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GH: February 2025 Discussion Thread

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yay! Someone with all the tea from the scab writers. 


As much as I enjoyed the Cyrus storyline moving, one thing besides the above that has bothered me somewhat is how the scabs played the religious angle as a ruse. So I have found it a bit sad that Cyrus now really does seem like he found religion.



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Why would Kai say that Curtis' club is the hottest club in town? In what world are college kids clubbing in the same spot as 40 year olds and it be considered "hot"? I was shocked Trina would even want to be there considering her parents would be


YUCK to tempLucky. This actor has never been attractive to me and hate that such a pivotal Lucky and Liz scene happened with him in the role. Im gonna need them to redo this with Jonathan Jackson so he can be used in flashbacks 


Oh and the editing/writinng on this show sucks. Tues show ends with Lulu at the Q mansion with Dante and Brooklyn at the club with Chase on V-Day. Wed opens up, Lulu has change and both she and Brook are at work. Mind you this is at night and no time has changed between episodes bc everyone else is still at the club and Cyrus is at Liz' door as he was in the cliffhanger for hte previous show

Edited by Cheap21
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I'm so sorry that it took this long for me to get back to the cliffhanger given that it was centered on Liz. But now that I have...


So...a whole confession from Cyrus!! Scenes allowed to breath. And Rebecca Herbst ate those scenes up. Like I said earlier, the one thing that I have not liked about the Cyrus storyline has been what happened with him during the scab writers. Jeff Kober sold his stuff, but I still find it hard to suspend my disbelief given how he was doing the old soap trope of faking his love of religion...or at least manipulating it to his own ends. I also have mentioned how I feel about the timing of the recast. Still...great scenes. 


How do I feel about that part of the storyline now that it seems to FINALLY be climaxing? I did like how it tied in the plot point of Lulu's equipment being messed with before she came out of her coma. So Sam died because Cyrus was mad at her for doing the operation to save Lulu basically when Cyrus really did try to kill Lulu due to his view of religion and family history. He realized how good using digitalis on Sam was so he started to use it on others. That DOES mess with the other cases that Lucky and Liz track before Sam died I believe so side-eye. And Dex simply knew too much. I mean...it does kinda tie it together. But knowing that...I'm surprised that Jason isn't involved. 


And now Lucky got stabbed. Le sigh. I take it to remove Liz and Lucky out of this side of the plot to put the focus on Joss giving the coda to this episode. 


I liked Brad and Lucas getting closer. I also liked that EK really seems to like to play Curtis vs Drew in her centered episodes. Since I continue to love Curtis vs Drew...I didn't mind that at all. Not sure how I feel about the house Drew/Willow got now given that's the Webber House, the house Portia/Trina got taken hostage in by Cyrus, etc. But I do continue to like Drew as the Character to Hate. 


Awww Gio/Emma had a moment.


Lulu was a brat. Team BLQ. This was what I was afraid of when Tracy vetoed BLQ's right to not hire Lulu. Lulu was in the right that she called her boss, namely BLQ. But other than that, Lulu had no right to be talking to BLQ like that. She could have calmly told her not to yell at her, but alas. And of course, in walks Dante. 


I liked Carly and Brennan got a kiss in after the first one was interrupted. Other than that and my like of Chris McKen, I'm no longer feeling them as a couple. 

That is what I am hoping for as well.

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I agree. I am liking it, but the pacing still feels off for me, too. 


While I trust Rebecca more than I trust Frank, I will say something that I thought a few days ago at my own workplace...once is a coincidence, two is a line, three slowly but surely reveals a pattern. 

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Okay, I will give CVE his due...that was good.


I liked the gradualness of people finding out about Cyrus and his attack on Liz. And how it got everyone to the hospital. And that last shot of Laura, Aidan, Liz, and Lulu (a slight giggle that Martin ain't there) was EVERYTHING. There and worried about LUCKY. As it should be. 


Since I was just talking about Jason, I liked that the beat was played for giving a plausible reason why Jason didn't go and shoot Cyrus almost instantly. Thinking of Sam's wishes and their kids was a great one and I will now shut up about that. At least from Jason's angle...now JOSS on the other hand...Brennan vs Jason...a man she's just getting to know vs someone that has always been in her life...in WHAT universe with their phone numbers next to each other did Joss think to call Brennan FIRST. GIRL, BYE. lol. 


That said...I loved Jason's scenes at Sam's grave. I loved Joss slowly getting to all the proof against Cyrus. And to see her shoot him when he came at her with that ax. I actually gasped.


THANK YOU FOR CHASE IN NOTHING, BUT SKIMPY RED SHORTS AND A ROSE. LOL. I was not upset. I did like his scenes with BLQ. And it was also great to see Lulu continue to verbalize her feelings about how her world has changed. Just when I get annoyed with her, the writers at least balance that out with those feelings because it is a throughline with Lulu that I would love to see continue throughout (at least) this year as she tries to get her life back. And BLQ dropping the pregnant before bomb on Chase...unexpected.


Curtis vs Drew continues to be interesting. As well as Jason being a bigger man and seeing Drew about calling a truce. I doubt it will work. And I wouldn't want it to since I love the adversarial chemistry between Drew and Jason.



I mean I finally saw your post.

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Also since Jason was by himself at Sam's grave, he will have no alibi & I'm sure some would doubt his account when they hear it. Just shows how little they understand Jason Morgan Man of Mystery. I thought writing him talking to Dead Sam was a brilliant choice! And, appreciate his putting Danny first again.

Now, Drew could give him at least a partial alibi but I'm guessing he will decline. The only way I can rationalize the intensity of his hatred for Jason is to throw in jealousy over Carly. This late to come to it wronged twin whining is less than compelling to me. And, YASSS, go Jason, for attempting an olive branch! More overarching concern for Danny.

I gasped when you could see Joss coming to grips with the fact that she'd just killed another of God's creatures. I thought she was going to hurl!

Curtis, who I really don't like, is getting kudos. 

Sexy Chase just makes their bedroom worse for me. Plus, I was so sure he was going to be furious. WRONG again. What a week. 

Oh, yeah, I knew what ya meant!! 

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I thought that was a fitting end to the week. It was full of so many good scenes. Drew vs Jason. Laura's family circling the wagons for Lucky (good to have you back, JJ, as I hoped). Jason/Tracy scenes. More Chase/BLQ scenes. 


Oh, Drew. Lol. But that was some great scenes between Drew and Jason. It made me think of when Devon and Nate were feuding on Y&R. And no matter what they were saying on screen, those who were watching knew why they were REALLY mad at each other (for Nate, Devon destroyed his medical career when he damaged his hands in their fistfight, for Devon, he was mad at Nate for stealing his woman). And they FINALLY had it out after a year of playing subtext in their interactions. Today Drew and Jason's issues came to the surface and that was a long time coming, too. And I don't care what Drew says. It's clear he is reacting to everyone around him with bruise ego. Like what Stella said in Thursday's episode.


Lol. Not the writers bringing up Austin Galtin-Holt as a throwaway line plot point. More funny given the Quartermaine connection and all the Quartermaine interactions this episode. Good that his connection to Cyrus is out in the open.


I liked the gravitas of what Cyrus did hang heavy on Dante and Lulu. I loved the scenes with Laura and Lulu. Same with Dante and Anna. I am a bit sad that Laura won't get a final scene with Cyrus. 


All of this for Brennan to want Joss as a WSB agent. Perhaps if Charles Masure was still playing him. And while I liked that Joss finally knows that Brennan always knew that Cyrus killed Dex, I felt this plot point (Joss the WSB Agent) was the beginning of the end for Carly/Brennan. And Chris McKen is giving a much more sinister version of Brennan.


Oooo those Tracy/Jason scenes. SB...just emotes so much better now. I felt it in his scenes with Tracy. And I definitely felt it in those scenes with CM's Drew...who also did a good job.


I was pleasantly surprised to see that Chase stood by BLQ and didn't attack her for keeping the baby a secret. So this part of the arc is done. Now the next part...tipped off by BLQ mentioning that Lois is the one who arranged everything. Meaning...as Lois mentioned to Martin a few weeks back...Lois knows where the baby is aka Gio. 

Well to be fair, it's always been there. re: wronged twin. It's been simmering in the background and in the subtext since Jason's return last year and Drew dropped Carly like a hot potato. And it was something PM did play as did these Old/New writers. So it's not just coming out of the blue since I believe Billy Miller's Drew also played that beat...though regular viewers during that time would know better than I. It's just that now that Drew is more of a villain, he's been more open about verbalizing it. 


Just like the growing battle between Congressman Drew and Sonny/Jason. I can totally see everyone thinking Jason killed Cyrus. And Drew...would let him rot even though he knows Jason was with him when it was going down for part of that time. If not the whole time. 


Just setting up for the inevitable (with these writers at least) murder mystery with Drew. 

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Yes and the pattern I’m seeing is if an actor is unavailable Frank has no problem subbing in someone else because of the shooting schedule. Even MB was only given a short amount of grace while in a facility before Frank made it clear he’s more than willing to grab a temp Sonny.

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