Cody finds a note on his windshield telling him to pay up or suffer the consequences, but he shrugs it off. When he gets back to the Donahue mansion, he finds another note in the den saying the same thing and he panics at the thought that someone was actually in the house. Cody calls someone on the phone and tells them to never come to the house again, but the person hangs up without responding.
Yvette and Norm are at her office when she tells him that she thinks she found a judge willing to help her challenge the validity of her father's will. Norm asks how soon can they get a court date and she says it will be soon, but she's not getting her hopes that it will work. Norm says that he's never seen anyone so determined and Yvette says it was long overdue that she took control and firm stated her position in the company. Norm tells her that she is taking a chance going behind her mother's back, because Anna isn't one that takes things light. Yvette says she's not afraid of Anna and that she needs to learn that she's not the only one who is capable of running the show. Norm brings up the fact that Chester walked in on their meeting, but Yvette says she's not worried about Chester, that he's so wrapped up in his own work he won't have time to interfere with them.
Stephen comes Anna's office, saying he has to talk to her. He says he wants to warn her about what Yvette is up to. Anna says that she already firmly told Yvette no about the shopping center, but Stephen says that she's not taking no for answer and tells how she came to him trying get help having Andrew's will declared invalid due to mental incapacity. Anna is shocked when she hears this, saying she doesn't understand how Yvette could want to do something so wrong. Stephen says he doesn't know what she has planned or if she has anything planned, but tells Anna to just keep quiet about it until they have more solid evidence of what Yvette might have in store. Anna agrees not to discuss it with anyone but Stephen.
Edmund is visited by his ex-wife's mother, Laurel and she tells him that she her daughter is planning to petition for full custody of her sons. Edmund is confused why she would do such a thing, since she said she wasn't ready to have a family. Laurel tells him that she's only doing it for money and that she tried to talk her out of it, but couldn't. Edmund says he won't let her take his kids away from him and Laurel says that she doesn't think he should have them taken away either. Laurel also says that she will testify on his behalf if it comes to that, since her daughter is only doing what she is doing out of greed. Edmund thanks her and says that he hopes it won't go that far.