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DAYS: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I think you've been watching too many soaps, and getting conspiratorial.

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Because it is equally likely that a writer with his experience was paid more when he was on a network-based salary than for a streaming service.  And a new producer wanted to cut costs and go with a writing team that fit her vision.  And his contract was up, so it was the right time to move on. 

I believe we're all influenced by the statement that said he was leaving immediately.  But, that was not necessarily as much of a diss, as it was a WGA mandated way of writing about contracts.  Because, a production cannot hire new writers while they are in good faith negotiating a contract with a WGA member.

Edited by j swift
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Unfortunately, we were left with only Leo. Talk about bottom of the barrel gay guy. He is the worst representation of a gay man. 

Javi is the Latino version of Leo. That's very unfortunate. 

Kerry isn't a Leo type but he's being written like some bad guy in a very cartoonish way.


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Yes, it's dreadful. Who green lighted this? They should be fired too!

Kerry is definitely the prize here and the guy to kiss.  Kerry still needs a major haircut. The actor playing Kerry just recently got a trim. He looks great with short hair!

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I can only imagine how bad the ratings would be if the body & soul was airing on NBC with a dose of Leo overload.

It's unfortunate he's barely on. Then bam he's Lady Whistleblower. 

We got a painful overdose of Connie but can't get more well rounded Kerry.

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I would have been cheering if Bonnie had died. Though I will say kudos to the make-up team, because Bonnie looked real messed up. It was good to see Justin, too.

I can't agree that Kerry had any potential either. The actor has no charisma whatsoever, and barely seems to be much of an actor tbh.

Abigail Klein is the blandest actor on the show. Stephanie could be much more interesting and easily given more layers and nuances if the actress wasn't the definition of generic. On opposite sides of that coin, I really enjoy Elia Cantu and her projective MorningNews voice. She deserves to be so much more than she is on this show. 

I see they are now building up Philip to lose his mind again. He's been a breath of fresh air and one of the best things about the show. JPL is engrossing when he chooses to playing things straight and is good at showing the complexity of Philip, so it'll be really sad for me to see him start to spiral. The DiMera takeover plan is so tired to me. I just hope whatever they have him do this time, they don't go too far from redemption, especially in contrast to all of Xander's evil deeds.

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OK, I'm not even going to cover Bonnie's injuries after the fall because I not only don't expect realism, I know that they don't have access to Google in the writer's room.  I know this because Xander & Philip don't seem to know what a corporate takeover entails.

However, the fact that the serial stalker doesn't even have a lair, and is stuck crossing out 8x10 photos in the park is laughable!  Isn't a bathroom, a hallway, or somewhere beyond a public park for this stalker to conspire? 

Also, when Bonnie fell (two floors?), did they just pick her up and drag her over to the ER because she was already on site?  And regardless of who sent the text, why would someone enter an elevator without looking?

Edited by j swift
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These Body&Soul episodes are getting worse and worse. April can’t get here soon enough.

The two favorites were on full display today too. This is one of the things I’m hoping that we don’t see from the new writers. Days needs a balanced canvas again more than anything right now. That, and no more anti-women writing. Seriously, does Ron get some kind of sick pleasure out of writing Joy and Stephanie as so dumb and subservient to Alex? Like he did with Gwen/Dimitri? Like he did with Nancy/Craig?

And, where do Javi and Leo go from here? Are they now just gonna be that typical annoying Ron couple that does nothing but be annoying? In a perfect world, Leo would be dead and Javi would be stirring up trouble for like Will and Sonny or somebody. And yeah, I don’t care about the age difference between Javi and Leo but when it’s as obvious as it is, it should be written into the storyline, just sayin’

Btw, Jada being a dick to Kerry is just gonna make me like him even more. 

And again, poor Abe. And poor Kayla. I can’t even imagine the roasting he’d be getting on Soap Twitter if this [!@#$%^&*] existed in real life lol 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Yeah, the actor who plays Kerry is stiff as a board. To think that 10 years ago at this time, we had the saga of Paul/Will/Sonny playing out with NuWill hopping into bed with Paul. Compare that to today's gay love triangle... oy. 

Even though I'll always identify Jay Kenneth Johnson the most with Philip Kiriakis, his version of Phil's decent into madness was creepy. John Paul Lavoisier's version allows the character to vacillate between sweet, campy, and slightly off-balance. If this is the road they're taking for Philip, JPL is the better actor to portray it. JMO. 

Agreed about Elia Cantu. She has a great presence and could be a real force on this canvas. But this Fake Rafe stuff is just awful. 

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