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DAYS: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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I know!  What a diss to John and Shane!

I am pretty sure it was the actor flubbing the line.  Sometimes Eric Martsolf will say John instead of Dad when he's talking to other characters.  It's rare, but he's done it more than once and either his line said that and he didn't correct it or just screwed up and they leave it in.  Oh, Days

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Wow, I never considered Holly and Tate to be geniuses or even smart, but c'mon!  Holly has a car, Tate had a minor injury, they couldn't have gone to an urgent care or a hospital in the next town over?    I know they had to get caught so I get that.  It would have been better if Maggie caught on or Sophia told on them.  It came down to them just being really dumb lol.

But...Brady is Tate's father and is also quite dumb.  The whole stolen car story?  WTF?  It wasn't even believable.  Why wouldn't he just report the car stolen days ago?  Kristen taking it was a twist I wasn't expecting though.  And nice to see Marlena pop up mid episode. 

Paul Telfer continues to be really awesome in this story.  I never thought much of him, but he really has grown as an actor through the years.   

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Aaron did mention his mother once, but I think it was during the strike.

Technically, all shows that hit milestones like this are a season ahead, because they begin with Season 1, not Season 0. And with Days having debuted in November, that’s why it seems so far ahead. 

Actually, Days’ 60th anniversary episode is going to be in Season 61. 

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Prior to today, I thought the Greene's were trying to keep the circumstances of their parent's death a secret.  I assumed they were avoiding social service involvement with their sister and her special needs.  And that was why they said that they were calling their parents when asked by other adults.

Edited by j swift
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I swear Aaron mentioned his parents after the strike about camp.  First he said he'd have to clear it with his brother, so I did think he lived with him, but then he talked about his parents in a different episode so I wasn't sure.  It's a minor detail and I could be wrong though lol.

I mean, Tate knew and told Holly pretty casually and she seemed to already be aware, so I don't think it's a huge secret.

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I keep thinking about this. In the promo we see at the beginning of the show, Marlena says, "THAT is unethical!" Very emphatically. And, I ALWAYS think, why is she shocked?! In Salem so many unethical things have been done. It bugs me. Just start with everything Stefano did to her or to people she loved & that's a big one. Today I thought Tate's injury seemed on the lame side but not really lame or anything, Just questionable. Not at all a big deal. Of course it will  probably be made into a major thing.                                                                                                         


Edited by Contessa Donatella
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I’m very intrigued about the connection fake Abby, Dr. Greene, and Clyde all share. Man Chad and the town are going to look like the biggest dummies when this comes out. It’s like none of them have lived in Salem all these years.

Did not expect the twist of Kristen getting rid of Brady’s car but I liked it. Hopefully she was smart enough to not be the one in the car herself.

Fiona truly is a piece of work.

Tate and Holly are legitimately morons. 

Edited by Antoyne
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Today was really good. Episodes are always much better when everything is taken seriously.

I loved the Maggie/Sarah scenes and how Maggie discussed the car accident that killed her parents and crippled her. And how she used that to comfort Sarah. That’s how you use history. And I actually don’t mind the idea of Xander going dark again but I’d much rather it be against Alex as well as Brady. The whole Kiriakis heir thing seems to have been dropped in favor of Sarah’s accident and the Body&Soul bullshit. 

And now that Holly knows the truth about Sarah’s accident, that could lead to some good conflict for her and Tate. Tie that in to everyone believing that Brady is responsible for the accident, along with Sophia somehow manipulating the situation and you get a pretty good storyline.

I also really like the relationship that they’re building up with Maggie, Holly and Sarah and I hope they continue to do it.

EJ being so petty and bitchy was not necessary though. There’s gotta be another way for them to write his character. 

Edited by AbcNbc247
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The Sarah/Maggie scenes were lovely!  It almost brought tears to my eyes.  I am not a huge fan of SR or LG, but they have a very believable mother/daughter bond.

I liked the John/Marlena scenes.  I always like John/Marlena scenes, obviously, but I appreciate when characters are smart.  And John/Marlena got to the bottom of the Brady issue pretty quickly.

Glad Holly finally learned the truth about the night Sarah was hit.

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