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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I cannot WAIT until someone ends Drew.  Of course, with GH being GH, they'll chicken out in the end and say it was Cyrus.  Nevertheless....!

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Drew getting Tracy arrested was unexpected. Have the Quartetmaines done that before? Chase talking to Tracy was annoying. I have no investment in him so it was just a waste.

Sidwell really doesn’t have a care in the world does he?

Liked Willow coming to her senses without Drew hovering over her. 

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Patrick Mulcahey basically put them together I believe.

It started off last April with Stella haranguing Tracy into having a medical physical and while Tracy waited for her appointment she and Stella had coffee and ended up talking

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Tracy later had another conversation with Stella after Gregory died.

Then a conversation at Gregory's memorial park bench (on location in that park GH uses each summer) when Stella's former love Marcus passed away (he'd been on the show years earlier - around 2018 - involved in a storyline where his wife who had alzheimer's fell in love with Sonny's dad Mike who also had alzheimer's)

And finally another conversation at Gregory's bench when Stella and Tracy talked about Cody.

Edited by Dion
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Yeah, now seeing it, I stand by what I said yesterday. Thursday was the weakest episode of the batch of episodes this week. But I feel for me, like I said before, that part of it no doubt are the actors, but part of it is who is the HW at the top of the credits. Love her or hate her, the 'historian' just tends to have scenes that really resonate. I also don't feel like it is not completely implausible most of the time. And I almost always like the intriguing ways the stories go which usually seem full of possibilities. 


I mentioned earlier that I loved that they played the beat of Cody vs Drew. It felt like for a few episodes, they were going to build that into something. Only for it to turn into nothing. So good to see them back into each other's face...even if it's only to add another suspect in the 'murder mystery'. lol. Bonus for adding Jordan into the mix for that as well. It goes without saying that Drew as a prick works for me and CM is running with it. Definitely hitting love to hate out of just pure hate. 


Lulu as BLQ's assistant. Even I kinda was taken aback at her wanting to work at Deception. Memories of JMB's Lulu. I was hoping that she would go back to being a reporter which worked wonders for Lulu and I felt AB could pull it off, too. But I did like that that very fact (Lulu as a reporter) was brought up on screen. And there is so much potential for a Lulu/Maxie/BLQ triangle so to speak. Lulu was sleep for 4 years and Maxie has a new BFF who happens to be Lulu's nemesis. A nemesis who has grown. Meanwhile, Lulu is 4 years behind. There is so much potential for organic drama there. 


Mmmmm Ric/Ava. But hahaha at Ric taking her money. I liked seeing some non-whiny Ava. I'm not sure if I felt that Ric had a point, though. I mean...everyone else is doing emergency custody fights. Why not Ava? 


Watching Sidwell wander about town had me wondering today...has he even run into anyone who has reason to arrest him yet? Jason? Anna? Lucky? Because it feels like he's just hanging around waiting for Robert and Holly to come back for February Sweeps with no endgame in sight.


And awww at Willow reaching some kind of compromise with Carly and Sonny. And those scenes with Carly and Michael were good. But everything with that as Portia explained and Carly tried to get them on her side to send Michael to Germany was pretty good.


I enjoyed Lucas and Brad had a moment. 


Highlight...shocking no one was Tracy. Outside of the last few seconds of the episode, Tracy was nothing, but cunning, paying off Thursday's end of episode where she promised she would be like that. And Tracy was flawless. She dragged Chase, checked BLQ, and then took on Drew and the PoPo. And all I could do was think STFU DREW...WHY IS HE EVEN HERE? UGH. LOL. Love the twist of the kids flying the coop. I bet she let Jason run off with them. 


Can't wait until next week to find out the truth.

Well, Cyrus might be gone long before that so...

Same. I was looking forward to BOTH jobs because they fit for both of them and have plenty of storyline possibilities. 



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Yes, that's my theory too...On Thursday's episode Tracy kept Carly away from both Monica and the kids with excuses so I think that after their emotional rapprochement on Wednesday, Jason and Tracy colluded to move the kids overnight (Thursday's episode was a new day) and possibly Monica too (with the unseen but still around Yuri as a decoy guarding her door).

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I didn't even think of that! re: Thursday being new day. It was just the conviction in how JE played it. And it definitely did not feel like stalling. I can't wait to see how it turns out next week. 


Yeah it's been the writing on the wall since Sidwell popped back up as FV's flavor of the month/villain du jour. I still feel they are stalling his exit a la Peter August because, while the storyline pieces are right there and coming together nicely, no one still has catch on that Cyrus killed Sam, Dex, and (almost) Michael. Even the new story beat of Joss now being a potential target and Liz as Cyrus bait has been lost by mid-week when they should be flowing naturally around the Michael drama. It's a solid B plot at this point that could be rotating in and out of the Michael drama/fallout which was great A plot.

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Hold up, if Alexis is disbarred, how does she still have a law practice with Diane?

I dont get how Tracy can bar Willow from her kids. Why is this an issue? Why didnt Willow just take those kids and leave? I didnt security or anything preventing that from happening other than Tracey saying no.

LOL...not Tracy basically telling Sonny to take out Drew. Like for real, why hasnt that happened yet?

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Is it just me or does Sasha look alot like Felicia? Like she could have played a Maxie recast

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