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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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In that early episode, when Ted came off the elevator and didn't see Leslie, but she saw him...
When I first watched the episode on its original airdate, I thought Ted had seen Leslie, but it had been so many years since he'd last seen her that he didn't recognize or or it simply didn't register in his mind.

Another interpretation I had back then (on first watching) was that he was being the "important" doctor who didn't "see" the random "nonperson" Leslie who was just any of the poor random people walking by.   As might be depicted on some shows/movies
when a self-important character walking down the sidewalk doesn't notice anyone sitting on the edge of the sidewalk -- because they are perceived as "lesser" or unworthy of notice.
This was NOT shown in the BTG episode ... just a random thing that I imagined Ted was doing, so that is why Leslie's presence didn't register to him.
(just a possible interpretation I had back then, which proved to be incorrect)

So I thought it was one of thesethings:
Ted actually saw her and knew her well in the past, but didn't recognize/remember her after all these years.  Or, his mind didn't notice her at all due to his self-importance ignoring lesser people in general.  
Or perhaps a third alternative: Maybe he knew her for only a few hours many years ago, so he really would not have recognized her even if he studied her closely.
Or a fourth alternative: Maybe they never met at all in the past, and she saw him once from afar and has fixated on him for decades.

So then I was shocked when he recognized her after her fake suicide attempt manipulation with Nicole.  Did he not recognize her the first time because of her silk press hairstyle?  Did she have lighter-colored wavy hair when he knew her all those years ago, and therefor the wig she used in the fake suicide episode -- did that wig cause him to remember her finally?

Well no I was wrong again! LOL.  None of my theories were correct.

Thanks for the post upthread of the video clip of the early episode of their first encounter at the elevator when she saw him but he didn't see her.
LOL it was all so simple.  He was preoccupied with his phone and didn't see her at all. LOL.

And when he saw her after the fake suicide, it was clear that he'd known her well in the past and that her hairstyle didn't matter, he really knew her.

Just laughing at myself and my incorrect guesses.


Thanks to @Cheap21 for posting this:

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Amazing - truly outstanding that they’re holding steady and even growing. Unprecedented for these times. They’re also skewing younger (more attractive to adverting $$$) and more diverse (55% of the audience being Black in the first week), which is very good. CBS must be happy so far. 

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It would be interesting if they took more of a UK approach when it comes to people leaving the show, By that I mean not focusing so much on recasts. A good way to keep the show fresh and not so boggled down is introducing new characters and families but US soaps tend to shy away from that. 

Right now we have so many characters whose past is a mystery and I'd much rather dig into their history in these first few years as opposed to always feeling like you have to recast if someone leaves. We still don't know if Ashley has siblings, we know very little about Bill and Haley's family, we haven't met the McBride kids, etc. 

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I'm so proud of MVJ. And the entire production and crew. All the actors and writers. And I'm also happy that I'm giving my small contribution by watching religiously and encouraging everyone I know... To watch. I am so excited to see the ratings climb. 

Edited by Maxim
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Surprised yet happy for them. I admit when i first learned of this soap a year ago, I  didnt think there was any chance it could be a success in today's landscape but boy am I wrong. Its renewed my interest in daytime television and Im now watching daily for the first time in almost a decade. Kudos to them bc thats an experience others are also having

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Well...not bored yet. It's been ages since I've liked a soap that I usually watch it twice. 


Like I said yesterday, it was another day of B and C stories. What I really liked was that to be honest, the A plot (the trials and tribulations of Dani) and B plot (Nicole/Ted/Silk Press Sheila) are rotating debatably well. And in this case and a few other episodes, they can be moved to C plot while spotlighting other plots, characters, and dynamics. It bolds well for when the new A plots and B plots start up (beyond May Sweeps?). And I have complete confidence that when they finally officially climax, there will already be a new central plot slowly simmering in the background...assuming it is not already (looking at you, Martin murder secret). 


Since the first episode, I figured that Jacob and Naomi was our initial tentpole young couple. So they would get drama eventually so thank you, Bill/Dani. I'm in the minority, but I love them. Of course, I'm bias because like I said yesterday and on other threads, I'm a sucker for the good guy cop. I like that their drama (so far) has been realistic and relatable. And since the first frame of them was them having sex all day, I know they love each other, and I want them to work it out. So I am happy they came to an understanding. For now. I was happy we got another flashback and probably a bit of foreshadowing for them. Not helped by the introduction of Jacob's partner. I agree with Jacob. He's an a$$. 


Bill and Dani are sooooo having hate sex, aren't they? lol. I loved the double press conference. And how Dani outmaneuvered him by playing it to the hilt. And taking accountability...which she was already doing on screen in spite of everyone trying to get her out of her mess. We even got a cute Vernon/Anita scene where they finally voiced Dani's fragile state. Not helped by that coda of her with her phone. And then Bill is basically cyberstalking her, too? No wonder Caroline/Tomas had their little convo hinting at the fact that Bill and Hayley are already having cracks in their marriage. 


Poor Silk Press Sheila. She's not expecting that Eva longs for a father. Or that she might have grown to care about her targets. And that actress is playing it sooooo well. I'm looking forward to answers to this plot because there are so many theories and I'm down for it. But we know I love Nicole and am so invested in her and her family. Good choice to have them as the B plot. 


I'm always here for the Have-Nots. LOL. That's how you do humor. js. AND we get the tea.


I really love the Kat/Chelesa relationship. They get such good scenes. And it reminds me of how me and my cousin are. And I really love how Kat had NO reaction to Chelesa and her sexuality. Come thru, 2025!!! It should be a non-issue. And soaps really do not explore bisexuality too much at all. Or the concept of no labels. 


I'm not sure how I feel about TomKat yet. Love you, Toups, but the online community has already dubbed it.

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 While I love Kat, I still need a feel for the acting playing Tomas. On paper, they sound perfect given how ambitious they both are. And their first scene was good. But this episode I was meh. 


Shoutout to wardrobe because those conference dresses were WOOF!!! 

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I heard something rather amazing but it's a negative, which is fine as there's gonna be constructive criticism. We heard already that they really had a tough time of it getting started. This is solidly in that vein. Supposedly to get the scenes of the townies, gossiping in the diner, it took 9 hours. Now that that has sunk in, 9 hours is nuts.

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And THAT is how you do Cliffhanger Friday!!! How they going to top them this Friday.

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But seriously, good to see it. 


Or perhaps she will be like the villain/villainess of old...who leave...but comes back into plot as needed down the road. 


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