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B&B: March 2025 Discussion Thread

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How many days must we endure cackling hen Steffy. I can't stand Hope, but day in and day out cackling from Steffy about winning ( with talentless Daphne and thoroughly miscast Greenlee  Taylor) is torture. Fast forwarding day in and day out through most of this horribly written show.

There's literally no one worth rooting for, and no likable characters.

It's time for some other Forresters to be front and center. Steffy and Hope are both so beyond played out.  Brooke's magic va-jay-jay is obviously on the fritz.

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I’m ready for a real one between Steffy and Hope…I know she’s pregnant but surely they can still afford stunt doubles? Lol 

Daphne can definitely go at anytime, in fact I’m praying that in what could be a good twist is that she ends up seducing and sleeping with Finn ruining this so called friendship with Steffy….

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-- I feel the same. Annika Noelle and KKL put in the work today, but so much of it was divorced from reality. For every time we heard a truth (Hope telling Brooke it was pathetic the ay she let Ridge use her) we got some complete bullsh_it (Brooke blaming Hope for losing Ridge).

Then after all that screaming and yelling and almost-slapping, they say they love each other? Huh???

--  And miss me with Katie walking in to fiercely defend Brooke when Brooke did soooo many shady and awful things to Katie.

-- Heather Tom wrote, directed, and acted in today's episode, and she did a nice job overall. I don't think she covered up that pregnant belly on JMW when Steffy and Taylor did their obnoxious victory dance, though.


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Katie is the OG doormat. I cringe every time they have a collage of "sisters love" with her, Brooke and Donna. These 3 bishes have shared more penises that should be legally possible. And forgiving someone who f-cked your husband while you were suffering from post-partum... someone who got pregnant by him and tried to pass the child as someone else's baby... is just - absurd. There is a moment where you stop feeling pity or empathy for these characters (like Katie) and you just despise them even more than the ones who do the dirty stuff. I know it's a soap... but still - Katie should be the last one defending Brooke... now or ever.  I loved her best when she used to slap her and tell her "Stephanie was right all along. You were the slut from the valley." If Bradley had stuck with this sisters-war... for years and years... it could have given us so much story.  

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I read the recap and it sounds like HT wrote a solid script. Two things really stood out: 

1) Hope saying she's a Logan because Brooke was too ashamed to give her Deacon's name. Wow! Honestly, I never thought about that because she's always been Hope Logan.

2) Hope saying everything the audience has been screaming about: Brooke's pathetic obsession with Ridge at the expense of everyone else.

What's disappointing (and it's not HT's fault) was not using this rift as a launching pad for Hope to move off Brooke's property and start her own life. 

The fact they aren't doing that means Brad plans on Hope discovering Daphne's secret, blackmailing Steffy into returning to HFTF to avoid a *scandal*. Since we know B&B is never subtle, it seems like the *no one can find out* has been dropped enough times that it will be a thing. Yawn.

@Maxim The last 2 seconds of the video are truly nauseating. I'm at a loss how Brooke, who is the most qualified person in the Forrester clan to lead the company, now only obtains self-worth if she gets Himbo Widge's affirmation. It's disgusting.

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You know, that wouldn't  be the worst thing, if they allowed Hope to really call out Steffy's bad behavior.....I doubt it will play off that way, and it's gonna look like "Evil Hope" is "torturing" "Poor Steffy"

I'd rather a better twist being Daphne ends up going after Finn while Steffy is away during JMW's maternity leave (again, I know Bradley is just gonna have Steffy run from her problem's with Finn like he always does, instead of something different for a change) ...not that it couldn't still happen that way....I have no use for Daphne, but again her having some master plan herself against Steffy and Ridge to take control of Forrester, would again be a nice twist! 

Edited by YRfan23
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How are they going to say this was in "honor" of Women's History month, LMAO. A show about "mothers and daughters" but with the same BS as every day, one set of harpies cackling and the other set being utterly pathetic. The same slop all centered around Ridge except at least we were spared seeing him in the episode.


Hope's speech was fire and she was spitting absolute truth at loser Brooke so of course they had to undo that and have her weeping at the end. Give Annika the damn Emmy!


Heather Tom's acting was on point but it felt incredibly indulgent and unnecessary inserting herself into that scene. It was like, let's give the voice of reason Katie (at least as she sees herself!) also castigate Hope just to make sure the audience understands Hope is soooo evil! Hope should have been like "b!tch you're just jealous I had your man!" I wanted Hope to walk out and tell Brooke she was moving out with her kids and she'll see her again when she gets over Ridge.


Can Ridge's decision PLEASE be final and he and Taylor ride off into the sunset?

Edited by BoldRestless
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