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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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I LOVED Diane in her season but she has been such a dissapointment now. She was the most dominant player in season 5, breaking up the 4 Horseman, manipulating Drew, and taking down her entire alliance. Unfortunetly she fell for Drew and that ended up screwing her over in the end but she was an amazing player. She hasnt done a single thing this season.

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Diane disappointed me too. Where the hell did she go? Se was so feisty and bitchy and now she's whiny and boring. It's like two different people!

Janelle's got an uphill battle but I still love her and I am rooting her on. Marcellas is so two-faced though. He trashed Janie to Danielle and then hours later was up in the HOH room kissing her ass and talking like they were BFF. So, what's for real?

James is an ass and Kaysar and Janie are already onto him. James SAYS he would nominate Janelle, but frankly, I just don't think he has the balls.

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yes Diane is a bore. You could take her out of the game now and NOTHING would change bc she's such a non-entity in the house.

As for Marcellas, I think he is on Janelle's side, but he's trying to save his ass bc Janelle is a target now and he doesnt want to go down with her

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Diane doesn't have a Drew in the house, so she can't get into a showmance, which was a big part of her strategy last time. And someone, please tell me that SHOWMANCE, was now first coined by Boogie (or was it Jase that said that on the show?), because I'm seeing it everywhere now and I don't want him to have credit. LOL!

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I agree. This Diane is boring. She seems very depressed even outside of the game. When she talks about her life, she doesn't seem very enthused.

Marcellas, to me, is trying to get Danielle to target Janey instead of him. S6 has been onto James sine day uno! And they should be. You know Sarah is sitting home AGAIN this season screaming "Trust them, James! Trust them!" But instead he will trust the Ivette's and get sent home.

I am not worried about Janelle.

Howie and Kaysar will not betray her.

Marcellas and James won't betray her for a few weeks. *JMO!*

Will and Boogie will get rid of Kaysar or Howie before her.

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Honestly, I think CT needs to win HOH this week and they should put up James and Kaysar. If one of them wins POV, they put up Howie. This way, Janelle is safe and CT has kept their word to her. I think Will is playing by far the best game out of everyone there. James is being an ass and is scrambling. He needs to be evicted like yesterday. I knew Diane was going up, but I wanted her to put up James. However I knew if she did and she was in F2, Kaysar and Howie would probably not vote for her.

I think Janelle has made some dumb moves, but she can come back. She has to realize she is playing for herself and not for her alliance because look at James, he will nominate her asap.

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Jane(y) you ignorant slut! :lol:

Why didn't you throw Will out? Why?

You could have chopped that chicken's botoxed head off!

Who wouldn't have voted Will off, besides Boogie Woogie Doo?

Ya had em right there Janey...right there in your grasp and you let him go! Aaarrrggg!

I can't believe you did that...oh the humanity. Aaughhh!

I'm thinking about taking my Janey doll back to the store...

I don't get this NEW Darkside Janey*bathtub not included* (It scares me)

I want Malibu Janey back! She was all like loyal and stuff...but didn't Barbie also ditch Skipper and Ken?

...But alas any Janey is better than no Janey at all...You know I can't really stay mad at you.

You are my sweet babboo after all. You had me at "!@#$%^&*]es".

So thank you for keeping me entertained once again. It has been kind of boring lately in the

Big Brother House. Howie and Will yacking at the jaw for endless hours is a snooze fest.

I'm very excited to see what the future of this game will be.

Just as long as Power Girl wins the war. :P

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