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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 11 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Agreed, especially considering that he’s one of the few legacy characters still on the canvas.

    I had an idea for a Shawn/Sloan fling as well. It would have been tied to a lot of last years storylines. Shawn and Belle would be in the midst of a divorce due to Belles relationship with EJ. At the same time, Sloan and Eric have problems over Jada being pregnant with Eric’s baby. And as a result, Shawn and Sloan have a one night stand. But sadly, EJelle and Eric and Jadas baby has been forgotten 

    I wanted Wendy to choose Tripp, but I think I would have had Wendy choose Johnny but still be pining for Tripp. Eventually, he meets Talia at the hospital and they start a relationship. Which pisses off Chanel, who still doesn’t trust Talia (and is starting to have feelings for Tripp herself), which pisses off Johnny, which pisses off Wendy. That could have been really good 😂

    It's actually so easy to forget he can act considering how far from the centre of action they keep Shawn!! One can easily think he's there because of his looks just like some others....

    1 hour ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Ok, they’re seriously letting Kristen get away with all this crap???

    Believe me, if I was Brady, I’d be at that house with a baseball bat and I’d make that bitch tell me where my child is.

    Done with Kristen. Just kill her off. Not even the nice friendship scenes with Lani helped her today.  

    I know! I love Stacy and didn't want to see her leave but the writing is just too bad!

    Just let her disappear on the Flames like before

    9 hours ago, carolineg said:

    At the end of the day a lot of EJ's popularity was because of JS's smoking hot good looks and charm.  Not that DF isn't both those things, but I agree, EJ was always ill-defined.   I don't think DF is doing a poor job with what he's given, but he's not slick or sinister in the way JS's EJ was.  I know a lot of EJ's previous motivations had to do with Sami, Sami vs. Nicole, and his relationship with Stefano, so it makes sense the character is floundering a bit.  The thing is, I don't see JS's EJ ever waiting patiently for Nicole to "love" him or playing silly cat and mouse games with Gabi/Stefan or basically ignoring his only son.   They seem to play DF's EJ almost like he's a little dim.  I could never imagine JS's EJ falling for some of the things DF's EJ has.  A lot of the Dimera stuff falls flat because Stefano isn't around.  Of course that can't be helped, but Stefano was always the glue that helped keep the Dimera family together through all the random children and silly plots.

    Exactly!!! That's why we miss him So Much! Besides that's Why Andre Was Needed! 

  2. 10 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    I am glad you're enjoying them! I am a she, by the way. And thanks @Bundy1965 for all the help with the German episodes. 

    Thank You Very much!!! The entire thing is amazing, sorry if the "him" might've offended you, hope you have clips from after the Olivia keesha confrontation the "Russian Roulette" scene has been on my wish list for years! 

  3. 2 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I hope this isn’t the end of Shawn’s storyline. There’s still so much they could do with him and I hate when storylines get wrapped up in a nice little bow and are completely forgotten about. Ratting out Rafe should not be the thing that prompts him to get help. 

    Btw, I don’t like this new mayor already. 

    As for Wendy, I’m glad about who she chose but this is another storyline that shouldn’t be over either. She may not do girl drama, but Chanel does 😂😂

    Indeed Brandon Beemer deserves the opportunity to exercise his acting skills 👏 

    Shawn Drinking should have to stop after some MAJOR event! And it would be incredible if they did an Intervention Episode along the lines of Erica's and Kay Chancellor's, but I'm afraid Ron wouldn't know how to write that! He could cheapen what could actually be absolutely fabulous Daytime Drama!


    Belle initially tries a small Intervention like Bree's on The Last season of DH, But Shawn comes home wasted and with a Hook Up (In A Much Bigger Storyline i concocted in my head, he would be with Sloan, Whom Was having revenge on Belle for Ruining her relationshipwith Eric after she unearthed a deep dark secret from hers), Belle's Pissed! She leaves Shawn and it all goes to hell.

    But later after she's calmed she realizes Shawn really needs help, so She Calls Hope and Claire, as well as all of Shawn's Friends And Family (Bo should still be on a Coma, as an excuse for Hope To leave soon after), They all would confront Shawn's Problem, and He would break down and finally admit he needs help. 

  4. I think we should just be grateful we have access to all those Episodes now and FOR FREE!!!! Maybe some day the rest will pop up! Until then let's just enjoy what we got, Is a hell of a lot more than we can say for most soaps! Days should really release some of the classic episodes! That would solve their money problems!

  5. On 7/8/2023 at 4:33 PM, BoldRestless said:

    So just to keep everyone up to date, there's been a lot of 1995-1996 added to the Vault. @Bundy1965 added all available episodes in German and also helped me by figuring out all of the dates of a huge number of clips in English that I found on an old hard drive. And when I say clips, the clips are sometimes more than half an episode (it's over 365 clips) and about 50 hours total, so it's pretty awesome! The person who originally uploaded to YouTube mainly covered the Matt Clark/Nick and Sharon storyline ( @fivethej might be interested in that) and the Olivia/Nathan/Keesha drama (I think @yrfan1983 was looking for that) and mostly skipped the Phyllis/Danny stuff but there's a little of that too. And at least whatever is not there in English is usually there in German. 


    I also added some Behind the Scenes stuff, old game shows, and Melody Thomas Scott's Intimate Portrait.


    Always hoping for more contributors to the Y&R Vault or if anyone has old VHS needing to be converted, feel free to DM me. :) 

    Thank you very much for all of those treasures!!!!!!! It's just a pity, the scenes when Olivia Confronts Nathan are missing! They seem to be from January 22, 1996

    But I enjoyed most of those immensely 

  6. How Come there's so much new 1995 - 96 stuff on the VAULT and no one talked about it???? I'm having a Bzll Watching Those!!! Especially MY AMY!!!! FINALLY BEING blessed to watch the Climax of Her Storyline!!!! Beautiful my friends Just Beautiful!

  7. 20 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Totally agree! As a kid I remember hating Rebecca, but as I got older I just realized that Andrea was so good with the comedic OTT stuff she went through on that show, that I couldn't help but start cracking a smile towards the end of the show's run.....When she returned a few years later as Tawny on Y&R and then B&B I had that same smile on my face watching her! I was hoping for years she reprise either Tawny, or Days or GH would have picked her up (even if would probably waste her) just to see her onscreen again...

    This is one of my favorite moments at 12:04...All these scenes are iconic IMO!!




  8. 3 minutes ago, j swift said:

    This inspired me to do a quick Google search, prior to Senior Del Vacchio, whose family owns the largest manufacturer and licensures of sunglasses in the world, she was engaged to Kaan Gunay, the billionaire owner of the Firefly ad agency, Milutin Gatsby, a billionaire film producer, James Packer, the billionaire Australian media owner and former flame of Mariah Carey, Logan Paul, and Ed Westwick.  So, 4/6 of her engagements were to billionaires.  And she was married at 17 to her baby's father.  Thus, she has seven diamond engagement rings, one for every day of the week.  But, considering her history of serial monogamy, I'd hold off on buying her a wedding gift just yet...

    Oh God! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that Sounds like something out of a Soap opera 🤣🤣🤣🤣 so she's a real life vixen? 😳 

  9. 25 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    Wow!! A couple Facebook groups I’m in just celebrated the 40th anniversary of Her first appearance on OLTL the other day, this is devastating to here.

    Another daytime icon gone ☹️☹️☹️

    Wouldn't it be like the 45th? I thought she first joined on 1978 but I think this was the 40th Anniversary of her Debut as Patty on Y&R

    I was surprised there was News OF her death on a Brazilian News Channel, but It was badly done for example, it said she played "Patti Weaver" on Y&R 😅

  10. 45 minutes ago, j swift said:

    I wonder if we'll get Dimitri's backstory now that Megan is gone?

    One imagines Leo will finally stop exploring the tunnels (where Dimitri has never been), and at least Google the Von Leushners?  I am interested to know if/when we'll find out who are his parents.

    I'm always fascinated by the ages on DAYS, just because time moves so weirdly.  We know Dimitri is almost 40, and given that Gwen is older than Abigail, she could be in her mid30's.  But, does this make them significantly older than Chad?  Is he older than EJ?

    Aren't The Von Leuchners Frankie and Carly's Family??? Interesting How Dimitri is basically older than the actor, Who turned 39 on March, Dimitri is obviously less than 6 months away from his 40th Birthday! It would make more sense making it 35 then

    Gwen Is About 3 years Older Than Abby so she is around 35, or at least her original backstory said that, check it out:


  11. This Week was Surprisingly entertaining overall! Ron accidentally gave me a Birthday gift! Anyways, I know it is an unpopular opinion but I am kinda Sad over Megan Leaving!

    1 hour ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    I don't know where to post this, here or in BTS. I'm going to put it here. If the other would be better, someone tell me so I'll know next time. 

    A fan shows her love for the DiMera sisters


    Nicely Done! The fact these two were briefly close, Considering how similar their stories were!

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