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Posts posted by Joseph

  1. 18 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    That's more a catchphrase. See also "I'll be damned".

    A Victor trademark is calling people he doesn't like/trust by their full name and its sounds like one word, ie. Jackabbott, Billyboyabbott, Dianejenkins, Tuckermccall.

    Or calling People "Punks"! 🤣

    Jill To Katherine: Tell Me Kay When you're finally gonna Die? When the government finds A Safe place to bury your Liver I Suppose! 🤣🤣🤣

  2. 9 minutes ago, All My Shadows said:

    I made good on my threat and have binge watched almost all of June’s episodes, and I have so many thoughts and questions (having not watched with any regularity in 11 years), but I’ll keep it brief:

    Is all of the over-wrought melodrama surrounding Lola’s death really merited? Was she really a popular character with the audience? She just seems to have been another hoop earring girl that the Brit soaps obsess over.

    I really really hate back from the dead storylines, especially when the character has been “dead” for a long time. Even when we get a ton of really good stuff bc the character is back, there’s always the part of me that can’t get over how easily soap characters accept that someone they mourned endlessly is just back like they never died at all. Jesse Hubbard, I am talking directly to you! In EE’s case, I remember feeling this way when they brought Kathy back, and now it’s the same with Cindy. Idk, I feel like I would need years of therapy if my dead dad just reappeared after six years.

    The show feels surprisingly familiar! There’s a good mix of characters who’ve been around for 10+ or 20+ years and characters who have showed up within the last five years. Meanwhile, when I gave Corrie a watch this week, I kept asking “Who are these people?” 

    Penny hughes Vibes he? 🤣

  3. On 5/3/2023 at 12:18 PM, AMCOLTLLover said:

    A Little Shorty revamp!

    6 new characters and one of them is Chris son Harry but with a new actor.

    every Monday is like some long week sub-plot with weird random characters lol

    and we lost two oldies: Dawn and Jack left Shortland Street!

    Maybe they could bring Back Justine to cause trouble, like they did with Diane on Y&R

  4. On 6/18/2023 at 1:44 AM, Soapsuds said:

    My Personal Take on that one:

    Guest Star: Robert Newman, But also wanted to Vote for Alley Mills and maybe even Kevin Spirtas

    Younger Performer: I voted For Eden But Kinda wanted to vote for the actor who plays Douglas Forrester

    SUPPORTING ACTOR: Nikolas Chavez was an Easy choice, but this category seems like a worthy race at least

    Supporting Actress: voted For Krista since hers is the only work I got to accompany, for a while she made me like Taylor as a Character Again! Kinda Wanted to vote for Stacy But Pretty sure They will give it to Sonya Eddy

    Lead Actor: Peter Bergman followed by Jason Thompson for Me, Can't really judge on MB OR Billy Flynn's Work, and TK's Acting left a lot to be desired last year

    Lead Actress: Melissa Claire Egan followed by Finola Hughes, Jacquie's Work wasn't exactly All leading lady material and Michelle and Sharon just don't belong here!

  5. 14 hours ago, Dion said:

    Most of the episodes from 2004 - around 2009 were uploaded on Youtube about a decade ago once they had screened in Ireland.

    The episodes don't have airdates though but rather episode numbers so you will have to go trawling through the video list I'm afraid.

    Laurie Foell's first guest stint in 2005 would be somewhere in the 3300s while her second stint the following year as a regular would've started somewhere in the 3500s. Her last appearance was in the 2006 season finale which I believe was episode 3645 so it may be best to search "Shortland Street episode 3645" and work backwards from there.

    Good luck!


  6. On 5/26/2023 at 5:08 PM, Liberty City said:

    CW Seed did have an actual remaster of the series. A couple of previews (screen captures only):

    Catherine Oxenberg as Amanda Carrington.pngGordon Thompson as Adam Carrington.pngJohn Forsythe as Blake Carrington.pngPamela Sue Martin as Fallon Carrington [2].pngPamela Sue Martin as Fallon Carrington.pngEmma Samms as Fallon Carrington.pngKaren Cellini as Amanda Carrington.png

    I genuinely don't know why the remaster isn't available again!!

    I could be wrong but I Believe that's the Quality of the Torrents I Downloaded! Not 100% sure though, and Season 5 is Missing Anyways I'm pissed at that

  7. On 6/11/2023 at 2:13 AM, Soapsuds said:

    The Dallas reunion is coming to Palm Springs June 13 with Linda Gray, Patrick Duffy, Charlene Tilton, Steve Kanaly, Audrey Landers, Cathy Podewell, Joan Van Ark, Sheree Wilson and Michael Preece.

    VP really became A Farm Hermite??? I never hear of her being part of those, she's on social media but mostly posts about her Farm life

  8. 37 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    I'm on episode 2 and the show has a slow start like I remember. The central conflict seems to be around who will get to control Gabriel. Will it be his new wife, Rachel, the waifish city girl who recently married him after a short courtship? Or will it be his hellraiser sister Charlie, who's desire to monopolize her brother's time borders on obsessive? Or will it be his meddling mother Jessica, who wants to maintain her strong bond of emotional intimacy despite the fact he has married. There is another potential contender, but they haven't been revealed yet. 

    I forgot how much of the show was about Rachel's outsider position in the family. On the initial viewing, I felt a bit bad for Rachel as the Rattigans come off as so overwhelming with their dinners and church services. I think familyless Rachel is no better or worse than Jessica. Rachel needs to respect that she is joining a family, while the Rattigans need to recognize that Rachel needs to be brought into the family circle.

    Ultimately, this is about who has control over Gabriel, who is such a dependent character. His career as an artist has left him dependent financially on his family, presumably during his time in London but most definitely now that he is living in the Lodge after marrying Rachel. He was dependent on heroin to cope, now he is dependent on methadone to stay off heroin. He is also dependent on mommy dearest to maintain the treatment. Some of this is rather salacious. Gabriel and his mother carrying on in his mother's bedroom over Gabriel's dirty little secret. Gabriel is just as guilty in the potential conflict between Rachel and Jessica as he is keeping Rachel on the outs and placing Jessica in a position of privileged information which cannot help his own marriage to Rachel. 

    I think the show is definitely leaning into the incestuous vibes between Jessica and Gabriel with Jessica going as far as offering to decorate the bedroom in the Lodge much to Rachel's horror. I still think Charlie would go to bed with Gabriel if he let her and her obsession with Thomas is more about her inability to land Gabriel. 

    I still find Emma Roberts' Charlie one of the most insufferable characters. I know most people hated Lucy Robinson's Rachel, and she is a bit of an elitist pain in the ass, but I do feel she loves Gabriel and that she seems to want less of Gabriel for her own selfish gains. 

    Edward's morality is hilarious given what is coming next. I still don't care much for Lenny and Mark, but there story seems a counterpoint to other stories so I don't mind. 

    i think things pick up much more in a few episodes. By episode 4, I feel like things already start to feel much different. 

    Summs it up perfectly! Great Analyze, I didn't find It much better up until episode 5 either, but things seem to be about to take off

  9. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Lol!  She's obviously had some good work and taken good care of herself, but I do think either 80's styling or just DH's natural looks made her read older in the 70's and 80's so by the 90's she just sort of looked the same age for a long time.  Drake has aged like a silver fox, but has visibly aged.  I swear Deidre Hall looked about the same from the late 90's until like 2012.  She clearly looks older now, but for awhile there was very little difference in her appearance at all.  

    Indeed and still at 75 she still looks way better than many of us mortals, and She stills looks like herself too

  10. 5 hours ago, dc11786 said:

    @Joseph Thanks. The link to the episodes was posted to the YouTube episodes was posted in the "Families" thread so I had just embedded the link to a single episode above. Thank you for taking the time to post the individual links, as I know there are some who prefer that. 

    Did you watch of the links you posted? If so, what were your thoughts?


    The next batch takes us into the second season from early April, 1996 until the end of June 1996. I believe the show was now being aired on another network (or am I thinking "Springhill"?). Anyway, the cast list and summaries are below. There was less production information provided by the BFI on these episodes. 

    Similarly, the cast list may be a bit off as some of the characters are listed in episode summaries, but not lists themselves. If I felt it was definitive they were in the episode, I included it with no note. Some I noted below. There were a couple of times where characters are mentioned (Jessica fights with Mark about Lenny, Lenny plans Ben's birthday party) where I didn't include them because it didn't sound like they were present, but they may have in fact been present elsewhere in the episode. 

    No one is credited for playing Simon Jenkins. Also, I think Caroline Thomas may be Caroline Blackwell from season one, the maid of honor from Gabriel and Rachel's wedding. This I may be wrong on. 

    It's interesting to see how certain characters who were prominent in season 1 quickly fade into the woodwork in season 2. 

    Judy Loe as Jessica Rattigan (2.1 – 2.11, 2.13) *
    Gary Cady as Steve Whittaker (2.1 – 2.11, 2.13)    
    Carole Nimmons  as Mary Beckett (2.1 – 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, 2.10 – 2.11, 2.13)          
    Emma Roberts as Charlotte “Charlie” Rattigan  (2.1, 2.3, 2.6 – 2.10, 2.12)
    Nina Marc as Helena “Lenny” Rattigan Tyler (2.1 – 2.3, 2.6 – 2.8, 2.10 – 2.13) 
    Matthew Radford as Mark Tyler (2.1 – 2.8, 2.10 – 2.13) 
    Miles Harvey as Jimmy Moran (2.1 – 2.3, 2.6 2.7, 2.10, 2.12)
    James Weber-Brown as Daniel Tyler (2.1, 2.3 – 2.4, 2.6 – 2.10, 2.12)  
    Amanda Wenban as Ruth Tyler (2.4 – 2.6, 2.9 – 2.13)
    Sue Holderness as Joan Travis (2.11)
    Stephen Mapes as Gabriel Rattigan (2.1 – 2.4)
    Paul Shelley as Edward Rattigan (2.1, 2.7)
    Victoria Gay as Sophie Ross (2.1 – 2.3. 2.5)
    Lucy Robinson as Rachel Whittaker Rattigan (2.1)
    Katy Carmichael as Caroline Thomas (2.1)
    Margo Gunn as Anne Fraser (2.1)    
    UNKNOWN as Simon Jenkins (2.3)
    Oliver Carroll as Ben Tyler (2.6, 2.11)

    * Mentioned in summary that suggests may (but may not) be present, but not cast list,
    2.10: Miles Harvey, Judy Loe 
    2.11: the character of Ben 

    The Rattigan family celebrate Charlie's birthday, but Jessica is away visiting her husband Paul at his retreat, where he is recovering from a nervous breakdown. They are unexpectedly visited by Stephen Whittaker, who is determined to find his sister Rachel, who was murdered by Jessica. Mary, who is the only person who knows the truth about Rachel, panics and calls Jessica, who returns. She grudgingly suggests Steve stays at the house for as long as is necessary. 
    a: 4 April, 1996        w: Russell T. Davies    d: Kay Patrick        p: Tony Wood

    Jessica and Mary are worried that Steve knows too much about the family but are adamant that he cannot know that Rachel is dead. They decide to find letters Rachel wrote to Steve to determine how much he knows. Mark and Lenny are delighted that Jimmy has found himself a respectable girlfriend. Mark becomes suspicious and goes to visit her in the pub she works in. Gabriel makes Steve feel welcome and takes him to see the Lodge where he and Rachel lived after they married. Steve questions Gabriel about his feelings for Rachel, but Gabriel insists they were happy together. 
    a: 11 April, 1996    w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Jessica holds a dinner party to say farewell to Simon, who is leaving the church. He talks about Edward for most of the evening. Lenny and Mark go out for the evening, and Sophie babysits. Sophie tells Jimmy about Mark's flirting, but he insists Mark is just being friendly. Steve has suspicions that Mary has been reading Rachel's letters kept in his room. He questions her, but Charlie arrives before she confesses. Steve goes to the dinner party and accuses Gabriel of murdering Rachel. 
    a: 18 April, 1996    w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    The Tyler family's financial problems are revealed. Ruth asks Daniel to repay money she has lent him, unaware of his own financial situation. She calls in at the Rattigans where she thanks Jessica for letting Mark and Lenny move into the Lodge. Jessica hopes that Mark will not cheat on Lenny again. Steve shows Gabriel an old Whittaker family album. Jessica joins them and is again persistently questioned by Steve.             
    a: 25 April, 1996    w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Breakfast at the Rattigan's is an uneasy affair until the ice is broken by Steve who announces that he's leaving having outstayed his welcome. Ruth calls to see Mark to ask him for a loan. Jessica confesses to Steve that the Rattigan family played a role in Rachel's disappearance, but says she has no idea what actually made Rachel leave. 
    a: 2 May, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Ruth is happy to show Steve the church in which his sister was married. He asks her about Edward, explaining that he feels uncomfortable taking about her family. Jimmy looks after Ben for the afternoon, and Jessica gives him the keys to the lodge saying that Ben will be more at home there. Jimmy finds Mark in his underwear, and is suspicious. Later, there is an all night poker game, and Daniel loses everything, including his watch. 
    a: 9 May, 1996        w: Brian B. Thompson    d: Eugene Ferguson    p: Anthony Wood

    Lenny prepares for Ben's first birthday party. Instead of going to the party, Jessica visits Edward at his retreat to ask him about his future plans. Charlie provides a sympathetic ear for Daniel, and ends up telling him about her decent into drink, drugs and prostitution. She leaves, regretting having revealed so much. Jessica returns and is getting ready for the party when Steve enters her room.
    a: 16 May, 1996        w: Brian B. Thompson    d: Eugene Ferguson    p: Tony Wood

    Lenny has gone back to the Rattigan home having found out about her husband's affair. Mary is unable to prevent Mark from bursting into the house demanding to see Lenny. Steve tells Jessica that what goes on between Lenny and Mark is none of her business, but she reminds him that he has no right to interfere. Charlie and Daniel keep out of things, and Charlie has a solution to Daniel's money problems. 
    a: 23 May, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    The relationship between Charlie and Daniel is far from steady, as she has confessed her past indiscretions to him. Ruth discovers from Jessica the money Daniel has given her has come from Charlie. Jessica tells Ruth she doesn't want Mark or Daniel to associate with her daughters. After her argument with Ruth, Jessica feels depressed and isolated. Steve comforts her, and Jessica is glad that he decided to stay with the family a little longer. 
    a: 30 May, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Mary feels threatened when Steve offers to make dinner for her and Jessica, and suspects Steve and Jessica may be in a relationship. Ruth presumes the rift between Charlie and Daniel is caused by Charlie lending him money. She is fed up of supporting her children now they are grown up. Lenny moves into the Rattigan home having left Mark, and when she goes to a party she spends most of the time with Jimmy. 
    a: 6 June, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Having returned the £2000 to the Rattigan family, Ruth turns to an alternative source. Mary is not impressed when Steve announces is staying for a while, but Jessica is keen to help him. Lenny takes Ben to see Mark and tells him that it is over between them. Mary welcomes the arrival of Joan Travis to the parish as the new vicar.
    a: 13 June, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Despite a temporary solution to her financial worries, Ruth is still adamant that Mark and Daniel should find work and start paying their way. Jimmy asks Lenny to meet him, but she declines. Mark visits Jimmy, who tells him a few home truths. Charlie and Daniel have patched things up and enjoy an afternoon together. 
    a: 20 June, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    Jessica tells Steve their relationship is over. Mary is unconvinced when Jessica tells her. Ruth is amazed to hear Jessica's apology for neglecting church business, but is horrified when Jessica tells her she wants to look through the accounts. 
    a: 27 June, 1996        w: ??            d: ??            p: ??

    It's interesting, I'm still on Episode 3 though I am watching as I download it and I'm uploading them into my Vault

  11. 14 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That could have been a very interesting dynamic had it been explored, but I don't think current Days would ever be that deep lol

    Too bad Sonny's not around. He's pretty much the only character that would have had the foresight to bring all this to Justin's attention.

    I Agree, sounds fascinating, they could do something in the style on Y&R = The Hauting Of Ashley (2009), Like Adam did lol, it's would be so Ron actually

  12. 18 hours ago, SoapDope said:


    ??????? Sad

    On 6/7/2023 at 5:01 PM, yrfan1983 said:

    I desperately want to see your superior version of 2023 YR

    Me Too! I haven't watched the show sincece anniversary week and really haven't missed it

  13. 26 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Unless we find out one of Marlena's clones had a soap career and that the Kayla lookalike is the woman Megan used in place of Kayla's body, it was pointless.   No one in town has ever noticed these tv characters look exactly like Marlena/Kayla?  Deidre wasn't even wearing a wig lol.

    Oh Yeah the For Marlenas + Hattie, It would be interesting knowing how them all turned out! I can picture, 1. SOAP STAR, 2. Late Vixen Who Was Murdered after worming her way into an Wealthy Family, Marlena could be confused with her, 3. Powerful Business Mogul, 4. Artist 🎨, it would be interesting if they revisited that aspect of Stefano's Obsession With Marlena

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