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Y&R: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I seem to remember years back when Billy and Phyllis were a couple having scenes at the Chancellor mansion?


The Chancellor set has been used in the past few years.

 When Chance and Abby got married, they lived there together. Abby was shown there moping about pregnancy difficulties with her being unable to carry a child due to internal scarring, and Chance having low sperm count due to having been shot while working as a cop. They were considering other methods when Chance went off on some secret mission overseas in a wartorn region.  Then began the storyline of Mariah becoming gestational surrogate with Abby's egg, and Devon (who was a platonic friend then) being the sperm donor. Scenes in Chancellor living room with Christine as Abby's attorney to legalize this plan.  Mariah and Tessa moved into a Chancellor mansion bedroom during the duration of Mariah being pregnant. There were periodic scenes in the Chancellor living room of Nina and Jill appearing via videochat or popping in for a visit in person.

All the while, Chance was still overseas and was missing. After the baby was born, Mariah and Tessa eventually moved out.

This convoluted plot was horrendous, and I can understand blocking out the memory of this use of the Chancellor set from any viewer's mind.


When Chance finally returned home, there was a big welcome home party in the Chancellor living room.

Devon asked to become a legal third parent to the baby, and Abby and Chance agreed to shared custody. Devon was still a platonic friend then. The baby travelled back and forth between the Chancellor mansion and Devon's penthouse, with all three adults as legal co-parents.

Around this time, all the involved characters continued regularly mentioning the Chancellor mansion, but it stopped being shown onscreen.

Meanwhile, since his return from the secret war mission, Chance had PTSD from having witnessed buddies die on that mission. Chance tried to bond with Abby;  but Chance was PTSD and distant, and Abby wanted him to be devoted to giving her lots and lots of attention.  She was annoyed at his time spent working in his job as a cop. Eventually they gradually grew apart.  One day Abby spontaneously had sex with Devon at Devon's penthouse when she had brought the baby there for custody time, and Chance happened to stop by the penthouse and caught them together. Then Abby and Chance divorced.

The C-mansion continued to be discussed, due to various changing living arrangements with Chance/Abby/Devon over several months, but the set wasn't shown anymore for a year or two. It was mentioned that Chance was living at the C-mansion alone with the baby visiting; while Abby and Devon lived together in Devon's penthouse. Still the mansion set wasn't shown.

Eventually the three co-parents decided that Chance would move out of the mansion and get an apartment nearby, while Abby and Devon would live in the mansion together with the baby(now a young boy). Chance would visit the boy at the mansion, and also the boy could visit Chance's offscreen apartment. This way the boy would grow up in his family home.

In July 2023, the Chancellor mansion set was shown for the first time in a year or two, when Abby&Devon moved in. Devon looked up at Katherine's portrait on the wall and said it was meant to be. Abby&Devon had sex on the couch that week.

I don't know if the mansion has been shown since then.

Edited by janea4old
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Around 2020 and earlier, Kevin and Chloe had been living at the Chancellor mansion with their kids Bella and Miles -- with Esther. I think I remember Gloria popping in after some mischief in Hollywood, and hiding something in the mansion? ? ?  Kevin and Chloe found it. When Chance&Abby first got married, Kevin, Chloe, Esther, and the children decided to move out of the mansion so as to give the newlyweds some space.  Kevin&Chloe bought a house that they apparently still live in, but their house has never been shown. Esther was living with them to help with the children.

It has been stated in past year or two that the children are now a bit older and don't need Esther's constant care. Now Esther has two jobs: she manages Crimson Lights and she works as a receptionist at Chancellor-Winters. (I don't know what happens with her receptionist job now that Chancellor-Winters is breaking into two companies.) At any rate Esther's probably still managing Crimson Lights. I guess Esther still lives at Kevin&Chloe's offscreen house.

Kevin&Chloe's kids (Bella and Miles) haven't been shown onscreen since before COVID.  A few years ago, there were times the kids were at the park with adults, but only the adults were visible to viewers --- Bella was playing just out of camera range, so she wasn't seen or heard by viewers. Miles was presented to viewers as being in a stroller, with no face shown.  But that was 2 or 3 years ago, and nothing since. I don't know how old the children are supposed to be now.

Elizabeth Hendrickson is recurring, so Chloe appears intermittently.

Greg Rikaart has been full-time on contract at Days of Our Lives for at least 2 years. He appears on Y&R as Kevin two or three episodes per year. Supposedly Kevin still works as tech person for the GCPD. Chloe usually doesn't mention Kevin but they are still apparently together.  If need be, to explain why Kevin isn't in a scene,  Chloe says Kevin is home with the kids, at the police office, away on a police assignment, or in the other room, etc, etc. Sometimes Chloe is shown talking to Kevin on the phone -- but viewers see/hear only Chloe's part of the phonecall. But usually Kevin doesn't come up in conversation at all.  I think Kevin was last shown Thanksgiving 2023 and this past New Years Eve.

All of that is to say that it would be hard to show Bella and Miles as part of a family as things now stand.

But I have no idea if DAYS will continue to feature Greg Rikaart after Ron Carlivati is gone.

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Thank you so much. It is quite obvious that the show has no idea how to use the iconic set in an organic way.

I never bought Chloe as Kate Valentine, but I always liked Elizabeth Hendrickson. I guess the show has no significant use for her, with Chelsea and Sally playing similar characters. 

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I had replied above with example of usage of Chancellor living room in past several years.

But upon further thought, I realize that was mostly the condensed living room set. I think LibertyCity might be right that the full Chancellor *mansion* (muitiple rooms at full size) set hasn't been used in ages.

Edited by janea4old
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Yeah, pre Audra/Sally friendship, Chloe has been the go-to friend for Sally. When Chelesa and Adam started to pay visits to Conner for the OCD storyline, Sally took Chelesa's place at Marchetti and brought Chloe along with her. I want to say the last time we saw was with Summer and Sally at a work meeting at Society because Summer was so impressed with Sally (and they mend their issues) that Summer was going to create a fashion line for them separate from Chelesa's position at the company. 


And that was a few weeks ago.

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Oh, I thought you were all talking about the Chancellor Industries set. Whew. The full Chancellor mansion set got changed in 2012 when Jill Farren Phelps became EP.

These scenes aired May 3, 2013 (a.k.a. Jeanne Cooper's final episode as Katherine Chancellor):

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It's the same general shooting style that we have now, but the furniture is set up differently to more-so mirror the previous set up the set had. If I recall correctly, the arrangement changed sometime in early 2013, around the time the new Newman Ranch set was introduced.


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Another week has gone by, so let’s recap:

-The Kyle vs Summer story is still the highlight of the week so far. It was good to get those Chance and Summer scenes as well. I like the idea of Summer looking to dig up dirt on Audra. This why I wish Chance had gone onto being a PI instead of whatever the heck he is doing now lol. 

-Enjoyed Friday’s scenes with Audra and Nate with Audra already scheming against our poor wittle spoiled brat Kyle LOL. 

-Good to see Traci and Martin again and in Geona City. I don’t know though if there is going to be anything more done with Martin though after that strange abrupt ending to Ashley’s DID story that didn’t explain too much.

-Umm the scenes with Claire and Victoria were nice but we aren’t seeing any new ground here.

-Thursday’s episode reminded us that Sharon is definitely not out the woods yet but why it took almost a full week for the show to pick it back up is just about as bonkers as Sharon is.

-The rest of the week was hogged up with hogwash I don’t care for. Abbott-Chancellor is like the most pointless business story ever written. Adam/Chelsea is such low stakes drama as is OCD Connor’s return home. I mean I feel bad Sally is going to get hurt but I feel nothing for Billy. This hogwash was unnecessary and now it’s dragging out unnecessarily. Time for the truth to come out and move on.

Idk I don’t like the amount of time Billy and Sally keep spending together though. Don’t tell me we’re going to get some listless quad out of this.

-Finally I hope Victor shuts Phyllis down.


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I would actually say this week is off to a good start. That said...hell has frozen over for me. Adam...PLEAASSSSSSSSSE do what Victor wants you to do and take Billy down!!!


I can't with him. So far, he's back moving around the canvas like a bull in a china shop. I am saddened that we didn't get a Jill appearance (yet) as he tried to outmaneuver Lily. Again...I can't. Lily did everything in her power to make it as light as possible, but Billy wants to be a big baby and then hide behind Jill. Ugh. If Billy wants to learn the hard way to not frak with Victor...Lily LET HIM. And I love that Victor is already on it, too. If he only knew about the Adam/Chelesa fling. And then Billy got in Jack's face, too?  It seems like the relaunch has not happened so fingers crossed we can get an event out of it that leaves Billy out to dry. 


As @soapfan770 has mentioned above...and I feel the same...the highlight has been Kyle vs Summer for me as well so far this week. And just ugh! All of Victor's hard work, and Summer made it about her. A shame really. That Summer is still hurt about Kyle and Audra being around each other that she's making the Harrison situation worse. Le sigh.


I did like the idea of Nikki hiring Claire as her assistant again. Because she was extremely good at that. And we saw that on screen.



God bless Eric Braeden.

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100% this. I love how he shuts down racist posters on Twitter. All these racists think that a white man born in Germany in 1941 is going to be of their mindset and they end up being proven wrong.

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EB is a true mensch AND he's no fool.  He knows he'd still be in TV Guest Villain Hell if not for the millions of African-Americans who have looked to Victor Newman as an icon and sex symbol.

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Exactly. EB knows that a good portion of his fanbase in this country are African-Americans. Whenever he trends on Twitter, it's almost always African-Americans that show him the most love.

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