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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I think what we are seeing is a direct correlation to how little the story is planned out. When Geary used to head out and they pretaped, Luke could be very in story or not, depending on what the plan was. The times he was heavier in story it was easier to pre-tape because Guza and team had a stronger handle on the story overall, and it didn’t feel like he was gone most of the time, certainly not for months. The show was also not filmed in such a fragmented way.

I think we now have Valentini putting the show together as a puzzle, we have writers that work within his strategy, and we have a schedule that has to be kept above all else. There is a reason the show has felt like it only has an actual story maybe 60 days at a time. There is a reason they don’t do a lot of deep character work anymore. There is a reason things get dropped so often, including an entire story direction just disappearing abruptly. This year it was really highlighted just how little forward thinking they are anymore.

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Yep. For many years, but it also goes back to Ron's time who worked closely with him at both shows. They would regularly drop key plots or subplots for weeks at a time and expect everyone to hop back onboard later, sometimes with things having happened entirely offscreen.

Edited by Vee
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So Portia changed Heather’s test results, and will blame Brad Cooper for it  if is discovered.

And yes, Liz did marry Franco. She and Franco shared Steven as a half-brother.

Now that Portia is corrupt, let the show get rid of her and replace her with Robin, Patrick, or Steven. Matt Hunter should also be out of prison by now.

Edited by Aragorn
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Ok, what is this nonsense with Portia? Ruining one character to prop another one, who basically has no story, is not the answer. It never is. 

I like Gio but he’s so unlike an Italian boy from Bensonhurst

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And is it just me or have they seem to have lost interest in the character? We don’t even see him play the violin anymore. Unless 

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As for Dex and Molly…

I like TJ, but this needs to happen. It would be a great story for him and Molly. It seems like a natural reaction, considering everything they’ve been going through. And Dex would finally get to be with someone who’s human

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Lord have mercy this show.


I actually found this week boring with bright moments. So much so I'm glad I came here to be sure of what I thought I saw going down was what I saw going down. And I'm talking about Heather's test results in that Ric/Liz (yay) scene. We are really going to throw Portia under the bus for Heather. I don't know what irk me more...the fact that Portia is justified in her feelings, and they would dare to make her look like the villain, or the vanishing of any nuance in that whole entire storyline to get back to that 'waca waca' slapsticky humor that the New/Old Writers love to use for their side-characters. And making it worse for me...it has FINALLY gotten back FV's quick-dash-repeat cut up of scenes. I know everyone has been mentioning it, but surprising, it has not been that apparent to me before now. Unless I was really that distracted...which I might have been. lol. 


I feel the highlight so far for me this week has been Molly. Seeing her in action. Seeing her involved. Seeing her vs Sonny. Molly? Little Molly? She's been going to bat for her mother as much as her mother should be going for her kids. I love every minute she goes off on Kristina. And are they now giving the Kristina/Joss rivalry to Molly in terms of Dex, too? Looks like the New/Old Writers know they found a gem in KV. 


I keep worrying that Alexis being framed by Sonny basically will result in her losing her license again. That was hard won and hard earned, so I hope that is not the case. And now her cellmate is HEATHER. Waca, waca!!! RME.


And speaking of side-characters...Great to see Martin (though I think MEK is still using a bit of an accent...just not as thick) but not so much Cyrus though I did love his monologue surprisingly to Lulu. Since it's been established that he has been visiting her off-screen, it felt weird he was not back in town. And clearly this is going to be a set-up for conflict when Lulu wakes up. But like I said last week, all of the recurring side characters are back except for Ms. Wu and Mrs. O at this point...which are really the ones that I really want to see. 


Love the Stella/Trina scene. As someone in the industry, Stella's comments were completely on point. Us in the industry definitely try to have little industry treats/nights. And know the watering holes to go to for our kind.

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For me...this week was the first time Drew really seem creepy to me. But that might be now that I have his POV by his conversation with Curtis last week, he is coming across VERY un-Drew-like. And now Nina is about to shoot herself in the foot for him. It is walking the line now between a soapy mess and a ewwww mess. 


I actually liked the start of the Anna/Jason part of Lucky storyline. For one...LOOK AT ALL THOSE EXTRAS (and there were extras at Bobbie's, too). For two...at least Holly saw them, and they saw Holly. Quickly. Off the bat. So yay!! But I didn't find the dresses Holly and Anna had on very flattering and I'm used to them looking to the nines...like Holly's last adventure abroad to save Ethan. And the writing was so...well...waca waca slapsticky. Good coda though with Holly vs Anna. The real scene I wanted to see.


And we know I'm here for Liz in the thick of things, but I was just shaking my head at her rejecting Ric. After all...and he said it I believe...the only lady in that town that knows what he's done and still treats him like a human being. Just le sigh. 


Fingers crossed for a Friday cliffhanger when I get there.

Especially under this writing regime.


There were so many POVs before and it could divide up the town.

This? No.


But just like I just said that Molly might be getting the rivalry with Joss that Kristina should have gotten over Dex, I feel like the umbrella tale that should have happened over Heather (with points of view from Laura, Portia, Trina, Liz, half the town) has now been given over to SONNY of all people by way of Wagger's death. And that story is not even being given multiple POVs and will still probably divide up some of the town...just not well half. lol. 

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Wait, why don't we think that Portia will blame BRAD?! Obviously she could make that stick. Portia now possesses a GET OUT OF JAIL FREE card. Terri unknowingly set this up. My interest follows Molly to some country bar, where she tried to order a Manhattan but got bourbon straight. That was NOT a cop bar. Why was Dex there? And, is Tolly about to become Dolly? But, most of all, why in the blue blazes did we get a mention of Steven Lars?

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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The comedy of thinking this show would even care if they wanted him back onscreen. His murders are nothing. Laura is the mayor and she murdered someone as a teenager, shot a man in her house, and is still probably considered Rick’s killer because IIRC Scott was never turned in for it. Alexis just got her law license back and she’s killed and maimed several.

Edited by titan1978
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