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B&B: Character Recast!

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No joke, I had the same thought. It's weird in light of the Krista Allen casting AND the history with the Melrose lawsuit, but I could totally see Rinna as an age-appropriate Taylor. I also always thought they'd go after Kristian Alfonso for the part (which is also weird in light of the Hope/Billie connection).

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I kinda agree. But I  think that Bradley wants to go away from the freakshow vibe of the character that's been since 2005. Rinna would have made Taylor even more freaky and it wouldn't have worked long term. Maybe at first - yes, but pretty soon we would have hit the dead end that Tylo's character always used to hit. But I agree - she would have been more appropriate than Rebecca Budig.

I am ALL for keeping Taylor normal, beautiful and in line with her profession. That's why Krista Allen worked so great. She reminded me of 90s Taylor with a new twist to the character - humor. We all know Hunter Tylo is not a comedy actress. She is BEST at drama and serious/romantic storylines. So Krista made Taylor quirky and funny and that worked for her. She was ALSO too young, but RESEMBLED the original character and was definitely more appropriate look-wise.

There are plenty of 60+ STUNNING (without hardcore plastic surgery - no offense to plastic surgery, but... ) actresses that could have come and been a better recast than a woman who looks to be in her early 40s, is shorter than her daughter, looks completely unrelated to her kids and etc. She looks couple of generations younger than KKL-Brooke. It will feel incredibly off to have them feud for Ridge, and act like they have been... for decades.  This new Taylor looks like just 20 years ago she was the young woman that stole him from Brooke. That's how she looks. 

I also don't understand what message this is sending to actresses in the show... It's kinda ageist... and kinda disturbing. Sorry for being so critical, people are going to say that this is showbusiness and nothing new... BUT  - that's how I feel.  KKL will have to pretend that a 14 years younger woman is the girl that she's been fighting since she basically started on the show. How is this possible? I hope KKL and other actresses don't think this is a hint to go to the plastic surgeon and try to compete and fight with time. Age is something we can't change. It's part of us. It's beautiful to age. And 60+ characters should be played by 60+ people. So it's kinda sad that they are recasting 62+ year old character with a 50 year old. Next... it will be Steffy or Hope recast with late 20s girls. Younger doesn't always mean more beautiful or more popular with the fans.

I am still giving her chance and probably going to love her. My hope for this NEW character that we are going to pretend is Taylor... is that she is more brutal and unpredictable than the previous Taylors. Brooke deserves someone who can fight her like Stephanie did. With hatred and venom. KKL shines BEST when she has someone trying to kick her out-bully her out of the family. That's when Brooke comes to life. And not like they are making Steffy do it... I mean - real hardcore harassment. 

Edited by Maxim
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I also think that with this new much younger Taylor, it's inevitable that we'll get a Finn-Taylor scandal, maybe even with a baby. Bradley may try to copy-paste the Breacon scandal. He has been basing pretty much every taboo storyline on that scandal since 2002. And knowing how much he hates and wants to ruin Taylor's legacy, and how much he wants to equal her to Brooke in terms of debauchery and disgusting things... he is going to go there. Know that. That's my intuition. Remember I called it first and remind me when it starts happening. 

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This makes zero sense. If they wanted to bring back Taylor, why not try to woo back KA who was absolutely perfect in the role.

Plus, no one is clamoring for ANOTHER Brooke-Ridge-Taylor story. Dear Lord, we've seen it a MILLION times. If they wanted to cast RB, why couldn't see have been a NEW blank slate role. Now, THAT would have been interesting. She could have played someone who was involved with Ridge during the time he was off canvas between RM and TK playing the roles. 

RB does NOT look old enough to be Thomas and Steffy's mom. If they keep getting younger and younger with it, before we know it, Eden Riegel will be the new Taylor!

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