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B&B: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Woooow!!! So Carter taking over IS legit at the moment. Uh oh now. Somewhere...Maya is smirking. 


Seriously, though I thought those were some good scenes. I loved that Eric was there and there was a Quinn callout. And Steffy ain't so smug now, is she? And in a way, this latest Forrester mess looks like it will give Brooke and Ridge some real meaty drama. Because his hatred for Hope is really growing.


I think the actor playing Remy is cute. Which is funny since he's so not my type. lol. But so far, so good with this storyline. 


A Poppy sighting! And I can't believe Luna wrote Bill at his job. More shocking was seeing Bill show up at the prison? Where IS this storyline going? 

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I admit, I would probably like this storyline of Carter taking over Forrester and Carter and Hope’s relationship if there were any kind of stakes and build up to it. 

But with the way Brad writes, everything will probably be fine, and Carter will be back in everyone’s good graces by Spring. 

Btw, where the hell is RJ? The only biological Logan and Forrester that’s (I think) still on the canvas should be a part of this feud. 

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ITA. As usual, so many story beats just skipped over which makes it hard to invest in any storyline. One of things that I often annoys me about the show is that there are no long-term ramifications to anything anymore. You're right that by Spring everyone will have forgotten any of this happened, and Carter will be back to his old job. 

RJ's disappearance doesn't make any sense, either. He should be torn between the Logan and Forrester sides. Also, I don't believe he EVER had a scene with Luna to confront her about what all she did. I mean...wouldn't the guy be traumatized by all of it???

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It's just bad writing to push Brooke towards supporting Hope and Carter thereby creating an opening for Taylor and Ridge, again....

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But while I certainly could see Brooke turning against Steffy and possibly even Ridge, I just don't buy that she would do that to Eric.


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Also the writers have decided to forget that Ridge was a father figure to Hope for years and years... and years. This is just so absurd. Bad, bad writing... that makes me ashamed of how little Bradley Bell knows of human nature. It's 2024 and he's still writing in men calling women nasty little bitches. Whatever... it's just unrealistic. Ridge used to adore Hope back in the day and you do not talk like that to a kid you were a father figure to. You just don't. There is a certain boundary of how an older man should speak to a younger woman and that is just... pushing it into a nasty category. 

If Brooke continues to stay with this idiot, then she's the bigger idiot. But we all know... she will. Even if we have to watch another breakup. Yawn. 


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It's disgusting, isn't it? That the woman always gets the blame. So sexist and so chauvinist. And it's so scary to think that.. in this world there are actually women cheering on men (Ridge) calling girls/young women (Hope) - nasty little bitches... I saw plenty of comments online and some of them... women... cheering this behavior on. Imagine it's their daughters some day getting spoken to like that by a man. It's so tacky. 

I'm not saying Hope is an innocent angel... I'm just saying - in the context of the show right now... and the situation on hand... this is not how it's done. But what can we expect of a character (Ridge) that has raped women twice. (Caroline and Brooke). And a writer that has constantly written women as some kind of demented sexually-starved monsters? 

It's not that shocking to hear it... in a junk show like Bold, but it's still tacky. 


Edited by Maxim
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Awful, horrible writing. I feel sorry for actors having to recite dialogue like this. Give Steffy that line, and I feel differently, but from Ridge? No.


Agree with you and others that RJ should be in the mix.

This is another example of Brad getting bored with a character after 6 months.


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