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DAYS: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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Among the many reasons I hate this "EJ holds Rafe hostage" storyline is because I despise plots that make no sense and that should offer no redemption for the criminal.

Has EJ thought this through? What's he planning to do with Rafe? Keep him there forever? It makes no sense. Redemption? LOL. We all know EJ will get away with this and that nothing will happen to him.

Then there's the Woman in White storyline. Another mess. You have to ignore all common sense to believe Kristen's mother lived there all those years and knows nothing about the family or the world.

Who delivers her groceries? Who pays her bills? Who gives her that haircut and dye job? And now, Kristen is going along with her nutjob mother. Like the EJ/Rafe story, characters are put in situations they should not be able to walk away from.

Suspending belief has always been part of watching DAYS, but they're crossing the line, especially since we've also been put through the Body & Soul nightmare.

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@ranger1rg That presumes that they've written themselves into a corner that is inescapable. 

But, I would argue that the only redeeming quality of RonC's writing is that he is always one step ahead of his audience.  The resolutions may not always be satisfying (or logical).  But it is rare that villains get away with crimes without some form of soap justice (unless they're named Leo).

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EJ continuing to have Real Rafe hostage is dumb and stupid at this point on screen and the fake Rafe stuff can't end soon enough and I seen some people mentioning Jada and Shawn sleeping together the only way I see that happening currently is Jada finding out about fake Rafe sleeping with that stripper 

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How long exactly is fake Rafe supposed to stick around? When Rafe gets out, what crazy loophole are they going to use to not send EJ to prison? Did EJ really do all of this just to get his job back? Belle is going to look even dumber than she already does for sleeping with her sister’s former husband/rapist.

Happy to not see Doug III or his wooden portrayer.

Crazy how fast Body and Soul was wrapped up and we still have 2 months of Ron.

So now Kristen’s mother is just another brought back from the dead to be a baddie character. The RC special. 

Days does so many prolonged kidnappings in rooms without bathrooms or even buckets. No one ever comments on how smelly the kidnapped person is who is in the same clothes for weeks on end. Nothing about their bad breath. 

Edited by Antoyne
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There are no toilets in their universe. Everything runs off of solar power, collected by the panels over the town square (which also keep out the snow and rain). Hair dye, toothpaste, and deodorant only exist in commercials. 

And, showers are strictly for making whoopee.

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The most interesting aspect of this episode to me was Jada. I thought her and Belle sparked as scene partners and would very much accept a complex friendship/frenemy-ship/rivalry to be explored. Clashing over EJ, Shawn, and even at work once Jada inevitably gets her job back. They have the bare bones of something special there if they want to mine it. I hope the new HWs see how much of a star Elia Cantu could be and don't fall into typical patterns when it comes to black characters on soaps.

If they were going to recast Rachel Blake, the least they could have done is keep her more age appropriate. It's a sin that the actress is younger than Deidre Hall, when she was a counterpart of Stefano's. But DAYS always stays being weird.

Edited by Bright Eyes
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RIH, Body&Soul

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Even though it’s supposed to be continuing just without Abe and Kate, etc., hopefully this [!@#$%^&*] is completely erased from existence and never even mentioned again, especially after the new writers come in.

Seriously, this was one of the worst storylines I’ve ever seen and if you ask me, every single actor involved in it deserves an apology from Ron and his little bitchboy, Jamey. They all deserve a lot better than to be treated like big jokes. Idk if Ron meant it to be like a love letter to the soaps, to the fans, whatever (though I wouldn’t be surprised if this was another one of Jamey’s pitches ) but this garbage proves that you cannot write a successful love letter when you’re toxic af and have more issues than f*ckin Time magazine. 

Speaking of toxic, I’m already worried about how Joy’s gonna be written in the next few months.

But I’m so happy that this is all finally ending. It’s been tough but we made it through lol. And Leo getting fired as head writer was the icing on the cake

Johnny’s new haircut looked good though. 

Same problem as always; the idea is so good but the execution of it all is so terrible.

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Jada should have been having her own stuff Ron just never understood Marcus hunter history and he always written trash writing for jada's character on screen with Paula cwikly and Jeanne Marie Ford I want Jada mom on screen because it is important to show what Jada and her mom dynamic is like 

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