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GH: Actress "Unlikely" to Return

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It is my understanding that a couple of formerly reputable soap opera websites have recently  been purchased by larger companies whose existing sites have a history of being very sensational and exploitive. I don't recall the names of the soap opera sites. But when I read the announcements, I recognized the sites as ones I have visited in the past. So I think we can assume we will see more and more of this type of "gossipy" postings on soap sites that we have relied upon for accuracy in the past.  

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It's so bizarre to me that there are paparazzi photos of that outing. You wouldn't even immediately recognize her as a celebrity, so unless they were arranged pap shots, which makes absolutely no sense, I can't figure out how those pictures got published. It feels exploitative. She's just an elderly private citizen going out for a walk. I am glad she's able to be out and about and is not bedridden but yeah, I doubt she'll return to the show.

Edited by BoldRestless
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I agree.  At first, I thought they were at some celeb spot like Erewhon or The Grove.  But, Atwater Village is off the beaten path, and a retirement village is hardly a hot spot.  Also, paps don't just hang out like they did a decade ago.  So, this was a specific tip.

That being said, I don't fault the member here for posting it.  It is just for discussion purposes, and they are endorsing neither the story nor the pics.  People speculate if Monica will return all the time, so I consider it informative.

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