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GH: October 2024 Discussion Thread

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We were discussing LH's appearances that move to more proper crossovers that make more sense than some we have had on this show. Anna being the main point.  It snowballed from there.


A good snowball cuz I love hearing about some (not all) of Anna's AMC history. 

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All this talk about KeMo sleepwalking her last few shows makes me laugh. She has been like this for the majority of her run on GH.

And that final scene with Jason and Drew was comical. The show spent more than a decade pushing JaSam. I do feel bad for their fans. Reminds me of that photo of her promoting Steve’s return. She clearly didn’t want to be there either.

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I don't disagree.  She's just a bit more sleepy and dreary than usual lol.  She was usually at 3% energy now she is at 1% lol.

I feel bad for Jasam fans, but I don't know why Kelly couldn't just suck it up and do her job.  If she hated it she could have left long ago.  Actively tanking things is just making things worse for herself and her fans.  Her own surprised reaction to her firing is obnoxious too.  You were actively working against the material lol.

I still think GH is missing some drama killing Sam off, but it's no loss in the end and that really stinks for a character we were forced to watch for 20 plus years.

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Not Nina being reduced to nothing, but a talk-to!!!! lol.


So this is what @Antoyne was talking about. YES, I loved the Ric/Ava scenes. And that chemistry was definitely there. Meanwhile, that cute little Ric/Liz scene. Hehe. They are just going to tease that out, aren't they.


I enjoyed Holly vs Anna. But that might be because I love a catfight. Especially one that is rooted in the history. And the fact that Holly kept trying to get one up on Anna was hilarious. And here comes the next leg in Holly's story with the criminal FINALLY making it to the U.S. and now Holly talking to Sonny about something. Hmmm.


So Hat Dad is finally gone??? Well, the actor seem really excited about that so I can't hate him for that. Meanwhile, I saw that look Stella gave TJ/Molly while they were talking to Marshall. And it's kinda sad seeing Gio/Trina knowing what's coming.


See? Spinelli got his scene with Sam. And that got an awww out of me. And since I forgot, it was nice to see Sam in some scenes with Lucas which she used to have some when Julian was still around. But that said...it really and truly feels like it's painting by numbers. 


Meanwhile, you have Dante/Sonny and Maxie/Spinelli scenes playing night to Sam farewell scenes' day. It might be paint by numbers to remind the audience of where Dante and Lulu stood when she went into her coma, but it didn't feel by numbers to me. 


So...just like that...Heather is going released in 24 hours? Since that is abrupt, does that mean Portia's part in the test will also go up in smoke?

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You had to be made of strong stuff to watch AMC in 2001. I remember wondering if they were going to try to pair Bianca with him as she was so heavy in his storyline. (this is also when they hinted at psycho Laura getting involved with Bianca)

Edited by DRW50
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It was before she went psycho, though. Early Laura Allen as Laura (Kirk) was very queer-coded; athletic, masculine energy and very into Bianca. It was not subtle. They ruined her by not going for it and putting her with Leo as a weak spoiler for him and Greenlee. Frankly I think Laura and Bianca was Bianca's best pairing.

Edited by Vee
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Ric and Heather intend to sue the makers of the toxic hip. Ric and Heather hope to make themselves rich off of the lawsuit. Ric can assuage the rage of Heather's victims by including them in the lawsuit so they can get compensation. Since the judge said Heather wasn't responsible for her crimes, that means the makers of the toxic hip are.

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