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***November Sweeps***



November Previews:


After overhearing Stefano and imposter Carly's conversation, Sami doesnt only realize the truth, but realizes she is in danger. John and Marleana realize Sami is missing, and immidently know Stefano is to blame. They go on an adventure to find Sami with the help of Steve and Kayla.Nicole accidently stumbles on the truth about Carly, but Stefano stops her from exposing the truth. Meanwhile, the real Carly is trapped in an apartment in London. An accident threatns the life of her unborn baby!


The endless triangle reignites when Bo and Billie's son, Josh has a health crisis. After noticing a moment, Jennifer realizes the truth about what was going on between Bo and Billie. In a moment of weakness, Hope turns to somebody else, but they both realize that it was a mistake. Bo puts his life on hold for a minute, to go rescue his niece, Sami, but was this his last chance to fix things?


John and Marleana go on an adventure to find Sami. John has shown an intrest in creating a life with Marleana, but has no intrest in regaining his memory. Marleana decides that without his memory, then he will always be drawn to the woman who saved him, Kristen. Kristen thinks that John is in some kind of trouble, and decides to go and help him and Marleana. She reminds John about how she saved his life, and how much she needs him. John doesnt know if he could abandon her for Marleana. Marleana walks in on a moment between John and Kristen, and she deicides that John Black really did die. John is torn between the woman he knows is the love of his life, and the woman who saved his life.


Brady and Carrie's romance continues to develop. Brady contemplates proposing to Carrie, but doesn't know if Carrie is ready. After John and Marleana go off the radar, Carrie decides it's up to her and Brady to find them, and rescue her sister. She goes to Steve and Kayla for help, and they agree. Eric hears about them going to help, and he decides to help as well. Will decides that he has to go too. They follow a trail of clues, only to hit a dead end that may cost them their lives.


Andre escapes from prison, and forces Dora to be his mode of transportation. On their way to Russia, Dora realizes that Andre has done something with Valeri, who is actually fooling Andre into thinking his plan is going smoothly. Valeri suprises them in Russia with a huge bomb, that actually causes more harm, on her part.

All these stories come together as one, and a huge event puts lives in danger!


Joanne still plans on buying out the spectator, but Jack, Jennifer, and Jeannie try and make sure that it won't happen. J.J. gets into trouble at school, but Jeannie gets him out of it. A romance starts between the two.


After being stood up by Eric, Nicole and Scotty end up in Vegas.... hitched! After both freaking out at first, Nicole realizes this will benefit her! When Nicole gets back to Salem, her mother, Faye is waiting there, with Nicole's son. Faye tells Nicole she needs to be a better mother; first step, telling the father- but who is it? Brady?


Shawn gets back to Salem from his drug rehab, and his first task-rescuing Belle! It is an adrelynin pumped reunion, and through it, Shawn tells Belle he wants her, and only her. After getting back to Salem, they realize what was going on, and try to help John and Marleana, but decide that more time away from Claire won't do any good.


-Kimberly and Shane contemplate getting together again. Their story becomes front and centre in December.

-Adrianna and Andrew's relantionship continues to develop, but a wrench is thrown.

-Mike and Diane finally go on that first date.


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