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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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I am all for them playing the romance spoiler angle for now with Cody while Dante grieves, but I don't need to see his friendship with Cody busted up or DZ thrown under the bus so Frank can keep an OLTL castmember relevant. I am legit into Dante and Lulu with AH and I think Dominic more than deserves the A-tier again so I hope that's where this lands in the end.

That said, I'm someone who has championed JK's place on the show as Cody for most of this year and I have no problem with him being here. I am still for him and Tracy tbh, but anything that gives the poor guy a break works for me.

Edited by Vee
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Let me just say all the guys were looking good this episode. Okay almost all lol. And DT has been working out I see.

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Other than the lack of Lulu, I surprisingly found this to be a good episode. It didn't feel like filler for me. More of a checking in on some characters for better or worse. And very light plot moving. 


You know what? I don't know who has been writing Trina's story, but these scenes were just as good on this episode with her as they did on 11-21. I kinda want a triangle with her, Gio, and Kai now. She and Kai got an episode to bond. And this episode her and Gio were bonding. I, too, goofy dance, Trina.  So I was loving all of that. And I kinda hope they will go there since Gio gave her a nickname. And aren't soap relationships started on nicknames? 


OMG!!! WHERE...IS...MONICA??? Jason is staying in the Q Mansion again!!! Hades has frozen over!!! lol. I continue to enjoy the blended family storyline and loved all of that and the Dante/Jason scenes. 


As I've mentioned before, I continue to enjoy the storyline of a rift between TJ and Molly. And I was happy to see Stella got to TJ and he showed up at the trial. In a SUIT. Lord...he cleans up oh so well. hehe. Meanwhile, it felt odd to see Molly and Kristina getting along. For now. I take it that Ric is going to rip that to shreds before it is all said and done. 

Speaking of Ric...Mmmmm you betta get your flirt on, you silver fox you! AKA loving those scenes with him and Ava. 


 I admit that I did not like that there was a lot of momentum over the last week and a half with Drew/Willow/Michael/Sasha for that to be abruptly stopped in a sense. And I do like that at the moment it is kinda working as a C plot, bubbling below the surface here rather than Michael abruptly vanishing right when we SHOULD be seeing some reaction out of him. But here he was slowing clueing people in to Drew's Q nature. Kinda Iago-lite in a way with Curtis here and just friends with Sasha the episode before. CD is starting to have little moments for someone who is zoned out. That said I RME at Sasha being the coda with that verdammt box. 


Outside of seeing Mac and Felicia and their joy at the news and Robert's letter...which I will believe and eat crow when he shows up for February Sweeps...I still could care less for Sasha at the moment.


Another uneven week that did not have to be if they had kept the momentum on Lulu. But I digress...


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This cleared it up for me (from 1/3/2024 summary) @Taoboi

Ava, of course, wanted to know whether Nikolas had killed Austin. And was he behind the offer to buy Wyndemere? No and no, Nikolas replied — and, to Ava’s own surprise, she believed him. “But,” he added, “even you have to admit we were both played by Austin and his boss that night.”

But for the past year, I thought he confessed to the Esme stuff in order to avoid being prosecuted for Austin's murder.  That's what I get for only watching during sweeps....

Edited by j swift
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Maybe that's what I was remembering as well. Because during the strike writing, it turned out Austin and Mason's boss was revealed to be Cyrus while he was still in jail and a total rewrite since the original hints of their boss was a woman. 

Edited by Taoboi
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I don't think it would be right to recast Monica. Yes, Jason is around, and she could be in story, but it wouldn't be the same without Leslie.  

If Leslie can't continue in the role I would kill the character off. If they don't want to do that until Leslie is ready then I would say have her leave town - maybe they get a shock when they learn she has sold the mansion to someone (maybe Lucy or Scotty or a brand new mystery character...? I don't know. Anyone but Carly.)

I think Dante and Cody might be the two best male leads in their age range on the canvas at present - for whatever that's worth.

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There's nothing to do with it other than what's been done IMO, unless Leslie says otherwise. I don't feel it's appropriate to kill off a cornerstone character like that unless the actor consents and is definitely done. I think it's unlikely based on BTS talk and recent press that LC will return, sadly. But I'll always hope for it in some capacity, even just another voiceover bit. I don't love the writing this year that has made it clear Monica is ailing and unwell a la Lila Q's final days, but I understand the reason for it. All they can do that's tactful, realistically, is wait for Leslie to either be well enough to do something or pass away. I think killing her while she is still alive and by all reports cognizant if not physically capable would be a mistake.

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There would also be story for Tracy if she is torn over trying to help the woman she loves as a daughter, although it would be tough to watch if she ends up becoming bitter or jealous (which wouldn't be out of character but I don't know if I trust the GH of recent years).

I agree that it would be a shame to see a friendship ruined for the same of a forced love triangle. 

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I can't see Tracy ever turning on Lulu like that. She adores her. I am looking fwd to scenes with Jane and Alexa actually, almost as much as AH with Lulu's family.

I just don't know what the endgame is supposed to be for Cody assuming FV is not going to try to shiv Dante long-term (which is a big if) and Sasha stays a Scorpio so he can guarantee Mattsson a job. Not that I wanted Sasha and Cody together, because I don't. I am more interested in keeping Cody in and of himself.

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The posturing against Sonny was a road to nowhere. I remember when they made a show of Laura "turning against" Sonny after Lucky's death, and beyond her wandering around the hospital for a year looking sad I can't remember anything of note happening.

There was a more natural story in place if they had actually had opposition against Laura over her enabling Heather, involved the people Heather hurt, and gone forward with the story they hinted at with Jordan running against her as mayor. None of that happened, partly because Frank and the "historian" didn't give a [!@#$%^&*], partly because they seem afraid to remind viewers of just how many terrible things Heather has done.

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