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DAYS: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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I think it's more likely bad direction. You can't say bad writing as the name is written the same way regardless of the pronunciation. I thought it was showing Doug III was an imposter because he didn't know how to pronounce Robert's name but Marie said his name the same way as Doug III and she would know better. Even though Maree Cheatham wasn't on the show at the same time as Robert Clary, the character of Marie Horton was in Salem the same time as Robert LeClaire. Most of the actors wouldn't know how he pronounced his name but SSH sure knew and I wonder why she didn't make the correction if the director and other actors didn't know. Not a huge issue but a personal pet peeve of mine--historical inaccuracies. Robert never went by the English pronunciation of his name. Never. 

This is another pet peeve of mine. 

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You feel my pain.  I will never understand as it's not that uncommon of a name and is spelled phonetically. 

It always bothered me when Victor said it like that.  Drake/John would switch back and forth between the right pronunciation as well.  Since it's not Peggy McCay's real name maybe she didn't care, but I know I automatically correct people without even thinking.  Someone at some point should have corrected John Aniston.

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I was confused by today's well acted episode.

I enjoyed the Hope and Melissa scene.  But, at some point did Hope reference Bo being in Europe?  Because I thought that Melissa, Jack, Hope, Bo, Ciara, Ben, their kids, and Shawn were all living in Boston?

Also, I went back and read @carolineg's post about the contrast of information from what Belle said at her parent's anniversary versus what she's said this week.  It seems as if the funeral stuff was filmed in April, and maybe the anniversary stuff was filmed later after the actor died, which may account for the disparity.  Either way, it definitely didn't track. 

Also, IRL and in soaps, I never trust a recently sober person like Shawn-D who orders nonalcoholic beer or wine.  I defy anyone to find ten people who would say that they enjoy the taste of beer enough to order it in nonalcoholic form.  And, if you're working on your sobriety, why make it an issue?  Just order a glass of water like a normal human being.

Finally, does Doug III have a brother?

Edited by j swift
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-- I like it that DAYS brought Hope back to town after the funeral service. This way, her character took center stage rather than get lost in all the character returns.

-- Peyton Meyer is doing a great job as Doug III. Did any of you see him on the sitcom American Housewife? He played the dim-witted jock bf named Trip and was hilarious.

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