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A Days Fan Fiction by SON members PhoenixRising05 and Roman

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MATT ASHFORD OUT!! THE BLOODBATH CONTINUES!! WHO WILL BE NEXT!! As fans learned on last Friday's explosive cliffhanger show, Matt Ashford's character of Jack Devereux met his maker yet again after his car crashed his wife Jennifer and Frankie's wedding-literally. This time sources say Jack is really dead and he joins James Reynolds (Abe) as the second major vet to be cut loose. Brock Pierce (Josh) was also let go previously this month. Sources report the cast purging is far from over




When Days returns on Monday June 12, 2006: -Eric and Nicole reunite and face their biggest challenge ever. Why are they back in Salem? -Carrie is pregnant but who is the daddy? Does it make a difference since she may not even survive? -John's jet prepares to take off as Marlena watches her deadly plan unfold. -Hope, Lexie, Sami, Belle, Patrick, Tek, and John race to stop the plane. -Chelsea returns to Salem. -Victor and others begin to piece together what has been going on in Salem and



May 26, 2006

-Nicole is in her room at the Salem Inn when she receives a phone call. She tells the person she will be right there and takes off to a location unknown. -Bonnie and Celeste arrive at the wedding. Everyone comforts Celeste over Abe's death and she thanks everyone for that. Celeste begins to have the same visions she has been having about those on Morgan Island and in Salem. She then begins to hear the same Lizzie Borden rhyme Maggie and Alice heard during the SSK "killings" and she also hea



May 25, 2006

-Roman, Kate, John, Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Billie, and Bo are all waiting for word on Phillip. John used his ISA contacts. Belle begs Roman to let the Morgan Island police in on it. Roman says it would only drive Phillip's kidnappers farther away. John comforts Belle. She tries to seek out Shawn for comfort but looks at Mimi and backs off. Sami and Belle are worried about Marlena, along with everyone else. John says he is too and wonders if the "real" Marlena is really b



May 24, 2006

-Jack is still at the bar/inn the men brought him too. He thanks them for their hospitality but says he needs to go home ASAP but has no clue how. He is short on cash since he beleived he was going to die so he never worried about finances. At that moment, a women walks in. Jack is shocked to see her. It's GRETA!! She embraces Jack and admits she thought he was dead. Jack fills her in and Greta is very disappointed he would do what he did to Jennifer and his family but is touched by Jack



May 23, 2006

-Nicole arrives at the Salem Inn. She calls LA to make sure everything is ok at Highstyle and then reminisces about her time in Salem before she went to LA. She admits it's hard to come home to so many bad memories but does have some good ones thanks to Austin and Eric. She knows she has no shot with Austin and needs to give up on that. She thinks about Eric and then admits that she feels sure and hopes that this time Salem will bring her only good memories. -On Morgan Island, the police qu



May 22, 2006

-Mickey (played by John Clarke) arrives and hears Celeste scream. He rushes into the Horton house and finds her with Alice, Maggie, and Bonnie. He tries to calm the ladies but they are all upset by Celeste's visions of tragedy and death being in store for the people of Salem and those on Morgan Island and now she is saying that Abe is dead. Celeste is determined to reach her daughter and hopes her vision was wrong. -On Morgan Island, everyone is mourning Abe's death. Sami, Kate, Roman, and



Previews for Week of May 22, 2006

Previews for May 22-May 26, 2006 -Both Salemites on Morgan Island and in Salem itself mourn Abe. -Lexie learns why Abe went after Alex/Stefano. -Marlena's strange behavior worries John and her loves ones. -Tek and Patrick consider extreme measures as they worry about Marlena and what Tek may have unleashed. -Mickey tries to calm Alice, Maggie, Celeste, and Bonnie. -Nicole returns on a mission. -Jack comes face to face with a friend and makes a beeline for Salem. -Abby learns about Josh




FRIDAY MAY 26-A MUST SEE DAYS!!!! Days has announced it will be going on a two-week hiatus from Monday May 29, 2006 to Friday June 9, 2006 (In reality, I am going on vacation so rather then put up two week's worth of shows I am just going to have a huge cliffhanger and then come back full force with episodes). To keep fans hanging and to also bring them back after the break, the show will have a special super-size cliffhanger show on Friday May 26. The show will then pick up right where




REYNOLDS OUT!!! LET THE BLOODBATH BEGIN!!! As fans learned on the May 19 episode, James Reynolds' Abe Carver was revealed to be the beloved character to meet their demise during Stefano/Alex's escape attempt. Rumors have been swirling for weeks that major cuts were ahead as part of the show's revisiting of a "failed tale" that they are seeking to correct. Brock Pierce's Josh, better known as Abby's boyfriend, was recently killed off but his character was not part of the reported bloo



May 19, 2006

-Maggie is with Alice at the Horton House. They are happy to hear about Jen and Frankie and plan on going to the wedding the next day. Maggie says Mickey has been working so much she is lonely so she is happy to be spending time with Alice. Maggie goes upstairs to get something and begins to grab her head. Meanwhile, Alice is alone downstairs in the kitchen. She looks towards the wall and is shocked by what she sees. -Celeste continues to have bad visions about those in Salem and on Morgan



Young Actor OUT!!!

As fans already know, Brock Kelly's character "Josh" was killed off on the May 17 show. "The exit was storyline-dictated and the character simply never took off. We plan on taking our latest teen scene in a new direction and I am sure the fans will enjoy what we have coming for Chelsea, Max, and Abby,"says a show rep.



May 18, 2006

-Max and Abby continue to search for Chelsea and Josh. They finally decide to give up. He takes her home. They have a heart to heart about life and love and what her mom and his brother had and what her mom had with jack. They both agree they want that kind of love. They remark on how funny it would be if they hooked up given his brother and her mom. Frankie and Jennifer come downstairs and share the news of their engagement and wedding. Abby is excited. Jen and her talk about the plans.



May 17, 2006

-Celeste is at the Carver home. She wonders how Theo got all those words into his head about Alex hurting Lexie. She wonders if Tek planted them so Abe would kill Alex and go to jail, which would then free up Lexie for him. She worries about those on the island and in Salem based on her vibrations and visions of late. She uses her tarot cards to see what is in store for them all. -Jennifer wonders why Frankie said no to his proposal. She returns to her house and then her cell rings. It's



May 16, 2006

-Celeste shows up at the pub and is clearly upset. Caroline is there. They talk and Celeste tells her about her vibrations and how she feels tragedy and death are on their way to Salem and will also hit Morgan Island. Caroline is worried because she sees the worry in Celeste's eyes. Celeste talks about how many on Morgan Island want Alex dead, including Abraham, and maybe it has something to do with that. Celeste doesn't tell Caroline why Abe was so upset with Alex. Caroline and Celeste ho



May 15, 2006

-Abe envisions killing Alex while on the plane to Morgan Island. -Sami, Austin, Carrie, and Lucas help in the search for Alex and Marlena. Sami envisions killing Alex and is overheard once again by Austin. He confides his fears in Carrie and Lucas about her actually going through with murder to protect her mother (Austin doesn't know her other motivation which is to keep her secrets buried). While searching and talking about Carrie and Lucas's upcoming wedding, Sami and Lucas fantasize about



Teasers for Week of May 15, 2006

Sneak Peeks for Week of May 15, 2006 -Jennifer surprises Frankie and makes his dream come true. -Max and Abby lash out at Chelsea and Josh, which starts a life changing chain of events. -Two Salemites witness Victor's pier operation and thinks take a tragic and shocking turn. -Celeste confides in Caroline her fears for Salem and those on Morgan Island. -Jack wonders who saved him. He later goes against orders and leaves the hospital and, thereby, putting his life at risk. -Several Salem



May 12, 2006

-Maggie, Alice, Doug, and Julie help jennifer set up Chez Rouge for her surprise proposal for Frankie. jen has flashbacks of her life with Jack and wonders if maybe she is rushing into this. The Horten women tell Jennifer to trust her heart and it will tell her what to do. She has always loved Frankie, despite loving Jack more, and her kids love him. Jennifer remembers Jack's video and all the times he came to her pushing her towards Frankie per his wishes. She then has a terrible daydream



May 11, 2006

-Hope and Patrick get out of bed and get dressed. Patrick and Billie leave Hope and Bo to talk. Billie slaps Patrick and says she thought he loved her but all along he wanted Hope and once again she was second in line. Patrick said its true but he did care about Billie. He just had stronger feelings for Hope but, like her when it comes to Bo, didn't think he had a chance with her because of her marriage. Now though he might just like she might with Bo. Billie denies wanting Bo back but rem



May 10, 2006

-While on the plane, Bo and Billie discuss what happened in the cave after he rescued her from the river. They both agree to make nothing of it because he still loves Hope and nothing can change that. Kate overhears and tries to push Billie to fight for Bo and take what almost happened as a sign that he still loves her. Billie tells her to back off. Kate vows to make sure Billie ends up with Bo and to make all her children happy as well. Roman overhears and warns Kate that she always makes



May 9, 2006

-The searchers arrive at the airport to board John's jet. The tension between Belle/Shawn/Mimi is building as Mimi continues to be jealous of Shawn comforting her. Kate tells Mimi to call Belle out. Mimi takes Belle aside and reminds her who her husband is. Belle tells Mimi to back off-Shawn is her friend and she needs his support and could use her's too since she is her best friend. Mimi apologizes but given her history with Shawn she worries. Belle forgives her. -Lexie and Tek arrive.



May 8, 2006

-Victor is given instructions by the mysterious caller. He is told to use his criminal contacts to help in a drug shipment that will be passing through Salem. Victor's men are to move the drugs from the ship coming in to a private trawler on the far east side of the pier. The caller tells Victor the drugs are hallucinigens and that they were being transported through Salem by another associate before but the ISA started catching on so now they need to seek alternate measures. Victor asks why



Casting News and Updates!!!

John Clarke Returns!!! Days has lured back orginal cast member John Clarke to reprise his role as Mickey Horton. Expect him to air in at least five episodes but Days sources say it could turn into more. He is scheduled to reappear May 22. Who's In? Arianne Zuker (Nicole Walker): As previously reported, the popular actress returns on May 22. Jensen Ackles (Eric Brady): Ackles first airs on May 26. 3 Mystery People; Fans will notice a mysterious women lurking around Ja



Teasers for Week of May 8, 2006

Sneak Peeks for 5/8/06-5/12/06 -A group of many beloved Salemites head for Morgan Island to find Marlena and Phillip. -Jack returns and things take a mysterious turn. -Theo's words send Abe into a tailspin-and after the wrong guy. -Celeste predicts tragedy on Morgan Island and in Salem. -Jennifer tells Maggie she is afraid to be alone and wants to marry Frankie ASAP. -Patrick's dark side slowly begins to emerge. -Bo and Billie talk about what happened in the cave and catche Hope and Pat



May 5, 2006

-Lexie is in the living room by herself and is having trouble sleeping. She hears a knock on the window. It's Tek. She lets him in. He says he is not going to let her mother or anyone stop him from being with her. They kiss. -Patrick returns to hope after his meeting with Alex. Hope asks where he was and Patrick says he arranged a beautiful surprise for her. They go down to the beach and a gazebo decorated in flowers is waiting for her. There is a table with food and they sit down and e



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