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Blog Entries posted by ReddFoxx

  1. ReddFoxx
    #032 Wednesday May 30th

    Anna is in the kitchen at the McGregor Estate and has a copy of the local paper, the headline says "Man shot dead at Donahue Inc." Joseph comes in.

    Anna: Carol finally went over the edge.
    Joseph: Mother, you don't know that she shot that man. I mean, he was a bookie, he probably had all sorts of people after him.
    Anna: But, I heard he was threatening Cody over some gambling debt. That certainly gives her a motive.
    Joseph: Carol is capable of a lot things, I just don't think that murder isn't one of them.
    Anna: There's a first time for everything.
    Joseph: Let's not jump to any conclusions, the police haven't even charged anyone yet.
    Anna: I'm just speculating.

    JC comes into the kitchen.

    JC: She didn't do it.
    Anna: Sweetheart, it's best to let the police make that conclusion.
    JC: Is that why you're sitting here making snap judgments?
    Anna: I'm not judging anyone---
    JC: Sure, you aren't.
    Anna: I don't know why you are trying to defend her, she practically despises you because of your last name.
    Joseph: Mother, that is enough.
    JC: Just forget it, I don' have the time for this, I'm going over to the CoffeeRoom to meet Amee.
    Joseph: I'll see you later.

    JC goes out the back door.

    Joseph: And you wonder why Carol accuses you of trying to turn him against her?
    Anna: I am not going to going to walk on eggshells when it comes to Carol.
    Joseph: But you can stop making comments about her not despises' JC.
    Anna: That's the way I see, it's not like I'm saying without any reason.
    Joseph: The only to reason you have is your own petty little feud with Carol. Granted, I'm not a big fan of Carol, but I don't involve my son in any dispute I have with her.
    Anna: Well, you just have all the answers, don't you?

    Anna walks out of the kitchen

    Over at the Donahue Estate, Cody is on the terrace with Carol.

    Cody: All of this is my fault, if I hadn't been such an idiot---
    Carol: Don't blame yourself, you aren't responsible for what happned.
    Cody: You don't have to cover for me.
    Carol: Yes, you made a mistake, but there is not point in blaming yourself now.
    Cody: I just feel like I should have never come back here.
    Carol: I'm glad you came back, it was time to let the past go.
    Cody: But with all that has happened, it sort of proves that I was right in having stayed away all this years.
    Carol: We'll get through this, once the police get to the bottom of this, they'll know that I had nothing to do with this.
    Cody: I hope so.
    Carol: I just have to take care of this whole PR nightmare, the media is hounding me for a statement and I've got to get them one.
    Cody: I can't tell you how sorry I am about all of this
    Carol: I'm sorry it turned out this way too.
  2. ReddFoxx
    #031 Tuesday May 29th

    Trish and Henry hear the gunshot

    Trish: That sounded like a gunshot.
    Henry: I wonder where it came from.

    Trish goes out into the hallway and looks around.

    Trish: Well, I don't see anyone on this floor. I'm going to go upstairs and check on my Mother.
    Henry: Well, I'm coming with you.

    Trish and Henry leaves the office.

    Meanwhile, Carol is coming out of the restroom, when she finds B.P. lying on the floor.

    Carol: My god.

    Carol unlocks her office and attempts to use the phone, but remembers that B.P. yanked the cord out. So she runs back into the hall just as Trish and Henry are coming up the stairs.

    Trish: Mother, I thought I heard a gunshot, so I came up here to check on you.
    Carol: It's that crook B.P. Charles, somebody has shot him.
    Trish: Oh, my god.

    Henry kneels down to check B.P.'s pulse.

    Henry: He's dead.,
    Trish: What was he doing here?
    Carol: He was here making more threats.
    Henry: Well, who was this guy?
    Trish: Cody had gotten himself in some trouble over gambling debts and Mr. Charles was determined to collect on them.
    Carol: I need to call the police.
    Henry: I'll call them.
    Carol: Thank you.

    Henry takes out his cell phone and dials.

    Henry: (into phone) Yeah, I'm calling because a man has just been shot and killed at Donahue Department Stores corporate office. It's urgent, the shooter might still be in the building. You'll send someone right over? Thanks. (hangs up) They are on their way.

    Over at the McGregor estate, Edmund is sitting on the patio alone, when Yvette steps outside and sits in the chair across from him.

    Yvette: You all right?
    Edmund: I'm trying to keep from falling apart right now.
    Yvette: I know this whole ridiculous custody case is hard on you.
    Edmund: I was making progress with Troy and Kevin, I think they finally started to heal and she just had to come back and complicate matters.
    Yvette: Well, she's the type of person who just doesn't know when to leave well enough alone.
    Edmund: She's back in their life now, but if things don't go her way with this case, she's just going to walk out again and devastate those kids once more.
    Yvette: The important thing is you don't let her get custody, she's far from a fit parent. Who knows how the boys would turn out if she raised them? I don't even want to think about it.
    Edmund: Hopefully, the judge will see through her.
    Yvette: If there is anything I can do, just let me know.
    Edmund: Thanks, I need all the support I can get.

    Back at Donahue, the police have arrived and are examining the crime scene.

    Det. Lewis: Now there was no one else on this floor what the time of the shooting, except for you, Mrs. Donahue.
    Carol: That's right, I was in the restroom and when I came out I found him lying on the floor.
    Det. Lewis: You don't mind if I take a look in your office, do you?
    Carol: Not at all.

    Det. Lewis starts to examine Carol's office. He looks in her desk drawer and finds the gun.

    Det. Lewis: Mrs. Donahue, is this yours?
    Carol: Um, it was my late husband'cs, he kept it there for protection.
    Det. Lewis: I need to run a test on this.
    Trish: Officer, my mother would never shoot anyone, it's just not in her nature. Besides, she was in the restroom at the time.
    Det. Lewis: Being in the bathroom isn't a credible defense when there are no witnesses.
    Carol: It's all right, Trish, Det. Lewis is just doing his job.
    Det. Lewis: I'll need for all of you to come down and file a formal statement later on.
    Carol: Will do.

    Det. Lewis leaves

    Trish: Mother, you have got to tell the police about B.P. threatening you.
    Carol: I can't do that, because they would automatically think that I shot the man.
    Trish: Ballistics will prove that the gun hadn't been fired recently.
    Carol: I can't take any chances, I just can't.

  3. ReddFoxx
    #030 Monday May 28th

    B.P. comes into Carol's office at Donahue

    Carol: You get out of here before I call security.
    B.P.: You don't want to do that, trust me.

    Carol picks up the phone to dial security, but B.P. yanks the cord out of the wall.

    B.P.: Don't play with me, I don't like it.

    Carol opens her desk drawer and takes out a gun. She then points it out B.P.

    Carol: Get out, now!
    B.P.: You aren't gonna use that.
    Carol: I will if I have to.
    B.P.: You know, I bet your son would just love to be staring down a gun like I am right now, perhaps I can arrange it.
    Carol: The threats and the intimidation are going to stop, right now. Do you understand?
    B.P.: You know, we could have resolved this whole little matter so easily, but your stubbornness just had to get in the way.
    Carol: You are not to contact any member of my family, anymore. If you so much as speak to them, I'll make sure you regret it.
    B.P.: I've encounter worse than you, so just to let you know, I'm not afraid of you.
    Carol: Don't underestimate me.

    B.P. turns and leaves the office. Carol sighs deeply and sits back in her chair.

    Meanwhile, in Trish's office, Trish is at her desk and Henry is sitting across from her.

    Trish: I'll be done here in a few minutes, so then we can go to lunch.
    Henry: There's something I need to ask you.
    Trish: Fire away.
    Henry: We've been seeing a lot of each other lately and I enjoy our time together.
    Trish: I enjoy spending time with you too.
    Henry: You and Joseph were married a long time, so what I wanted to know is if you----
    Trish: If I still have feelings for him? He's the father of my son, so I'll always have a bond of sorts with him. As for anything else, I stayed on a roller coaster with him the entire time we were married, so I don't have any desire to be with him again.
    Henry: You know, I'm sorry I even asked you that, I feel completely foolish now. You must think I'm some sort of desperate loser.
    Trish: No, no, I don't mind you asking me that. I was worried for awhile that all you saw me as your buddy now, so I'm sort of glad you asked.
    Henry: That makes me feel a whole lot better. Makes me think that we could have what we had in college again.
    Trish: I don't know, the past is the past, you can't always relive it.
    Henry: Well, why don't we give it try? What do we have to lose?
    Trish: Our friendship.
    Henry: No matter what happens, we'll always have our friendship.
    Trish: You say that now, but what if things go wrong?
    Henry: All I'm asking is that we give this a try, if it doesn't work out, then it just doesn't work out, I won't have any hard feelings.
    I need you and I can't let a second chance to be with you slip away.

    Meanwhile, B.P. is on the elevator going down. He gets to the first floor, but changes his mind about getting off and pushes the button to go back to the executive office. When he gets back to the top floor, he goes straight to Carol's door and tries to open it, but it's locked. He walks down the hall, looking inside other offices, but they are all empty. Suddenly, a loud gunshot is heard and B.P. falls to the floor, having been shot.
  4. ReddFoxx
    #029 Thursday, May 17th

    Anna is at Lynette to comfort her after Jim moves out.

    Anna: I can't tell you have sorry I am, this must be so hard on you.
    Lynette: I'm coping pretty well, it's just hard for me to make the children understand.
    Anna: I can imagine, they're too young to have to deal with something like this.
    Lynette: I just keep telling them that their Dad is coming back soon.
    Anna: You don't know that.
    Lynette: It's going to work out.
    Anna: You may hope for it to work out, but you need to prepare yourself and those kids for the worst.
    Lynette: I don't feel that things are that bad yet.
    Anna: Not that yet? The man walked outh, to me that says that the situation has gone bad.
    Lynette: There are times I think about the reality of all this and when I think about what could happen,
    it scares ch
    Anna: Your father always said that there wasn't something right about Jim and I guess he was right.
    Lynette: Mother, Dad's biggest problem with Jim is that he wasn't some wealthy heir.
    Anna: You were raised to strive to be the best and follow your dreams. Jim was content with never being anything
    more than a supermarket checker, so this marriage was bound to have problems some time or other.
    Lynette: I don't need this from you right now, I'm trying to keep myself from breaking down for the sake of my kids
    and all you can do is criticize Jim for not being the kind of person you expect everyone to be.
    Anna: Well, I'm sorry if you don't like it, but I'm telling you exactly what you need hear.
    Lynette: No, you just saw an opport unity to get in your little potshots.
    Anna: It won't be long now before you are going to open your eyes and see that every single thing that I've said is right.

  5. ReddFoxx
    #028 Wednesday May 16th

    The first court date for Edmund's custody battle has arrived. Edmund, Stephen, Carolee and her Lawyer (Ben) are in the judge's chambers.

    Judge: I assume that all parties involved are here.
    Stephen: Everyone is here.
    Judge: First, let's establish the plaintiff's grounds for seeking full custody.
    Ben: Your honor, my client seeks custody based on the grounds that the children would not be raised in a proper family environment.
    Stephen: Your honor, the children are being cared for by their father and several members of the immediate family live nearby.
    Ben: If immediate family includes the defendant's mother, let the record show that she has made threats against my client.
    Edmund: Only because she refused to leave my mother's property.
    Judge: Mr. McGregor, please do not speak unless you are asked to. The plaintiff's counsel will continue.
    Ben: Thank you, your honor. My client also feels that the children would not be safe around the defendant's mother.
    Stephen: Your honor, there is no real basis for such concern, my client's mother has never posed a threat to the children or anyone else.
    Carolee: That woman practically shoved me when I came to pick up my children.
    Edmund: She has never laid a finger on you.
    Judge: Order!
    Edmund: Your honor, she's not telling the truth!
    Judge: I have asked you once not to speak unless I ask you to, I won't tell younn again.
    Stephen: Edmund, just calm down, I'll handle this.
    Judge: Does either counsel have anything further to say.
    Ben: Your honor, I request that my client be granted temporary custody
    Stephen: Your honor, let the record show that the plaintiff left the state and didn't see the children for months.
    Judge: Does the plaintiff care to explain her actions?
    Carolee: I went to visit my family for awhile, but I did call a regular basis.
    Edmund: Your honor, may I say something?
    Judge: Go ahead.
    Edmund: She left because she didn't want to be married and have a family I had to tell my sons that their mother left and probably wouldn't be coming back.
    Stephen: Your honor, based on this reasoning, the plaintiff should not be granted temporary custody.
    Judge: I shall make a decision on this matter and tell you my ruling tomorrow.
    Edmund: This woman abandoned her children and you need time to decide, that's real great.
    Stephen: Edmund, just be quiet.
    Judge: This hearing is adjourned.

    The judge leaves. Edmund sighs deeply.

    Meanwhile, Anna comes to Yvette's house

    Yvette: I wasn't expecting you.
    Anna: I wasn't really planning on coming over, I just needed to get something off my chest.
    Yvette: I assume you've made a decision.
    Anna: Yes, I have. I'm not going to sign off on your little shopping mall.
    Yvette: Excuse me?
    Anna: I thought about it and I figured that if I didn't give into you, you wouldn't have anything to telling what your father did.
    Yvette: What makes you think that? I could tell everything right now just to spite you.
    Anna: I'll take my chances.
    Yvette: You think you've won, but this isn't over, not by a long shot.
    Anna: I advise you to stop what you are doing right now, it's only going to lead to trouble.
    Yvette: Then so be it.
    Anna: Do you realize how insane this is?
    Yvette: Call it whatever you like, but I will build that shopping center, rather you like it or not.

    Yvette opens the door for Anna to leave.

    Anna: We'll see about that.

    Anna leaves.

  6. ReddFoxx
    #027 Tuesday, May 15th

    Carol is confronted by B.P. in her kitchen when she returns home.

    B.P.: Did you rethink that decision?
    Carol: (gasps) What are you doing in my house?
    B.P.: I think that I'm having trouble getting through to you.
    Carol: I paid you off, now get out of my house before I call the police
    B.P.: Not until you hear me out.
    Carol: I have heard what you have to say and I'm not interested

    Cody walks in

    Cody: Back off, man. It's one thing when you mess with me, it's another when you involve my family.
    B.P.: Defending your family, how noble.
    Cody: I'm not playing around here, I've told you to stay away from my family.
    B.P.: Oh, I'm really afraid of me rich kid who ran away from home.
    Cody grabs B.P. by the collar

    Cody: Now you listen to me good! If I ever see you around here ever again, I'll make you wish that you never were born. Do you understand me?

    B.P. pulls away from him

    B.P.: You're gonna find out the price of threatening me real soon.

    B.P. storms out of the kitchen door.

    Cody: Are you all right?
    Carol: Yes, just little shaken up.

    Lynette comes home to find Jim packing his things.

    Lynette: So this is what it has come to?
    Jim: I think it's best if we just spent a little time apart.
    Lynette: You're running away. I expected more from you.
    Jim: I'm doing this to try and save our marriage.
    Lynette: If you would just give me a little consideration--
    Jim: I've tried that, but it's not enough for you. You refuse to be patient with me.
    Lynette: I've been patient with you, but so far it's gotten us nowhere.
    Jim: It's not only me and it's not only you, we are both to blame for this mess. Now I've come to the conclusion that we need to be apart if we are going to save this marriage.
    Lynette: Walking out isn't the solution, Jim.
    Jim: I'm not walking out, I'm just going to stay at a hotel until we both can fully sort out of feelings.
    Lynette: If you walk out, I don't know what it will do to us.
    Jim: I'm sorry, I don't have a choice.

    Jim grabs his suitcase and leaves. Lynette walks out of the porch and watches him drive off, with a look of frustration on her face.

  7. ReddFoxx
    #026 Monday, May 14th

    Anna, who is still reeling from Yvette's revelation about Andrew, comes into the laundry to talk to Claire.

    Claire: Hey, Anna.
    Anna: Hi, Claire.
    Claire: You don't look to happy, what's wrong?
    Anna: I just needed to talk to someone.
    Claire: All right. It's been a long time since we had a nice talk anyway.
    Anna: What would you do if somebody loved and thought you knew did something that was just so wrong?
    Claire: You know, my late husband did a lot of things he shouldn't have, but after awhile it just didn't phase me.
    Anna: I've been trying to put it all in perspective, but I can't.
    Claire: Well, what is it that's got you so upset?
    Anna: You have to promise that you won't tell this to anyone else.
    Claire: I promise.
    Anna: I found out that Andrew once ran a scam that caused people lose their homes.
    Claire: When was all this?
    Anna: Just before I met him and before he started the company.
    Claire: You don't think that he started the business with the dirty money, do you?
    Anna: That's what I don't know, because we did apply for a loan and Andrew told me that we got it. I don't know if he was lying to me or not.
    Claire: Either way, it doesn't make a difference now. I mean, what's done is done, there's no use being upset about something you can't change.
    Anna: It just sort of changes my memory of him. I thought he was the most honest, upstanding person I had ever met. And now, I know that's not true.

    Trying to make things better, Lynette has invited Jim to dinner at Number 37 on her night off.

    Lynette: Are you having a good time?
    Jim: As good a time that any person can be expected to have.
    Lynette: Please, let's just try to make this as pleasant as possible.
    Jim: It's not easy for me to be fake, Lynette.
    Lynette: I thought it would be nice if we had a quiet dinner out, but I guess I was wrong.
    Jim: We can't pretend that nothing is wrong.
    Lynette: That is not what I am trying to do and you know it.
    Jim: I don't think I know anything about you anymore.
    Lynette: And why is that? Because you never talk to me.
    Jim: I've never been one for talking, you've always known that.
    Lynette: Yes, but I thought you could make an exception for me.
    Jim: We were just fine until you decided to get this stupid job.
    Lynette: Don't lay this on me, it was youtr attitude that started all this.
    Jim: I just made it clear that I was against you working.
    Lynette: It wasn't your decision to make.
    Jim: I never said it was.
    Lynette: It was written all over your face. You couldn't even be supportive
    Jim: You want supportive? I've been supportive of you by not saying a word to you about your job.
    Lynette: (sarcastically) Oh, yes, that is such a noble gesture.
    Jim: I don't have to sit here and take this.
    Lynette: Well, why don't you just leave?

    Jim gets up from the table and leave the restaurant.
  8. ReddFoxx
    #025 Friday, May 11th

    Sure that Joseph was behind Anna's job offer, Henry confronts Joseph in his office.

    Joseph: Haven't you ever heard of knocking?
    Henry: I'm going to get right to the point.
    Joseph: Right to the point, eh? You could start by telling my what this is about.
    Henry: I know that it was you that put your mother up to offering me a job.
    Joseph: I didn't put her up to anything, I just merely suggested to her that you might want a better paying job.l
    Henry: Or perhaps you wanted me away from Trish
    Joseph: Don't go there.
    Henry: Everyone knows that you haven't really gotten over Trish.
    Joseph: You don't know anything about me, I move on. Unlike you, who sat around for years hoping that you would get a second chance with Trish after she rejected you.
    Henry: All I ever tried to do was be a friend to Trish, especially when she you weren't around.
    Joseph: Seems like you were trying to be a whole lot more than a friend.
    Henry: Well, that's not the way Trish saw it.
    Joseph: Trish can't always see people for what they are.
    Henry: Well, that might be true seeing that she married you

    Henry turns and leaves the office.

    Teddy and Carol are meeting in the Donahue boardroom

    Teddy: I reexamined disc from McGregor and found another folder
    Carol: And?
    Teddy: It was encrypted, heavily.
    Carol: Shoot, I thought we might be on to something.
    Teddy: I made a copy and sent it to a friend of mine who knows computers
    Carol: Good, good.

    JC unexpectedly comes into the boardroom.

    Carol: J.C.
    J.C.: Grandma, what is he doing here?
    Carol: Well, I---
    Teddy: Not that it is any of your business, but I came over here to reject Mrs. Donahue's job offer.
    J.C.: Job offer?
    Teddy: She wants to get me caught up in this silly feud by hiring me, but I said I don't want in the middle of it and I like working at McGregor.
    Carol: That's pretty much it.
    J.C.: Whatever. Grandma, I came to invite you to a party I'm having just for a few of my friends and family.
    Carol: Will Anna be there? If so, no thanks.
    J.C.: Can you please just put that aside for a few hours and come to my party, it would mean a lot.
    Teddy: I don't need to here this, I'll just be leaving.

    Teddy leaves.

    Carol: I don't know, J.C., I don't feel comfortable being in the same room with anyone named McGregor, excluding you.
    J.C.: I'll personally make sure you don't run in to anyone. I'd really like you to come.
    Carol: All right, you got me.
    J.C.: Thanks..

    J.C. leaves. Once he gets on the elevator, Teddy comes back into the boardroom.

    Teddy: That was close.
    Carol: We'll have to be more careful from now on, now that someone has seen us.

    Meanwhile, at Anna's office, Yvette confronts Anna.

    Yvette: I thought we could talk about my project again
    Anna: Unless you found another place to build, there is nothing to discuss.
    Yvette: I think I might have something to change your mind.
    Anna: I don't think so.
    Yvette: When I get finished saying what I have to say, you'll be singing a whole different tune.
    Anna: I don't like the sound of this, what have you done.
    Yvette: It isn't a question of what I did, it's Father's actions you should be concerned with
    Anna: What are you talking about?
    Yvette: Did Father ever tell you about his life before he met you?
    Anna: He grew up in the Upper Peninsula and worked for a lender, but why on earth are you asking me?
    Yvette: Because it is time that you learned the truth about the man you believed was such a saint.
    Anna: I don't know what you are getting at, but I don't want to hear it.
    Yvette: Not long before he met you, the town he lived in went through some economic problems. Some of the people couldn't afford to keep their homes, so he offered to help them.
    Anna: He was always trying to help someone, that's the way he was.
    Yvette: But this time he was only trying to help himself. He had over a dozen people put him on the deed to their homes, with the promise that he would save them, but instead he sold the houses without their knowledge and ran off with the profits.
    Anna: Oh, my god. I can't believe this.
    Yvette: I know this must come as a shock.
    Anna: I don't know what to say, it's horrible. I just can't believe that you would tell me such a lie.
    Yvette: Oh, it's true. I spoke with a resident of the town, she gave me a copy of the deed that she added his name to. (shows her the deed)
    Anna: This doesn't mean anything, this doesn't prove that he conned these people out of their homes.
    Yvette: What reason would this woman have to lie?
    Anna: This has to be a misunderstanding.
    Yvette: The sooner you face the truth, the better.
    Anna: Why are you doing this? What are you trying accomplish? Are you trying to hurt me?
    Yvette: Because this is the only way I can keep you from shooting down my proposal.
    Anna: I don't understand.
    Yvette: You wouldn't want Joseph, Edmund and Lynette or even JC to find out that their beloved father and grandfather was crook.
    Anna: You wouldn't dare tell them this.
    Yvette: Just sign off on my proposal and I won't say a word.
    Anna: This is insanity.
    Yvette: This is business. I don't want to tell anyone else this, but I will do it if I have to.

    Anna looks at Yvette with an expression of shock, while Yvette stares back at her coldly.
  9. ReddFoxx
    #024 Thursday, May 10th

    Carol meets B.P. in her office once again.

    Carol: I won't be threatened by you.
    B.P.: You better hope that I like your answer.
    Carol: You're not getting your foot in the door of this company.
    B.P.: You're playing a dangerous game here, lady
    Carol: I'm going to ask you nicely to leave my office.
    B.P.: You think this is a joke?
    Carol: Security will be here any minute, so unless you want to be physically removed from this building, you'll go quietly.
    B.P.: (chuckles) I'm not through with you, not by a long shot.
    B.P. leaves the office with a look of anger on his face.

    Meanwhile, at the McGregor mansion, Alma is surprised when her son Troy shows up at the door.

    Alma: I thought you'd be in Europe for another six months.
    Troy: I was, but I came back because of the new stores.
    Alma: Right, you'll have to set up the electronics departments.
    Troy: I actually came back for more than that.
    Alma: Really?
    Troy: I want to head up the new regional division.
    Alma: Are you sure you are ready for that sort responsibility?
    Troy: Mom, I just got done selling our brand to some of the most difficult investors in the world, if I can handle that, I can handle anything.
    Alma: I suppose you are right. I'll talk to Anna and see what she thinks.

    Freeman comes in with a tray.

    Freeman: Ms. Cantwell, here's your coffee.
    Alma: Thank you, Freeman.
    Freeman: Is this who I think it is?
    Alma: Freeman, you remember Troy.
    Freeman: I haven't see you since you were a child.
    Troy: I was always at boarding school, so not many people have seen me since then.
    Freeman: How have you been?
    Troy: I'm great, I've been doing a lot of work for McGregor, which keeps me very busy.
    Freeman: Glad to hear it. Well, I've got to get back to work, but I'll see you later

    Freeman leaves the room

    Alma: Listen, why don't we go find Anna and talk to her about the job.
    Troy: Yes, let's do that.

    Over at McGregor's corporate office, Jim burst into Gregory's office.

    Jim: I'm sick of you filling my wife's head with your psychological nonsense.
    Gregory:For your information, Yvette asked me for help.
    Jim: So, I guess that it was just your invitation to come in and make the situation worse.
    Gregory: There wouldn't be a situation if you would just listen to what Lynette has to say.
    Jim: I listen to everything my wife says to me.
    Gregory: Lynette sure paints a different picture.
    Jim: I try my best, but most of the time my best isn't enough for her.
    Gregory: Perhaps what you call your best is the root of the problem.
    Jim: I see that she's put all the blame on me.
    Gregory: No one is placing blame, but you need to understand that you aren't making things easy for her.
    Jim: You know what, you are full of it. Lynette might buy what you say, but as far as I'm concerned you can take you dime store advice and shove it where the sun don't shine.

    Jim slams the door as he leaves.
  10. ReddFoxx
    #023 Wednesday May 9th

    Norm meets Yvette at the bar in Number 37

    Norm: You had better have a good reason for pulling me out a business meeting.
    Yvette: Rest assured, you'll find what I have to say very satisfactory.
    Norm: All right, let's hear it.
    Yvette: It turns out that our little trip paid off. The lady I talked to in Markham dropped by my house earlier and she said a mouthful.
    Norm: Go on.
    Yvette: It turns out that my dear father started his career committing mortgage fraud.
    Norm: (sarcastically) Nice.
    Yvette: I'll say.
    Norm: Did you find out why he was sending so much money to that address?
    Yvette: That part I haven't figured out yet.
    Norm: Well, I'm sure it was connected to something shady.
    Yvette: My mother sure is in for shock when she hears about what her upstanding, model of citizen husband did.

    Meanwhile at the Donahue mansion, Cody begs Carol not to give in to B.P., saying that such a lowlife has no place in the company. Carol says that she's made up her mind and is going to d whatever she has to keep her family safe, even if it means compromising business principals.

    Cody: Mom, this guy is involved in all sorts of illegal things, even money laundering. If you put him on the board, you're going to be associated with all of that.
    Carol: At this point, I have no other choice.
    Cody: It is all through the papers that I owe him money, if something happens to me, the authorities will know who is responsible. He's not going to take that kind of chance, the feds are already after him and he'd only make it worse on himself by harming me.
    Carol: I cannot take that sort of chance, Cody.
    Cody: I know that you are afraid, but you have got to trust me on this. If you don't give into his demands, he won't have anything to gain by coming after me.
    Carol: Think about what you're saying, this could be life or death.
    Cody: I know what I am saying, so please just trust me on this.

    At McGregor, Joseph comes into Anna's office looking a little upset.

    Anna: What's wrong?
    Joseph: I still haven't found that disk that went missing from the Novi store
    Anna: I didn't think you were still worried about it, after all, it was encrypted.
    Joseph: If it fell into the wrong hands, they'll figure out how to break the code.
    Anna: You mean if someone like Carol got a hold of it?
    Joseph: Who else?
    Anna: Oh, she's always out to get us. It's not like we won't be prepared for any stunt she pulls, we've had enough experience.
    Joseph: Well, we certainly don't want anything floating around that could give her any ammunition.
    Anna: Chances are that the disk is probably tucked away in some file cabinet, it will eventually turn up.
    Joseph: When it comes to Carol, we can't leave anything to chance.

    Meanwhile, Teddy is in an office typing at a computer. On the monitor, a message reads "CD Rom duplication complete".
  11. ReddFoxx
    #022 Tuesday, May 8th

    Carol makes a threat of her own to B.P., saying that she can bring him down with a snap of her fingers and he won't be able to do a thing about it. B.P. advises her against making threats, because it only will make the situation worse. Carol opens the door and asks him to leave, but he refuses to until she gives in to his demand. Carol stops and thinks for a second and then agrees to put B.P. on the board, only with the assurance that he will leave Cody alone. He says that he' ll hold up his end of the bargain and leaves her office. Once he's out of her office, Carol calls Norm and says that it's time to bring out the big guns.

    Gregory comes over to Lynette's house on her night off to check on her. She invites him to sit down and talk for awhile. He asks her if she's making any progress and she says that Jim is finally starting to understand why she starting working, but is still distant. Gregory tells her to not give up, because losing a marriage is a terrible thing. Lynette asks if Gregory is married and he responds by saying he got divorced a year ago. Lynette says she won't let things go that far, but Gregory says that sometimes things can go bad very quickly and no one can stop it. Lynette says that she fealrs what could happen, but tries not to think about it and keep a positive attitude. Gregory says that if things don't work out between her and Jim, that he'll make sure he's around to help her cope and takes her hand.

    Yvette is shocked when the woman she met on her trip shows up at her door. She invites the woman in and offers her tea, but she refuses it saying that she is only here to clear the air about something. The woman then sits down and starts to tell Yvette about how Andrew McGregor (Yvette's father) lived in the Upper Peninsula town of Markham years ago, before he was married or had a dime. She says that he was an upstanding citizen, until he decided that he wanted to move up in the world. He got involved in a real estate scheme that promised to save several people from foreclosure, they would put him on the deed and he would make sure they were protected. But instead of protecting their homes, he sold them without the residents knowledge and several people lost their homes. Yvette still wonders why he was sending money to the town, but the woman says that she doesn't have any clues why he was doing that.
  12. ReddFoxx
    #021 Monday, May 7th

    Carol is nervous waiting for Cody's bookie at her office, when a man suddenly bursts into the room. The man introduces himself as B.P. Charles and Carol asks if he is the bookie and he says yes. Carol immediately says that she's ready to pay off the debt, but B.P. says the price just doubled. Carol asks what he is trying to pull and he says once he found out who Cody's family was, he figured it would be wise to make the most of this. Carol says that he's only getting what he's owed and not a penny more. B.P. says if she value's her son's life, she'll do what he asks. Carol asks what else he could want and he says he wants stock in Donahue and seat on the board of directors. Carol tells him that she won't give in to such an outrageous demand, but he says that it's the only way to pay off the debt. Carol is terrified about what could happen and contemplates giving B.P. what he wants.

    Trish informs Cody that Carol is negotiating with the bookie right now and Cody is pleased. He says he wanted to fix the situation on his own, but Trish says Carol had to do something because things were becoming too dangerous.

    Anna approaches Henry about managing some of the new stores in Minnesota, but Henry says that he's not prepared to move that far. Anna says that his salary would go up and he would have more benefits, so the move shouldn't be that big of a problem. Henry says that he's still not interested. Anna says she has a pretty good idea why and Henry asks what she's talking about. Anna snaps that he only wants to stay around so he can be near Trish. Henry laughs and asks if Joseph put her up to trying to get him out of town and Anna says that Joseph didn't tell her a thing, she was just trying to offer a good job to one of her better employees. Anna remarks that she never even mentioned Trish, he's the one who brought her up. Henry says that he's not going to discuss this with her, because it's not appropriate. Anna says that there are a lot of things that are inappropriate, but it doesn't stop people from doing them. Henry says he knows that was suppose to be some sort of crack about him. Anna tells him that he can perceive the remark however he wants, she doesn't care.
  13. ReddFoxx
    #020 Friday, May 4th

    Anna frantically rushes into the police station. Edmund is there. Edmund says he was released because he disclosed the location of the children and Anna becomes furious. Edmund says that he didn't want to further jeopardize his chances in court. Anna says that he's essentially handed the children over to Carolee, but he says that he's not backing down at all, he's just playing his cards right. Edmund says that he'll drive down and them later on, but Anna asks him to hold off, but he refuses and says that he has to do things by the rule of law if he expects to retain custody.

    JC comes to the Novi Donahue store to check on Trish after someone smashed a window. JC asks if she is okay and Trish says she's fine, but that she narrowly missed getting injured. Cody is angry about what happened and promptly starts to call the bookies number, but Trish stops him saying that he might just cause more trouble. JC is puzzled as to what is going on and Trish fills him in on the situation. JC remarks on how dangerous this all is, while Cody starts to clean up the broke glass. JC says that such a matter should be handled by the police if he these people are that dangerous. Just then, the phone rings, Cody answers it and the caller hangs up. He says he knows that was the bookie, he recognized the number on the caller ID.

    Tyler informs Carol that he couldn't find anymore documents at McGregor, he says that they are probably long gone. Carol tells him that all the important documents from the pass are probably at the corporate office and she suggest that he break in at night. Tyler says that he's not the type that breaks into places and prepares to leave just as Carol offers him a huge cash advance on the spot, saying that it should loosen him up a little. Tyler says he doesn't feel right about doing it, but can't pass up so much money. Carol hands him the check and tells him that he better find the files she needs this time or she'll find someone else to do the job.

    Estelle is shocked when Norm tells her that Donahue wants out of their contract with her company. Norm says that they feel they can't trust her now that she's gone in on a deal with McGregor. Estelle says that it's petty and childish to break the contract for that reason, especially sense she's been Donahue's main supplier for 20 years. Norm says that they will continue to the contract until they can find a new supplier, but Estelle says that she would rather immediately break ties with Donahue sense they have a problem with the way she runs her business. Norm says that it would put enormous strain on they're stores if they don't find a new supplier beforehand, but Estelle says that she doesn't care if it does, she just wants to distance herself from Donahue Stores.

  14. ReddFoxx
    #019 Thursday, May 3rd

    (from now on, each episode will include a little dialouge in one or more of the scenes)

    Norm returns home and Carol tells him about Cody's problems. Norm says that he sensed that Cody had come home because he was in some sort of trouble. Carol says that she's going to pay off the bookies to make them leave Cody alone, but Norm says that bailing Cody out is not the answer. Carol says that she will not stand by and let her son's life be in danger. Norm says that he doesn't want to see Cody get hurt, but says he needs to get himself out of this. Carol refuses to see things Norm's way and says that now isn't the time to try and teach a lesson. Norm backs off and says that Carol should do what she feels is best and if that means paying Cody's debt, than so be it, but he adds that she should make it clear that she won't bail him out every time he gets in a bind.

    Carolee shows up at Donahue's corporate office with a judge and police. Joseph comes out and demands to know what is going on.

    Carolee: I'm here to make your brother give me my children.
    Joseph: This is not the place to pull your little stunts.
    Carolee: You need to shut up and mind your own business
    Joseph: My family owns this building, so it is my business when someone comes in and disrupts it
    Judge: There is a court order for Mr. Edmund McGregor to turn over his children
    Joseph: And does this look like a place children would be?

    Edmund comes out of his office

    Edmund: I'll handle this Joseph.
    Carolee: So you decided to show your face? What happened, did you decide to stop letting your family defend you?
    Edmund: After what you did, you shouldn't even asking for custody.
    Carolee: You know what? I'm not here to listen to you rail against me, I'm here to get things settled.
    Edmund: Why are you doing this? It wasn't enough that you had to leave those children, no, you had to take it to another level.
    Carolee: I explained everything to you before I left.
    Edmund: You can't explain what you did, because it was wrong.
    Carolee: Look, if you do what I ask you to, we won't have a problem.
    Edmund: Then I guess we'll have a problem. because I'm not giving in.
    Carolee: Oh, that's just fine with me, if you want a long drawn out court battle that will drag you family's name through the mud, then so be it.
    Edmund: You will never win.
    Carolee: We'll see about that.
    Judge: You need to turn the children over now or you will be detained until you do.
    Edmund: Go right ahead and arrest me then.

    The police put handcuffs on Edmund and escort him out of the building. Joseph promptly calls Anna.

    Cody and Trish are at the Novi Donahue store, Cody is taking inventory while Trish asks him about the details about how he started gambling. Cody says that he didn't have a lot of cash, so he decided to try and double what little he had. He says that he got lucky for awhile, but eventually he hit rock bottom. Suddenly, something shatters a window and smashes into a display case. Trish barely misses being hit by it and Cody runs to the window to see who may have thrown it, but can't see anyone.
  15. ReddFoxx
    #018 Wednesday, May 2nd

    Norm meets Yvette in the Upper Peninsula and is anxious for details. Yvette says she doesn't have many yet, but she knows that her father did something that wasn't right. She continues on to say that she's going to try and talk to the woman she spoke with again, to try and get more information out of her. Norm says that he's not so sure that this plan will work out, but Yvette tells him to exercise a little patience before dooming their plan. Norm asks if Chester knows she's here and Yvette says that Chester thinks that she's in Germany and won't be expecting her back for another day or so. Norm says he's relieved to know that, because Chester already caught them together once. Yvette says that they aren't doing anything wrong, so it doesn't matter if Chester saw them. Norm says that going behind her mother's back isn't exactly right, but Yvette says that it's just business as usual for her.

    Carol isn't pleased when she gets a copy of the tabloid announcing Cody's gambling problem. When she confronts Cody about it, he says that he made a few minor bets when he stopped over in New York and lost, but that it's no big deal. Carol is angered by Cody's nonchalant attitude about the situation and demands to know the whole story. Cody says that he has things under control, but Carol says if that were the case, he would have never come back to Novi so abruptly. Cody says that Carol is badgering him once again and would rather believe a tabloid over him. Carol says that she's only trying to make sense of things, because the article in the tabloid concerned her. Cody finally breaks down and tells the whole story, that he made bets he couldn't pay for and the bookie has come after him. Carol tells him that they need to call the police, but Cody says that would only make things worse. He continues on to say that the only way to fix the situation is to pay the bookie off. Carol doesn't like the idea of paying off someone who has threatened Cody, but Cody says that he doesn't want to see anyone get hurt and explains that the bookie's collector threatened the family.

    At the laundry, the debt collector comes in and introduces herself to Claire as Mrs. Danville. She asks Claire about the story that ran in the tabloid and Claire claims to know nothing about it, but Mrs. Danville says that her boss found out that she's the one who leaked the story to the tabloid and exposed her bosses private telephone number to several journalists. Claire says that she was just trying to make some extra money and didn't mean to cause any trouble. Mrs. Danville says that the cops have been asking her boss a lot of questions and that she may have incriminated him in criminal activity. Claire becomes nervous and decides to keep her hand on the security alarm button. Mrs. Danville asks her to have the tabloid retract her story, but Claire refuses saying that she can't lose the money she earned, because she has children in college that need the money. Mrs. Danville tells Claire she has 48 hours to discredit the story and storms out.

  16. ReddFoxx
    #017 Tuesday, May 1st

    Stephen comes to see Edmund at the mansion to discuss his case, saying that he thinks it would be best if he did take the case. He asks Edmund where the kids are and Edmund says they are at an undisclosed location where Carolee can't find them. Stephen tells him that hiding them during the custody battle would look very bad on Edmund's part, but Edmund says he's afraid that Carolee might try and run off with them, so he doesn't feel comfortable having them here. Stephen says that he should at least tell him where they are, but Edmund is reluctant to tell him. Stephen says even though he doesn't agree with what Edmund is doing, he won't tell anyone. Edmund says the children are with an Aunt in Illinois. Anna comes into kitchen and is surprised to see Stephen. Stephen says that he heard about what happened when Carolee came to the mansion and says that Anna should have acted the way she did, because now Carolee could claim that Anna is unfit for the children to be around. Anna says she doesn't care what she says, she's ready to fight off any ridiculous allegations. Stephen advises Anna not to lose her temper anymore, for the sake of the children.

    Amee and JC run into each other at Number 37, so they decide to share a table. JC says that Anna and Joseph are very pleased with Amee's work so far. Amee says she's glad to hear to that, since the company is very selective about what they designs choose. JC then tells her about the new department stores and says that he might be in line to design even more things. Tyler is sitting at the other side of the room, when he spots them and decides to go over to their table. He sarcastically asks JC if he's threatened anyone lately and JC snaps back by saying he never threatened him, he just gave him fair warning. Tyler says that he needs to accept the fact that he's working at McGregor, because he's not going anywhere just because JC has ulterior motives. JC says that he's just biding his time until Tyler slips up and his true intentions are revealed. Tyler tells JC good luck waiting on that to happen, because it never will and walks off. Amee asks what that was all about and JC says that Tyler is just being confrontational as usual.

    Lynette meets with Gregory for a counseling session about the problems she's having with her marriage. She says she has to make things run smooth, but Jim just won't cooperate. Gregory asks if she suggested him coming with her for counseling, but she says he refused to come, saying that he's not crazy and doesn't need a shrink. Gregory says that maybe it's time for her to just stop talking to him about it for a while and if he doesn't come around, then she should try another approach. Lynette says that he doesn't even talk to her anymore. Just then, Jim walks in and asks tshe is telling the shrink what a nutcase he is. She says no, that they were just talking about the situation. Jim says he's not comfortable having their personal business discussed with a stranger. Gregory says that he's a doctor and everything is strictly confidential and that he's just trying to help them.
  17. ReddFoxx
    #016 Monday, April 30th

    Cody is shocked to see a story about his gambling debts in a tabloid and is afraid that Carol will see. Trish has already seen the paper and asks Cody what is going on. Cody makes Trish promise him, that she won't tell anyone else his secret and she agrees. Cody explains that he made a few bets to try and get some extra money and got in over his head and now the bookies want their money. Trish says that he should have told someone about this before, because things like this are potentially dangerous. Cody says that it has become dangerous, because there is a debt collector following him around and wanody thanks her for helping him. Trish then says that they are then going to find away to straighten things out.

    Estelle, Joseph and Anna have called a meeting with the owners of Shadrach's, the chain they are trying to buy. The owner of Shadrach's asks for a complete buyout, because of bankruptcy. Anna asks if the internal administration of the company is in good or bad shape and Shadrach says that it needs some restructuring because a lot of people had to be laid off. Joseph says he's not sure it would be a good idea to take on a company in such poor condition, that it could pose more of a risk than potential gains. Estelle says that the stores are already in place and that they could hit the ground running and that the poor internal structure is not a problem that can't be fixed right away. Joseph agrees with Estelle's viewpoint and offers Shadrach a price. Shadrach asks for a slight higher price, so Joseph doubles the offer and Shadrach accepts. Shadrach remarks that just before the meeting received a call from Carol Donahue offering him a deal, but it was much too low. Anna is afraid that Carol may try to cause problems for them, but Joseph says that he'll deal with any stunts Carol tries to pull.

    Yvette has charted a private plane to the Upper Peninsula and landed near the small rural town she learned of in her father's documents. When she arrives in town, she searches for an address and eventually finds it. She knocks on the door and an elderly woman opens it and asks who she is. Yvette explains who she is and the woman immediately says she doesn't want to have anything to do with anyone named McGregor. Yvette says that she is here to get information about why her father was sending money to this address. The woman says that she doesn't know of any money being sent there and that her father wouldn't have any reason to do that. Yvette asks how she knows her father and the woman says that he put her family through a terrible situation and them closes the door. Yvette is now more determined that ever to find out an answer.
  18. ReddFoxx
    #015 Friday, April 27

    Tyler convinces Carol to find out what is on the disc he found at McGregor's. She puts it in her PC and it almost immediately brings up a number of spreadsheets. Carol can't seem to figure out what any of them mean, as they are all typed in some sort of code. Tyler says that code appears to be made up of anagrams of people and companies. Carol clicks to the next page and discovers a spreadsheet that is not in code. Carol is shocked to see that it is made up of figures from an old annual report of Donahue. She wonders what Anna would be doing with this and why it was just lying around in a manager's office. Tyler says she probably put it in a place she probably thought no one would look. Carol is concerned that Anna could have more highly sensitive information about Donahue and tells Tyler to get back to work immediate and find out if she has anymore files.

    Joseph is in the manager's office at the Novi store and is frantically looking for something. Henry comes in and asks what he's looking for and Joseph says he's looking for a disc with some important information. Henry says he doesn't know anything about it and Joseph says that's because no one was supposed to know it was here. Henry asks what was on the disc that made it so important and Joseph replies that it was very private information about the company. Henry tries to help Joseph find it, but Joseph stops him when he starts to look in the bottom file cabinet, saying that he doesn't need any help finding it. Henry is puzzled why Joseph is so frantic to find a disc and leaves the office. After Henry is gone, Joseph calls Anna and tells her that the disc is missing.

    Cody comes home to find the debt collector sitting in the middle of the living room. He demands to know how she got into the house and she says it's not important how she got it, the only thing that's important is that she leaves with what she came to get. Cody says that she's just going to have to be patient while he gets the money, but she says that she's all out of patience. She remarks on what a nice home Cody lives in and all the nice things in it. She said it would be a shame if someone were to break in and take everything. Cody says that she wouldn't dare do that, but she says that she won't hesitate to do it. Cody demands that she stay away from his family, but she says there is nothing he can do to stop her. She then grabs him by the collar and says that he's going to get a big surprise very soon that might make him understand how important it is to pay debts. She lets him go and then storms out of the house.

  19. ReddFoxx
    #014 Thursday, April 26th

    Claire calls someone on the phone and tells them that she has a good story about a member of the Donahue family, for a price. Just then, Cody comes back in and says he left something in his pocket. When he asks Claire why she has the note, she hangs up the phone quickly and says that she was just about to call him and tell him that he left something in his pocket. He takes the note from her and leaves. After he leaves, Claire slams the counter upset that he retrieved the note. After thinking for a second, she calls the person she called before and tells them that she will need a little more time to get the story.

    Carolee arrives at the airport and takes a cab directly to the McGregor mansion. She knocks on the door and the butler, Freeman answers it. Carolee says that she is here to pick up her children and Freeman says he's been given orders not to let her in. She shows him a court order that says she's allowed visitation, but Freeman says that he's not going to let her in regardless of what she has. Carolee then suggest that maybe she should call in the authorities to settle this and pulls out her cell phone and Freeman shouts for Anna to come downstairs. Anna rushes downstairs and asks Freeman what's going on and he explains that Carolee is trying to force her way in and take the children. Freeman steps aside so Anna can talk to Carolee. Anna says that she's not taking the kids anywhere and Carolee once again holds up the court order, but Anna snatches it out of her hand, tears it up and says that the court order is worthless. Carolee tells her that she'll be sorry that she did that and Anna says that threats don't scare her, because she's come up against people worse than Carolee. Carolee says that she's going to see her children and Anna tells her that they aren't at the mansion and even if they were she wouldn't be allowed to see them. Carolee demands to know where her children are and Anna says that they are somewhere safe from her and that they'll stay there until after the court battle. Carolee promises that the judge will hear about this, but Anna tells her she's not worried about the judge and to get off her property immediately or she's calling the police.

    Yvette sneaks into McGregor mansion through the back door and quietly takes the back stairs up to the attic. Once there, she starts looking through a box of her father's old papers, looking for anything that could possibly overturn the will. She comes across an old ledger, that shows that her father made several payments to an unnamed person at an address in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. She digs deeper in the box and finds more ledgers with the same information. She shoves the papers into her purse, closes the box and places it back on a shelf, before turning out the light and leaving the attic. She then sneaks back down the stairs and quietly out the back door.

    Jim is late getting home from work. Lynette tries his cell phone, but can't get an answer. She then calls Alma and asks her if she can watch the kids while she's at work, she's already late as it is. Just then, Jim comes in. Lynette tells Alma that Jim just walked in and hangs up. Lynette is furious and asks Jim why he is late. Jim tells her that he had to take care of some business and Lynette asks what business, but he says it was just personal errand he had to run. Lynette then accuses him of being late on purpose because to make her miss her shift, but Jim says that is nonsense. Lynette says she knew he hadn't really accepted her working, but she didn't think he'd do something like this. Jim says that he's not in the mood to argue and that they should just drop the whole thing. Lynette says that he better make it the last time that he pulls a stunt like this and then storms out the front door.

  20. ReddFoxx
    #013 Wednesday, April 25th

    Carol becomes angry at Estelle when she finds out about the deal she offered Anna. Estelle says that she didn't offer it to Donahue, because Carol had rejected a similar plan in the past. Carol says that Estelle must deliberately trying to help Anna bring Donahue down, but Estelle says that that is nonsense and that she is only making decisions that are smart for her own company, not Donahue. Carol says that Estelle knows what Anna has done to her and Estelle replies by saying that she understands that, but it's all part of business and she's not about to let her friendship with Carol get in the way of profit. Carol threatens to drop Estelle as her supplier, but Estelle laughs and says that she'd be asking for disaster if she did that, because no other supplier would be able to pick up the slack in time for the new fall lines. Carol says that she expected more from her friend, but Estelle tells her to stop expecting their friendship to effect business and then says that she's not Carol's lackey. Carol tells Estelle she's on thin ice, before storming out of Estelle's office.

    Henry and Trish are at Number 37 dining, when Henry goes to the restroom, Anna comes over from the other side of the room and pulls a chair up to their table. She asks if they are talking about McGregor and Trish snaps at him that she's being as paranoid as ever. Anna says that one should suspect the worst when their the daughter of they're main rival is talking to her employees. Trish says that she shouldn't be concerned who she talks too, since she is married to Joseph anymore. Joseph says he's just trying to make sure that she isn't trying to help her mother pull some stunt to damage McGregor, but Trish says she doesn't get involved in her mother's schemes. Anna says she's not sure if he can believe her or not, but she says she really doesn't care if she believes her or not. Henry returns from the restroom and asks what Anna is doing here. Anna promptly goes back to her own table without saying a word. Henry asks what is all that about and Trish replies that Anna is just being ridiculous as usual.

    Cody is dropping some items off at Claire's laundry, when she notices he looks a little shaken. She asks him what is wrong and he says he's just little tired. After he pays her and leaves, she starts to sort through the clothes he left with her, when she discovers a note in the pocket of one of the shirts. She gets ready to throw it out, but then decides to read it. The note is the same one Cody found on his windshield a few days ago. When Claire reads it, she immediately picks up the phone and dials a number.
  21. ReddFoxx
    #012 Tuesday, April 24th

    Anna learns of Carolee's (Edmund's wife) plan and is livid. She says that she gave up all rights to the children when she left, but Edmund says that she didn't legally relinquish her parental rights. Anna says that she's only doing it for money and Edmund says that Carolee's mother said the same thing. Anna asks when he talked to Carolee's mother and he explains about the visit. Anna says that it's not really wise for him to speak with her, because she might be trying to cause trouble for him, but Edmund assures her that she's on his side for this one. Edmund says that the petition for custody states that the children don't have a stable family environment. Anna says that the argument is ludicrous, because the children are always around their family. Anna tells Edmund not to worry and promises him that she will help him take care of this situation. Edmund says he doesn't need her to fight his battle, but she says that it's her battle too because it involves both him and her grandchildren.

    Chester has convinced Yvette to go to up to their cabin in the mountains to relax. As soon as they are there, Yvette's cell phone vibrates and she goes into the bedroom to answer it. Norm is calling to tell her that the judge refused to hear the case, siting lack of evidence to support the claim of incompetence. Yvette says that they'll just have to find another way to get what they want done and Norm asks what does she suggest. Chester comes into the bedroom and Yvette pretends to be talking to a client and hangs up the phone. Chester says that they didn't come all the way up here to work and Yvette says that work has to come first with her.

    Carol asks Cody what he was doing all the time he was away from home and he says that he was doing all sorts of odd jobs. She then asks if he ever got into any trouble and he nervously says no. Carol tells Cody that Trish told her about the incident in the store and he says it was just a customer acting up, that it's nothing to worry about. Carol seems sense that Cody isn't being honest, but doesn't say anything. She goes on to tell him that if he ever has a problem, that he can always come to her and talk about it. Cody thanks her and she leaves his room, he breathes a sigh of relief after she closes the door.

  22. ReddFoxx
    #011 Monday, April 23rd

    JC goes to Anna and voices his concern about Tyler working in the store, saying that he doesn't trust him. Anna says she's never heard anything bad about Tyler and JC says that in school Tyler always made it clear he didn't like the McGregors, because his father was laid off from a job at one of their factories. Anna responds by saying that it happened awhile ago and that Tyler has probably let it go. JC says that he doubts Tyler has forgotten anything and is likely has reason for coming to work for them. Anna says she doesn't really see any need for concern, unless something suspicious happens. JC tells Anna that waiting for something to happen is not the smartest idea and she should keep a sharp eye on Tyler.

    Edmund asks Stephen for help with the custody battle, but Stephen says he doesn't have much experience with family law. Edmund says that he wants someone he knows to handle the case and Stephen suggest that it would be better to go to an attorney who specializes in family law, but adds that if he can't find anyone suitable, he will take the case himself. Edmund says that he's afraid that he might lose his children, but Stephen says that Edmund has always been a good parent and has plenty of people to vouch for that. Edmund then mentions that his mother-in-law is willing to testify in his favor if necessary and Stephen says that that is a very good thing to have in one's favor in custody fight.

    Trish tells Carol about the confrontation she saw Cody having with someone that he claimed was a customer. Carol remarks that some customers can become belligerent for some reason or other, but Trish says that Cody was acting strange and that it seemed like much more than a difficult custom. Carol says that Cody has been away for so long, it's possible that he might have connected with some unsavory people in his travels. Trish says that she thinks it's best if Carol had a talk with Cody about it, but Carol rejects the idea saying that she's trying to rebuild her relationship with Cody and that she doesn't want to do anything to get in the way of that. Trish says that it's important to find out if he's in any trouble before they can repair their relationship.

    Estelle brings Anna a hot tip about a small chain of department stores in Minnesota on the verge of bankruptcy. Estelle says that buying them out and starting regional chain out there would be the perfect test of the new partnership. Anna says that she always has wanted to expand out there, but never could come up with a reasonable proposal. Estelle says that they could create a outlet chain under a new name as a joint venture, with designer items for half the price of regular stores. Anna says she likes the way Estelle is thinking and says that she would like to see an outline of what Estelle has in mind. Estelle says that they have to act fast if they want to out maneuver potential rivals. Anna asks Estelle if Carol would be interested, Estelle says that she pitched a similar idea to Carol about another chain years ago, but Carol wasn't interested.

  23. ReddFoxx
    Preview Guide, Edition Two

    In this edition of Preview Guide, we got an exclusive scoop from the Head Writer Phillip Connelly of Novi on what will be coming up, when we brief caught up with him.

    Preview Guide: Novi has just completed it's second week, can you tell us what's in store for next week and beyond?
    Phillip Connelly: I don't want to give too much away, but there will be a new character on the canvas by the middle of next week and a new element to a plot line is coming up.
    Preview Guide: Anything planned for May Sweeps?
    Phillip Connelly: Yes, we do have a good story planned involving Cody and the gamblers who he owes money. Carol will get caught up in the fold and it will become a very intense situation.

    Casting News

    Two-time Emmy winner Dorothy Lyman (ex-Opal, AMC) has been cast in the role of Claire Harvey. Claire is owner and operator of the local laundromat and Anna's old friend. Her first air date will be Tuesday, April 24th.

    We also have learned that the sudser will slightly expand it's cast as the story lines heat up. Look for new additions to cast very soon. That's all for now, until next time on Preview Guide.
  24. ReddFoxx
    Promo for next week


    Cody: (to woman) Stay away from my family
    Woman: Make me


    The woman grabs Cody by the throat


    Woman: You better remember who it is you're messin' with!

    Novi: Weekdays on SONBC

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