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Blog Entries posted by ReddFoxx

  1. ReddFoxx
    #54 Monday, November 12th

    At the hospital

    Carol: You're absolutely sure you felt someone push you?

    Cody: Yes, there's no doubt. That photograph makes sense now.

    Trish: What photograph?
    Cody: I've got to get a hold of Wilkins.
    Carol: What was in this photograph?
    Cody: If I told you, you'd think I was crazy. I just need to get in touch with Wilkins.

    Cody tries to get up, but starts coughing.

    Carol: You need to stay right where you are, you aren't strong enough.
    Cody: Somebody tried to kill me, I can't just sit around!


    Wilkins and Norm return to Wilkins' office

    Wilkins: I figured Peters had already skipped town.

    Norm: It was worth a try.

    Linda: He didn't skip town.

    Wilkins: What do you mean?
    Linda: The police picked him up in Detroit at the airport on some charges, big charges related to fraud.
    Norm: Well, this is interesting.
    Wilkins: What?
    Norm: If he's in jail on big charges, he might start talking. He's going to need a lawyer
    Wilkins: You're going to represent the guy who tried frame your brother?
    Norm: Right now, all I'm concerned about is finding out who tried to kill Cody and I think Peters is
    my only chance at getting the whole story.
    Wilkins: Perhaps.
    Norm: I'm going to get over to the police station, if there's anything new, call me on my cell.
    Wilkins: Sure.

    Norm leaves.


    At B.P.'s compound, B.P. is in his office when Detective Lewis come rushing in.

    B.P.: What going on?

    Lewis: Peters was nabbed, he's in jail right now.

    B.P.: Nabbed for what?
    Lewis: Something about fraud.
    B.P.: Damn.
    Lewis: He could easily dime you out.
    B.P.: And he could do the same to you.
    Lewis: No one can trace my involvement in all this, I've made sure of that. I've got a family, I can't afford to go down.
    B.P.: I don't think so, If I go down, everyone goes down.
    Lewis: You can't do that.
    B.P.: Oh, I can. You should have made sure Peters got out of town without being caught, you knew he could be a problem.
    Lewis: What was I supposed to do?
    B.P.: Never mind, you just make sure that I can get out of here with no trouble.
    Lewis: What about Donahue?
    B.P.: Well, he's not a problem anymore.
    Lewis: You didn't hear?
    B.P.: What?
    Lewis: He survived that little accident you set up for him.
    B.P.: This day just keeps getting worse and worse.
    Lewis: What are you going to do now?
    B.P.: I can't worry about that now, I've got to get out of the country.


    At the police station, Evan is in the interrogation room. A guard is by the door. Another guard comes through the door.

    Guard: Your lawyer is here.
    Evan: What?

    Norm comes into the room holding a briefcase. Fade to black.
  2. ReddFoxx
    Novi will be getting exciting when it returns next week, you won't want to miss an episode:

    Storyline Previews:

    Yvette/Cassandra/George: This story is going heat up leading to a shocking turn of events the week of November 19th.

    Jim/Lynette/Greg: Just when it looks like Jim and Lynette's marriage is looking up, there's more trouble on the horizon as Lynette finds herself drawn to Greg.

    Edmund/Leigh: Edmund will soon find romance with a jet-set fashion designer, while Leigh cooks up another plot how to get custody of her and Edmund's children.

    Cody/B.P./Norm/Wilkins: Look for this one to wrap up at the end of next week, the finish of this story won't be disappointing.

    Other tidbits:
    Carol's estranged younger sister will show up on Thanksgiving and stir things up.
    JC and Amee get closer.
    A new family will be written in some time soon.
  3. ReddFoxx
    #53 Monday, October 15th BONUS EPISODE

    Yvette is at McGregor's Novi Store, looking for someone. She finally finds Teddy taking inventory.

    Teddy: Mrs. Browne.
    Yvette: Just call me Yvette, I never really cared for all that formal title stuff.
    Teddy: Okay, Yvette. What can I do for you?
    Yvette: I've heard that you are pretty good digging up dirt on people.
    Teddy: I don't exactly go around bragging about it, but yeah.
    Yvette: I need your help finding information on someone.
    Teddy: Who is it?
    Yvette: It's a woman who is becoming a real thorne in my side.
    Teddy: I don't come cheap.
    Yvette: I'll pay you well, I'm prepared to give you an advance. You'll get the rest when the job is done.

    Yvette shows him an envelope filled with cash.

    Teddy: Looks good.
    Yvette: So you'll do it?
    Teddy: I'll do it.

    Yvette hands him the envelope and he puts it inside his jacket.



    Carol and Trish come running into Cody's hospital room, where Dr. Claiborne is.

    Carol: Dr. Claiborne, what's wrong?

    Dr. Claiborne: Your son is regaining consciousness. I'm still checking his vital signs.
    Carol: Oh, thank god.

    Cody: Mom?
    Carol: I'm right here.
    Dr. Claiborne: His vital signs seem okay as of now. I'm still waitiyng on a test result, I'm going to go get it.
    Carol: Thank you very much, Doctor.

    Doctor Claiborne leaves.

    Carol: You've given us quite a scare.
    Cody: I've hope this isn't the beginning of a series of very unfortunate events.
    Carol: Please, no jokes right now.
    Cody: Sorry.

    Trish: How do you feel?

    Cody: My head is in a bit of fog.
    Carol: Dr. Claiborne has been taking good care of you, you inhaled so much of that gas.
    Cody: Gas?
    Carol: That's how you ended up here, there was a gas leak at the house.
    Cody: That's right, I remember smelling the gas and going down to turn it off and (pauses)
    Carol: What?
    Cody: I seem to remember feeling someone pushing me.
    Carol: Pushing you?
    Cody: Yes, someone pushed me down the steps. Then the door was jammed and I couldn't open it.
    Trish: My god.
    Carol: Okay, now this is getting even more scary.


    At Wilkins' office, there is a knock at the door. Wilkins opens it to find Norm on the other side.

    Wilkins: Norm, come on in.

    Norm comes inside.

    Norm: You said that Peters guy who tried to frame Cody was here in town?
    Wilkins: Well, I'm not sure if he's still here, but he was a couple of day ago.
    Norm: There was a gas leak last night and Cody got caught in it, he's in the hospital now.
    Wilkins: Good lord.
    Norm: And when I was at the house this morning, the investigators told me there was some sort of bonding agent on the gas valve that
    stopped it from moving.
    Wilkins: You think that Evan Peters was behind it?
    Norm: I don't know, but it's clear now that this wasn't an accident.
    Wilkins: Um, this might explain some of my findings.
    Norm: What findings?
    Wilkins: I tracked Peters a couple of nights ago and I saw him meeting with some man.
    I snapped a few shots and I blew them up.

    Wilkins hands Norm the folder with the pictures.

    Norm: These are pictures of B.P. Charles.
    Wilkins: That's what it looks like.
    Norm: He's dead though, how can this be possible?
    Wilkins: Your guess is as good as mine. As crazy as it seems, B.P. Charles could be alive and trying to get revenge on Cody.
    Norm: I need to track down this Evan Peters, he could be the key to everything.
    Wilkins: Wait a minute, you could be playing with fire here.
    Norm: My brother is in the hospital right now, if someone tried to kill him, I want to go after them.
    Wilkins: Peters has mob connections, you'd be crazy to try to lean on him.
    Norm: Just tell me where Peters is.
    Wilkins: You're mother already has one son in a hospital, she doesn't need something to happen to another. I'm a good friend
    of hers, I don't want to be responsible for anything that happens.
    Norm: You won't be, I'm the one doing this. Please, just help me out, my family could be in more danger.

    Wilkins thinks for a second

    Wilkins: All right, but I'm going with you. I know more about these type of people than you do.
    Norm: Whatever, I just want to get to the bottom of this.
    Wilkins: Let's go.

    Wilkins grabs his keys and both of them leave.


  4. ReddFoxx
    #52 Monday, October 15th

    At the McGregor Estate, Lynette is in the living room with Anna.

    Anna: I'm glad you came over, we don't get a chance to talk much.
    Lynette: I know.
    Anna: Is something wrong?
    Lynette: You could say that.
    Anna: Okay, what is it?
    Lynette: Last night, Greg came over and brought me dinner. We talked for awhile and I ended up kissing him.
    Anna: Oh, no.
    Lynette: And this morning, Jim came by saying he's ready to open up to me more. All day today, I've been pacing back and forth, trying to sort all of this out.
    Anna: The first question you need to ask yourself is if the kiss was just a moment weakness or if you actually have feelings Greg.
    Lynette:i I love my husband.
    Anna: That's not what I was talking about.
    Lynette: It was just something that happened, I don't feel anything more for Greg than friendship.
    Anna: For something like this to even happen, it's clear that you must have been leaning on this man emotionally.
    Lynette: See, this is why I hardly ever tell you anything, you always start making assumptions.
    Anna: Am I wrong?
    Lynette: Greg has been helping me through this, he's been the only person who really understands me.
    Anna: Well, my advice to you is, whatever is going on, you should put a stop to it before it goes any further.
    Lynette: There is absolutely nothing going on.
    Anna: If that was the case, you wouldn't have come to me for advice.
    Lynette: I just needed to tell someone, that's all. Don't read too much into this.

    Back at the Donahue house, Norm is outside talking to the investigators.

    Norm: How soon can you tell what the exact problem of this gas leak was?
    Investigator: It shouldn't be too long before we have some idea.

    The other investigator comes out of the house.

    Investigator: Find anything?
    Investigator #2: Something a little strange.
    Norm: What?
    Investigator #2: It looks as if some sort of bonding agent was on the gas valve, causing it not to move.
    Norm: What? That doesn't make any sense.


    At the hospital, Carol is in the lobby. Trish comes in from outside

    Trish: Mom, J.C. called and said he'd be over here a little later. He just heard what happened.
    Carol: Glad to hear that, I don't get to see him much.
    Trish: He's always so busy with something at McGregor, he's a hard worker.
    Carol: You raised a good son. Unlike me, who just shipped you kids off to boarding school.
    Trish: Don't start being critical of yourself now. You may have sent us off to boarding school,
    but you still were a good mother.
    Carol: I don't even know why I thinking about all this now. All I want to focus on is Cody getting better.
    Trish: Right.

    A nurse comes out of the ICU and approaches Carol

    Nurse: Mrs. Donahue, the doctor would like to speak with you immediately.

    Carol starts to look scared. Off Carol's scared expression, fade to black.
  5. ReddFoxx
    The next day, Lynette is sitting in her kitchen drinking tea when she thinks back to his kiss with Greg the night before.
    She's snapped out of her thoughts by the doorbell. She answers the door and finds Jim on the other side.

    Lynette: Jim.
    Jim: I think we should talk.

    Lynette sighs and looks a little nervous.

    Jim: Can I come in?
    Lynette: Um, yes of course.

    Jim comes inside.

    Jim: Your mother had a little talk with me yesterday.
    Lynette: Well, I didn't put her up to it.
    Jim: No, I know you didn't do that. I'm here because what she said made me think.
    Lynette: Really?
    Jim: She made me realize that we need to discuss some things, open up the dialogue a little more.

    Lynette keeps her back turned to Jim and won't look him in the eye.

    Jim: Are you all right? You seem nervous.
    Lynette: Nervous? No, I'm fine, I'm just trying to take in what you are saying.

    He puts his hands on her shoulders.

    Jim: You know I love you, don't you?
    Lynette: Yes.
    Jim: All of this has been so hard for me, I don't know how to sort my feelings out.
    Lynette: I guess you just need your space.
    Jim: It's just that I'm afraid that things might not work out, you know.

    Lynette continues to look nervous.

    Lynette: (thinking) What am I going to do?



    At Lightner headquarters in Detroit, Cassandra comes into her office and finds Yvette waiting for her.

    Cassandra: What are you doing here?
    Yvette: If you're going to make threats, do it to my face. Don't be a coward and do it over the phone.
    Cassandra: I simply made you an offer.
    Yvette: Listen, I don't have any control over the building contract, that's up to the joint board of directors for the project, which
    I do not sit on.
    Cassandra: You're still on the inside, surely you can find a way to improve the odds of Lightner succeeding.
    Yvette: I have no desire to help your company do anything, I just wish you would back off.
    Cassandra: I'm afraid that's not going to happen.
    Yvette: What do you get out of this? Does any of this change what my father did? No.
    Cassandra: I've spotted an opportunity and I'm taking. This project could help this company make the Fortune 300.
    This is just business as usual and I have a really good bargaining chip.
    Yvette: If this is all about business, I can find you a contract with another company. I have connections, all over the country.
    Cassandra: I want this contract and you need to help me get it.
    Yvette: I will not be blackmailed by you.
    Cassandra: Oh, but what about your precious family? The premiere retailers of the Midwest and Eastern Seaboard, a golden dynasty
    that can't in any way afford one tarnish.
    Yvette: Would you listen to yourself? You are so bitter and full of resentment.
    Cassandra: No, dear, the only thing I've full of is ambition.
    Yvette: Ambition doesn't mean playing games that could hurt people.
    Cassandra: I learned a long time ago to only look out for me.
    Yvette: Well, maybe I'll start playing some games of my own, maybe something to make you rethink this stunt you're pulling.
    Cassandra: You're out of your league, dear.
    Yvette: That's what you think. Didn't I tell you before not to underestimate me? Good day.

    Yvette leaves.



    At the courthouse, the custody ruling is about to get underway, Edmund, Stephen, Leigh and Leigh's lawyer, Ben are present. Anna is sitting in the spectator area, behind Edmund.

    Anna: (whispering) Have faith, you're not going to lose those kids.
    Edmund: Thanks, Mom.

    The judge enters the courtroom and gavels the hearing in.

    Judge Becker: I take it that both parties involved and their counsel are present?

    Stephen: Yes, your honor.

    Ben: Present, your honor.

    Judge Becker: All right, then lets get down to business. After carefully reviewing the case, I have come to a ruling that I think is best for the children. Based on testimony given by various character witnesses, even some from the petitioner's own family, I have ruled that Mr. McGregor should retain custody of the children.

    Leigh: (whispering) Damn it.

    Ben: (whispering to Leigh) We can appeal.

    Judge Becker: The children are in a very stable environment right now and I see no reason to uproot them.
    Leigh: (whispering) This is unbelievable.
    Judge Becker: The children's mother, the former Mrs. McGregor will be granted visitation rights, the terms of which will be discussed at a later date.
    Edmund: Thank you, your honor.

    The judge gavel's out and leaves. Leigh immediately walks over to Edmund.

    Leigh: You can bet that I am going to appeal this travesty.
    Edmund: Please, would you just let bygones be bygones here. No more fighting.
    Leigh: I don't want my sons raised by you to have them turn into holier than thou hypocrites like you.
    Edmund: I've offered you a truce for the good of our kids, if you cared about them you'd take it.
    Leigh: I want what's good for my kids and being raised by me is what is good for them.
    Edmund: Be truthful here, isn't the only reason you want full custody is so you can stick it to me?
    Leigh: Oh, yeah, it's always "me, me, me" with you.
    Edmund: Tell me the truth.
    Leigh: Frankly, I don't waste that much time thinking about you. You might be basking in the glow of victory now, but when all is said
    and done, we'll see who has custody of those kids and believe me, I will make sure that it's me.

    Leigh walks out, Ben goes behind her.


  6. ReddFoxx
    #50 Monday, September 17th

    Carol is in the waiting room of the hospital, when Norm comes in.

    Norm: Mom, I rushed over here as soon as I got your message.

    He goes over to Carol and hugs her.

    Norm: Has the doctor told you anything about Cody yet?
    Carol: Not yet. I can't believe that this is happening.
    Norm: What exactly happened?
    Carol: I came home and the house smelled of gas. I found Cody passed out in the basement, it looked like he was trying to turn the gas off.
    Norm: My god.
    Carol: They took him back there an hour ago, what is taking them so long to tell me something?
    Norm: Hopefully they'll tell us something soon.

    Just then the doctor comes out.

    Dr. Claiborne: Mrs. Donahue?

    Carol stands up

    Dr. Claiborne: I'm Dr. Claiborne, I've been treating your son.
    Carol: How bad is it, Doctor?
    Dr. Claiborne: He is breathing on his own, but he hasn't regained consciousness yet.
    Carol: Do you know when he might wake up?
    Dr. Claiborne: It's too early to tell when he might regain consciousness. And we're still running tests to see what effects the gas may have had.
    Carol: If there is any change, please make sure I know right away.
    Dr. Claiborne: Of course, ma'am. And rest assured, we're doing all we can for your son.
    Carol: Thank you, Doctor.

    Dr. Claiborne goes back into the ICU.

    At Stephen's law office, Stephen is going over Edmund's custody case with him.

    Edmund: What's the plan of action if the judge doesn't rule in my favor?
    Stephen: If it he doesn't, we can appeal to a higher court.
    Edmund: And what are the chances there?
    Stephen: I'd say you'd have a 50-50 chance of getting the ruling overturned.
    Edmund: I still don't understand how the judge could even consider giving Leigh custody, she left those kids without a second thought.
    Stephen: At the hearing, you played right into Leigh's hands, she wanted to make you appear as confrontational and irrational. With her testimony, she goaded you into losing your cool and mouthing off every 2 seconds. It didn't exactly make you look like father of the year.
    Edmund: But, everyone knows that I've been nothing but a good father to my children. Numerous people testified to that.
    Stephen: You know, what the judge saw with his own eyes is going to reflect most on you. The judge may intepret your antics in court as an example of your parenting skills.
    Edmund: I was just so frustrated, I couldn't take listening to all those blatant lies she was telling.
    Stephen: Right now, there isn't much else that can be done, except prepare for a potential appeal.

    Edmund rubs his forehead and then looks at a photo of his children in his wallet.


    At Lynette's house, Greg is at the door with bag from Guido's. He rings the doorbell and Lynette answers.

    Greg: Now I know you already saw me today, but since you were feeling so down, I thought I bring you and the kids some dinner from Guido's.
    I figured you didn't feel like cooking.
    Lynette: Oh, that was very thoughtful of you, thanks. It's just me though, the kids are at a sleepover at one of their friend's house.

    Greg hands her the bag.

    Lynette: Why don't you come on in? I don't really feel like having dinner alone tonight and I'd really like to try and get my mind off things.
    Greg: All right.

    Greg comes inside.

    Greg: You know, most people don't really like seeing their shrink twice in one day.
    Lynette: Well, not all shrinks are like you.

    They smile at each.

    Having left Stephen's law office, Edmund is now at the CoffeeRoom having a cup of coffee. Just then, Leigh walks in and spots Edmund. She walks over to him.

    Leigh: You ready for court tomorrow?
    Edmund: Worry about your own preparedness, don't worry about mine.
    Leigh: (laughs) You just love to snap back at everything.
    Edmund: Lately, you've been putting out a lot for me to snap back at.
    Leigh: When we were first married, you were so carefree, now you are just so, cynical.
    Edmund: Not cynical, I just grew up, something you failed to do along the way.
    Leigh: If you consider yourself the definition of grown up, you're really sadly mistaken.
    Edmund: Look, I don't want to argue with you, I just want all of this mess you've started to be over.
    Leigh: It will be over when I have my children.
    Edmund: We'll see about that.
    Leigh: You're not going to keep them away from me.
    Edmund: I have no desire to, you can see them anytime you like, but as far as full custody goes, I don't think that's a good idea.
    Leigh: I just needed some time for myself, but I came back. I didn't just abandon them and the court doesn't see it that way.
    Edmund: You left without notice and were gone for months, the kids kept asking me where you were and I didn't know what to say to them. You split because you couldn't handle being a wife and a mother anymore. After that, I don't want those kids to be put through anything else.

    Edmund storms out.


    Back at hospital, Carol is still in the waiting room. Norm brings her some coffee.

    Norm: I brought you a cup of coffee.
    Carol: Thanks, but I can't drink anything right now.
    Norm: Okay.
    Carol: I just lost your father last year, I can't lose one of my children too.
    Norm: Mom, don't think like that, Cody is going to pull through this.
    Carol: You're right, I can't think negatively about this. But I'm still scared.
    Norm: I'm scared too.
    Carol: I forgot to ask, did you get a hold of your sister?
    Norm: She was in Chicago, she's making her way back here now.
    Carol: Good.

    Carol gets up.

    Norm: Where are you going?
    Carol: Outside, I need some air.
    Norm: You want me to come with you?
    Carol: I just need a minute to myself.

    Carol walks outside and takes a deep breath.

    Carol: God, please help my son come out of this, please just let him be okay.



    A little while later, Back at Lynette's house, Greg and Lynette have finished dinner and are sitting on the terrace talking.

    Lynette: I want to really thank you again for checking up on me and bringing me dinner, I really appreciate it.
    Greg: It was my pleasure.
    Lynette: It was nice to be able to take my mind off my problems for a little while.
    Greg: You know, I've never done this for a patient before.
    Lynette: I had guessed that.
    Greg: I shouldn't even get this close to a patient, but--
    Lynette: You're just doing what you think is right and I'm glad you are.

    She leans in gives him a quick hug. Then they stare at each for a second and then start to kiss. Lynette pulls away for a second, feeling a qualm what they're doing is wrong, but quickly starts kissing Greg again. Fade to black.


    Coming up on the next Novi:

    Lynette's actions put her marriage in more jeopardy

    Yvette struggles to find a way to keep Cassandra quiet.
  7. ReddFoxx
    #49 Friday, September 7th

    Delayed episode

    Somewhere in the woods, a black SUV is driving up a the path to the gate. Once at the gate, one of the tinted windows of the
    SUV rolls down and a hand reaches out and punches in a code on a small kiosk. The gate opens and the SUV rolls up a small road to a small
    compound and parks right in front of it. A Man gets out of the SUV and goes inside the compound. B.P is waiting in the entry way.

    B.P.: I take it you got your instructions?
    Man: Of course.
    B.P.: Just do a good job and make a clean getaway.
    Man: Not a problem, sir.


    Yvette is at her office at McGregor's corporate building. Chester comes in.

    Yvette: What brings you here? You hardly ever come to my office. I'm working a little late tonight.
    Chester: You came home from that mixer last night and barely said two words to me, you just conked right out.
    Yvette: Yeah, I was really tired, that trip wore me out and on top of that, the mixer ran kind of long.
    Chester: After all that, maybe you need a nice break. We could take a little vacation.
    Yvette: What did you have in mind?
    Chester: I don't know, say maybe Montreal?
    Yvette: Why there?
    Chester: That's where you were the past couple of days, I figured you must like it up there.
    Yvette: Excuse me?
    Chester: Oh, come one? don't try to play dumb with me, I found the receipt to the hotel you stayed in up there, you left it on the nightstand.
    Yvette: Look, I only went up there to close a business deal, but it fell through.
    Chester: Do you ever know when to tell the truth?
    Yvette: Okay, the truth of it is, I didn't think it really concerned you.
    Chester: (laughs) You know, you are a real trip. Every other time you've gone on a business trip, you've always told me where you'd be
    Yvette: This time was different.
    Chester: It's obvious you were up to something that wasn't right.
    Yvette: All right, all right, I'll tell you the truth. But none of what I say leaves this room.
    Chester: Sure thing.
    Yvette: To make a long, drawn out story short, when I was in Montreal I found out my father was a bigamist and had a son.
    Chester: What?
    Yvette: Yes, although he abandoned the other woman shortly after the birth of their son.
    Chester: Well, how the heck did you find all this out?
    Yvette; I was trying to find a way to get that mall proposal off the ground and this woman offered to help me. She said if I went to Montreal to help her find her nephew, she'd make sure I got control of the company. Turns out she was the other wife and her so-called nephew was the son.
    Chester: How do you know any of this is true?
    Yvette: I don't have any concrete evidence, but this woman seems so bitter I sensed she wasn't making any of this up.

    Chester shakes his head.

    Yvette: Don't start with me.
    Chester: If you hadn't been scheming behind your mother's back in the first place, you wouldn't have this whole little situation. It was nothing but greed that led to this.
    Yvette: I know I was wrong, but I can't stand around blaming myself. I have got to find a way to rectify this situation.
    Chester: It seems apparent this woman is after something if she made you aware of all of this.
    Yvette: I haven't told you the other part.
    Chester: There's more?
    Yvette: The son is right here in town, he was at the mixer last night. He trying to get a contracting job for his firm, he was
    face to face with my mother.
    Chester: If that's the case, you need to tell your mother the truth right away.
    Yvette: I can't do that, it would devastate her.
    Chester: It would be better coming from you. It would be even more devastating if she found out another way.
    Yvette: I can't do it, I just can't.


    George is in his suite at the athletic club, reading the newspaper when there's a knock at the door. He answered to find Cassandra at the other end.

    George: Hello, Mother.
    Cassandra: Just came by to see how the little mixer went last night

    Cassandra comes inside.

    George: I think I did pretty well myself.
    Cassandra: Tell me all about it.
    George: From the minute I showed Mrs. McGregor my portfolio, she seemed very impressed.
    Cassandra: That's marvelous.
    George: But, I think there might be a little problem.
    Cassandra: Let me guess, Yvette?
    George: Bingo. She told me to back off, but I told her that wasn't happening.
    Cassandra: For now, just worry about Anna McGregor, she's the CEO and has the final say. Besides, Yvette's determined to keep the truth
    about who you really are from her mother, there isn't a thing she can do stop us without exposing the secret.
    George: I'm confident that this will all work out. I just hope I can get that contract, it's the key to everything.
    Cassandra: Don't you worry about that, I've got that covered.
    George: How?
    Cassandra: You'll see.

    Cassandra leaves

    Cody is at Wilkins office. He's looking at the enhanced picture of B.P.

    Cody: This doesn't make any sense.
    Wilkins: I said the same thing when I saw it.
    Cody: And this is the guy you saw talking to Peters?
    Wilkins: Yes.
    Cody: A resemblance that uncanny is impossible.
    Wilkins: We both know it couldn't possibly by B.P. Charles, he's dead.
    Cody: After seeing this, I'm not sure what to believe.
    Wilkins: It isn't logical, but then again what is the explanation for the photo?
    Cody: What if B.P. had survived that gunshot wound?
    Wilkins: That's quite a stretch.
    Cody: Peters is the alleged shooter who framed me, now he's seen talking to someone who looks exactly like the man he shot.
    Plus, he's back in the town where the crime was committed.
    Wilkins: I know you are anxious to nail who framed you, but now you are talking crazy.
    Cody: I realize that it sounds crazy, but in a way it all fits. The feds were after him before he was shot, "dying" was the perfect way to escape them and a warped way of getting revenge against me because of those bad bets I made.
    Wilkins: You might have an angle there.
    Cody: I think it's more than an angle.
    Wilkins: Where would we look for clues? We don't even know where to start.
    Cody: I'm stumped too.
    Wilkins: Listen, I'll make a few calls and see if I can come up with even the slightest clue, no guarantees I'll find anything.
    It's all I can do for now.

    Frustrated, Cody leaves


    Yvette is still in her office, when the phone buzzes.

    Secretary: (over speaker phone) There's a Cassandra Lightner on the line for you.
    Yvette: (sighs) Go ahead and put her through.

    Yvette picks up the phone. Cassandra is on her cell in the lounge of the athletic club.

    Yvette: Haven't you stirred up enough?
    Cassandra: Such civility.
    Yvette: It was quite a surprise to see George at the mixer last night, he sure got to town quickly.
    Cassandra: You met your brother, how quaint.
    Yvette: Quaint indeed. But just to be clear, neither you or your son are going to get your hands on this company.
    Cassandra: I've called you to discuss the matter of a little construction contract, taking over McGregor is no longer part of the equation.

    Cassandra crosses her fingers.

    Cassandra: All I'm looking to do now is conduct legitimate business.
    Yvette: Like I believe you. Didn't I make it clear that I'm not going to do anything to help you?
    Cassandra: You know, I think the tabloids are looking for a nice headline. How horrific would it be for your dear mother to
    see the truth about her husband at a supermarket check stand?
    Yvette: Don't even try to bluff.
    Cassandra: If Lightner Corp. doesn't get the contract, What makes you think I won't do it?

    Cassandra hangs up and Yvette scoffs.

    Yvette: She wouldn't.

    Yvette starts to look slightly worried.


    Cody comes home to the Donahue house, it's dark.

    Cody: Anyone home?

    No one answers, so Cody decides to go to the kitchen, but he notices the basement door is open and the light is on. He walks over and looks in.
    Suddenly, B.P.'s hit man appears behind him and shoves him down the steps and jams the door. He then sneaks out the back door. Cody gets up and tries the door, but he can get it to budge.
    Right then, Cody smells an odor of gas.

    Cody: Oh, god, gas!

    Cody goes over to the water heater and struggles to shut it off the gas valve, but it's stuck. Eventually, Cody is overcome by the fumes and passes out.


    A little while later, Carol comes home. She's immediately hit by the strong smell of gas.

    Carol: Good lord!

    She takes out her cell and dials emergency.

    Carol: Emergency, I have a very strong smell of gas in my house, I'd like someone sent over right away to look at this right away.

    Carol then remembers Cody's car was parked outside.

    Carol: Oh, no!
    Emergency Operator: (over phone) Ma'am, are you all right? I'm sending help right away.

    She drops her phone and begins running through the house looking for Cody. She comes to the basement door and struggles to open it.
    She finally unblocks it and sees Cody lying on the floor.

    Carol: Oh, my god!

    She struggles to drag Cody from the basement and into the hallway. The sound sirens approaching gets closer and closer. Once she has him in the hallway, she drag him to and out the front door, into air.
    The fire truck and ambulance arrive on scene, EMT's and firefighters quickly rush to Cody, who is lying on the ground.

    Firefighter: Ma'am, where is the gas leak?
    Carol: It's in the basement, it's the first door before the kitchen.

    The firefighter runs in the house.

    EMT: We've got to get him transported to a hospital, it appears he inhaled a lot of the gas.
    Carol: Well, is he going to be okay?
    EMT: I'm not sure.

    Carol is terrified.

    The hit man is driving on the highway, trying to make get out of town, when he sees a police car with it's sirens blaring behind him.

    Hit Man: Oh, crap.

    He pulls over to the side of the road and rolls down his window. The officer walks up to the car window.

    Hit Man: What up?
    Officer: We have a problem.
    Hit Man: Okay.

    The hit man starts to sweat.

    Officer: You were doing 70 in a 45 zone.
    Hit Man: I'm sorry I didn't even realize I was going so fast.
    Officer: What's the hurry?
    Hit Man: None.
    Officer: License and registration.

    The hit man gives the officer his license and registration. The officer starts writing a ticket. He hands it to him back his license and registration, along with the ticket.

    Officer: Don't let it happen again.
    Hit Man: No sir.

    The officer gets back in his car and leaves. The hit man takes a deep breathe and then continues on his way.


    Back at the Donahue house, Cody is being loaded into the ambulance.

    Carol: I want to ride with my son.
    EMT: Of course.

    Carol is crying as she gets into the ambulance. The EMT's close the door and the ambulance drives off. Fade to black.
  8. ReddFoxx
    After a brief hiatus, Novi has returned.

    #48 Monday, September 3rd

    B.P. is at an office with crooked Detective Lewis

    B.P.: I called you here because I think we have trouble.
    Lewis: What is it now?
    B.P.: Evan Peters is in town, he came in last night.
    Lewis: The guy that shot you?
    B.P.: That's the one. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed, so I'm afraid that he'll some how blow the cover off of the operation.
    Lewis: Did you tell him to leave?
    B.P.: I explained to him how bad his being in town was, but I have no idea if he left. I can't lean on him too much, it's too risky.
    Lewis: There's no way they can link him to you, after all you are "dead"
    B.P.: I know that, but I still have this nagging feeling that something is about to go wrong before we can take care of Cody Donahue.
    we've got to take care of Donahue tonight.
    At the Donahue's Novi store, Wilkins walks in and approaches Cody as he's taking inventory in the electronics department.

    Cody: I've been anxious to find out more about this lead you found.
    Wilkins: This guy that bought the gun, his name is Evan Peters, he has ties to the mob in Detroit, running numbers.
    One of my sources there was able to identify him from the description the gun shop clerk gave.
    Cody: When you called last night, you said he was in town.
    Wilkins: Right after I called you, I tracked him to a diner outside town, he was talking to a man who seemed to be trying to conceal himself.
    Cody: You couldn't see what the other guy looked like?
    Wilkins: It was kind of hard to see from where I was parked outside, but did take a few pictures.

    He hands him a folder with pictures.

    Cody: Not too good of a resolution.
    Wilkins: It was very dark. I didn't have a chance to scan it into a computer and do more analysis.
    Cody: Whoever it is may be in on it. How soon can you get the scanning done?
    Wilkins: As soon as I get back to the office, my assistant can do it.
    Cody: My break is almost up, so I've got to head back to work. Call me on my cell if you get any clues from the picture.
    Wilkins: Sure thing.

    Cody leaves.


    Jim is at the CoffeeRoom at a table when Anna comes in.

    Anna: Hello, Jim.
    Jim: Anna.
    Anna: How have you been?
    Jim: Not too good, considering that my wife and I aren't even living together right now.
    Anna: That's what I want to talk to you about.
    Jim: Let me guess, you place all the blame is on me.
    Anna: No, placing blame isn't helpful and I want to help.
    Jim: Look, I know you've never really liked me or wanted me married to your daughter, so why on earth would you help me?
    Anna: I never said I didn't like you, I just had reservations about you at first and that was years ago when you two first got engaged.
    Jim: All right, let's here your great advice.
    Anna: I think you need to move back and sort things out. Lynette seems more than willing to try and get things back on track.
    Jim: I still need more time to get my head together.
    Anna: It's been weeks now, don't you think it's time to at least talk with her?
    Jim: We talked a few nights ago and it didn't go well.
    Anna: What happened?
    Jim: We had another argument, because neither one of us can see eye to eye. She keeps trying to push that shrink Greg on me and I've
    told her more than once that I don't need psychoanalysis.
    Anna: Sometimes you've got to make concessions in marriage, My marriage lasted a long time because we both had to give a little and take
    a little.
    Jim: Well, there's only so much I can take.
    Anna: To think, this all stems from Lynette getting a job because she needed more in her life. I don't see what as so terrible about that.
    Jim: She's been happy with the way things were for quite awhile now, then all of the sudden she just up and decides she wants to change.
    I was raised with the mindset that someone has to stay home and raise the kids.
    Anna: In other words, the wife.
    Jim: I didn't say that.
    Anna: It's obvious what you meant.
    Jim: All right, so I'm old fashioned, is that a crime?
    Anna: It's not worth ruining a marriage over.
    Jim: Maybe sometime in the future Lynette and I can get it together, but right now it's not possible and then again it may never be possible.


    Meanwhile, at Lynette's house, Dr. Greg Roosevelt has come by to check on her

    Greg: Hi.
    Lynette: Lynette, what brings you here?
    Greg: You had scheduled an appointment for today, but you never showed up.
    Lynette: I completely forgot about that, I'm so sorry.
    Greg: It's okay.
    Lynette: I was just feeling so down right this morning, it slipped my mind.

    Lynette sits on the couch and Greg sits next to her.

    Greg: Let's talk, you seem upset
    Lynette: I'm starting to think that Jim and I are going to make it.
    Greg: You're only human, we all have our doubts.
    Lynette: The thing is, I'm starting to think maybe I just want to give up.
    Greg: Hold on a minute, what has happened to make you start thinking like that?
    Lynette: Jim stopped by the house the other night and it's like nothing I say makes any difference to him. Everything with him is so
    Greg: Are you really sure you want to give up?
    Lynette: I really want things to work out, but part of me just wants to let go. It's tearing me apart.

    Lynette breaks down crying and Greg takes out his handkerchief and dries her eyes.

    Greg: This is something you've got to figure out on your own.
    Lynette: I know, but I feel terrible at thought of ending my marriage.
    Greg: Listen to me, I'm saying this as your friend, not your therapist. You're not a terrible person, you just want to be appreciated.
    Jim is wrong for treating you this way.
    Lynette: I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have you, you're the only one who understands.
    Greg: I'm right here for you.

    Greg takes Lynette in his arms and embraces her. His expression makes it clear that he feels more for Lynette than just friendship.

    Wilkins is at his office, with his assistant. His assistant is on the computer working on the photograph.

    Wilkins: Linda, are you almost done with that photograph?
    Linda: Just about, a few more tweaks and we should be able to see a face.

    The picture on the computer monitor becomes clearer, it becomes obvious that it's B.P. in the picture.

    Linda: Mr. Wilkins, come have a look at this.

    Wilkins comes over and looks at the photo.

    Wilkins: Am I seeing things or does that look like---
    Linda: B.P. Charles?
    Wilkins: It couldn't be, it's not possible.

    Of Wilkins baffled expression, fade to black.

    PREVIEW: Next on Novi, an explosive double length episode.

    Yvette feels more heat from the troublesome secret she's keeping
    Cody comes face to face with danger.

  9. ReddFoxx
    #47 Thursday July 5th

    At Number 37, the mixer is under way and Anna and George are talking at the bar.

    George: My company is prepared to offer you renovations at a reasonable price.
    Anna: I always keep an eye out for a good bargain, but quality is first and foremost.
    George: Oh, Lightner Corp. only has the highest standards of quality. We also have a long list of clients who have found our work more than satisfactory.

    Yvette comes in.

    Anna: Excuse me for a second.

    Anna gets up and goes over to Yvette.

    Yvette: Hello, Mother.
    Anna: Yvette, I didn't expect to see you here, I thought you'd still be away.
    Yvette: I got back in earlier.
    Anna: I'm glad you were able to make it for the party.
    Yvette: Yes, well I'm going to go over there to get a drink.
    Anna: I was just about to go back over there and finish talking with a potential contractor.

    They go over to the bar and sit down.

    Anna: I'm back. George, this is my daughter Yvette. Yvette, this is Mr. George Lightner, his company wants to renovate some of our stores.

    Hearing the name, a look of shock comes over Yvette's face.

    Anna: Well, Yvette, what's a matter? you look like you've seen a ghost.
    Yvette: Um, I'm fine, I just thought I thought had heard Mr. Lightner's name somewhere before, but I don't believe I have.
    George: It's a pleasure to meet you.
    Yvette: Charmed.

    Yvette (thinking): What am I going to do?

    Anna: So, George, tell me more about your company's record.
    George: I can do better than that, I have samples of the work we've done.

    He hands Anna a folder with pictures.

    Anna: This is very nice.

    Edmund comes over to Anna.

    Edmund: Mom, these investors over insisted on talking to you.
    Anna: All right. George, Yvette excuse me for a second.

    Anna and Edmund go across the room where the investors are.

    Yvette looks at George.

    Yvette: Your mother wouldn't happen to be Cassandra Lightner?
    George: I don't know anyone by that name.
    Yvette: Don't try to play dumb, I know what you are up to.
    George: All I'm here for is to try and snag a lucrative contract.
    Yvette: There's no use putting on a facade, I know everything.
    George: I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about.
    Yvette: Don't think that I won't put a stop to this, because I will.
    George: You need to back off.
    Yvette: I'm afraid that's not going to happen.

    Anna comes back.

    Anna: Okay, I'm back, now where were we?
    Yvette: I believe Mr. Lightner was showing you some samples.
    Anna: Oh, yes.

    As Anna and George start looking through the portfolio again, Yvette looks at George angrily.


    At the Donahue estate, Cody is in the living room reading articles about the mob on his laptop. Carol comes in and sits on the couch next to him.

    Carol: Honey, we need to have talk.
    Cody: Sure, Mom.
    Carol: I talked to Norm and he told me how you are bent on persuing who might have framed you.
    Cody: He thinks I should let it drop and you probably agree with him.
    Carol: As a matter of fact I do.
    Cody: I knew it.
    Carol: I'm just afraid that you could put yourself in danger.
    Cody: I know how to protect myself.

    Cody's phone rings, he answers it.

    Cody (into phone): Hello? That's fantastic, what else do you know? Great, thanks, Wilkins.

    He hangs up.

    Cody: That was Wilkins, he got an anonymous tip about the case.
    Carol: Any progress?
    Cody: He got the name of the guy who bought the gun and he thinks that it's probable he's the one who shot B.P., since he had a previous firearm charge on his record
    Carol: That's good news.
    Cody: And get this, he's just took a bus into Novi.
    Carol: What? I'm not sure I like that sound of that.
    Cody: I'm not afraid.
    Carol: Something just does not feel right about this. If he was the one shot B.P., then why would he come back to town? It would be too risky.
    Cody: I don't know, but Wilkins said that he's going to start watching this guy.

    Later on, at a diner, B.P. is disguised in shades and a hat. He's meeting with a man.

    B.P.: You should not have come here, you could have blown my whole operation.
    Man: I want reassurance that I'm not going to go down in all of this.
    B.P.: I told you would be in the clear. The D.A. knows I'm alive and he's probably not going to pursue this case any further in order to save his career.
    Man: They dropped the charges against the chump you wanted to pin it on, what if somebody else catches on and comes looking for me now?
    B.P.: You listen to me, you idiot. The Donahues have some nosy private detective snooping around and they already have a description of you.
    Man: What?
    B.P.: Yes and he's been around asking questions about some of my connections that could lead to you.
    Man: Damn it.
    B.P.: You better pray that he hasn't been following you.

    B.P. races out of the diner.

    Outside the diner, Wilkins is parked in a car with tinted windows. Fade to black.
  10. ReddFoxx
    Sneak Peek

    - Much to Yvette's anger, someone else learns about George's paternity

    - In a weak moment, Lynette crosses the line with Greg

    - Henry fears Trish and Joseph's old spark might be reignited

    - Someone is put in peril

    - Edmund's custody battle heats up

    Daily episodes will resume very soon.
  11. ReddFoxx
    #46 Wednesday July 4th

    The next day, George is at Novi Athletic Club in the lounge, when his Cassandra walks in and sits at his table.

    Cassandra: I would have been here last night, but I couldn't get a flight out.
    George: How unfortunate.
    Cassandra: You said in that text message, that you were going to meet me soon, I assumed you meant in Montreal.
    George: I hadn't been there in days.
    Cassandra: Then why did you send me on a wild goose chase?
    George: Because I knew you would try to stop me from coming here by giving me a lecture. I didn't want to hear it. Relax, at least I told you where you could find me now.
    Cassandra: You should have waited for me, I need to be close by to make sure you don't mess anything up.
    George: Relax, I've got everything under control. What about you? Weren't you supposed to get us a company insider
    Cassandra: Well, I did, but that fell through.
    George: Not that big of a deal, I still can find ways of getting the information I need.
    Cassandra: We need to adjust our plan a little bit, without an insider, we don't have a chance of getting the upper hand.
    George: You know what, I think it would be better if I started doing things my way.
    Cassandra: Now you hold on one second, I am not going to let you ruin this. I need some more time to plot this out.
    George: Look, I'm not going to just sit around while you think things through, it's time for me to start taking some action if I want control of McGregor. Together with Lightner Corp., we would have the biggest corporation in the region.
    Cassandra: All that sounds very lovely, but you could fail if you don't think this through. We could end up with nothing if the plan isn't foolproof.
    George: Mother, I don't need to hear any of this right.
    Cassandra: It's the truth.
    George: Well, I'm not going to fail.
    Cassandra: I'll bet you dollars to donuts that General Custer probably said that at one point or another.
    George: Will you please just have a little faith in me?

    George pulls out his phone and dials a number.

    George: Here's your chance to see me in action.
    Cassandra: Who are you calling?
    George: Anna McGregor.
    Cassandra: Good luck

    Anna answers her phone at her office.

    Anna: Hello?
    George: (into phone) Hello, Mrs. McGregor. My name is George Lightner and my company, Lightner Corp. is interested in some of the renovation contracts your company has up for grabs.
    Anna: Oh, yes, my receptionist told me you stopped by, sorry I missed you.
    George: Well, I thought we could discuss what my company has to offer.
    Anna: I'm kind of pressed for time right now, I'm having my yearly corporate mixer tonight and I'm trying to get ready.
    George: All right, when do think we can talk?
    Anna: Why don't you come to the mixer, it would the perfect opportunity to discuss it, since I am having other potential bidders over.
    George: That sounds fine.
    Anna: Come on over to Number 37 around 6:00.
    George: Great, see you then.

    George hangs up.

    George: And that is how you do it.
    Cassandra: That's the easy part, wait until it really gets hard.


    Meanwhile, Yvette is returning to she and Chester's house. Yvette leaves her suitcase by the door and then lays down on the couch in the living room. Chester comes downstairs.

    Chester: You're back.

    Yvette is startled by Chester

    Yvette: You scared me!
    Chester: Not half as scared as you had me the past couple of days, where have you been?
    Yvette: I told you, I had an emergency business.
    Chester: I talked to your mother and she said that there were no emergencies.
    Yvette: Well, sometimes---
    Chester: You've already lied, don't dig yourself in deeper.
    Yvette: Okay, so I lied. I'm sorry.
    Chester: Where were you?
    Yvette: I'd rather not talk about it.
    Chester: We've always been honest with each other, let's not stop now.
    Yvette: Look, I just ended up finding out some things that I would have been better off not knowing.
    Chester: If you're in some kind of trouble, tell me about it so I can help you.
    Yvette: I'm going to find a way to take care of it.
    Chester: Why won't you just tell me what it is?
    Yvette: I'm sorry, I just can't, at least not right now.
    Chester: Yvette, please.
    Yvette: I just need some time to clear my head. Mom's mixer is tonight and I need to be rested before that, otherwise I'm going to be a mess in front of all those execs.

    Yvette kisses Chester and then goes upstairs. Off Chester's baffled expression, fade out.

  12. ReddFoxx
    #45 Tuesday July 3rd

    Anna is at Number 37 with Joseph. Joseph is discussing business, but Anna isn't really paying attention.

    Joseph: The Traverse City store is going to have to close for remodeling, it hasn't had any changes since the 80s, so it's time to bring it up to date with the other stores.
    Anna: I'm sorry, what did you say?
    Joseph: I was talking about the Traverse City store, it needs remodeling.
    Anna: I just had something else on my mind right now.
    Joseph: It seems to be bothering you, what is it?
    Anna: It's Yvette, I'm afraid of what she might be up to.
    Joseph: I noticed that she wasn't had work the past couple of days, what's going on?
    Anna: According to Chester, she left on an emergency business trip. Now you and I both know that there hasn't been any emergencies related to the company.
    Joseph: You know, this is the second strange trip she has made in as many months.
    Anna: Really?
    Joseph: I was going over all the expense reports for the quarter and I noticed that she had taken a trip to the Sault Ste. Marie on the jet, which struck me as odd since we haven't had any problems with the store up there as of late.

    Anna, knowing what the trip was about, thinks back to when Yvette revealed Andrew's real estate fraud

    Yvette: Not long before he met you, the town he lived in went through some economic problems. Some of the people couldn't afford to keep their homes, so he offered to help them.
    Anna: He was always trying to help someone, that's the way he was.
    Yvette: But this time he was only trying to help himself. He had over a dozen people put him on the deed to their homes, with the promise that he would save them, but instead he sold the houses without their knowledge and ran off with the profits.

    Anna snaps out of her flashback

    Anna: Yes, that is rather odd.
    Joseph: So you have no clue about what the first trip was about either?
    Anna: No.
    Joseph: Well, whatever she's up to I'm sure we'll eventually find out.
    Anna: I just hope it's nothing that will cause any trouble.

    Yvette is stunned by Cassandra's revelation.

    Yvette: I'm speechless.
    Cassandra: I would imagine.
    Yvette: Did my father ever know about George.
    Cassandra: He knew. He saw him a few times when he was an infant.
    Yvette: Why did you lie about who George was?
    Cassandra: I had to come up with a believable story, you wouldn't have believed me if I told the truth.
    Yvette: If my mother ever found any of this out, it would devastate her.
    Cassandra: Well, the truth hurts.
    Yvette: I refuse to be a party to any of this. I am not going to help you take your anger about what my father did to you and your son out on my mother, she didn't do thing to you, she doesn't even know who you are.
    Cassandra: I made you a very generous offer, but I guess you don't want it now.
    Yvette: Your little offer is the farthest thing from my mind right now.
    Cassandra: Just remember, I will succeed with or without your help, dear.
    Yvette: My mother is not to hear a word about any of things you've told, do you understand?
    Cassandra: Are you threatening me?
    Yvette: It's more like a warning.
    Cassandra (sarcastically): I'm positively terrified.

    Yvette leaves. Cassandra's phone then rings.

    Cassandra (into phone): Hello? George, is that you? I've been looking everywhere for you, where are you? You are where?! You don't do anything until I can get down there!

    Cassandra slams down the phone.


    At the McGregor corporate building, a man walks in and goes over to the Receptionist, Stacy.

    Man: Is Anna McGregor in?
    Stacy: She's not here right now, but I can give her a message if you like?
    Man: Just tell her that a George Lightner was here to see her, it's a business matter.
  13. ReddFoxx
    Since I didn't update for a few days, the blog will resume from today's date.

    #44 Monday July 2nd

    Cody is at the CoffeeRoom when Norm comes in and sits down at his table.

    Cody: I hope you called me because you have some more information on the case.
    Norm: This thing goes deeper than I thought. It seems that B.P. Charles had quite a few mob connections.
    Cody: But did you have any luck finding out who bought that gun?
    Norm: I was about to get to that, apparently it was just some mob random lackey who bought the gun in your name.
    Cody: Well, where is this guy?
    Norm: I don't know, the P.I. had a hard time tracking him. I don't even have a name, all I know is he works for the mob.
    Cody: Shoot. None of this makes any sense though, it someone in the mob wanted B.P. out of the picture, why frame me for shooting him? I've never had any connections with the mob.
    Norm: You've been cleared of any wrongdoing, you don't have to make sense of it now.
    Cody: I don't take someone trying to frame me lightly, I want them to pay for this.
    Norm: You don't want to get in too deep here, the people that B.P. was connected to are dangerous, they'll
    blow your head off for looking at them the wrong way.
    Cody: If you think it's too dangerous, you don't have to continue on this case, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this.
    Norm: If I were you, I'd just be happy that I wasn't in jail facing a long trial.
    Cody: This is just too important for me to let slide.
    Norm: You've already put enough stress on Mom, so for her sake, you need to cool it on this.
    Cody: She doesn't have to know what I am doing.
    Norm: When you come to your senses, let me know.

    Norm leaves

    In a hotel room in Montreal, Yvette is leaving her suite and sneaks down the hall to Cassandra's suite. She uses a credit
    card to open the door and walks into the suite.

    Yvette: Let's find out a little more about you, Cassandra Lightner.

    Yvette starts looking in drawers, but finds nothing. She then spots a medium-sized booked on the nightstand that's marked "Private"

    Yvette: Hello, what is this?

    Yvette opens the book and a baby picture falls out. On the back it says "George".

    Yvette: So that's the mysterious George, wonder what he looks like now?

    Yvette begins reading from a page of the book.

    "December 4th 1966, I am having a wonderful time spending an early Christmas with Andy. We took a marvelous sleigh ride in the freshly driven snow, then had dinner at a quaint little restaurant. I only wish that he had more time to spend, but I know he has to go back to work."

    She skipped some pages and reads another entry.

    "January 7th 1967, Andy was kind enough to send for me while he was on a business trip in New York. I had a chance to see all the sights the city had to offer"

    Cassandra comes into the suite.

    Cassandra: What the hell are you doing in here?
    Yvette: I think I have a question of my own.

    Cassandra snatches the book from Yvette's hands

    Cassandra: I don't appreciate you snooping through my things.
    Yvette: I take it that the Andy that's referred to in that diary is my father, Andrew McGregor.
    Cassandra: You had no right reading it.
    Yvette: I sensed that you had a deeper connection to him than you led on.

    Cassandra sits down in a chair and clutches the diary to her chest.

    Cassandra: It was a long time ago, we were married once. We kept it a secret, because at the time my family would have never approved of me having a black husband.
    Yvette: According to the dates, he had to have been married to you when he was already married to my mother.
    Cassandra: At the time, I didn't know that. Eventually he just stop writing and visiting, I had no way to contact him. It wasn't until years later that I learned he was married, when I saw an article in a business digest about him. I realized then that our marriage had been invalid.
    Yvette: So this whole little scheme was all a way to get revenge for what he did? It wasn't really about the real estate scheme he pulled off.
    Cassandra: I never even lived in that town, I found out about that when I was digging around for information on him a few years ago.
    Yvette: And how does your nephew, George fit into all of this?

    Cassandra sighs and turns her back to Yvette.

    Cassandra: He's my son with Andrew.

    Cassandra keeps her back turned to Yvette. Off Yvette's shocked expression, fade to black.
  14. ReddFoxx
    #43 Thursday June 21st

    Chester is in his office. He picks up the phone and dials Anna at the McGregor estate.

    Chester: Hey, Anna, I'm glad I caught you.
    Anna: Chester, what can I do for you?
    Chester: Yvette rushed off to London last night, she said something about a business emergency with some investor. I'm sure she's there by now, but she hasn't contacted me, have you heard from her?
    Anna: What business emergency?
    Chester: All I know is that Yvette got a call last night and said she had to leave right away.
    Anna: There weren't any problems last night, if there were, I would have known.
    Chester: Well, then none of this makes any since, why would she lie about something like that?
    Anna: I have no idea, do you know who called her?
    Chester: It was some woman who said she needed to speak with Yvette urgently.
    Anna: It's obvious she's up to something she doesn't want anyone to know about.
    Chester: I don't know, but I'm getting really concerned.
    Anna: If she calls you let me know.
    Chester: I will
    Anna: Bye.

    Anna hangs up.

    Anna: Yvette, what are you up too?

    Meanwhile, at an Inn in Montreal, Cassandra and Yvette come in the front door and go to the front desk.

    Desk Clerk: How can I help you?
    Cassandra: I'm looking for a man who may have stayed here a couple of weeks ago, his name is George Lightner.
    Desk Clerk: We don't give out information about our patrons.
    Cassandra: Oh, but it's very important that I find him, I'm his aunt.
    Desk Clerk: I'm sorry, I can't disclose any information.
    Cassandra: Perhaps, I have something here that will loosen your tongue.

    Cassandra opens her purse and pulls out a hundred dollar bill.

    Desk Clerk: Perhaps I could be of some assistance.
    Cassandra: Thank you, dear. I figured you'd see it my way.
    Desk Clerk: He stayed for about a week and that's all I know.
    Cassandra: Well, thanks a lot. That wasn't worth a dollar

    Cassandra puts the bill back into her purse.

    Yvette pulls Cassandra aside.

    Yvette: So this is the all you had to go on?
    Cassandra: I'm positive he's somewhere here in this city.
    Yvette: He better be, because I didn't agree to go on a wild goose chase.
    Cassandra: Don't worry, we'll find him. He's done this before and I've always tracked him down.

    Cassandra's phone buzzes, she opens it and sees a text message.

    Cassandra: Oh, a text message.

    The message reads "Know you are in town, will meet you soon"

    Cassandra: It's from George, he knows we are here.
    Yvette: Well does it say where he's at?
    Cassandra: No, just says he'll meet me soon.
    Yvette: It's a start.

    Back in Novi, DA Mike Smith enters his darkened house, when he switches on the light, B.P. is sitting in a chair in the living room.

    Mike: How the heck did you get in my house?
    B.P.: I let myself in.
    Mike: I should have never got caught up in this with you.
    B.P.: Well, I think it's rather pointless to second guess now. About these charges against Cody Donahue, I wasn't pleased to head about you dropping the case.
    Mike: I didn't have much of a choice, the person who bought the gun didn't match Donahue's description.
    B.P.: You had better find a way to make those charges stick or there is going to be hell to pay.
    Mike: It's too late, I already dropped the case.
    B.P.: That wasn't smart, Mr. Smith.

    B.P. grabs Mike by the throat.

    Mike: I don't want to be a part of this anymore, I'll give you back every cent you gave me.
    B.P.: I paid for you to do a job and I expected to get done.
    Mike: I can't do anything else now.
    B.P.: I guess the old saying "If you want something done right, do it yourself" is true.

    B.P. lets Mike go, B.P. leaves.

  15. ReddFoxx
    #42 Wednesday June 20th

    At the McGregor Estate, Leigh has just finished tucking the kids in and comes into the kitchen where Edmund is.

    Leigh: The boys are sleep now, so I'm going to go on home.
    Edmund: Don't leave just yet, I want to have a talk with you.
    Leigh: Sure.

    She sits down at the table.

    Edmund: You know, there is a lot of things I've wanted to say to you since you decided to come back.
    Leigh: I think you said some of them at the custody hearing and none of them are nice.
    Edmund: Nothing like that. I've been doing a lot of thinking and I think we should at least try and be civil to each
    for the kids sake.
    Leigh: I agree.
    Edmund: And I think it would be in their best interest if you dropped the custody suit.
    Leigh: I'd rather let the court decide.
    Edmund: Why put up a fight when it isn't necessary? I'm not going to stop you from seeing the kids.
    Leigh: You say that now, but once your mother gets to you and starts filling your head with garbage, you'll change.
    Edmund: I have a mind of my own.e
    Leigh: Are you sure about that?
    Edmund: You don't know anything about me.
    Leigh: We were married for a long time, I know just about all there is to know about you.
    Edmund: I'm not going to sit here and argue, but rest assured, if you continue this case, you will lose.
    Leigh: Don't be so sure of yourself, just because you have the McGregor millions doesn't make you a fit parent in the eyes
    of the court.
    Edmund: With your recent track record, you have no room to question my parenting.
    Leigh: Look, I'm trying to make things right, so you should give me some credit.
    Edmund: Yes, but what are your real intentions? Don't forget that your own mother came to me and said that you were only
    after money.
    Leigh: My mother and I haven't been on speaking terms for years, she refuses to say one good word to say about me, everything I do is wrong to her.
    Edmund: She seemed to be telling the truth to me.
    Leigh: And if you believed her, that makes you a damn poor judge of character.

    Leigh leaves.

    Meanwhile at B.P's hotel room.

    Woman: I still don't really understand the reason you went so far to get back at this guy.
    B.P.: Because, he crossed me and thought he could get away with it. We'll see how smart he thinks he is facing a first degree murder charge.
    Woman: It still amazes me how you pulled this off.

    B.P.'s phone rings.

    B.P.: Hello? What do you mean you have to drop the charges? I've put to much money into your pocket for you to back down, you better find away to make those charges stick.

    He slams the phone shut.

    B.P.: It looks like I'm going to have to get back to Michigan to let this DA know I mean business.
    Woman: You think that's wise, most people there think you are dead, what if someone spots you?
    B.P.: No one will know I'm even there, except the DA and few cops and they certainly aren't a threat. I'll slip right in and right back out.

    Over at Yvette and Chester's house, the phone is ringing and Chester answers it.

    Chester: Hello? Who's calling? Okay, hold on a second. (cover receiver) Yvette, someone name Cassandra is on the phone for you.
    Yvette: I'll pick it up in the other room.

    In the bedroom, Yvette picks up the phone.

    Yvette: Why are you calling me here?
    Cassandra: It is very urgent, I think I've located what part of Canada George is in.
    Yvette: All right, so what next?
    Cassandra: We've got to go up there, it's critical.
    Yvette: (sighs) When do we have to go?
    Cassandra: The flight leaves at midnight, it's ten o'clock now, so we'll have to head out now.
    Yvette: Now? I can't just walk out of the house now, Chester might get suspicious.
    Cassandra: I'm parked outside your house right now, so be here in no more than five minutes.

    Cassandra hangs up.

    Yvette: Cassandra? Hello? Shoot, what am I going to do. I don't even have time to pack.

    Yvette hurriedly packs a suitcase and then goes into the den where Chester is.

    Yvette: Dear, that was the office, one of our investors for a project backed out, so I have to go to London to try and get it straightened out.
    Chester: You have to go right now?
    Yvette: If I'm going to get there by tomorrow, I've got to.
    Chester: Okay, do you want me to take you to the airport?
    Yvette: No, they're sending a car for me.

    Yvette throws on her coat and rushes out the door and Chester has a puzzled expression on his face.

    Outside, Yvette gets into the limo

    Cassandra: I thought you'd never make it.
    Yvette: Well, I'm here now, so let's roll.

    The limo pulls off.
  16. ReddFoxx
    #41 Tuesday June 19th

    Yvette is with Cassandra at the CoffeeRoom, discussing Cassandra's reasons for being in town

    Cassandra: Let's get down to business, shall we?
    Yvette: Yes.
    Cassandra: I've was rather cryptic about some things in our last meeting, so I'll get right to the point. I need you to help me find someone, someone very important.
    Yvette: And who is this very important person?
    Cassandra: His name is George Lightner, he's my nephew.
    Yvette: Okay, so why you want to find him?
    Cassandra: He is the key to everything.
    Yvette: (sarcastic) Well, that's a whole lot of information.
    Cassandra: You'll find out more about him soon enough.
    Yvette: I'm still not sure how this could of any use to me.
    Cassandra: If everything goes right, you could end up in control of the company.
    Yvette: Your beef was with my father, so why are you coming to his daughter for help? It makes no sense.
    Cassandra: I know that you want control of this company and will stop at nothing to get it. I needed someone on the inside and you're the only person I think can help me.
    Yvette: All right, so where do you think this George is at?
    Cassandra: Somewhere in Canada. I am a bit concerned, he hasn't contacted me in quite awhile.
    Yvette: None of this makes sense.
    Cassandra: Years ago, he worked at a McGregor's corporate office and got his hands on some very sensitive company files.
    Yvette: In other words, he stole private information.
    Cassandra: Let's not quibble over little details like that.
    Yvette: I'm sorry, but I don't like how any of this sounds.
    Cassandra: Well, what's done is done, so let's just figure out how we are going to find George.
    Yvette: I'm afraid I might end up regretting this, but I'll go along with it.
    Cassandra: Good choice, dear.

    At the Donahue Estate, Cody, Norm and Carol are meeting with Private Detective Wilkins over his findings.

    Wilkins: I went to the gun shop and I talked to the owner and his daughter, it turns out that Cody's name was signed in a ledger, but the description of the person who bought the gun doesn't match Cody.
    Carol: I don't understand, why didn't the police know that before?
    Wilkins: Because the police only talked to the owner, not his daughter who actually sold the gun. All the owner did was show them the ledger, he never gave a description because he wasn't at the store that day.
    Cody: Thank god.
    Norm: Do you know anything about who might have purchased the gun?
    Wilkins: I'm working on finding that out right now.
    Carol: This means that they don't have a case.
    Norm: We can get the woman who sold the gun to testify at the hearing, you'll be in the clear.
    Cody: Even so, I still want to find out who tried to set me up and who really shot B.P. Charles
    Carol: Let's just make sure you are officially in the clear.
    Norm: Right.
    Wilkins: Whenever you're ready to find the person, just contact me.
    Cody: Thank you.

    Wilkins leaves. Carol hugs Cody.

    Carol: I'm so glad that's over.
    Cody: It's not all the way over for me. Somewhere out there, there's someone who tried to frame me and I'm going to find out who it is.

    Meanwhile, somewhere in a hotel room

    Woman: You know, you are a lucky man, you almost died.

    A man steps out of a bathroom walking on a cane, it's B.P. Charles

    B.P.: You know what they say, you just can't keep a good man down.

    Off B.P.'s smirks, fade to black.
  17. ReddFoxx
    #040 Monday June 18th

    At Number 37, Anna, Estelle and Amee are having a meeting about designs.

    Anna: I'm even more impressed with your designs, Amee. Their some of the best I've seen since I've been in the business.
    Estelle: We want to get your line in the new Carter-McGregor stores by fall.
    Amee: Well, I haven't completed everything in the line yet.
    Anna: I think we have more than enough to start a sizable line of furniture.
    Amee: Okay, if you think you can pull this off, I'm all for it.
    Anna: I think your style is exactly what the market needs.
    Estelle: But, we will need you to help make a presentation to our primary investors in New York.
    Amee: How soon?
    Anna: Next week.
    Amee: I don't know, I've never really done anything like that before.
    Anna: Don't worry about it, I'm sending JC with you, he'll handle all the technical aspects, like the numbers. All you have to do is talk about your designs.
    Amee: I guess it won't be so hard since you put it like that.
    Anna: Good, the travel arrangements will be made very shortly.

    Estelle looks over and spots Carol at the bar

    Estelle: Will you excuse me for a minute?

    Estelle gets up and goes over to the bar.

    Carol: Long time no see, not that it really makes a difference to me.
    Estelle: That little stunt you pulled on me almost caused me a lot of trouble.
    Carol: I felt that I couldn't trust you, seeing as you are in partnership with Anna.
    Estelle: Oh, no dear, it's you that cannot me trusted.
    Carol: I had to protect my company.
    Estelle: From what? I do business and I don't ever stab anyone in the back, unlike you.
    Carol: Please, I gave you fair warning before I severed the contract, you knew what was going to happen.
    Estelle: There was nothing fair about it, but of course your definition of fair is completely different that everyone else's.
    Carol: You found another buyer, so stop acting like you were on the brink of financial ruin.
    Estelle: It's the principal of the thing.
    Carol: Principals are out the window when it comes to protecting what's mine.
    Estelle: (sarcastically) Yes, principals are just so overrated.
    Carol: Truer words were never spoken.

    Jim is back at home packing some things, when Lynette comes in.

    Lynette: Jim, I wasn't expecting to see you here.
    Jim: I'm just grabbing a few things, I'll be out of here in a second.
    Lynette: We need to talk.
    Jim: We've done all the talking that we need to for awhile.
    Lynette: I'm losing my mind over this, I get headaches, I can't sleep.
    Jim: And you think I'm not suffering over this? I want things to be right again, but we really need to give ourselves some time apart in order to get past this.
    Lynette: But is being apart really the solution? I feel that you are doing this because you don't want to face your own issues.
    Jim: I know I have issues, it's you that needs to work on yours.
    Lynette: So now I have issues?
    Jim: Everything is so black and white with you, there is no in between, not when it comes to me.
    Lynette: I tried to make things as easy as possible on you, but you wouldn't even try.
    Jim: I didn't come here to argue.
    Lynette: It seems like arguing is the only time you ever say more than two words to me.
    Jim: I don't want to go on like this, I can't.

    Jim leaves

  18. ReddFoxx
    #038 Thursday June 14th

    At Number 37, Joseph is sitting at the bar when Henry comes in and takes a seat at the bar as well.

    Henry: Hello, Joseph.
    Joseph: Henry.
    Henry: You called me, what did you want to talk about?
    Joseph: I hope you'll reconsider that job offer in Minnesota, you're immensely qualified.
    Henry: Like I said, I'm not ready to pack up and start over in a new place.
    Joseph: You may not have a choice, we're having trouble finding qualified candidates and if you want to stay with this corporation, you'll have to step up.
    Henry: Why don't you come out and say the real reason you want me gone? It's because of Trish.
    Joseph: It has nothing to do with her, this is about business.
    Henry: Sure it is.
    Joseph: This company is too important for me to play games over petty personal problems.
    Henry: First it was your mother, now it's you, you people just don't let up?
    Joseph: You know, paranoia is not a good thing.
    Henry: I'm not paranoid, I know exactly what's going on.
    Joseph: I could care less about you and Trish, it's not my business and I don't concern myself with other people's lives.
    Henry: That's laughable, but one thing you did say was right, it is none of your business.
    Joseph: If you want to keep the job you already have, I suggest you watch what you say.
    Henry: Or what? You'll fire me?

    JC walks into the bar

    JC: What's going on here?
    Joseph: Just a business discussion, Henry was just leaving.

    Henry storms out of the bar.

    JC: That couldn't have been about business.
    Joseph: It wasn't. He thinks because the company has offered him a job in Minnesota, it has something to do with him and Trish.
    JC: You mean him and mom are--
    Joseph: They've always been close, they've known each other since college.
    JC: Oh, I knew they were close, but I never imagined they'd get together.
    Joseph: Well, they did. (downs drink)
    JC: Are you sure there isn't some truth to what he was saying? You were married to Mom for 20 years, you don't just let go of all that.
    Joseph: I've moved on and I don't regret it.

  19. ReddFoxx
    #039 Friday June 15th

    Henry comes to Trish's house, still angry about his argument with Joseph.

    Trish: What's wrong?
    Henry: It's Joseph.
    Trish: Oh, what did he do now?
    Henry: He brought up that job in Minnesota again, when he knows that I don't want.
    Trish: I thought there was an understanding on that.
    Henry: There was, but somehow it came up again.
    Trish: They are starting a new chain, I'm sure they do need qualified management.
    Henry: Don't tell me that you actually believe that?
    Trish: I'm just giving him the benefit of the doubt.

    The doorbell rings and Trish answers the door. Joseph walks in.

    Joseph: I came over here because I knew that he was going to run over here and try to make me out to be the villain.
    Henry: Don't try to turn this around.
    Joseph: I offered you a job and you went off the deep end and start making accusations.
    Henry: I was just trying to make you be honest for once.
    Joseph: Or maybe you just felt insecure and threatened, so you couldn't help but lashing out at me.
    Trish: That's enough.
    Henry: That's real interesting, I'm going to feel threatened by someone who couldn't even keep his wife.
    Trish: Stop it right now, both of you.
    Joseph: Henry, don't bother coming into work tomorrow.
    Trish: Joseph, please don't do this.
    Joseph: It's done.

    Joseph storms out.

    Trish: I'm sorry, I can't believe that he would act like that.
    Henry: It's okay, I'm probably better off not working there anyway.

  20. ReddFoxx
    #037 Wednesday June 13th

    Over at the jail, Norm is visiting Cody.

    Norm: Good news, I was able to get you bail, so you'll be out of here in about an hour.
    Cody: Thank god, I've been suffocating in this place.
    Norm: The bad news is, the DA is pushing for a speedy trial.
    Cody: (upset) What?
    Norm: It's all politics, he wants to get reelected and wants to get a high profile conviction on his record.
    Cody: Well, that's just great.
    Norm: I have a private investigator out looking for clues as to who may have purchased the gun.
    Cody: What if he doesn't find anything before the trial?
    Norm: I'm trying to buy us some more time.
    Cody: How is Mom doing?
    Norm: She's holding up pretty well, considering the circumstances.

    Teddy comes to Carol's office.

    Teddy: Have you forgotten about our little plan?
    Carol: That is the least of my worries right now, My son is facing a first degree murder charge.
    Teddy: I heard up about that, I'm real sorry.
    Carol: Yeah.
    Teddy: Is there anything I can do? I know you must be a wreck right now.
    Carol: No, I'm fine.
    Teddy: Just thought you could use a friend.
    Carol: You know, I can find someone else to finish your job.
    Teddy: All right, I'll admit that I was out of line for saying that, but if you fire me, you probably won't find anyone better to do the job.
    Carol: You'd be surprised what I can find.
    Teddy: And you'd be surprised at what I could tell.
    Carol: You have no incentive to tell on me.
    Teddy: Other than sheer vengeance, no, but that would be more than enough for me.

    Over at McGregor, Yvette follows Cassandra out the door and into the hall.

    Yvette: What do you mean you can make me an offer I can't refuse? Is that I a threat?
    Cassandra: No, I don't make threats, I make bargains. I simply meant that if you cooperate, I'll make it worth your while.
    Yvette: Exactly what can you do that could possibly do me any good?
    Cassandra: You'll find out in do time, first I need to make sure I can trust you.
    Yvette: Trust? You waltzed in here out of nowhere, I don't even have a clue what you are really up to.
    Cassandra: I'm trying to set a wrong right, a wrong that your father is responsible for.
    Yvette: I know, I know, you are here as some crusader of justice. The problem is, I think you have some ulterior motive and whatever it is, I don't want to be involved.
    Cassandra: I've told you my reasoning, rather you believe it or not is entirely your problem, because you would be losing out on the opportunity of a lifetime.
    Yvette: I think it's time for you to leave.
    Cassandra: What if I told you that my plan could make you head of this company?

    Yvette looks at Cassandra with a shocked expression.
  21. ReddFoxx
    #036 Tuesday June 12th

    Yvette is at her office at night, when a woman comes in.

    Yvette: May I help you?
    Woman: Yes, I'm Cassandra Lightner and I'm looking for an Yvette McGregor?
    Yvette: That's me, what can I do for you?
    Cassandra: I'm here because I heard that you were up north asking around about Andrew McGregor?
    Yvette: Yes, but how did you know about that?
    Cassandra: I used to know Andrew and an old friend of mine called and told me.
    Yvette: How did you know my father?
    Cassandra: Let's just say that we we're old high school classmates.
    Yvette: Okay, but that doesn't really explain why you are here?
    Cassandra: I take it that you found out about his little real estate scam?
    Yvette: Yes, I did.
    Cassandra: Well, I'm here to settle the trouble that he caused everyone in that town.
    Yvette: Look, if you are trying to get money, I suggest you turn around and go back where you came from.
    Cassandra: I'm afraid I can't do that.
    Yvette: This happened 40 years ago, now I'm not denying that my father was wrong, but you really need to move on.
    Cassandra: My parents lost their 4 room house and farm, their life's work. Now that may not sound like anything to you, since your some affluent corporate executive, but that farm meant everything to my family.
    Yvette: Yes, yes, everyone has a sob story and most of the time they always have a price tag on it, but you aren't getting one cent from this company.

    Cassandra turns to leave.

    Cassandra: I'll be back to make you an offer you couldn't possibly refuse.

    Cassandra leaves.
    Down the hall, Edmund is sitting in a conference room, when Joseph walks by the door.

    Joseph: Hey, buddy.
    Edmund: Hey.

    Joseph comes in and sits down.

    Joseph: I didn't expect to see you back at work just yet.
    Edmund: I got tired of sitting around feeling sorry for myself, especially since Troy and Kevin will be back from their visit soon.
    Joseph: Well, good for you, Dad always said nothing could keep a McGregor down.
    Edmund: I guess he was right.
    Joseph: Work helps you keep sane, I know it did during my divorce.
    Edmund: I've taken a lot in the last few months, with Carolee leaving and then this custody situation, it's been hard to keep it all off my mind.
    Joseph: Whatever you do, make sure you stay focused on that case, because you don't know what kind of tricks Carolee's lawyer might have up his sleeve. He's already tried to denigrate this family's name in cour
    Edmund: You know, the thing that concerns me is Carolee filling Troy and Kevin's heads with garbage about me.
    Joseph: You don't think she'd go that far.
    Edmund: Oh, I'm sure she would, because that's the only way for her to possibly get custody. This whole thing is about money and since I'm not obligated to give her a dime, she wants to use the kids to get me to pay support.
    Joseph: Then maybe you ought to consider finding a stronger strategy. If she can throw bogus allegations of instability around, why can't you?
    Edmund: I don't think so, we already have the fact that Carolee left and didn't contact the boys for months, that's reason enough she shouldn't have custody.
    Joseph: Yeah, but the judge isn't seeing it that way, he's been incredibly understanding to her, otherwise she wouldn't have been granted such a long visitation. If you want to keep your children, you better start fighting and fighting hard.
  22. ReddFoxx
    [title card]

    #035 Monday, June 11th

    Norm and Carol are in the holding cell at the county jail with Cody.

    Carol: It's a mystery to me how they can try and pin this on you, you weren't even at work that day.
    Cody: The gun that shot B.P. was registered to me, apparently somebody bought it under my name.
    Carol: Did you ever buy a gun?
    Cody: No.
    Norm: Remember, you need to be completely truthful about everything.
    Cody: I'm telling the truth.
    Carol: Someone is trying to frame Cody.
    Norm: It seems that way, but Cody doesn't have a solid alibi.
    Cody: I was at the estate the whole day, upstairs in my room.
    Norm: Yes, but no one else was home then, so there isn't anyone to vouch for you.
    Carol: Well, so much for that.
    Norm: The only chance we have is to go to this gun shop and hope that the owner can remember what the person who bought the gun looked like.
    Carol: But first we need to try and get the judge to grant Cody bail
    Norm: It's going to take a miracle to get the judge to agree to that, but I'll try.
    Cody: Thank you.
    Norm: I'm going to try and get in touch with the DA.

    Norm leaves, just as the guard is coming in.

    Guard: Time's up
    Carol: We're going to get you out of here.
    Cody: I sure hope so.

    Over in Pennsylvania, Carolee is at her aunt's (Ella) home

    Carolee: You should have been there, Dad, you wouldn't believe how in completely unhinged Edmund and his mother are.
    Ella: I've only met his mother once and sensed something about her. She acted like she's a nice person, but it all came off as phony.
    Carolee: That's her, she'll grin in your face and then turn around and stab you in the back.
    Ella: Sounds like you've got yourself in a situation you might not be ready for.
    Carolee: Believe me, I can handle them.
    Ella: That's what you say now.
    Carolee: They are the one that should be afraid, because they've underestimated me.
    Ella: Just remember, this is those boys father and grandmother you're talking about. Regardless of the way they feel about you, you don't want to create any problems that may effect your children down the line.
    Carolee: Troy and Kevin don't need to be raised with the type of values they have.
    Ella: But they don't need to grow up seeing all this fighting.
    Carolee: In the long run, they'll be better off, trust me.
  23. ReddFoxx
    This soap opera is set in Novi, Michigan, a growing city. Anna McGregor, with her late husband Andrew built a successful chain of department stores across the Midwest. Her main rival is Carol Donahue, who has set up her own departments stores near the McGregor's stores.

    Main Characters:

    Anna McGregor: Mother of Joseph, Edmund, Yvette and Lynette. She tries to keep the peace between the companies with little success (Played by Veronica Redd)

    Joseph McGregor: The eldest McGregor child, his harsh approach towards the Donahues doesn't set well with his mother. He's less harsh when it comes to his ex-wife, Trish, the daughter of his family's business rival Carol Donahue. (Played by Peter Parros)

    Yvette McGregor-Browne: The second born child, is a ruthless schemer bent on getting what she wants behind her mother's back. (Played by Rhonda Ross-Kendrick)

    Lynette McGregor-Craig: The third born child, she has completely avoided working in the family company, instead choosing to stay home with her small children (Played by Kent King)

    Edmund McGregor: The youngest McGregor, with his sharp tongue and in your face attitude, he sometimes clashes with Joseph. Edmund is still dealing with his wife running out and leaving him with their two sons. (Played by M'fundo Morrison)

    JC (Joseph Christopher) McGregor: Son of Joseph and Trish, he aligns himself with the McGregor side of his family much to the anger of his grandmother Carol

    Trish Donahue-McGregor: Middle child of the Donahues. She married work obsessed Joseph and had his son, only to divorce him for his lack of attention to her and JC.
    Carol Donahue: Mother of Trish, Norm and Cody. She'll do anything in her struggle to bring down McGregor Department stores, including alienating her grandson. (played by Tanya Boyd)

    Norm Donahue: The eldest Donahue child and his mother's right hand man, together they are a ruthless business team. (played by Ben Watkins)

    Cody Donahue: The youngest son of Carol and her deceased husband, Alan. Cody is the rebellious, street smart child who is completely the opposite of his brother and sister. (played by Lee Thompson Young)

    Estelle Carter: Head of Donahue's main supplier and Carol's best friend.

    Other characters:

    Alma Cantwell: Anna's sister and the company's accountant (
    Stephen Hughes: McGregor's chief lawyer (Played by Kin Shriner)
    Chester Browne: Yvette's husband (Played by Cylk Cozart)
    James Craig: Lynette's husband (Played by John Marshall Jones)
    Henry Dutcher: A manager in the local McGregor store and Trish old friend from high school
    Dr. Gregory Roosevelt: Psychiatrist for McGregor employees

    (other characters will be added when the episodes start)
  24. ReddFoxx
    #034 Friday, June 1st

    Dr. Roosevelt is with Lynette at her house

    Lynette: Greg, I'm really appreciate you coming over like this.
    Greg: No problem, I told you to call me if you needed me. So, have you heard from Jim?
    Lynette: Not yet, I'm not even sure where he's at.
    Greg: When he gets ashamed of himself, he'll come back.
    Lynette: Somehow, I think this is all my fault.
    Greg: You didn't force him to leave, he's old enough to accept your decisions and not run away when things don't go the way he wants.
    Lynette: At this point I don't know what to believe, I'm almost beginning to believe that my parents were right about Jim.
    Greg: Well, it certainly seems that way.
    Lynette: I said I was almost beginning to believe they were right, I didn't say I actually believed them.
    Greg: I think you do.
    Lynette: You're wrong.
    Greg: Whatever you believe, you need to come to terms with if you want to move forward.
    Lynette: The only thing I need to do right now is get my marriage back on track.
    Greg: I'm hoping that you can do that, but I think it's time that you realized that this marriage might not make it.

    Lynette looks at Greg knowingly.

    At the Donahue estate, the Det. Lewis and a deputy are knocking at the door. Cody answers it.

    Cody: What can I do for you?
    Det. Lewis: We need to speak with you, Mr. Donahue.
    Cody: All right.
    Det. Lewis: We traced the gun that shot B.P. back to you.
    Cody: That's ridiculous, I have never owned a gun.
    Det. Lewis: Well, according to records, you bought the gun at a shop in Farmington in December of last year.
    Cody: I was in New York at that time, as matter of fact I haven't even been in this state for about six years.
    Det. Lewis: The records don't lie.

    Norm comes downstairs.

    Norm: What's going on?
    Cody: They are saying that they traced the gun that shot B.P. to me.
    Det. Lewis: We're going to have to ask you to come down to headquarters.
    Norm: Wait just one minute, where did you find this information?
    Det. Lewis: The records of a gun shop, plus we found his prints all over the gun.
    Cody: I don't know anything about that gun.
    Det. Lewis: You're under arrest for suspicion of first degree murder.
    Cody: You can't do this to me, I haven't done anything wrong.

    The deputy puts cuffs on Cody and starts to lead him off.

    Norm: You had better not start questioning him until his attorney can get to the precinct.
    Det. Lewis: Everything will be done by the book.

    After they are gone, Norm immediately takes out his cell phone and dials a number.

    Norm: Please pick up.

    Off Norm's panicked face, fade to black.
  25. ReddFoxx
    #033 Thursday, May 31st

    JC and Amee are at the CoffeeRoom, at a table.

    Amee: You know, I'm really sorry to hear about what happened at Donahue.
    JC: Thanks.
    Amee: Is there anything I can do?
    JC: Just you being here is enough. I just need someone to talk to.
    Amee: Well, I'm here to listen.
    JC: I couldn't even stand being at the house right now, my Grandma Anna was going on and on saying things I didn't want to hear.
    Amee: Like what?
    JC: Just the same thing I've heard for years, about what an awful person Carol is.
    Amee: I don't know how I could cope if I was in your situation.
    JC: I'm a pawn, it's always been me that they've tried to use to hurt each other.
    Amee: Well, the least they could do is put aside their differences when it comes to you. It's not fair that you get caught in the middle.
    JC: You don't know how many times I've said that, but it always falls on deaf ears.
    Amee: Pertinaciousness can make life just so difficult.
    JC: Sometimes I'm afraid that I'm going to end up blowing up at one of them and saying something I don't mean.
    Amee: I don't know, that might be just the thing that needs to happen.

    Over at Trish's house, there is knock at the door. Trish opens to find Joseph standing there with a bag and she let's him in.

    Trish: (sarcastically) Joseph, just the person I was expecting to see.
    Joseph: I'm over here to see if there is anything I can do.
    Trish: Believe me, there's nothing you can do for me.
    Joseph: I know you're a little shaken from all that has happened in the pass few days.
    Trish: You mean you're actually going to show some concern?
    Joseph: You might not believe it, but I care about you. We were married for 20 years, so it's impossible for me not to feel something for you.
    Trish: You know that you never could fool me?
    Joseph: No and I'm not trying to now.
    Trish: I believe you.
    Joseph: Even though Carol and I don't get along, I know she isn't capable of killing anyone.
    Trish: Thank you for saying that.
    Joseph: Your welcome.
    Trish: You're going to think I'm wrong for saying this, but there is a part of me that is afraid.
    Joseph: Afraid of what?
    Trish: That she really might have done it.
    Joseph: That's human, we all have our fears sometimes, but it doesn't mean they are always real. Some fears are imagined.
    Trish: I've looked at it that way, but I still can't put it out of my mind.
    Joseph: The thing we least want to think about is always the thing we think about the most.
    Trish: So what's in the bag?
    Joseph: Oh, it's just some of that linguine I used to make that you absolutely loved.
    Trish: You made that for me on the night we were engaged.
    Joseph: I remember, at the time I was going through a phase where I wanted to find myself and lived in that dump of an apartment.
    Trish: It wasn't a dump, it was quaint.
    Joseph: Only if you consider a leaky roof and a bathroom outside quaint.
    Trish: It was still nice.
    Joseph: Yeah, it was.

    Trish and Joseph exchange a warm look.

    Joseph: Well, I'm going to get out of your way now, I know you probably want to get some rest.
    Trish: Thanks for stopping in.
    Joseph: No problem.

    Joseph leaves. After Trish closes the door, she sighs deeply and then looks out the window watching Joseph drive off.
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