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Big Brother 7: Official Discussion Thread (NO Spoilers)


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Noooooo! My Janie :(


But I told you all it would be Mike and Erika, LOL. I knew it when they were announced in the Top 20.

I also knew going into it that Janelle would be out third. Not sure why, I just had this gut feeling she was toast. Damn.

But hey, at least she was in EVERY episode yet again :)

AND she's going to win $25,000! No way in hell anyone but her wins it.

Erika's going to win. It's Romber all over again.

I also totally see Janelle hosting a comp next year -- hell, she should replace Julie Chen! Or be the host of HouseCalls...

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Well I am not happy with the final 2. I am still disappointed Will is not in there. Will deserved to win this. He strategically played them all. He deserves that $25,000 from America's Vote but as with all the America's Votes since last year, I am sure Janey will get it. Either of them or Danielle will be okay.

I was hoping for a Will and Danielle final two.

I think tonight was the best show of the year. It was so good. Loved seeing Boogie so mad, and see more of the fallout from the girls getting Will. Loved Will's comments about both cheeks still being red. He is so funny. And glad Howie acted more his age tonight.

And boy it didn't take Danielle or James long to call Janey on her comments to appease the jury. Marcellus was dumb enough to buy it. I think Janey was seriously upset about Marcellus, but still she was just trying to get his vote. She's not dumb but she didn't fool everybody.

Well it was a good season, and now if Erika can beat Boogie it will be even better. I don't care for the final 2 but Erika is better than Boogie.

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Janelle and Will as a team!!!

He's probably suck there, since everything is physical and there's no time to manipulate people.

Anyway, I hope Erika wins. Booger hasn't done [!@#$%^&*], he's hidden behind Will and taken credit for stuff Will has done.

Erika had the balls to take out Danielle, and got Janelle to get rid of Will.

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I'm seriously not mad at all that Janelle was voted out. I knew it was coming and my god, she was a target on DAY ONE and she go to the final three -- again. That's huge! I applaud her. I was furious last year but this season, I'm not.

Still, what a yucky final two. I'm actually going to skip the finale and watch Dancing with the Stars instead! Bring on JERRY SPRINGER! LOL.

Oooh... Janelle for Dancing with the Stars 4!

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LOL! My parents just called me. EVEN THEY'RE PISSED!

They HATED Janelle all last year and until about week three this year.

Their fav was Alison (Pennsylvania Pride.)

I thought they'd stop watching when I moved back to school. :lol:

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