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BTG: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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I’m on the other side of the fence of y’all.

I didn’t think yesterday’s episode was bad, but it was all wayyyy too fast. In the terms of pacing, it almost felt like an episode of B&B. They really should slow it down a little.

And yeah… #FreeSmitty

Martin’s mad that Smitty going back to work might look bad to his constituents or whatever but has no problem with how Dani’s problem might make him look? OK. 

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See? This is why I watch twice. There is always so much going on and I always pick up on interesting things I missed.


Most importantly...how did I miss Dani's photoshoot??? GUUUURL...I CAN'T WITH HER LOL!!! She makes it so hard for me to hate her when she be so unserious sometimes. 


I really thought it was a nice Monday episode. It not only dealt with the aftermath of Dani's arrest, but the Friday cliffhanger with Nicole and Silk Press Sheila. And both plots had interesting dynamics in play and plot movements while giving nuances.


Dani, Dani, Dani!!! From being sad to putting on a show to going back to being stuck on Bill again. I was right there with Anita with Dani being deluded. Not that she was completely wrong. And I liked that she and Hayley both see how Bill is attaching to the Duprees even though the ladies had called a truce. I continue to love seeing Hayley growing her backbone, making her into a favorite to watch. And I love it was her that got Dani off. And Bill? He planned Dani's humiliation down to a tee. Tipping off the press. Having Jacob do the arrest. Again aiming his anvil about Martin over him. Gloating to his own daughter who was already feeling guilty over that incrimnating video. Bill gives good Son of a bitca. 


And ooooh the craziness of Silk Press Sheila. She acted her butt off. And she played her slyness to the hilt. Her little wink to Ted. And I gasped when it turned out that Ted DID know Silk Press. So now I have so many questions. Because I wonder if the affair was long and it stopped six months ago like Silk Press Sheila said to Nicole. The dangerous game going on with her and Nicole was interesting to watch. And I loved the confrontation scene between Ted and her. Though I did not like MJ did not really react to Silk's wink in the hospital scene.


I liked how Ashley was used to get an idea of what was going on. And of course since she and Derek are couple friends with Jacob and Naomi, they were going to talk about it. But poor Jacob and Naomi...it was nice that since they were the first together young couple we saw, they finally got to have some angst, thanks to Bill. And I felt for them, a sign of both actor/ress having made enough chemistry, that I hope they work it out. Cuz...yum...on Jacob.


But not to be outdone in the trivial department...that blue sweater was looking good on MM. And I'm always down for a bubble so thank you, BC. But it was nice to see all the green actors are truly showing a sign of becoming comfortable in their characters. Or at least from what I saw. 


Really unexpected things was seeing Eva and Andre interact. And I found that intriguing. And also...Randy was truly being a friend to Doug...which I thought he was just a childhood friend who really didn't care about Doug. But it seems like he really does. So he must feel so conflicted. 




Agree. A typical Monday episode. And that was not a BAD thing. 



I did like Anita tried to make Naomi understand so she would not be ticked. But given how Naomi was all about how she had escaped from her mother's craziness, I don't mind that she still has moments when she's trying to be there for her. And she wasn't wrong in her talk with Jacob about a heads-up. Especially since he was being weird with her on that phone call, and her being a lawyer, she picked up on it quickly. So of course she called out the phone call. He had a chance and said jack.


But...hopefully, they will work it out. Dani ain't even mad at him. Too busy taking poses.

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That's how I feel. I still love the show... It's only just beginning after all... But this 3rd week started on a misstep for me. Nothing that can't be fixed of course... For now.

BTW, Dani is officially a cartoon network character. I am not finding her endearing anymore. Just annoying. I am taking back any Erica Kane comments I made... because it will be offensive to Erica Kane. 

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I don't think you're wrong. As a matter of fact, I suspect this very thing. If you really think about it, given the facts we do know & the characters as we've come to know them, this fits, to a tee, perfect 10/10. And, I also think about the weekenders, not us since we are daily fiends, but the many folk without the luxury of daily time. So, let's see if we were binging on the weekend to catch up, well, wouldn't today just be another day in the life of Fairmont Cresters?!!!

I'm okay with Ashley but don't get me started, at all, on Derek. You have been suitably warned.

I love me some Dani & for that reason I hate this for her. But, I don't think you're wrong. It's a shame but Dani's got it bad for this LOUT. As for his feelings, who gives a hoot? Oh, right, Dani does. 

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Episode 11: 

The actors playing Martin and Jacob might be problems.  They didn't come through with the material in this episode.  I still like Derek/Ash and the actors.  Nicole is my favorite (character and actress) Daphnee did a great job with the material.  And wow, Trisha Mann-Grant as Leslie. She's amazing. She made the Cruella campy plot and dialogue work. I still feel Dani's story and character are messy (feels like more than one cook in the kitchen deciding about the character).  The Dupree living room scenes were good but not yet at the level of the best of the Quartermaines or Abbots.  I would have had Anita point out Bill's possible motive in dropping the charges (that he still wants Dani in some way) instead of having Dani be so observant/astute about it. In a few days, Dani has shot up the country club and had sex with Andre in addition to her other antics and she's suddenly clearheaded about all the chaos she created? This would have given Tamara more to work with as Anita. I'm still waiting for MVJ to give Anita more strength, opinions and definition.   

I need to count how many of the male characters have goatees.

The outline was well done by Bibel. Paige's script was better than Friday but still had some stale lines.   

Overall, the show was entertaining and as a veteran soap watcher of the best (Slesar, Marland, Nixon etc.) I'm surprised I'm still tuning in.  

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Just a note. (Not sure whether this would be better placed in the historical thread or here.) Today is the first day I see that one episode has now passed off of the episodes that Para+ maintains. So, from this we can know that they keep 10 episodes plus the current listing, or 11 total. 

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I agree with everyone who said today's episode moved fast.  I do think Dani is a little over the top.  I had hoped she would mellow some.  I did however LOVE her mug shot photo shoot.. hilarious!!!!!!  

Naomi and Jacob- Every married couple has to have conflict and I see this being their conflict.  Do I think Dani maybe turning a blind eye to her mom's shenanigans, perhaps.  But I do think that this crack in their marriage is going to grow and I wonder who will be in the wings to pick up the pieces for both. 

Ted and Leslie/Dana-  LOVE their scenes and LOVE how CRAZY Leslie/Dana is being.  I want to know more, did Ted cheat on Nicole or was she his former girlfriend who he left when he met Nicole and why did he pay her?? Did he know about the baby.......

Or is Eva really his child or did Leslie/Dana kidnap her or lie to her and it is revealed that she really isn't Ted's daughter.  I liked her scenes with Andre, but DEFINITELY do not want to go an incest route here. 

Ashley/Derek- Derek is loosening up, but I did think Ashley did a better job her (and I may be in the minority) and I would like to see the Ashley character fleshed out more. Also, I would love to see her and her mom given a back story.....like who is her dad?? Could it be the shady Joey played by Jon Lindstrom. I also would like them to explain the backstory between Ashley and Andre. From the initial scene it appeared as if they knew each other previously, and you know it is being set up for a triangle between Derek/Ashley/Andre.  

As for Dani with Bill, I had hoped she was correct on Friday when she told her family she was moving on, but it is obvious she is still pretty much infatuated with Bill.  Do I think she loved Bill, yes at one point I do....but now I think she LOVED the life he provided for her and their family too, and that is what she misses. She spent most of her adult life with him.  I do think they need to bring in another love interest for Dani though. 

Joey and Randy-  Interested to see the backstory between them. Are they going to be BTG version of Sonny/Jason?? Also, what if Joey has some connection with Doug's wife Vanessa.  

Bill and Haley-  I loved Haley standing up to Bill over Dani yesterday.  While I don't agree with what she did to end that marriage, I do think Haley won't tolerate Bill's nonsense and I don't see the marriage lasting very long. I do hope that Dani can soften towards Haley a bit in the future.  A friendship between the two might be interesting.  


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