Aaron walks up to the front door of the McGregor Estate. He rings the doorbell and Anna answers.
Anna: Aaron McGregor, I haven't seen you in I don't know how long.
Aaron: You do remember me, I'm glad.
Anna: Come on in the house, I was just about to sit down to dinner with a friend.
Anna brings Aaron into the dining room.
Anna: Aaron, This is my friend John Phelps. John, this is Andrew's nephew, Aaron.
Aaron: Pleased to meet you.
John: Likewise.
Aaron: Anna, I spoke with Yvette earlier, I assumed she told you I was in town.
Anna: She picked up a lot of the slack for me at work today, so she probably forgot.
So what brings you to town?
Aaron: Business actually, M.I. to be exact.
Anna: I'm guessing you heard about the mess.
Aaron: Yes and I'm here to lend my assistance. I know a little about corporations.
Anna: I can use all the help I can get.
Aaron: I especially though you could use this.
Aaron gives Anna a printout of Lightner's record with Sterling.
Anna: This is very interesting. John, take a look at that.
Anna passes the printout to John.
John: This is exactly the sort of thing I needed, a link between Lightner and Sterling Hart.
Where did you get this?
Aaron: A reliable source.
John: This could prove Sterling had the motivation to help Cassandra and George.
Aaron: Possibly.
Anna: Well, with Sterling Hart's history of assisting hostile takeovers, this should be the proof we need
for court.
Aaron: I was hoping it would.
John: Check this out, it's an old telephone transcript between Cassandra and Sterling.
Anna: Let's see that.
John: Seems like Sterling phonied up records to keep him and Cassandra from being prosecuted for the savings and loan failure.
Aaron: I saw that, but I wasn't sure if it was of any significance.
John: Yep, it is. Sterling gave us a study that he claimed caused the shareholders to vote against the board, but
no one seems to have viewed it until now.
Anna: You think he faked that study?
John: It's not out of the realm of plausibility.
Anna: How could we prove he did that?
John: I don't know. There are some discs with the papers that George handed over for review, but I doubt
there's anything incriminating there.
Cassandra is in her office at Lightner, looking for something.
Cassandra: Where could it be? I know I had it here.
George walks in.
George: What are you looking for?
Cassandra: It's a disc, it has the study we gave the shareholders on it.
George: Don't worry, we've got other copies.
Cassandra: No, that was my original disc, I needed it for something,
George: The study is all the same, it makes no difference what disc it's on.
Your disc might have accidently gone out when the courier took some of the files I sent Phelps to show him the takeover was legal.
Cassandra: What? That's not good.
George: It's no big deal, calm down.
Cassandra: This is serious.
George: I think it's time you took some time off, you've been acting odd. First, you say you
saw Dad and now you're freaking out about a disc.
Cassandra: I'm fine.
George: Just try to relax then, now is not the time to stress out.
George leaves.
Cassandra: (thinking) If Phelps sees that disc, this whole deal is finished.
Jim stops by Lynette's room at the Town and Country Inn.
Lynette: Jim, come on in.
Jim: I can't stay long, I just wanted to let you know there's been a change in plans
for the divorce proceedings.
Lynette: What?
Jim: I want it over as soon as possible, so I'm having my lawyer expedite things, just wanted to give you notice.
Lynette: That's fine.
Jim: How are the kids doing?
Lynette: They're great. I'm glad they are too young to understand what is going on.
Jim: Yeah, I thought the same thing.
Lynette looks at Jim, noticing that there's something different about his demeanor.
Jim: Why are you looking at me like that?
Lynette: I don't know, something seems different about you.
Jim: I am about to get divorced, that can change a person's personality.
Lynette: No, it's more than that.
Jim, thinking that Lynette has sensed that he's been drinking, slowly back away from the door.
Jim: I've got to go, I just needed to tell you that.
Jim walks away. Lynette has a puzzled expression on her face, not sure why Jim seemed so different.
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