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BTG: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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I liked it!

First things first: Yes, there was a Lot of heavily expository dialogue and that was something I had to just roll with and accept as part of a pilot. MVJ is clearly writing In some ways for an audience trained on the mindless, repetitious slop of B&B (sorry, B&B viewers) to make it very clear who everyone is. But that's part of the necessity of any pilot or introductory material. Fortunately, a lot of it came off much less basic or blatant in the context of ongoing conversations vs. the clips we have seen before. Other parts, like the token whites (what fun to say that) or the scenes with Naomi, Kat and Chelsea talking while reciting their familial connections were less so. Naomi and Jacob reciting their full government names before fúcking was pure James Reilly, lol. But assuming this business doesn't continue for too long I can forgive it for being a first day/week/etc.

Yes, the whites are boring but they are clearly hinting at something with Jen Jacob's Ashley and flirty Andre. Which I could get behind, because Ashley's man whose name I cannot remember comes off positively Neolithic. Whether Ashley herself is worthwhile remains to be seen.

I had a feeling Kat Richardson would be good and she did not disappoint. She is one I am keeping my eye on. The other two girls I am reserving judgment on, though I felt Chelsea came off quite green. Martin varied for me from scene to scene, but it was hard for anyone to sell some of the stuff with the family all sitting around reciting platitudes. The chemistry worked for me more than the dialogue there.

Daphnee Duplaix is a major tentpole here (as I knew she would be for any revived OLTL as Rachel Gannon Buchanan - sigh) and comes off like she has been here for ten years already. She is completely at ease and the chill way she approaches a scene makes things familiar and not artificial, as do Tunie and Clifton Davis. Karla Mosley was obviously quite good (not something I've ever said about her before) but had the showier role, so it's harder to get a sense of the nuances of Dani yet.

Beyond the core family, Vanessa and Lauren Bugliogi(?) was a major standout for me. The potential Lucy Coe crown on her horizon may be well-earned - assuming Cady McClain's likely similar character does not take it first.

It's hard to know yet how we're supposed to see Hayley. I did feel for her at the end. The ending procession of all the Duprees walking up to her, taking a dramatic beat and leaving was hysterical lol. I guess MVJ just couldn't resist, and honestly I don't blame her. It was fun. Daphnee once again played it off the most naturalistically.

Overall I was entertained and pleased with the look and tone, the focus on granular family relationships and history slowly being doled out. It didn't feel it was spoofing soap or mocking the audience. By contrast, I remember Passions' first day very well (and first month or two, before I gave it up in disgust). I remember how people deified JER even more back then, and a lot of us young'ins expected great things. And then I remember how it felt like he was just pissing in my face. This was far from that. Was it perfect, no, but it was solid, entertaining and I have high hopes once it gets out of the introductory gear and gets cooking.

Edited by Vee
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I've been a fan of MVJ since the 90's, so when I saw "Created By Michele Val Jean," it made me smile.  I'm so happy that her time has come.  She deserves it all.  

I won't say much of the characters yet because I want to give them more tell before I determine who I like and dislike.  LOL  The character I enjoyed the most in this first episode was definitely Dani - maybe because she was given the most to do.   Arielle Prepetit (Naomi) reminds be of Karyn Parsons from The Frest Prince of Bel Air.

I really like the sets and how the camera move.  Though the hospital set was too bright and white.  I also like the split screen and face time discussions (I think don't think I've seen this on a soap before).   It was nice to see rich folks having iphone pros, whereas on other soaps, people always have these generic looking phones.  LOL

The background music was different. I prefer my background music to be soapy-esque, but I'm willing to give it a chance. 

The found some of the editing to be a little bit off.  I noticed in a handful of scenes, that they cut away to the next scene a little bit too quick.  I'm also not a fan of no music being played during a fade out to commercial. 

Anyway, I just can't believe a new daytime soap premiered today on network television. What an amazing day for soap opera fans!  I can't wait to see more of this show. 


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I liked the episode. I am and was a big fan of All My Children and Restless. It was a good solid start.  I am impressed with MVJ. I think Agnes Nixon and Bill Bell would be happy to see the soap genre resurrected. Looking forward to watching more. I felt like I was watching Dynasty, Dallas, AMC and Restless from the 80s but refreshed. The production values are high. Kudos!

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Yeah, Julie Hanan Carruthers, and Tamara Tunie talked about how a lot of the production crew hadn’t done daytime or any soap before.  They had to build an infrastructure from scratch in Atlanta where daytime soaps have never been produced out of before. I think that’s what’s giving the show a slightly non-traditional soap look and editing. 

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I felt the same.


I'd also fix the lighting. It is too bright.


I hope they add more scores/sound effects to the scenes.


Some of the acting seemed forced and over the top. I won't say who though.

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