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GH: September 2024 Discussion Thread

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I just watched an entire episode from August in 1993. I was watching back then, but haven’t seen anything from this era in a few years. It featured Felicia and Jagger looking for Crystal, who has just OD. And Sonny meets Karen for the first time.

For me, using Felicia would have made this fake Jagger at least passable. Both before and after his Sonny obsession takes over and he crosses the line. And KW was there, on contract, barely being used waiting on Mac to come back. It could also have been interesting for her to look into who killed him, maybe have her see Kristina with the gun before Alexis takes it and throws it over the bridge, giving the PCPD two possible suspects besides Sonny.



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In comparison to the previous year(s) I'd wager she was on a bit less, likely due to her personal tragedies and the absence of John J York. But her return to our screens has been blissfully amazing.

I do believe York's absence kind of silenced her a little bit, so making her a patient advocate at General Hospital was a nice way of integrating her a bit more into other storylines, etc.

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Hahaha!!! Nah! I hope Laura will pop up somehow. And especially by the time Lulu wakes up. 

All good ideas. Though I admit that I liked how Kristina stealing Sonny's gun is truly turning Sonny kills Wagger into a kind of umbrella story. You have the murder and cover-up itself as its own A story while Kristina being Kristina is snowballing into its own story that funnily enough organically filters out from the baby death fallout which has increased the Molly vs Kristina dynamic and looks like this red herring is going to make that even worse. A solid B (or rotating A) story itself. 


Agree. I was kinda hopeful that they might write her a story with JJY out with her narrowing in on Cody or a hospital story with Stella, but alas. 



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I admit I rolled my eyes at the idea of Doctor Foine and Jordan. Doctor definitely sold his side of instant attraction when he laid eyes on Jordan. But this episode with him and Jordan actually talking...yeeeeeah I see a little spark. And I liked their banter. Jordan came alive just a little bit. 


 I don't think I will never not like a Ric/Molly scene. I continue to enjoy his return to the canvas. He just fits in so seamlessly. And now he's going to be Ava's lawyer. Hmm.


While I continue to love my Beast with Carly, I am also still ughing at the New/Old Writers wasting the chemistry I saw with Anna and Brennan under PM. I know he's dazzled by Carly, but Brennan was also fascinated with Anna. And those nuances still being intact would make this all so juicy. 

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Lucky's storyline so far has been bad. Ric's scenes so far have been good. Elizabeth is getting more screen time and I enjoy that. Lulu is not awake but the scenes in her room have been good. I love Kristina and Molly and all the screen time that they get. Josslyn, Trina, and Gio continue to be the most boring part of the show.

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Now, you hit on a sore spot with me. Liz said to her, "I'm so glad to have my Best Nurse back." UGH. Huh? Doesn't seem real or realistic to me for the Head Nurse to have said that to Willow in advance of her first shift back at work as a nurse. I did not care for Willow's leaving nursing & then did not care for her leaving being that transplant organ group spokesperson, so Willow is on notice by me to see if she's ready to settle down. Enough already. Also I am not keen on sex between Michael's uncle Drew & this girl! Nina should have told Willow right off that she & Drew are regularly doing the wild thing. Too late now. 

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