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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    Whatever (allegedly) happened to cause enmity between SR and Dee, it probably doesn't compare with SSH decking Kaye Stevens in the ladies' room.

    I See That Bill Had A really hard time being faithful in those Years!!! I heard Brenda Benet's suicide maybe had to do an ill fated affair with Bill and SSH harassing her non-stop! I always felt like she was a 1980's Carole Landis!

    Now Talking About Suzanne Roger's, I was thinking about making 1 to maybe 5 tribute to Maggie, My first choice is Maggie And Her Men and The 2nd is Maggie And Her Children (Janice, Melissa, Sarah(3), Summer, Daniel and Stepsons Bo and Philip) What y'all think???

  2. 12 minutes ago, Khan said:

    I, myself, would have John afflicted with Alzheimer's Disease.  Naturally, the big twist here would be that, at first, everyone assumes that John's symptoms are signs that he's going back into "mercenary mode."  It's only after Doc has him undergo a battery of tests that everyone learns the sad and painful truth.

    But that would mean writing him off!!! I would rather have him suffer an accident, maybe having some odd behavior and have him have an intern injury in his head, Them He would go into surgery and get comatose for a few months, I truly would love to give the whole cast a month off, and personally Help Ron reorganize his storylines, they would All come back to a far better and grounded show!

  3. I remembered that she was On OLTL first! So I went looking and pieced together her scenes from The Episode on YouTube That Got her, I'm also piecing together scenes with her as Trajectory as Bobbie! I'm deeply sad about her passing she was a Great Actress, and the bitter Irony that She had those flashbacks on her history On the Nurse's Ball, Lucy came back from the Dead and Now She Is Gone For Good! 😭


  4. On 4/28/2023 at 6:22 PM, dragonflies said:

    They need to stop changing the rules, cap the age at 21 and be done. stop changing it


    On 4/29/2023 at 4:26 PM, Jeff said:



    Not Sure Of What To Do Of That, She has A Point, Though Yeah no real prize There

    Not Really Surprised DOOL Got the Short End Of The Stick This Year, I Did have some Hope but not That Much anyway, My bets were on Ari and Martha, What's Ironic Is That Even if Arianne Zucker Isn't Exactly a very good Crier, If She Ain't Crying She isn't Getting Nominated!!!! I Mean, 

    Her 2010 Nomination Was For Her Breakdown After Sidney's Maternity Was Revealed!

    Her 2013 Nomination was for her Breakdown After It Was Revealed She Miscarried Her Baby Way Before she Fell Down The Stairs after A Fight With Jennifer

    Her 2014 Nomination Was For her Emotional Confrontation with Eric after he tried To Apologize For Accusing Her Of Rape!

    Her 2020 Nom was When Nicole (Actually Kristen) discovered Holly's "Death" 

    Her 2022 Nom Was For Her Breakup With Eric!!! Isn't That Just Stupid?? We All Know She Really Knocks it at being BITCHY

  5. 7 hours ago, althea-davis said:

    This is a long shot but does anyone remember the one starring Danica Stewart (Jessica Bennett #3 from Passions) called Coastal Dreams? It had NBC backing I believe & aired in 2007. I've been looking all over for episodes or even clips of it.

    Not A Clue Sorry, but it is Registered on IMDB, so you are certainly not just imagining it!

  6. Heads Up Kids, I'm Workin On The Soap Vault and Giving Priority To Days! When I'm Finished Y'all will be Able to watch 2005-10 Episodes if you're interested, in the meantime I might warn you all that Copyrights might be extra greedy these days so if you have something you like on YouTube you might as well save it, I checked my saved Playlists And Pratically everything was Gone! I can't believe It!!!

  7. On 4/14/2023 at 3:23 AM, Manny said:

    I know, I know. I should have been more clear.. what I meant was something more permanent. B&B role was not that long lasting and today she is nowhere to be found. :) 

    Morgan Was A Major Player In her 2000 - 2001 Stint, Half The Drama On The Show Was About Her, the She had a Small return on 2005, I Do understand what you mean Though, she Seems to be the kind of Player Any Daytime Soap Would Love, Especially DOOL or GH

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