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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Holy [!@#$%^&*].


I would LOVE Janelle voting out Will. That would be beautiful. I am nervous that Erika will scumbag her. Does anyone think Erika will stay true to her word? I hope so. I really really do otherwise Erika has to know she'll be the most hated player next to J-blow.

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I think Erika will got o F2 with Janelle bc this is her way of redeeming herself. She finally has a clue that Boogie has been playing her and that she looks like a fool on tv. For her to take Boogie to the end would further make her look like an idiot and I think she's trying to do damage control at this point

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Erika will say anything to save herself at this point.

I've got one word for you: Uhhhh, DANIELLE!!

Anyone remember that? "I can't beat you in the end, Danielle!"

I think Erika is playing Janey for a fool WAY more than CT has EVER done.

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I have no trust in Erika,I think she'd take Boogie to final if Janelle keeps her...., but if Janelle votes Will out, at least that'll make her feel a little better when the show is over imo for the way he played her. I think Janelle knows no matter what she does, she has to win the hoh to get to final 2 anyhow.

I REALLY wanted a Janelle/Will final because I consider them the best players (even though I hate the way Will played)...but seeing Janelle kick his butt to the curb , will be quite enjoyable to watch.

I hate that Boogie will have a good shot of going to final 2 with whomever Janelle decides to keep :(

I'm glad the girls realize how they been played now.

Go Janey Go!!

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:wub: I think I've just fallen back in love with the Buxom Blonde Bombshell!!! :wub:

If she follows through, she will have proven beyond a shadow of doubt that she is THE BIG BROTHER ALL STAR!!! She'll deserve every friggin' persons vote on that damn jury!

I hope Will doesn't get to her before tonight's eviction.

***sending vibes to Janie*** PLEASE, JANIE! DON'T LET WILL GET TO YOU!!!

And Boogie is just plain pathetic. So, if Will goes, he's going to [!@#$%^&*] and piss on Janelle and slap both girls with his balls? Who says shyt like that? I really wish it was him leaving tonight.

KR, why are you so worried about Erika? Remember, the final HOH competition is a three parter. Even if Janelle loses the endurance, she can win the second and final round. The flip could happen if Will stays in the game.

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I don't understand how this is worse than evicting Erika. Janelle has no chance of going to F2 unless she wins the final competition, and she has a better shot against Erika/Boogie than Will. Erika is good at endurance, but I don't think she has a shot against Janelle in the Q&A part. This is her best move.

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I'm thinking Janelle will be in bed for most of the day so that that's a good thing! (however, if Will needs to talk to her, it won't be his first time waking her up to discuss what he wants done).. Erika just better not give the boys any "hints" or signs of what may happen.

If Janelle does go through with this, can you imagine how Boogie is going to react?? LOL Danielle's little Crazy show won't be nothing compared to this!!

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Erika's not going back on her word.

She's not going to win the HOH. If she won HOH she will vote Boogie out.

The best thing for Erika is to throw the HoH.

If Boogie won and evicted Janelle, I could see Erika winning this now. Janelle, Howie, Marcy & George would be votes for Erika.

The producers are gonna want a Janelle victory so I'm pretty sure the HoH will go to Janelle and then Bam Booger's gone.

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In the past 4 years I have NEVER liked Erika but my opinion of her certainly has changed this week. That Sunday show definetly made me feel alot of sympathy for her and the fact that she has a clue and is ready to plot Boogie's downfall is just amazing. Who would have thought that these 2 girls would take down Will? The fact that she's teaming up with Janelle to do it makes me start to like her a bit and Im rooting for those two in F2

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In my eyes, Janey had a 50.50 percent chance of winning the F3 with Boogie and Will since Will won't compete.

Now, she has a 33% chance of winning. Erika will win the endurance HOH. Which makes it 50/50 with the second HOH challenge......against Boogie.

Then, even if she wins that, she still has to beat Erika. Boogie will shomance her into booting Janelle once Will is gone. Also, Erika's not a total moron. She knows what she has to do to win, like she did with Danielle. She won't have to be convined very much.

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