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Big Brother 7: Offical Spoiler Thread


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Janelle has all the power and just because she and Will are flirting, she is a gameplayer. She has the power. She could very easily get rid of him. I think it would be smarter to get rid of Erika because Erika is better than her at endurance comps. But I am nervous that she will get rid of the ultimate goal, Will. If she does take out Will, I agree with KR, WIll is F2.

Give us what we want, a Will/ Janelle F2!!!

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I imagine Janelle will win this veto, forcing Mike to put Will on the block. Janelle will evict Erika and therefore resulting in a final three of Will, Mike and Janelle. From those three, I can easily forsee Janelle and Will making it to the final two. If these two do make the final two, I see the jury votes playing out as follows:

Marcellas: Janelle (hates Will)

Howie: Janelle (close to one another)

James: Janelle (Will went against L.O.D)

Danielle: Janelle (cuz Will betrayed the L.O.D)

George: Janelle (their secret agreement)

Erika: Janelle (cuz C.T lied to her)

Mike: Will (speaks for itself)

Anyone think the votes will go differently if Janelle and Will are the final two?

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I do. I think its a given that Howie will vote for J and Mike will vote for W.

After that, anything is up for grabs. But I have some predictions.

On the Early Show, Danielle and George both said that they would vote for Janelle. However, this is before any questions asked and it si a heat of the moment question. They will have time to think. I still think George will vote for J though.

I think Erika will vote on who she thinks screwed her over the least. She doesn't care about gameplay. She voted for Jun because Alison voted her out. But she knows Will set this up so she will vote Janelle.

Danielle wanted the S6 people broken up and Will successfully did that. I think she may vote for him.

James has always said in a number of interviews that if Will makes it to the F2, he would vote for him.

Marci if he has calmed down enough will vote for Janelle.

But to summarize:

Will has: Janelle has:

James Howie

Booger George

The rest are up to questions but Danielle is leaning towards Will, Erika towards Janelle and Marci is deciding vote

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I could be way off because maybe people don't want to give the money to someone who has already won it, so maybe he will only get Boogers vote.

Either way, if it is a Janelle/Will F2, I would be happy if either one.......just more happy if Will won :)

OT: There is a board that I am part of and there is a huge janelle fan base. They call themselves the LOJ, the Legion of Janelle. I always think (fondly) of you guys, but they get vicious over there. Not about Janelle, it's the Will lovers that get vicious. Its a very clear line and man, it is vicious, you can't love both like I do.

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