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GH: November 2024 Discussion Thread

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What was I just saying about Frank finding any way to get a guy shirtless on this show? I didn't mind though. Looks like Curtis has been working out.

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A meh episode. First one in a bit actually.


It's been funny to see Sonny just sitting with people and the focus not be on him. Wagger who? lol. But first it has been with Dante. And now he's doing it with Alexis. And just Alexis being in grief was the only thing I didn't mind in this episode.


Oh...and Lucas/Ryan was the other highlight. It was nice to see them bond. So I guess if the plan is to slowly have them come back together, Carly will be the roadblock. I wouldn't mind that. Carly is overdue to act up.


Shockingly Sidwell is going on me.


And we know I am not living for any moment where Anna has to beg period.



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Several times today Liz mentioned that Aiden and Lucky are getting to know each other better. Would be nice if us viewers saw that. They had 1 episode where they bonded (Aiden's coming out) that's it. 

I'm also over whiney deadbeat Lucky. If this is all they going have him do every time he's on, Lucky can leave again. 

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This is what I said would happen a few days ago. They won't run a lot of the character material onscreen for key stories beyond a scene or two because Frank is too busy playing Russian Roulette with everyone's guarantees and the block taping, as always. So you get an intro to Lucky and Aiden reconnecting and then a ton of it will be offscreen for weeks or months while people just talk about it in passing. It's what he's done (and Ron in the past did) with character development for years.

The show continues to have many elements that could be great if watered to the right potential, and many that are beyond stale and should've been purged years ago. (And it's a wild contrast to viewing the key transitional period in 1991 to Linda Gottlieb's OLTL, where they slaughtered the cast like it was the French Revolution.) It's depressing to see it right back in the same old rut of strangled potential and storytelling that vacillates by the week between go-nowhere and furiously frenetic, speedrunning past any potential drama. I'm watching for the Spencers atm, but I skip past a lot of the Sasha Saga, etc. And I just don't have any time for half the cast anymore, including Fake Shemp Molly and T.J. or the wreck they've once again made of Kristina. Ava also appears to be doing nothing but flirting with Ric and gabbing with Nina every other Tuesday. And the less said about poor LW's onscreen prospects (and wardrobe), the better.

Edited by Vee
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Lucky: "If what I'm looking for isn't here, then why should I stay?" Are you kidding me with this dialogue? GH works overtime to bring back Jonathan Jackson and then saddles him with this crap?

Lucky is perpetually saddled with teenage angst + the 7 year old who wants to run away from home every other month. It's maddening.

And did GH/ABC become afraid of the Aiden character during his first 2 appearances? I don't understand writing in gay characters and then having this much fear over writing for them. There was so much to mine about Aiden and Lucky's relationship with him, and all we know is "They've talked."

GH spent more time on deciding to have Sonny and Lucky spar in the boxing ring and deciding to give JJ sleeves while letting MB go sleeveless.

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