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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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We might need to apply this sentiment to Ted too! I don't know, but the masquerading of being an upstanding man while paying off some nutty woman to keep quiet about the sleazy tryst you had with her seems extra skeevy. Too bad for Ted that the money payoff didn't stick because now she's baaaaack.

Edited by Vanguardian53
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I want to add couple of things to this.

We know that:

Hayley befriended the family and Naomi was her best friend. 

We know that she became Bill's assistant... And Dani actually encouraged this. 

That's when the real issue began. They "fell in love".

The strange and bizarre claim that he took advantage of someone who was raised in that family or underaged... Not full grown woman... To me... At this point... Is absurd. Yes... she is a young woman, but she is not a child or underaged. 

If that had happened that way...  we would have heard Dani accuse Bill of being a sicko like one million times by now. And we would have commented 10029290 million times about that. Because that would have really been sick.

Let's not twist reality into these dangerous assumptions. We have no reason to believe Bill was a child molester. None of us would find him attractive if that was the case!!! I take offense to anyone thinking I will ever find an actual monster like that... Sexy. 

Bill is a lot of things... But what is being said right now... Is not the reality.

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You know, as we talk about what we want from the Ashley/Derek storyline, I just thought of something else I want to see. We've heard through the dialogue that Nicole and Vanessa are close friends but I don't think we've had even one scene of them together. I do think Nicole could benefit from a friend so I'd like to see them start to develop that relationship. 

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Something unfavorable I think is going to happen in the Derek/Ashley/Andre camp. Probably not an actual rape, but consensual sex between Andre and Ashley that somehow gets depicted that he went too far with her. Derek finds out and his concussion has him pulling a "Vivian Alamain" on Andre. Lol.

Lastly, Martin's nightmares of something that he doesn't remember reminds me of the device that soaps used back in the day to depict childhood sexual abuse. The sounds of the gunfire might've been him killing his abuser as a child. He's blocked it all out but his grandparents and Bill know all of the gory details.


Edited by Vanguardian53
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This seems like something they obviously rewrote when they cast Cady as Pamela. I'm not sure we'll get more scenes from Vanessa / Nicole until we get to the point where they didn't reshoot (which we don't know when that happened). I suspect that the lunch they had to establish their friendship was one of those scenes they inserted. 

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Until further notice changes things, I will continue to think this about Bill, and I know others who think this also & people making strange & absurd accusations about this, my stated opinion, better knock it the hell off. It is news to me that some of you don't think this. I must admit that I am more than a little offended. And, so this is where we leave it.

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Honestly I don't think it's been stated in the dialogue how old Hayley was when Bill and Dani met her.

I gave details on my perceptions of the situation in my post on the previous page. (but of course they are only my perceptions and not proven truths).  I tried to be openminded and look at various ways it could be perceived.

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