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Blog Entries posted by ReddFoxx

  1. ReddFoxx
    #010 Friday, April 20th

    Cody finds a note on his windshield telling him to pay up or suffer the consequences, but he shrugs it off. When he gets back to the Donahue mansion, he finds another note in the den saying the same thing and he panics at the thought that someone was actually in the house. Cody calls someone on the phone and tells them to never come to the house again, but the person hangs up without responding.

    Yvette and Norm are at her office when she tells him that she thinks she found a judge willing to help her challenge the validity of her father's will. Norm asks how soon can they get a court date and she says it will be soon, but she's not getting her hopes that it will work. Norm says that he's never seen anyone so determined and Yvette says it was long overdue that she took control and firm stated her position in the company. Norm tells her that she is taking a chance going behind her mother's back, because Anna isn't one that takes things light. Yvette says she's not afraid of Anna and that she needs to learn that she's not the only one who is capable of running the show. Norm brings up the fact that Chester walked in on their meeting, but Yvette says she's not worried about Chester, that he's so wrapped up in his own work he won't have time to interfere with them.

    Stephen comes Anna's office, saying he has to talk to her. He says he wants to warn her about what Yvette is up to. Anna says that she already firmly told Yvette no about the shopping center, but Stephen says that she's not taking no for answer and tells how she came to him trying get help having Andrew's will declared invalid due to mental incapacity. Anna is shocked when she hears this, saying she doesn't understand how Yvette could want to do something so wrong. Stephen says he doesn't know what she has planned or if she has anything planned, but tells Anna to just keep quiet about it until they have more solid evidence of what Yvette might have in store. Anna agrees not to discuss it with anyone but Stephen.

    Edmund is visited by his ex-wife's mother, Laurel and she tells him that she her daughter is planning to petition for full custody of her sons. Edmund is confused why she would do such a thing, since she said she wasn't ready to have a family. Laurel tells him that she's only doing it for money and that she tried to talk her out of it, but couldn't. Edmund says he won't let her take his kids away from him and Laurel says that she doesn't think he should have them taken away either. Laurel also says that she will testify on his behalf if it comes to that, since her daughter is only doing what she is doing out of greed. Edmund thanks her and says that he hopes it won't go that far.

  2. ReddFoxx
    #009 Thursday, April 19th

    Carol meets Tyler at Number 37 for dinner to discuss Tyler's progress. Tyler hands her the disc and she ask what is on it, but he says he hadn't looked at it yet. Tyler continues on and says that he would have gotten more files had Henry not come in. Carol says that she'll up his reward if he can get his hands on those files. He says he'll try again as soon as the office is left unattended. Carol says that she needs the files sooner rather than later and hopes that he can fulfill the job. Tyler says he'll work as fast as he can.

    Dr. Roosevelt comes to see Lynette on her shift at Number 37, asking her how things are going. She says she likes the job and is glad that it is challenging. Gregory then ask how Jim is taking it and she replies by saying he's having a hard time adjusting. Gregory says that in time he'll learn to accept it, but for now she shouldn't be worried about him. Lynette says that he doesn't want there to be any friction in her marriage over a job, she just wants to be able to have a family and a career. Gregory suggest that if it does put a strain on the marriage, that they should come for counseling from him. Lynette says she just might take him up on that offer. He tells her that his door is always open if she needs someone to talk too and she says she's glad that she has someone to talk to.

    Amee is working late at the office when JC comes in and asks her if she wants any company, she says yes and tells him to sit down. She says she's working on more designs for the new furniture line and shows JC some of her sketches, which he says are very good. JC asks her if she likes working for McGregor and she says so far it's been great and she's looking forward to future projects. She asks him what if he likes working for his family and he says that it has it's ups and downs, but he wouldn't work anywhere else. Amee says she knows it must be hard having his mother's family as business rivals, he replies by saying that he's become desensitized to the fact, because all he's ever known is fighting. Amee says she can't imagine what it must be like, JC replies by saying he sometimes have hard time understanding it. JC warn Amee that things can get quite demanding at times, so she should prepare herself for it.
  3. ReddFoxx
    #008 Wednesday, April 18th

    Yvette has Norm over to her house for dinner to discuss the project, but they are interrupted when Chester returns from a business trip unexpectedly. Yvette nervously tries to explain the situation to Chester, but he can't understand why Norm is there. Norm says that they were just discussing a possible business deal between McGregor and Donahue, before hurriedly leaving. Chester says that he's not foolish enough to buy that Donahue and McGregor would be doing business together and demands the truth. Yvette says that it's a sensitive matter and she can't discuss it right now. Chester says that he knows that she's up to something again and ask if she will ever learn when to stop scheming. Yvette says that they should forget about this whole matter, seeing as Chester just got home from a long trip. Chester says he's willing to let it go, but hopes that she's not up to anything, because it would be bad for the family.

    Cody's past catches up to him when a woman shows up at Donahue's Novi store looking to collect a gambling debt. Cody says that he will pay it off in due time, but the woman demands that he pay her now. He asks the woman to not do this in his family's store and to leave immediately. She tells him that if he doesn't get the money soon, he won't be the only one involved in the matter anymore. Cody warns the woman not to threaten his family, but she scoffs and says that he should have thought about that before he skipped town without paying his debt. Trish comes in the store and sees the two arguing and breaks it up. After the woman storms out of the store, Trish asks Cody what that was about and he says it was just a customer who wanted to return something without a receipt.

    Henry demands to know why Tyler is in the management office and Tyler explains that he was looking for an inventory sheet, because he thought his department was short on some items. Henry says that all he had to do was come to him and ask for the sheet and ask why he waited until no one was around to look for the sheet. Tyler says that he didn't wait for anyone to leave, he just happened to need the sheet when no one was around. Henry opens a file cabinet drawer, pulls out the sheet and gives it to Tyler. When Henry turns to leave, Tyler slips the disc into his pocket and follows Henry out the door.

    Estelle gives Alma and Anna a grand tour of her warehouse facility and the products she offers. All of the sudden, Carol shows up, much to Anna's disgust. Estelle says she wasn't expecting Carol until tomorrow, but Carol says she wanted to find out about the deal she made with McGregor. Estelle says it's just a typical supplier contract and that it's not really anything Carol should concern herself with. Carol says it is her business when her supplier connects with her main rival. Estelle says that business is business to her and she's not concerned with rivalries between companies. Anna remarks that Carol has no sense of professionalism, everything is about getting even. Carol tells Anna that she's not one to question anyone's professionalism, because she has pulled her share of dirty tricks. Alma tells Anna to ignore Carol, because she's just looking for trouble. Carol tells Estelle that he might have to find another supplier if she continues to do business with McGregor and storms out.
  4. ReddFoxx
    #007 Tuesday, April 17th

    Carol walks in on Henry and Trish talking, saying that she needs an expense report from Trish. Henry says that he needs to get back to work and leaves. After he leaves, Carol remarks on what a nice person Henry is. Trish tells her mother not to get any ideas, that he's just a friend. Carol says that when she met Trish's father, they started out as just friends. Trish says that she isn't interested in Henry that way. Carol then asks her if she's having a hard time moving on from Joseph. Trish scoffs and tells her she's completely over Joseph, but Carol doesn't believe her. She says she can tell Trish doesn't want to let Joseph go. Trish tells Carol it would be best if she backed off, since part of the reason her marriage didn't work was Carol's constant meddling.

    Edmund gets a call from his estranged wife and the first thing he ask her is how she could abandon her kids, he says it's fine if she was tired of him, but leaving their sons was unacceptable. She tells him that she made a mistake and that she wasn't ready to be married and have a family, but he says that she should have thought about that before she married him. She says that she's staying at her parents house now and asks if the kids can come visit, but Edmund gives her a stern no for an answer, saying that he doesn't want his sons around her so soon after she left them.

    Lynette lands the job at Number 37 and is asked to start immediately, but Jim still isn't warm to the idea. He asks her why she feels the need to work when he has provided for her and the children. Lynette tells him it isn't about money and if he doesn't understand that she's not going to waste time arguing with him. She then tells him that she has left dinner in the kitchen and that she will be home by 11. As she leaves, Jim tells her if this is what she really wants, he will try his best to positive about it and support her, but that she has to be patient with him. She thanks him and then runs out the door and Jim stands in the door with an expression of anguish.

    Tyler sneaks into the office at the Novi store when no one is there and starts rummaging through files. As he says to himself that all the good stuff is probably buried in the corporate office, he sees a folder marked confidential and opens it. A look of excitement comes over his face as he reads through the file. He looks in another file cabinet and finds another folder with a disc marked "For McGregor Only". Just then, Henry opens the office door and asks Tyler what he is doing.
  5. ReddFoxx
    #006 Monday, April 16th

    Norm is having coffee at the food court in the mall, when he sees Yvette and walks over to her. Yvette tells him that she doesn't want a rival this close to her, but he tells her he might be of help to her. Yvette asks how that is possible and Norm replies that he knows about the project she's trying to get off the ground and that he wants a piece of it. Yvette says that what she is doing is strictly for McGregor, but he says that he's not looking for a partnership in companies, just a partnership between him and Yvette. He says that he has connections to people who can help her go over Anna's head and start building immediately. Yvette asks if he is doing this just because he dislikes Anna, but he says that he only wants to profit from the venture. Yvette says she's willing to try anything to get the shopping center built, even if it means partnering with Norm.

    Anna and Joseph are in the den at the mansion, when she brings up Trish. Joseph says he's not in the mood to talk about her, but Anna continues anyway. She says that he should fight for his relationship with Trish before it's too late. Joseph asks her why she even cares, she never really liked Trish anyway. Anna says she never had anything against Trish and that she's the only decent person in her family. Joseph says that his relationship is over and he doesn't want to get back into it, because he can't deal with Trish's demands. Anna says that sometimes you have to admit when you were wrong, but Joseph insist that he did nothing wrong. Anna reiterates what Trish said about him never being at home and Joseph accuses her of taking Trish's side. Anna says she's not taking sides, she's just trying to help him. Joseph says that he doesn't need help, because even if he wanted Trish back, she wouldn't agree to come back to him.

    Henry comes into Trish's office with a pastry box. She looks up and tells him to sit down, saying that she's surprised to see him, but is glad he's here. Henry says he brought her the donuts she always liked. Trish says that it was nice of him to remember that and thanks him. Henry says that she looks tired and she replies by saying that she's had a double work load for the pass few days and hasn't any rest. They start reminisce about old times in school, they laugh until they get to the point that Trish married Joseph. Henry says that he never understood why she married Joseph, seeing how she knew he was work obsessed when she met him. Henry then asks her if she regrets it, but before she can answer Carol comes in.

  6. ReddFoxx
    #005 Friday, April 13th

    Estelle makes her offer even better when she brings in top interior designer Amee Lennox to design a new exclusive line of furniture. Anna and Alma meet with them and Anna is impressed with Amee's track record, but is reluctant to accept Estelle's deal. Estelle then drops her price to half of what McGregor's current supplier is offering and Alma remarks that Estelle really is serious about the deal. Anna takes a seconds to think about it and then agrees to the deal. Estelle says that Anna won't be sorry and that she's glad to be doing business with McGregor.

    Edmund and Joseph are in the conference room discussing the budget when Yvette comes in and says they better make adjustments for her project. Edmund says they already know that Anna put the brakes on the project, but Yvette says that she doesn't need Anna's permission to move forward. Joseph says that he won't allow her to undermine their mother in anyway and that it's best that she just let the whole thing drop. Yvette says that she is tired of the way Anna is running the company, without taking any risks. Edmund says that Anna only makes smart business decision and that Yvette isn't being fair in criticizing her. Yvette says that she doesn't have the time to argue, that she needs to take action and that she's already doing what is necessary.

    When Jim comes home from work, Lynette tells him that she set up a job interview about being managing upscale Number 37 Restaurant. Jim is upset that Yvette didn't inform him of her decision before she went ahead with it. Lynette said she didn't tell him because she knew he would get upset, just like he is now. Jim says the he's only concerned about what this will do to their children, since both of their parents will be at work. Lynette says that she doesn't have the job yet and that even if she does get it she'll only work in the evenings so she can stay with the children in the day. Jim says he's afraid that this will put on strain on their marriage, since they will hardly see each do to their work schedules.

    JC goes to the Novi store and confronts Tyler. He asks him what his real motive is for coming to work at McGregor's, but Tyler says that he doesn't owe him any explanations. JC says when it comes to his family's company, he has a right to ask questions, especially when it comes to Tyler who made it clear in the past that he didn't like the McGregor family. Tyler says that he's not here to start any trouble, he just needed a job. JC says that he should make sure he doesn't cause any trouble, because there will be harsh consequences if he does. Tyler says he won't be threatened by anyone and that JC needs to back off. JC tells Tyler that he could lose his job quicker than he got it if he doesn't watch what he says.
  7. ReddFoxx
    #004 Thursday, April 12th

    Tyler come into Anna's office and she asks why he's there. He says he is there is to apply for a sales job in one of the stores. Anna says that he could have went into one of the stores and talked to a manager about that. Tyler says that he wanted to get the CEO's approval and let her see his resume. He gives her his resume and she remarks on the sales experience he has. She offers him a job in the main store and he accepts it. After he leaves, he takes out his cell phone and calls Carol to tell her he got the job.

    Henry is taking inventory in the men's department at the main store when Trish comes in. Henry hugs her and says she hardly comes in the store anymore. She says that she really doesn't have a reason to come in anymore. Henry says he understands that she probably wants to avoid run ins with Joseph or Anna. Trish that she doesn't have anything against them, but every time she's around them it always turns into an argument. Henry tells her that even though he works for them, that she can always talk to him. Trish thanks him and says that he's a good friend. As they are talking, Joseph gets off the elevator, startling the both of them. He sarcastically ask if they are talking about him and Henry nervously says that they aren't. Joseph says he just came down to tell Henry that he has to take on the management duties of the Farmington store since the manager there had to take sick leave. Henry says it's not problem for him to manage both stores temporarily. As Joseph leaves, he says if they weren't talking about him that wouldn't have been so startled when he came into the room.

    Yvette is in the conference room at McGregor's corporate office making a phone call, when JC comes in. She abruptly hangs up the phone and JC asks her why she hung up so quick. She says that she was talking to a supplier who wouldn't give her a fair price on something. JC says he came in because he left a folder, so he picks up the folder and leaves. As soon as he leaves, she's picks up the phone and dials a number. She tells the person on the other end she's sorry that she hung up so quick. She then tells them that time is of the essence and she needs immediate legal assistance.

  8. ReddFoxx
    #003 Wednesday, April 11th

    Carol calls Teddy into her office and hands him an envelope. He looks inside and sees a large amount of cash. Carol tells him that she wants him to get a job at McGregor so she can have a spy on the inside. Teddy says that she's crazy if she thinks he'll get away with spying and she responds by saying that she can get someone else for the job if he doesn't feel that he's capable of doing. Teddy agrees, but demands that Carol pay him regularly for his time. Carol says that he will receive more money only if can bring her helpful information.

    Lynette comes to McGregor's looking for Anna, but bumps into Dr. Roosevelt. She greets him and then ask where Anna is, he responds by saying that Anna is in a meeting and won't be finished for awhile. She sighs and gets ready to leave when Dr. Roosevelt asks if there is anything she wants to talk about. She says she doesn't want to burden him with her problem, but he says it's no problem since he's a doctor and Lynette then agrees to talk to him. They go into his office and sit down. She begins by telling him that she feels unfulfilled by just staying home all day. Dr. Roosevelt tells her that it's normal to feel that way at times and that lots of people have been through it. She says that she wants to have a career, but her husband doesn't want their children raised by a nanny. Dr. Roosevelt tells her that she has to make that decision herself.

    Estelle shows up at Alma's office at McGregor. Alma is puzzled as to why she is there, as she is Donahue's supplier. Estelle says she wants to branch out and supply more stores with her items and that McGregor is on her list. Alma says that she doesn't really trust her because of her friendship with Carol, but Estelle snaps back by saying she is a business person that doesn't allow personal affairs effect her judgment. Alma laughs and asks her if Carol sent her over, because that's the only reason why she would be making this offer. Estelle says that she doesn't work for Carol and that she resents anyone saying that she does. Alma says that she's been in the corporate world long enough to know a stunt when she sees one. Estelle says she'll speak with Anna and see what she has to say about it, but Alma says that Anna won't go for the deal either. As Estelle goes out the door she says Alma is foolish for letting a good deal slip away.
  9. ReddFoxx
    Preview Guide, First Edition

    Novi is a brand new soap, but Head writer Phillip Connelly promises that things will move into high gear in the coming weeks. He gave some storyline spoilers:

    *Edmund will get involved with a new woman, but it will cause trouble for him and someone else
    *Carol and Estelle will work to expose a business secret of the McGregors
    *Dr. Roosevelt with counsel Jim and Lynette, but this story will take a shocking twist
    *Yvette will find a shocking ally
  10. ReddFoxx
    #002 Tuesday, April 10th

    Yvette meets with Stephen over the prospect of overriding Anna on the shopping mall project, but he tells her that Andrew had it in his will that the land was to be left alone and that she has little chance of overturning it. She then suggest that the provision could be overturned on the grounds that her father wasn't in his right mind when he added it to the will. Stephen responds by saying that it would be ludicrous and disrespectful to her father's memory to suggest and that he'll have no part of it. He also warns her that dragging it into court would only embarrass her family.

    Edmund and Anna are discussing business when Anna notices Edmund still has a photo of his estranged wife. She asks Edmund if he still misses her since she abandoned him, but he just shrugs and says he isn't sure how to feel about her. Anna tells him it's time to move on with his life and find someone new. He says that he isn't ready to make that step yet and needs time to sort his feelings out.

    Joseph and Trish run into each other Guido's restaurant and Joseph brings up the subject of their divorce. Trish tells him that the divorce was no fault of her own and that it happened because he was more concerned with business than his marriage. Joseph snaps back by saying that she was never patient with him and didn't give him a chance to make things right. She says that their son practically grew up only seeing his father briefly between business trips and that she had to play father and mother to JC. Joseph says that he was only trying to give her and their son the life they deserved and that she was never grateful.

    Carol offers Cody a job to help him get a fresh start, but he tells her he doesn't want to work in the family company. Carol accuses him of being as difficult as ever, but he responds by saying that it's not the right time for him to work with his family. Carol asks him why even even bothered to come back, if he was going to put her through the same stress as he did before he left. Cody tells her that he wanted try and make things right, but it's clear that she doesn't want the same thing.

    Back at Guido's, Lynette and Jim are having dinner and talking. She says that she is rethinking her decision of not pursuing a career, flooring Jim. He says that he doesn't want to have to drop his own career so she can have one, but Lynette says she's not asking him to do that. Jim says that they have two young children who are used to having their mother around and he doesn't want someone else taking care of them. Lynette says that she isn't even sure what she is going to do, but hopes that Jim will support her in what ever she decides. Jim says he can't promise if he will support her or not.
  11. ReddFoxx
    Note: Future episodes will be slightly longer. This is not my best work, other episodes will be better.

    Episode #001

    Carol confronts Trish about JC not aligning himself with Donahue. Trish tells her that JC is old enough to make his own decisions and has decided that he prefers working at McGregor. Carol then accuses Trish of supporting Joseph and Anna manipulating JC for their own purposes. Trish calls the accusation ridiculous and shows Carol out of her office.

    Yvette proposes building a major shopping complex on land purchased by Andrew shortly before his death, but Anna rejects the idea, because Andrew intended for the land to be a preserve. Yvette tells Anna that Andrew left the company to his family to run as they see fit, so therefore the land should be used for the complex. Anna says that she will not violate Andrew's wishes, but Yvette is determined to get what she wants.

    Joseph and JC are at a restaurant when JC brings up the subject of Carol. Joseph tells JC that it is fine if he has a relationship with the other side of his family, but to be careful of how close he gets to them. JC says that he can't spend anytime with her without her accusing Joseph of poisoning his mind against her. Joseph scoff at the accusation, saying that he always taught JC to make up his own mind about people. Joseph looks over and sees Carol entering the restaurant. She comes over to their table, only speaking to JC and giving Joseph a cold glare. Carol hugs JC, before the waiter seats her at a table on the other side of the restaurant.

    At the Donahue House, Norm answers the door to find brother Cody standing on the other side. As soon as Cody steps inside, they begin to argue. Norm ask why Cody didn't attend their father's funeral a year ago and Cody states that he wouldn't have felt welcomed after staying away from home for so many years.

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