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Blog Entries posted by ReddFoxx

  1. ReddFoxx
    #77 Friday, July 18th

    Aaron walks up to the front door of the McGregor Estate. He rings the doorbell and Anna answers.

    Anna: Aaron McGregor, I haven't seen you in I don't know how long.

    Aaron: You do remember me, I'm glad.
    Anna: Come on in the house, I was just about to sit down to dinner with a friend.

    Anna brings Aaron into the dining room.

    Anna: Aaron, This is my friend John Phelps. John, this is Andrew's nephew, Aaron.
    Aaron: Pleased to meet you.

    John: Likewise.
    Aaron: Anna, I spoke with Yvette earlier, I assumed she told you I was in town.
    Anna: She picked up a lot of the slack for me at work today, so she probably forgot.
    So what brings you to town?
    Aaron: Business actually, M.I. to be exact.
    Anna: I'm guessing you heard about the mess.
    Aaron: Yes and I'm here to lend my assistance. I know a little about corporations.
    Anna: I can use all the help I can get.
    Aaron: I especially though you could use this.

    Aaron gives Anna a printout of Lightner's record with Sterling.

    Anna: This is very interesting. John, take a look at that.

    Anna passes the printout to John.

    John: This is exactly the sort of thing I needed, a link between Lightner and Sterling Hart.
    Where did you get this?
    Aaron: A reliable source.
    John: This could prove Sterling had the motivation to help Cassandra and George.
    Aaron: Possibly.
    Anna: Well, with Sterling Hart's history of assisting hostile takeovers, this should be the proof we need
    for court.
    Aaron: I was hoping it would.
    John: Check this out, it's an old telephone transcript between Cassandra and Sterling.
    Anna: Let's see that.
    John: Seems like Sterling phonied up records to keep him and Cassandra from being prosecuted for the savings and loan failure.
    Aaron: I saw that, but I wasn't sure if it was of any significance.
    John: Yep, it is. Sterling gave us a study that he claimed caused the shareholders to vote against the board, but
    no one seems to have viewed it until now.
    Anna: You think he faked that study?
    John: It's not out of the realm of plausibility.
    Anna: How could we prove he did that?
    John: I don't know. There are some discs with the papers that George handed over for review, but I doubt
    there's anything incriminating there.

    Cassandra is in her office at Lightner, looking for something.

    Cassandra: Where could it be? I know I had it here.

    George walks in.

    George: What are you looking for?
    Cassandra: It's a disc, it has the study we gave the shareholders on it.
    George: Don't worry, we've got other copies.
    Cassandra: No, that was my original disc, I needed it for something,
    George: The study is all the same, it makes no difference what disc it's on.
    Your disc might have accidently gone out when the courier took some of the files I sent Phelps to show him the takeover was legal.
    Cassandra: What? That's not good.
    George: It's no big deal, calm down.
    Cassandra: This is serious.
    George: I think it's time you took some time off, you've been acting odd. First, you say you
    saw Dad and now you're freaking out about a disc.
    Cassandra: I'm fine.
    George: Just try to relax then, now is not the time to stress out.

    George leaves.

    Cassandra: (thinking) If Phelps sees that disc, this whole deal is finished.



    Jim stops by Lynette's room at the Town and Country Inn.

    Lynette: Jim, come on in.

    Jim: I can't stay long, I just wanted to let you know there's been a change in plans
    for the divorce proceedings.
    Lynette: What?
    Jim: I want it over as soon as possible, so I'm having my lawyer expedite things, just wanted to give you notice.
    Lynette: That's fine.
    Jim: How are the kids doing?
    Lynette: They're great. I'm glad they are too young to understand what is going on.
    Jim: Yeah, I thought the same thing.

    Lynette looks at Jim, noticing that there's something different about his demeanor.

    Jim: Why are you looking at me like that?
    Lynette: I don't know, something seems different about you.
    Jim: I am about to get divorced, that can change a person's personality.
    Lynette: No, it's more than that.

    Jim, thinking that Lynette has sensed that he's been drinking, slowly back away from the door.

    Jim: I've got to go, I just needed to tell you that.

    Jim walks away. Lynette has a puzzled expression on her face, not sure why Jim seemed so different.
  2. ReddFoxx
    #76 Wednesday, July 16th

    Cassandra comes into George's office.

    George: Mother, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost.

    Cassandra: I may have.
    George: What are you talking about?
    Cassandra: You'll just think I'm crazy.
    George: If it's gotten you this spooked, then I want to hear what it is.
    Cassandra: I think I saw you're father.
    George: How can that be, Mother? He died twelve years ago.
    Cassandra: I was driving down the boulevard and I saw a man in a town car and I could have sworn it was him.
    George: It probably was just someone that looked like him.
    Cassandra: No, I'd know his face anywhere.
    George: I think you need to sit down and take a breath.

    Cassandra sits down.

    Cassandra: I know it doesn't make any sense, but I know what I saw.
    George: It's probably just stress from everything that's been going on.
    Sometimes our minds play tricks on us when we have too much on our plate, it's happened to me.
    Cassandra: Maybe you're right, but something just tells me it was him I saw.
    George: We both know that's not possible.
    Cassandra: I know, I know. It's just bothering me so, I can't get it out of my head.
    George: Now probably isn't the right time to tell you this, but you're going to find out anyway, so.
    Cassandra: What?
    George: The judge put up an injunction, we can't legally make any changes at M.I. yet
    Cassandra: Great, just fantastic.

    Later, John is in his office at Phelps Motors, Anna has just walked in.

    John: Sorry you had to come over here, I had some work to do here and couldn't get away, but I wanted to give you this
    news in person.

    Anna: Good news?
    John: Yes, the judge put the injunction in place.
    Anna: Terrific.
    John: It buys us a bit of time.
    Anna: Now all we have to do is find out if Cassandra and George did anything illegal.
    John: That's why we need as much time as we can get, before Lightner can appoint an interim board
    to M.I.
    Anna: He's got his cronies waiting in the wings. Have you looked over the documents George gave you.
    John: I've been pouring over them, nothing incriminating so far. They've covered their tracks well. I did
    find something interesting though, Sterling was very involved with Lightner just before the shareholders revolt even started.
    Anna: Probably up to his old tricks.
    John: That's my guess, but we need the proof.
    Anna: Where do we get the proof though?

    In an office, Andrew is typing on a computer, looking through documents about Cassandra's problems with Silver Hills Savings and Loan.

    Andrew: Aaron, have you been able to find out how long this Sterling guy held shares with M.I.?

    Aaron: Since about 2004.
    Andrew: He's kind of shady, I'm wondering if he's the key to everything.
    Aaron: It's possible.
    Andrew: This is all very confusing, how does a strong company get taken over?
    Aaron: It's supposed to have to do with some study that no one has ever seen.
    Andrew: That's even more shady.
    Aaron: I'm going to phone John Phelps, see if we can compare notes.
    Andrew: Hold the phone for a minute, I may have found something in these documents.
    Aaron: What?
    Andrew: It looks like Sterling worked with Cassandra during the time of the bank failure. There's even a telephone transcript.
    Aaron: Sterling's worked a lot of places, so that probably won't do us much good.
    Andrew: We could possibly make a connection between the two. With Sterling's history of shafting companies,
    it could show they were in cahoots on the takeover.
    Aaron: It's worth a shot.
    Andrew: I'll print this off and you take it to Anna, I'm sure she can make use of it.


    Lynette is at the CoffeeRoom

    Greg: So he served you with divorce papers? That's what he meant when he told me he did something.

    Lynette: You talked to him?
    Greg: I ran into him at Guido's and we had a talk. He's in terrible shape.
    Lynette: I still just feel so awful, this could have been avoided.
    Greg: It's not all your fault, I let myself get too close to you.
    Lynette: Well, I just came over to give you the number of where I'll be staying.
    Greg: You could have stayed with me if you wanted to.
    Lynette: I have a room at the Town and Country Inn, I really think it would be
    appropriate I stay there until this divorce is over. Besides, I'm going to be keeping the kids for awhile, it's best this way.
    Greg: You're right.
    Lynette: As soon as this divorce is finalized, we'll take things from there.
    Greg: I understand completely, it shouldn't be any other way. I can wait.
    Lynette: In the meantime, I really going to be worried about Jim, I just don't know how he's going to take this.
    Greg: Hope for the best.
    Lynette: I've got to run, or I'm going to be late picking the kids up from kindergarten.
    Greg: See you later.


    Jim is at home, sitting at a desk with a bottle of wine and a half empty glass. He's talking on the telephone to a divorce lawyer.

    Jim: I need this divorce to go through as fast as possible. What do you mean it will take that long? I want it over and done with. Isn't there anyway to expedite thing? If you find a way, call me please. Thanks (hangs up)

    Jim pours himself another glass of wine, then pulls a piece of paper out of his pocket with the number of the woman that sold him the Valium scribbled on it. He calls the number.

    Jim: Listen, those pills you gave me, I'm down to my last one. How much is it going to cost me to get more? I'm good for it.
  3. ReddFoxx
    #74 Wednesday, July 9th

    Lynette walks in her and Jim's bedroom, holding the papers. Jim is sitting
    on the bed.

    Lynette: Papers to start divorce proceedings?

    Jim: It's what you want isn't it?
    Lynette: I don't know what to say.
    Jim: There's nothing to say. You're in love with someone else, there was no other choice.
    Lynette: How on earth did we get here?
    Jim: I guess we're both to blame, one of us more than the other though.
    Lynette: I never even thought about this, although I knew it was coming.
    Jim: And I never thought I'd find myself getting a divorce lawyer and filing papers, but
    here I am.
    Lynette: It's not that I don't love you--
    Jim: It's just that you love him more.
    Lynette: It's not an issue of who I love more.
    Jim: You love me enough to stay married though.
    Lynette: It's complicated. Doesn't mean I don't love you.
    Jim: I've never told you this before, but you're the only woman I've ever really loved.
    There's been nobody else.
    Lynette: How come you never told me that?
    Jim: I'm not one to speak what I feel, which probably causes me a lot of problems.
    Lynette: I know I've said it a thousand times, but I really am sorry.
    Jim: Hey, it's me that should be sorry. If I hadn't been such an ass to you in the first place we wouldn't
    be in this predicament. I guess I'm angry at myself a whole lot too.
    Lynette: We're still parents, we've got to figure out a way to at least stay united in that aspect.
    Jim: No argument from me there, we'll figure something.


    At M.I. headquarters, George, Cassandra, Carol, Anna, Estelle and Stephen are all waiting for John to arrive. John enters the boardroom and sits down.

    Anna: What is all this about?

    George: It's a disclosure meeting, to settle for once and for all the legality of this takeover.

    Stephen: We need more time to determine that.

    John: Yes, I've just started my inquiry.

    Carol: These stalling tactics will not work, you can't avoid the inevitable.
    Stephen: Come on, Carol, everyone here knows that this takeover was highly unusual.

    Cassandra: Only to the people who don't want to accept defeat.
    Anna: We prospered in the last quarter, it makes no sense why the shareholders are so upset.
    George: They saw the potential for mismanagement in the future.
    John: Speaking of mismanagement, that study you provided me with was completely made up of speculation, no
    real evidence of future loss.
    Estelle: Especially sense Carter Enterprises was handling part of the expansion project, the budget balanced out because of that.
    George: Apparently the shareholders had another opinion.
    Stephen: It's very bizarre that the shareholder leading this has been accused in the past of making shady deals
    against the companies he holds stock in.
    Cassandra: If that were true, which it isn't, Sterling has never been convicted of anything. If it were true, wouldn't it mean the board was incompetent anyway for letting someone like Sterling hold stock with the company?
    Anna: Now you know that is bogus.
    Cassandra: It's a simple query.
    Estelle: Don't try to turn this conversation around.
    John: Until there is a full inquiry into this, one from me and one from the SEC, there should be no change in management.
    Carol: That's not fair.
    Stephen: It is and we've filed an injunction with the court.
    Carol: The judge will take one look at it and throw it out.
    Anna: Don't be so sure.
    George: I've submitted every document on this takeover and I assure you it's all legal. They are all here, for your review. In the meantime, I propose appointing interim board members just for the transition.
    Anna: Out of the question.
    George: At this point, you have no say, because legally I own the majority of the stock in this company.
    Anna: Stephen, John, can he do this?
    Stephen: Unfortunately, yes. Until we can file the injunction, he can legally make changes.
    John: That's right.
    Anna: How long before the injunction is filed and decided on?
    John: A couple of days.

    Anna rubs her forehead in grief.

    Back at the clinic, Andrew and Aaron are still talking.

    Aaron: I still think this is ridiculous, not to mention unfair to your family. Anna needs to know you're alive.

    Andrew: How can I just re-enter their lives like this? They believe I died 12 years ago.
    Aaron: By just coming back and saying "here I am". I'm sure they held out some hope anyway, you
    were only presumed deceased in that plane crash. You've made full recovery, there's no reason for you to stay hidden.
    Andrew: I'm only trying to help my family get the company back, not make some big return.
    Aaron: How do you expect me to do the work for you and not tell your family you are alive?
    Andrew: It's very simple, you just get the job done and nothing else.
    Aaron: You're just afraid you won't be forgiven for the whole bigamy thing.
    Andrew: I shouldn't be forgiven, I don't expect to be. I just don't want to put myself out there like that.
    Aaron: Not everyone gets a second chance, you were lucky enough to have one, man.
    Andrew: Things are different now, it's not going to be the same as it was before.
    Aaron: That's not an excuse for hiding out. It's time to face the truth.
    Andrew: I wish I could, but I can't. I was married to another woman and had a son and I hid it from her, how is she
    supposed to forgive that?
    Aaron: Maybe she would or maybe she wouldn't, but I do know she'd be glad to know you are alive.
    Andrew: I wish I could face it, but I can't.
    Aaron: One thing I learned from you is to not run away from anything. I think it's time you started following your own advice.
    Andrew: Like I said, I'm only helping them get the company back. You are helping me do that by being my proxy.
    Aaron: I have no problem acting as the proxy, but you aren't going to be able to hide this forever.

    Aaron leaves. Andrew takes out a picture of Anna and their children and looks at it.

    Andrew: How do I fix this mess?

  4. ReddFoxx
    #73 Monday, July 7th

    At Number 37, John is talking with Sterling.

    John: Thanks for lending me a few minutes of your time, I'm sure you are very busy.

    Sterling: I'd like to know what this is about.
    John: You led the shareholders revolt against the board of M.I. (McGregor Inc.), I'm
    curious to know why.
    Sterling: Myself and some other shareholders felt the board was getting dangerously
    close to mismanagement.
    John: That's what I don't get, the company has done well the past few quarters and the
    projected revenue for the next quarter is unprecedented.
    Sterling: Private study of M.I's plan for expansion proved that it could lead to loss.
    John: Why hasn't anyone been made privy to that study?
    Sterling: Shareholders have obtained copies.
    John: But shouldn't the board of M.I. at least been given the chance to review said study, just
    so they would know why they were being voted out?
    Sterling: It was a simple miscommunication that prevented M.I. from reviewing the study.
    John: I would like to have a look at it, do you have a copy I could review?
    Sterling: Uh, not with me, but I can fax one to you later.
    John: That'll be fine. You can understand my curiosity, especially after the takeovers at Northrup/Western and

    Jefferson you were involved in.
    Sterling: I was never proven guilty of any wrongdoing.
    John: I know, just giving you a reason for my curiosity.

    John leaves.

    Sterling: (thinking) Crap, how I'm going to get out of this one?


    Jim is at Guido's waiting to pick up an order. Greg walks in, he sees Jim and goes over to him.

    Greg: I've got to say something.

    Jim: Do I look like I want to hear it?
    Greg: I feel like I need to apologize, although I know it won't do any good.
    Jim: Of all the conversations I want to have, one with my wife's lover isn't one of them.
    Greg: I tried to support your wife when she needed it, but it ended up turning into something else.
    Jim: Yeah, we know what that something else was. Tell me, is it common practice for shrinks to go around boning their

    patients? I bet that would make a fun tabloid headline, what do you think?
    Greg: You wouldn't?
    Jim: I'm capable of it right now, I've got nothing else to lose.
    Greg: Humiliating the mother of children isn't going to help. She didn't set out to hurt you.
    Jim: You don't think I was humiliated? Lynette made a damn fool out of me. I'm sitting around
    thinking things will right with her and she's with you. Did she put you up to trying and justify her actions to me

    some more?
    Greg: No, I'm saying this on my own. Lynette's a good person who just did the wrong thing, she didn't do it on

    Jim: Whatever, I've heard it before. Anyway, I have a question.
    Greg: What?
    Jim: Does she love you?
    Greg: What?
    Jim: Does she love you or was this just some fling?
    Greg: I can't answer that, you'd have to ask her.
    Jim: So it is true. I suppose I knew it deep down inside, it's not like it makes it hurt anymore than it
    already does though. It also makes me know what I've already done was the right thing to do.
    Greg: What's that?
    Jim: The only thing possible.

    The cashier gives Jim his bag and Jim leaves.

    At Number 37, a man walks in holding an envelope. He goes over to the hostess desk.

    Man: Are you Lynette Craig?

    Lynette: Yes.
    Man: You've been served.

    The man hands her the envelope and leaves. She opens and finds divorce papers filed by J

    Edmund is at the McGregor Estate with Anna in the kitchen.

    Edmund: I just had to stop by and tell you the great news.

    Anna: I could use some good news.
    Edmund: Leigh and I worked out the final agreement for joint custody.
    Anna: That's wonderful, I'm so happy.
    Edmund: Oh, me too. It's like a huge burden was lifted from my shoulders. Best of all, Leigh's going to be
    staying in Novi, so the boys will have both parents close and won't have to take long trips back and forth.
    Anna: That's one less thing for you to worry about.
    Edmund: Something else good for me happened too.
    Anna: What?
    Edmund: Christina is back in town, we had dinner the other night and coffee this morning.
    Anna: Well, you've really hit the jackpot. I know Christina being around will be really.
    nice for you.
    Edmund: I'm feeling much better than I have in months. It seems like everything is looking up.
    Anna: I wish I could say the same for the company.
    Edmund: Hey, were going to get M.I. back, we're all determined and ready. You taught me how not to give up.
    Anna: You're right, I should follow my own advice and look at this positively.
    Edmund: If things can turn around for me, they can turn around for the company.
    Anna: It's going to take a miracle.


    Meanwhile, at a clinic in Detroit.

    Aaron: Man, I don't know why you won't tell your wife you're alive, but it's past due.

    A man steps out from the terrace.

    Andrew: It's been too long, Anna's already grievied. Besides, she knows about Cassandra and George, she'd never
    forgive me now.

    Off Andrew's face, fade to black.
  5. ReddFoxx
    #72 Friday, July 4th

    Jim is back in Novi, his parents have driven him and the kids home.

    Jim: You really didn't have to drive us home.
    <a href="http://s17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/?action=view&current=8_6acc.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/8_6acc.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>
    Eleanor: Just thought we'd help you out as much as possible.
    After everything that has happened, we thought the last thing you wanted to do was take a long drive.
    Jim: I appreciate the concern, but I'll be fine.
    Eleanor: I think we should talk.

    Elliot: I'll take the kids upstairs so you can talk.
    Jim: Okay.

    Elliot takes the kids upstairs.

    Jim: Look, I know it seems like I'm a little on edge, but it's nothing to get alarmed about.
    Eleanor: I'm going to ask you something and I hope you answer me honestly.
    Jim: Of course.
    Eleanor: Have you started drinking again?
    Jim: No, how could you even think that?
    Eleanor: You were always great at hiding it, but I eventually was able to figure it out anyway.
    Jim: This is absurd.
    Eleanor: Remember, you have two children to think about. Don't let something push you
    so far over the edge that you destroy your life and can't be there for them.
    Jim: Believe me, I know that.
    Eleanor: I just hope if you have a problem, you'll tell it before it's too late.

    Just then Lynette walks in the front door. Jim looks at her and scoffs.



    Leigh as at the Donahue Ranch with Norm.

    Leigh: So how's the rest of the plan coming on along?

    Norm: It's moving along.
    Leigh: How long before we can drop the bomb?
    Norm: Patience. We don't even know how far Edmund and Christina's relationship will go.
    Leigh: He was having coffee with her at his place this morning, I'd say it's going nicely so far.
    Norm: It's still not time.
    Leigh: I can't wait. A few tabloid headlines about Edmund being caught up with a black market ring leader and I'm sure the courts will question his judgment.
    Norm: It's not a sure thing.
    Leigh: What do you mean?
    Norm: Remember, the McGregors hold a lot of clout around here, who knows what the judge could rule?
    Leigh: Okay, I don't need the negativity from you right now.
    Norm: Only trying to keep things realistic, as you should.
    Leigh: You're right, I'm sorry I snapped at you. I take this very seriously.
    Norm: I know. I wouldn't be doing this if getting your kids didn't mean so much to you.
    Leigh: I want the opportunity to raise them the way I think they should be raised.
    Norm: You might be a schemer, but you certainly are sincere. I like that about you, always have.


    George is at the CoffeeRoom, Cassandra walks in holding the newspaper.

    Cassandra: What are we going to do about this new annoyance Anna has sent out to do her bidding.

    George: He's not that big of a problem, he's all talk.
    Cassandra: I think you are underestimating him, he seemed serious.
    George: I'm not worried, I've steamrolled right over guys like him.
    Cassandra: Maybe I should handle him, I think I'm a better match to go up against him.
    George: You taught me everything I know, you think I can't take this on?
    Cassandra: That's not what I'm saying, I just think it would be better for me to deal with him.
    George: You have a tendency to make things worse sometimes.
    Cassandra: What?
    George: Like when you didn't tell me about your whole little savings and loan fiasco, that almost cost us a lot.
    Cassandra: That's not fair, it was years ago and I didn't think you needed to know.
    George; Right, because it was so insignifcant.
    Cassandra: Well, that has nothing to do with this, this is a completely different situation.
    George: Mother, please let me take care of this. It's all just a stalling tactic by McGregor, it means nothing.
    There's no who can stand in our way now.


    Jim: If you are here to try to justify your actions some more, I don't want to hear it.

    Lynette: I'm not, I was wondering you had come home yet and came to check on you and the kids.
    Jim: Nice, you took time from your affair to come check in.
    Lynette: I've tried to apologize.
    Eleanor: An apology doesn't undo the damage.
    Jim: Mom, don't start anything.
    Eleanor: I want to talk to Lynette, privately.
    Jim: I don't know if that's such a great idea.
    Eleanor: I have some things I need to say.
    Jim: All right.

    Jim goes into the kitchen.

    Eleanor: I really expected better of you.
    Lynette: Could you try to understand that I feel horrible about this?
    Eleanor: Are you asking me to feel sorry for you?
    Lynette: Of course not.
    Eleanor: Good, because if you were, I'd think you were insane.
    Lynette: It's all very unfortunate.
    Eleanor: My son is really on the edge right now, I think he might have started drinking again.
    Lynette: My god.
    Eleanor: For your children's sake, you better hope that he hasn't.
    Lynette: I was afraid this would happen.
    Eleanor: He told you about his drinking problem?
    Lynette: A few years ago.
    Eleanor: So you knew that this could push him over the edge, but you went ahead and hurt him anyway?
    Lynette: No, I tried to make the marriage work to avoid hurting him.
    Eleanor: You knew it wasn't going to work out, yet you lied and created false hope, only to then destroy
    him. That was an incredibly reckless thing to do.
    Lynette: I realize that now.
    Eleanor: You know, I never imagined you of all people would do this, but I guess I was wrong. I really don't understand where your logic was, I just don't.

    Aaron and Roberta walk into her law office.

    Roberta: A lot of information about shareholders and shareholder agreements is here. Andrew had me archive it years ago.

    Aaron: What about the company charter?
    Roberta: I think I have a copy here. Andrew structured this company well to avoid takeovers, but Lightner found a loophole.
    Aaron: I'd like to look over it.

    Roberta looks in a file cabinet and pulls a folder.

    Roberta: Here it is.
    Aaron: Thank you. Looks pretty standard.
    Roberta: I assume this is the first place the family looked when the company was taken over, but
    there's not much in there that could help.
    Aaron: It appears not.
    Roberta: Another course of action is probably going to be your best bet.
    Aaron: Do you know anything about Lightner's internal structure, things like their board, shareholders?
    Roberta: Not in detail, since I've never worked with them.
    Aaron: I've got some research to do then. I'll contact you if I find what I'm looking for.
    Roberta: What are you looking for?
    Aaron: The key to everything.

    Aaron steps outside and makes a call on his cell phone.

    Aaron: Nothing new yet, but I'm working on it. I'm on my way over now.
  6. ReddFoxx
    #71 Wednesday July 2nd

    George is coming out of the Athletic Club when he bumps into John Phelps.

    John: What a good timing, you're the other person I've been needing to talk to.

    George: I'm afraid I don't know you.
    John: John Phelps, corporate litigator and investigator.
    George: Oh, you're the guy that spoke to my mother yesterday. I haven't the time for your idle threats.
    John: This is more of a request.
    George: I'm very busy.
    John: Fine, I'm sure you'd gladly like for the SEC to ask these questions.
    George: What is it?
    John: Have you had a contact with a guy name Sterling? You know, the one who led the shareholder's revolt?
    George: I haven't the faintest idea of who that is.
    John: You sure? The guy has a history of screwing over the companies he holds shares with by helping
    other corporations take them over. He's really good, he's never been prosecuted for his dirty deals.
    George: If you have any questions about the takeover, submit them to my proxy solicitor.
    John: I will be doing that.
    George: I've heard about you, you consider yourself some sort of corporate malfeasance crusader.
    John: I've heard about some of the dirty, not to mention illegal stunts you and your mother have pulled in the past.
    George: You don't stop until you bring good companies down.
    John: Never brought a good company down in my life, some bad ones, never any good ones. Lightner is next.
    George: (laughs) I needed some good comedy today, thank you for that.

    George walks out.


    The sun is coming up and Jim comes downstairs

    Eleanor: You seem better this morning.

    Jim: I had time to clear my head and I really feel better.

    Elliot: Well that's good.
    Eleanor: Are you sure you are all right? You seem different.
    Jim: I'm just steadily starting to cope with what has happened, that's all.
    Eleanor: This quickly? It's only been a day.
    Jim: I'm a Craig, there's nothing that can keep a Craig down.

    Jim goes outside.

    Eleanor: Something is wrong, I'm convinced now.
    Elliot: A couple of nights ago, he was a wreck and now this? I'm starting to agree with you.
    Eleanor: Remember, he was able to hide his drinking from us in the past.
    Elliot: I remember, he'd walk around just as normal as anyone and nobody would know
    he was smashed. It was like he was another person.
    Eleanor: It was so hard helping him get sober that last time, he almost didn't make it.
    Elliot: Let's not panic just yet, we don't have any proof yet. It's possible we are wrong.
    Eleanor: I'm trying to hold out hope, but I just don't feel right about this.

    On the porch, Jim holds the pill bottle and looks at it.

    Jim: My new best friend.


    At Edmund's condo, Edmund and Christina are having coffee.

    Edmund: You know, I'm glad you are back in town. I forgot how good we get along.

    Christina: I like being here to. It's nice to just settle down a bit after being in all those big cities.
    Edmund: Tell me about it, when the store sent a team to New York for Fashion Week once, I couldn't wait to get home.

    There's a knock at the door. Edmund answers it, it's Leigh holding papers.

    Edmund: What's this?

    Leigh: The final draft of the joint custody agreement our lawyers drew up, I'm sure you'll find it fair.
    Edmund: Great. Let me introduce you to some one. Christina Davidson, this is Leigh Elgin, my former wife.
    Leigh: Nice to meet you.
    Christina: Nice meeting you too.

    Leigh hands Edmund looks at the agreement.

    Edmund: This certainly is very fair.
    Leigh: I wouldn't have it any other way.
    Edmund: I'm glad we were able to come to an agreement that is satisfactory for the both of us.
    Leigh: So am I. We both need to get on with our lives.
    Edmund: Yeah.
    Leigh: I know it might strike you as a bit odd coming from me, but I really do want to
    have a civil relationship with you for the sake of the kids.
    Edmund: That's the only thing I wanted out of this. We have to be strong parents, even if we aren't married anymore.
    Leigh: Oh, yes. I couldn't agree more. Well, I'll be getting on now.
    Edmund: Oh, okay. And thanks again for not making this harder than it had to me.
    Leigh: No problem.

    Leigh leaves, once she's outside she chuckles a bit.

    Leigh: What a sucker. He has no idea what I've got up my sleeve.


    John stops by the McGregor Estate to give Anna a progress report.

    Anna: Cassandra told me you met with her.
    John: That woman is a trip.
    Anna: I know, she was in my office not long after you had met with her. Just
    sitting in my chair, like she owned it.
    John: I came over to tell you, I got some information about that Sterling guy.
    Anna: Ah, I'm interested in hearing that.
    John: He's been suspected of shafting companies he holds stock with.
    Anna: Do you think he could have done that with McGregor?
    John: I don't have any proof, but it's probable.
    Anna: I thought there was something funny about him.
    John: He gets away with because he covers his tracks.
    Anna: Well, is there anyway to uncover those tracks.
    John: I'm looking into it now.
    Anna: Please keep me posted, this is all so important to me.
    John: I know, I'm doing my very best.
    Anna: Thank you so much again.


    Meanwhile, on the private jet, the man on the laptop reading a pie chart. The phone next to him rings and he answers it.

    Man: (into phone) Dr. Aaron McGregor speaking. I want a full report of the current status as soon as this plane is on the ground. I've got to be well prepared for what I'm going to do.

    He hangs up and resumes reading about the McGregor takeover. A woman comes in the from another section of the plane.

    Woman: I'm a bit shocked you contacted me instead of someone in the family. You even came to Manila to find me.
    Aaron: Roberta, you were my big brother's most trusted attorney, someone who knows all the information I needed. I'll be contacting the family soon though.
    Roberta: They haven't seen you since you were a child.
    Aaron: They did help pay my way through school though, I wouldn't be a doctor without them.
    Which is why I want to help them get the company back.
    Roberta: We'll see, doesn't seem like that's going to be easy.
    Aaron: It might not be easy, but I'm not about to fail. Besides, I've done some
    business myself and have encountered the Lightners, I know what I'm dealing with.
    Roberta: Hey, the McGregors are a good family, I'm with you all the way. You know, you look
    exactly like your brother did when he was young, it's uncanny.
    Aaron: I've been told that before.

    Pilot: (over PA) We're approaching Detroit Airport.

    Aaron: Almost time for the fight to begin.

  7. ReddFoxx
    #70 Monday, June 30th

    Lynette walks into Anna's office at the McGregor Estate

    Anna: You look troubled.

    Lynette: Am I ever.
    Anna: Sit down.

    Lynette sits down.

    Lynette: This whole situation with Jim, I just turned it into an even bigger mess.
    Anna: Uh-oh.
    Lynette: I finally told Jim the truth.
    Anna: The truth is finally out.
    Lynette: He was so upset when I told him, I'd never seen him like that. After what happened the other night, I felt I had no choice.
    Anna: What happened?
    Lynette: I spent the night with Greg.
    Anna: Now I really understand why Jim was so upset.
    Lynette: Please, don't judge me right now, I already got enough looks from Jim's mother when I was there.
    Anna: I'm not trying to judge you, I'm just saying that had you told the truth in the first place, it wouldn't
    be this way.
    Lynette: I didn't know what to do.
    Anna: You led him to believe there was hope for your marriage, that's the worse thing you could have possibly done.
    Lynette: I didn't want to hurt him.
    Anna: But you ended up doing it in the long run. Secrets and lies will blow up eVerytime and sometimes
    the consequences are more than we expect.


    Picking up from the previous episode, Jim is still looking at the bottle of pills.

    Woman: Well, it's your choice.

    Jim: Like I said I don't do drugs.
    Woman: All these do is pick you up when everything is getting you down.
    Jim: I don't know.
    Woman: Some of the most stable people in the world pop one of these every now and then, it's not a crime.

    Jim hesitates and then pulls out some cash.

    Jim: Will this cover it?
    Woman: It ought to do nicely.
    Jim: Fine.

    Jim hands the woman the money and he takes the bottle.

    Woman: If you ever want more, you know where to find me.
    Jim: Yeah.

    Jim looks at the bottle, still comtemplating what he's going to do. He finally takes the lid
    off the bottle and takes one of the pills.



    At Lightner, John taps on Cassandra's open door.

    Cassandra: Who are you?

    John: We haven't been formally introduced, I'm John Phelps, I'll be reviewing
    this little take over your company just led.
    Cassandra: I would assume you are one of Anna McGregor's lackeys.
    John: I was called in by McGregor to do a job, I'm a corporate litigator.
    Cassandra: I can assure you Mr. Phelps that the deal we orchestrated is on the up and up, so you are just
    wasting your time.
    John: I've worked with the SEC before, I've seen many a takeover that appeared clean, but was actually dirty.
    Cassandra: Feel free to continue your little investigation, no matter how trivial it is.
    John: Call it what you like.
    Cassandra: You're asking for trouble.
    John: I've seen trouble, heck, I've even been trouble. It's no big deal for me.
    Cassandra: You're playing with the adults here, Mr. Phelps. I don't know you, but I can tell you are
    way out of your league.
    John: I just thought I would stop by and let you know about this, it's only fair.
    Cassandra: Oh, how noble.
    John: You have a good day, Ms. Lightner.
    Cassandra: The same to you, Mr. Phelps.

    John leaves. Cassandra sits back in her chair.

    Cassandra: If Anna can make a move, I guess I can make another one of my own.



    At the Athletic Club, Joseph is working out when Trish walks in.

    Trish: I want to talk to you.

    Joseph: How'd you know where to find me?
    Trish: You always come to workout this time of day, I was married to you, I remember some things.
    Joseph: I guess you and your family are gloating right about now about this little joint takeover with Lightner.
    Trish: That's what I came to talk about. I wanted you to know I had nothing to do with it.
    Joseph: Really?
    Trish: I even tried to talk my mother out of going through with it.
    Joseph: Why?
    Trish: I'm tired of the rivalry, the feuding.
    Joseph: I think we both agree life would be better without it, but once someone fires a shot, one side is going
    to defend and so it goes, on and on.
    Trish: Exactly.
    Joseph: And our being married to each other certain didn't help the situation over the years.
    Trish: Didn't make it any worse.
    Joseph: Please, your father couldn't stand me.
    Trish: He never really had anything against you.
    Joseph: He was always calling me Jojo the Dodo and when we got divorced, he offered to throw you a party.
    Trish: He just had a big sense of humor, that's all.
    Joseph: If you say so.
    Trish: Oh, come on, it's not like your mother was exactly thrilled with me.
    Joseph: When you put it like that, I think we're even in terms of parental approval.
    Trish: Perhaps that's fair enough.
    Joseph: It's nice to actually have a conversation for once and not be at odds.
    Trish: It sure is.



    Later on, at McGregor, Anna walks into her office. Cassandra is sitting behind her desk and turns around in the swivel chair.

    Anna: What are you doing in my office?
    Cassandra: Not for long. I just thought I would get a feel for it, you know check things out, see what
    kind of decor I can add. This color scheme is absolutely dreadful, you know.
    Anna: You really are a trip, aren't you?
    Cassandra: I think it just burns you up that you've finally met someone who can give you a run for you money.
    Anna: Funny, all I see when I look at you is a petty, vindictive, somewhat immature woman with control issues.

    Cassandra picks up a picture of Andrew and looks at it.

    Cassandra: I guess not much changed about him over the years, he wore those monogrammed ties with his initials when I was with him.
    Anna: They were his favorites.
    Cassandra: Just think, I was so angry with Andrew and now if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be about to become one of
    the most powerful CEO's in this country.
    Anna: Don't start making plans yet, I'm not giving up yet.
    Cassandra: Yes, I know. Your corporate litigator paid me a visit.
    Anna: I think we've said about all we need to say to each other for now. So could you please leave?
    Cassandra: I'll be back, I most certainly will.

    Cassandra walks out.


    Meanwhile, on a private jet on an airstrip in Manila, The Philippines. A man with the initials, AM on his tie is on a laptop, reading about the takeover of McGregor.
    The pilot comes out of the cockpit.

    Pilot: Sir, are you ready to take off now?
    Man: Yes, it's time. To Detroit Metro Airport.
    Pilot: Of course, Mr. McGregor.
  8. ReddFoxx
    #69 Wednesday, June 11th

    A man rings the doorbell at the McGregor Estate. Anna opens the door.

    Anna: John, I'm so glad you could make it.

    She hugs him.

    John: You've been a good friend and business partner in the past, it's no problem.
    Anna: Come on in, I have lunch on the patio.

    They go onto the living room and sit down.

    Anna: So, how is everything with you and your family?
    John: Not bad at all, Denny and Hoover have their jobs at the dealership and Teri's in Europe modeling, but she's coming back to town soon though.
    Anna: I'm so glad to hear that, you've always had a lovely family.
    John: So I heard about this whole thing with the hostile takeover? What's that about?
    Anna: It's a messy story, but bottom line, we're about to lose control of the company and I didn't know where else to turn.
    You've always been a brilliant corporate raider and litigator, so I thought you could help me find some sort of loophole.
    John: I'm assuming that the provocation for this takeover must have been something big.
    Anna: It's purely personal, the result of long held resentment.
    John: You're going to have to clue me in some more.
    Anna: Andrew was a bigamist and had a child with his other wife.
    John: Seriously?
    Anna: Unfortunately, yes.
    John: I'm sorry to hear that. It really surprises me, Andrew always seemed like a stand up kind of guy.
    Anna: Everyone thought that. Now I'm left to deal with the situation he created because of his dishonesty. His son and his other wife are
    taking all this frustration out of me and my family.
    John: Any way that I can help you, you know I'll do it.
    Anna: My attorneys are looking over this, but can't seem to find anyway out. I was hoping you could assist them.
    John: Will do.
    Anna: Thank you, I really need all the help I can get right now. Everything has been so stressful.
    John: It's my pleasure, that's what friends do. We can go over the details in the morning.

    They shake hands.



    Edmund walks into Number 37, as he's walking in, he bumps into Christina.

    Edmund: Christina?

    Christina: Long time no see.
    Edmund: You're back in town and didn't tell me.
    Christina: I was going to call you, just thought I'd get settled first.
    Edmund: I was just about to have lunch, would you like to join me?
    Christina: sure.
    Edmund: Waiter, table for two.

    The waiter leads them to a table and they sit down.

    Edmund: So, what brings you back to Novi?
    Christina: Uhm, business.
    Edmund: What? No pleasure?
    Christina: That depends.
    Edmund: From what I remember, you don't go anywhere without haven't a little bit of fun.
    Christina: I've changed some, although not too much.
    Edmund: So how have things been with you?
    Christina: I've been doing well.
    Edmund: Wish I could say the same.
    Christina: Trouble in paradise?
    Edmund: Yep. Nasty divorce, custody battle, the whole nine yards.
    Christina: So sorry to hear that.
    Edmund: I'm getting by, but it's been so rough on me.
    Christina: Precisely why I never got married.
    Edmund: I sometimes think I shouldn't have gotten married, but when I look at my kids and I don't regret it.
    I just wish I had married someone better.
    Christina: Everyone makes the wrong decisions now and again, doesn't mean we can't recover from them.
    Edmund: I suppose. If you don't mind me asking, how long are you staying in town?
    Christina: Well, my plans aren't quite set yet, I had a few things that needed to get done here, but
    I've been looking to stay in one place for awhile.
    Edmund: Good, it'd be nice to have an old friend around again.



    In Flint, Jim has just woken up and slowly walks into the kitchen where is parents are at.

    Eleanor: Good Afternoon.

    Jim: Afternoon?
    Elliot: It's 12:30.
    Jim: I slept that long?
    Eleanor: Yes, you did.
    Jim: I just had so much on my mind, I guess it made me oversleep.
    Eleanor: I guess so.
    Jim: I'm going to take a walk for some air, I need to clear my head.

    Jim goes outside.

    Eleanor: I don't like this, I don't like it at all.

    Elliot: After what happened, it's not surprising he's in such a state.
    Eleanor: I haven't seen him like this in years, not since--.
    Elliot: Since he was drinking? You don't think?
    Eleanor: Look at him, that isn't the state of someone who is just depressed.
    Elliot: I pray that it isn't that.
    Eleanor: I do too, but it doesn't look good.
    Elliot: Let's try not to think negative.
    Eleanor: It scares me, he barely made it through the first time, what's going to happen
    a second time?

    Elliot puts him arm around her and looks concerned. Meanwhile, Jim is at a bar down the road. He's sitting at the bar, when a woman sits down next to


    Woman: You look like you got a lot on your mind.
    Jim: That's an understatement.
    Woman: Most folks who stop in here have all sorts of problems, what's yours?
    Jim: I usually don't tell my business to strangers.
    Woman: Suit yourself, I just thought you could use an ear.
    Jim: Then again, I've lost everything, telling you isn't really going to hurt me.
    Woman: Let's hear it.
    Jim: Long story short, I just found out my wife cheated on me.
    Woman: That's rough, I've heard a lot of those stories.

    The bartender slides Jim a beer.

    Woman: Seeing what you're going through and how it seems to have effected you, you need something a bit stronger than that.
    Jim: Like what?

    The woman reaches into her pocket and pulls out a bottle of valium.

    Jim: I don't go that far.
    Woman: Come on, what have you got to lose? It's better than feeling so down.

    Jim looks at the pill bottle and contemplates taking the woman up on her offer. Fade to black.
  9. ReddFoxx
    #68 Monday, June 9th

    Lynette walks into Greg's office looking upset.

    Greg: What's the matter? You look upset.

    Lynette: It's Jim. I told him the truth.
    Greg: From the look on your face, I assume he didn't take it well.
    Lynette: He stormed out of the house and drove off. He's turned off his
    cell phone and I'm really concerned about him.
    Greg: Because of what you told me about him?
    Lynette: I don't want to be responsible for him starting to drink again,
    something like this could send him over the edge.
    Greg: Just hope it doesn't come to that.
    Lynette: I'm so afraid.
    Greg: What are you going to do?
    Lynette: I'm going to go to his parents' house, maybe he's back there.
    Greg: I'll drive you.
    Lynette: I don't think you should.
    Greg: You shouldn't be driving while you are upset. I'll stay in the car when we get there.
    Lynette: All right.



    At McGregor, the boardroom is full with members of the board of directors and others. Anna walks in the office.

    Anna: The results of the votes are in, I just got the call.

    Alma: And?
    Anna: 51% in favor of Lightner.

    Joseph: What? I don't believe it, after all the calls we made?

    JC: What does that mean for us now?
    Anna: It means they have a very narrow majority of the seats on the board. Leonard, Evelyn, Alden, I'm sorry but you were voted out.
    Leonard: We are going to fight this.
    Anna: I don't see how, there is going to be chaos on this board now.
    Alma: We're going to make sure you stay on as CEO, no matter what.
    Anna: Where are the votes going to come from? Lightner got his cronies on the board.
    Joseph: There is no way we are letting them force us out of this company.
    Anna: We are at a significant disadvantage here, we have no recourse.

    Yvette: So you're going to just give up and cede the company to them?
    Anna: I don't want to do that, but I don't see how I can realistically overcome this.
    Yvette: We'll come up with something, but giving up shouldn't be an option.
    Joseph: I agree.
    Anna: Optimism is fine, but let's keep a realistic outlook.
    Yvette: We need to brainstorm.

    Anna pauses and thinks for a second.

    Anna: There could be one way out of this.
    Joseph: Really?
    Anna: I've got a few calls to make, I'll be right back.


    Meanwhile, at Lightner, George, Carol and Cassandra are toasting with champagne.

    Cassandra: I'd like to propose a toast to this new venture.

    Carol: Here, here.
    Cassandra: We are going to take this company places where the McGregors never could go.

    George: I'll drink to that.

    Just then, a Sterling walks into the office.

    Cassandra: Sterling, you're just in time for the toast. Congratulations on your new board seat.
    Sterling: I don't drink.
    Cassandra: You could make an exception.
    Sterling: I'm here to discuss business.
    George: Fine, what's up.
    Sterling: It's about my incentive.
    George: You are on the board, that's about all the incentive you need.
    Sterling: I could use a little more, it took a lot of prodding to get those shareholders on your side. I just
    want to make sure I have a guarantee of security in the company.
    George: What do you want?
    Sterling: A cut of the quarterly profits.
    George: Absolutely not.
    Sterling: I see, so I guess you are going to be one of those CEOs who breaks himself off a big fat piece of the pie from the profits.
    George: Look, you did a job and go rewarded, be satisfied.
    Cassandra: It would be very wise of you not to force your hand, Sterling. You could end up with nothing.
    Sterling: Then again, so could you. I hold a lot of clout with the shareholders, it would only take a call to
    a few dozen of them to turn your 51% victory into nothing.
    George: I don't like being threatened.
    Sterling: Take it or leave it.
    George: We'll work something out.
    Sterling: I want a guarantee.
    George: I can't talk numbers until after this quarter ends.
    Sterling: Fine, but just remember what I said. Good Evening, Mrs. Donahue.

    Sterling leaves.

    George: That's the price of making deals, they always want more.
    Carol: What's our course of action?
    George: We'll probably have to give him what he wants.



    Lynette and Greg pull up at Jim's parents' house.

    Greg: Are you all right?
    Lynette: Yes, I need to do this.

    Lynette gets out of the car and walks up the door, ringing the bell. Jim's mother answers.

    Eleanor: I don't think you should be here right now.
    Lynette: Please, I need to talk to Jim, I feel terrible about everything.
    Eleanor: Jim came in here earlier an emotional wreck, seeing you now would
    only make it worse.

    Jim comes out of the kitchen.

    Jim: Mom, let her in.
    Eleanor: If that's what you want.

    Eleanor lets her in and then retreats to the kitchen. Lynette comes inside and walks over to Jim, putting her hand on his shoulder.

    Lynette: I'm sorry.

    Jim pulls away from her.

    Jim: Sure.
    Lynette: I don't know what else to say.
    Jim: What else is there to say? You've said it all.
    Lynette: Please, just let me try to explain.
    Jim: I need to ask you something.
    Lynette: What?
    Jim: Why didn't you tell me the truth? Did you think it was better to sneak around behind my back and pretend you loved me?
    Lynette: No, no, that's not it. Everything that happened was all out of the blue. I don't want you to think I set out to hurt you.
    Jim: So if I had done this to you, you'd really be understanding about it? Do you know how ludicrious that is?
    Lynette: No, of course not, that's not what I'm saying.
    Jim: You're trying to justify your actions, that's what you are trying to do.
    Lynette: I felt like I was being pushed away.
    Jim: There's the blame card again! You pulled that earlier.
    Lynette: Again, I'm not blaming you, just explaining the circumstances.
    Jim: Yes, the best way to deal with emotional pain is to go out and screw your doctor, what a novel philosophy.
    Lynette: I know you're hurt, but--
    Jim: But nothing, I struggled with the separation too, but I never even thought about having an affair.
    Lynette: Sometimes people do the wrong thing when they are hurt, not everyone is the same.
    Jim: Or maybe you just got tired of being to a guy who's nothing more than a grocery store clerk and wanted somebody
    younger and with a better title.
    Lynette: I'm not that superficial, you know that.
    Jim: I don't know anything about you, Lynette. In fact, I don't want to know anything else about you, because I'm done.
    I've spoken with a lawyer and I'm filing divorce papers. So you can go be with your doctor and be the hell out of my life.

    Jim storms back into the kitchen. Eleanor comes back out. Eleanor doesn't say a word, she just looks at Lynette and holds the door open. Lynette


    On the back porch, Jim reaches into his coat pocket and pulls out a flask, taking a drink from it.
  10. ReddFoxx
    In this edition of Preview Guide, we'll be getting some scoops from the head writer about current and upcoming story lines. Plus, some casting news.

    Summer is coming up and as we all know, that's one of the times when soaps are at their best. Novi Head Writer and Executive Producer Phillip Connelly tells us what we can expect...


    "This will probably be our most dramatic story line for the summer. After finding out about Lynette and Greg, Jim withdraws from everyone and digresses to an addiction he fought off years ago. Lynette and Greg will be together, but Lynette's concern for Jim may hinder that some. Look for Jim's parents, especially his mother to play a role in this story too."


    "Edmund ends up falling for his old flame, Christina, unaware of her shady profession or that the situation is being manipulated by Leigh over the custody battle."


    "This one is going to take a really big twist, I don't want to give too much away, but I can say it's some that shakes everything up"


    "Trish is prepared to marry Henry, but struggles to fight her feelings for Joseph. Look for the rivalry between Joseph and Henry to heat up even more."

    Other upcoming spoilers and casting

    Yvette's daughter returns home from Europe to attend Novi University, but with a surprising secret.

    Leslie Uggams and Richard Roundtree have been the cast as Jim's parents.

    As previously reported, a new family will be moving in and casting has been completed, look for them to debut very soon.
  11. ReddFoxx
    #67 Tuesday, April 29th

    Carol is at her office at Donahue, when JC peeks in the door.

    Carol: Well, this is a nice surprise. What brings you here?

    JC: Curiosity.
    Carol: About what?
    JC: About this whole feud between the families.
    Carol: It's a business rivalry, nothing unusual about it.
    JC: It just seems like there is so much more to it.
    Carol: What made you start thinking about all this?
    JC: There was report on the television earlier that said Donahue has something to do with the proxy fight among the McGregor shareholders.
    Carol: I see.
    JC: Is it true? Are you in on it?
    Carol: It's a stellar business opportunity.
    JC: Do you really think it's necessary to take it this far?
    Carol: Donahue needs growth.
    JC: If you do this, the whole feud is just going to get worse. For once, I would like there to be a little peace
    between both sides of my family.
    Carol: I bet your father and Anna sent you over here to ask me to cut some slack.
    JC: Gran, I came over here on my own, nobody sent me. I do have a mind of my own you know.
    Carol: I know you are very bright, but sometimes bright people can be manipulated.
    JC: I'm just asking for civility. I don't want to feel like I have to support one side of my family over the other.
    Carol: No one has ever asked you to pick sides.
    JC: Some times, it feels that way though.
    Carol: You aren't a part of this feud, you never have been.
    JC: But I'm affected by the back and forth sometimes. I know this visit probably didn't do any good, but please, at least
    consider toning this whole thing down.

    JC leaves.


    Meanwhile, over at McGregor, Anna walks into the boardroom where the board of directors is waiting.

    Anna: The shareholders are starting to vote right now.

    Alma: Are you saying we're out of time?
    Anna: I was able to get some of them to hold off voting, but I don't know how long it will last.
    Leonard: Any preliminary numbers yet?
    Anna: So far it's very close, almost 50-50.

    Yvette: We need a plan.
    Anna: What could we possibly come up with at this point? we've got less than a few hours to call the undecideds.

    Just then, the office secretary comes into boardroom.

    Secretary: Mrs. McGregor, someone is here to see you.

    George walks into the boardroom.

    Anna: What are you doing here?

    George: I'm here to make an offer.
    Anna: Whatever it is, we don't want it.
    George: I think you might want to hear this. I'm making you an offer that
    could spare you a lot of humiliation.
    Anna: I guess since the voting is so close, you aren't to confident about your chances.
    George: I'm just trying to avoid doing this the hard way. A hostile takeover is harsh,
    not to mention it was bring out secrets that you probably don't want in the tabloids.
    Alma: Anna, what is he talking about?
    George: Didn't anyone tell you? I'm Andrew's son.
    Leonard: What?
    Anna: It's a long and complicated story, but he's telling the truth.
    George: I'm sure you wouldn't want all that to be exposed to world.
    Anna: I'm going to fight this out, I won't give into threats.
    George: I'll offer you a very good price to get out of this company.
    Anna: You have got a lot of nerve.
    George: I just want what is mine.
    Anna: And you're delusional too. This company does not belong to you.
    George: I think after what my father did, I'm entitled to something.
    Anna: I don't condone what Andrew did, but it's not fair for you to blame it on me or my family.
    George: I'm not assigning blame.
    Anna: Then what is it?
    George: Like I said, I'm claiming what is mine.
    Anna: You are pathetic, just as bitter as your mother.

    George pulls out his checkbook and writes a check, then handing to Anna.

    George: My only offer.

    Anna takes the check and rips it in half.

    Anna: Oh, no. You wanted a fight and you're gonna get one.

    George looks at Anna and chuckles.

    George: Don't ever say I didn't try to play fair.

    George walks out as the board is still stunned by the revelation.



    Lynette: (into phone) I'll talk to you later.

    Lynette hangs up the phone and continues to look nervous.

    Lynette: I wasn't expecting you back until later, where are the kids?

    Jim: With my parents, I decided to let them spend a little more time there
    so we could have some time to ourselves today.
    Lynette: That's good, because I do have something to talk to you about.
    Jim: Does it have anything to do with who was on the phone? You were telling whoever it was
    that there was something I had to know.
    Lynette: This really isn't easy for me at all.
    Jim: This sounds serious.
    Lynette: It is. I was raised to always tell the truth, no matter how hurtful it might be.
    Jim: What exactly is it you are trying to say to me?
    Lynette: First off, I need you to understand that I never intended to hurt you.
    Jim: Whatever is, just say it.
    Lynette: I'm afraid it's impossible for me to stay in this marriage anymore.
    Jim: I see.
    Lynette: I thought we could make it work, but I've come to the realization that it isn't possible.
    Jim: Lynette, I know that the separation was hard for you and I said some things I didn't mean, but we can make it.
    Lynette: No, we can't.
    Jim: I don't understand, not too long ago you wanted us back together and were going to therapy, why the sudden change.
    Lynette: It's just better for the both of us if we just go our separate ways.
    Jim: If you think that I'm not capable of change, you are wrong. I'm ready to make concessions and be a better husband to you.
    Lynette: It's not that.
    Jim: Then what is it?

    Lynette pauses for a moment, becoming a little emotional.

    Lynette: I've been unfaithful.
    Jim: What?
    Lynette: It hurts me to tell you this, but I've got to be honest.
    Jim: (scoffs) I should have known something was up, I should have known.
    Who was this guy? Somebody from work?
    Lynette: Not exactly.
    Jim: It's got to be somebody you know, I'm sure it wasn't just some random person.

    Jim thinks for a second and then a knowing look comes over his face.

    Jim: God, how could I have been so stupid? It's the damn doctor, isn't it?
    Lynette: Yes.
    Jim: When you were so anxious to switch doctors, I should have figured it out.
    I knew there was something that wasn't right with that man.
    Lynette: It's not his fault.
    Jim: What sort of doctor goes around sleeping with one of his patients and a married one at that?
    Lynette: It didn't happen when he was still counseling me, it was after. It was last night.
    Jim: I guess you had to wait until a got out of town, huh?
    Lynette: It wasn't planned, it just happened.
    Jim: That makes it so much better.
    Lynette: Please, Jim, I need you to understand---
    Jim: Understand what? That my wife cheated on me?
    Lynette: Everything inside of me just built up ever since the separation. Greg was there for me when I needed a shoulder.
    You had walked out.
    Jim: Am I having hearing problems or did I just hear you try to blame me for what you did?
    Lynette: I wasn't trying to blame you, I was just--
    Jim: I'll admit, I was a real jerk toward you last year, but you can't lay what you did at my door. I moved back in months ago.
    You had every opportunity to tell me you had feelings for this man and you didn't do it.
    Lynette: I didn't want to hurt you.
    Jim: And pretending that you wanted to save this marriage wasn't hurting me?
    Lynette: I do care about you and I was hoping that things would straighten themselves out.
    Jim: If you care someone, you don't deceive them.
    Lynette: Jim, I--
    Jim: That's it, I'm done. I've heard everything I needed to hear.
    Lynette: No, you haven't.
    Jim: Right now, I'm breaking inside, so I can't listen to anymore.

    Jim goes outside and slamming the door behind him. He breaks down in tears as he walks away.

    On the next Novi: The results of the shareholder's vote are in, with a surprising twist.
  12. ReddFoxx
    #66 Monday, April 28th

    Joseph is on the telephone, when Yvette comes into his office.

    Joseph: (into phone) We don't have much time to head this off, so it's critical you stay on this. Thank you. (hangs up)

    Yvette: I take it that was the proxy solicitor.
    Joseph: Yep and from the report he gave me, it seems like slightly over half the board could be voted out.
    Yvette: But there's still a chance we could get out of this?
    Joseph: A very slim one.
    Yvette: Damn it.
    Joseph: We've got to stay focused and at least try to fix this, for Mom's sake.
    Yvette: You're right.

    JC comes into the office.

    JC: Turn on the tv.
    Joseph: What's going on?
    JC: They're getting ready to talk about the company.

    JC turns on the television.

    Anchor: It appears that construction giant Lightner Corporation has launched a full scale takeover bid
    for McGregor Department Stores yesterday. According to sources, Lightner has the backing of McGregor's chief rival, Donahue Stores. A shareholders vote is expected to be completed at midnight.

    Joseph: I shouldn't be shocked that Donahue would be involved in all this too.
    Yvette: We've always known what type of person Carol is, she's worse than her husband was.
    JC: Maybe, it's just a mistake, I don't think she'd be involved in anything like this.
    Joseph: I know Carol's your grandmother and everything, but you need to stop being so naive.
    She wants to bring this company down and will stop at nothing to do that.
    JC: I don't know what to think.
    Joseph: I'm not trying to tell you what to think, I'm just saying be realistic. None of this
    is very hard to believe.

    Anna walks into the CoffeeRoom and see Cassandra sitting at a table. She walks over to her table and sits down.

    Anna: I'm glad I caught you here, I've got a few things I want to say to you.

    Cassandra: Well, I can't wait to hear this. I'm just on pins and needles.
    Anna: You've got a lot of nerve trying to steal this company from underneath me.
    Cassandra: It's all legal, dear.
    Anna: Maybe so, but it doesn't make it right.
    Cassandra: This is a golden opportunity for my company, so we are going for it.
    Anna: You want revenge, plain and simple.
    Cassandra: Call it what you like.
    Anna: Look, I haven't done a thing to you, my husband did and he died. Why don't you just move on?
    Cassandra: This goes beyond revenge, I have the opportunity to be a leader of a Fortune 500 company,
    something I'm probably far more capable of than you. From the sound of your profile in business journals, you're nothing but a happy homemaker turned CEO.
    Anna: I helped build McGregor up from nothing.
    Cassandra: I'm sure all your advice on where to stack the kitchenware in store was just so earth-shattering.
    Anna: There's a name for people like you, but I'm too polite to say it.
    Cassandra: (scoffs) Takes one to know one.

    Cassandra gets up to leave.

    Anna: Just remember, you're not going to get your hands on my company, never in a million years.
    Cassandra: Don't bet on it, dear.

    Cassandra leaves.



    At Jim and Lynette's house, Lynette is in the kitchen, thinking about the night she had with Greg, when the phone rings.

    Lynette: (into phone) Hello?

    Greg: It's me, I just called to see how your were feeling. You were gone when I woke up this morning.
    Lynette: I just needed to clear my head.
    Greg: We've crossed a point of no return.
    Lynette: We sure have.
    Greg: I feel like a hypocrite though, after all my moralizing.
    Lynette: Well, what's done is done, can't take it back.
    Greg: Right.
    Lynette: And this complicates things even more.
    Greg: Unfortunately.
    Lynette: One thing I know now is, I have to tell Jim the truth now. I have no other choice.
    Greg: I agree, there can't be anymore secrets. I want to be with you.
    Lynette: I want to be with you too.
    Greg: Honestly, I didn't think we'd get to this point. I really thought we didn't have a chance.
    Lynette: I'm not in the clear yet, I still have to figure out how I'm going to break this to my husband.
    I just don't know how he's going to take this.
    Greg: Hopefully, it won't be as bad as it seems.
    Lynette: He's due back later this afternoon, so I've got time to think about what I'm going to say. Jim has to know.

    Jim: I have to know what?

    Lynette turns around and sees Jim standing in the back door. A nervous expression comes over her face, as she knows it's time
    to tell the truth.


  13. ReddFoxx
    #65 Monday, March 17th

    Anna, Yvette and Joseph walk into the boardroom at McGregor, one of the shareholders is waiting for them.

    Man: I've been waiting for you. I'm Sterling Brooks, I represent the group of shareholders who have expressed concern over the leadership of this corporation.

    Anna: What's the problem?
    Sterling: We believe that this joint venture with the Carter Company isn't solid and could lead to losses.

    Joseph: This is a very solid business plan, we would have never gone through with it if it wasn't.
    Sterling: A lot of us have a tremendous of money in this company, we feel that this deal needs to be reworked
    to avoid loss.
    Anna: Our numbers have been crunched over and over again, we project a profit within six months.
    Sterling: There is also a risk. You are taking over a chain of stores that haven't done business for years, what
    makes you think they will do business under a new name?

    Yvette: I suggest you take another look at our business plan.
    Joseph: Yes, this project was approved nearly a year ago and there were no objections. Why the sudden change?
    Sterling: As you know, Mr. McGregor, the economy isn't doing so well right now. It's just not the right time for
    such an expansion.
    Joseph: I think somebody put you up to this.
    Yvette: And I've got a pretty good idea as to who it was.
    Sterling: Let's not be absurd.
    Joseph: I think you've already crossed that line.
    Anna: Mr. Brooks, I think you should know that we have no intention of abandoning this plan, we've
    put to much time and money in it.
    Sterling: Then the shareholders vote will continue as scheduled. Good day.

    Sterling leaves.

    Yvette: We are going to fight this.
    Anna: That could be hard, we don't know exactly how many
    shareholders are in on this yet.
    Joseph: One thing I know is that we don't have much time
    to stop this.
    Yvette: No matter what, we cannot let them get their hands on this company.


    Carol is with George and Cassandra at Lightner in Detroit.

    George: I think it's time we discussed logistics, it won't be
    long before we are in control of McGregor.

    Carol: McGregor is notoriously well structured, it always has been. That's a positive for us.

    Cassandra: We should hold off making any plans until
    we have everything in our control.
    George: Mother, we have the votes, stop worrying.
    Cassandra: Just being realistic. I'm sure Yvette has already
    made it abundantly clear to her family that we want control. They're going to know where this is coming from and stop at nothing to thwart it.
    George: So what? Even if they do, they can't stop it, because it's all legal. The truth coming out probably was for the best.
    Carol: What truth?
    George: It's a long story.
    Cassandra: That I never get tired of telling to anyone who will listen.
    Carol: I'm really curious to hear about this.
    Cassandra: I was married to Andrew McGregor years ago and George is my son with him. One day, he just dissapeared
    and I didn't know what happened to him until I saw him in a society page and found out he was married to another woman.
    Carol: So Andrew was a bigamist? I bet that must have come as quite a shock to Miss Anna. I knew Andrew was an oily
    character, but I didn't think he was that low.
    Cassandra: When I married him, he seemed like a catch, but I was proven wrong.
    Carol: So all this you two are doing is a bit of revenge for what Andrew did?
    Cassandra: Revenge is such an ugly word, I prefer to say consulation.
    Carol: Interesting way of putting it.
    George: Now that we've heard that, can we get back to discussing business?
    Carol: Of course.
    George: As far as I know some of the voting is taking place right now, but my proxy solicitor is still suring up votes
    just to be safe.
    Carol: Sounds like it's too early to pop the champagne, but I think we should at least start chilling it.
    George: I like the way you think.



    Jim is in Flint visiting his parents. He's sitting on the porch of their house, when his father, Elliot comes out of the house.

    Elliot: You feeling all right?

    Jim: I'm fine, Dad.
    Elliot: I get the feeling that something is troubling you.
    Jim: It could be the fact that my marriage is falling apart.
    Elliot: What? I didn't realize you and Lynette were having any problems.
    Jim: We've been struggling for months now, I even moved out.
    Elliot: I'm sorry to hear that.
    Jim: It's my own fault, I really screwed up.
    Elliot: How?
    Jim: Lynette decided she wanted to start a career and I acted like a real jerk about it.
    Elliot: Lynette is a good woman, I'm sure she won't hold it against you.
    Jim: I think it's too late, it feels like we are drifting further apart.
    Elliot: Your mother and I have had our share of problems, but we've always worked them out. Your problem doesn't
    seem like it's that hard to fix. You've got to talk things out and most of all be truthful.
    Jim: I don't know, Dad, it just seems like things aren't going to work out.
    Elliot: That's just fear, once you step up and do your best to set things straight, it'll all work out.
    Jim: Maybe you're right, it's just the fear talking.


    At Greg's apartment, there's a knock at the door. He opens it to find Lynette on the other side.

    Lynette: Mind if I come in?

    Greg: Not at all.
    Lynette: Thank you.

    Lynette comes inside and they sit down on the couch.

    Greg: I don't mind you being here, but don't you think we should keep our distance? Jim already suspects something.
    Lynette: Jim took the kids to visit his parents in Flint, he won't know I came here. Besides, I needed someone to talk to.
    Greg: What's on your mind?
    Lynette: The truth is, I really just wanted to see you.
    Greg: I've wanted to see you too, but like I said before, I don't want to be responsible for breaking up a marriage.
    Lynette: I don't know how much longer I can do this. I mean, I really do care about Jim, but I don't think the marriage can
    be saved, because I'm in love with someone else.
    Greg: You really are making this hard on me.
    Lynette: I'm sorry, but I have to start being truthful, for my own sake. I can't keep trying to hide how I really feel.
    Greg: Part of me is glad to hear you say that and another part of me feels like I'm responsible.
    Lynette: Jim and I were having problems before I even met you, it's not your fault. Maybe this is the way it was meant to be, maybe we
    were meant to be together.
    Greg: Maybe.

    Lynette kisses Greg and slowly starts to undo his buttons.

    Greg: You sure you wanna do this?
    Lynette: Sure as I'll ever be.

    Greg takes her by the hand and leads her to the bedroom.
  14. ReddFoxx
    #64 Friday, March 14th (BONUS EPISODE)

    At Number 37, Leigh is having breakfast when he lawyer, Ben walks in.

    Ben: I've been looking all over for you, we gotta talk.

    Leigh: I've been busy.
    Ben: I figured you were up to something.
    Leigh: I didn't say I was up to something.
    Ben: The heck you aren't, I heard about you dropping
    the custody case through your ex's lawyer.
    Leigh: I decided to change course.
    Ben: As your lawyer, it's seems like you would have
    clued me in on that.
    Leigh: It must of slipped my mind.
    Ben: It might be time for you to find yourself another lawyer.
    Leigh: Just relax, I'm keeping you on reserve.
    Ben: I don't think I like the sound of that.
    Leigh: We won't be going back to court for awhile, I need some time to get things together.
    Ben: You are just going to make things worse for yourself.
    Leigh: That's the last thing I'm going to do. When all is said and done, I'm going
    to come out looking really good compared to Edmund.
    Ben: If you get yourself in trouble, don't expect me to get you out of it.
    Leigh: Don't you worry, I've got this under control.


    In Detroit, Norm walks into a neatly kept store that says "Rose Electronics" on the glass door. He knocks on an office door and a woman answers.

    Woman: Can I help you?

    Norm: Are you Christina Davidson? We spoke on the phone, I'm Norman Donahue.
    Christina: Of course, come in and sit down.

    Norm walks inside the office and sits down.

    Christina: So what sort of merchandise are you interested in purchasing?
    Norm: I'm actually here to discuss something else.
    Christina: You're not a cop are you?
    Norm: No, no, just someone on a mission.
    Christina: Let's hear it.
    Norm: I want to talk to you about Edmund McGregor.
    Christina: We dated in college, last time I talked to him was a couple of years ago
    Norm: So you two are friends?
    Christina: Why are you asking about this?

    Norm crosses his fingers behind his back

    Norm: You see, Edmund's a very close friend of mine and he's recently been through a nasty divorce.
    I thought it would help him if I tracked down some of his old friends, you know to sort of help him get through this.
    Christina: I'm sorry to hear that, but I'm not sure how much help I could be, like I said Edmund and I haven't
    spoken in awhile. I still do care about him, though, very much.
    Norm: He's talked about you a lot lately and has been wondering where you've been. He seems very fond of you.
    Christina: I'm not sure he'd even want to talk to me, seeing as what kind of, business I'm in now.
    Norm: He doesn't have to know what you do. Why don't you just give him a call? Maybe visit him? See where things go? It might all turn out great.
    Christina: I don't know, I don't want to further complicate things for him.
    Norm: It really would mean a lot to him if you did contact him.
    Christina: Maybe I will do that, I have missed Edmund.
    Norm: Thank you, I think it will really do him some good. Don't tell him about this visit though,
    I don't want him to think you are only contacting because I asked you, it's better if he thinks you did
    it on your own.
    Christina: Sure.

    Norm leaves. Once outside, he smirks and takes out his cell phone to call Leigh.

    Norm: Leigh, call me back when you get this. I think our plan may have just gotten even easier.


    Carol walks into Number 37, where George is at the bar.

    Carol: I received your phone message, I assume you have good news.

    George: I certainly do. I've spoken with the proxy solicitor and he
    thinks we have enough votes from the shareholders to vote
    out the entire board of McGregor.
    Carol: Seriously?
    George: The vote will take place within 48 hours.
    Carol: I'm astounded that this moved so fast.
    George: The shareholders like our plan for the company better.
    Carol: I've got to hand it to you, this is brilliant work.
    George: When I want something, I go after it. Besides, I couldn't
    have done it without Donahue's backing.
    Carol: Glad to be of help.
    George: As soon as the shareholders vote, we'll sign the contracts
    and we'll be the owners of the largest company in these parts.
    Carol: I can't wait.

    Joseph, Yvette, Lynette and Edmund are all at the McGregor Estate

    Lynette: Does anyone know what this is about, Mom sounded so serious on the phone last night.

    Yvette: You'll find out soon.

    Joseph: You already know?
    Yvette: Yep.

    Anna walks into the room.

    Anna: I'm glad all of you could come here today.
    Joseph: What's going on?
    Anna: First, I just want all of you to know that what I'm about to tell you is little bit shocking.
    It's not exactly something any of us imagined was possible, but it is. A few days ago, I found out that your father was---

    Anna pauses as she starts to get choked up.

    Yvette: Are you all right?
    Anna: I'm fine, I need to get this out. What I was trying to say is, your father was married to another woman before he married me and never
    divorced her.
    Lynette: What? That couldn't be true, there must be some mistake.
    Anna: It's true and it's not the only part of the story. He had a son with this woman and that son is George Lightner.

    Edmund: The guy that wanted the building contract?
    Anna: Yes.
    Joseph: I can't believe this. That guy is our half-brother.
    Lynette: So Dad had two families?
    Yvette: He had absolutely nothing to do with George or Casssandra over the years. He just started a whole new life with Mother.
    Edmund: There must be some sort of mistake, Dad would never do something like that.
    Anna: I'm afraid it is. And the reason they are here in town is because Cassandra is bent on revenge.
    Joseph: I don't like this at all.
    Yvette: I do not have specifics as to what they are up to, but I can say that they want the company.
    Anna: But they are not going to get it.
    Joseph: That's why some of the stockholders seem to be getting restless.
    Anna: Restless?
    Joseph: I've been hearing a few murmurs that some of our stockholders, I thought it was just
    jitters about the expansion project, but now I'm thinking it's something else.

    Just then, the phone rings. Anna answers it.

    Anna: Hello? What? Just tell them to wait for me, I'll be there shortly. (hangs up)
    Joseph: Who was that?
    Anna: That was my secretary, she said a group of stockholders just walked into the office demanding
    a meeting. She also said one of them said something about a proxy fight.
    Lynette: Pardon my ignorance, I've never understood all the corporate talk. What is a proxy fight?
    Anna: It means that I could lose control of the company.

    Off Anna's concerned expression, fade to black.

  15. ReddFoxx
    #63 Friday, March 14th

    At Donahue, Carol walks into Trish's office

    Carol: Did you have a chance to look over that thing I gave you earlier?

    Trish: The proposal from Lightner? Yes, I looked it over.
    Carol: What do you think?
    Trish: I have to say it's ambitious.
    Carol: Any other thoughts?
    Trish: Not really, since I'm not sure it's something we should be involved in.
    Carol: Are you serious? This plan could boost Donahue in the Fortune 500.
    Trish: I think it's a bit drastic, taking over McGregor. I don't want to be involved
    in it because of JC and Joseph. JC is just starting his career and Joseph has spent most of his life helping to strengthen that company, I don't
    want a part in them being forced out.
    Carol: I can understand you being concerned about your son's career, but for Joseph's name to
    come out of your mouth is just ludicrous.
    Trish: We might be divorced, but I still care about him. We had a child together.
    Carol: Well don't think I'm going to throw this deal out the window because you can't move on.
    Trish: Please, don't go there.
    Carol: I don't get why you are even still hung up on Joseph, when you are engaged to Henry who is a very nice man.
    Trish: I am not hung up on Joseph. I'm completely committed to Henry.
    Carol: Right, but you still feel the need to be Joseph's defender. Why you defend anyone in that family is beyond me.
    Trish: Hyperbole, much? I'm not defending him, I'm just being fair.
    Carol: McGregor has never played fair with us and Joseph has been a part of that.
    Trish: This whole rivalry is something I never wanted to be a part of.
    Carol: You know, if they had the same opportunity right now to take us over, they wouldn't hesitate.
    Trish: This is taking things to a whole new level, it could open up something that none of us can handle.
    Carol: Now who is exaggerating?
    Trish: McGregor isn't going to take this lying down, it could end up backfiring on us.
    Carol: I'm willing to risk that if there's even a slight chance of bringing the McGregors to their knees.



    Leigh walks into Norm's office and drops an address book on his desk.

    Norm: What is this?

    Leigh: Edmund's address book.
    Norm: How did you get this?
    Leigh: When I moved out after the divorce, some of Edmund's things got mixed up with mine.
    I ran across it earlier and thought it might be good for something.
    Norm: Let's take a look.

    Norm flips through the pages of the book.

    Norm: You know any of these people?
    Leigh: Some of them, but there are a few names I don't recognize.
    Norm: Probably just old friends.
    Leigh: I was hoping for more than that, like some dirt.
    Norm: Wait a minute, look at this.
    Leigh: What is it?
    Norm: There's a Christina Davidson listed here.
    Leigh: Why is that interesting?
    Norm: When I was Assistant D.A., there was a Christina Davidson that
    the feds were always trying to nail.
    Leigh: Nail on what?
    Norm: She was running an operation selling all sorts of stolen merchandise on the black market. She always covered her track so well, she wasn't ever brought
    up on big charges.
    Leigh: And you think Edmund could have been involved?
    Norm: I don't know, but we need to find out what the connection between them is.
    Leigh: It's probably nothing, Edmund does a lot of things, but one thing I know
    is he'd never get caught up in anything like that.
    Norm: Whatever the connection is, the court frowns upon
    parents with connections to criminals of any kind. Could be good for you.


    At the McGregor Estate, Yvette and Anna are in the kitchen.

    Yvette: I came over because I think we need to talk about everything that has happened.

    Anna: I heard everything I needed to know, right now I don't want to talk about it.
    Yvette: I wanted to tell you that we should keep our guard up about the Lightners.
    Anna: I can't worry about anything else right now.
    Yvette: They want to take over the company.
    Anna: What?
    Yvette: That was Cassandra's whole objective from the beginning, she wants her son running McGregor.
    Anna: The day will never come when anybody takes over the company, not while I'm around.
    Yvette: We've got to be prepared for anything, we don't know how far she will go.
    Anna: I've been in this business for years, there's nothing I'm not ready for.
    Yvette: We need to present a united front when it comes to this. That's why I think the rest of the family needs to know.
    Anna: Absolutely not.
    Yvette: Everyone is going to find out sooner or later, it would be better coming from you.
    Anna: I'd rather not have your brothers and sister know what sort of man your father was.
    Yvette: Aren't you always the one who said secrets are wrong? That's it's better to have everything out in the open?
    Anna: You're right, I've always said that. You know, I've always wondered when the day would come when one of my children
    would use my own advice against me.
    Yvette: Are you saying I'm right?
    Anna: I guess it amounts to that.
    Yvette: I can't tell you how sorry I am about how this, it's a nightmare.
    Anna: It certainly is, but maybe it's better that everything is out open.

    Anna sighs deeply and picks up the phone, preparing to call the rest of the family.
  16. ReddFoxx
    #62 Monday, January 14th

    At Greg's office, Lynette has just walked in.

    Greg: I wouldn't have called you if I didn't think there was something you needed to know.

    Lynette: This sounds sort of serious.
    Greg: I'm not sure, but it could turn out to be that way.
    Lynette: I need to hear this, please just tell me.
    Greg: Jim came to my office the other day and he was asking a lot of questions. When he left, I got
    the feeling that he might have sensed something about us.
    Lynette: Why do you think that?
    Greg: He wanted to know why you were switching doctors and I don't think he's buying the explanation.
    Lynette: Oh, no.
    Greg: I'm not for sure that he sensed something, it was just the expression on his face that made me think that he did.
    Lynette: He asked me questions too, I didn't know what to say to him.
    Greg: I'm so sorry, I feel like this is my fault.
    Lynette: Don't blame yourself. We don't even know if he really knows anything.
    Greg: But if he does, it could spell trouble your marriage.
    Lynette: That's what I'm afraid of. If Jim was to find out anything about this, it would hurt him so bad.
    He could start- I don't even want to think about it
    Greg: He could start what?
    Lynette: Awhile back, Jim's mother told me he had very serious drinking problem when he was a teenager and could
    be prone to relapse if he suffered any sort of emotional pain.
    Greg: My god.
    Lynette: All I can do is pray that Jim doesn't find anything out.


    At the McGregor Estate, Anna is looking at her wedding album, when the doorbell rings. She answers the door to find Jim on the
    other side.

    Anna: Jim, what brings you here? Come in.

    Jim: I'm sorry to just show up like this, Mrs. McGregor, but I needed to talk to you about something.
    Anna: What is it?
    Jim: It's about Lynette. I told her I was ready to move back in, but she acted a little odd, like something is wrong.
    Anna: Maybe she's still trying to deal with everything that's been going on her life the past few months.
    Jim: I came over her, because I know she talks to you sometimes, did she tell you anything about her reason for changing doctors?
    Anna: This is the first I've heard of it.
    Jim: I don't understand any of it, it's all so sudden. And on top of that, Dr. Roosevelt was acting very nervous when I asked him about Lynette.

    Anna thinks back to when Lynette told her about she and Greg's kiss.

    Anna: I honestly don't know what to tell you.
    Jim: It's strange, the way those two are acting, it's almost seems like something is going on between them.

    Anna starts to look nervous.

    Jim: Are you all right?
    Anna: Yes, I'm fine. I'm just dealing with something else right now and it been sort of hard on me.
    Jim: I'll go then, I don't want to be any trouble.
    Anna: No, you're not any trouble. You can talk to me anytime.
    Jim: Thank you, Mrs. McGregor.

    Jim leaves. Anna picks up the phone and calls Lynette's cell.

    Anna:(into phone) Lynette, I'm glad you picked up. Jim was just here and he's figuring out what's really up between you and Dr. Roosevelt. No, I didn't tell him anything, it wasn't my place. My advice would be to tell the truth, before Jim finds out in the wrong way.

    Anna hangs up.


    Stephen is at Ben's office.

    Ben: Come to strike a deal in the case?

    Stephen: I want to discuss something.
    Ben: What is it?
    Stephen: I think we should our clients into a meeting to discuss visitation rights and such.
    Ben: What are you talking about?
    Stephen: Your client told mine that she's dropping the appeal.
    Ben: Dropping it? This is the first I've heard.
    Stephen: Really? She hasn't discussed this with you?
    Ben: No, I know nothing about it.
    Stephen: I don't know what's going, but you should contact your client right away.
    Ben: I will.

    Stephen leaves. Ben calls Leigh's phone and gets the voice mail.

    Ben: Call me as soon as you get this message.


    Leigh arrives at a the Donahue Ranch, she rings the doorbell. Norm answers.

    Norm: Long time, no see.

    Leigh: It's so great to you again.

    She hugs him.

    Norm: I was surprised when I got your call, we haven't talked in ages.
    Leigh: I found your name in an old address book and I thought I'd look you up.
    Norm: How come you never called me more often? We were pretty close awhile back.
    Leigh: I've lost track of a lot of people from my past.
    Norm: Well, I guess that happens to everybody.
    Leigh: I see the ranch is still looking nice as ever.
    Norm: Yeah, I like to come out here once and awhile to clear my head. It's peaceful.
    Leigh: How has your family been?
    Norm: We've had a rough time the past few months, but I think things will be looking up. The family's closer than it's been in a long time.
    Leigh: That's great.
    Norm: On the phone you said you needed help with something?
    Leigh: Oh, yes. You see, I'm divorced and I'm going through a very intense custody battle.
    Norm: I sorry to hear that.
    Leigh: I can handle the marriage breaking up, I just can't handle not raising my kids.
    Norm: How can I help?
    Leigh: Two things, one you can help me get a job. Edmund gave me a divorce settlement, but that won't last forever and I figure getting a good job will help me look better in the eyes of the court.
    Norm: For you, I can certainly do that.
    Leigh: And second, you've always been good at one upping you enemy, I was wondering if you could help me find a way to, make Edmund's character less squeaky clean, maybe dig up some dirt.
    Norm: You know every squeaky clean character can be tarnished in no time.
    Leigh: That's the kind of talk that I like.
    Norm: I'll see what I can come up with.
    Leigh: Thank you so much, this is my last resort.
    Norm: For an old friend like you, it's no problem.

  17. ReddFoxx
    #61 Tuesday January 8th

    Yvette is sitting in her living room drinking coffee. Chester comes in the front door.

    Yvette: I'm glad to see you. I didn't expect you to get back until tomorrow.

    Chester: The project I was working on got stalled, I have to go back in a day or two when it gets
    back on track.
    Yvette: I really needed someone to talk to.
    Chester: Is something wrong?
    Yvette: Everything. I was up half the night at the office trying to settle the construction contract issue with the board. We finally settled on Greenwood.
    Chester: I thought your Mother was in charge of that?
    Yvette: She is, I just had to temporarily step in and mediate the situation, she wasn't really up to it.
    Chester: Is she feeling all right?
    Yvette: She's not ill, just upset.
    Chester: Why?
    Yvette: I tried to call Cassandra's bluff and it didn't work out to well.
    Chester: Uh-oh.
    Yvette: She came storming into my office yesterday and we got into a big argument.
    My mother heard us arguing and came to see what was going on and Cassandra
    just dumped the whole truth out right there.
    Chester: Oh, no.
    Yvette: My mother is a so upset right now and I am so angry with myself for opening
    up this whole situation.
    Chester: Does anyone else in your family know?
    Yvette: Not yet.
    Chester: I imagine your mother would like to keep it that way.
    Yvette: She's always been steadfastly against secrets, so I wouldn't be surprised if she clued
    the others in soon.
    Chester: I guess this Cassandra won't be bothering you anymore now that the truth is out.
    Yvette: She's not giving up, she's up to something and I know it.
    Chester: Just hold out hope she isn't.
    Yvette: She desperately wants to get her hands on my family's company, so it's
    a slim to none that she's done causing havoc.
    Chester: She certainly sounds like no joke.
    Yvette: And I'm sure her son isn't either.

    George and Carol are at the Athletic Club

    George: I want to thank you for inviting me to lunch, I'm sure your schedule is very busy.

    Carol: Of course, but I felt I had to make time for this.
    George: I take it you reviewed the proposal I faxed to you.
    Carol: I did, it looks really good. Seems very airtight.
    George: Took me a long time to put it together, the biggest worry was the funding.
    Carol: Your company has specialized primarily in construction, so what made you want
    to start acquiring department stores?
    George: My intention is to move this company up in the Fortune 500 and expanding
    our holdings retail was the best way to do so. Construction alone wasn't cutting it.
    Carol: The retail business isn't easy, Mr. Lightner, it involves a lot of elements that require
    multi-tasking and clear vision.
    George: I've tested the waters a little bit by acquiring a couple of retail stores out west, I'm steadily
    getting the hang of it.
    Carol: Interesting, I didn't see those stores in the? list of current holdings you provided.
    George: I acquired them under a different business name.
    Carol: Care to say why?
    George: I didn't want my competition to catch on to my plans right away.
    Carol: Smart. So what would our first move be, if I decided to come on board?
    George: Make McGregor's shareholders restless, even more so than they are now. The whole
    expansion deal McGregor is planning with Carter has made already them sort of nervous.
    Carol: Add a little fuel to the fire, so to speak.
    George: Exactly.
    Carol: I like it.
    George: Does that mean you are on board?
    Carol: Airtight as it is, it still could fail.
    George: But it could be successful. I know what a long and bitter history your company has had with McGregor. Why not settle
    the score like this?
    Carol: My animosity with the McGregors goes beyond business, but we won't get into that.
    George: Well, sounds like all the more reason to get on board.

    George reaches to shakes Carol's hand. Carol hesitates for a second and then shakes his hand.

    Carol: You've got yourself a partner.



    Stephen is about to leave his law office for lunch, when Edmund comes in.

    Edmund: I needed to talk about the case, is this a good time?

    Stephen: I was just about to go to lunch, but I can wait a few minutes.
    Edmund: Thanks.
    Stephen: What's up?
    Edmund: It's something that Leigh said. She stopped by last night and she's done a complete 180 about the case.
    Stephen: That's good news.
    Edmund: She even says she's going to drop the appeal.
    Stephen: What?
    Edmund: It wasn't that long ago that she was determined to get the kids from me, now she's changing. I think she's up to something.
    Stephen: Her lawyer, Benjamin Bonoff is one of the strongest thinkers in family law, it's possible he told her to change her strategy.
    Edmund: I believe it.
    Stephen: But on the other hand, she might really want to settle things quietly.
    Edmund: If you knew Leigh like I do, you'd know that she doesn't back down that easily.
    Stephen: Wait this one out, see what happens. If she's bluffing, it will become clear soon enough.
    Edmund: Maybe you're right, I might be thinking too negatively.
    Stephen: I'm not suggesting you let your guard down, I'm just saying wait and see how this goes.
    Edmund: Thanks for the advice.
    Stephen: Not a problem.


    Leigh is at her hotel suite, looking through an old, worn address book. She stops on a page and looks at a number

    Leigh: This could be my chance to get custody of my children.

    Leigh picks of the phone and starts dialing a number.

    Leigh: (into phone) Good morning, it's been a long time since I've spoken with you. Listen, I don't want to beat around the bush, but
    I need a help with something very important. What is it? Why don't we discuss that in person? It's only half-hour drive, I could leave now? Good, I'll see you there. (hangs up) I hope this works.

    Leigh grabs her purse and heads out.



  18. ReddFoxx
    #60 Monday, January 7th

    At the Athletic Club, Leigh is meeting with her lawyer.

    Leigh: I hope you have come up with a plan how to get my kids back, I was very disappointed with the outcome of the hearing.

    Ben: Look, I did everything I could. In these kind of cases, the individual has to demonstrate they are person of character.
    Leigh: I thought that's what I was doing.
    Ben: All you've been doing is trying to make your ex-husband out to be the bad guy.
    Leigh: I didn't try to make him out to be a bad person, I just wanted to point his value, which I think are the wrong ones
    to teach my children.
    Ben: What you need to focus on now is getting yourself together, you need to show the court that you are a stable parent.
    Leigh: I thought I showed them that.
    Ben: In court, You didn't give them any reason why you should get custody, other than Edmund has the wrong values. I tried
    to warn you, but you didn't listen.
    Leigh: Okay, I get what you are saying, but how am I supposed to go about this? I need more advice.
    Ben: Well, first off, you need to start being a little more civil with Edmund. For your children's sake, this shouldn't remain a bitter custody battle.
    Leigh: I'll do whatever it takes to raise my children, so if that's what it takes, so be it.
    Ben: And remember, you'll have to have some patience, appeals take awhile and nothing changes overnight.
    Leigh: Good, I need all the time I can get, I need to be able to plot of my move. I think I might have a good idea now of what I'm going to do.
    Ben: I'm advising you now, if you are planning on coming up with some sort of scheme, don't do it, it could blow up in your face.
    Leigh: I gotta get myself a little leverage, you haven't come up with anything surefire yet.
    Ben: If you ruin your chances, don't say I didn't warn you.
    Leigh: I'm about to find a way to make the court view me in the best light possible, the last thing I'd do is ruin my chance.


    Anna is in her office with Yvette. Anna has learned the truth about Andrew from Cassandra.

    Anna: Please tell me that none of what that woman said was true.

    Yvette: I wish I could, but I'm afraid it is.
    Anna: When I met with George, I felt there was just something about him that was familiar.
    I didn't say anything, because it was just a feeling. Now I know why.
    Yvette: I'm so sorry.
    Anna: How could he have done something like this? I mean, if the story is that way that Cassandra told it, that means
    he married me while he was still legally married to her.
    Yvette: I know all of this is upsetting, but try to remember all that you and Dad built. You raised 4 children, you started a successful corporation and you had a strong relationship.
    Anna: Yes and it was all based on lies.
    Yvette: I never wanted you to find out.
    Anna: How exactly did you come into contact with this woman anyway?
    Yvette: Well, it's a long story.
    Anna: I'd like to hear it.
    Yvette: I thought she could help me build that shopping center I've been planning.
    Anna: The one you wanted to build on the conservation property your father set aside in his will?
    Yvette: Yes.
    Anna: You know that I was against that when you proposed it months ago. So you just went behind my back?
    Yvette: It was the wrong decision and I realize that now.
    Anna: I can't believe this, I really can't. All of this because you just had to have your way.
    Yvette: Mother, you've got to believe me. I never intended for anyone to get hurt, I just used bad judgment.
    Anna: Well, the damage is already done. It couldn't possibly get any worse.


    Carol is in her office, the telephone rings.

    Carol: (into phone) Carol Donahue.

    George is on the other end.

    George: Mrs. Donahue, this is George Lightner from Lighter Corporation.

    Carol: I've heard of your company before. You're a construction company, right?
    George: That's correct.
    Carol: Well, Donahue isn't seeking a building contractor right now, so why are you calling?
    George: I think we could serve each others business interests very well.
    Carol: How so?
    George: I'm looking to acquire a new holding and that holding just happens to be your competition.
    Carol: You're talking about McGregor?
    George: Exactly.
    Carol: That's a big corporation to try and acquire, seems rather lofty to even think about it. How is it even possible?
    George: Are you interested?
    Carol: I don't know, sounds risky, but I do like the idea of bringing McGregor down.
    George: I'll fax you my game plan and you can look it over.
    Carol: I'll check it out, but I'm not making any commitments.
    George: Of course, no pressure. I think you're gonna like what I have come up with.
    Carol: We'll see.
    George: Thanks for taking my call.

    George hangs up.

    George: Plan B, set it motion

    At Edmund's house, there's a knock at the door. It's Leigh.

    Edmund: Hi.
    Leigh: Hi, I just stopped by to see the boys for a bit.
    Edmund: They're upstairs.
    Leigh: I also wanted to talk to you about something.
    Edmund: Sure
    Leigh: I want to work out the arrangements for visitation.
    Edmund: I figured you'd be wanting to talk about that soon.
    Leigh: I think we can work out fair arrangements, without all the lawyers and stuf.
    Edmund: Really?
    Leigh: Yeah, I figure it will be better that way.
    Edmund: I certainly would prefer to do this quietly.
    Leigh: Me too.
    Edmund: You know, you seem a bit different than before. You're nicer.
    Leigh: I'm trying to be more civil.
    Edmund: Well, I'm glad to hear that.
    Leigh: I also wanted to tell you, that I'm appeal the custody ruling.
    Edmund: You're not? I'm kind of surprised to hear that.
    Leigh: I don't see that point in getting into a long drawn out fight.
    Edmund: You've done a complete 180 on all of this, why?
    Leigh: Let's just say, I realized there is a better way of doing things.
    Edmund: Hey, I'm not complaining, I never wanted to do this the hard way.
    Leigh: I'm going to go on upstairs and see the boys.
    Edmund: Sure.

    Leigh goes upstairs. Edmund starts to look a little suspicious about Leigh's new attitude.

    Edmund: What is she up to now?
  19. ReddFoxx
    The short opening sequence for the show has been debuted. Sources close to the show say a longer version is in the works.


    In other casting news, as previously reported a new family will be coming to the blog very soon. The first member of that family has been cast. Darnell Williams, best known for his role on All My Children as Jesse Hubbard will be joining the cast as John Phelps, a state senator who will be involved in an upcoming storyline.
  20. ReddFoxx
    #59 Tuesday, November 20th (delayed episode)

    Short opening credits video (might load slow): http://www.veoh.com/videos/v1539150TT54jSTW

    Anna is standing in the door of Yvette's office, shocked at what she just heard.

    Anna: What is going on here?

    Yvette: It's nothing, it just has to do a business decision and Ms. Lightner here didn't see eye to eye with me.

    Anna: I know what I heard, Yvette and I want an explanation.

    Cassandra: I'll be very glad to give it to you.
    Yvette: Don't you dare.
    Cassandra: Don't you think it's time this whole thing just comes out, I mean we've gone round and round,
    There's no point in continuing to try and hide it.
    Yvette: If you have one ounce decency, you will leave right now.
    Anna: She said something about Andrew and a child, I want to know what it is.
    Cassandra: And you're gonna find out right now. What did you know about your husband's past?
    Anna: I knew everything, he told all there was to know.
    Cassandra: Hmmm, everything? Are you sure? How about the little detail about how he married me
    and we had a son?
    Anna: What?
    Cassandra: I can see you're visably shocked, but still have a glimmer of denial in your eye.
    Anna: Is this some sort of sick joke?
    Cassandra: Oh, it's not and I'm about to tell the rest of this story. We were newlyweds and his job
    as a salesman kept him on the road, but he'd always manage to write and visit as much as he could.
    Then all of the sudden, the visits stopped and the letters shortly after. I guess that's when
    he met you.s
    Anna: Andrew would never do something like that, he wouldn't abandon a wife and child.
    He wasn't that sort of man.
    Cassandra: Well, that's precisely what he did. Fortunately, my son turned out well in spite of the circumstances.
    Anna: Wait a minute? Is George Lightner your son?
    Cassandra: Yes.
    Anna: I need to have a minute alone.

    Anna leaves the office.

    Yvette: I hope you're happy with yourself, Cassandra.

    Yvette goes after Anna.



    At Lynette's house, Jim as at the door with his bags. Lynette lets him in.

    Lynette: Does this mean what I think it means?

    Jim: I'm ready to move back in.
    Lynette: So you think we've had enough time apart?
    Jim: That and the fact that the holidays are coming up and I didn't want to be away from you and the kids.
    Lynette: I'm really glad you have decided to come back. I'd hate for you to be in some hotel over the holidays.
    Jim: I think we do our best bonding during this time of year, so I think it would be good for us.
    Lynette: Maybe so.
    Jim: I know that I've been a little difficult these past few months. I hope that hasn't really changed the
    way you feel about me.
    Lynette: Of course not.
    Jim: I'm thankful for that. And listen, if you still think we need marriage counseling, I'm willing to give it a try, just for you.
    Lynette: I think that's a good idea.
    Jim: We can make an appointment with Dr. Roosevelt after the holiday.
    Lynette: Um, We'll be getting a new counselor.
    Jim: Well, why, I thought you went to Dr. Roosevelt because he's one of the best in the state?
    Lynette: (nervous) I feel that another doctor might suit our needs better.
    Jim: If you think this will help us, then I'm all for it.

    Jim is looking a little puzzled as to why Lynette is switching doctors.



    Jim goes to Greg's office.

    Jim: Dr. Roosevelt?

    Greg: Jim, what brings you here?
    Jim: Lynette told me she was switching doctors.
    Greg: Yeah, she thinks that you two need a different kind of therepy.
    Jim: I'm asking you because when she told me about it, she seemed a little nervous, like there was a problem.
    Greg: Really?
    Jim: I was just wondering if there was another reason for the decision.
    Greg: Not at all, I just thought another therapist could better handle this situation.
    Jim: I thought Lynette made the decision.
    Greg: (nervous) Uh, yes she did, but it was my suggestion.
    Jim: First Lynette acted strange when she talked about this, now you're acting nervous like there is something to hide.
    What exactly is the problem here?
    Greg: I've counseled a lot of couples and I've seen some seek the help of other therapists.
    Jim: You've been counseling her since our separation, has she said anything to you that would
    suggest she's not as committed to making this work as I am?
    Greg: That's something you'd have to talk with your wife about.
    Jim: I have talked to her, but the past couple of times I've seen here, she's been a little on edge.
    Greg: She's had a hard time, so I assume she's trying to sort out all of her feelings.

    Jim takes notice at the comment and looks a little concerned.

    Jim: Sort out all of her feelings? What does that mean?
    Greg: It's just shrink talk, you have nothing to worry about

    Jim is still looking concerned.

    Jim: Um, thanks for your time.
    Greg: Sure.

    Jim leaves, looking baffled. Greg breathes deeply as he realizes that Jim might sense something.



    Later on, Cassandra has returned to her office at Lightner and finds George waiting for her. He's holding the newspaper.

    George: Why is it that I didn't know about what is in this paper?
    Cassandra: I never felt the need to tell you.
    George: I am the co-CEO of this company, Mother. This office has been inundated with calls from investors
    who are not sure they want to keep investing.
    Cassandra: Yvette McGregor's the one who got all this stuff printed up, blame her.
    George: What?
    Cassandra: She thought she would one up me, but I one upped her right back.
    George: What did you do?
    Cassandra: I told the truth to Anna McGregor.
    George: You did what? Do you realize you just destroyed our plan?
    Cassandra: I was angry.
    George: Well, luckily I have a plan B.
    Cassandra: What would that be?
    George: I'd prefer not to tell you the details, I don't want this plan ruined.
    Cassandra: It had better work.
    George: Oh, believe me, it will. By next week, Lightner will be the biggest corporation in the Midwest.
  21. ReddFoxx
    #58 Monday, November 19th delayed episode

    In morning, at the hospital, Cody is preparing to be released.

    Carol: As soon as the doctor brings your discharge papers, we are out of here.

    Cody: I can't wait.

    Cody looks up at the television and sees a news report.

    Cody: Mom, turn that up, please.

    Carol turns up the television.

    News Anchor: A bizarre story coming out of the mountain woods area. A report of a gunshot lead police to
    a compound that appears to have been recently occupied by mob boss B.P. Charles, who was thought to have been deceased. The story takes an even stranger turn as the police have reportedly pulled the body of Charles out of the local river. The feds have seized a large amount of files, that could lead to a dragnet of arrest of local officials thought to have been helping Charles.

    Norm comes into the hospital room.

    Norm: Cody, you're awake.

    He hugs Cody

    Norm: I'm relieved you're all right now. You are all right?
    Cody: I'm fine, the doctor says I've made a speedy recovery
    Carol: Where have you been? We haven't seen you since yesterday?
    Norm: It's a long story, a long one.
    Carol: All right.
    Norm: It turns out what happened to Cody was no accident.
    Cody: I didn't think it was.
    Carol: Oh, my god.
    Norm: It turns out that B.P. Charles faked the whole shooting just to get revenge.
    Carol: That is insane. But how did he end up in the river?
    Norm: He pulled a gun on me trying to escape and he ended up losing his balance and falling off a cliff.
    Cody: Dang, that sounds like some action movie.
    Carol: How on earth did you find out where he was at?
    Norm: It took a lot of digging, but I found it with Wilkins' help.
    Carol: Well, maybe now this is all over, we can get a little peace.
    Norm: Hopefully. The cops still want to talk to me some more since I was there when he fell, but
    other than that, there's no other problems.

    Dr. Claiborne comes in with the discharge papers.

    Dr. Claiborne: Here you go, just sign here and it's all done.

    Carol signs the paper and hands it back to the doctor.

    Carol: Thank you, Doctor.
    Dr. Claiborne: Sure.

    The doctor leaves.

    Carol: Well, that's it, we can leave.
    Cody: Good, I was getting sick of this place.

    They all leave the hospital room



    Cassandra is at her penthouse apartment, sitting at the breakfast table. She opens up the newspaper and sees an column titled "Who was behind the Silver Hills Savings and Loan failure?" and immediately starts to panic.

    Cassandra: Oh, no.


    A little later at McGregor, the board of directors meeting is getting underway.

    Anna: I call this meeting to order. The purpose of this meeting is for us to select a contractor for the expansion project.
    The investors have given us until 4:00 to make a decision. We have three contractors on the table, Lightner, Ellington and Greenwood.

    Alma: I'd like to raise a concern about one of the prospective candidates.
    Anna: Go ahead please.
    Alma (board member): Well, in today's Daily Business Runner there's a column that links Lightner Corporation's co-CEO to the failure of a savings and loan in California.

    Estelle: That doesn't sound good.

    Leonard (board member): I read that article and it all looks like speculation.
    Evelyn (board member): I agree.
    Alden (board member): But what if it isn't? We don't need any scandal.
    Estelle: This whole project has gone off without a hitch, something like this could set up back.
    Leonard: Look, Lightner has the best deal and we want to avoid going over the budget. If we run
    over, all hell is just gonna break loose.
    Alma: What you are missing is the fact that all hell could break loose if we get caught up with a company accused of malfeasance.
    Estelle: We are just going to have come up with a solution for the cost overruns. What do you think, Anna?
    Anna: The allegations in that article are a bit troubling, but are just speculation.
    Alma: I know how I'm going to vote.
    Leonard: Let's just take the vote and get this over with.


    Across the hall, Cassandra abruptly walks into Yvette's office holding the newspaper.

    Cassandra: I assume you're behind what was in the newspaper this morning.

    Yvette: You assumed right.
    Cassandra: You could be putting my company in danger of being disgraced.
    Yvette: It's not my fault you made poor business decisions.
    Cassandra: You didn't have to air all this for the whole world to see.
    Yvette: This is just a warning, if you don't back off it's going to be worse.
    Cassandra: Oh, please.
    Yvette: You think I'm kidding? I have more information that I held back on about,
    information that would really sink you.
    Cassandra: You know what, I'm real tempted to just let the truth about your father out for all the world to here.
    Yvette: You do it and you'll be sorry.
    Cassandra: I'm not afraid of you, dear.

    In the boardroom, Anna can hear Yvette and Cassandra arguing.

    Anna: What on earth is going on? Excuse me for a minute.

    Anna get up and goes across the hall to Yvette's office.

    Yvette: This has gone far enough, why don't you just move on?
    Cassandra: Your father put me through hell, abandoning me when I had his son, that is something I cannot forget.
    Anna: What?!
    Yvette: Oh, my god, Mother.

    Yvette looks terrified as Anna stands in the door with a shocked expression. Fade to black.

  22. ReddFoxx
    Thursday, November 15th (delayed episode)

    B.P.'s gun just went off and Norm is on the ground, the bullet having just missed him. B.P. runs off into the wooded area, trying throw Norm and Wilkins off.

    Wilkins: You all right, man?

    Norm: Yeah, the bullet didn't hit me.

    Wilkins: Come on, let's see if we can catch him.
    Norm: Let's hurry.

    Wilkins goes one way and Norm goes another.



    At the McGregor, Estelle has stopped by to see Anna.

    Estelle: I apologize for stopping by like this, but it's about a matter requires your immediate attention.

    Anna: No problem.

    Estelle: The investors want us to select a contractor soon so we can start building.
    Anna: I'd like a little more time to sort this out, there's a potential for cost overruns and I want to get all that taken care of.
    How soon do they want a decision?
    Estelle: Tomorrow afternoon.
    Anna: Oh, great. How are we supposed to figure out the details by then?
    Do you think they would except a phased construction?
    Estelle: I doubt it.
    Anna: (sighs) I guess we ought to round up the joint board of directors for a meeting tommorrow morning.
    Estelle: This will be the first time doing that and judging by the members, it will be a fractious meeting, a clash of corporate minds.
    Anna: I've dealt with worse. This has to be worked out, my company has a lot riding on this.
    Estelle: As does mine. By the way, are you leaning toward any of the contractors yet?
    Anna: There is one. Lightner, I like the record they have and their building design.
    I've met with the head of the company, George and he seems like a good businessman. There's something
    about him that reminds of someone, but I can't put my finger on who it is.


    Yvette is in her office, there's a knock at the door.

    Yvette: Come in.

    Teddy walks in.

    Yvette: You have anything good for me?

    Teddy: You bet.

    Teddy hands her a small stack of papers. Yvette looks through them.

    Yvette: Oh, my goodness.
    Teddy: It's shocking how many bad business decisions she's made have caused problems for others.
    Yvette: This also says she was partned with people who ran half a dozen ponzi schemes.
    Teddy: That's not all, keep reading, check out the part that says "Silver Hills Savings and Loan".
    Yvette: How on earth is she even still doing business after all these mistakes?
    Teddy: A lot of this stuff got buried because she had people in the right places cover it up, but
    with a little digging I found it. But, if half of her investors found out about this, she'd be washed up.
    Yvette: I know, a businessperson with any would stay away from a person with a record like this.
    Well, you've done good work, Teddy and as promised you'll be getting the other half of your fee.

    Yvette hands him an envelope.

    Teddy: Thank you.
    Yvette: No, thank you.

    Teddy leaves. Yvette leans back in her chair and smiles.

    Yvette: Now lets see who can make threats.

    Yvette picks up her phone and dials a number.

    Yvette: (into phone) Hi, I've never done this before, so I don't know how it works, but I have
    a little item for your paper, how soon can you fit it in? That soon? Sounds great. Do you have a paper and pen ready?



    Norm and Wilkins are still trying to find B.P. in the woods. Norm is looking around a patch of trees, when he hears a gun cock.

    B.P.: Maybe this time I won't miss.

    Norm turns around to see B.P. aiming his gun.

    B.P.: This time you don't have the P.I. to help you. (chuckles)
    Norm: Why are you doing all this?
    B.P.: Because no one crosses me and gets away with it.
    Norm: You are insane.
    B.P.: You know what? Maybe I am insane, but one thing I'm not is a fool.
    Norm: This stops now, you've caused my family enough trouble.
    B.P.: I'll be the one who says when anything stops.

    B.P. steps back, unaware he's close to the edge of a cliff.

    B.P.: Now you just turn around and head back to town, pretend you never saw me and no one gets hurt.
    Norm: I can't do that.
    B.P.: All right, have it your way.

    B.P. prepares to shoot, but as he steps back again, he stumbles over a root. Norm watches in shock as B.P. begins to fall backward down the hill and then takes a steep plunge off the cliff into the icy water below, disappearing in the current. Fade to black.


  23. ReddFoxx
    #56 Wednesday November 14th

    At the hospital, Dr. Claiborne is checking Cody's vital signs.

    Dr. Claiborne: Everything seems to be in order here. Your test results look good too. You've made progress rapidly.

    Cody: So I'm going to be all right?
    Dr. Claiborne: I would say yes.
    Carol: Thank god, I am so relieved. Thank you so much, Doctor.
    Dr. Claiborne: You're welcome.

    Dr. Claiborne leaves

    Carol: Well, I feel much better.
    Cody: I feel a little better, but--
    Carol: You're still upset.
    Cody: Yeah, I just wish that I could
    go after the person who did this.
    Carol: You never told me who you think did it.
    Cody: Don't call me crazy, but I think B.P. Charles was behind it.
    Carol: But he's dead, how could he be behind it?
    Cody: I'm not so sure he's dead. Wilkins snapped a photo
    of him coming out of a diner, he had been talking to the guy who framed me.
    Carol: Well, where was this?
    Cody: Right here in town.
    Carol: This makes no sense.
    Cody: See, I knew you'd think I was crazy.
    Carol: No, no, I'm not saying that. It's just makes no sense to me how it's possible, B.P. Charles was fatally shot.
    Cody: That's why I want to get out there and find the truth.
    Carol: Just focus on one thing at a time, you've got to make a full recovery first.
    Cody: I feel much better.
    Carol: I know, but until the doctor gives you the green light to leave, you need to rest.
    Cody: I suppose you're right, there's nothing much I can do right now. But as soon as I'm out, I'm back to investigating.


    Wilkins and Norm are driving on the route to the mountains.

    Wilkins: There aren't many places up here and most of them are used only during Winter when the snow is packed.
    If Charles is still around here, we have to keep our eyes peeled for activity around any of these places.

    Norm: I just want to make B.P. pay for what he's done to my brother.
    Wilkins: Well, let's keep our fingers crossed that we can find him.

    Norm spots an open gate.

    Norm: There's a gate over there.

    Wilkins pulls over and they get out to investigate.

    Wilkins: That's strange, this gate is wide open and there's no security.
    Norm: Kind of suspicious. I'm going to take a look around.
    Wilkins: Yeah.

    They walk up the path to the compound. There's a car sitting in front of the compound.

    Norm: Wonder whose car that is?
    Wilkins: This might not be the right place.
    Norm: We won't know until we look.

    Norm goes to the front door and looks through the glass.

    Norm: Looks dark in there.

    Just then, Detective Lewis comes out of a door on the side of the compound. Norm goes to other side of the building avoid being caught. Lewis gets in his car and drives off. Norm goes back over to Wilkins.

    Norm: That was the Detective that investigated the Charles shooting.
    Wilkins: Yeah, that was him.
    Norm: What is he doing up here?
    Wilkins: Something fishy is going on.
    Norm: He said something about the airport, but I think someone is still inside.
    Wilkins: Let's go around back.

    Wilkins and Norm go to the back of the compound, where there is a lighted service porch and an SUV parked. There are boxes
    sitting just outside the SUV.

    Wilkins: Looks like someone is trying to leave.

    Norm takes out a flashlight and looks in one of the boxes. It's full of file folders. Norm pulls one out and finds a letter with B.P.'s name on it.

    Norm: He's here!
    Wilkins: What?
    Norm: This letter has his name on it, so this has got to be him.
    Wilkins: Well, now to find him. If he's trying to leave, we need to be ready to follow him, so let's get back to the car.

    Suddenly, the service porch door opens and out steps B.P.

    B.P.: What the hell are you doing here?
    Wilkins: My God.
    B.P.: I'm giving you ten seconds to get off of my property.
    Norm: You tried to kill my brother, you dirty--
    B.P.: He should have known never to cross me, because when someone crosses me, they pay for it.

    B.P. pulls out a gun,

    B.P.: And you'll be very sorry as well if you don't get out of here right this second.
    Norm: You're gonna pay for what you've done.

    Norm charges B.P. and they start fighting for the gun. B.P. manages to break free. Norm is still on the ground. B.P. aims the gun
    at Norm, Wilkins tries to stop him, but the gun goes off. Cut to black.

  24. ReddFoxx
    #55 Tuesday, November 13th

    Back at the police station

    Evan: Who are you?

    Norm: I'm a lawyer, Norm Donahue.

    Evan: But I didn't call any lawyer.
    Norm: I know, but I have my reasons for being here.
    Evan: Did you say your name was Donahue?
    Norm: Yep.
    Evan: You wouldn't happen to be related to--
    Norm: Cody is my brother, the one you framed.
    Evan: Then why do you want to help me?
    Norm: To be clear, I am not doing any of this for your benefit.
    I'm trying to get information on who tried to kill my brother.
    Evan: I'm going to say this up front, I didn't have anything to do
    with what happened to your brother. I admit that I bought that gun in his name, but that was it.
    Norm: With the charges you're facing, rubber checks and money laundering, I'm guessing you will get some serious time.
    Evan: I figured that.
    Norm: But, if you tell me everything you know about B.P. Charles, I can try and arrange a plea deal.
    Evan: What's there to know, he's dead.
    Norm: Let's not pretend.

    Norm pulls the photographs of B.P. out and puts them on the table.

    Norm: You can't tell me that's not B.P. Charles.
    Evan: What if it is?
    Norm: Now is not the time to play games. You can either tell me what you know or risk spending a very long time in prison.



    Lynette is at the CoffeeRoom when Greg comes in and approaches her.

    Greg: We need to talk.

    Lynette: I got few minutes before I have to leave, so sure.

    Greg: It's about what happened last night.
    Lynette: You've been thinking about it?
    Greg: Yeah, I didn't get any sleep at all. When we kissed it felt so right, but at the same time I knew it was so wrong.
    Lynette: Me too.
    Greg: I'm starting to think I shouldn't counsel you anymore. I mean, as I doctor I'm obligated not to get involved with a patient.
    Lynette: The kiss was just an impulse.
    Greg: I think we both felt something. Besides, it's not just the kiss, I feel that we are connected on an emotion level
    that is not appropriate for a doctor and patient.
    Lynette: I can't deal with this right now, especially since Jim has told me he wants to try and fix things.
    Greg: That's great and it's all the more reason that I think I should refer you to another therapist.
    Lynette: If you think it's for the best.
    Greg: I'm positive it is. I care about you too much to cause you any more strain.
    Lynette: You haven't caused me any strain, you've been a friend and helped me through a very difficult time.
    Greg: I've crossed a line I shouldn't have. I'm supposed to help fix marriage, not break them.
    Lynette: When we kissed it was mutual, you aren't the only one to blame.
    Greg: I know.
    Lynette: Then you shouldn't beat yourself up about it.
    Greg: Like I said, it's more than that. It's the way I feel. I don't think it's right that I feel this way about a married woman.
    Lynette: We can't control what's in our hearts.
    Greg: But we can keep ourselves from doing the wrong thing.

    Greg hands her a card.

    Greg: That's the number to very good marriage counselor. She been practicing for years and is very good.
    She can definitely help get your marriage back on track.
    Lynette: Okay.

    Greg leaves. As he steps outside, he lets out a sigh.

    Greg: I just had to fall for the wrong one.



    Back at the police station.

    Evan: Do you really think you can handle the truth?
    Norm: Let's hear it.
    Evan: First, tell me what you can do for me.
    Norm: I know the federal prosecutor, he'll probably be willing to cut a deal with you in exchange for testimony
    on what you about organized crime in Detroit.
    Evan: I'm not sure about ratting on anyone.
    Norm: I'd guess you'd prefer years in prison then.
    Evan: How soon can we get a deal?
    Norm: As soon as you tell me what you know about B.P. Charles.

    Evan hesitates for few seconds

    Evan: Is it a sure thing I'll get a reduced sentence?
    Norm: I think it's a sure thing, the federal prosecutor has cut deals with others in exchange for testimony.

    Evan hesitates again, but eventually starts to ta

    Evan: Fine. I bet on a lot of horses in Detroit, I ended up on a huge streak, thought was unbeatable.
    Until I made a huge bet, over $20,000 because I was so sure I was gonna win. The horse ending up losing and B.P. Charles came after me.
    He said the only way he would excuse my debt is if I bought a gun in Cody Donahue's name.
    Norm: Then what happened?
    Evan: I did it and brought the gun to him. Then, he told me what the other part of his plan was.
    Norm: What was that?
    Evan: He wanted me to shoot him. I told him that it was insane and that I wouldn't do it. He then decided to bring my family
    into the equation and threaten them.
    Norm: So you did it?
    Evan: I didn't feel I had a choice, I didn't want risk my family's safety.
    Norm: Let's get to the rest of the story.
    Evan: Well, after he was shot, I don't know much of what happened, all I know is he survived.
    Norm: So he is alive? Do you know where he's at?
    Evan: My guess is that he's somewhere in the mountains, he was drove off i a sport vehicle after he met with me.
    Norm: Is that all you know?
    Evan: Yep.
    Norm: All right.

    Norm gets up to leave.

    Evan: How soon do you think you can cut a deal?
    Norm: What deal?
    Evan: Don't play games with me.
    Norm: You created you fate, live with it.
    Evan: You dirty--

    Norm leaves.

    Flash forward to Wilkins office a little while later, Norm rushes in.

    Norm: He's alive.
    Wilkins: You got Peters to talk?
    Norm: Yes, he said that B.P. survived the shooting.
    Wilkins: How?
    Norm: Never mind that now, we've got to find out where B.P. is right now.
    Peters said he could be in the mountains.
    Wilkins: Of course, there's a route that leads up there, it's where people go when they don't want to be bothered.
    Norm: How soon can we get there?
    Wilkins: Right a way, but there's a chance he might already be gone.
    Norm: I know that, but there's a chance we could be able to nab him.


    Meanwhile, back at B.P.'s compound, B.P. is loading up an SUV, ready to leave town.....
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