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Y&R: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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Okay...that was good. 

Claire playing Jordan. They should keep Claire like THIS. I thought HE did a good job with the psycho looks, shifting back into how Claire was when she was introduced. I just hated that she didn't go through with it at the end with the poisoned tea. She played Jordan like a fiddle, and I enjoyed every minute of that. 


I was surprised to see the tackhouse. And Ed Scott's influence was on display with the widened space just like everything else since his return. I also liked the moment when Nikki, Victoria, and Claire left the ranch and the camera panned to Victor on the stairs. Well done.


Meanwhile, Chance and Nick realizing that Jordan is Ian's co-planner. And then telling Victor. That climax is heading.



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I don't think I've seen a psycho say Nikki's name with such spite since the days of Veronica. lol. CZ has been playing this to the hilt. Making up for Claire doing such a fumble at the end of the last episode.


Yaasss for them playing this beat with Mariah/Tessa. I was feeling that Tessa would bring up the fact that they aren't saints, either. Given I remember when Tessa came on. Not to mention Mariah's history. Such an organic conflict for them. And about time they had some story. Not helped by Ian's clear obsession with all things Mariah. The potential for so many angles with this part of the Sharon storyline. 


OH...so was that why Ian/Jordan did all this to Sharon? I guess that could be plausible in terms of Heather's murder if Ian really wanted Sharon out of the way so he could obsess over Mariah. But I was thinking Jordan killed Heather. Hmmm.


And two for two on episodes ending good. 1-22 with Claire's fumble. And showdown with Jordan this episode and Sharon found. I am going to miss Victor vs Jordan though because she really gave no fraks about him. And CZ with the tears...for one moment, Jordan was human.

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Does Billy getting a new set mean that some other set has been dropped?

I don't watch regularly, so am asking. Have we seen these sets lately?


Lily's penthouse

Any other sets that haven't been seen?

Re Billy- is that a room of a house or apartment?

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I know we have seen the Chancellor set within the last month or two. Like a lot of the other sets, it had been extended out, giving the illusion of more space. And there was an interesting camera angle of the doorway. I want to say it was an Devon/Abby scene with Ashley (?) right before the wedding.

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I'll say this much...people are acting their asses off. lol. I think my highlight was CZ herself. HE had some good moments. And especially CG...as her relief for having Sharon home compounded with her guilt that it could be her fault. She did such a great job.


Okay, I liked that the writers used Nick to explain the Sharon plot better. It never occurred to me that the reason Ian/Jordan went after Heather was to have Sharon in jail/the crazyhouse rather than dead so Ian could move in on Mariah. It was a nice angle to the story. And I thought Sharon's reunion with her family was a cute beat to watch. 


So just to be sure...who actually killed Heather? I was thinking it was Jordan. It seem like it was Ian. Of course, this was all Jordan's words. But it was Jordan's words that revealed she killed Heather. So...???


Ian being involved period...of course means more drama for Mariah and Tessa. Mariah could easily think she's right. However, if the Ian/Jordan flashbacks are to be believed, Ian still has wiggle room to keep Tessa on his side. So much potential for more drama for them, but I'm assuming that with Jordan gone, Ian is on his way out as well. 


I like the new set but WHY IS BILLY GETTING A SET????


I admit it was a good week. My only disappointment is again that the Daiman storyline has up and vanished. 





I totally forgot about that beat with Tessa/Daniel. I wouldn't mind seeing that roped in. I too have been enjoying Mariah and Tessa finally getting some drama going on. 


I think your comments are something @soapfan770 would like to hear. I did catch that on Friday's episode. Such an old school Y&R thing with characters popping up mid-episode again. I think they did that one other thing since Ed Scott has been back. So...one can hope. 


I was totally surprised to see the Society waitstaff when Mariah and Tessa got into that argument. Love it. Felt more real and definitely gives a different energy. IMHO a better energy. 


Same. re: Huge Sharon fan. Watching her reunion with her family, I was wondering in the back of my head where they can go with her storyline now. And they still have to play the beat of her and Nick telling Daniel what really happened. Will he let it go? Is Sharon completely in the clear?


HE really did. That was one thing I liked about Friday was that she kept coming in and out of it. Not as good as the last few episodes, but noticably. I do hope she keeps that edge. 


Yes!!! That Thursday coda of her plans crashing all around her...that brief moment when CZ let it all show on Jordan's face...was so well done and superb. For all her craziness and cunning, for that brief moment...she was human. And shattered. 

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Thanks for the tag @Taoboi I’m caught up for last week now myself.

I really enjoyed the climax as well from Thursday’s and Friday’s episodes. There’s a part of me that kind of wished this got stretched out enough to coincide with BTG’s premiere week but it’s fine we’re getting resolution here as well with this. 

Man CZ killed it though last week for Jordan’s swan song. I was surprised she drank the tea. And yes finally it was good to see HE with her edge back. SC was also MVP for last week I was so thrilled by her self-survival instincts. 

I too like the addition of FINALLY having extras around…the two male wait staff reacting in confusion of seeing Mariah yell at Ian in Society was a nice touch. 

Also I was thoroughly pleased by the scenes of Jack, Billy, Sally, and Diane.  I agree it definitely added a nice old school Bell touch and showed outside of the Big A storyline life goes on.

For once I liked the Billy scenes as he wasn’t a stark raving maniac like he usually is and was more grounded. I haven’t been a fan of Billy & Sally be thrust upon us but those scenes were sweet.

I don’t know if it was @slick jones or @Paul Raven who said it but it would be nice if we could get some old school Y&R romance scenes, something JG doesn’t write well at all unfortunately just shoves pairings around and plays musical chairs except for Jack & Diane. 

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It seems like what Ed Scott has given (or given back) to Y&R since his return is the ability to find the "spine" of each scene and build toward that, instead of letting scenes just lay there with no energy whatsoever.

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Oh, the chuckle and look I gave my TV over Victor nagging Nikki, Victoria, and Claire about their actions with Jordan as if Victor had never vanished a body before. *cough*Ashland*cough* 


Good start to the week. It felt like such a coda to everything last week and now starting on wrapping stuff up. 


I was not expecting a final scene between Sharon and the Cameron in her head. Her just talking about her feelings. And then...he was gone. SC sold that for me, especially the parallels between her feelings of loss over Cassie and having to have Daniel around her life and now she was a reminder of Daniel losing Heather for his. 


Then you had Victor with the nagging. lol. But he played cover-up with Nick in front of Chance with the quickness. 


And then...FINALLY...back to the Daiman storyline. And now...Daiman is coming. Cute little scenes between Nate, Amy, and Audra as Nate gave Amy the tea on Daiman's background. I'm looking forward to his arrival in town as well.


And nice coda with Tessa and Aria. 


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I tried. I honestly tried to get through the Billy/Sally scenes because it's a good set. But as soon as Billy started to whine continuously about the fact that Jill didn't like his silly name change (which btw I giggled when NIkki took over and changed the business back to Chancellor), my finger could not help it. It went FF.


Was that part of Sharon's house always there, or they are trying out a new camera angle on it? I loved it because it looked so much more spacious. I continue to like the Mariah scenes. And Sharon being there for her. And poor Nick. He tried not to tell them about Jordan, but still had to.


Victor, Victor, Victor. lol. smh. I enjoyed Michael having something to do and waiting for Ian to show up. It did make me see I'm going to miss Ray Wise. He was just giving so many layers in Ian's scenes with Michael. Especially once Michael told him about Jordan. I guess he really did like her. While Jordan gave crazy (and CZ selled it well), Ian just gives crafty villain (and RW sells it well). And look at him with the gun. Now he's giving dangerous.


But...now it does look like he really doesn't know where Tessa is. Which of course is making me wonder where Tessa and Aria is. Look at Y&R! Upping the stakes. 

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Well, I guess MO going to recurring has taken full effect now lol. She's gotten more mentions over this last two episodes than her appearing. Cuz Tessa being saved by Abby, but not seen was a WOW moment. 


I really liked all the drama surrounding Ian's showdown with Victor. I really did. Ray Wise did great. Seeing everyone show up was good. And I loved that Sharon got her moment to close out a storyline that started with her with her monologue to Ian. But it was really the stuff with Mariah and all the Ian flashbacks. Like I said, I wasn't watching then so it was really great to see Ray in action and see how twisted the Ian/Mariah relationship was. It definitely made me miss Mariah's edges. 


My only disappointment was no sign of the Damian storyline. I guess it shows how invested I am. lol. 

It was.

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I haven’t enjoyed Y&R this much in years! I didn’t even trust the show last fall to start tuning in again so missed a decent chunk of the Ian/Jordan beginning but the climax and the past month have kept me tuned in. I hope they can maintain this and look forward to see what’s happening next. 

I would love to see Claire become a gray character. 

I am excited for the impending Damian storyline and hope to see Audra cause some more trouble and not become another bore among the lot. 

I don’t hate Victor or the Newman’s but I really wish Ian’s demise had been focused solely on Mariah, Tessa and Sharon. However, his showdown with the Newmans was good and I liked Mariah getting lost in her paranoia about Tessa and Aria being missing. Mariah and Sharon should be leading this show, I’ve wanted that for years. 

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I agree. The best thing about Ian being back was the renewed focus on Mariah and CG ran with it, too. If I was disappointed about anything, it was that they didn't stretch Ian's presence out longer so there would be a bigger wedge between Mariah and Tessa. It was organic drama given Tessa's own past and I liked it. 

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