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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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It’s mostly TPTB’s fault that Trina not being paired with another white guy is automatically seen as devaluing her, but it saddens me that’s the narrative reinforced when she gets a Black male love interest. Some of the comments thrown at Kai, his actor, and the Kai/Trina pairing have been so gross that I can’t take a lot of the supposed advocacy for Black characters from that fanbase seriously anymore. The nitpicking and loud refusal to let Trina grow outside of Spencer just ends up contributing to her marginalization on the show.

They flirted with Gio and Josslyn a bit when he first started at the Metro Court, but he and Trina’s dynamic has been developed much more meaningfully IMO. Their bonding over grief and their conflict over Ava and Sonny were solid moments, but I wasn’t surprised the audience’s rejection of a potential pairing led to the introduction of new love interests. That said Gio and Trina were still given cutesy moments as recently as when the YA group went Christmas tree shopping/decorating so I’m hoping they eventually circle back to a quad with Kai/Trina/Gio/Emma.

As for Joss and Trina’s friendship, it feels balanced to me now. Most of the time, Joss comes off as the second fiddle. I get the complaints about how they’ve been written in the past but the way people talk about it feels overblown compared to what’s happening on the show right now.

Edited by detroitpiston
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You know what? Before the Year of Tortured Heroine, I actually liked Sasha. Or the idea of her at least. And between the interchangeableness of her and Willow, I always felt Sasha had the edge because she COULD be a potential bad girl. But since the reveal of her being a Scorpio, she just comes across like 'Making Fetch Happen' to me and I'm over it. Which is my way of saying her/Sonny scenes were mostly zone out material. Though she does get my sympathy for it being the anniversary of the loss of her baby during the Year of Tortured Heroine.


Lulu vs BLQ. I'll take it. And I was on BLQ's side. Because we have seen her growth on screen. It's just sad that Lulu would not give her a break. First time Lulu was really in the wrong. That said...I continue to love the energy that AB is giving. I know we all say it often...but she's such a great recast. I feel like she's always been in the role. However, the anvils being dropped about 'summer camp' was reeeeeallly overkill. God, let that story have a rewrite. 


Oh...Martin lost his accent again. But what really is starting to bother me is the more that I see Laura, the more I'm reminded that she's NOT IN SCENES WITH HER JUST AWAKEN DAUGHTER!!!! And then I *side-eye* But I can say the same thing for Lulu's brother.


But that's okay with her brother because I enjoyed the battle of Liz's Men. lol. Ric gives snark like no other man on this canvas, and he STILL kept it professional. Or at least I felt that way. He was dead on serious about Liz's case. Lucky just wanted to play hero. And I thought the adversarial energy was decent. Not Jason-level, but good enough to want more of it. And I love the sweater Rebecca had on. And swoons...Rick is such a silver fox. 


Ha! So Jason is in control of the Charlotte story now while Anna is in control of the hospital serial killer story. Okay. I guess. So over whiny Anna. 


Maxie continues to be love. Her trying to get through to Cody and also checking Tracy while still keeping her sass. YES, PLEASE. 


Ugh! That ending. Robert and Holly aren't even in town. GO AWAY.

Not Jim Henson!!! lol.

I agree as well and why I said what I said earlier about chemistry. By just not doing anything with Gio and Trina...little bits of bonding and no cutesy/meet-cute scenes...they now have chemistry that generated so organically that now it's possible to see them together. Which is a shame because now Trina has a new love interest doing most (not all) of the things that make people immediately not like the pairing. When if they treat Kai like how they treated Gio...with little bits of bonding and no cutesy/meet-cute scenes...I feel the same thing will happen with Kai and Trina. And bonus...she's generating chemistry with both males that come across organically and not forced. You know, a young soap triangle. But I hope they circle about around to that rather than insert Emma in the spot that has Trina's name on it. 


I agree about the Joss and Trina friendship as well. If anything came out of this year, I would say that their friendship became more on equal footing. Heck, the last six months or so, I feel like Joss has been Trina's talk-to rather than the usual Trina is her talk-to. Their roles have switched. 

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Oh, yes. I love this moment in time where Liz has soooooo many relationship options who she has a story/history with...and she's not paired to prop up one of FV's pets. I am loving it.


Yeah Ric could be paired with just about anyone right now, too. Cute. 


Cool! That triangle had potential to go the distance if allowed. That killing was a mistake. 



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I can see that quad happening. 

I have always thought that friendship is solid. They really act like girlfriends do. No matter what anyone else says or does, these two really get each other. They prefer the company of the other one. No one holds Trina up like Joss does. And now that Joss is needy Trina is right there, ready to do anything Joss needs her to do.

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I'm just happy Emma's return will likely mean less emphasis on Joss in that age group. They've needed another legacy character in that age group badly, and sadly, they never had any intention on giving Trina much focus post-Spencer. Emma would have always been the younger lead on this show had McCullough and Thompson not left (and if a competent actress was in the role) anyway, but we instead got stuck with what feels like years and years of Joss recycling through the same storylines. 

I do hope Emma and Trina do become friends, and I hope Emma and Joss don't like each other, lol. 

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Liz is definitely firing on all cylinders. That's unusual for her. Isn't it special? She could be happy. And that is also unusual. A happy Liz Webber. Who woulda thunk it? Not me. I am so glad I'm not any longer having to post Free Liz or Fizz Fazzled. 

Rick Hearst is a gem. As long as Ric Lansing doesn't get into trouble. 

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And if worse comes to worse, Jason (another of her men) is a very solid 'in case of emergency...' hehe.

You would.

Very. It's very special. Dare I hope she heads the Episode Count again? I love having so much Liz after YEARS of her being background rather than being up front where she belongs. I'm living for it. 

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By my count, Kristina has appeared in 116 episodes this year. If she appears in two more, she will set a new record for Kristina. She has also done better than Spencer and Trina did last year, who were ranked fourth and fifth on the show. My girl is getting her time in the spotlight.

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