At the hospital
Carol: You're absolutely sure you felt someone push you?
Cody: Yes, there's no doubt. That photograph makes sense now.
Trish: What photograph?
Cody: I've got to get a hold of Wilkins.
Carol: What was in this photograph?
Cody: If I told you, you'd think I was crazy. I just need to get in touch with Wilkins.
Cody tries to get up, but starts coughing.
Carol: You need to stay right where you are, you aren't strong enough.
Cody: Somebody tried to kill me, I can't just sit around!
Wilkins and Norm return to Wilkins' office
Wilkins: I figured Peters had already skipped town.
Norm: It was worth a try.
Linda: He didn't skip town.
Wilkins: What do you mean?
Linda: The police picked him up in Detroit at the airport on some charges, big charges related to fraud.
Norm: Well, this is interesting.
Wilkins: What?
Norm: If he's in jail on big charges, he might start talking. He's going to need a lawyer
Wilkins: You're going to represent the guy who tried frame your brother?
Norm: Right now, all I'm concerned about is finding out who tried to kill Cody and I think Peters is
my only chance at getting the whole story.
Wilkins: Perhaps.
Norm: I'm going to get over to the police station, if there's anything new, call me on my cell.
Wilkins: Sure.
Norm leaves.
At B.P.'s compound, B.P. is in his office when Detective Lewis come rushing in.
B.P.: What going on?
Lewis: Peters was nabbed, he's in jail right now.
B.P.: Nabbed for what?
Lewis: Something about fraud.
B.P.: Damn.
Lewis: He could easily dime you out.
B.P.: And he could do the same to you.
Lewis: No one can trace my involvement in all this, I've made sure of that. I've got a family, I can't afford to go down.
B.P.: I don't think so, If I go down, everyone goes down.
Lewis: You can't do that.
B.P.: Oh, I can. You should have made sure Peters got out of town without being caught, you knew he could be a problem.
Lewis: What was I supposed to do?
B.P.: Never mind, you just make sure that I can get out of here with no trouble.
Lewis: What about Donahue?
B.P.: Well, he's not a problem anymore.
Lewis: You didn't hear?
B.P.: What?
Lewis: He survived that little accident you set up for him.
B.P.: This day just keeps getting worse and worse.
Lewis: What are you going to do now?
B.P.: I can't worry about that now, I've got to get out of the country.
At the police station, Evan is in the interrogation room. A guard is by the door. Another guard comes through the door.
Guard: Your lawyer is here.
Evan: What?
Norm comes into the room holding a briefcase. Fade to black.