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An ATWT Fan Fiction by Actor87 & P.J.

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Episode 115

Dusty excuses Lucy and himself and takes her outside. Lucy says that she didn’t just come back for Lucinda. She came back for him, but she ran into Meg and knows that she and Dusty are engaged. Dusty says he was going to tell her, but when Lucy again starts fussing, Dusty pulls her into a kiss. Nadine sneaks into Roxie’s room while she’s away and intends on poisoning her, but Tom interrupts her by knocking on the door. As soon as he leaves, Nadine begins with her plan again….but is interrupted y



Episode 114

Emily covers with Andy by saying that she’s just not ready for that type of commitment after being hurt by Paul. Andy, though hurt, understands and lets Emily go about her way after she promises to clue him in as soon as she is ready to move in. Meg introduces herself to Lucy and Lucy does the same. The two girls begin talking and Lucy soon realizes that Meg is engaged to Dusty. Lucy returns and tearfully announces that she’s leaving since the one thing she came back for has vanished. Maddie and



Episode 113

Roxie, Tom, and a few hotel clerks are finally able to break up Lisa and Nadine. Later, Lisa confides in Roxie that she'll make sure that Nadine never hurts her again. Katie and Margo find Henry at the Lakeview drunk and automatically know what he's done. Henry denies having any involvement, but when Margo notices Henry wreaks of gasoline, Henry breaks down and apologizes to a baffled Katie for ever hurting her. Lucy and Dusty share a quick glance...but then it's back to business. Lucy helps Sie



Episode 112

Dusty returns to Lily's and provides her with all the possible locations James could have villas and such. Everyone is shocked when Lucy walks in the door! Lucy claims that once her mother told of her of her grandmother's disappearance, she had to come back to Oakdale and help. Both Dusty and Lucy share an akward lovesick look. Mike, Katie, Margo, Maddie, Luke, and all 20 Oakdale firefighters battle the blaze at KATY. Though the fire didn't destroy much, everyone is shocked to find out that arso



Episode 111

Ben and Jessica arrive home and find that Curtis has went all out for a welcome home party. Though both beg him to stay, he leaves and soon, Ben and Jessica share a romantic night full of dancing and love-making. John retorts that Emily is nothing but a slut and shouldn't trample his son's heart...like she's done so many men in her life. Emily, emotionally drained, goes to the only person who's been there for her lately, her mother. At Memorial, Bob angrily asks Susan what she is doing. Susan is



Episode 110

Emily rejects Andy's key and runs away. While a very confused Andy looks to his mother for advice, Emily tracks down John and slaps him across the face, condemning the day she met him. Meg runs by the drugstore and goes home where she takes a pregnancy test...four times...before finally accepting the fact that she is pregnant. Off in Australia, James emerges from the store and tells a furious Lucinda that Barbara is away on business but should be home shortly. Little does he know that back in Oa



Episode 109

Roxie coldly tells Lisa of the childhood abuse she suffered while living with Nadine up until the age of 17, when Roxie ran away. Lisa is touched, yet enraged and much to Roxie's disapproval, sets off to find Nadine, while Tom stays with Roxie. Luke attacks Heath and continues punching him until Maddie pulls him off. Luke takes Maddie away and later, lends his shoulder for her to cry on. Margo comforts Katie sharing her past rape experience and giving her a business card of a rape counselor that



Episode 108

Meg begins feeling dizzy and nauseated again and heads for home, leaving Dusty clueless. However, Dusty soon is able to pay off an airport attendant, who tells him that James took a lady with him on a private jet bound for Sydney, Australia. Across town, just off the phone with Dusty, Lily calls Sierra and begs her to come home and help them. Emily gets a call from Andy to meet him at Java. Once there, Andy gives Emily the key to his new apartment and asks her to move in with him. Susan sneaks t



Episode 107

Maddie scolds Heath for his rapid alcohol consumption. Not wanting to hear her "yap" in his druken stupor, Heath slaps Maddie and proceeds to grab her arm when she walks away...just in time for Luke to see everything. Margo and Tom arrive back at home and create a romantic dinner, but Margo gets called away when she learns about Katie and Tom gets called away after he learns of what happened to Roxie. Meanwhile, Lisa confronts Roxie about her fear of Nadine and bluntly asks Roxie if Nadine abuse



Episode 106

Katie begs with Mike to not tell anyone, but they go to the hospital anyways. Bob is shocked to learn Katie was almost raped and does a thorough exam, before dismissing her with a clean bill of health. Andy talks with Kim at home and talks of purchasing an apartment. Kim gives her permission but is called away before he can tell his mother that he's asking Emily to move in with him. Lily scolds everyone for not helping her in her search and send Dusty and Meg to the airport to try and track down



Episode 105

Maddie consoles Luke after finding out that his grandmother is missing. Maddie suggests that he go out with her and Heath, but Luke refuses and sends Maddie on her way. At the party, Maddie is again shocked at Heath's alcohol consumption. Margo and Leah share a tearfelt goodbye at Memorial and the two friends promise to stay in touch. Ben begs Jessica for forgiveness and thanks her and Curtis for saving his life. Mike barks at Henry that if Henry wouldn't have gotten the stupid idea to start KAT



Episode 104

Roxie refuses to tell Lisa who did this to her, as she envisions what Nadine would do if she found out. Lisa offers emotional support, but is shocked when Roxie rejects her. Ben and Jessica reunite as well as Tom and Margo. Everyone hugs their loved ones and an ambulance arrives to take Margo and Ben, along with the other prisoners, to be checked out...and also to take off Owen's body. The ploice arrive and take everyone's statement. Ben thanks everyone for not giving up on him and tearfully bla



Episode 103

Roxie is finally sent home. Lisa tells Roxie that she can stay with her, but only if she tells her who did this to her. Katie screams for Stephen to stop, but Stephen continues undressing her. Meanwhile, Henry and Mike find an empty room key envelope from The Lakeview at the cottage and rush off to find Katie. Margo and Ben continue to bond as she tells of her struggles to save him. Ben is touched and all are excited when guards come by unlocking doors and Jessica, Tom, and Curtis emerge. Everyo



Episode 102

Margo, Leah, and Edward are relieved to finally be re-united with Ben. Ben, a bit disoriented, asks to see Jessica, and Margo tearfully vows to make arrangements for Ben to do just that. Meanwhile, Tom tells the guards that Owen has been killed and surprisingly, the guards are ecstatic and start setting everyone free. Katie, all dolled up like a porn princess, is delighted to see Stephen. She begins talking about his possible employment at KATY but is cut short. Stephen, wo has caught on to who



Episode 101

Margo asks Edward if he knows where Ben is. After Edward gives them directions to a cell, they all three head out to find Ben. Just minutes behind the others, Jessica, Tom, and Curits gradually come to a cell, hoping it's Ben's...but are soon intercepted by four guards. Andy walks in on a disoute between Susan and Emily over Hal's condition. As soon as Andy can drag Emily away, they meet John, who asks to speak with Emily in private. Lily, Lucinda, Meg, and Dusty receive word from James that he



Episode 100

Margo and Leah get lost in one of the rooms and hear someone moaning. They're both relieved to find Leah's husband Edward. Leah cuts him loose and the two share a joyous reunion before asking if he knows where Ben is. Meanwhile, Jessica, Tom, and Curtis stumble upon Margo and Leah's cell and find it empty...except for a dead Owen. Jennifer is pleased when Lisa arrives and asks the fashionista to help her with the summer line. Lisa says that she'll do what she can, but makes no promises due to



Episode 99

Nick and Jennifer arrive for work at the Threadz office and find a note from Gwen, who says that she has taken the week off. Nick realizes that the summer line is far behind schedule and with Carly moved to Montana, they're going to be working overtime. However, Jennifer gets an idea. Lisa gets called away and leaves Roxie alone in her hotel room. Roxie relives childhood memories of Nadine recklessly beating her, which brings her to tears. Roxie jumps when she hears a knock at the door and th



Episode 98

Margo and Leah break free from the restraints of the cell that has kept them captive and go looking for Ben. At the other end of the house, Tom curses Jessica and Curtis for not telling him anything and trying to find Margo and Ben on their own. Katie breaks free from Mike to supposedly go and talk with caterers for the wedding. While out, she runs into Stephen on his break from WOAK and the wheels in her head start turning as she starts putting on the charm. Andy finds Emily has slept the entir



Episode 97

Lucinda is shocked to learn that half of Worldwide's investors are withdrawing from the company and confides in Lily that she fears she may lose this company just like she lost Walsh Enterprises. Barbara begs James to leave town with her, thinking that if she gets him out of the country, she can run away from him and he'll never find her. James, however, refuses. Dusty and Meg go out for dinner at Mona Lisa where Meg is thrilled as Dusty gets down on one knee and pops the question. Across town,



Episode 96

While Mike begs Katie to quit begging to help Henry with KATY and accept "no" for an answer, Henry elaves and runs into Kim, who still holds the video tape as blackmail. Henry calls her on her bluff and Kim is furious. Maddie asks Heath to go out with her to her friend Melanie's house. Heath agrees and after being at the party a while, Maddie can't believe her eyes as she watches Heath drink alcohol like it's oxygen. Gwen, Will, Lily, Holden, Emma, and Luke all gather for an impromptu farewell p



Episode 95

Ben finds himself locked up in a room and begs the guards to turn him loose. He invisions Jessica and she assures him that he will get out of all of this alive and become a better person for it. A few doors down, Margo confirms the plans for their escape with Leah and the two women ask to speak with Owen. Lucinda and Lily discuss Sierra and how they fear for her safety in Montega due to the rebellions and chaos. Lucinda insists that she will be fine. Later, Lucinda calls Dusty in and asks him t




Oakdale Loves 'Lucy' Peyton List will be returning to the role of Lucinda Marie "Lucy" Montgomery starting May 26. The breaking news comes just a few days after the recast role of her mother, Sierra, was announced. Peyton, who will be featured in the new NBC drama "Windfall" in June, will no doubt have her hands full. In fact, Peyton also landed a movie role in "Deep Winter", set to begin filming later this year. "Lucy will come back a completely different person. She's been to college and h



Episode 94

Andy and Emily decide to talk away from Susan and go to Java. Emily tells Andy that she over-reacted and apologizes. She says that she's so lucky to have finally found love and doesn't know what she's do without him. A lurking John tells himself that she's about to find out. Maddie calls over Henry, who hleps change the tires. Maddie rushes off to find Luke, adamant that he was the one who damged Heath's tires. Though Luke denies it at first, he eventually admits to it and Maddie tells him that



Episode 93

Dusty and Meg go to confront James, who warns them that anyone who has ever messed with a Stenbeck has, if they survived, lived to regret it. Dusty calls him on his bluff and threatens James in return. Later, James rallies a reluctant Barbara into his scheme to take Worldwide. Emily talks with Susan about Andy. Emily is furious when Susan comments that if it hadn't been for Andy and Emily's roll in the hay, Hal might still be in good health. Emily leaves in a huff and runs right into Andy, who



Episode 92

Lucinda is startled when Dusty, Meg, Nick, and Jennifer all come by wanting answers. Lucinda finally caves in and tells them all that James has threatened Worldwide. She's touched when all four vow to stick by her and help her in any way possible. Carly calls Gwen over to the house and tells her what Dr. Michaels said about leaving the state...at least temporarily. Gwen is hurt, but knows that it's the best thing for Jack. Carly informs Gwen that her midwife when Sage was born, Hannah, has invi



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