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Blog Entries posted by Daniel

  1. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Maggie looks out the window, looking at the night sky lit up by the hospital fire. Alice and Jennifer are sitting on the couch, with the twins in a playpen.
    Alice: Sweetie, whats going on?
    Maggie: I don't know. I think theres some sort of fire.
    Mickey and Jack come in the house.
    Maggie: Whats going on?
    Mickey: Theres a fire at the hospital.
    Everyone looks in shock.
    Jennifer: What? Was it eveacuated before the fire started?
    Jack: Were not sure. The police told everyone to stay in the house.
    Maggie: But is it safe to stay here? Were close to the hospital.
    Mickey: They said they would let us know if we need to go anywhere.

    Valeri wakes up on her plane, and the pilot comes on the intercom.
    Pilot: We will not be landing the plane in Salem, and we are currently looking for an airport to land. Sorry for the inconvience.
    Valeri looks puzzled. A flight attendant walks by.
    Valeri: Excuse me, but do you know why we won't be landing in Salem?
    Flight Attendant: Apparently there was a fire somewhere, and it was caused by propane tanks. It was rendered as a no fly zone, because if a plane goes near it, it will blow up.
    Valeri: Oh. Thank you.
    The flight attendant walks away.

    Carly is in the elevator of the hospital. She is on the ground, weak.
    Carly: Help!
    It starts to get really hot in the elevator.

    Outside, EJ goes to Bo and Abe.
    EJ: Whats going on? Aren't you guys going to go in?
    Bo: We want to, EJ but their not letting us go in, because they have to form a new plan.
    EJ: Form a new plan! Theres no time for that! How do we know another explosion will happen!
    Abe: EJ, we don't know for sure what happened.
    EJ: There was an explosion! Propane tanks flew in the air!
    Bo: Abe, we need to go in there!
    EJ: If you guys don't go in soon, I'll find a way in!
    Bo: EJ, you can't do that.

    Isabella gets up from her office floor. The door bursts open, with flames. She starts yelling.
    Isabella: Help me!
    She throws her chair to the window, to break it.
    Isabella: Help!
    The fire continues spreading all over the room. She keeps looking back and forth, and finally goes out the window. She is on the roof.

    Jeannie starts to wake up in her hospital bed. She is surrounded by five clowns.
    Jeannie: Help me!

    Outside, Abe looks at the hospital. He looks at Bo.
    Abe: Do you see that?
    Bo gets binacoulars. He looks through them.
    Bo: It's Isabella!
    Abe gets a megaphone. He speaks through it.
    Abe: Isabella! Stay there! Were going to get you somebody to get you down.
    Isabella stays still.

    Jennifer is on the phone with Caroline.
    Jennifer: If you guys need somewhere to stay, you can come here. Although we don't know if we can stay here much longer.
    Caroline: Thank you.
    Jennifer: Whats going on there?
    Caroline: Oh God, I've never seen anything like this. Half of the hospital is in flames.
    Jennifer: Mabye you guys should come here to rest for a while.
    Caroline: I don't want to leave with everybody in there.
    Jennifer: Ok, I understand. Please call us if anything changes.
    Caroline: I will.
    Jennifer hangs up.
    Maggie: How is it there?
    Jennifer: Half the hospital is in flames.

    Jeannie tries to move, but the clowns hold her down. One of them takes a syringe out.
    Jeannie: Please, leave me alone!
    Clown: We have to give you this, or you will slip back into your coma.
    The clown injects it in her.

    Eric starts to wake up in the closet.
    Eric: What happened?
    Nicole: I don't know. There was some sort of explosion. I think theres fire outside. It's really hot.
    Eric: We have to get out of here!
    Nicole: Eric, theres fire outside! Were going to burn alive!
    Eric opens the door a little.
    Eric: It's not right at the door. If we go fast, we can get out of here.
    Nicole looks at him, scared.

    Isabella hears a noise. She looks around.
    Isabella: Hurry!
    A fireman comes up with a ladder.
    Fireman: Ok, come with me.
    Isabella: Thank you so much.
    She gets on the ladder.

    Jeannie looks around, and the clowns are gone. She rips her IV off, and gets out of the bed. She runs out of her room. She looks around, and sees people on the floor.
    Jeannie: Wake up!
    She goes for the doors, but they are sealed shut. She sees Anna on the ground. She goes to her.
    Jeannie: Anna, wake up.
    Anna starts to wake up.
    Anna: Jeannie, are you ok?
    Jeannie: Ya, I'm fine, what about you?
    Anna: I'm ok. Your mother, shes somewhere here.
    Jeannie looks around, and sees Kimberly. Jeannie goes to her.

    Outside, Isabella goes with the other people. Caroline hugs her.
    Caroline: Thank God your ok.
    Isabella: It was like hell in there!
    Isabella looks at Bo and Abe.
    Isabella: You have to get everybody out of there!

    Carly feels it getting hotter in the elevator. She looks at the top, and sees the emergency exit. She jumps to try and open it.

    Outside, the SWAT Team gets ready to go in.
    Bo: Ok, lets go in!
    Tony, Isabella, EJ, Caroline, Shawn, and Sami watch as they shoot the doors open. They go inside. Inside, Kimberly, Jeannie, and Anna go for cover under the desk at the nurses station.

    Nicole and Eric run out of the closet, and get away from the fire.
    Jeannie: Their here to get us out!

    Carly yells from the elevator. The screen fades to black.

    Announcer: Tomorrow, the day that changes everything!
    Clip of an explosion!
    Announcer: Nothing will be the same!
    Clip of Sami, EJ, Carly, Eric, Nicole, Jeannie, Anna, Tony, Shawn, Caroline, Isabella, Bo, Abe, Hope, Marleana, Jack, Jennifer, Mickey, Maggie, Alice, Stefano, and Andre flash by.
    Announcer: Don't miss the event that changes everything!

  2. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Marleana wakes up strapped to a hospital bed.
    Marleana: Where am I?
    She tries to move her arms, but she realizes they are strapped to the bed. She looks around, and sees another bed on her right. She looks at the person, and realizes that it is Hope.
    Marleana: Hope? Hope! Hope, wake up! Hope!

    Bo is outside. Shawn, Caroline, and Tony come to talk to him.
    Bo: Tony?
    Tony: Yes, it's me. I'm thinking of getting a tatto or something so people don't think I'm Andre.
    Bo: Thats a good idea.
    Caroline: Bo, whats going on inside?
    Bo: I got out of the hospital right after they issued the lockdown. I've been trying to call Hope, do you know where she is?
    Shawn: There was an explosion at the Pub.
    Bo: What?
    Caroline: Max and I smelled gasoline while Shawn was out, and we evacuated that Pub. Hope came, and her and Max went in. We saw Max running out, and Hope closely behind him, but we couldn't find her.
    Bo: Damn it!
    Sami comes to the outside of the Pub.
    Sami: Will's in trouble!
    Bo: What do you mean?
    Sami: I was on the phone with him, and he told me he was in trouble, then- Andre! You bastard!
    Bo: He's not Andre! He's Tony.

    Isabella turns on the floor in her office. She tries to get up, but she can't. She reaches for her cell phone, and gets it. She dials a number.

    Stefano is outside a warehouse on the docks. His cell phone rings. He answers it.
    Stefano: Stefano DiMera.
    Isabella: Stefano.....
    Stefano: Who's there?
    Isabella: Stefano, stop this, please.
    Stefano: Isabella?
    Isabella: Stefano, please, the gas is going to kill everyone.
    Stefano: I'm not doing this, Isabella.
    The line goes dead.
    Stefano goes into the warehouse, and sees Hope and Marleana strapped to the hospital beds.
    Stefano: I have you all to myself.

    Carly starts to wake up in the elevator. She slowely gets up, and she is in pain. Her cell phone rings.
    Carly: Whats going on?
    She answers her cell.
    Carly: Hello?
    EJ: Carly! Carly! Are you ok?
    Carly starts to remember what happened.
    Carly: EJ, I'm in an elevator.
    She pushes a button.
    Carly: It's stuck!
    EJ: Your going to get out of there!
    Her cell phone makes a noise.
    Carly: EJ? EJ!
    She looks at her cell phone, and realizes that it is dead.

    Sami looks at Bo.
    Sami: Uncle Bo, Andre has Will! And I can't find my mother! She's not answering!
    Caroline: Where are the twins?
    Sami: I brought them to Maggie's. Whats going on in there?
    Bo: Somebody released a gas in the hospital.
    Sami: What if Will has something to do with this?
    Tony: Thats crazy!
    Sami: He was with Andre! Mabye he did it because Andre forced him to!

    Marleana looks at Stefano.
    Marleana: Why am I not suprised that you did this?
    Stefano: You can't give me all the credit. My nephew, Andre orchrasterated the whole thing.
    Marleana: So your siding with the man who killed your daughter!
    Stefano: That is none of your business!
    Hope starts to wake up.
    Hope: Where am I?
    Stefano: Your with me, Hope.
    Hope: The Pub. You blew it up.
    Stefano: No, that was Andre.
    Hope: I'm not suprised it was a whole family affair.
    She trys to move her arms, but realizes she is strapped.
    Hope: Marleana?
    Marleana: They kidnapped me from my Penthouse.
    Hope: They kidnapped me from the Pub right after it exploded.
    Stefano: Funny you say they, when it was your grandson that kidnapped you.
    Marleana and Hope look at him in shock.

    Bo is outside the hospital with the SWAT team.
    Bo: We need to get in there, soon! The gas is spreading through the whole hospital.
    Cop: Should I tell the hospital to take it off of lockdown?
    Bo: Yes. Now when we get in there, we need to get everybody out. I want you to go in teams to each floor. Check everywhere, don't miss anything.
    Cop: We won't.

    Carly bangs on the elevator doors.
    Carly: Help me!

    Outside, the cop gets off the phone.
    Cop: The whole hospital must have been affected by the gas. Nobody in answering.
    Bo: Ok, lets just get in there!

    Sami, Tony, Shawn, and Caorline are standing outside the hospital, away from the SWAT team. EJ comes.
    EJ: Whats going on?
    Sami: Andre released a gas in the hospital!
    EJ: I know I confronted Stefano at the mansion, but realized it was Andre.
    Caroline: They are going in now, to get them out of there.
    They hear a noise.
    Sami: Oh my God!

    Inside the elevator, Carly hears an explosion. It starts getting really hot in the elevator.
    Carly: No! Please!
    She starts crying, and she falls to the ground.
    Carly: Help me!

    The SWAT team backs away form the building.
    Bo: Whats going on? We have to go in there!
    SWAT Team Leader: Now that we know there are explosives involved, we need to formulate a new plan.
    Bo: We don't have time for that!

    Fire bursts out of the windows. Inside the hospital, the faces of Eric, Nicole, Carly, Isabella, Anna, Kimberly, Isabella, and Jeannie flash by.

    Andre is in a room, laughing.
    Andre: Oh, so much fun!
    The screen splits between Andre and the hospital fire.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Announcer: In just 2 days,
    Clip of Andre and the burining hospital.
    Announcer: Salem will be rocked!
    Clip of Andre laughing.
    Announcer: A lunatic hellbent on destroying lives!
    Clip of a black gas spreading through the hospital.
    Announcer: Just might get what he wants!
    Clip of Carly trapped in the elevator, with fire outside.
    Clip of Isabella trapped inside her burning office.
    Clip of Jeannie in her hospital bed surrounded by clowns.
    Clip of Anna on the ground, after a small explosion.
    Clip of Kimberly taking shelter in the nurse's station.
    Clip of Eric and Nicole trapped in the closet, with fire outside.
    Clip Bo outside, figuring out a way in.
    Clip of Marleana and Hope strapped to beds in a warehouse.
    Announcer: But has Andre gone too far?
    Clip of Stefano and Andre in the DiMera mansion.
    Stefano: My son is in there!
    Announcer: And in two days, Andre makes Salem pay!
    Clip of the hospital blowing up competly!
    Announcer: Don't miss a day!
  3. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Isabella is at her desk in her office at the hospital. Somebody knocks on the door.
    Isabella: Come in.
    A scary looking clown walks in.
    Isabella: What the hell do you want?
    The clown takes out a balloon. He holds up one finger to her, montioning one minute. Isabella takes her phone out and hides it under the desk. The clown pours a powder into the balloon, and blows in it. He ties it up. He goes to her.
    Clown: Being on your cell phone while somebody is talking to you is very rude.
    He takes it away from her.
    Isabella: What the hell did you do?
    He puts on an oxygen mask, and takes a pin. He pops the balloon, and a black gas spews out of it. Isabella quickly get up, yelling. She falls to the ground.

    Kimberly rushes into the emergency floor of the hospital.
    Kimberly: Where's my daughter!?
    Abe comes to her.
    Abe: She should be here soon, don't worry.
    Anna walks into the hospital.
    Anna: Kimberly, I heard what happened! Is Jeannie ok?
    Kimberly: I don't know.
    They look at the news on the TV.
    Reporter: Tonight, two bombs went off; one at the Salem PD, and one at the Brady Pub.
    Anna, Abe, and Kimberly look in shock.
    Kimberly: Oh my God.

    EJ is driving. He is on his cell phone.
    EJ: Carly, it's me again. Call me back when you get this. Are you ok?
    He hangs up. He stops at the mansion, and gets out of his car. He angirly opens the door, and slams it. He walks into the living room.
    EJ: What the hell are you doing?
    Andre: Just watch, Elvis.
    EJ: I should have known you were back!
    He looks at the TV.
    EJ: What the hell is this?
    He watches as gas spreads all around the hospital.
    EJ: Your letting him do this!
    Stefano: I'm not letting him do anything. He's doing it all himself!
    EJ: There are innocent people in that hospital!
    Andre: Hardly innocent!
    Andre switches the channel.
    Andre: Is this what you were looking for?
    EJ looks at the TV, and sees Carly unconcious in the elevator.
    EJ: You son of a bitch.
    EJ grabs him by the neck.

    Jeannie comes into the hospital, on a stretcher, with Bo following her. Kimberly rushes to them.
    Kimberly: Baby, are you ok?
    Jeannie: Ya mom, I'm fine.
    Doctor: We need to take her to a room.
    They take Jeannie to a room.
    Kimberly: Bo, something else happened!
    Bo: What?
    Kimberly: The Pub! The Pub-
    A voice comes over the intercom.
    Voice: The entire hospital is going under lockdown due to a mysterious gas that is spreading. Please go to the neareast nurses station, and they will give you oxygen masks.
    Bo: What the hell?
    They go to the nurses station, and get the masks.

    Eric and Nicole have towels over their faces, and are in a storage room.
    Nicole: Eric, what the hell's going on?
    Eric: I don't know, but I think that Stefano has something to do with this.
    Nicole: Eric, the hospital is on lockdown; were gonna be stuck in here for a while!

    Tony, Shawn, and Caroline are standing outside the hospital.
    Tony: Are you two ok?
    Shawn: Tony! Your back!
    Tony: Yes, I just got into town.
    Caroline: What happened to you?
    Tony: Andre kidnapped me and held me in a warehouse outside of town. Are you two ok? I heard what happened at the Pub.
    Shawn: Yes, were fine. I just don't know why we can't get in the hospital.
    A nurse comes.
    Tony: Whats going on? Why can't we get into the hospital?
    Nurse: The hospital is on lockdown.
    Shawn: What? Why? What happened?
    Nurse: Theres some sort of mysterious gas spreading all over the hospital. And theres some clowns going all over the place, causing it.
    Tony: This has Andre written all over it.

    Kimberly puts on her oxygen mask. Anna comes to talk to her.
    Anna: Have you seen Jeannie yet?
    Kimberly: No their not letting me in. Espically with this gas outbreak.
    Anna: Do you think Stefano has something to do with this?
    Kimberly: I know he has something to do with this.
    Anna: Oh my God.
    She sees clowns come into the waiting room.
    Kimberly: Oh my God.
    They leave the waiting room, and go into another section of the hospital. They are cornered by two clowns.

    EJ pushes Andre.
    EJ: Stop this maddness now!
    Andre: Come on EJ! It's all good clean fun!
    EJ: Stop this right now!
    Andre: Oh just shut up EJ! Or I'll have to have a little fun with you.
    EJ leaves the mansion. He takes his phone out.

    Sami is in her car, heading to the hospital. Her cell phone rings. She answers it.
    Sami: Hello?
    EJ: Where are the twins?
    Sami: Their with me in the car.
    EJ: Where are you going?
    Sami: To the hospital; there was an explosion.
    EJ: Don't go to the hospital! It's under lockdown. Andre has released some mysterious gas there.
    Sami: What!?
    EJ: Where's Will?
    Sami: He said he was going to a friends house. Oh crap, what if he heard about the explosions and went to the hospital?
    EJ: Thats what I was thinking.

    Marleana and Hope lie unconcious on the floor. The man that took Hope out of the Pub comes into the room. His face is shown, and it is Will!
    Will: I'm so sorry. Andre told me he'd kill everyone.
    Will's phone rings. He answers it.
    Will: Hello?
    Sami: Will, it's your mom. Where are you?
    Will: Mom, I'm in trouble.

    Anna kicks one of the clowns in the stomach. He smiles.
    Clown: You shouldn't have done that.
    The clowns take their oxygen masks.
    Kimberly: Help!
    One of the clowns take out a balloon and fill it with powder. He blows it, and ties it. He and the other clown put on an oxygen mask, and pop the balloon.
    Anna: Kimberly,-
    Black gas comes out of the balloon, and they fall to the ground.

    Isabella starts to wake up in her office. She is very weak.
    Isabella: What happened?
    She sees pieces of a balloon on the ground.
    Isabella: Oh my God.
    She tries to get up, but she can't. She reaches for her phone, but she drops it.

    Eric takes away the towel from his mouth and nose.
    Nicole: What the hell are you doing?
    Eric: It's too hot in here!
    Nicole: Ok, so why don't we inhale the toxic gas, just because its so hot! Put that towel back on!
    Eric: It's not comming in here!
    The closet door opens, and a clown pops a balloon. Eric falls to the ground.
    Nicole: Eric!

    Sami parks her car at Maggie's house.
    Sami: Will, whats going on?
    Will: Andre told me to kidnap Hope, and bring her to some warehouse.
    Sami: And you did it!
    Will: He told me he was going to release a gas in the hospital!\
    Sami: Well, he already did that!
    Will: Mom, I'm trapped in here!
    Andre comes in the room.
    Andre: Calling for help?
    Andre grabs the phone from him.
    Andre hits Will on the back of the head, and Will falls to the ground. Andre laughs. Andre looks at Marleana and Hope.
    Andre: I have both of you, and now I'm going to kill you.
    Hope and Marleana lie unconcious on the floor.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo is outside the hospital with the SWAT team.
    Bo: We need to get in there, soon!

    Hope and Marleana are in a room, on hospital beds. Stefano comes in the room.
    Stefano: I have you all to myself.

  4. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Bo, Abe, and some other cops are standing outside the blown up station. A couple firemen walk by, with people on stretchers.
    Bo: Jeannie's still in there!
    Abe: Don't worry Bo, their going to find her!
    Bo: I need to go in there!

    Max is outside the blown up Pub with Shawn and Caroline.
    Shawn: Who the hell would do this?
    Caroline: Who else? Stefano!
    Max: I don't know where Hope is.
    Shawn: What do you mean you don't know where she is?
    Max: I don't think she got out of the Pub in time!

    Eric gets out of the hospital elevator. He looks at the nurses station, and sees a ballon. He sees a nurse walk by.
    Eric: Is it carnival day or something?
    Nurse: No, these ballons are showing up all over the place.
    Eric: That's weird.
    Eric sees Nicole.
    Eric: Hey Nicole, how are you?
    Nicole: I'm ok. Guess what?
    Eric: What?
    Nicole: I am going to be a nurse!

    Carly gets out of her car in the hospital parking lot. She sees ballons all over the parking lot.
    Carly: Thats weird.
    She goes into the hospital, and pushes the button for the elevator.

    Jeannie lies in the ruibble.
    Jeannie: Help.
    She sees some rubble being lifted. She starts coughing. The firemen pull her out of the rubble.
    Jeannie: My head.
    Fireman: Don't worry. Your going to be ok.
    He puts her on a stretcher. Bo sees her, and rushes to her.
    Bo: Jeannie! Are you ok?
    Jeannie: I'm ok. What about you?
    Bo: I'm fine.
    He hugs her.

    Hope lies unconcous in the rubble. Her cell phone rings. A person starts moving the rubble away form her. He pulls her out of it, and takes her out of the Pub from the back. Outside, Max is talking to a fireman.
    Max: Theres somebody in there!
    Fireman: Don't worry! We'll find them!
    They hear Hope's phone ringing. The fireman looks at the other firmen.
    Fireman: Follow that!

    Eric and Nicole sit in the waiting room.
    Eric: I can't really imagine you as a nurse.
    Nicole: Well, I am! I'm going to school, and I'm going to do it! I'm going to prove everybody wrong.
    Eric: Well, if you say your going to do something, then you'll do it.
    Nicole: Exactly.
    Eric: So whats with all the ballons? I wouldn't be suprised if it was your idea.
    Nicole: No, it wasn't mine. I don't know where they came from.
    A clown walks by the nurses station.
    Eric: Clowns too?
    Nicole looks.

    Marleana comes down the stairs in her penthouse, putting on an earing. The phone rings. She answers it.
    Marleana: Hello?
    Person: Turn on your TV.
    Marleana: TV? Who is this?
    The person hangs up. She goes to turn on the TV, but the lights start flickering. She turns on the TV, and sees a camara of the upstairs of her Penthouse.
    Marleana: Oh my God.
    She sees a clown walking by. She looks shocked. The phone rings. She answers it.
    Marleana: Who is this!
    Bo Impersanotar : Marleana, it's me! Theres a package outside, with an oxygen mask. Put it on quickly!
    Marleana: Bo, whats going on?
    Bo Impersonator : Hurry!

    Bo goes into the ambulance with Jeannie.
    Bo: Which hospital are we going to?
    Paramedic: Salem University.

    The elevator door opens, and Carly goes inside. She sees a clown in it. She looks at the door, wanting to go out, but it closes.
    Clown: Whats wrong, don't like clowns?
    Carly: No, not really. No offense to you. Are you guys here for the kids?
    Clown: No, were here to torment a couple people.
    Carly looks scared.
    Carly: What are you talking about?
    Clown: Oh, I should have been more clear. Andre DiMera sent me.
    Carly looks shocked.

    Marleana quickly opens the door of her penthouse, and sees a package on the ground. She opens it, and a black gas spews out of it! She falls to the ground! A clown comes down the stairs, wearing an oxygen mask. The clown puts her in a wheelchair, and wheels her out of the Penthouse.

    Eric and Nicole see three clowns walking around the floor.
    Nicole: This is a bit freaky.
    The clowns put on oxygen masks.
    Eric: What the hell?
    The clowns pop a bunch of ballons, and a black gas spews out of them!
    Eric: Cover your mouth and nose!

    Carly takes out her cell phone.
    Clown: Oh, that won't be needed.
    He puts on an oxygen mask.
    Clown: But you should really use this.
    Carly: What the hells going on?
    The elevator doors open, and black gas quickly comes into the elevator. Carly falls to the ground.

    Stefano and Andre are sitting in a room in the DiMera mansion. They are watching a TV.
    Andre: Isn't it beautiful?
    Stefano: Andre, I don't know how you managed this.
    Andre: Oh, this is just the beggining.

    Andre laughs as Hope and Marleana lie unconcious in a dark room.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Isabella is in her office. A scary looking clown walks in.
    Isabella: What the hell do you want?

    Kimberly walks into the hospital.
    Kimberly: Wheres my daughter!?

    EJ is in the DiMera mansion living room with Andre and Stefano.
    EJ: What the hell are you doing?
    Andre: Just watch, Elvis.
    EJ looks at Andre shocked.

    Tony, Shawn, and Caroline are standing outside the hospital.
    Nurse: The hospital is on lockdown.
  5. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Andre is in a warehouse. He takes a piece of tape, and sticks it on a box. He rips it off. He laughs. A man comes into the warehouse.
    Andre: Please deleiver this to the Salem PD.
    The man takes the package, and leaves.

    Isabella and Adrianna are on the docks.
    Isabella: So, your luggages are loaded on the boat?
    Adrianna: Yup. I'm going to miss you so much, mom.
    Stefano comes on the docks.
    Stefano: I hope the same will be said for me.
    Isabella and Adrianna both turn around.

    Valeri walks into Yolanda's hospital room.
    Yolanda: Valeri, did you and Dora make amends?
    Valeri: Not quite. Anyway, thats not why I'm here. I'm here to say bye.
    Yolanda: Bye? Where are you going?
    Valeri: I'm going to Salem; to see my father.
    Yolanda looks at her with a dissapointed look.
    Yolanda: It is best to stay out of his life, Valeri. He is going to end up ruining yours.
    Valeri: I'll be fine. I don't know when I'll be back, but I will. I love you.
    She kisses her on the cheek.
    Valeri: Bye.
    Valeri leaves.

    Andre unlocks the door to the DiMera mansion. He looks around, and then goes into the living room. He throws something into the fireplace. He smiles.
    Andre: All set. Now, where is Stefano?
    He sits on a chair, and puts his feet up on the desk.

    Isabella looks at Stefano.
    Isabella: What the hell are you doing here?
    Stefano: I'm here to say goodbye to my daughter, of course.
    Adrianna: Goodbye, you can leave now.
    Stefano: Why do you treat me with such hostility?
    Adrianna: Just leave me alone!
    Stefano's smiles fades.
    Stefano: Have a wonderful trip, Adrianna. Hope you like the water.
    He leaves.
    Isabella: I'm sorry about that.
    Adrianna: It's ok, lets just forget about it.
    Isabella: So, when will Andrew be here?
    Adrianna: Soon.

    Bo and Abe are in Abe's office.
    Abe: Well, we have nothing that directly links Stefano to anything.
    Bo: Well, if Andre shows up in town, we have Don's statment to put him away.
    Abe: We still have nothing on Stefano.
    Bo: I still think he's involved with Don being the killer.
    Abe: No, I don't. Stefano wouldn't have Don kill his daughter. I think that if Andre does come back, Stefano will be furious with him.

    Stefano walks into the living room of the DiMera mansion. He goes into the living room, and sees Andre.
    Andre: Stefano, it's good to see you.
    Stefano: You bastard!
    Stefano slaps him.
    Andre: I'm sorry, mabye I should have gotten you a drink?
    Stefano: How dare you have that bastard kill my daughter!
    Andre: Come on Stefano, she didn't give a damn about you!
    Stefano: She was my daughter! And you killed her!
    Andre: Well, as long as were blaming people, theres somebody else you should be angry with.
    Stefano: Who's that?
    Andre: Your niece, Dora.

    Andrew hugs Adrianna.
    Adrianna: I'm going to miss you, Andrew.
    Andrew: It's only three weeks. Three long weeks without you.
    He hugs her.
    Adrianna: Well, I should get on the boat now. Goodbye.
    They kiss.
    Andrew: I love you.
    Adrianna: I love you too.
    Isabella comes, and hugs her.
    Isabella: Bye, sweetie. Have fun.
    Adrianna goes on the boat.

    Hope walks into the Pub. She sees people rushing out.
    Max: Everybody get out!
    Hope: Max, whats going on?
    Max: Theres some sort of leak, I don't know what it is, but theres gasoline all over the kitchen, and its spreading all over the Pub.
    Hope: Oh my God. Wheres your mom and dad?
    Max: Their already out, it's ok.
    In the back of the restruant, a man throws something through the window. Max hears a beeping noise.
    Max: Do you hear that?

    Stefano stares at Andre.
    Stefano: I don't believe a word that comes out of your mouth!
    Andre: Believe what you want, just know who you can trust.
    Andre's phone rings.
    Andre: Yes, it's set? Good.
    Andre hangs up.
    Stefano: What did you do?
    Andre: Just turn on the TV soon, and you'll find out.

    Jeannie walks into the Police Station. She goes to talk to a cop.
    Jeannie: Hi, have you seen my Uncle Bo? I need to talk to him.
    Cop: He's a little busy right now. You can come back in a couple minutes.
    Jeannie: I'll just wait here.
    She goes into her purse, and looks for her phone.
    Jeannie: Damn it.
    She looks a the cop.
    Jeannie: If you see my uncle, tell him not to go anywhere till I talked to him.
    She leaves the station to get her cell phone. A man with a package comes into the Salem PD. He talks to a cop.
    Man: This is addressed to Abe Carver, and Bo Brady.
    The cop takes it, and the man quickly leaves the station.

    Aboard Adrianna's ship, a man comes into her cabin.
    Adrianna: Can I help you?
    He comes closer.
    Adrianna: Your not part of the crew!
    He comes closer, and she tries to yell. He covers her mouth, and she tries to fight him off. He takes a syringe out of his pocket. She knees him in the stomach. She pushes him, and she runs to the door. He runs after her, and puts the syringe in her neck.
    Adrianna: Help.
    He leaves the cabin, as she falls to the ground.

    Hope and Max listen for the sound.
    Hope: Oh my God, Max! It's a bomb!
    They head for the door. As they run out the door, the Brady Pub bursts into flames.

    Bo and Abe see the package. The cop goes closer to it.
    Cop: Do you hear that?
    Bo bends down.
    Bo: Oh my God! It's a bomb!
    Abe: Everybody out! Everybody out!
    Jeannie walks into the Police Station.
    Jeannie: Unc-
    Bo: Get out!
    Jeannie: Whats going on?
    Bo pushes her out of the way, as the package releases one last tick.
    Jeannie: Is that-
    The station blows up!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Bo and Abe are outside the blown up station.
    Bo: Jeannie's still in there!

    Jeannie lies in the rubble.
    Jeannie: Help.

    Max is outside the blown up Pub with Shawn and Caroline.
    Max: I don't know where Hope is.

    Hope lies unconscious in the rubble.

    Marleana opens the door to her penthouse, and sees a package on the ground. She opens it, and gas spews out.
  6. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Adrianna wakes up in Andrew's bed. She looks around and doesnt see him. He comes in the room with coffee.
    Adrianna: There you are!
    Andrew: I got us some coffee.
    He goes in the bed and kisses her.
    Adrianna: Are you sure your grandmother and grandfather didn't mind that I stayed the night?
    Andrew: Oh, I forgot to tell them.
    Adrianna: What!
    Andrew: It's no big deal.
    Adrianna: No big deal!
    Andrew kisses her. Adrianna smiles.
    Adrianna: This will shut me up for a while.
    She takes his shirt off.

    EJ sips some of his coffee in the DiMera mansion living room. Carly comes in the living room.
    Carly: EJ, whats wrong?
    EJ: Nothing. Why do you ask?
    Carly: Well, I know you had a hard time sleeping last night. And I know you got up mighty early this morning.
    EJ: I've just been thinking about some things.
    Carly: Like what?
    EJ: Us. Are you sure this is something you want to do?
    Carly: EJ, the wedding is in 2 weeks! If you have any doubts, tell me now, instead of making me look like a fool!

    Anna lets Isabella into her hotel room.
    Isabella: So, how was your night?
    Anna: Sleepless. I think I have memorized every informical.
    Isabella: I know how that feels.
    Anna: So, when's Adrianna leaving for Fiji?
    Isabella: Tomorrow. She's really exicted about it.
    Anna: Oh, I wish I can go with her.
    Isabella: Lets go, then.
    Anna: Oh, no. I can't. I have a lot of things to do. A lot of work to catch up on.
    Isabella: So do I. Good thing I have the day off today.
    Anna: Well, what are we going to do today?
    Isabella: I'll think about that while I'm in the washroom.
    Isabella goes to the washroom.
    Somebody knocks on Anna's hotel room door. She opens it, and is shocked to see Andre.
    Andre: Hello my dear.

    Dora wakes up in her mother's hospital room. Valeri comes in the room with coffee.
    Valeri: Here, I got you some coffee.
    Dora: Thanks.
    She takes the coffee from Valeri.
    Valeri: So, once she gets better, I plan on going to Salem, to see my father.
    Dora: Why don't you just stay away form him? He's going to screw you over. He's done it to all his children. Oh, thats right, you don't even know half your siblings.
    Valeri: Yes I do, Dora.
    Dora: Oh please! You don't have a relantionship with any of your siblings, and thats Stefano's fault! And most of them are just as crazy as their father! Kristen is a kidnapping physco; Tony turned out to be following in his fathers footsteps by faking a woman's death; Adrianna lurred a bunch of people to the New Orleans where they all amost died; Carlo is by his fathers side all the time. The only two normal ones are EJ and poor Lexie who was killed! Oh, and where the hell is Peter?
    Valeri :Where the hell is Matthew? Wheres Claudio? Oh, thats right, he commited suicide!
    Dora: Because of your father!
    Valeri: If you were so close to your siblings, then why is Claudio dead, and why don't you know where Matthew is? If you were so close to Claudio, then why is he dead now? Why couldn't you use that great sibling relantionship you had to talk him into living? And speaking of family, what about your poor mother? She has been sick for years, and you decide to come now? Where the hell were you? Too busy to see your mother?
    Dora: Wow, you really turned out to be a bitch.
    Yolanda wakes up.
    Yolanda: Stop fighting.
    Dora: Why don't you go to see your father now? I'm sure he'd just love for another child to use! He's almost out of children who care! Go, Valeri go.
    Valeri looks at Yolanda.
    Valeri: I'll come by later.
    She leaves.

    Adrianna and Andrew are lying in bed together.
    Adrianna: So, I leave tomorrow. I'm going to miss you.
    Andrew: Why don't I come with you?
    Adrianna: I don't think my grandfather will like that very much. Don't worry, it'll only be for three weeks.
    Andrew: Well, when you get back, I am not going to let go of you.
    Adrianna kisses him. She gets up.
    Andrew: Where are you going?
    Adrianna: I'm not even done packing. Would you like to come with me?
    Andrew: Sure.

    EJ puts his coffee cup down.
    Carly: Well, are you going to say anything?
    EJ: It's not that I don't want to marry you. Are you sure you want to get into this, with my father and everything!
    Carly: I can handel Stefano.
    EJ: Famous last words.
    Carly: EJ, I love you! And you love me! I'm not going to let your father ruin it for us! So just forget about this! Were getting married in two weeks.
    She hugs him.

    Anna grabs an umbrella.
    Anna: Stay away from me!
    Isabella comes out of the washroom.
    Isabella: Whats going on?
    She sees Andre.
    Isabella: Oh my God.
    Andre: Put the damn umbrella down! I just came to see how your doing.
    Anna: Get the hell away from me!
    Andre's watch alarm goes off.
    Andre: Sorry, I have to go, but I'll see you two later.
    He leaves, and bumps into Jeannie. Jeannie looks at him in shock.
    Andre: Nice to see you.
    He runs to the stairs.
    Jeannie: Anna, are you ok?
    Anna: I'm fine.

    Valeri unlocks the door to her apartment. She goes inside, and picks up the phone. She dials a number.
    Valeri: Hi, I'd like to buy a plane ticket.
    She pauses, while the other person talks.
    Valeri: To Salem.

    EJ and Carly go into their bedroom. They start kissing.
    Carly: I love you, EJ.
    EJ: I love you too.
    He kisses her, and they go into the bed. They start to make love.

    Dora looks at the pictures in her mother's hospital room. She sees a picture of her brother, who committed suicide. She wipes a tear.
    Dora: I miss you so much.
    Yolanda puts her hand on Dora's shoulder.

    Adrianna and Andrew are in the DiMera mansion.
    Adrianna: I'm going to miss you so much.
    Andrew: I'm going to miss you too.
    He kisses her.

    Valeir starts packing a bag. She looks at a picture of Lexie.
    Valeri: I'm sorry.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Jeannie walks into the Police Station.
    Jeannie: Unc-
    Bo: Get out!

    Adrianna and Andrew are at the docks.
    Adrianna: Goodbye.
    They kiss.

    Stefano and Andre are in the DiMera mansion.
    Stefano: What did you do?
    Andre: Just turn on the TV soon, and you'll find out.
  7. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Amanda is in an office. She looks at a folder on a desk. The folder says "Home Sweet"
    Amanda: Heres hoping I get the job.
    Kate comes in.
    Kate: Hello, I'm Kate Roberts.
    Amanda: Amanda DiCosta.
    They shake hands.
    Kate: So, why do you think your good for the job?
    Amanda smiles.

    Stefano, Sami, and EJ are in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    Sami: If you think I'm leaving my children here, your nuts!
    Stefano: No, my dear, you are!
    Sami: It's funny how you pretend to care so much for your family, yet you send your son on an island! Oh, have you ever even looked at Theo?
    Stefano: Thats none of your business!
    Sami: Well, my children are, and you are not getting anywhere near them!
    Stefano: You leave Gianni here, or I'll finish your family!
    Sami slaps him.

    Dora is in her hotel room in Milan, Italy. Her phone rings.
    Dora: Hello?
    Person: Dora, right?
    Dora: Yes. Is she there?
    Person: Yes, she is in the hospital. She's been asking for a Matthew, and a Dora.
    Dora: Thanks.
    Person: Oh, and theres a woman thats been comming by almost every day; her names Valeri.
    Dora: Thank you so much.
    She hangs up. She leaves her hotel room, and goes into the elevator.

    Kate sits down.
    Amanda: Well, I'm a great people person. I took a hotel managment course, and I ran my fathers hotel for about 10 years.
    Kate: And why aren't you running it anymore?
    Amanda: I became pregnant, and I never returned to work, because of some family issues.
    Kate: Oh, I"m sorry to hear that. Well, looking at your resume and application, you are the best person out of this whole stack! I'm very impressed, and for me to say that, your really good.
    Amanda smiles.
    Amanda: Thank you so much.
    Kate: The hotel opens in November, and we need you in here at least three times a week before hand.
    Amanda: That sounds great. Thank you so much.
    Kate: No, thank you. I'll call you to let you know your first day, and we'll take it from there.
    Amanda: Thank you so much. I'm looking forward to this.
    Kate: So am I.

    Stefano holds his cheek where Sami slaped him.
    Sami: You stay the hell away from my children and my family!
    Stefano: That was a mistake, my dear.
    Sami leaves the room.
    EJ: Leave them.
    EJ leaves also. Stefano punches his fist on the table.

    Adrianna and Isabella are sitting at a table at Chez Rouge.
    Isabella: So, anything new happen lately? A deleviry, perhaps?
    Adrianna: I'm so exicted! I can't wait to go to Fiji!
    Isabella: Well, you better go soon, your grandfather isn't staying there much longer. He's leaving in about two weeks.
    Adrianna: Well, I guess I can leave in a couple of days.
    Isabella: That sounds good.

    Dora gets out of the elevator in a hospital. She walks into a room. Tears form in her eyes.
    Dora: Mom?
    A woman comes in the room.
    Woman: Can I help you with something?
    Dora turns around.
    Dora: Valeri?
    Woman: Dora?

    Amanda unlocks the door to her hotel room. She looks on the counter, and sees her cell phone.
    Amanda: Thats where it is.
    She picks it up, and sees she has a missed call. She calls her voice mail.
    Voice mail: Hi Amanda. It's you mom. I've decided to come to Salem for a little while, so we can catch up. Your father is a little sick, so he won't be here. See you soon. Bye.
    Amanda hangs up.
    Amanda: Sure he's sick.

    Stefano walks into the foyer of the mansion, as Sami comes down the stairs with luggages.
    Stefano: Your going to regret this, my dear.
    Sami: Go to hell.
    Sami opens the door, and leaves the mansion. The phone rings. Stefano goes into the living room, and answers the phone.
    Stefano: Stefano DiMera.
    Person: Mr. DiMera, were not sure but somebody is in your sisters room.
    Stefano: Yes, my daughter.
    Person: Yes, your daughter is in there, but another woman is in there with her. I'm not sure, but I think it's your niece, Dora.
    Stefano: Dora's there?

    Dora and Valeri hug.
    Valeri: It's been so long.
    Dora: Well, you know who you can blame for that.
    Valeri: Dora, please don't start here of all places.
    Dora: It's your father's fault! He's the reason my mother is in this hospital bed.
    Valeri: That isn't the point. The point is that Yolanda is sick, and she needs her daughter now.
    Dora: Has Matthew come?
    Valeri: No. I've been trying to contact him for the longest time. You too.
    Dora goes closer to her mother's bed.
    Yolanda: Dora, I've missed you.
    Dora: Me too mom.
    She hugs her.

    Adrianna opens the door of the mansion, and goes inside.
    Stefano: So, I assume you'll be leaving soon.
    Adrianna: Thats none of your business.
    Stefano: As long as your living here, it is my business!
    Adrianna: Well, then I'll move out. Trust me, I'd rather die than be in the same house as you.
    She goes upstairs, and Stefano goes into the living room. He gets the phone and dials a number.
    Stefano: Is it ready?
    Person: It's ready whenever your ready.
    Stefano: Good.
    He hangs up.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Adrianna and Andrew are in bed together.
    Adrianna: I'm going to miss you.
    Andrew: Why don't I come with you?

    Carly and EJ are in the mansion.
    Carly: EJ, the wedding is in 2 weeks! If you have any doubts, tell me now, instead of making me look like a fool!

    Somebody knocks on Anna's hotel room door. She opens it, and is shocked to see Andre.
    Andre: Hello my dear.
  8. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carrie wakes up in Brady's arms, the next morning. Brady wakes up.
    Brady: Good morning beautiful.
    Carrie: Good morning. Last night was great, Brady.
    Brady: I agree.
    He kisses her.
    Brady: You want breakfast?
    Carrie: That sounds great.

    EJ and Carly are in the kitchen of the DiMera mansion.
    EJ: So your going shopping today?
    Carly: Yup; with Jeannie.
    EJ: As much as I'd love to come, I can't.
    Carly: Nobody invited you, EJ.
    She smiles.
    Carly: Were looking for my dress.
    EJ: Well, considering there are only a couple weeks left, I'm suprised your looking for it so late.
    Carly: Shut up, I know I'm behind.
    EJ kisses her.
    In the foyer, Adrianna comes down the stairs. The doorbell rings, and she goes to get it. She opens it and Jeannie comes in.
    Jeannie: Oh great, just what I need first thing in the morning.
    Adrianna: Oh shut up!

    Sami comes out of the elevator at the Salem Inn. She knocks on Anna's door. Anna answers.
    Anna: Sami; it's good to see you. How are you?
    Sami: I'm great, considering I was in a car accident a couple nights ago.
    Anna: I'm so sorry about that.
    Sami: You should be; it was your fault, as well as all those deaths!
    Anna: Sami, what are you talking about?
    Sami: My father would be alive today if you didn't just worry about covering your butt!

    Marleana is in Belle's room.
    Marleana: Belle, why haven't you woken up yet?
    Patrick comes in the room.
    Marleana: Did the tests come back yet?
    Patrick: Yes, Marleana. I'm so sorry, Marleana; it didn't work.
    Marleana: What do you mean it didn't work?
    Patrick: The tests show that she has no reaction to stimuli.
    Marleana: Are you telling me she's never going to wake up?
    Patrick: I'm sorry Marleana. I'll give you some time alone with her.
    He leaves the room.

    Jeannie is sitting in the living room of the DiMera mansion. Carly comes in.
    Carly: Hey, you ready to go?
    Jeannie: Ya, I have been for like 10 minutes.
    Carly: Sorry.
    Jeannie gets up, and Stefano comes in the room.
    Stefano: What did I do to deserve such lovely ladies in my home?
    Jeannie: Thats what I'm trying to figure out.
    Carly and her leave. EJ comes into the living room.
    Stefano: You know, Elvis, I met Alex last night. And when Caroline brought Gianni home, we had a nice reunion.
    EJ: I know; I stopped it.
    Stefano: Gianni is my grandson; and I assume your adopting Alex, so that makes him my grandson too.
    EJ: You are going to stay away from me and my family!
    Stefano: Does that family of yours involve Samantha?
    EJ: Yes it does!
    Jeannie walks in the room.

    Anna closes the door.
    Anna: Sami, please I know your mad at me, but I didn't do this on purpouse!
    Sami: All you care about is yourself, Anna!
    Anna: I had no idea that he was the serial killer! If I had any suspicion, I would have gone to the police!
    Sami: But going to the police earlier, was impossible, right? Because you would have gone to jail.
    Anna: If there was anybody else involved other than me and Don, I would have gone to the cops.
    Sami: What about the guy you killed, doesnt his family deserve to know what happened?
    Anna: That man was trying to rape me; who knows, mabye even kill me. He didn't care about his family; he disowned them! Sami, if I had any idea that Don was the serial killer, I would have went to the police the second I thought it!

    Brady and Carrie are in the dining room, eating french toast.
    Carrie: This french toast is so good.
    Brady: I know; the chef my grandfather hiresd is great.
    Carrie: I agree. So, is your grandfather here?
    Brady: I'm pretty sure he left for a meeting.
    Carrie: Wow, he's an early bird.
    Brady: Or were just late.
    They laugh.

    Jeannie picks up her phone.
    Jeannie: Sorry, I left my phone here.
    She leaves the mansion.
    EJ: I'm being serious; stay away from my family.
    Stefano: Don't forget that you are living under my roof.
    EJ: I'll move out.
    Stefano: Move out, and then you'll really want me to stay away from your family.
    EJ leaves the living room, and Adrianna comes inside.
    Adrianna: Why don't you leave him alone?
    Stefano: You developed a mouth while I was gone.
    Adrianna: Don't forget that I have your secrete little box.
    Stefano's smile fades.
    Adrianna: Time to get serious?
    She leaves the room, and Stefano slams his fist on the table.

    Marleana unlocks the door to her penthouse. Sami comes down the stairs.
    Sami: It didn't work, mom?
    Marleana: No. Dr. Drake said that the tests show she had no reaction to the stimuli.
    Sami: But there can be other drugs, right? What about that drug we used on Jeannie?
    Marleana: It's not the same type of coma, Belle.
    Sami: I'm so sorry, mom.
    Sami hugs her.

    Jeannie is waiting outside the changeroom in a bridal store.
    Jeannie: Carly, are you done yet? What's taking so long?
    Carly comes out of the change room.
    Jeannie: Oh my God.
    Carly: What? Whats wrong?
    Jeannie: Nothing! You look great!
    Carly starts fixing the dress.
    Jeannie: I just have to ask you something.
    Carly: Go ahead.
    Jeannie: Are you sure this is something you want to do?
    Carly looks at her.

    Carrie knocks on Anna's doora at the Salem Inn. Isabella answers.
    Isabella :Hey Carrie, your mom is in the washroom.
    Carrie: Thanks, Isabella. So holw are you?
    Isabella: I'm ok, you?
    Carrie: I'm ok.
    Anna comes out of the washroom.
    Anna: Where on earth were you last night? I called and called and called!
    Carrie :I was with Brady. I spent the night at his house.
    Anna smiles.
    Anna: The night? What happened?
    Carrie: Just because you spend the night somewhere, it doesnt mean you did anything!
    Isabella: But you did, right?
    Carrie smiles.
    Carrie: Yes.

    Adrianna comes down the stairs, and is about to leave the mansion, when Stefano grabs her arm.
    Stefano: Don't think of threatning me, young lady.
    Adrianna: Or what?
    There is a knock on the door. He lets go of Adrianna, and Adrianna opens the door. A deleviry man is standing there.
    Adrianna :Hi, how can I help you?
    Delivery Man: Hi, I'm looking for Adrianna DiMera.
    Adrianna: I'm, her.
    Deleviry Man: Can you sign here, please?
    Adrianna: Whats here?
    He gives her a package.
    Delivery Man: Your grandfather, in Italy sent you a boat. It's at the Salem Docks, waiting for you. Heres a letter from him.
    Adrianna: Thank you so much!
    He leaves and she opens the letter.
    Letter: "Adrianna, I know how much you loved our trips at sea. Come meet me at our favourite vacation spot, with your new boat. Call me to set up the date. Can't wait to see you again. Love Grandpa."
    Adriana smiles, and she leaves the mansion.

    Sami comes down the stairs in the Penthouse.
    Sami: I'm just going to go to the mansion to get some stuff.
    Marleana: Why don't you have one of the servants send it over?
    Sami: I would prefer to do it myself.
    Marleana: I don't think thats a good idea.
    Sami: Why not?
    Marleana: Stefano is there.
    Sami stares at her, in shock.

    Carly pads down her dress.
    Carly: If I wasn't sure this was something I wanted to do, why would I be in this store right now?
    Jeannie: I know, but-
    Carly: But what? Is this about Sami?
    Jeannie: I don't know. Mabye. I mean come on, if Sami's death wasn't faked, do you think you and EJ would be together right now?
    Carly: If Sami's death wasn't faked, she would have been with Lucas, if you remember correctly.
    Jeannie: Until Lucas would have dissapointed her again, and she would go running to EJ!
    Carly: And what does it matter, if the situation were different? What if she did run to EJ? Guess what? She didn't; thats not what happened!
    Jeannie: If she would have run to EJ, and EJ would have accepted her with open arms, then that does still show he has feelings for her!
    Carly: EJ is with me! He hasd feelings for me! Do you understand, that if he was in love with Sami, he would be with her! So just stop it Jeannie!

    Stefano hangs up the phone, as EJ comes in the room.
    Stefano: So, have you decided to stay?
    EJ: Under one condition.
    Stefano: Whats that?
    EJ: You leave my family alone.
    Stefano: Under one condition.
    EJ :Whats that?
    Stefano: Gianni and Alexis stay under this roof.
    Sami comes into the living room.
    Sami: Oh, the hell thats gonna happen!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Stefano, Sami, and EJ are in the living room of the DiMera mansion.
    Stefano: You leave Gianni here, or I'll finish your family!
    Sami slaps him.

    Amanda is in an office. Kate comes in.
    Kate: Hello, I'm Kate Roberts.
    Amanda: Amanda DiCosta.
    They shake hands.
    Kate: So, why do you think your good for the job?

    Dora walks into a hospital room, in Milan. Tears form in her eyes.
    Dora: Mom?
    A woman comes in the room.
    Woman: Can I help you with something?
  9. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Stefano turns to look at EJ.
    EJ: Why are you back?
    Stefano: Well, I heard you were getting married, and I would like to meet my future daughter-in-law.
    EJ: You are going to stay away from her.
    Carly comes out of her room.
    Stefano: Ahh there she is.
    Carly: EJ, what's he doing here?
    Stefano: I've decided to move back to Salem, and get more connected with my family.
    Stefano moves closer to Carly.
    Stefano: So, I assume you will be moving into the mansion?

    Adrianna unlocks the door to the DiMera mansion. She walks inside, and sees Caroline on the couch.
    Adrianna: Hi, Caroline.
    Caroline: Hello Adrianna.
    Adrianna: Your watching the twins?
    Caroline: Yes. I'm going to bring them to see Sami soon.
    Adrianna: I"m happy she wasn't seriouslly hurt in that accident.
    Caroline: So am I.
    Adrianna: Can I ask you something?
    Caroline: Sure.
    Adrianna: Do you hate me?

    Brady and Carrie go into Carrie's apartment.
    Carrie: I'm so happy that everybodys ok after tonight.
    Brady: It's a miracle.
    Carrie: Well, whatever it was, I'm happy.
    Brady hugs her.

    Carly moves closer to Stefano.
    Carly: You stay away from me and my family.
    Stefano laughs.
    Stefano: That will be pretty hard with us living in the same house.
    Carly: I will not be living with you.
    She goes back into her room.
    Stefano: EJ, you have a little spitfire.
    EJ: Stay away from her.
    Stefano: Well, I should go now. I'll see you at breakfast tomorrow?
    Stefano and Carlo leave.

    Caroline gets up.
    Caroline: I don't hate you, Adrianna. I think you made a bad choice, but I don't hate you.
    Adrianna: Everybody else seems to hate me.
    Caroline: My grandson, Andrew is a smart boy. So if he decides that he's in love with you, then I'm fine with it Adrianna. We all make mistakes.
    Adrianna: Thanks, Caroline. It means a lot to me.
    Caroline smiles.
    Caroline: No problem, Adrianna.

    Steve and Kayla are in Sami's room.
    Kayla: Well, Sami were glad your ok.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Kayla: Do you know when you'll be able to leave?
    Sami: The doctor said in a couple days.
    Steve: Thats good.
    Kayla: Did grandma bring the twins yet?
    Sami: No, not yet, but she'll be here soon.
    Kayla: We'll stay with you.
    Steve: You need anything?
    Sami: Well, the coffee here sucks-
    Steve: I'll be back, with good coffee.
    Kayla: Bring some for me too.
    Steve: Of course sweetness.
    He kisses her, and leaves.

    Stefano goes into his limo, where he sees Nicole.
    Stefano: Nicole! It's so good to see you!
    Nicole: I'm not suprised to see you.
    Stefano: So how' life?
    Nicole: What do you want, Stefano?
    Stefano: I want the same thing as you, Nicole; keep Belle Black in a coma.
    Nicole: I have no idea what your talking about.
    He reaches into her jacket pocket, and takes out the drugs.
    Stefano: I'll keep these.
    Nicole: No! You'll probaly use them to woo your precious Marleana!
    Stefano: I have no desire to "woo" Marleana.
    Nicole: Oh please! She grabs the drugs from him.
    Stefano taps the driver on the shoulder. The driver starts driving.
    Nicole: Stefano, please!

    Carrie comes out of the washroom.
    Brady: Why don't you come to my grandfathers house? I'll have the chef make a gourmet meal for us.
    Carrie smiles.
    Carrie: Brady, I really don't want to impose.
    Brady: Are you kidding? You won't impose at all!
    Carrie: Ok, but only if your grandfather won't mind.
    Brady: Of course he won't mind!

    EJ goes into Carly's room. She is ready to leave.
    Carly: EJ, is your father moving into the mansion?
    EJ: Most likely.
    Carly: EJ, what does this mean for us?
    EJ: Were in for quite a ride.
    Carly: Are you going to go home tonight?
    EJ: I don't know.
    Carly: You can stay at my place.
    EJ: Thanks.
    Carly: EJ, don't let him do this to you! Our wedding is in a couple weeks, we'll be in Bora bora, and everything is going to be great.
    He kisses her.

    Nicole holds the drugs close to her.
    Stefano: Is anybody else involved in this?
    Nicole: Yes.
    Stefano: Who?
    Nicole: Belle's doctor.
    Stefano: What! What the hell is wrong with you?
    Nicole: I told him I would give him five million dollars if he would keep her in a coma.
    Stefano: Then why the hell did you steal them?
    Nicole: I thought he wasn't going to go through with it. I'm still going to give him the money, to shut him up.
    Stefano: You better. Now give me the drugs.
    Nicole slowely hands them to him. He grabs them out of her hand. The car stops.
    Stefano: You'll hear from me.
    She gets out of the car.

    Steve walks into Sami's room.
    Steve: Where did Kayla go?
    Sami: She just went to the washroom.
    Steve: Oh. Here's your coffee.
    He hands it to Sami.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Steve: Sami, how are you doing with your dad, and everything?
    Tears form in Sami's eyes.
    Sami: I'm ok. I just hope they catch that bastard who did it.
    Steve: Sami, theres something you should know.
    Sami: What?
    Steve: They caught him.

    Brady and Carrie are sitting in the Kirikas mansion dining room.
    Carrie: Those crab cakes were delecious.
    Brady: I'm glad you liked them.
    Victor walks into the dining room.
    Carrie: Hello Victor.
    She gets up to kiss him.
    Victor: What a pleasant suprise!
    Carrie: It's good to see you.
    Victor: It's good to see you too, Carrie. Well, I'll leave you guys alone, I don't want to interupt your evening.
    Carrie: No, your not! Stay!
    Victor: Ok, just for a little while.
    Carrie: Good.
    She smiles, as Victor sits down.

    Adrianna brings some toys into the twins' room. She hears somebody downstairs.
    Adrianna: EJ and Carly are probaly home.
    She hears music. She goes downstairs. Stefano opens his arms.
    Stefano: Adrianna! It's so good to see you.
    She stares in shock. EJ and Carly walk in.
    EJ: Adrianna, whats wrong?
    They go into the living room, and see Stefano standing there.

    Steve hugs Sami, as she cries.
    Sami: Why couldnt they have caught him sooner?
    Steve: I'm sorry, Sami.
    Sami: No! This is Anna's fault!
    Steve: Sami, don't get too worked up.

    Carrie and Brady are walking around the mansion. They see a door.
    Carrie: Whats in here?
    Brady opens it. They hear music playing.
    Brady: Would you like to dance?
    Carrie smiles.
    Carrie: Of course.
    They go inside, and start slow dancing.
    Carrie: Brady, I'm so glad I have you in my life.
    Brady: I feel the same.
    He kisses her.

    Sami sits alone in her room, crying. Caroline brings the twins inside. Caroline hugs her.

    Nicole unlocks the door to her apartment. She holds her head.
    Nicole: What did I do?

    Brady and Carrie are on the bed, inside Brady's room. They are making out. She takes his shirt off.
    Carrie: I love you, Brady.
    Brady: I love you too.
    They go inside the sheets, and start making love.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    EJ and Stefano are in the DiMera mansion living room.
    EJ: You are going to stay away from me and my family!
    Stefano: Does that family of your involve Samantha?
    EJ: Yes it does!
    Jeannie walks in the room.

    Jeannie and Carly are in a bridal store.
    Jeannie: Are you sure this is something you want to do?
    Carly looks at her.

    Patrick and Marleana are in Belle's room.
    Patrick: I'm so sorry, Marleana; it didn't work.

    Sami is in Anna's hotel room.
    Sami: My father would be alive today if you didn't just worry about covering your butt!
  10. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami's demolished car is crashed into a wall. Kate lies on the ground, bleeding close by. A driving car stops by, and sees what happened. Carrie gets out of her car.
    Carrie: Oh my God! Kate!
    Carrie rushes to her, and bends down. She takes her phone out, and dials 911.

    Carly is in her hospital room, sitting on the bed. EJ walks in. He kisses her.
    EJ: Are you ok?
    Carly: I'm fine.
    EJ: Are you sure?
    Carly: Yes, EJ.
    EJ: I'm just happy they caught this bastard.
    Carly: Well, I have Sami to thank.
    EJ: What do you mean?
    Carly: If it werent for Sami, then I probaly would have been dead too.

    Carrie hangs up, and goes to the car.
    Carrie: Oh my God! Sami!
    Sami starts to wake up.
    Sami: The car. The breaks didn't work.
    Carrie: It's ok Sami. Help is on the way.
    Carrie hears sirens.
    Carrie: It's ok, Sami. Their here.
    Carrie takes her phone out.

    Marleana is in her hospital room with Eric. Eric's phone rings.
    Eric: Hello?
    Carrie: Eric, it's me. Something happened.
    Eric: Whats wrong?
    Marleana: Eric, is something wrong?
    Carrie: Eric, Sami was in a car accident. From what she said, her breaks werent working. Ok the ambulance is here.
    Carrie hangs up.
    Marleana: Eric, whats wrong?
    Eric: Sami was in a car accident. Her breaks weren't working and she crashed into a wall. She hit Kate.
    Marleana: Ih my God!
    Marleana gets up.
    Marleana: This is what Don was talking about!

    Nicole wakes up in Patrick's bed. She gets up, and puts her clothes on. She looks at Patrick.
    Nicole: Unfortunatly, I can't trust you, Pat. I'll have to do it myself.
    Nicole leaves his hotel room, and gets her phone out. She dials a number.
    Nicole: Hi, Kelly, right?
    Nurse: Yes, this is Kelly.
    Nicole: Ok, this is Nicole Walker. I'm coming into the hospital to volunteer for a couple of hours.
    Kelly rolls her eyes.
    Kelly: Ok, what time will you be here?
    Nicole: 15 minutes. Bye.
    Nicole hangs up, and smiles.

    Sami and Kate are rushed into the hospital on stretchers. Marleana runs to Sami.
    Marleana: My baby! Honey, are you ok?
    Sami looks at her.
    Sami: I'm ok, mom.
    Carrie comes in.
    Carrie: I'm going to Billie's room, and I'll tell her about Kate.
    Carrie goes to Billie's room.

    Bo walks into Billie's room.
    Bo: We caught the Serial Killer.
    Billie: Oh, thank God! Who was it?
    Bo: Don Craig.
    Billie: That bastard killed my daughter!
    Bo: Calm down, Billie. Now that I'm back, we can get back to our conversation.
    Billie: Bo, please not now.
    Bo: This is my child, I need to be part of his life.
    Carrie walks inside, shocked at what she just heard.

    Abe goes into a questioning room, where Don is sitting.
    Don: Hello Cominsher. How are you think fine evening?
    Abe: Your not too smart, Don.
    Don: What are you talking about? I got away with killing so many people.
    Abe: I'm going to ask you a question, and your going to answer me. Who was helping you?
    Don looks at him and laughs.

    Nicole is at the nurses station.
    Nicole: Kelly, I have to go to the washroom.
    Kelly: You just got here!
    Nicole: Please, I'll be fast!
    Kelly: Go!
    Nicole leaves the nurses station. She goes to a supply room. She looks around. She sees a bottle labeld "LS-49".
    Nicole: Got ya.
    She picks it up. She puts it in her pocket, and leaves.

    Marleana is in Sami's room. Sami wakes up.
    Sami: Mom are you ok?
    Marleana smiles.
    Marleana :I'm fine sweetie. The doctor said you will be fine too.
    Sami: I hit somebody. Who was it?
    Marleana: It was Kate.
    Sami: Oh my God.
    Marleana: She's going to be ok.
    Sami: Ok.
    Marleana: Thers some good news.
    Sami: What?
    Marleana: The Serial Killer was arrested tonight. Don Craig.
    Sami looks shocked.
    Sami: Your ex-husband?

    Bo gets up.
    Carrie: I'm sorry, I just came to tell Billie something.
    Billie: What's wrong?
    Carrie: It's your mom. She was hit by a car.
    Billie: Oh my God! Is she ok?
    Carrie: I don't know.
    Billie gets up.
    Billie: Can you stay here with Josh?
    Bo: Sure.
    Billie leaves.
    Bo: Carrie,-
    Carrie: Uncle Bo, don't worry. I won't say anything to anybody.
    Bo: Thank you.

    Don sits back.
    Don: Now why would I tell you that?
    Abe: You think it's fair that your the only one that has to pay for this?
    Don: How do you even know if there was somebody else?
    Abe: We found a surveilance tape of you going into Chez Rouge. A little later, we saw the killer on a survailance tape at the Penthouse Grill while Carly was booking the place for her engagment party. Now, were a little confused here, because the evidence was in your closet, you've admitted to being the serial killer, but something doesnt add up; you didn't leave Chez Rouge before we saw the killer on the tape at the Penthouse Grill.
    Don claps.
    Don: Good job, Abe. What happens if I tell you who helped me?
    Abe: You get a bette prison; your own cell, better food.
    Don: Ok, I'm all for it. You wanna hear?
    Abe: Hurry up.
    Don: Andre DiMera.
    Abe smiles.
    Abe: How did I know that bastard wasn't dead?
    Don: So when do I get to my luxiourious prison?
    Abe: I lied.
    Abe leaves the room.

    A limo pulls up at the Emergency entrance at the hospital. Stefano DiMera gets out of the limo. He goes into the hospital waiting room as Marleana leaves Sami's room. Stefano walks to Marleana.
    Marleana: Well, well, the Pheonix rises again.
    Stefano: You shouldn't be suprised. Roman sent Mr. Alcazar to retrieve your daughter.
    Marleana: Oh, trust me; suprised is the last feeling I'm feeling right now. Oh, how coincidental that you come back to Salem the same night the Salem Serial Killer is arrested!
    Stefano: Don't you dare imply that I had anything to do with a bastard who killed my daughter!
    Marleana: Oh, sorry; we all know how important family is to you. Like putting your son on an island for 20 years. Where is he by the way? Because I know for a fact that the man who had Sami in that basement was not Tony.
    Stefano: Ahh, Marleana. Your right. Andre was masquarading as Tony for a while. Tony, well I have no idea where he is.
    Marleana: Of course you don't.
    EJ comes out of Carly's room. He and Stefano meet eyes.

    Nicole leave sthe hospital, and passes Stefano's limo. The driver comes out of the limo. He goes to Nicole.
    Driver: Nicole Walker?
    Nicole: Yes?
    Driver: Mr. DiMera would like to have a word with you.
    Nicole looks scared.
    Nicole: Tell Tony to leave me the hell alone!
    Driver: It's not Tony, it's Stefano DiMera.
    Nicole: Stefano? Even better.
    Driver: He just needs a few minutes with you.
    Nicole reluntcantly goes into the limo.

    Stefano goes to EJ.
    Stefano: Son! I heard your getting married!
    EJ: What the hell are you doing here?
    Stefano: I have family here; you, Theo, Kristen, Carlo, Dora.
    Marleana :oh, you didn't hear about Kristen's latest stunt? She kidnapped my daughter, and put her in a coma!
    Stefano: I'm deeply sorry about that, Marleana.
    EJ: Carlo hasn't been in Salem for months now, father.
    Carlo DiMera comes into the waiting room.
    Carlo: Here I am.
    EJ turns around.
    Marleana :Just how long do you think you'll be free after what happened with Hope?
    Carlo: I wouldn't worry about that.
    Stefano: Ahh, it's good to be back, eh son?
    Stefano smiles.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Nicole and Stefano are in Stefano's limo.
    Nicole: What do you want?
    Stefano: I want the same thing as you, Nicole; keep Belle Black in a coma.

    EJ is sitting in Carly's room.
    Carly: EJ, what does this mean for us?
    EJ: Were in for quite a ride.
  11. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Anna is in her and Don's apartment. There is a knock at the door, and Anna goes to open it. She lets Isabella in.
    Isabella: Is he gone?
    Anna: Yes, but I don't know for how long.
    Isabella: Ok, I really think you should get out of here!
    Anna: Isabella, I can't.
    Isabella: He's already bought a house for you two!
    Anna: I really don't think it's for us.

    Marleana and Don stand at the door.
    Isabella: Then who's it for?

    Marleana: It can't be you.
    Don smiles.
    Don: Well, of course it is.
    Marleana: Why are you doing all this?
    Don: For you, of course.

    Isabella turns on a light.
    Isabella: Get a suitecase, pack it. Were leaving.
    Anna: Isabella, please!
    Isabella: Do it, Anna! This sharade needs to end!
    Anna goes to her closet.
    Anna: I'm going into his closet! And see if that key to that house is in there. And we'll go check it out.
    Isabella: I don't think thats a good idea.
    Anna goes into Don's closet.
    Anna: Oh my God.
    Isabella: What?
    Anna pulls out the killer's mask.

    EJ closes the door of the twins' room. He looks at his watch.
    EJ: What's taking you so long, Carly?

    Maggie sits beside Sami at Chez Rouge.
    Maggie: She still didn't come?
    Sami: Nope. And her phone's on, she's not answering. Maggie, what if something happened?
    Maggie: Don't think like that honey, I'm sure she's just stuck in traffic.
    Sami: An hour late! And not answering her phone! Maggie, she's not stuck in traffic.

    Bo gets up from the chair in Billie's hospital room.
    Billie: Bo, I'm not going to let you destroy your marriage!
    Bo: Billie, I want to be a part of this child's life. I don't want him to grow up without a father!
    Billie: Do you understand that Ciara is going to grow up without a father? Not to mention, your marriage would be over!
    Bo's cell phone rings. He answers it.
    Bo: Hello?
    Anna: Bo, it's Anna. I have some news.
    Bo hears a beep.
    Bo: Hold on, it's the other line.
    Anna: Bo, it's important!
    Bo pushes the talk button to go to the other line.
    Bo: Hello?
    Sami: Uncle Bo, it's Sami.
    Bo: What's up?
    Sami: It's my mom. She was supposed to meet me an hour ago, but she isn't here yet. I'm scared that something happened to her.
    Bo: Where are you?
    Sami: At Chez Rouge.
    Bo: I'll be there soon.
    He hangs up, and goes back to Anna.
    Bo: Anna, whats going on?
    Anna :I found a mask in Don's closet. The mask of the serial killer.
    Bo: Where is he?
    Anna: I don't know.
    Bo: I'll be at your apartment soon.
    Bo hangs up, and calls Abe.
    Bo: Abe, it's Bo. We need to put an APB out on Don Craig.

    Marleana backs away from Don.
    Marleana: What do you mean for me?
    Don: You drove me into the "crazy" state that I'm in. You know whats funny?
    Marleana doesnt answer.
    Don: I asked you a question!
    Marleana: What? What is so God damn funny about what you are doing?
    Don: Well, you see, you and I were married once. Then we had a baby. He died of SIDS! Then you go off and have more children, who are perfectly healthy! Oh, execpt for your youngest who's in a coma.
    Tears form in Marleana's eyes.
    Don: So what I want to know is, why did you hate our child so much?
    Marleana: I didn't hate our child you bastard! He had a birth defect which caused him to die!
    Don: Then why were you able to have so many other children?
    Carly starts to wake up.
    Carly: Where am I?
    Marleana: Why did you kidnap her? What does she have to do with all this?

    Sami gets up from the bar, and her phone rings. She goes to answer it, but it dies.
    Sami: Damn it!

    Bo hangs up his phone.
    Bo: Damn it Sami!
    He gets out of his car, and goes to Anna's apartment. He knocks on her door. Anna quickly answers.
    Anna: Come, everything's here.
    She brings him to the closet, and shows him a box with masks, knives, wires, and guns.
    Bo: Oh my God.
    Abe knocks on the door. Isabella answers it for him. Bo comes out of the room.
    Abe: Are you sure it's him?
    Bo: Yes, look at this box.
    Abe looks in the box. He slams his fist.
    Abe: Where is this bastard?

    EJ is on his phone.
    EJ: Carly, where are you?
    He hangs up.

    Don smiles at Carly.
    Carly: I bumped into you in front of Chez Rouge.
    Don: And you saw me shoot Lexie, and I almost killed you in an elevator.
    He starts laughing.
    Marleana: You've lost your mind.
    He puts a serious face on.
    Don: Define the term "lost your mind". I'm a little confused by it. I think I have the right meaning, but just to be sure, let me demonstrate on the lovely Carly, here.
    He grabs her, and holds a gun to her head.
    Marleana: Let her go! She hasn't done anything!
    Don: Well I can't now, genius! She knows who I am! For a shrink, your not too smart.
    Marleana: Let her go, and you can do whatever you wan to me!
    Carly: Marleana, no.
    Don: I like the sound of that.
    He pushes Carly, and she falls to the ground.
    Don: Now, let's have some fun.

    Bo and Abe look through the box. Bo starts thinking.
    Abe: Bo, whats wrong?
    Bo thinks back to his conversation with Sami.
    Bo: Don has Marleana!
    Abe: What?
    Bo: Sami called me and told me that Marleana didn't meet her for dinner.
    Anna: Don bought a house. I don't know if he would have brought here there, but it's possible.
    Bo: Where is it?
    Anna: Here's the address.
    She hands him a piece of paper.
    Bo: I'm going.
    Abe: I'll stay here, and deal with this. Call me.
    Bo: I will.
    Bo leaves.
    Anna: Abe, theres more to the story.

    Sami is standing outside Chez Rouge. Inside, Maggie is on the Chez Rouge Phone.
    Maggie: She was here just a minute ago. I don't know where she went. Is everything ok?
    Bo: I don't know. If you see her, tell her to call me. It's urgent.
    Maggie: I will.
    Bo: Thanks.
    She hangs up.
    Outside, Sami goes to her car. She unlocks the door, and puts the key in the ignition. She starts driving.

    Carly gets up.
    Carly: Stop this! Leave her alone!
    Don: Do you really want me to define my meaning of loosing your mind?
    Marleana: Leave her alone, Don!
    Don: Fine, Marleana! Mabye I should kill you.
    He holds the gun to her head. Bo kicks the door down, and Carly quickly punches the gun out of Don's hand.
    Bo: Your under arrest, Don Craig; for the murders of Lexie Carver, Chelsea Brady, Chloe Black, Roman Brady, and the attemptive murders of Steve Johnson, and Carly Colson. You have the right to remain-
    Don: Oh shut up, you've missed somebody. A murder.
    Bo: What the hell are you talking about?
    Don starts laughing.
    Don: You'll see.

    Abe sits down.
    Abe: So, he's been blackmailing you, and thats why you aggreed to marry him?
    Anna: Yes, Abe. But the thing is, I didn't delebritly kill that man! He was trying to rape me, and I pushed him. He fell, and died. I wanted to call 911, but Don, who was going under the name Harry, told me that if I told anybody, then he would kill Carrie.
    Abe: I understand, Anna. Hopefully Bo has Don.

    Bo leaves the police car. Don looks out the window.
    Don: It's not over Detective!
    Bo leaves him, and the car drives away.
    Bo: You guys ok?
    Carly: Ya, I'm fine.
    Bo: Ok, I'm going to get you two to the hospital, and get you guys checked out.
    Marleana: Oh no, Sami. We were supposed to meet at Chez Rouge tonight.
    Bo: Ya, she called me and told me you didn't show up, then when Anna told me about the masks and everything, I put it together.
    Carly: Thank God you did.
    Marleana: Sami must be freaking out.

    Sami is terrified in her car.
    Sami: Help!!!
    She slams on the breaks, but the car doesn't stop.
    Sami: Help!!!
    Kate is crossing the road, when she sees the car speeding after her! She tried to get out of the way, but the car hits her!

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    ATDOOL Is Premepted August 25-29, and will be back September 1st!

    Sami's demolished car is crashed into a wall. Kate lies on the ground, bleeding close by.

    EJ walks into Carly's hospital room, and kisses her.
    EJ: Are you ok?
    Carly: I'm fine.
  12. Daniel
    Announcer: On Monday, a killer's motive revealed!

    Clip of Don and Marleana in a room.

    Don: Your the reason, Marleana! This is all your fault!

    Announcer: And somebody makes a shocking discovery.

    Clip of Anna going into Don's closet, and pulling out his killer mask.

    Ana: Oh my God.

    Announcer: He's finally done,

    Clip of Bo kicking down the door of the house.

    Announcer: And he has one more victim.

    Clip of Sami driving. She slams on the breaks, but they don't work.

    Sami: Help!!!

    Announcer: Will the killer claim his final victim? All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC
  13. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next night...
    Sami is in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Sami: Ok, EJ are you sure you can handel the twins all by yourself?
    EJ: I'll be fine, Samantha.
    Sami: Ok, let me just call my mom.
    Sami takes her phone out and dials Marleana's number.
    Sami: Hey mom, I'm about to leave now. Are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?
    Marleana: Yes, honey. I'm leaving in a few minutes.
    Sami: Ok. Bye mom.
    Sami hangs up.
    Sami: Ok, I'm going to go say bye to the twins, and I'll leave.
    EJ: Enjoy your dinner.
    Sami: Thanks.

    Patrick comes out of the shower in his hotel room. There is a knock on the door, and he puts a towel on. He opens the door, and Nicole comes in.
    Nicole: Wow Dr. Drake, I didn't know all that was under the scrubs.
    Patrick: Nicole, right?
    Nicole: Yes.
    Patrick: What can I help you with?
    She goes closer to him.
    Nicole: If you do me a favour, I'll do you one.
    Patrick: What kind of favour?
    Nicole kisses him.

    Marleana leaves her apartment, and locks the door. The elevator doors open. Marleana turns around and sees the killer, with his mask on.
    Marleana: Oh my God!
    She turns to unlock the door, but the killer pushes her against the door.
    Killer: Your fine.
    He chlorforms her.

    Sami is in Chez Rouge. Mike comes to her.
    Mike: Hey Sami.
    Sami: Hey Mike. How are you?
    Mike: I'm good. How about you?
    Sami: I'm ok.
    Mike: I'm so sorry about your father.
    Sami: Thanks.
    Mike: So, I came to ask you about your apartment; is it still available?
    Sami: Yes, actually I showed a woman today but she didn't seem too intrested in it. When do you want to see it?
    Mike: Oh, it's not for me. It's for my son, Jeremy. He's moving back to town.
    Sami: Oh, ok. WEll, let me know when he gets back, and we'll set up a date.
    Mike: Thanks Sami.

    Patrick smiles.
    Patrick: What can I possibly do for you, Nicole?
    Nicole: Your in Salem, on a case about a woman in a catatonic state, right?
    Patrick: Yes, Belle Black, you know her?
    Nicole: Sort of. Anyway, how's it going?
    Patrick: It looks ok. Were giving her the drug next week.
    Nicole: Theres the part I need from you.
    Patrick: What do you need?
    Nicole: Keep Belle Black in a coma.

    Kate is sitting in Billie's hospital room.
    Kate: So, have you thought of any names yet?
    Billie: Yes, but I haven't decided on any yet.
    Kate: What about the father?
    Billie: Mom, please-
    Kate: Bo should be part of this child's life!
    Billie: Mom, I don't want to talk about this right now.
    Kate: Billie, does he want-
    Martha walks in.
    Martha: Good God Kate! She doesnt want to talk about it leave her alone!
    Kate turns around angirly, and Billie mouths a thank you.

    Carly walks out of the changeroom of the gym. She goes to order a drink.
    Carly :Hi, can I have a strawberry smoothie, please?
    Barista: Comming right up.
    Carly turns around, and bumps into Amanda.
    Amanda: Oh, I'm so sorry.
    Carly: It was my fault. Amanda, right?
    Amanda: Yes. Carly?
    Carly: Yes.
    Amanda: I heard your son is doing good.
    Carly: He is.
    Amanda: Good, I'm happy for you and him.
    Carly: Thanks. I'm so sorry about everything your going through.
    Amanda: Thanks.
    Carly: Why don't you sit with me?
    Amanda: I'd like that.

    Sami is on her phone.
    Sami: Mom, where are you? I've called like 5 times! Call me back.
    Maggie comes to Sami at the bar.
    Maggie: Still waiting for your mom?
    Sami: Ya. I've called so many times, and she hasn't answered. It's not like her to be late.
    Maggie: Mabye she's stuck in traffic.
    Sami: Maggie, am I crazy to be worried?
    Maggie: Of course not; but stay calm. I'm sure she's fine.

    The killer puts Marleana in a dark room. He closes the door. He takes his car keys, and leaves the house.

    Martha sits on the other side of Billie's bed.
    Kate: You know, you really should start minding your own business.
    Billie laughs.
    Kate: What is so funny?
    Billie: How many times have you tried to break up Sami and Lucas?
    Kate rolls her eyes.
    Martha: What, don't like it when you get called out on it?
    Kate: Ok, fine; we won't talk about Bo, even though I'm right.
    Martha: So have you thought of any names yet?
    Billie: Well, after sitting here a while, I think I hate it.
    Kate: Funny when I asked you didn't know.
    Billie: I've had more time to think.
    Martha: Ok, what is it?
    Billie: I was thinking Josh.

    Carly and Amanda are sitting at a table with their smoothies.
    Carly: So, your planning on staying in Salem?
    Amanda: Yes; I actually looked at an apartment today; your cousins', I'm pretty sure.
    Carly: Oh, Sami's apartment?
    Amanda: Yes.
    Carly: What did you think of it?
    Amanda: I didn't like it too much. It's a little small for me.
    Carly: Have you thought about a house?
    Amanda: I don't know. A house might be too big for me, not to mention expensive.
    Carly laughs.
    Carly: Well, I'm getting married in September. If my fiance and I decide to buy a house, or if I decide to move in with him, would you like my apartment? I'll show it to you, and you can see if you like it.
    Amanda: I'd like that. Thank you, Carly.
    Carly: No problem. Anyway, I should get going. It was nice seeing you again. I'll call you.
    Amanda: See you.
    Carly leaves.

    Patrick hands Nicole a drink.
    Patrick: Now why would I want to keep Belle Black in a coma?
    Nicole: How does five million dollars sound?
    Patrick's eyes widen.
    Patrick: I have no problem accepting that offer, but I gotta ask; why do you want to keep her in a coma?
    Nicole: Let's just say she's keeping a man from me.
    Patrick: Ok then.
    Nicole: Thanks, Doc.
    She turns around, but then turns back.
    Nicole: You know, I've wanted to go into the supply closet with you a couple times.
    He moves closer to her, and they start kissing passionatly.

    Sami orders a drink at the bar, and tries to call Marleana again. It goes to voicemail, and she hangs up.
    Sami: Mom, where are you?

    Carly leaves the gym, and is on her phone.
    Carly: Hey EJ. I just left the gym, and I'm on my way to the mansion now.
    EJ: Good, good. I can't wait to see you.
    Carly: Is it because you love me so much, or because your having a hard time with the twins?
    EJ laughs.
    EJ: A little bit of both.
    Carly: Ok. I'll be there in a bit.
    She goes into her car, and puts her phone down. She looks in her rearview mirror, and is shocked! She sees the killer behind her. She tries to get out of the car, but he chlorforms her.

    Kate and Martha have left Billie's room. Billie kisses her baby.
    Billie: How does Josh sound?
    Bo comes into her room.
    Billie: Bo, what are you doing here?
    Bo: Billie, we need to talk.
    Billie: Bo, we already discussed this.
    Bo: I want to be a part of his life. I have to tell Hope.

    Marleana is in the dark room, banging on the door.
    Marleana: Let me out!
    The door opens, and the killer throws Carly inside. She falls to the ground.
    Marleana: Oh my God! What did you do to her!?
    Killer: The same thing I did to you.
    Marleana: What the hell do you want with us?
    The killer stays silent.
    Marleana :Tell me God damn it!
    She slaps him, and pulls off his mask. She stands there shocked.
    Marleana: Oh my God; it's you.
    Don Craig smiles.
    Don: Thats just the expression I was aiming for.

    Next on All the Days of our Lives:

    Marleana: Why are you doing all this?
    Don: For you, of course.

    EJ is on the phone.
    EJ: Carly, where are you?

    Anna is in her and Don's apartment. She goes into his closet.
    Anna: Oh my God.
  14. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Dora is walking on the pier. Her phone rings.
    Dora: Hello.
    Person: Dora, good to hear from you.
    Dora: How dare you! What the hell is wrong with you?
    Person: Dora, is there a problem?
    Dora: Hell ya there is! I told you to keep my family out of it, and you went and killed Lexie!
    Person: Lexie got herself killed when she decided to look at the file! Now, you listen to me! You get me the drugs!
    Dora: We had a deal, and you blew it!
    Person: Then your done.

    Abe is in his office. A cop comes in.
    Cop: Theres a Ms. Amanda De Costa to see you.
    Abe: Thank you, let her in.
    Amanda walks in.
    Amanda: Hi, Comminisher Carver. I'm sorry about your partner, Roman.
    Abe: Thank you. And thank you for comming.
    Amanda: No problem. I'll do anything to make sure Eddie is put away.
    Abe: Thats what I'm worried about.
    Amanada: What's wrong?
    Abe: He might plead insanity.
    Amanda looks at Abe in shock.

    Adrianna is outside the Brady Pub.
    Adrianna: I'll see you tonight, Andrew.
    Adrianna turns around and sees Jeannie.
    Jeannie: The hell your going to see my brother!
    Adrianna and Jeannie are outside the Brady Pub.
    Adrianna: Guess what? What Andrew and I do is not up to you.
    Jeannie move closer to her.
    Jeannie: Stay away from him.
    Adrianna: Or what?
    Jeannie: You don't want to know.
    Adrianna laughs.
    Adrianna: I don't have time for you.
    Jeannie grabs her arm.
    Jeannie: I'm not done talking to you.

    Hope is sitting in the Pub with Ciara.
    Ciara: Mommy, wheres grandma and grandpa?
    Hope: Their probaly in the kitchen. Why don't you go see them?
    Ciara: Ok mommy.
    Ciara goes into the kitchen. Billie walks into the Pub. Hope looks up, and notices Billie.
    Hope: Why the hell are you here?
    Billie: Hope, please.
    Hope: What do you want?
    Billie: I came to offer my condolences for Roman.
    Hope: Don't worry, your not needed.
    Billie: Hope, please stop.
    Hope: Leave!

    Abe puts a cup of coffee next to Amanda.
    Amanada: Thanks.
    Abe sits down.
    Amanda: This is crazy! He isn't insane! What are we going to do?
    Abe: He can probaly pay off a doctor to testify in court.
    Amanda: He would do something like that.
    Abe: He won't. I know a physcriast. I'm very good friends with her. I'll have her evaulate him, and she will make a report, and she'll testify in court.
    Amanda: Thats good.
    Abe: If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Why do you hate him so much?
    Amanda: Other than him blaming me for my son's death, he was a deadbeat father.During my whole pregnancy, he was gone. The day our baby was born, he came to the hospital, and said that he was away, trying to make some money for our family. He stayed for a couple months, and then left. He came again about three months ago.
    Abe: Thats when your son died.
    Tears form in Amanda's eyes.
    Amanda: While he was there, I heard Charley crying. So I went to the stairs, and he threw his beer bottle at me. It landed on the stairs, and I went to him to tell him to leave. Charley came down the stairs, and he slipped on the bottle.
    She holds her head as she cries.
    Abe: I'm so sorry.
    He hugs her.

    Adrianna puts her phone inside her purse.
    Adrianna: What the hell do you want? Your acting like a nut job!
    Jeannie: How dare you come here, knowing what my family's going through, and start fighting?
    Adrianna: Just to refresh your tiny brain, you started fighitng! I'm actually being there for Andrew, and comforting him! What are you doing? Giving your boyfriend a lap dance in front of your whole family?
    Jeannie backhands her!
    Adrianna: I'm going to kill you!
    Adriannna wraps her hands around Jeannie's neck.

    Billie: Hope, I understand-
    Hope: If you understand, then get out!
    Billie turns around, and leaves. She sees Jeannie and Adrianna fighting.
    Billie: Hey! Stop!
    She grabs Adrianna off of Jeannie.
    Jeannie: I am going to kill you!
    Billie grabs her stomach in pain.
    Jeannie: Oh my God. Billie, are you ok?
    Billie: I think I'm in labour.
    Jeannie: Oh my God. I'll get you to the hospital.

    Dora bumps into EJ on the docks. There are tears in her eyes.
    EJ: Dora, whats wrong?
    Dora: EJ, you need to leave now!
    EJ: Dora, whats going on?
    Dora: EJ, I made a mistake, and now I'm going to pay. You need to leave!
    EJ: Dora, I'll help you, just tell me what you did!
    Dora: I can't, EJ. I can't.

    Amanda goes to Eddie's jail cell.
    Eddie: Well, well, look who came to visit me.
    Amanda: I know what your trying to do Eddie. Plead insanity. It's not going to work.
    Eddie: I'm not trying anything.
    Amanda: Go to hell.
    Eddie: No, thats where your going, for killing our son!
    Amanda: I did not kill our son! It's your fault he died! I hate you so much! Go to hell you bastard.
    She leaves, and he laughs.

    Jeannie brings Billie into the hospital. Mike sees her.
    Mike: Whats going on?
    Jeannie: She's going into labour.
    Mike: Contractions?
    Jeannie: Yes, 12 minutes apart.
    Mike: Has her water broken yet?
    Billie: No! Get me to a room!
    Mike turns to Nicole.
    Mike: Nicole, can you get her to a room?
    Nicole: Yes, Dr. Horton.
    Billie: Are you sure she can be trusted?
    Nicole: Don't worry, Billie.
    Nicole gets her on a wheelchair, and brings her to a room.

    Dora unlocks the door to her apartment. She goes inside, and looks nervous. There is a knock on the door.
    Dora: Thank God.
    She opens the door, and lets Mike in.
    Mike: Whats going on?
    Dora: He called me today. I told him to stay aweay from me, but he said that I'm done.
    Mike: Dora, you need to leave town. He's going to kill you.
    Dora: He'll track me down, Mike! We need to go to the cops, and tell them who he is!
    Mike: I don't know who he is, Dora! You do!
    Dora: Mike, I can't do this alone!
    Mike: I'll loose my license, and I'll go to jail!
    Dora: If I tell the cops, I have to tell everything!
    Mike: Dora, don't!
    Dora: Well then I"ll do something about it!

    Nicole is in Billie's room.
    Nicole: The doctor will be in soon.
    Billie: Thanks.
    Nicole: Is there anybody you want me to call?
    Billie: Please call Bo Brady.
    Nicole: Sure.

    Mike goes closer to Dora.
    Mike: Dora, you can't do this.
    Dora: You should have thought about your carreer when you started dealing drugs to him!
    Mike: He was threatning my son's life!
    Dora: We are in such a huge mess.

    Amanda walks into the Brady Pub. She goes to Sami's table.
    Amanda: Sami, right?
    Sami: Yes. Hi Amanda.
    Amanda: I'm so sorry about your father.
    Sami: Thank you. And thank you for comming to the funeural.
    Amanda: No problem. So you have an apartment?
    Sami: Yes. I haven't lived there in a while, and it's just sitting there.
    Amanda: Well, I'd love to see it.
    Sami: Ok. How's now?
    Amanda: Actually, I can't now. I have an appoitment. How's tomorrow?
    Sami: Tomorrows good. Call me to let me know the time.
    Amanda: I will. Thanks.
    Amanda gets up, and leaves the Pub.

    Bo walks into Billie's hospital room, and sees her holding a baby boy.
    Billie: This is our son, Bo.
    Bo: Billie, if you want me to be a part of this-
    Billie: No Bo. This is something I have to do alone.
    Bo: What are you going to name him?
    Billie: I'm not sure. You should go, Bo.
    Bo: Ok.
    He leaves her room.

    Mike leaves Dora's apartment. She closes the door, and picks up the phone. She dials a number.
    Dora: Yes, this is Dora DiMarino. I'd like to book a flight to Milan, Italy.
    Person: We have a flight that leaves tomorrow.
    Dora: Great. Thank you.
    She hangs up, and starts packing.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami is on her phone at Chez Rouge.
    Sami: Mom, where are you?

    Bo is in Billie's hospital room.
    Bo: I want to be a part of his life. I have to tell Hope.

    Nicole and Patrick are in Partick's hotel room.
    Nicole: If you do me a favour, I'll do you one.
    Patrick: What kind of favour?
    Nicole kisses him.
  15. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami is ready for the funeural, in the DiMera mansion. The doorbell rings. She opens the door, and lets Carly in.
    Sami: Hi Carly.
    Carly: Hi Sami. I'm so sorry.
    She hugs her.EJ comes down the stairs.
    EJ: Good morning, Carly.
    Carly: EJ, I have to talk to you.
    They go into the living room. Tears form in her eyes.
    EJ: What's wrong?
    Carly: I'm leaving, EJ. I can't do this anymore.

    Bo, Hope, Kimberly, Shane, Ciara, Jeannie, and Andrew are at St. Lukes Church. They hug.
    Bo: Ma and Pop should be here soon.
    Kimberly: I just got off the phone with them. Their on their way with Max.
    Marleana, Carrie, Eric, Sami, Will, and the twins walk into the church.
    Marleana: I'm so sorry.
    She hugs everybody.

    Amanda is outside St. Lukes. Kayla and Stephanie walk to the doors.
    Kayla: Hey, your Amanda, right?
    Amanda: Yes. Hi, Kayla, right?
    Kayla: Yes. You knew Roman?
    Amanda: Roman?
    Kayla: Todays my brother, Roman's, funeural.
    Amanda: Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
    Kayla: Thank you. Why don't you join us?
    Amanda: I don't think I should.
    Kayla: Roman would want you to, after your son's heart saved Alex.
    Amanda: Ok.
    They go inside.

    EJ holds Carly's hand.
    EJ: Carly, what do you mean your leaving?
    Carly: I can't stay in Salem, anymore.
    EJ: Whats wrong, Carly?
    Carly: It's not safe for me, and it's not safe for Alex. I'm not going to ask you to come with me, because I'm not going to ask you to leave your children.
    EJ: Carly, please, don't do this.
    Tears form in Carly's eyes.
    Carly: I'm sorry.
    She takes her engagment ring off. She puts it in EJ's hand.
    Carly: I love you.
    She kisses him, and she leaves the mansion. EJ stands there, with tears in his eyes.

    Everybody is in the church, now ready for Roman's funeural. Amanda sits beside Hope. Hope smiles at her.
    Hope: Thank you for comming.
    Amanda: Is Carly comming? I was hoping to ask her about her son.
    Hope: Actually, no. Carly's leaving Salem, because it's not safe for her here.
    Amanda: Oh. I understand, with everything thats happening.
    Hope: Alex is doing great, by the way.
    Amanda: Good. I'm glad.
    She smiles. The funeural starts. Everybody lines up, and says a prayer at Roman's coffin.

    Carly and Alex are at the airport. Carly turns around, and sees EJ. EJ comes to her.
    EJ: Carly, I can't imagine my life without you in it. Please, don't do this.
    Carly starts crying.
    Carly: EJ, please.
    EJ: Carly, I will protect you. I love you.
    He kisses her.
    Carly: EJ I need to go.
    EJ: I'm not letting you go, Carly.
    He takes out the engagment ring. She wipes her tears.
    EJ: Please, Carly.
    Carly: Ok.
    They hug, and EJ, Carly, and Alex leave the airport.

    Everybody in the funeural moves outside, to bury Roman. Everybody puts a flower on his coffin, and they lower it into the ground. Everybody starts crying. Eric hugs Sami. Everybody leaves, but Amanda stays. She goes to her son's tombstone. She starts crying. Hope comes behind her.
    Hope: Thats your son?
    Amanda: Yes. I miss him so much.
    Hope hugs her.
    Hope :I know how it feels.
    Amanda: Everybody says that. Everybody says they know what I must be going through, but they really don't.
    Hope: I do. I lost my son a few years ago.
    Amanda: Oh my God. I'm so sorry.
    Hope: I know exactly what your going through.
    Amanda: Does it ever go away?
    Hope: No. It doesn't. But it gets easier after a while. I had my daughter. She did not replace him, but she has made it easier. I still think what would he be doing today?
    Amanda: I think about that everyday. It's so hard.
    She starts crying. Hope hugs her.

    Sami, Eric, and Carrie are outside the Pub.
    Sami: It's done. Daddys really gone.
    They all hug. Isabella comes.
    Isabella: I'm really sorry about your father.
    Eric: Were sorry too. You made our father very happy.
    Isabella starts crying.
    Isabella: Thank you.

    Shawn and Caroline are in the kitchen of the Pub. Caroline starts crying.
    Shawn: It's going to be ok, Caroline.
    Shawn hugs her. Kayla comes in the kitchen.
    Kayla: You guys ok?
    Shawn: Ya, were ok.
    Kayla goes back to the front of the restruant, and Carly and EJ walk in.
    Kayla: Carly! I thought you left.
    Carly: I was going to, but then something made me realize I need to stay.
    She looks at EJ.
    Carly: I'm so sorry about Roman.
    She hugs her.
    Kayla: Thanks.

    Sami and Carrie go into Carrie's apartment. Sami sits on the couch.
    Carrie: Do you want coffee, tea, anything?
    Sami: No thanks.
    Sami starts crying. Carrie sits beside her, and hugs her.

    Isabella unlocks the door to her office. She goes in, and sits on the couch. She looksa at a picture of Roman. She hugs it, and wipes her tears.

    Carly and EJ are in the DiMera mansion. Caely puts Alex in his playpen. EJ comes. There are tears in Carly's eyes.
    Carly: I don't know what I would have done without you, EJ.
    EJ hugs her.

    Shawn and Caroline are in their room. Caroline starts crying. Shawn hugs her.
    Shawn: It's going to be ok.
    Caroline: What are we going to do, Shawn?
    They lay on their bed, and Shawn cuddles her.

    Bo, Hope, and Ciara go into their house.
    Hope: Ciara, why don't you go put your pyjamas on?
    Ciara: Ok mommy.
    Ciara goes upstairs. Hope hugs Bo.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Hope and Billie are at the Pub.
    Hope: Why the hell are you here?
    Billie: Hope, please.
    Hope: Leave!
    Billie leaves, and holds her stomach in pain.

    Dora is on the pier, on her phone.
    Dora: We had a deal, and you blew it!
    Person: Then your done.

    Adrianna and Jeannie are outside the Brady Pub.
    Adrianna: Guess what? What Andrew and I do is not up to you.
    Jeannie move closer to her.
    Jeannie: Stay away from him.
    Adrianna: Or what?
    Jeannie: You don't want to know.
  16. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami is in Roman's room. She is holding his hand. Abe comes in the room. Sami turns around and hugs Abe.
    Sami: Thanks for comming, Uncle Abe.
    Abe: I'm so sorry, Sami. Wheres your grandparents?
    Sami: They'll be her soon.
    Sami starts crying.
    Sami: What am I going to do without him?
    Isabella comes in the room.
    Isabella: Hi.
    Sami hugs her.
    Sami: I know how close you and my dad had gotten, and I'm so sorry.
    Isabella: Me too Sami.
    Isabella hugs Abe.

    Kayla wakes up on the couch at Bo and Hope's house. Stephanie is on the other couch. She fixes the blanket on her. Ciara comes downstairs.
    Ciara: Good morning aunt Kayla.
    Kayla: Good morning sweetie. How did you sleep?
    Ciara: Good. Mommy and daddy's bed is so comfortable.
    Kayla laughs. She picks her up.
    Kayla: You hungry, sweetie?
    Ciara: Yes.
    Kayla: Ok. I'll get you some cereal.
    They go into the kitchen.

    Eric, Will, Shawn, Caroline, and the twins come into Roman's hospital room. Isabella hugs them all.
    Sami: So, were doing it today?
    Tears form in everybody's eyes.
    Caroline: It's for the best.
    Sami: I know.
    Eric hugs her. Mike comes in the room.
    Mike: Are we ready?
    Caroline: No. Were still waiting for more family to come, and say goodbye to Roman.
    Mike: No problem. And theres no rush, take all the time you need. Just call me when your ready.
    Sami: Thanks.

    Carly is getting ready to go to the hospital. There is a knock on the door. Carly answers it, and lets Nilan in.
    Nilan: Carly, I'm so sorry aout your uncle.
    She hugs her.
    Carly: Thanks.
    Nilan: I'm sorry I couldn't come last night. I was really busy with the kids.
    Carly: It's ok. Be happy you werent there.
    Nilan: Again, I'm so sorry.
    Carly: Are you sure you can babysit Alex? If you can't, it's really no problem.
    Nilan: Carly, don't worry. Go be with your family.
    Carly: Thanks so much.
    She hugs her.

    Bo, Hope, Ciara, Kayla, and Stephanie are in the living room, ready to go to the hospital.
    Bo: You ready to do this?
    Kayla starts crying.
    Kayla: I don't know.
    They hug.
    Hope: Im going to put Ciara in the car.
    She leaves.

    Carly, Kimberly, Jeannie, and Andrew get out of the elevator at the hospital. They see Sami, Carrie, Eric, Shawn, Caroline, Will, and the twins in the waiting room. They all hug.
    Carly: Sami, I want to apogolize for everything, and forget about it all. I'm really sorry about your dad.
    Sami: Thanks.
    They hug.
    Bo, Hope, Ciara, Kayla, and Stephanie come out of the elevator. They hug everybody.
    Caroline: I can't do this.
    She starts crying. Shawn hugs her.
    Caroline: I can't do this.
    Isabella comes into the waiting room.
    Hope: Hi, Isabella. I'm so sorry.
    Isabella wipes her tears.
    Isabella: I'm so sorry everybody.
    Caroline: I think we should each say our seperate goodbye.
    Kimberly: I agree. I'll go first.
    Kimberly, Carly, Jeannie, and Andrew go into Roman's room.

    Kimberly sits beside Roman.
    Kimberly: Hey big brother.
    She starts crying. She starts talking to him. She kisses him. Carly, Jeannie, and Andrew kiss him. They leave the room, and Bo, Hope, and Ciara go in. They talk to him. Ciara kisses him, and they leave. Eric goes into the room.
    Eric: I'm going to miss you, dad.
    He hugs him. Eric leaves, and Will and the twins go inside. Will hugs him, and the twins put their hands on Roman's. Will leaves the room, and Carrie goes in.
    Carrie: I love you daddy.
    She hugs him. Carrie leaves. Kate goes inside his room.
    Kate: Hello Roman.
    She hugs him.
    Kate: I think you were the only person who really got me, and loved me.
    She starts crying.
    Kate: I'm going to miss you.
    She leaves the room, and Kayla and Stephanie go inside. They kiss him. They leave, and Isabella comes in.
    Isabella: I'm going to miss you so much. I'm so thankful for the time we had together, but I'm still sad that we didn't meet before.
    She starts crying.
    Isabella: I love you.
    She kisses him. She leaves and Sami comes in. Sami hugs him.
    Sami: Daddy, I'm going to miss you so much. What am I going to do without you?
    She hugs him, and Shawn and Caroline come in. Sami hugs them, and leaves the room.
    Shawn: Goodbye my boy. I love you.
    Caroline: I love you, Roman.

    Everybody gathers in Roman's room. Mike comes in.
    Caroline: Were ready.
    Mike goes next to Roman, and puts his hand on the life support plug. Eric puts his arms around Sami and Carrie. Mike pulls the plug. Isabella leaves the room. Carly follows her.
    Carly: I'm so sorry.
    She hugs her.

    Everybody in Roman's room, hug each other. Everyone starts crying. They all say goodbye to Roman, and leave the room. Sami closes the light. She stops at the door.
    Sami: Goodbye daddy.
    She leaves the room, and closes the door.

    Anna hugs Carrie as Carrie leaves the room.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Carly and EJ are in the DiMera mansion.
    Carly: I'm leaving, EJ. I can't do this anymore.
  17. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Nicole turns away form Chloe's dead body.
    Nicole: Oh my God, Eric.
    Eric hugs her. Hope picks up Ciara and hugs her.
    Ciara: Mommy, I'm scared.
    Hope: It's ok, honey.
    The lights flicker again, and go off.
    Jeannie: This is insane.
    Roman: Ok, everybody stay here. The building is on lockdown. Wherever the killer is, their not getting away.
    Isabella: Roman, do you really think it's safe for all of us to be stuck here with a lunatic?
    Roman: It's the only way to catch the killer. Wherever he is, he's not getting out.

    The killer is in a room. They try to open the door, but it is locked. They look around, and see a window.

    Jeannie goes outside the restraunt, and she goes to the doors of the stairs. Jeff follows her.
    Jeff: Jeannie, you can't go.
    Jeannie: The hell I'm, not!
    Roman: Jeannie, it's safe to stay up here!
    Jeannie: What the hell makes you think that it's safe for us to be stuck here all night, with a killer on the loose!?
    Roman: Jeannie-
    Jeannie: No! This is insane!
    Everybody starts watching Roman and Jeannie.
    Jeannie: Somebody is already dead, and your stuffing us all up here? He's already killed three people!
    Kimberly comes to Jeannie.
    Kimberly: Come on, honey, sit with me. I'll get you something to eat.
    Jeannie goes with Kimberly.

    Carly sits at a table. EJ brings her a glass of water.
    Carly: EJ, it's all my fault.
    EJ: No, it's not, Carly.
    Carly: Yes it is! He warned me not to go through with tonight, and I did, and now somebody is dead! It's all my fault, EJ!
    EJ hugs her, and she starts crying.

    Jeannie drinks some water.
    Jeannie: I really don't want to be stuck in here with a killer and a dead body, mom.
    Roman comes.
    Roman: Jeannie, I know you don't want to be here,-
    Jeannie: Wow! The Salem PD actually got a clue! Why don't you stop talking to me and go find the killer so we can gte the hell out of here!
    Carly comes.
    Carly: Your being really selfish, Jeannie.
    Jeannie turns around.
    Jeannie: This comming from somebody who got numerous warnings about tonight, but still went through with it? Give me a break, I don't have time for this.
    Carly leaves.
    Kimberly: What is wrong with you, Jeannie! That was very rude!
    Jeannie: Well, I"m sick of people always going off on me when their even worse.
    Kimberly goes to talk to Carly.Jeff comes to Jeannie.
    Jeff: You ok?
    Jeannie: No.

    Bo, Hope, Kayla, and Roman are stading near the elevators.
    Kayla: Wheres Steve? I'm worried.
    Bo: He's probaly stuck somewhere because of the lockdown.
    Kayla: He's not answering his phone. What if something happened?
    Hope: Don't worry, Kay. He's fine.
    Kayla's phone rings. She answers it.
    Kayla: Hello?
    Stephanie: Mom! It's me. Are you ok? I heard what happened?
    Kayla: Ya I'm fine. The buildings on lockdown, so I don't know whne I'll get home.
    The power goes back on, and the elevator doors open.
    Kayla: Oh my God.
    She drops her phone. Bo and Hope stare in shock.

    Nicole and Eric are sitting at a table. Sami comes.
    Sami: Are you ok, Eric?
    Eric: Ya, I'm fine. You?
    Sami: Ya. I don't know how much longer I can stay here.
    Nicole: Well, at least the powers back on.
    The lights flicker.
    Nicole: Or not.

    Bo, Roman, Hope, and Kayla look at a hockey mask covered in blood, in the elevator. Roman goes in the elevator, to get the mask. The lights flicker, and the power goes out again. The elevator doors close.
    Hope: Roman!
    Roman: I'm ok!
    The emergency lights go on in the elevator, and Roman looks around.
    Roman: Oh my God.
    There is blood all over the elevator.
    Kayla: This is insane!

    In another elevator, the killer is stuck. They has a flashback.
    The killer goes into the contol room. They start figiting withthe controls.
    The killer comes back from the flashback. They start banging on the elevator doors.

    Sami sits down.
    Sami: I can't take these stupid lights anymore!
    The lights come back on.

    Roman's elevator startgs moving. So does the killers. The killers elevator opens, and they run out. Roman's opens on the same floor! Roman sees the killer running! The killer opens the doors for the stairs, and starts running down.Roman follows the killer.
    Roman: I've got you now!
    The killer slowely stops in front of a door. Roman keeps running down. The killer punches Roman at the back of his head, and Roman falls down the stairs. The killer runs down and gets to the main floor. They run out of the building.

    Jeannie goes to talk to Bo.
    Jeannie: I'm sure that if the killer was still here, you would have gotten him by now.
    Bo: Jeannie, were keeping you all here for your own safety!
    Bo's cell phone rings.
    Bo: Hello?
    Cop: Detective Brady, the killer got away. We saw it on a camara.
    Bo: Damn it. Did you see Roman?
    Cop: No.
    Bo: Ok, thanks.
    Bo goes back into the restruant.
    Bo: If I can have everybody's attention, please.
    Everybody turns and looks at Bo.
    Bo: The building is off lockdown, and as soon as we get the OK, we'll start getting people out.
    Everybody sighs in relief.
    Nicole: What do you mean getting people out?
    Bo: You'll have to use the stairs, and we don't want it getting too crowded.
    Nicole: The stairs! Were so high!
    Bo: Sorry, but the elevators have evidence in them.
    A cop comes.
    Cop: We have some bad news.
    Bo: What's wrong?
    Hope and Kayla come closer.
    Cop: We found Roman and Steve, bleeding.
    Kayla: What?
    Cop: We rushed them to the hospital.
    Hope: Oh my God.

    Roman and Steve are brought into the hospital on stretchers. Bo, Hope, Kayla, Isabella, Kimberly, Jeannie, Shawn, and Caroline follow.
    Kayla: Can I see my husband?
    Nurse: Not yet, I'm sorry.
    Kayla starts crying. Hope hugs her.
    Hope: Their going to be ok.
    Carly and EJ come into the ER.
    Carly: Look what I caused. This is all my fault, EJ.
    Carly starts crying. EJ hugs her. Andrew and Stephanie come into the hospital.
    Stephanie: Mom, are they ok?
    Kayla: I don't know honey.
    Stephanie: They have to be!
    Andrew hugs Kimberly, Shawn, and Caroline. Sami, Carrie, Eric, and Marleana come into the hospital.
    Sami: Grandma! Is dad ok?
    Caroline: We don't know anything yet.
    The doctor comes out. Everybody gathers around him.
    Doctor: We have news about Roman Brady.
    Caroline: Is he ok?
    Doctor: We've given him a physcial examaniation. He has no response to pain.
    Roman lies in his hospital bed.
    Doctor: He has no response to the crainal nerve. I'm sorry, but Roman is brain dead.
    Everybody cries, and they start hugging each other.
    Sami: This can't be! He can't be gone! We can get other opinioins, can't we?
    Jack and Jennifer come into the ER.
    Doctor: You can get more opinions, but I'm afarid they won't be any different. I'll give you some time to decide what to do.
    Sami: What are we going to do?
    Marleana hugs Eric.
    Eric: We have to decide wheather to kee phim on life support or not.
    Sami: What do you mean or not! Were going to get more opionions, and he's going to be ok! He is, we just have to believe that!
    Marleana hugs her.
    Sami: He's going to be ok!
    Marleana: Sami, we have to face this, realistically.
    Sami: What is wrong with you people!?! He's in there, and he's going to be fine! He's alive! Are we just going to give up!?
    Bo tries to hug her, but she pushes him away.
    Sami: Stop it! I am fine!
    She starts crying, and Bo hugs her. Diane comes with a wheelchair. Bo puts her in the wheelchair. Sami closes her eyes.
    Mike comes out.
    Kayla: Is there any news on Steve?
    Mike: He's ok. He went into cardiac arrest, but we woke him up. He's going to be ok.
    Kayla: Can I go see him?
    Mike: Yes.
    Jack, Jennifer, Kayla, and Stephanie go in to see Steve.
    Kimberly hugs Caroline.
    Kimberly: Ma, what are we going to do?
    Caroline: The only thing we can do. We need to take him off life support.
    Isabella starts crying. Caroline hugs her.

    Carly goes outside of the hospital. She sits on the bench outside. Her phone rings. She answers it angirly.
    Carly: Hello.
    Person: I warned you. Now two people are dead, because of you. Three's a charm, right? I guess I should add another one to the list, right?
    Carly: Leave me the hell alone!
    The killer comes behind her. They tap her on the back. She turns around, and yells at the bloddy mask! The killer runs into a van, and drives away.
  18. Daniel
    Announcer: This week, death rocks Salem!

    Clip of the killer, and Chloe's dead body.

    Announcer: But thats not it!

    Clip of Roman and Steve on the ground, bleeding.

    Announcer: One of them will die!

    Clip of a doctor in the hospital.

    Doctor: I'm sorry, but he's brain dead.

    Announcer: But is it the end?

    Clip of Marleana in a dark room.

    Marleana: Who's there!?

    The killer comes in!

    Announcer: This Friday,

    Marleana: Oh my God.

    Announder: The Salem Serial Killer

    Clip of the killer with his mask on.

    Announcer: Will be revealed!

    Marleana: Oh my God; it's you!

    Announcer: All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC.
  19. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Steve, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Ciara, Shane, Kimberly, Jack, Jennifer, Shawn, Caroline, Brady, Carrie, Roman, Isabella, Marleana, Scotty, Sami, Eric, and Nicole walk into the Penthouse Grill.
    Nicole: Well Carly really knows how to throw a party; I'll give her that.
    Eric :Nicole, don't do anything. She already doesnt want you here.
    Nicole: Oh, don't worry.

    Carly picks up her phone.
    Carly: Nothing. I think their here, lets go.
    They go into the dining room, and greet the guests. Carly turns to EJ.
    Carly: What the hell are they doing here?
    She looks at Sami and Nicole.
    EJ: Don't mind them. This is our night, don't make it about them.
    Carly: I'll try.
    Carly and EJ go to say hi to Roman and Isabella.
    Carly: Hi Roman, Isabella.
    Isabella: Carly, if you want me to leave-
    Carly: No. I realize I have been a little harsh to you in the past, but I want to forget about that, and move on.
    Isabella: I'd like that.
    Nicole: Any chance I could get that?

    Jeff and Jeannie walk into the Penthouse Grill.
    Shane: She's with him again!
    Kimberly: Shane, don't start.
    Hope: You either, Bo.
    Bo: Whatever.
    Bo looks at Steve and Kayla.
    Bo: Wheres Stephanie?
    Kayla: She wasn't feeling good.
    Hope: I hope she feels better.

    Brady and Carrie are dancing.
    Carrie: Thanks for everything, Brady.
    Brady: Driving you here was no problem.
    Carrie: Not that! Thanks for being my friend, and listening to me.It means a lot to me.
    Brady: Me too.
    He kisses her.

    Marleana goes to Shawn and Caroline's table.
    Marleana :Hello Shawn, Caroline.
    Shawn: Hello Marleana.
    Caroline: Hi Marleana. How are you?
    Marleana: I'mm good. Yourself?
    Caroline: Were good. We heard that you found something that could help Belle.
    Marleana: Yes. I had a metting with the doctor today.
    Caroline: How did that go?
    Marleana: He didn't seem too hopeful, but I am, and I think this will bring Belle out of it.
    Shawn: So do we. I hope everything works out, Marleana.

    Carly and EJ are dancing.
    Carly: I am so happy I'm marrying you.
    EJ: So am I.
    Carly's phone gets a text message. She opens it. Text: I tried to warn you.
    Carly: Oh my God.
    EJ: Carly, whats going on?
    She shows him the text message. They go sit down.
    Carly: They called me before, and told me not to do it. EJ, what if this is the killer?
    EJ: You need to show this to Bo and Roman.
    Carly: EJ, what if something happens tonight?
    EJ: Carly, nothing is going to happen tonight.
    The lights start flickering.

    Bo, Hope, Steve, Kayla, Shane, Kimberly, Roman, and Isabella sit down.
    Isabella: What was that?
    Hope: I hope the power doesnt go out.
    Chloe walks into the Penthouse Grill, and sees Brady dancing with Carrie.
    Hope: Chloe, this is a private party.
    Chloe: I didn't see a sign.
    Steve goes to the washroom.
    Chloe sits at the bar. She rolls her eyes at Brady.
    Steve: Look, nobody wants any trouble tonight, so if thats what you came here to do, then just leave.
    Chloe: I came for a drink.

    Jeannie goes to Carly and EJ's table.
    Jeannie: Great party, guys.
    Chloe comes.
    Chloe: Congraulations.
    Carly looks confused.
    EJ: Chloe, right?
    Carly: I don't remember inviting a Chloe.
    Chloe: I didnt know that there was a private party going on.
    Carly: Well, it is.
    Chloe watches Brady and Carrie.
    Carly :Is there a problem with Brady and Carrie?
    Chloe doesnt answer.
    Carly: Get over it.

    Brady and Carrie sit down.
    Brady: Look whos here.
    Carrie: Who?
    Brady: Chloe.
    Carrie: Oh God.
    Chloe comes to their table.
    Chloe: Well hello, Brady, Carrie.
    Brady: Why are you here, Chloe?
    Chloe: I see it didn't take you long to move on.
    Carrie gets up.
    Carrie: What is your problem?
    Nicole comes to their table.
    Nicole: Her problem is that Brady finally realized what a stupid, ear numbing bitch Chloe really is.
    Chloe turns around.
    Chloe: Excuse me?

    Steve goes into the elevator. On another floor, the killer goes into an elevator, but the opposite one that Steve went into.
    Chloe presses the button for the elavator.
    Nicole: Leave Brady alone, Chloe. Let him be happy with Carrie.
    Chloe: Go to hell.
    Nicole: Theres already a spot reserved for you.
    The elevator dooes open, and she goes inside. Chloe goes back into the restruant. Chloe is shocked, in the elevator. She looks at the killer, with the mask on.
    Chloe: Oh my God.

    Inside the restruant, the lights flicker again.
    Carly: EJ, I'm scared.
    He hugs her. Everybody starts hearing hysterical laughing.
    Isabella: What the hell is going on?
    Carly: I can't hear it anymore!
    She goes towards the sound, and trips over something!
    Carly: Oh my God
    EJ: Carly, whats going on?
    The laughing gets louder, and the lights come back on. Everybody yells.
    Isabella: Oh my God!
    Carly is covered in blood.
    Carly: Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!
    Everybody stares in shock, at Chloe's dead body. The laughing gets louder. EJ finds a tape recorder, and accidently pushes another button.
    Recorder: The blood is on your hands, Carly!
    Carly stands, with blood all over her.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    All the Days of Our Lives is pre-empted Friday August 15!

    Kayla, Hope, and Kimberly are standing at the elevators.
    Kayla: Wheres Steve? I'm worried.
    The elevator doors open.
    Kayla: Oh my God.

    Carly is sitting in the Penthouse Grill. EJ brings her a glass of water.
    Carly: EJ, it's all my fault.

    Jeannie and Roman are at the doors of the stairs.
    Jeannie: What the hell makes you think that it's safe for us to be stuck here all night, with a killer on the loose!?
  20. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Carly walks into the Brady Pub, and sees Jeannie holding her head at a table, with her eyes closed. Carly slowely goes to the table, and bangs on it. Jeannie quickly jumps.
    Jeannie: What is wrong with you!
    Carly: I would ask you the same thing, but I think I know the answer.
    Jeannie: I drank way to much.
    Jeannie grabs her glasses, and puts them on.
    Carly: Since when do you wear glasses.
    Jeannie: Well, I've been wearing contacts, but I ran out this morning.
    Carly: Oh.
    Jeannie: So, I hear tonight's gonna be fun. Eric and Scotty are bringing Nicole and Sami as their dates.
    Carly's smile fades.
    Carly: If I see either one of them there, I'll throw them off the balcony!

    Isabella is sitting in the Salem Inn lobby. She calls Anna.
    Isabella: Anna, where are you?
    Anna: I'll be down in a minute.
    Don walks into the lobby.
    Don: Hello, Isabella. What brings you here?
    Isabella: I'm going out with Anna.
    Don: But we already made plans.
    Isabella: Look, Don, I know your secrete. Leave Anna alone!
    Don: I have no idea what your talking about.
    Isabella: Shut up! I know all about covering up the murder, and Anna's daughter.
    Don: Wow, she really has a big mouth.
    Isabella: I'll say it one more time; leave Anna alone!
    Don: Or what
    Isabella: You'll have me to deal with.

    Marleana is in her office. There is a knock on the door. She goes to answer it, and Patrick Drake is standing outside.
    Marleana: Dr. Drake, good to see you.
    Patrick: Please, call me Patrick
    Marleana: Ok, Patrick. I'm Dr. Marleana Evans.
    Patrick: I looked at your daughter's case, and it is very similar to the woman's back in Port Charles.
    Marleana: Laura Spencer, right?
    Patrick: Yes. I'm a little hesitant on using it, though.
    Marleana: What do you mean?
    Patrick: It wasn't successful on her.
    Marleana: But, theres a chance that it will be, right?

    Jeannie takes out some binders.
    Jeannie: You really shouldn't make threats; it can get you arrested.
    Carly: Whatever. Whats that?
    Jeannie: Some work I need to catch up on.
    Carly: If you need me to-
    Jeannie: No, no. Did you see those losers last night, riping me off of Jeff?
    Carly: You were all over him, Jeannie.
    Jeannie: And?

    Don grabs Isabella by the arm. She pushes him, and he falls over the chair.
    Isabella: Don't you dare touch me! What you are doing to Anna, ends now!
    Anna comes out of the elevator.
    Anna: What's going on?
    Isabella: Lets go, Anna.
    They leave the hotel.

    Patrick and Marleana sit down.
    Patrick: She went back into her catatonic state, and is still there today, Marleana.
    Marleana: Yes, but can this work for my daughter?
    Patrick: I am going to try. I can't promise anything, though.
    Marleana: Thank you, so much.
    Patrick: No problem.
    He leaves her office.
    Marleana dials Sami's nuimber.

    Carly leaves the Brady Pub. The killer watches her. Her phone rings.
    Carly: Hello?
    Person: Don't do it.
    Carly: Don't do what? Hello?
    Person: Don't do it.
    Carly: What are you talking about? Who is this?
    She looks around.
    Person: Tonight will be a mistake.
    The person hangs up, and Carly looks around. She goes back into the Pub.

    Later that night...
    Carly and EJ are at the Penthouse Grill.
    Carly: I'm so happy I'm going to marry you, EJ.
    EJ: Me too.

    Scotty knocks on the door of the DiMera mansion. Sami answers.
    Scotty: You look beautiful, Sami.
    Sami: Thank you. You look handsome, yourself.
    Scotty: Thank you.
    She leaves the mansion, and they go into his car.

    Hope comes down the stairs at Bo and Hope's house. Bo is sitting on the couch, ready to go.
    Bo: You look beautiful, Fancy Face.
    Hope: Thank you, Bo.
    He kisses her. Ciara comes down the stairs. Hope picks her up.
    Hope: Ready to go, sweetie?
    Ciara: Yes, mommy.
    They leave the house.

    Steve, Kayla, Shane, and Kimberly are outside the Penthouse Grill.
    Seve: Sweetness, I just need to make a call. I'll be right back.
    Kayla: Sure.
    Steve leaves. He takes his phone out, and dials Jack's number.

    Jack is in the living room, waiting for Jennfier. His phone rings. He answers it.
    Jack: Hello?
    Steve: Jack, it's me. I think I found a lead.
    Jack: Steve, I told you to stay out of it!
    Steve: Well, I didn't.
    The killer watches Steve from the corner.

    Carly's phone rings. She answers it.
    Carly: Hello?
    Person: I tried to warn you.
    Carly drops the phone in shock.
    EJ: Carly, what's wrong?

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Brady and Carrie are dancing at the Penthouse Grill.
    Carrie: Thanks for everything, Brady.
    Brady kisses her.

    Carly and EJ are sitting at a table at the Penthouse Grill.
    EJ: Carly, nothing is going to happen tonight.
    The lights start flickering.
  21. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Kimberly and Shane walk into Chez Rouge.
    Shane: So, is this our first offical date.
    Kimberly: It's not a date, Shane.
    Shane: A rose by any other name is still a rose.
    Kimberly: Well then I'm calling it a dandelion.
    He laughs. They go see Anna.
    Kimberly: Congraulations, Anna.
    Anna: Thank you so much. Jeannie's comming right?
    Jeannie and Jeff come to the bar.
    Jeannie: I wouldnt miss it for the world.
    She kisses Anna on the cheek, and congraulates her.
    Jeannie: I left those sketches on your desk.
    Anna: Thank you. I'll look at them first thing tomorrow morning.
    Jeannie: Ok.
    Anna: So who's this?
    Anna looks at Jeff.

    Scotty and Sami are sitting at a table.
    Scotty: Isn't it funny, our ex-lovers are getting married, and here we are, so happy.
    Sami: Oh God, what is wrong with you? You should be thankful that Carly is out of your life.
    Scotty: You don't understand, Sami.
    Sami: Of course not. I will never understand how a woman can do so many bad things to a man, and he still wants her.
    Scotty: I heard you've done some pretty bad things yourself, and they've come back for more.
    Sami: Exactly my point.

    Eric and Nicole are sitting at a table.
    Eric: So, you having a good time.
    Nicole: Not really. Hey, look over there.
    She looks at Sami and Scotty's table.
    Nicole: Let's go say hello.
    Eric: Nicole, please don't do anything.
    Nicole: What's so bad about saying hi?
    Nicole gets up, and goes to their table. Eric follows her.
    Nicole: Well, hello Samantha, Scotty. It's so nice to see you.
    She gets to chairs, and puts one beside Scotty, and one beside Sami. She sits beside Sami.
    Nicole: How's my EFF?
    Sami: EFF?
    Nicole: Enemy For Life!
    Sami: Well, she feels like shooting herself!

    Jeannie holds Jeff's hand.
    Jeannie: This is my boyfriend, Jeff.
    Jeff shakes hands with Anna.
    Anna: Strong handshake, thats good in a man!
    Kimberly shakes his hand.
    Jeff: Your Jeannie's mom, right?
    Kimberly: Yes, and this is her father.
    Jeff and Shane shake hands.
    Shane: Be good.
    Jeannie rolls her eyes.
    Jeannie: Come on, lets go sit at a table, and order something.
    They leave.
    Kimberly rubs Shane's shoulder.
    Kimberly: Don't worry, she'll come around.

    Nicole drinks Sami's champagne.
    Sami: Sure Nicole, I wasn't going to drink it.
    Nicole smiles.
    Nicole: Thanks!
    Scotty: Would you like to come to Carly and EJ's engagment party with me, Sami?
    Carly walks by their table.
    Carly: There is no way this bitch is going to be there!
    Nicole: Wow, someone's a little rude. You know Carly, you aren't too smart. She would show up to the engagment party with a gift!
    Carly: Well, you would have no choice but to invite people who hate you.
    Nicole: Hey, Sami, what do you say we go to the Penthouse Grill tomorrow night for drinks?
    Sami: That sounds great! 7:00?
    Nicole: Sure!
    Carly: You need an invitation, and you two obiouslly didn't get one.
    Sami: Scotty and Eric can bring dates, can't they.
    Carly: If I see you two there, I will personally throw you two out.
    She leaves.

    Anna is now alone at the bar, and Isabella goes to talk to her.
    Isabella: I saw what happened earlier.
    Anna: What are you talking about?
    Isabella: You and Don fighting, then you started crying!
    Anna: Everything is fine, Isabella.
    Isabella: Thats it! Tell me what the hell is going on!
    Anna starts crying. Isabella brings her to the washroom.

    Doug, Julie, Mickey, and Maggie are sitting at a table.
    Maggie: I wonder what's going on with Isabella and Anna over there.
    Julie: It looks like Anna's crying.
    Doug: Mabye it's just me, but this engagment is a little sudden.
    Mickey: I agree.
    Julie: I think something's going on, and I want to figure it out.
    Jack and Jennifer come to their table.
    Jennifer: Get in line.
    Julie: What, your trying to figure it out too?
    Jack: Jenn thinks it will make a good article.
    Jennifer: It would! Come on, this is a scandal waiting to happen.
    Maggie: Or a scandal that has already happened.

    Jeannie goes to Scotty, Eric, Nicole, and Sami's table.
    Jeannie: This is an odd table.
    Nicole :Why? Cuz me and Sami are sitting here? She's my new BFF!
    She puts her arm around Sami, but Sami quickly takes it away.
    Sami: Don't hold your breath on it. Anyway, Jeannie, wheres your date?
    Jeannie: In the washroom.
    Nicole: Wow, who would have guessed that your Carly's sister? Your so much prettier, and nicer, and spunkier.
    Jeannie: Thanks, I think.

    Isabella and Anna are in the washroom.
    Isabella: Anna, whats going on?
    Anna starts crying. Isabella hugs her.
    Anna: I don't want to marry him, Isabella. I don't even love him!
    Isabella: Then why are you doing this?
    Anna: He's blackmailing me.
    Isabella: What does he have over you?
    Anna: He knows something that I did that can put me away forever.
    Isabella: What did you do?
    Anna: I killed someone.
    Isabella looks in shock.

    Bo, Hope, Doug, Julie, Mickey, Maggie, Jack, Jennifer, Kimberly, Shane, Jeannie and Jeff are sitting at a table.
    Hope: This is really fun; we should do more of these things more often.
    Jeannie: Are you kidding me? We need to liven up this party!
    She gets up, and goes to the radio, she puts it loud. this song plays-
    Jeannie: Come on, lets dance!
    Nicole and Sami get up.
    Nicole: Come on, Sami, lets dance.
    Sami: Wow, I must have drank a lot, cuz that sounds good.
    They get up, and start dancing. Eric laughs.
    Eric: Well, theres something I thought I'd never seen.
    Scotty drinks.

    Isabella and Anna sit down.
    Anna: The man I killed was trying to rape me. I pushed him, and actually killed him. Don, who I didn't recgonize when I saw him that night, helped me cover it up. He told him I owed him, and I was out of town the next day.
    Isabella: Oh my God, Anna. We need to stop him.
    Anna: Theres more.
    Isabella: What?
    Anna: He knows about my daughter.
    Isabella: Carrie?
    Anna: No. I had another daughter, that I gave up for adoption, and he's threatning to expose me.
    Isabella: Do you know who your daughter is?
    Anna: Yes.
    Nicole and Sami walk into the washroom, drunk.
    Nicole: Oh sorry, if I'm interupting something, Ms. Brady.
    Sami: It's DiMera.
    Nicole: No! It's Fredricks, isn't it.
    Anna: We'll leave.
    Anna and Isabella leave.
    Isabella: Well, who is it?
    Anna: She just walked into the washroom.
    Isabella: Nicole!
    Anna starts crying. She nods her head.

    Jeannie and Jeff are making out on the dance floor.
    Shane: I have to stop this.
    Kimberly: Don't! She's only going to get more mad!
    Hope: She's right.
    Bo: No, Shane's right! Look at her! How much did she drink tonight?
    Carrie walks in, and is suprised at the music. She goes to the table.
    Carrie: Sorry I'm late. What's going on? Wow, is that-
    Hope: Yup.
    Shane gets up. Kimberly quickly gets up.
    Kimberly: No!
    Bo follows him.
    Hope: This isn't going to end good.
    Shane takes Jeff off Jeannie, and Jeannie almost falls over.
    Jeannie: Whats going on?
    Bo carries Jeannie to the table.
    Jeannie: Thank you Uncle Bo!
    Shane pushes Jeff.
    Shane: What the hell are you doing?
    Jeff: None of your business.
    Jeff goes to Jeannie.
    Jeff: I'll see you late, Jen.
    He kisses her, and Jeannie falls on the table. Hope takes her shall off, and puts it over Jeannie.

    Isabella and Anna sit at the bar.
    Isabella: How did you find out?
    Anna: He showed me some tests, and they confirm that Nicole is my daughter.
    Sami is standing behind Anna, and is shocked to hear what Anna said.
    Sami: Mabye I'm too drunk, but did you just say Nicole is your daughter?
    Isabella and Anna look at her.

    Mickey comes back to the table, and sees a passed out Jeannie.
    Mickey: What happened here?
    Hope: Don't ask.
    Kimberly: Your lucky you were gone for a while.
    Maggie: Speaking of gone, where's Don?
    Julie: I don't know; I haven't seen him since I got here.

    Sami rubs her eyes.
    Sami: Nevermind. I'm just a little drunk tonight. Great party, by the way!
    Sami leaves the bar. Anna holds her forehead.
    Isabella: Where's Don?
    Anna: I don't know, and I don't care.

    Don walks into Chez Rouge.
    Nicole: Donny! Where were you? Everybody was so worried!
    Don: Just had to arrange a suprise for my bride to be.
    He goes to Anna, and kisses her. Everybody looks suspicious. This song plays-
    Everybody laughs.
    Bo: Would you like to dance, Hope?
    Bo, Hope, Shane, Kimberly, Carly, EJ, Sami, and Nicole go to the dance floor. They all start dancing.
    Julie: Lets go up, Doug!
    Doug: Ok, Julie, but I'm warning you.
    Maggie turns to Mickey.
    Mickey: I know what your thinking.
    They both get up, and start dancing. Eric, Scotty, and Roman go to dance.
    Martha: Kate, can you think about what I'm thinking?
    Kate: Oh, let me guess.
    They both go to the dance floor.
    Don: Anna, lets dance.
    Don and Anna go to the dance floor. Carrie looks at Marleana.
    Marleana: No way!
    Carrie grabs Marleana by the arm, and they start dancing. Isabella grabs the bottle of vodka. She drinks a lot and sits on a bar stool. Roman comes.
    Roman: Come on, Isabella!
    Isabella: Roman, please, I'm really not in the moo-
    Roman grabs her, and pulls her to the dance floor.
    Nicole: Sami, I never knew how much fun you can be!
    Sami: Just shut up and enjoy it while it lasts!
    Nicole shrugs, and continues dancing. Anna leaves the dance floor, and goes to the washroom. She sits on the couch, and starts crying.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Isabela is at the Salem Inn lobby. Isabella stares at Don.
    Isabella: Leave Anna alone!
    Don: Or what?
    Isabella: You'll have me to deal with.

    Carly and Jeannie are at the Brady Pub.
    Carly: You were all over him, Jeannie.
    Jeannie: And?

    Patrick Drake is in Marleana's office.
    Marleana: What do you mean?
    Patrick: It wasn't successful on her.
    Marleana: But, theres a chance that it will be, right?
  22. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Sami is in the DiMera mansion, almost ready to go to Anna and Don's engagment party. The doorbell rings.
    Sami: Maria, can you get that?
    Sami hears the door open. Carly walks into the living room.
    Sami: If your looking for EJ, he isn't here.
    Carly: I know. I actually came to see you.

    Eric knocks on Nicole's apartment door. Nicole answers.
    Nicole: Hey Eric.
    Eric: Hey. Are you going to Anna's engagment party?
    Nicole: Ya. I'd ask you, but it looks like your going.
    Eric: I am. Would you like to go with me?
    Nicole: Sure. Just let me get dressed.
    Eric: Ok.
    She smiles.

    Don and Anna are outside Chez Rouge. He tries to kiss her.
    Anna: Stay the hell away from me!
    Don: You know, she's a lot like you.
    Anna: What the hell are you talking about?
    Don: Your daughter!
    Anna: Go to hell!
    Don: Were not even married yet, and you already hate me?
    Anna: I'll tell everyone the truth!
    Don: Really? Then you'll go to prison, and rot there till you die.
    Anna: Shut up! Just shut up!
    Don: What are you going to do? Kill me too?
    Anna slaps him.
    Anna: You keep your mouth shut!

    Sami puts the baby monitor on the table.
    Sami: You came to see me? Why's that?
    Carly: To ask you what your problem is.
    Sami: Sorry?
    Carly: Don't pretend you aren't jealous.
    Sami: Jealous! Of you! Please!
    Carly: Then why did you ruin EJ's suprise?
    Sami: I didn't ruin his suprise. I thought he already proposed.
    Carly: Cut the crap, Sami. I don't care what you think. I'm marrying EJ, and you can go to hell.
    Sami: You wanna know what I think? You don't want to marry EJ. You just like the idea of marriage, because it will give you a family.
    Carly: And break up yours?
    Sami doesnt say anything.
    Carly: I thought so.
    Carly turns to leave, and Sami grabs a glass. She goes after Carly, and hits her on the head with it!
    Carly: You bitch!
    She turns around, and punches her! Sami pushes her, and Carly falls. Sami goes on top of her, and starts choking her! Carly slaps her, and pushes Sami off of her. Sami grabs a fire poker and goes after Carly.
    Carly: Your nuts!
    She grabs a vase, and throws it at Sami! Carly falls over, and Sami is about to hit her on the head with the fire poker! EJ comes in, and grabs it from Sami.
    EJ: What in the hell do you think your doing!

    Eric and Nicole walk into Chez Rouge, where they see Bo, Hope, Roman, and Isabella at the bar. They go to them.
    Eric: Hey guys.
    Roman: Hey Eric.
    Eric: Are Anna and Don here yet?
    Hope: I didn't see them yet.
    Isabella: I still think somethings going on.
    Bo: This is Anna. Who knows whats going on.

    Carly gets up.
    Carly: This nut was trying to kill me!
    Sami: Oh please! EJ, your marrying a crazy woman!
    EJ: Both of you stop! Are you ready to go, Carly?
    Carly: Ya.
    They leave, and Sami rolls her eyes. Sami leaves the mansion.

    Kate, Martha, and Marleana walk into Chez Rouge. They go to the bar, and talk with everybody else. Hope hugs Marleana.
    Hope: How are you Marleana?
    Marleana: Better. I actually found something that can help Belle.
    Hope: Really? What is it?
    Marleana: It's an expiremenatal drug. They used it on a woman in Port Charles, who has the same condition as Belle.
    Hope: Thats good. I hope it works.
    Marleana: So do I.
    EJ and Carly walks in. Carly doesnt hold the door for Sami, and Sami rolls her eyes. Don and Anna come out. Everyone says hi, and congraulates them.
    Carly: EJ, I'll be right back, I need to go to the washroom.
    EJ: Ok.
    Carly goes, and Sami comes to talk to EJ.
    Sami: Still gonna marry this crazy woman?
    EJ: That's it, Samantha. Stop it!
    Sami: Whatever, EJ. I just want you to know, that this witch is not going to be near my children.

    Jack and Jennifer walk into Chez Rouge, and congraulate Don and Anna. They go to the bar with Bo and Hope.
    Jack: Is it just me, but doesnt this engagment seem a bit sudden?
    Bo: Were there with you.
    Hope: Come on! Their in love even if they got engaged the night they met.
    Jennifer: I don't know about you, Jack, but this seems like a good story to investigate.
    Hope: You too, Jenn.
    Jennifer: I can't help it.
    Hope: Well, this is Anna DiMera. Anything is possible, when it comes to her.
    Jennifer: That's true too.

    Anna orders a drink. Don comes behind her.
    Don: Your not putting on a good show, Anna.
    Anna: Shut the hell up!
    Isabella, who is sitting at the bar, notices them. She gets up, and goes to talk to Anna.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Anna and Isabella are at the bar.
    Isabella: Thats it! Tell me what the hell is going on!
    Anna starts crying.

    Scotty and Sami are sitting at a table.
    Scotty: Would you like to come to Carly and EJ's engagment party with me?
    Carly: There is no way this bitch is going to be there!

    Doug, Julie, Mickey, and Maggie are sitting at a table.
    Maggie: I wonder what's going on with Isabella and Anna over there.
    Julie: It looks like Anna's crying.
  23. Daniel
    Announcer: This week, the claws are out!

    Clip of Sami and Carly alone in the DiMera mansion living room.

    Announcer: The gloves are off!

    Sami: You like the idea of marriage, becasue it will give you a family!

    Carly: And break up yours?

    Sami grabs a glass and goes after Carly!

    Announcer: Then, an engagment party where secretes are revealed!

    Anna and Isabella are in the washroom in Chez Rouge.

    Anna: I killed someone.

    Isabella looks in shock.

    Announcer: And another engagment party brings death!

    Clip of three bodies on the ground, and people yelling.

    Announcer: All this and more on All the Days of Our Lives, only on SONBC!
  24. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    Marleana is on the phone in her office.
    Marleana: Hello, can I speak to Dr. Patrick Drake please?
    Nurse: He's not in today, but he will be tomorrow if you would like me to leave him a message.
    Marleana: No, can you please giveme his number? It's an emergency.
    Nurse: Sure, I'll get it in a minute.
    Marleana: Thank you.

    Jeannie walks out of the Pub and bumps into Dora.
    Dora: Oh, I'm sorry.
    Jeannie: Dora, right?
    Dora: Ya; oh, Jeannie, Shane's daughter.
    Jeannie: Biologically only.
    Dora: You know, you should-
    Jeannie: You should mind your own business.
    Dora: Have a nice day.
    Dora walks into the Pub.

    Scotty walks into Chez Rouge, and bumps into Nicole, who is about to leave.
    Scotty: Hey Nikki.
    Nicole: Hey Scotty.
    Scotty: Is something wrong? You don't look too good.
    Nicole: Thanks Scotty. You really know how to compliment a woman.
    Scotty: It was just an observation.
    Nicole: Well, you can keep them to yourself.
    Scotty: Why don't you have breakfast with me?
    Nicole: Wow your random.
    Scotty: Well, do you want to?
    Nicole: That would be great.

    Marleana hangs up the phone, and Sami walks in.
    Sami: Hey mom.
    Marleana: Hey Sami. How are you?
    Sami: I'm ok.
    Marleana: Good.
    Sami: When are we leaving? You made the appoitment with the long-term facility right?
    Marleana: Belle isn't going to be put in a long-term care facility.
    Sami: What do you mean your not going to put her in a long term care facility?
    Marleana: I found something that will help her.

    Lorenzo walks into Roman's office.
    Roman: I did what you wanted me to do. Jason Morgan is behind bars.
    Lorenzo: I heard. Thank you.
    Roman: So, did you see Skye yet? I heard she's in town.
    Lorenzo: I actually saw her at Chez Rouge. She didnt see me see her.
    Roman laughs.
    Roman: And do you think avoiding her is such a good idea?
    Isabella walks in, and is suprised to see Lorenzo.
    Isabella: Hi Roman.
    Roman: Hey. I'll be done in a few minutes.
    Lorenzo looks at Isabella, puzzled.
    Lorenzo: Thanks for everything Roman. I'll see you later.
    Roman: Bye.
    Lorenzo leaves Roman's office.

    Jeannie walks back into the Pub.
    Jeannie: Grandma, did you see my cell phone. I think I left it here.
    Caroline: I didn't see it honey. Go check where you were sitting.
    Jeannie goes to the table, and sees Dora is sitting there. Jeannie rolls her eyes, and gets her cell phone.
    Dora: Oh, you got a call from your father. You later got a text from a guy named Jeff, something about Friday night.
    Jeannie: You ready my texts?
    Dora: I was curious.
    Dora smiles, and sits her coffee. Jeannie punches her, and Dora's chair falls over! Dora gets up.
    Dora: Oh, your gonna wish you never did that.
    Jeannie: Oh shut up!
    Jeannie throws a saltshaker at Dora.
    Caroline: You two! Stop it!
    Dora goes after Jeannie, and pushes her!
    Jeannie: Oh, you sorry bitch!
    Jeannie grabs a beer bottle, and throws it right in Dora's face! Dora goes after Jeannie, and starts choking her! Max comes out of the kitchen.
    Max: Hey!
    Caroline: I've been trying to stop them!
    Max grabs Dora off of Jeannie.
    Max: What the hell do you think your doing?
    Dora: Talk to your bitch of a niece!
    Jeannie: Wow, you really want it don't you?
    Jeannie pushes Max out of the way, and pushes Dora, and Dora falls on a table! Dora laughs.
    Dora: Oh, you just wait bitch!

    Scotty and Nicole are sitting at a table at Chez Rouge.
    Scotty: Well, are you going to tell me whats wrong?
    Nicole: Why can't you just stop this!
    Tears form in her eyes.
    Nicole: I made my bed, and now I have to lay in it. And I really don't like it.
    She starts crying.
    Nicole: I've hurt so many people. I've shaken up so many lives, and now I'm getting it back! And you know what, Scotty? It doesnt feel too good!
    Scotty puts his hand on her shoulder. She backs away.
    Nicole: I can't do this.
    She gets up, and leaves Chez Rouge. She sits on the bench outside, and cries. She puts her face in her hands, and starts balling. Isabella gets to Chez Rouge, and sees Nicole crying. She makes a sympathatic face, and goes in.

    Sami sits down.
    Sami: What did you find?
    Marleana: A while ago, in Port Charles, a woman was in a catatonic state. Two doctors there found an expiremantal drug, and she woke up. I was calling one of the doctors, but he didn't answer. I'm waiting for him to call back.
    Sami: I hope it works, mom.
    Marleana: Me too.

    Roman is outside Chez Rouge, about to go inside. He sees Nicole crying.
    Roman: Nicole?
    Nicole: Please, Roman just leave me alone.
    Roman: If you need anything.
    Nicole: Roman, just go inside!
    Roman goes inside, and Nicole leaves. Inside, Roman sits with Isabella.
    Roman: So, Monday's Anna's engagment party.
    Isabella: Yup.
    Roman: Well, I know were going to that one together. Do you want to come with me to Carly's?
    Isbella: Is that a joke? I'm not exactly Carly's favourite person.
    Roman: Come on, you can make amends.
    Isabella: Fine. I'll go, but the second I sense something wrong, I'm leaving.
    Roman: Deal.

    Dora leaves the Pub.
    Caroline: Jeannie, you can't just go starting fights with customers!
    Jeannie: She looked at my phone, at al my texts! And then she rubs it in my face! And she starts talking about how I should be nicer to my father!
    Caroline: I understand, but-
    Jeannie: No, there are no buts! My relantionship with my father is none of her damn business!
    Caroline: Well, at least help me clean up before the lunch rush.
    Jeannie: Ok. I'm sorry. It won't happen again, grandma.

    Marleana's phone rings.
    Marleana: Hello?
    She pauses.
    Marleana: Dr. Drake! I'm so happy to hear from you. I called to ask about an expiremental drug.
    Patrick: Ok, I'm going to be near Salem, and I'll be sure to come to Salem, and we can talk about it. University Hospital, right?
    Marleana: Yes. Thank you so much.
    Patrick: No problem Dr. Evans. I"ll see you in a couple days.
    Marleana: Thank you.
    She hangs up.
    Sami: What did he say?
    Marleana: He'll be in Salem in a couple of days!
    Sami: Good!
    They hug.
    Marleana: Belle's going to be ok.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:
    Carly is in the DiMera mansion living room.
    Sami: If your looking for EJ, he isn't here.
    Carly: I know. I actually came to see you.

    Anna and Don are outside Chez Rouge.
    Anna: What the hell are you talking about?
    Don: Your daughter!
  25. Daniel
    All The Days of Their Lives

    The next night...
    Shawn, Bo, and Hope are at the airport.
    Hope: Shawn, are you sure you don't want us to go with you?
    Shawn: Yes mom, I'll be fine. I have the nurse they are sending with me.
    Bo: Ok, we'll see you 4 months.
    Shawn: I'll miss you guys.
    He hugs them.
    Hope: Bye honey.
    Shawn: Call me if theres any change with Belle.
    Hope: We will.
    He boards the plane, and Hope starts crying.
    Bo: He'll be fine.
    Hope: I know.

    EJ walks into the DiMera mansion living room, and sees Sami crying.
    EJ: What's wrong?
    Sami: It's Belle.
    He hugs her.
    EJ: What did the doctors say?
    Sami: She's in a catatonic state, and it's unlikly that she'll ever get out of it.
    EJ: She's in a coma?
    Sami: No, she's trapped in her brain. We don't know if she can hear us, if she's trying to talk to us. EJ, she's probaly trying so hard to try and talk to us!
    EJ: I'm so sorry. Have you guys decided what to do?
    Sami: Me and my mom are going to go look at places for her to stay.
    EJ: I'm so sorry.

    Roman and Isabella are at dinner at Chez Rouge.
    Isabella: Roman, I'm glad you invited me to dinner.
    Roman: Me too. I"m sorry I haven't been paying much attention to you. Thats going to change.
    Isabella: Don't apogolize. Theres been so much going on with your family.
    Don and Anna come to their table.
    Anna: Hello guys. Do you mind if we join you?
    Roman: No, not at all.
    Anna: Roman, this is Don Craig.
    They shake hands.
    Isabella looks at Anna, then at Don suspicouslly.
    Roman: So, I heard you two are engaged.
    Anna: Yes. Isabella told you?
    Roman: Ya, she told me last night.Call me crazy, but doesnt this seem a little sudden?
    Anna: Don and I are in love!
    Roman: After a day?
    Don: No offense, Roman, but why does this concern you?
    Roman: Anna's my friend, and I care about her. I just don't want her to jump into anything she might regret.
    Don: Trust me, she won't regret this.
    He smiles at Anna.

    Kate and Martha are in the Cheatin Heart.
    Kate: So, did you hear the news?
    Martha: What news?
    Kate: Anna's engaged, to Don Craig.
    Martha: Who's Don Craig?
    Kate: He's Marleana's ex-husband, who Anna met just a couple nights ago. They got engaged the night they met.
    Martha: Thats odd. What about you and Roman. How is that going?
    Kate: Me and Roman are not a couple, and we don't intend on being. He's with Isabella.
    Kate rolls her eyes.
    Martha: You don't seem to happy about that.
    Kate: I don't really care.
    Martha: Keep telling yourself that, Kate.

    EJ pours himself a drink.
    EJ: Do you want me to watch the twins while your gone?
    Sami: Can you? That would be great.
    EJ: Of course.
    Sami starts crying.
    Sami: She was pregnant. She lost the baby due to stress.
    EJ: I'm so sorry. This must be so hard for you and your family. How's Shawn?
    Sami: Shawn's going to rehab.
    EJ: Rehab? For what?
    Sami: He had a drug addidction. Now he's on a plane to Switzerland for rehab.
    EJ: I'm so sorry about what your family's going through, Samantha.
    He hugs her.

    Bo unlocks the door to his and Hope's house, and they go inside. Julie is sitting on the couch with Ciara.
    Ciara: Mommy! Daddy!
    She runs to them, and hugs them.
    Hope: Did you eat all your dinner?
    Ciara: Yes mommy.
    Hope: Good sweetie. Julie, wheres Dad?
    Julie: He went upstairs to look for a book to read to Ciara.
    Hope: Cici, why don't you go upstairs with grandpa, and he can ready you your book?'
    Ciara: Ok mommy.
    Julie: I'll go with you honey.
    They go upstairs.
    Bo: I'll go downstairs to get the blanket out of the dryer.
    Hope: No, Bo. I want you to sleep in out bed tonight.
    Bo: Are you sure?
    Hope: You made a mistake, that won't happen again. I did the same thing when Zach died, and it wouldn't be fair to stay mad at you for that.
    Bo: Thanks Hope.
    He hugs her.
    Hope: I love you Brady.

    Roman takes a sip of his champagne.
    Roman: So, when are you having the wedding?
    Anna: Well, I was looking for September.
    Don: Would you like to dance, Anna?
    Anna: Sure.
    They get up, and they dance.
    Isabella: Roman, we have to stop this.
    Roman: Stop what?
    Isabella: Something is going on, I can feel it! People don't get engaged the night they meet!
    Roman: Well, with Anna-
    Isabella: No Roman! This isn't just another one of Anna's crazy stunts! Something is wrong here!
    Roman: Ok, ok, what do you want me to do?
    Isabella: How about a background check on Don Craig?
    Roman: A background check?
    Isabella: Yes!

    Billie walks into the Cheatin Heart, and sits with Kate and Martha.
    Martha: Hey Billie, how are you?
    Billie: I'm ok, you?
    Martha: I'm good.
    Billie: Mom, why did you want to meet here?
    Kate: Because, this is where I am.
    Kate sees Marleana walk in.
    Kate: Marleana's here. I'm going to go talk to her.
    Martha: Thats a Kate I'd love to see.
    Kate goes to talk to Marleana.
    Kate: Hi Marleana.
    Marleana: Hello Kate.
    Kate: I'm so sorry about Belle.
    Kate hugs her, and Marleana looks suprised.
    Marleana: Thanks.
    Kate: Come and sit with us.
    Marleana: Thanks, Kate. I'd like that.
    Kate and Marleana go to the table.

    Doug and Julie leave, and Bo and Hope sit on the couch.
    Bo: Wow it didn't take long for Ciara to fall asleep tonight.
    Hope: I'm suprised.
    Bo: Hope, I'm really sorry about what happened, and if your not ready to forgive me yet, I'm not pushing you.
    Hope: Bo, stop. I'm ready, and I have. I love you. Your the love of my life.
    He kisses her.

    Isabella looks at Anna and Don.
    Isabella: So, will you do it?
    Roman: Fine, fine I will.
    Isabella: Good! I really don't like this guy!
    Don comes.
    Don: I hope you werent talking about me.
    Isabella: No, no! Don't be silly! I was talking about a new voulenteer at the hospital.
    She quickly drinks all of her champagne.
    Isabella: Roman, are you going to ask me to dance?
    Roman: Do you want to dance, Isabella?
    They get up, and dance.

    Kate, Martha, Marleana, and Billie are sitting at the table.Kate, Martha, and Marleana start drinking.
    Billie: Well, I guess I'm the designated driver.
    Marleana: You don't have to worry, Billie. So how's the baby?
    Billie: The baby is doing great. You know, Marleana, I need to tell you something.
    Marleana: Ok, go.
    Billie: You still have Belle. You can help her, and get her out of her state; but Chelsea is gone.
    Tears form in both their eyes.
    Billie: I can't do anything about Chelsea, but you can for Belle! Please Marleana, don't act like she's gone, because she's not.
    Marleana wipes her tears.
    Marleana: Thank you, Billie.
    She gets up.
    Marleana: I have something I need to do.
    Nicole walks into The Cheatin Heart.
    Martha: Why don't you invite her to sit with us?
    Kate: It'll be a cold day in hell.
    Nicole goes to the bar.
    Nicole: Hi, can I get a pastrami sandwich to go please?
    Her cell phone rings. She answers it.
    Nicole: Hello?
    Shawn: Nicole, hi.
    Nicole: Hey! I have the plane ticket, I'll be there shortly after you.
    Shawn: Nicole, sorry, but I don't think you should come. I need to go to this rehab, and get rid of this addidction.
    Nicole: Of course. I understand. Umm call me if you can.
    She hangs up, and tears form in her eyes.

    Bo and Hope go into their bed. Bo kisses her, and they start to make love.
    Hope: I love you Bo.
    Bo: I love you too.

    Billie unlocks the door to her apartment, and puts the keys on the table. She closes the door, and starts crying. She holds her stomach, and starts wiping her tears.

    Sami leaves the twins' room, and goes to hers. She sees a picture of Belle. She picks it up, and starts crying.

    Marleana goes into Belle's room. She sits beside her, and holds her hand.
    Marleana: I'm not going to give up on you! I'm going to find something to help you! I love you so much, and I'm not going to loose you!
    She starts crying, and puts her head on Belle's shoulder.
    Marleana: I'm not going to loose you.

    Next on All the Days of Our Lives:

    Sami is in Marleana's office.
    Sami: What do you mean your not going to put her in a long term care facility?
    Marleana: I found something that will help her.

    Lorenzo is in Roman's office.
    Roman: I did what you wanted me to do. Jason Morgan is behind bars.
    Isabella walks in, and is suprised to see Lorenzo.

    Scotty and Nicole bump into each other in Chez Rouge.
    Scotty: Why don't you have breakfast with me?
    Nicole: That would be great.
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