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GH: January 2025 Discussion Thread

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I'm really enjoying Drew and Willow now that they're having an affair and being all sleazy about it.  I think this is the first time they've been interesting to me.  Enjoyed the Willow/Joss fight, even though Joss was being a hypocrite.  Willow mentions Joss cheating on Cam.  Joss mentioning how Willow fell for Michael while still with Chase, then hooked up with Drew while still with Michael....."I can't wait to see who you leave Drew for.....and you will." Also, this line was pretty funny: "Michael made mistakes too."  "Yeah, I'm looking at one."  LOL   This affair is very messy.  It's providing a lot of confrontations and drama. I love it.  Drew/Carly were good today too. When was the last time a soap had an interesting affair?  It's been a long time.  Great episode today. 

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I am really sorry @AbcNbc247 in advance, but I didn't mind Joss today.  Yes, she's a hypocrite and yes, she had to have sex with Dex instead of helping Brit (no real loss to me), but...her cheating was pretty low stakes compared to Willow's.  Cam deserved better and moved on.  It was a teenage romance that fizzled out.  It happens.  Young people are stupid sometimes.

Willow is a fully grown woman that destroyed her marriage to sleep with her husband's uncle with two young children at home.  Not to mention everything else Willow has done like lie to Chase, lie about cancer, complain about Nina and her schemes, and is still our heroine.  It's Joss's brother that's in critical condition.  Did she really expect sympathy from Joss who has a long history of just being smug in general lol?  

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Per Kate Mansi's instagram stories, GH was taping yesterday and today, Wed/Thurs Jan. 8&9.
She said she evacuated Tuesday or maybe early Wednesday?
Yesterday she came to work after evacuating and arrived at work with only two hours sleep, and had to learn her scripts at the set, and Giovanni Mazza helped her practice her lines.
She got to go home somewhere today? But not to her house yet.

Edited by janea4old
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As much as Willow deserved that talking to that was very rich coming from Joss! Heck, I would have accepted that guilt trip more from Kristina.

Yes the implications of Willow's affair are greater than that of Joss', but at the end of the day Joss still hurt a really sweet guy who did nothing but love her.

As for Michael The affair is karma for Chase. Why would you trust a woman that cheated on her boyfriend to get with you? 

Is this the beginning of Michael's coma 2.0.

Edited by Planet Soap
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Kinda goes back to what we were all saying about acting style/range.

Eden doesn’t have much of a range. It’s like the only way that she can play Joss is as “worst person ever”

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It was the hypocrisy for me.

Brother or not, you don’t steal from a CVS but then attack the person who steals from a Walgreens


Edited by AbcNbc247
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I don't know if this is going to be a Lone Ranger idea or not but I have always thought that Cam & Joss's relationship was destroyed by Esme's sex tape so I don't think of Joss in the same way as some of you do. Yes, it would have been better if she had had a conversation with Cam at a certain point & she didn't but they're just kids. And, yesterday I was cheering Joss as she dragged Willow.

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For me I'm not sure if "enjoy" is the word I'd select for Drillow right now. It's not that I don't have an appreciation for the soapy messy goodness of it all because I do & sleazy scumball Drew is the most interesting Drew which counts for huge points but wish we were having some exploration of his manipulating her & her acting like some kind of blank slate who has to be told what to think & feel, etc. 

Loved the Joss/Willow confrontation & Joss's rejoinder to Willow alleging that Michael made mistakes, too, was definitely the Line of the Day for me!

Loved Carly/Drew confrontation as well.

Oh, and yesterday I had a first! I liked Curtis. The day before I'd had another first, I liked Brad! To me, right now GH is giving really good soap!

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