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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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May 4, 2006

-Lexie and Celeste discuss her blackmail issues with Sami and Alex and her affair with Tek. Tek comes by and Celeste orders him out. They have a major stand off that results in Celeste slapping Tek She warns Tek if he ever comes near her daughter again she will make sure he is taken to court for sexual harassment. Tek insists he loves Lexie and she loves him. Lexie quietly watches as Tek porfesses his love and says he knows she feels the same way. He leaves as Lexie admits to Celeste she d



May 3, 2006

-Shawn, Sr and Caroline are at the pub. Victor arrives to pickup some take out. Shawn goes to get the order and Victor and Caroline talk. Caroline gets upset when Victor reminds her of what they are keeping from everyone in Salem. Caroline reminds Victor of their promise after getting out of the castle and off the islands to never talk about what happened again. Shawn Sr wonders what they are talking about so heatedly. -Bo and Billie are at the station. They discuss Chelsea's upcoming tri



May 2, 2006

-Jen and Frankie are spending the evening at home. She comes across the DVD Jack left for Frankie and her and is reminded of his last wishes. She tells Frankie they need to talk about their future. -Abby and Max meet Chelsea at the Java Cafe. They are stunned when Chelsea says she is turning over a new leaf. Chelsea remembers her crimes to keep Bo and Hope apart and reminds herself she needs to keep that a secret until after the trial. Right now, she can still help her father reunite with



May 1, 2005 Episode=Premiere

-Belle/Phillip and Shawn/Mimi are at their respective rooms at Green Mountain Lodge. Both couples are enjoying each other and begin to make love. Belle imagines Phillip is Shawn and stops as Phillip asks what is wrong. Meanwhile, a mysterious figure lurks outside watching Belle and Phillip -The cops raid Dune as a drunk Lexie panics that Abe or one of the cops wil recognize her. Tek and her hide in the back room. -The cops remove the handcuffs for Austin and Carrie. Lucas immediately gr



Teasers-Week of 5/1/06

Teasers for 5/1/06-5/5/06 -Belle, Shawn, and Mimi get a shock. -Caroline and Victor have a secret. -Lexie and Tek cover their tracks...or do they? -John tries to find Marlena and gets shocking news. -Chelsea's new attitude stuns Max and Abby. -Jennifer and Frankie talk about their future. -Carrie and Lucas plan their wedding as Sami and Austin find their attempts to move on together futile. -Many Salemites unite to help out during a major crisis. -Victor and Phillip receive mysterious



Another Big Return!!!

ERIC AND NICOLE REUNITE!!! The mysterious return that has been hinted at by Days has now been revealed: Eric Brady is returning to Salem. Days has lured popular actor Jensen Ackles back for a short term run. Word is that the actor will return shortly after Arianne Zuker (Nicole) returns and will play a pivotal role in why she has returned to Salem. Show insiders say that both returns will run at least through the summer. Ackles has found great success in primetime including most recen



May Sweeps Previews

MAY DAYS!!! MAY DAYS!!!! "New head writer Tim Lowery's work begins May 1 and while the transition will be seamless fans will notice a change," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "Normally a new writer's first month is rather slow but not this month. Our new top secret story that will be all too familiar to fans will kick off with Tim's first show on May 1. It will take fans a little bit to realize what is happening and why we say its deja vu all over again but once they do they may be ou



Big Casting Rumors!!!

Rumor Mill Hot on the heels of a new executive producer and head writer taking the reigns comes word of massive cast changes at Days. Rumors are swirling that several cast members, including many who have been with the show for more then 20 years, have been given their walking papers. The show refused to comment and the Days brass has already stated that they have a top secret story in mind that will revisit a recent storyline that flopped. The show apparently now has a new spoiler securit



Big Changes Ahead!!!!

Days of our Lives: A New Era Starting on May 1, Tim Lowery takes over the reigns of head writer of the 40 year old sudser. New executive producer Ned Yadroc could not be more excited about this turn of events. "It's great. Tim has a great vision and is gonna build upon all the progress the show has made these past 7-8 months. The show has been good but I still feel the last few years has left considerable damage in terms of some of the stories we have told and the way we left things." Se



Days Fave Returns!!

NICOLE IS BACK!!!! Arianne Zuker, who just left Days this past February to pursure other interests, is returning to the show this May. The return is said to be limited, according to setsiders, and it is rumored that the actress will not be returning alone. Does this mean that Salem's favorite vixen has finally found true love? Stay tuned.




THE NEW EDITION OF PHOENIX'S DAYS FAN FICTION IS COMING!!!! As many of you noticed, my fan fic kinda stopped being updated. It started off so well but then I had computer issues and lost all my work which led to me falling behind too much. I eventually just gave up which was a shame because my stories were very good. I also realized my format was all wrong and that its very hard for people to read long episodes like I was churning out. Alas, I have decided to start a whole new fan f




2/14/06 (A special all John and Marlena show as he takes her down a romantic trip down memory lane on Valentine’s day) -John wakes Marlena up with breakfast in bed which sparks a memory of a similar time. He rushes her out and he takes her to Titan before it opens. It’s the start of his planned romantic trip down memory lane to get her memories of him totally back. They go to the boardroom where they had their infamous affair. John decides to recreate that scene. He kisses Marlena and pa




2/13/06 -Alan tells Carrie she doesn’t need to be scared. He has changed. He makes this big speech about how he went through therapy and about how he went through so much therapy following being shot by Sami. He is no longer the same Alan. He says his family disowned him and all these years he has been alone in the world. He had a hard time getting a job and has been moving from small job to small job making just enough to live. He says he kidnaped her because he just returned to Salem



Updated Cast List as of 2/10/06 Episode

Contract Actors Frances Reid - Alice Horton Suzanne Rogers - Maggie Horton Drake Hogestyn - John Black Peggy McCay - Caroline Brady Deidre Hall - Dr. Marlena Evans Black James Reynolds - Abe Carver Alison Sweeney - Sami Brady Renee Jones - Dr. Lexie Carver Kristian Alfonso - Hope Williams Brady Peter Reckell - Bo Brady Lauren Koslow - Kate Roberts Josh Taylor - Roman Brady Arianne Zuker - Nicole Walker Jason Cook - Shawn Brady Farah Fath - Mimi Lockhart Melissa Reeves - Jenni




2/10/06 -Roman lets go of Austin at Carrie’s request. He asks Austin how he could do such a thing to Carrie and how Lucas could even let it happen and not stop it. Lucas apologizes and says that he just he wanted Carrie and took the opportunity that presented itself. Sami calls him a hypocrite for always complaining about her scheming when he did the same to get Carrie. Carrie says its not about Lucas, even though she is mad at him, its about Austin. Carrie is surprised when Eric takes A




2/9/06 -Lucas and Maggie have it out outside the Pub about her stealing the whiskey from the bar. He takes it away from her and then finds himself tempted to take a drink. He resists and consoles Maggie, who breaks down in his arms. They hear yelling inside and learn of Caroline’s affair with Victor in the castle and her never telling anyone, including her husband. This worries Maggie since its yet another reminder that secrets always come out. Lucas tells her to calm down but privately




2/8/06 -Everyone is now at the Brady Pub for the reception. They all toast to the lives of Shawn Sr, Mickey, and Claire. Pete says goodbye to Melissa and everyone else as he leaves. Mike, Jeremy, Laura, and Bill all head for the airport too after saying goodbye to Carrie, Lucas, Jen, Abby, Alice and the rest of the Horton’s. They promise to visit more. Same goes for Marie, Sandy, and Tommy who all leave as well. Don prepares to leave but is very concerned about Maggie. The same goes fo




2/7/06 (short episode today-just montages and eulogies so since I am behind I decided to give an outline of what happened since its hard to given this won’t be onscreen even though I wish it would be and if it were it would be a 2 hour show) -Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Billie, John, Marlena, and Hope give eulogies for Claire. We then see a short montage of Claire’s short life set to the song "Baby Love.” -Caroline, Kayla, Kimberly, Shane, Abe, John, Marlena, Shawn, Carrie, Bo, Sami, Hope Franki




2/6/06 -Maggie runs out of the church and bumps right into Sarah Horton. Melissa Anderson, Pete Jannings, Marie Horton, Tommy Horton, Bill Horton, Laura Horton, Mike Horton, Jeremy Jacobs, and Sandy Horton are all there too. They all met at the airport. They are reunited with Alice, Doug, and Julie. Pete says that he just had to come given how the Horton’s treated him and because of how much he cares about Melissa despite not being together anymore. Carrie is shocked to come face to face




2/3/06 -Caroline is at the Brady Pub when Roman and Bonnie show up to pick her up for the church. She is shocked to see them together but Bonnie vows to be there for Roman since he was there for her during Patrick’s funeral and the train wreck it became. He thanks her for being with him for support as she thanks him for the same. Caroline privately worries that her tryst with Victor will be somehow revealed at the funeral. She hopes Victor doesn’t try anything. -Jen, Frankie, Abby, and




2/2/06 -A formerly dressed Mimi finds a note from Shawn to meet her on the roof. She does and sees that the whole roof has been made up to look like a Parisian restaurant like the one they shared their first kiss in. Shawn comes up behind them and they kiss. They then eat dinner, as romantic french music plays in the background, and dance. They dance to their song, Lifehouse’s “You and Me,” and he vows to be there for her always and for their baby. He says they are gonna be a family an




2/1/06 -Carrie and Bo bump into each other on the pier. They about Hope and Austin. She tells him about Austin in Highstyle. He agrees not to say anything about it until she tells Austin herself. She confesses that she doesn’t know if she will tell him-she plans on just waiting until he learns of it on his own. She tells him to keep the faith and that Hope loves him. They will get through this. They hug. -Austin and Lucas talk. Austin admits not seeing a whole lot of Lucas lately.



January Episode Count

Preemptions: January 2 Episodes in January: 21 Episodes in 2006: 21 Suzanne Rogers (Maggie Horton)- 21 Kristian Alfonso (Hope Williams Brady)- 20 Peter Reckell (Bo Brady)- 20 Bryan Dattilo (Lucas Roberts)- 19 Peggy McCay (Caroline Brady)- 18 Alison Sweeney (Sami Brady)- 18 Farah Fath (Mimi Lockhart)- 18 Martha Madison (Belle Black Kiriakis)-18 Josh Taylor (Roman Brady)- 17 Jason Cook (Shawn Brady)- 17 Judi Evans (Bonnie Lockhart)-17 Melissa Reeves (Jennifer Horton Deveraux)-




1/31/06 -Everyone is still outside St. Luke’s after the botched funeral for Chelsea and Patrick. Shawn pulls Bonnie aside from talking to Roman to ask for permission to marry Mimi. Bonnie happily gives her permission and decides to go tell Belle. Meanwhile, Shawn makes romantic plans to propose to Mimi. He tells Mimi he has a surprise for her and that she will have a night she never forgets. -Bonnie gleefully tells Belle of Shawn’s plans to marry Mimi and be a family with her and t




[b]1/30/06 (long episode-I am still playing catchup so the big guest star episodes may not start until Wed so bare with me please-I don't have all that much free time lately) -Mimi, Belle, Shawn, and Bonnie all show up at St. Luke’s for the start of the memorial service for Patrick. Billie and Kate show up to mourn Chelsea. -Bonnie is still upset that the service is being shared but remembers Kate is paying for it all so she shuts her mouth. Caroline and Maggie show up saying they came



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