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GH: August 2024 Discussion Thread

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We knew Jagger was going under the bus but I wasn’t expecting Sonny to actually just shoot him lol, wow and he even fired multiple shots too.

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We got all of these scenes of Sonny trying to repent to his loved ones for his unmedicated behavior, today’s with Dante being particularly touching IMO only for him to still be a callous, vengeful murderer at the end of the day. The big confrontation at the Q boat house had me at the edge of my seat and didn’t disappoint. Curious how the writers try to get Sonny out of this hole.

For a moment I thought Kristina would be the one to put a bullet in Jagger after his rotten behavior at the PCPD and her taking Alexis keys and Sonny’s gun, so kudos on that fake out. Now it looks like she’s headed for a suicide attempt at baby Irene’s grave instead which…woof.

Drew put that dirty mack work in on Willow, I laughed so hard at the talk of being there for family while not realizing Michael was  blowing up Willow’s phone worried and looking for her. I buy Drew being sad over losing a mentor and wishing he’d met Alan but it also came off like a scoundrel using whatever play he could just to get Willow more sympathetic and willing to give him some sex. I hope they full out hunch next episode.

Ava trying to convince Jagger’s flunky not to kill her was hilarious. Then the car accident with Isaiah, will be interesting to see the dynamic there.

JJ and the writers are really morphing Lucky into Luke Jr which I dig. The show got so much heat from the audience and JJ himself for relying on his emotional performances too much during his last lengthy run and this is a much more interesting take on the character.

Maxie and Felicia’s scenes at the hospital with Lulu were nice. I appreciated the touch on medical bias against patients who aren’t seen to be viable long term.

Carly actually apologizing to Dante and Brook Lynn showed a lot of growth. They really do seem to be hinting at Brook Lynn and Dante hiding a kid and it being Gio which would explain why his family backstory seemed so off. I’m actually kind of alright with the idea. 

Overall solid episode and week for the show. Loved the use of the storm to create a dramatic atmosphere while all of these storylines came to a boiling point and looking forward to next Tuesday.

Edited by detroitpiston
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Did Vanessa Marcil return and I missed it lol?  

I am pretty sure they wouldn't keep it a secret if she was back.  Even that cameo return in 2000 to usher Ingo off had a promo.  They wouldn't just be like "Surprise!" with Vanessa.   I obviously love to overvalue her and her amazingness, but GH would promote the crap out of that.

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A great week of episodes.  

I am 100% team vengeful Jagger.  Part of me hopes Sonny throws him in the water and he returns down the road even more pissed off.

I am also liking this version of Lucky.  Luke's lust for danger and Laura's passion for helping people.  

Is it too much to ask that Dr. Isaiah Gannon be Tommy Hardy using a fake name?!!  Although I suspect he will be connected to the Llanview Gannons.

If they get the casting right for Lulu there is so much potential for great drama this fall.  Fingers crossed it is Jennifer Landon.  I am still holding out hope that Marci Miller will be cast as Serena Baldwin.

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Frank does like the shocking reveal. And this would be shocking to me! And I would tune in to see how much Vanessa was able to protect Brenda and play out whatever whack stories they had for her.

Funny to remember that Sam only exists because JFP and ABC wouldn’t work it out with Vanessa for her to do the show with her toddler on a reduced schedule to get their bearings. Sam was created for a place to put what could have been a pretty good storyline with Brenda/Jason.

Edited by titan1978
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She & Mo have a zoom scheduled together on the Saturday before November sweeps begins the following Thursday.

Yesterday I re-read KeMo's account of what happened when they heard that PC was being canceled. According to her, back then, in DIGEST, every network offered her a job. She'd been a GH fan herself & so she was leaning toward GH. Brian Frons told her he would create a character for her. Hang on, maybe I can find that article. Sorry, the date can't be seen. 


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Edited by Contessa Donatella
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And so it begins...I finally make it to the start of the Lulu storyline. You know I'm at least super excited about that. Cuz Laura...her kids...nuff said. 

Speaking of excited...BRRRRAD!!!!!!!!! TERRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  And Brad looking kinda FOINE. lol. That said it seem like the focus is shifting back to the hospital again. But will Brad get a storyline? Love interest?


I wasn't expecting Jordan vs Molly, but I didn't dislike it at all. A mama will let an in-law know what's up. So that was good.


Grrr...are Sasha and Cody ever going to make it official? I've over the silliness of them being almost there and then something happens. It's long overdue, boring, and stalls on moving them to something different or new. And now thanks to Wagger, Molly is seriously starting to side-eye Kristina. That seems like something is going to happen, and it's going to be a slow burn. Like the rift growing between TJ and Molly. I'm intrigued. 


Wagger coming out into the open and start to come for Sonny by Kristina. I have no words. I take that back. I would say delicious. If these New/Old writers are going back to the same ole, same ole, that is a BOLD move to make given how inconsistent Wagger has been up to now. It also brought out the mama bear in Alexis. And I love Mama Bear Alexis cuz she be fierce AF. I loved seeing Dante react and bond with Kristina as well. And the buddy walkoff a la Sonny/Jason was part lol, part rme, but I've already discussed the abruptness of them back on good terms, so I won't go on on that again.


I will go on these New/Old writers continuing to give us Whiny Anna as Jason told her about Val being behind Sonny's meds. Anna, come on. You hear Val on the phone, revealing he was the head of Pikeman who was doing hits on Sonny. Is it that far-fetched for you? I was just smh. Give me my tough Anna, not Anna the Valentin apologist. I loved Jason was asking exactly what I was asking...cuz it seems like subtext between the writers and us the audiences who know darn good and well they are trying to prop Val to high heaven while planting annoying seeds he's going to come back. He can come back...if he is dying that is.


And here goes Jason telling Sonny about Val...


That was not boring at all. It felt like more of an OFFICIAL shifting of writers. Still got a bad taste in my mouth. However I admit...I was impressed. 



Now tbf...not everyone saw that promo...and bitd no spoilers like how social media is now...you know how I reacted for that particular Friday cliffhanger back in 2000 with no idea at all.

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 And you know I tuned in the following week with the quickness. lol. 


I feel like if when she returns...it would totally be a secret...for a few hours. lol. THEN we would get a promo that would all over social media. 





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And your point is? It is well known Guza ported the story he was in love with and created for Brenda onto Sam. If Marcil had stayed the entire purpose for Kelly would have been different. They also may not have hired her for GH. Her initial storylines were a huge bust with the fortune hunter stuff and Jax (and all that crap screamed Chuck Pratt more than Guza to me).

Without that story, we have no Sonny affair, no death of child, no Jason taking care of her and a relationship forming. As I said, SAM only exists because Brenda was gone.

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I remember Sam only exists because of Vanessa.  Sucks they wouldn't work with her, but in the end Vanessa probably got the last laugh because her return gave her so much buzz and she immediately booked Las Vegas and it's in syndication.  Or just on Peacock. Not sure.

I literally saw that promo and it was good.  Don't know if it still exists on the internet and I was like screw high school and my friends.  Gotta watch Vanessa make a 5 second appearance saying she "Was worth the wait".. To be fair.  She was.

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I'm not sure why you seem to have a problem with what I posted. I was not disputing anything you said. My only point was the circumstances of Kelly Monaco who parleyed Livvie into a several decade career, at least going by her own account. If people aren't interested, that's fine. It literally has nothing to do with Guza or with Brenda. Those aspects exist on their own. This neither takes away from them nor supports them. It's primarily about Frons. I found it interesting & shared it. That's it. 

It was just a wild thought. Trying to imagine how in heck Sonny is gonna get out of what he did today. 

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