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DAYS: Head Writer Ron Carlivati Departing Peacock Soap After Seven Years

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Elia Cantu and Raven Bowen characters Jada and Chanel were created under Ron but he didn't use them how they should have been used because Jada hunter is the Daughter of the late Marcus hunter and his legacy wasn't treated how it should have been because Jada should have been having scenes with Steve and kayla and Stephanie on screen 

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People act as though Days was Douglas Marland's ATWT before Ron and he ruined it. The truth is that it is a bad, shallow show, it has been that way since... forever? At least since JER, not that it was much better in the supercouples era. RC wrote the soap they hired him to write, he didn't ruin anything beautiful lol.

DOOL's real problem are the horrible production values. It is almost shot as a cheap parody.

He was good for quite a while on OLTL and GH, his instincts  of how to fix these shows were good. The fact that Mo didn't like his ideas for GH makes me feel sympathetic to him. 

I wish we see him on Y&R. Perhaps for a year or two. Yes I know, Nikki might be a stripper again, but nothing is worse than a boring soap opera. Josh Griffith will never be fired so that someone like Nancy Curlee takes over. The truth is that he seemed to respect each show's (crazier parts of its) legacy when he showed up. Sounds better than business talk and mental illness after mental illness.

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This certainly puts the Body & Soul storyline into perspective. I wonder if he knew his contract wasn't being renewed so now we'll get to enjoy months of him making passive-aggressive jabs at the show.

In all honesty, I'm not sure if a headwriter switch will change much, but maybe with both Alarr and Carlivati now out there can be some sort of change. I enjoy Cwikly's early 00s run (with Brash), but if she had issues with the budget then, then I don't imagine what she'll have now. They really need to sit down and watch soaps from the 50s/60s which had similar low budgets and limitations.

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Ehhh… respectfully disagree lol 

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Agreed, JR does belong there. 

I tend to give him a break about KA and PR though. He said it wasn’t his fault, and I sort of agree. He was on social media defending himself over Bo and Hope’s reunion being botched. He usually doesn’t defend himself when he’s to blame. 

Ashley will suddenly have an evil alter, Kirsten, who will be running around Genoa City in a mask

Edited by AbcNbc247
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Not any old mask. No, a latex mask, fashioned after the very old TV show MISSION IMPOSSIBLE. These miraculous masks can even change how tall you are. 

My dear friend, I suspect this is a thinly veiled jab at parody. Parody, while not as elevated as farce, is still a well-respected literary & dramatic device. DAYS today, with its horrible lighting, ridiculous sets, clothing from the wrong season, Isn't good enough to call it parody. SOAP, ALL THAT GLITTERS, Mary Hartman, repeat, Hail to the Chief, Grand, these are all parodies, by intent and oh so funny. DAYS is not that. Excuse my rant. 

And, also when you compare RC & JER, they do not compare. JER made his mistakes, sure, but he was inventive & imaginative. Ron if anything is derivative. Just look at Demonic Possession 1.0 compared to 2.0. There IS no comparison. Ron did not get it. 

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I had enjoyed a lot of his work on OLTL, and I also liked much of his first few years on DAYS where he did some umbrella stories and dug into the show's past for story ideas. I even liked Gwen's initial introduction and her rivalry with Abby.

But, after many years of watching, I finally started losing interest when Ben, the serial killer, became a romantic hero. Then, the DiMeras literally totally took over the entire show, and I believe they always worked best in smaller doses. The Hortons all but disappeared. Then came all the mask wearing and switching which made all the characters look like idiots. Leo, the most annoying character ever created, pulled a "Dimera" and also took over the show. Then, Marlena, Kate, and Kayla were put on ice and visited heaven before being saved, and I was DONE. I couldn't take any aspect of the show seriously anymore. Haven't watched an episode in over a year now and cancelled Peacock.

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This article includes Ron's congrats to the show on its Big 60 but throws in a little shade. 

Article also comments on Tony Geary & Mo in regard to Carlivati writing there & being fired. 

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