the floor.
    Marleana: You dropped something.
    Belle: Oh, don't worry about it.
    Marleana bends to get it, and sees that it is an ultrasound.
    Marleana: Oh my god, Belle.
    Belle: I'm sorry mom, I didn't want anybody to know about it yet.
    Marleana smiles.
    Marleana: I'm so happy for you.
    Marleana hugs her, as she wipes tears from her eyes.
    Marleana: When did you find out?
    Belle: A couple days ago.
    Belle starts crying.

    Lorenzo: That'll be easy.
    Roman: Easy?
    Lorenzo: I had some shipments in that building when it blew up. I still haven't talked to him about it.
    Roman: What about my daughter?
    Lorenzo: Don't worry. I"ll meet him in person, and I'll find out where your daughter is.
    Roman: Thanks. And I'll be in Port Charles, and have Morgan taken care of.
    Lorenzo: Thanks.
    Roman: So I heard Skye left Port Charles. Is she with you?
    Lorenzo: No. Her and Lila are in Paris. She has no idea I'm alive.
    Roman: So why don't you tell her?
    Lorenzo: It's complicated, Roman.
    Roman gets up.
    Roman: Trust me. You have the chance. Don't let it go, or you will regret it.

    Carly sits on a chair in the waiting room. She looks in her purse for her phone but can't find it. She gets frustrated, and throws her purse. She starts crying. Isabella picks up her purse.
    Isabella: You dropped this.
    Carly takes it from her.
    Carly: If your here to critizize me, please do it at another time.
    Isabella: That's not why I came up to you Carly.
    Carly: Then why did you?
    Isabella: Because I want to help you.
    Carly looks up at her.

    Belle leaves Marleana's office. She takes her phone out, and dials Shawn's number. Kristen watches her from the corner. The phone goes to Shawn's answering machine.
    Belle: Shawn, it's me. There is something we need to talk about. Dinner at Chez Rouge? Call me. Love you; bye.
    She hangs up the phone, and goes into the elevator. The doors are about to close, but Kristen puts her hands in between them.
    Kristen: Sorry about that.
    She smiles.
    Belle: No problem.
    Kristen: Hold on a minute; are you Belle Black?
    Belle: Yes; how do you know my name?
    Kristen: I read about you in the paper. I'm so sorry about your father, and your sister.
    Belle: Thank you. Do I know you from somewhere?
    Kristen: No; not that I can think of.
    The doors open.
    Kristen: Well, heres my stop. Bye.
    Belle: Bye.

    Isabella sits next to Carly.
    Isabella: So, Carly, what's wrong?
    Carly: Since when do you care?
    Isabella: Fine Carly, you can just sit here alone, and cry.
    Carly: Fine, if you really want to know. It's Alex.
    Isabella: What's wrong?
    Carly: Dr. Horton said he needs the heart transplant, and it's very risky.
    Isabella: Carly, I'm very sorry. I hope everything goes well.
    Carly: Thank you, Isabella.

    Lorenzo drinks his last glass of beer, and takes his phone out.
    Lorenzo: Stefano, good to hear from you. We need to discuss something When is a good time for you?
    He pauses.
    Lorenzo: Ok, I'll see you tomorrow then.
    He hangs up.

    Next on All the Days Of Our Lives:

    Shawn, Belle, Bo, and Hope are at Chez Rouge.
    Belle: I have some big news.

    Chelsea is on the phone with someone.
    Chelsea: I know who it is!

    Bo's phone rings. He listens to the person, and his face grows long.
    Hope: Bo, what's wrong?

    Jack is about to leave his and Jennifer's house.
    Jennifer: Jack Deveraux! Don't get yourself in this!
  16. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami, Bo, Hope, Marleana, and Steve are outside the buliding. Sami looks at the keypad.
    Sami: Let me see if I can remember this.
    She closes her eyes, and touches the keypad. She puts a code in, and the door unlocks.
    Steve: Good job. Now lets get in.
    They walk in, and Tony comes out of a room.
    Tony: How nice of you guys to join the party.
    Marleana: Let everybody go, Tony!
    Tony: What exactly did you hope to accomplish from this visit?
    Hope: Were just here to get everyone out!
    Tony: Well, you can join them, when this building burns to the ground.

    Kimberly walks out of Jeannie's room, and Mike comes to talk to her.
    Mike: Kimberly, theres something we should talk about.
    Kimberly: Ok, what is it?
    Mike: I have some suggestions for Jeannie.
    Kimberly: Like what?
    Mike: I would suggest finding a long-term health facility for Jeannie.
    Kimberly: Theres something we need to talk about, Mike.
    Mike: What is it?
    Kimberly :We think we might have found something that could help Jeannie.

    Scotty is in his apartment. He puts Alex in his crib, and the doorbell rings. He opens the door, and Doug and Julie are standing there.
    Scotty: Hey grandma; hey Doug.
    Julie: How are you?
    Scotty: I'm good. I just put Alex to sleep.
    Julie: Wow, so much for Carly-
    Julie: Grandma, please; she's helping get something that can save her sister.
    Doug: And I think that it a very good thing she is doing.
    Julie looks at Doug.

    Tony smiles.
    Marleana: What the hell is wrong with you? What happened?
    Tony: What do you mean?
    Marleana: I know whats going on! Your not Tony; your Andre!
    Tony laughs.
    Tony: Thats ridicouls!
    Hope :I don't think so.
    Tony :Well, I don't crae what you think.
    A hanchman drags Chelsea out of a room.
    Chelsea: Let me go!
    Bo: Leave my daughter alone!
    Tony: Come on, Bo. You know I can't play favourites.
    Dora comes out of a room, nad holds a gun to Tony.
    Dora: Let everybody go!

    Mike throws away his coffee cup.
    Mike: Kimberly, it's an illegal drug. I can't administer it to her.
    Kimberly: Kayla will do it! Please Mike, this is my daughter.
    Mike: I understand, but-
    Kimberly: Just pretend I never told you.
    Mike: Fine, I'll do it, but I need to examin the antidote first.
    Kimberly: Of course. Thank you.

    Scotty closes the door, as Doug and Julie leave. Doug pushes the button for the elevator.
    Julie: You know, you don't have to defend Carly all the time.
    Doug: Give her a break, Julie. She found out she was adopted, then she finds out that her son could die, and the only way to cure him is blood from a blood relative from the mother's side. So even if she didnt want to meet her blood family, she was forced to.
    Julie: Whatever, I still think she's playing Scotty.

    Tony laughs at Dora.
    Tony: You know, Dora-
    He pauses. He looks around, and realizes something is wrong. He hears a noise.
    Bo: What the hell is going on?
    Steve: We need to get out of here!
    Carly, Andrew, Anna, Adrianna and Chelsea run out of a room.
    Sami passes out. Everybody rushes to her. Dora realizes that Tony is missing. A part of the building explodes! Henchmen drag everybody out, execpt for Sami!
    Marleana: Sami!
    The rest of the buliding blows up, and the screen fades to black...

    Months later...
    Roman is in a bar in Venezuela, drinking shots. He asks the bartender for another. A man comes behind him.
    Man: That really won't help find your daughter.
    Roman turns.
    Roman: Nice to see you, Mr. Alcazar.
    Man: Please, call me Lorenzo.
    They shake hands.

  17. Daniel
    Casting News!

    Ted King Joins Cast!

    Ted King joins the cast of "All the Days of Our Lives" in a crossover storyline with "General Hospital"! He has a three month recurring role of the character he orignated on "General Hospital", Lorenzo Alcazar! He's only on for three months, but after the three months the show can decide to ha ve him on permentaly. He first airs July 21!

    Paul Leyden News!

    After months of not even a whisper of Paul Leyden's character, Carlo DiMera, news comes! After last being seen abadoning heroine, Hope Brady after she was hit by a car, Carlo DiMera returns to Salem! No word yet on his story, but expect him back in September!

    Robin Christopher Joins Cast!

    Robin Christopher joins the cast in a crossover storyline with "General Hospital". She's on for three months in the recurring role of her character, Skye Quartermaine. She first airs on July 31!

    Joseph Mascolo Back!

    The pheonix rises yet again! Joe Mascolo is back on the show in his role as Stefano DiMera! He first airs July 24! Don't be alarmed when he isn't on again until September!

    Sarah Brown Out? Dora to be Recasted Again?

    Rumours are going around that Sarah Brown is leaving the show! Will her character, Dora be recasted, or will Dora leave town? Not much is known yet.

  18. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Chelsea, Carly, Adrianna, Andrew, and Anna get off the jet in Venezuela.
    Carly: Well, where do we go from here?
    Chelsea: Hold on, I have a map.
    Chelsea looks in her purse, and gets out the map and directions.
    Anna: Hold on a minute? Were walking?
    Adrianna: Don't worry, it's very close. It makes sense that Stefano would put his factory next to his airfield.
    Anna: Oh, ok. What about our luggages?
    Andrew: Their being brought to the hotel.
    Anna: Ok.
    Carly: Are we ok to go now?
    Chelsea: Yes; what are we waiting for?

    Mike is sitting at the bar at Chez Rouge. Cathy walks in, and sits next to him.
    Cathy: Mike, right?
    Mike: Yep. And your?
    Cathy: I'm Cathy.
    Mike: Oh yes, Shawn's ex-girlfriend?
    Cathy: And your Belle's ex?
    Mike: Yep. But I'm happy for him.
    Cathy: He's your sort of cousin right?
    Mike: Yes, actually he is.
    They laugh.

    Steve, Kayla, Bo, and Hope are sitting at the Pub.
    Hope: So, whats wrong with them going to get the formula to save Jeannie?
    Steve: That place is full with armed guards. The'll be lucky if they even get of the jet normally.
    Hope's phone makes a sound. She opens it, and sees she got a text message.
    Hope: It's from Andrew. He said they got off the jet, and they're almost at the facility.
    Steve: We need to get them out of there now!

    They get to the doors of the factory.
    Chelsea: Ok, here we are. What do we do?
    Adrianna: Stefano gave me a key.
    She gets a key out of her purse, and puts it in the lock. The lock opens, and they go inside.
    Anna: Dear God, this place is burning!
    Carly: Its really is hot.
    A guard comes with a gun.
    Adrianna: I'm Adrianna DiMera. I need something from here.

    Cathy takes a sip from her beer.
    Cathy: So, Dr. Mike, your the ownder's nephew?
    Mike: Yep. What about you, Cathy? What do you do?
    Cathy: Oh God. I'm working at the Java Cafe.
    Mike: It can't be that bad.
    Cathy: Work a shift there, then get back to me.
    They laugh.
    Cathy: So how's Shawn's cousin?
    Mike: Jeannie? She's not doing too good. She's in a permanant coma.
    Cathy: Thats so sad. I feel so sorry for them all.
    Mike: Even Shawn?
    Cathy: Even Shawn.

    Hope looks at Steve.
    Hope: Steve, what's wrong?
    Steve: If they got in there without any guards on them, then their walking into a trap.
    Bo: Do you know where this place is?
    Steve: Ya, I remember it from when Stefano had me all those years.
    Bo: Should we go tonight?
    Steve: Thats a good idea.
    Hope: I'm comming too.
    Bo: No your not.
    Hope: Yes I am!
    Kayla: Come on, you guys need somebody with brains.
    Hope: Your not going to come?
    Kayla: No, I"m going to stay here with mom and Kimberly.

    The guard still holds his gun at them.
    Guard: Who are these other people?
    Adrianna: You don't have to worry about that. Bring me to the person who runs this place.
    A doctor comes out of a room.
    Doctor: Adrianna DiMera? What are you doing here?
    Adrianna: We need your vacine that you developed when my father was in a permant coma.
    Doctor: Why would you need that?
    Adrianna: My father is alive, but he is in a coma, and that is the only thing that will wake him up.
    Doctor: Thats not what our memo says. It says that he is suffering from an illness, and he needs stem cells.
    Everybody stares in shock, at the realization that Stefano is still alive.

    Mike and Cathy walk out of Chez Rouge, somewhat drunk.
    Cathy: I had a really good time with you tonight.
    Mike: So did I.
    They stare at each other for a while, and he kisses her.
    Cathy: Why don't we continue this at my apartment?
    Mike: That sounds like a good idea.
    They walk off, and the person in black watches them.

    Bo is on his laptop at the Brady Pub.
    Bo: Ok, I got three tickets, that leave tonight.
    Roman, Sami, and Marleana walk in.
    Everybody says hi to Sami.
    Roman: Whats going on here?

    Adrianna gets over the shock, and pretends she already knows.
    Adrianna: Well, I don't care what the memo says, he needs that vaccine too, or he is never going to wake up!
    Doctor: I have very specfic orders to only follow what the memo says.
    Adrianna: I dont't give a damn about the memo!
    Doctor: You don't have authourization to remove anything from the lab. I'm going to have to ask you and your friends to leave.
    Adrianna: You want proof?
    Doctor: You have proof?
    Tony walks out of a room. He smiles.
    Tony: Why, hello everybody.

    Cathy unlocks the door to her apartment, and her an Mike go in. They start making out. She takes his shirt off, and they go into her bedroom.
    Cathy: I want you Mike.
    She starts kissing his chest. He turns her over, and he is on top of her now. He unbuttons her blouse, and kisses her chest.
    Cathy: Make love to me.
    Mike: I don't have protection.
    Cathy: I'm on the pill.
    He takes his pants off, and they start making love.

    Bo finishes telling them the whole story.
    Sami: I have to go with you guys!
    Roman: No way!
    Steve: He's right Sami, you've been through enough.
    Sami: You don't understand! There is a code, I can't remember it now, but I know that if I see the keypad, I'll remember it.
    Bo: I don't think it's a good idea.
    Sami: I'm going! Wheather it's with you or not, I'll go.
    Kayla: I don't think you guys can stop her.
    Bo: Fine; but if I suspect anything dangerous, your out of there.
    Marleana: I'm comming too.
    Bo is about to talk, but Marleana stops him.
    Marleana: We are not arguing about this.
    Bo: What about you, Roman? Want to join this fun trip?
    Roman: I can't; I have to go out of town for something.
    Bo: Ok. We leave tonight.
    Sami: No problem.

    The doctor looks at Tony.
    Doctor: Is it true, Mr. DiMera, your father needs the antidote for his coma.
    Tony: No, she's lying. They are here, because they need it for somebody back home; a Brady.
    Anna: Tony, please don't do this!
    Tony: I really hate to, but I must.
    Anna: This isn't Tony!
    Tony: Oh, yes it is.
    He looks at the guards.
    Tony: Put them in one of the "special" rooms.
    Chelsea: So this is why you were keeping Sami captive? So she can have a baby, to give your father stem cells? Why Sami? There are billions of women that you could have used. Or better yet, how did you plan on using stem cells from your child? Your not a DiMera by blood.
    Tony: Your right, there are billions of other women; starting with you.
    He grabs her by the sholuder, and brings her to a room.
    Chelsea: Let go of me!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Shawn and Nicole are at the Jave Cafe.
    Shawn: What the hell do you want Nicole?
    Nicole plays with his shirt.
    Nicole: You, in my bed.

    Bo, Hope, Steve, Sami, and Marlena are outside the facility in Venezuela.
    Sami: Ok, let's go in.

    Chelsea and Tony are in a room.
    Chelsea: You know what I think? I think your Andre DiMera.
  19. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Lexie is brought into the hospital on a stretcher. Carly follows. Abe comes out of an elevator, and tries to go with Lexie.
    Nurse: Sorry, Mr. Carver, you'll have to wait.
    Carly: Abe, I"m so sorry.
    She hugs him.
    Abe: What happened?
    Carly: I walked out of the Cheatin' Heart, and I saw somebody aiming a gun at Lexie. I yelled out her name, and they shot.
    Abe: Thank you for calling 911.
    Carly: No problem.
    The nurse comes.
    Nurse: Mr. Carver, you can come in now.
    Abe: Thanks.
    Carly leaves the hospital.

    Marleana walks into her penthouse, and takes an asprin. The phone rings.
    Marleana: Hello.
    Eric: Hey mom. Sorry I didnt answer.
    Marleana: It's ok. When do you get back to Salem?
    Eric: Tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
    Marleana: Ok; good. I have a suprise for you.
    Eric: What?
    Marleana: You'll see when you get back to Salem. Call me later. Bye.
    Eric: Bye.
    Marleana hangs up the phone, and turns on the TV.

    Chelsea, Andrew, and Anna are at the airport.
    Chelsea: Where are Carly and Adrianna?
    Adrianna comes.
    Adrianna: Sorry I'm late.
    Carly comes.
    Carly: Hey sorry.
    Chelsea: Ok lets go.

    Celeste and Theo are in the waiting room. Abe comes out of Lexie's room.
    Celeste: Is Alexandra ok?
    Abe: It doesnt look like it.
    They go in her room. Lexie looks very weak.
    Lexie tries to talk.
    Celeste: No, Alexandra save your strength.
    Lexie: Mike..... Tell-
    The heart monitor starts beeping, and she flatlines!
    Abe: Help!
    The doctor comes in and he tries to bringh her back.
    Doctor: I"m so sorry.

    Marleana turns the TV off. The doorbell rings. She goes to answer it, and a delevery man is standing there.
    Marleana: Hi, you have something for me?
    Delevery Man: Yes, I just need your signature here.
    Marleana signs.
    Marleana: Thank you.
    He gives her a folder, and he leaves. She closes the door, and opens the folder. She looks confused, and realizes that it is for Mike. She opens the door, and goes next door. She knocks on Mike's door, and he answers.
    Mike: Marleana. Hi.
    Marleana: Hi Mike. I think I got your deleviry by mistake.
    Mike: Oh. Thank you.
    Marleana: No problem.
    She hands him the folder.
    Mike: Thanks again.
    Marleana: No problem.
    He closes the door, and Marleana goes back into her apartment.

    Steve and Kayla walk into the hospital waiting room. Everyone sees them. Caroline hugs them.
    Caroline: You two had us all worried sick! Where were you!?
    Kayla: We'll talk about that later. How's Jeannie?
    Kimberly: She's not doing too good. But Chelsea said she thinks she found something in Venezuela that might help her.
    Steve: Who went with her?
    Kimberly: Carly, Anna, Adrianna, and Andrew.
    Steve: Hold on a minute. Is this a DiMera place?
    Kimberly: Yes; why?
    Steve and Kayla look at each other.

    Bo and Hope are standing outside Lexie's room. Abe, Theo, and Celeste come out with sad faces. Hope starts crying.
    Hope: Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
    She hugs Abe. Bo hugs Celeste.
    Bo: We'll find the person who did this, Abe. I promise.

    Carly, Adrianna, Chelsea, Andrew, and Anna board the DiMera jet to Venezuela. The person in black watches them as they board the plane. The person gets out their cell phone, and starts texting.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Chelsea, Carly, Adrianna, Andrew, and Anna get off the jet in Venezuela.
    Carly: Well, where do we go from here?
    Chelsea: Hold on, I have a map.

    Steve, Kayla, Bo, and Hope are at the Brady Pub.
    Steve: We need to get them out of there now!
  20. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Andrew, Carly, and Chelsea are sitting at the Pub.
    Chelsea: Ok, I think we should leave for Venezuela by tomorrow morning.
    Andrew: Carly, are you sure you should come with Alex's condition?
    Carly: He's ok.
    Chelsea: Are you sure?
    Adrianna, EJ, and Anna walk into the Pub.
    EJ: Hello, everyone. Sorry, but I won't be able to come to Venezuela.
    Chelsea: Great, looks like we do have to rely on her.
    Adrianna: You know what? Shut up! I'm doing you a favour!
    Carly: Ok, everybody stop fighting.
    Anna: Ok, what is our plan?
    Chelsea: We need to go as soon as possible.
    Adrianna: I'll book the DiMera jet.

    Nicole wakes up in a hospital room. She looks around, and is confused. A nurse comes in.
    Nurse: Good morning!
    Nicole: Where am I?
    Nurse: Your in Gerogia. We found you in an alley.
    Nicole: Well thats not where I was shot.
    Nurse: We know. So where do you live?
    Nicole: Salem.
    Nurse: Ok, well there is somebody here to see you. We have you on record; you were here before.
    Nicole: Who?
    Brandon Walker walks into the hospital room.

    Sami wakes up in the DiMera mansion with Will, Johnny, and Alexis. She smiles. She gets up.
    Sami: Will, do you want breakfast?
    Will: It's ok mom, I'll do it.
    Sami: No, please I want to do it.
    Will: Ok mom.
    She goes into the kitchen.

    Adrianna: Chelsea, if you want we can even go today.
    Chelsea: Really? That would be great.
    Adrianna: Ok, I'll book it.
    Roman walks into the Pub.
    Roman: Hey everyone. Anna, can I talk to you for a minute?
    Anna: Of course. It'a about Tony right?
    Roman: Yes. Do you have any idea what he might have done with Sami?
    Anna: No, I didn't even know Sami was in the mansion. I never went down to that lab, it's too creepy for me.
    Roman: Thanks, Anna.
    Anna: No problem.

    Mike is at the nurses station. He opens a file.
    Mike: It's true.
    He closes the file, and leaves it on the nurses station. He goes into the locker room. Somebody in black follows him.

    Brandon sits beside Niocle.
    Nicole: It's so good to see you Brandon!
    Brandon: You too. You ok?
    Nicole: Ya, ya, I'm fine, just a bullet wound.
    She laughs.
    Brandon: What are you doing in Gerogia anyway? Who shot you?
    Nicole: That isn't important.
    Brandon: Yes it is! Tell me!

    Chelsea, Andrew, Carly, Anna, and Adrianna are sitting at the table.
    Carly: Ok let's go home, and pack a few things and meet at the airport in about an hour.
    Chelsea: Sounds good to me.
    Adrianna: Ok.
    Anna: Ok, umm, I'll call you when I'm ready.
    Chelsea: Anna, come on, were going for not even two days! You don't even need a luggage!
    Carly: I'll go get some sandwiches from the Cheatin' Heart when I'm done.
    Anna: Thanks. Ok so the airport in an hour?
    They leave the Pub.

    Jack is in Jennifer's hospital room. Jennifer's eyes open.
    Jennifer: Jack.
    Jack quickly looks up.
    Jack: Jennifer! You woke up!
    He hugs her.
    A nurse comes in.
    Nurse: Mrs. Deveraux, your awake!
    Jennifer: Yep, and ready to go home.

    Lexie leaves the Cheatin' Heart. The person in black that was following Mike starts following her. She walks to her car, and looks in her purse for her keys. Carly comes out of the Cheatin' Heart with some bags. The person in black aims their gun at Lexie, and Carly sees!
    Carly: Lexie!
    Lexie turns, and the person shoots!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Abe is in Lexie's room. Mike comes in.
    Mike: I have bad news.

    Carly, Adrianna, Chelsea, Andrew, and Anna board the DiMera jet to Venezuela.
  21. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Nicole continues driving.
    Nicole: Where the hell am I going?
    Tony: Just drive, I'll tell you where to go.
    Nicole stops the car.
    Nicole: No! I am driving! And you better tell me where we are going or I swear to God I'll blab to the next cop!
    Tony points the gun to her.
    Tony: Do you want to rethink what you just said, Nicole Walker?
    Nicole shuts up, but then looks confused.
    Nicole: Hold on a minute? Tony DiMera? On an island for 20 years? We never met. How do you know my name?

    Chelsea, Roman, Sami, Marleana, the twins, and Anna walk into the hospital waiting room. Everybody is shocked to see Sami.
    Caroline: Oh my God. Sami!
    They all run to her, and hug her. Carrie and Will come out of the elevator.
    Carrie sees Anna.
    Carrie: What's wrong mom?
    Anna brings them to Sami. Tears form in Sami's eyes, and her and Will hug.
    Will: Mom! I can't believe it's you!
    Sami: I know sweetie! I know. But I'm here now, and I'm never leaving again!
    Hope: What happened?
    Sami: We'll talk about that later. Why's everyone at the hospital?
    Kimberly: It's Jeannie.
    Chelsea: I found something that might help her.

    Adrianna walks into the DiMera mansion.
    Adrianna: Hello!
    She looks around.
    Adrianna: Good, nobody's here.
    She takes her phone out, and dials a number. It goes to voicemail.
    Adrianna: Hi Andrew, it's me. Give me a call when you get this, I know your having a hard time with your sister and everything, but-
    The voicemail cuts her off.
    Adrianna: Damn it!
    There is a knock on the door, and she goes to get it. She opens the door, and sees Andrew.
    Adrianna: Hi Andrew.

    Tony: What are you talking about?
    Nicole: I've met Andre, but I've never met you, Tony.
    Tony: I've read about you in the soap magazines. Anna reads them all the time.
    Nicole: That must be it.
    She looks nervous. He smiles.
    Tony: Ok, I'll tell you where were going. Gerogia.
    Nicole: Gerogia! You know how long that will be!
    Tony: If you drive a little faster, we should be there by 5:00 am.
    Nicole speeds up.
    Tony: Good. I wonder if I can easily convince you to do other things.
    He smiles. He touches her cheek. Nicole pushes his hand away.
    Nicole: Do not, I repeat, do not touch me! I'm driving you to Gerogia, and then your getting the hell out of my car.

    Sami, Will, Carrie, Roman, Marleana, Bo, Hope, Shawn, and Caroline talk. Chelsea and Anna stay with Kimberly.
    Kimberly: What do you mean you have something to save Jeannie?
    Chelsea: To make a long story short, Stefano was in the same situation as Jeannie. His doctors developed a drug that can get him out of it.
    Anna: We don't know for sure if it was the drug, or something else, but Stefano ended up getting out of the coma, and it most likely could have been the drug.
    Kimberly: Where is it? Hold on a minute. This drug is not available, or else it would be used on people every day.
    Chelsea: I know, but Stefano's doctors only created a limited amount.
    Kimberly: And how do we get this drug?
    Anna: It's in Venezuela.
    Kimberly: This is illegal! Nobody knows about this drug. We can't just administer it to somebody!
    Chelsea: This is the only thing that will help Jeannie! I think we should at least try it out, and see if it will help her.
    Anna: We'll do more research, and find out if Stefano actually used this to get out of his coma, and if he did, were willing to go get it.
    Kimberly: Thank you guys so much. This means a lot to me.
    The elevator dooes open, and Eric comes out. Sami and him see each other, and he is shoked.

    Andrew sits on the couch, and Adrianna gets him a drink.
    Adrianna: Hows your sister?
    Andrew: She's not doing good. The doctor said she's in a permenant coma.
    Adrianna: Are you guys getting other opionions?
    Andrew: We did. They all said the same thing. She's never going to wake up.
    Adrianna: Andrew, I'm so sorry.
    She hugs him, and they start kissing. Chelsea and Anna walk in.
    Chelsea: Eww. Andrew, really?
    Adrianna: Shut up! Why the hell are you here?
    Chelsea: Well, actually we need you.

    Tony sips some of Nicole's vodka.
    Tony: Your a fiesty one, eh?
    Nicole: What the hell did you do anyway?
    Tony: You'll read it in the papers.
    Nicole: Well, it's going to be a long drive.
    She turns the radio on.
    Reporter: The Salem PD is looking for fugitive, Tony DiMera. Apparently, he has been holding Samantha Brady hostage, a woman, who was presumed dead in February.
    Nicole's jaw drops.

    Adrianna pours herself a drink.
    Adrianna: What the hell do you need me for?
    Chelsea: To save Jeannie's life. Your demented father had a drug made to get him out of a permenant coma. The drug is in Venezuela.
    Adrianna: Well, what the hell do you want from me?
    Chelsea: Your a DiMera; you can get the drug, saying you need it for Stefano.
    Adrianna: Stefano is dead! they know that too!
    Anna: No, actually. These doctors go to work, and develop drugs. They go home to their families, with absoutly no connection to the outside world.
    Adrianna: Yes, but there has to be somebody running it, somebody behind the scenes, who knows what's going on.
    Chelsea: These doctors study the DiMera family. Don't ask me; I know it's sick. Anyway, they know your a DiMera. If you show up, and say you need a drug, they'll give it to you.
    Adrianna: So how do we get in? This facility where they are developing these drugs must be heavily guarded.
    Anna: The guards know just as much as the doctors. All we need is the security code, and were in.
    Andrew: When are we going?
    Chelsea: We?
    Andrew: Yup, I'm going with you guys.
    Carly and EJ walk into the mansion.
    Carly: Count me in too.

    Hours later...
    Nicole and Tony arrive at the helicopter spot.
    Tony: Thank you so much, Nicole. It has been very greatly appreciated.
    Nicole: Just get out.
    Tony gets out of the seat, and is about to close the door. He smiles.
    Tony: Hope you enjoyed yourself tonight.
    He takes out his gun, and shoots Nicole in the stomach! She holds it and bends over in pain. Tony gets on the helicopter, and it leaves the airfield. She sees her phone on the floor of the passenger side. She reaches for it.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Sami wakes up at the DiMera mansion with Will and the twins with her.

    EJ, Adrianna, Andrew, Carly, Chelsea, and Anna are sitting at the Pub.
    Chelsea: We need to go as soon as possible.
    Adrianna: I'll book the DiMera jet.
  22. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Chelsea wakes up in a room. She gets up, and is in pain. She tries to open the door, but it is locked. She bangs on it.
    Chelsea: Get me out of here!
    Tony come in.
    Tony: Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea, what's wrong?
    Chelsea: Stop it, and just let us go!
    Tony: So what do you think of this place?
    Chelsea: You know what I think? I think your Andre DiMera.

    Shawn orders a drink at the Java Cafe. He sits at a table, and Nicole sits with him.
    Nicole: Hello Shawn! How are you?
    Shawn: What the hell do you want?
    Nicole: Remember our little fun in the sauna?
    Shawn: Get the hell away from me, Nicole.
    Nicole: If only you knew what I knew...
    Shawn: What the hell are you talking about?
    Nicole goes closer to him.
    Nicole(whispers): I know about your little drug problem.

    Bo, Hope, Steve, Sami, and Marleana are on the plane, to Venezuela. Sami is sleeping.
    Steve: I still don't think it's a good idea bringing Sami with us.
    Hope: So do I, but you know Sami.
    Marlena smiles at Sami.
    Marleana: I'm just so happy she's back.
    They smile.

    Tony smiles at Chelsea.
    Tony: You think you have it all figured out, don't you?
    Chelsea: Your not Tony; you wouldn't do this to Anna.
    Tony: You are going to regret you came here, Ms. Brady. Because in a couple days, this place is going to blow!
    He laughs, and leaves the room.
    Carly wakes up in a room. She looks around, and realizes that Anna is in it with her. Carly stands up, and Anna wakes up.
    Anna: Were still in here, eh?
    Carly: Yup. Damn it! I thought this guy was in love with you; why would he do this?
    Anna: This isn't Tony.

    Nicole backs away from Shawn.
    Shawn: I don't know what thell your talking about.
    Nicole: Let me remind you. A while ago, Andre locked you and Belle int the freezer in the Pub. While getting out, you hurt your back. Somebody hooked you up with pain killers, and now your addicted to them.
    Shawn: What the hell do you want Nicole?
    Nicole plays with his shirt.
    Nicole: You, in my bed.

    The plane lands in Venezuela. Bo, Hope, Steve, Sami, and Marleana get off the plane.
    Bo: The rental car should be here any minute.
    Marleana: Sami, are you sure you want to go back to this place?
    Sami: Ya mom, I'm fine.
    Hope: Sami, how long were you in this place?
    Sami: I'm not sure. I think it was most of the time I was gone. I remember going to the mansion very recently. Then again, I can't be sure; my memory's a little vague.
    Steve: I know how that feels.
    Hope: So do I. But it gets better.
    Tears start to form in Sami's eyes.
    Sami: I'm so sad I missed all that time with Will, Alexis, and Johnny.
    Marleana hugs her.

    Andrew and Adrianna are in their room.
    Adrianna: I want to get out of here!
    Andrew: Calm down; he won't just let us out.
    Tony opens the door.
    Tony: Is something wrong, Adrianna?
    Adrianna slaps him!
    Adrianna: Let us out of here! Now!

    Shawn gets up.
    Shawn: Leave me alone, Nicole.
    Nicole grabs his arm.
    Nicole: Think about it.
    He starts walking away.
    Nicole: Oh, and mabye I should show this to your precious Belle.
    She throws him a USB.

    Steve, Hope, Bo, Marleana, and Sami arrive at the doors of the DiMera building. Sami looks at the keypad, trying to remember the code.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Hope: Were just here to get everyone out!
    Tony: Well, you can join them, when this building burns to the ground.

    Kimberly and Mike are at the hospital.
    Mike: I would suggest finding a long-term health facility for Jeannie.
    Kimberly: Theres something I need to tell you, Mike.
  23. Daniel
    Actress Back!

    Allison Swenney is back on All the Days of Our Lives! She first airs July 11, with a three year contract!

    Actress Out!

    Renee Jones is unfourtnatly out, this month. Her final airdate is July 15.

    Expect more actors to leave the show in a storyline that a new headwriter has penned. (Info on headwriter will be released soon)

    Casting Call!

    A casting call went out for the role of "Amanda". The show is currently deciding between Tamara Braun (top) and Amelia Heinle (bottom). The first airdate for this character is Wednesday July 30.

  24. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Chelsea walks up the path of the DiMera mansion. She knocks on the door and Anna answers.
    Anna: Chelsea! Hi. How are you?
    Chelsea: Good. I thought you were with Carrie.
    Anna: Yes, yes, I'm just here to pick up some stuff.
    Chelsea: Oh. Is Tony here?
    Anna: Yes, he is.
    They go into the foyer.
    Anna: Just sit in the living room, and I"ll go get Tony.
    Chelsea: Ok thanks.
    She goes into the living room, and looks around. She sits on the couch. Tony comes into the living room.
    Tony: Chelsea! Hi. How can I help you?
    Chelsea: It's about my cousin, Jeannie.

    Nicole walks into a gym. There are only a few people. Shawn comes into the gym.
    Nicole: Well well. It's my favourite ex-step-grandson!
    Shawn: Hello Nicole.
    Nicole: You look different than when I was in Salem. I don't know what it is, but I like it.
    Shawn: Don't you have an old rich man to marry?
    Nicole: Funny man.
    Shawn: How much did you drink today?
    Nicole: You know what? There is something I have wanted to do for a long time!
    Shawn: What?
    Nicole kisses him!

    Philip takes his jacket off.
    Philip: What's wrong?
    Carly: What's wrong?
    She slaps him.
    Carly: She has needed you for months! But you were too busy with work you forgot about your fiance.
    Kimberly: Stop!
    Hope: She's right, but this is not the time to fight! We need to be here for Jeannie!

    Tony pours a drink for Chelsea.
    Tony: It's a terrible ordeal, and I wish I can help, but what can I do?
    Chelsea: Well, I was doing some research, and I read up that your father was once in a permanent coma. Some time before he was in Italy, and needed stem cells. There were some doctors that eveuntually found something, and Stefano woke up. I'm not sure if it was what they found, or if he just woke up, but we should try.
    Tony: I didn't know about that. Come upstairs with me, and we'll look for it.
    Chelsea: Ok. Thank you so much.

    Shawn gets out of the kiss.
    Shawn: What the hell is wrong with you!?
    Nicole: Come on! Tell me you didn't enjoy that!
    Shawn: Why don't you go order a coffee?
    Nicole: You know what Shawn? I don't think I should drive home like this.
    Shawn: Great, I'll call a cab for you.

    Shawn and Caroline are in Jeannie's room. Caroline holds her hand.
    Caroline: I can't believe this. She's so young. She had her whole life ahead of her.
    Shawn: What are we going to do?
    Caroline: What do you mean?
    Shawn: She's never going to wake up. Is it fair to keep her in a bed for the rest of her life? It's not fair to her and it's not fair to Kimmie.
    Caroline: But they come up with new medications and cures every day. We just have to hope they will come up with something for her.

    Tony and Chelsea are on the computer, looking at Stefano's files.
    Chelsea: I'm going to go get a drink. You want anything?
    Tony: No thank you.
    Chelsea leaves the room. She is walking down the stairs and sees someone at the bottom.
    Chelsea: Oh my God.
    She looses balance, and falls! A distraught Samantha Brady looks! Memories flash by.
    Sami: Chelsea!
    Tony runs down, and sees Sami on the stairs with Chelsea!
    Tony: Oh my God.
    Anna comes into the foyer.
    Anna: What the hell! Sami your alive!
    Sami almost looses balance, and Chelsea wakes up.
    Chelsea: Oh my God. Sami?
    Sami: Yes! I have been locked in that basement for months!
    Anna: By who?
    Sami: By him!
    Sami points to Tony.

    Roman pours some coffee in a cup. His phone rings.
    Roman: Hello.
    Anna: Roman, it's me! You need to get to the DiMera mansion right away! It's important! Bring Marleana too!
    Roman: What's going on?
    Anna: I"ll explain when you get here.
    Roman hangs up, and calls Marleana.
    Roman: Hey doc, it's me. I just got a phone call from Anna. She told me to meet her at the DiMera mansion. She wants you there too.
    Marleana: Why?
    Roman: I don't know, but it sounded important.

    Shawn is sitting in the sauna, with just a towel on. Nicole comes in and sits beside him.
    Shawn: Didn't you get a cab?
    Nicole: I did, but then I couldnt get you out of my head.
    She goes closer to Shawn, and kisses him. He gets out of the kiss.
    Shawn: What the hell is wrong with you?
    Nicole: See you around.
    She smiles. He leaves the sauna.
    Nicole: Now I have blackmail for your other grandson, Victor.

    Roman and Marleana knock on the door of the DiMera mansion. Anna opens it.
    Roman: What's going on?
    Anna: Come inside.
    Roman and Marleana walk into the living room, and see Sami sitting on the couch. Tears form in Marleana's eyes, and Sami runs to them.
    Marleana: Sami! My little girl! Your alive!
    Sami: I'm so happy to be back!
    Chelsea and Anna come down with Johnny and Alexis. Sami turns and sees them, and tears come to her eyes. She holds both of them.
    Sami: I missed you guys so much!
    She holds them tight.

    Tony is on the highway. There aren't a lot of cars. He sees a car, and holds a gun to it. The car stops, and he opens the door. He sits in the passenger seat. Nicole looks terrified!
    Tony: Why hello. Your going to help me get out of the country tonight.
    Nicole looks at him, and at the gun. She takes her phone, hiding it between the door and the seat.
    Tony: And don't try any tricks.
    He takes the phone.
    Tony: Put your hands on the wheel, and drive.
    She starts driving. The car drives off into the distance, as the screen fades to black.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Nicole: You know, there are borders Tony.
    Tony: Yes, and you have a trunk.
    He smiles.

    Chelsea, Roman, Sami, Marleana, the twins, and Anna walk into the hospital waiting room. Everybody is shocked to see Sami.
  25. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next night, Roman and Anna are at Carrie's apartment. Roman and Anna are sitting on the couch, watching TV.
    Anna: Oh please, like any woman would go outside like that!
    Roman: She's getting the mail, Anna. She doesnt have to look like she's going to the ball.
    Anna: She want to attract the hunky neighbour! He's not going to look at that face twice, let me tell you that!
    Roman: I remember when you first woke up in the morning and you were sleeping, it was the most beautiful sight I ever saw.
    They stare at each other, and almost kiss. Anna stops.
    Anna: Umm, I'm going to order some dinner. When Carrie wakes up, she'll probaly be hungy.
    Roman: Are you hungry, or are you just trying to avoid what almost happened?
    Roman kisses her passionatly.

    Nicole is at Chez Rouge, sitting at the bar. She smiles at a couple of guys.
    Maggie: Nicole, haven't you had your fill for tonight?
    Nicole: Me? No! Just getting started Maggs!
    Maggie: Oh God your already drunk.
    Kate walks to the bar.
    Kate: Is there ever really a difference?
    Nicole: Kate! Here to meet some johns?
    Kate: Do you have a battery?
    Nicole: I wish I had one for my ears. Your voice drives me nuts!
    Kate groans.
    Kate: I cannot take you anymore! You annoying slut!
    Kate grabs a wine bottle, and pours it all over Nicole.
    Kate: Your not even worth that!
    Nicole looks at her.

    Chelsea is changing Ciara's diaper. Hope walks in.
    Hope: Having fun?
    Chelsea: I never knew so muhc could come out of a baby.
    Hope: You'd be suprised.
    Chelsea: So is there any news on Jeannie and Jennifer?
    Hope: No, not yet.
    The phone rings.
    Hope: Hello.
    She pauses.
    Hope: Ok, we'll be right there.
    Chelsea: What's wrong?
    Hope: That was Kimberly. There's some news on Jeannie.

    Roman and Anna continue to kiss, and Roman's phone rings.
    Anna: You should get that.
    Roman answers it.
    Roman: Hello. Ok, I'll be right there.
    Anna: What's wrong?
    Roman: That was Bo. There's some news on Jeannie.
    Anna: Oh, I hope she's ok. Call me when you can.
    Roman leaves.

    A kid walks by with a coke in his hand. Nicole grabs it from him.
    Nicole: This is worth more than you.
    She throws it all over Kate!
    Kate: I am going to kill you!
    Kate runs to her, and chokes her!
    Maggie: Thats enough! Both of you out, or I'll call the cops!
    Nicole: Good night everyone!
    Kate grabs her purse and leaves.

    Kimberly is outside Jeannie's room. Bo, Hope, Chelsea, Caroline and Shawn come.
    Kimberly: Hi.
    Hope hugs her.
    Caroline: Is something wrong?
    Kimberly: Where is everyone else?
    Bo: Roman's on his way. I got a hold of Steve and Kayla and they will be in Salem by tomorrow.
    Roman comes. He hugs Kimberly.
    Roman: What's going on?
    Kimberly: It's bad.
    She starts crying. Shane and Carly come out of the elevator. Carly hugs her.
    Carly: What's wrong?
    Shane: Is she going to be alright?
    Kimberly: The doctor said she's in a permenant coma.
    Everyone's shocked, and the elevator doors open. Philip Collier comes out.
    Kimberly: Philip!
    Philip hugs her.
    Everybody looks at him rudly.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Carly slaps Philip.
    Carly: She has needed you for months!

    Chelsea is at the DiMera mansion. She is walking down the stairs and sees someone at the bottom.
    Chelsea: Oh my God.
    She looses balance, and falls!
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