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GH: December 2024 Discussion Thread

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Oh, I get that.  I don't even know if "like" is the way to describe how I feel about Jason/Sonny/Carly.  I am just have emotional investment with them so I care about them more than I do about any of the newer characters.  I used to be terribly upset if I missed a day of GH and now I could go weeks or months without it.  It's more fun to post about the show than it is to actually watch it.

Yeah, it would have been similar to Cody too.  But at least Dex was a pretty blank slate history wise so a retcon would have made more sense for him than Sasha-a character that has been on the show for a decade.

There are plenty of characters on GH that made it without being tied to anyone.  I don't get why GH wants to make everyone someone's long lost relative these days.

Yup. The show could have done more.  I liked him becoming a cop.

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Meh. Retcons, in general, are not overly great from my POV. Unless it undoes something that should be undone (which is rare in my book). So much could have been done with Dex's back story and his history in the service, but we never really got that. And that, to me, is what's most disappointing at the end of the day.

And I think it's because they lack creativity; not everyone on the canvas should be related/connected via personal relationship. We do need those characters that hold no connection.

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They showed Wyndemere for the first time in a long time. Is the anonymous buyer of the castle a new Cassadine we don’t know? The same Cassadine is the one who cut Ava out of her money.

Since Ava is now broke, will she have to shut down the gallery and lay off Trina?

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I haven't seen this yet, about to go read it now but another fan told me it had factual errors & also said that the shows have to pay mags like this to do stories like this. No idea if true or not, but it didn't seem out of the realm of the possible considering mainstream pays so little attention to daytime, usually. 

Back from reading it, LMAO!!! 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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The show keeps repeating itself. Now they're doing a new version of the Hook killer, and bringing back  the "shock" of the victim being perfectly fine one moment, dead the next

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They are tanking Lulu's return by having it be all about Valentin. And she's not even playing that big a role in it; other characters are taking the lead. If only Charlotte could just show up on Lulu's doorstep and Valentin never be heard of ever again..

The Drew/Willow/Michael stuff fell so flat. The writers never tried to make it make sense by diving into any of the characters. They just had the characters do whatever to manufacture drama. Their mistake is to do it with really weak actors, who can't  sell what they're doing either. Now these three have become shady, weak losers. They're ruined and should all be written off.

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I happen to agree with you that these writers (and Frank, of course) will do anything or have any character do anything or say anything to advance whatever plot point they are pursuing. I have said that they are incorrigible in this way. 

But, I will say, in defense of soapy messy goodness, they have made Drew infinitely more interesting as scuzzy sleazeball than before when he was just a placeholder, a cypher. Michael has always needed something to really sink his teeth into. Willow's motivation, to me, was always clear since she mistakenly thinks Drew was a savior to her, plain old hero worship. Nina needs no explanation as she is & always has been crazy & CW is just the perfect person to play that. 

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Parts of the article are over-the-top -- the writer is clearly a fanboy -- but I don't really have a problem with it. Pieces like that are for the fans and Evan Hofer did have a few even if his fan base isn't on this board.

I don't think EH is a future Oscar winner, but he was fine on GH, especially when you consider the way his character was bounced around. This was a GH failure, IMO.

Does Hofer lay on the praise for GH and its actors a little thick? Yes, but I think that's a smart move. Scorched earth almost never helps, and "Bye everyone" doesn't open many doors either. Being this positive on the way out can't hurt.

I won't miss Dex, but I did like him there, if that makes sense. I can't say the same about a lot of GH characters.

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