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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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no I didnt hear but thanks bc I would have tuned in on Saturday...lol. This is a good thing bc I forgot about the Saturday show several times

Some good news. CBS.com will offer ALL episodes up for free viewing on through the website this season. Here's the link with more info: Link

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Actually, after ranting and raving, I just found out that BB WILL air on July 13th. D'oh. Found it here: http://www.cbs.com/info/hdtv/index.php

Soooo ... not too bad after all.

Thursday, July 6th - Episode #1

Sunday, July 9th - NO EPISODE

Tuesday, July 11th - Episode #2

Thursday, July 13th - Episode #3 (First Eviction)

Still kinda rushed, which sucks. I hate how everything is like crammed in one episode. I hated last seasons premiere episode where we had them move in, HoH AND nominations (which, judging by the episode layout, we'll probably get that again this year).

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Well, yeah, Danny I agree. They SHOULD do that, but of course they don't. Just like Survivor will never again get a 90 minute premiere, which they NEED. Sigh. I'm in a bitchy ranting mood today already.

I bet on the first eppy we get houseguests reveal, whatever twist they have, HoH, and nominations. The second episode on the 11th will be the veto and the 13th the eviction. I *suppose* they could hold off on nominations until the 11th, but I doubt they will. Sigh.

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No word on feeds from what I can hear (in terms of deals). I hear RealPlayer upped the price for the 3-month season pass to 40 bucks, up from 30. I forgot to cancel last year and they just took out 29 again the other day, so I'm set for the summer. I'll cancel after it's over this year. I turned on the feed this morning, there's a newer higher resoultion, 350, instead of 256 or whatever. I have DSL but the 350 plays a little shitty for me, so I went to 56K and it comes in quite well. Of course not the actual BB feed from the house, what they are showing is a really cool ocean shot and the BB theme music playing. I've got the links where the feed never loops or times out and constantly plays, if anyone wants them later.

And usually, the Houseguests move in on the Sunday before the premiere. So it should be tomorrow (July 2nd). I've also heard they move in on Monday (July 3rd). So ... it's one of those two days.

Oh, and actual feed from the house will start July 6th, after the premiere.

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Wow. That seems awfully quick, but I guess it's the same as usual. We knew Rachel was the first HOH was in the first episode last year didn't we?

It is rushed, but on the plus side, they'll have a lot of good material. We won't have to sit through the boring [!@#$%^&*], hopefully.

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Season 2 was by far my favorite. I started watching it because I kinda knew who Mike Boogie was as I went to the same JR high as him although he was a few years older than me. Most people knew who was because he was the stand in for Matthew Perry on Friends at one point.

At first I hated Will, then I absolutely fell in love with him. He was so sarcastic and played the game so well. Season 3 was ok, 4 was horrid and I hated 5. I wasn't goingto watch 6 but I did. I may be one of the few people in the minority who hate Kaysar. I think he played the game poorly and I do not believe he deserves a third chance at this game. I loved James and Howie and hated Janelle at first but now I adore her.

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