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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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Bill is hysterical at the dueling press conferences, in the best way. TKD is so good at this stuff. Calling Dani a 'raging bull!' "Dani Dupree is a manipulative serpent!" LMAO! They'll be waist deep again by September. This stuff is all great and well-cut together, with the have-nots watching at Orphey Gene's.

Less great: Jacob's hilarious intro scene with Marcel Malone, poor acting and writing on both sides. "Maybe you thought I could act because I am a venerated detective and also an old man. But you were wrong!"

Edited by Vee
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From Episode #2 (Feb. 25). Martin and Smitty are talking about their kids and they mention that Tyrell is 17 and Samantha is 16.  So not twins.

The list of official character descriptions has a different character(s) as parent(s) of twins; but since this hasn't aired yet, I'll put it behind spoiler tags.

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The show continues to move along. I thought this weeks scripts were better than last weeks. Everything is a little plot heavy, but I don't think that's a terrible idea when you are trying to establish a show with a cast and crew that doesn't have intense dytime experience. I wouldn't want to see lengthy monologues wasted because the actors, and writers, are still finding their footing. 

The Nicole / Ted / Eva / Leslie story continues to be the most intriguing. In recent years, when long lost children are introduced I don't feel like the effort is put into the parent other than the established lead so seeing Leslie's perspective is refreshing. I don't mind that Ted had an affair once. It's not the same as Bill marrying Hayley. Both may be ramifications from an affair, but both are in very different stages. Parallel plots are not uncommon. I might be a bit more concerned if Leslie and Ted were shacking up at the moment from the start, but that doesn't even seem to be a story possibility. Eva worming her way into the Richardson family is fun and her dynamic with Kat continues to be full of potential. I'm not sure where they are going with the Eva / Andre angle, but despite potentially being cousins, I think that is the most intriguing possibility presented for Andre. 

I don't think Nicole knows as much about the affair as others have suggested. Otherwise, why wouldn't Ted tell Nicole that Leslie was back? I don't think Ted knows about Eva because that would have been something he should have asked about when he saw Leslie. Though, it may just be the writing team not being on the same page as MVJ, but I don't really think that is the issue. 

The domestic stuff for the Martin Richardsons was fine. I'm still not wowed by Mike Manning and think Claybon will become more comfortable in time. Martin isn't a likeable character though I get the sense that he is driven to that point by his insecurities regarding his secret from the past as well as his sexuality. I'm glad to see Martin / Smitty kiss though that wasn't the only thing that left me feeling the show was uncomfortable with their sexuality. Though, my other concern, not addressing the element in the room that Martin is concerned about being gay in the public eye, was addressed wonderfully by Samantha. I also don't hate the set up wiht the older kids because it is different. I am not going to complain about a show launching with four generations of a black family. Also, I don't think there is any need to adjust the family relations to meet the needs of the casting of actors. Tamara Tunie, Karla Mosely, and Daphne Duplaix are all too young for their parts, but I'd rather have them then cast older just to meet the demands set in the writing. Though, that's a probably a belief that isn't prevalent here, which is fine. 

The Ashley / Derek stuff was better than earlier stuff, but the bar was super low.

The McBride family stories aren't bad in concept, but there is so little sense of the two as a couple for either thread to be as compelling as they are. I hope there is follow up on Doug skipping out on Vanessa to go to the game arranged by Joey. I think if the show were to explore organ trafficking with Doug / Joey, that has potentially to be interesting though I cannot help but wonder if it won't be Doug giving Joey access to Vanessa and her real estate connections. 

The Dani / Bill / Hayley stuff is tough for me because the angle I'm most interested in (Hayley) seems to be underplayed. I think Hayley's acceptance, or fight for acceptance, into Fairmount Crest is the most intriguing element. I can't wait for someone to drop the bomb on Hayley that Bill blackmailed the Duprees into showing up and Hayley wondering what he has over them. I want to see her try and hire household staff only to be unable to with Bill telling her the Duprees have blackballed them when it is actually Bill trying to keep Hayley tied to the house. 

Bill and Dani are toxic in the best soapy way, but I'm not seeing them as the divorced couple drawn together because they should be rather because they are both messy. 

I think the Naomi / Jacob stuff fell flat because Naomi's rationale was weak for supporting Dani. I wish they had explored more of what Naomi had said to Chelsea in the first week about how demanding and controlling Dani is. I would have angled the Naomi and Jacob conflict about how Naomi and family always have to keep Dani from going off the deep end and situations like this would make it worse. I would have had Dani at least blame Jacob a little to cause the drama stick, but it would have been more meaningful if Jacob made the point he has already compromised his moral integrity by not doing anything at the wedding. 

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The story literally writes itself! You'd have Nicole as the perfect golden child. Martin as the youngest and only boy. Feeling the weight of continuing the family name. Trying to make a name for himself and get out of his father's shadow. Torn between his own desires and what's expected of him. 

Then you have Dani as the neglected middle child who had to fight her whole life to be seen and heard. Which explains her personality disorder and pursuing fame via her modeling career. Perhaps in this alternate version Dani/Vernon have a colder relationship, and Bill was the first man in her life who truly made her feel seen. Which would explain why losing him pushed her so far over the edge.

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Smitty's only role in Martin's life is to take care of the children, do the laundry, grocery shop... be there for whatever, whenever. It's giving 1950s housewife. And not the most respected one. I don't like that, because as much as we are alike... gay married couples have different dynamics than straight married couples. Believe me... I am in one... married to my husband... and we know plenty of gay couples just like us. I've seen a lot of examples... and nothing is THAT straight-basic giving in vibes. Sorry, but that's my opinion.

I agree... that the age should have been at least elementary-middle school. I could have bought it... Right now... if Samantha was not wearing the infantile hairstyle... she looks the same age as Smitty. And the whole... let's now be happy and merry... after Martin just emotionally abused Smitty... is not my cup of tea. I'm not one that buys these types of superficial commercial like family portraits. 

Smitty needs to escape this hell hole that Martin calls family. Or he'll wake up one day and find himself in his mid-50s... done nothing but laundry and dinner. (Nothing against that... IF YOU WANT THAT only - Kudos to you. BUT Smitty wants more.)


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This to me is exactly what MVJ is writing. Martin so concerned, as the Duprees are, with how things look, so of course he wants this to be a picture perfect heteronormative couple, but that is a problem, why? Because the Mike Manning character wants more & why wouldn't he? He would. And, we want that for him.

I would add one very important word, dissatisfied 1950s housewife. If this were what he wants, it would be different, but it's not, it’s just not.

(I'm sorry but I really hate his character name.)


Edited by Contessa Donatella
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