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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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I had that thought at first, too. However, I'm okay with it now. It's not as if she's involved with Sonny or Jason in any way. She isn't living a "mob lifestyle" or killing anybody. She has mob money from a storyline that we all already knew about, and the question is...What did she do with it? Even if she did something horrible with the mob money, it doesn't bother me. It doesn't put her on Sonny's level, IMO. As long as she doesn't start killing people and getting a free pass, I'm good.

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yah watching az whack siobhan today made me pretty eeked out of him wanting tracy! I don't think Tracy/Az would ever hook up. I think he wants ELQ and is also intrigued/interested in her cause she is strong and ballsy etc.

No way would tracy ever romantically hook up with that whack job. I think that he is going to do something perhaps like blackmail her into pushing Luke away or something and hanging with him or he will have luke killed or lucky or something.

From what I heard, Gina is going to cause all types of problems for Tracy. And Tracy is gonna be back to kicking ass and taking names. Let's hope this is ture.

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I know this sounds random, but I LOVED the mention that Edward made the other day about Tracy withholding his medication. They NEVER flash back to that. I've always wished that Skye or SOMEONE would bring it up in a bitchy way, so that Tracy could flash back to it. It's such an iconic scene, and it's never flashed back to.

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<p>I've been thinking about this too, and the conclusion for me is this would be a problem if it was under Guza's pen where SaSon was always victorious and any other mobster was a threat that needed to be destroyed.</p>

<p> </p>

<p>But given that The City, and not GH, is the originator of &quot;Tracy and the Mob&quot;, I think this will be a very different tale. She's not a mobster per se, she's merely someone with a mob history, and quite frankly Tracy's history hasn't been mined at all. Tracy isn't interested in power or position within the underworld, she's merely a very smart business woman who is fleet of foot and rather light-fingered. None of that is new, really. And Luke knows about her history in NYC, so it's not as if Tracy's former connections will be a point of conflict in their relationship.</p>

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<p>For me, all this does is bring her into connection with some of the more interesting characters on the canvas - AZ, Johnny - while giving a new layer of conversation to the Spencermaine family. AND it give Tracy something more to concentrate on than Lulu, Luke and the Haunted Star.</p>

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it also ties Tracy in to this new Gina character and is a good example of Garin Wolf saying characters have secrets and just when you thought you knew everything about them....we knew about Tracy's mob hubby, but not that she used his money to save ELQ.

As much as I can't stand skye, I guess she is a pinball like GW said and is creating this story potential for Tracy, Edward and Carly (by hiding Jax) etc.

I like that Tracy is interacting with other people. And it just gives her some relevance. considering az tried to kill luke and watched him lay on the floor dying of a heart attack, I'm sure he will be none to please with him hanging around Tracy.

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Wow, I have tried the past few days to sign in and comment and it wouldn't let me. Anyway, I haven't been able to watch, but I think the people complaining the loudest are those who would complain no matter what because they are just looking for something to dislike. If you look hard enough, it's easy to pick apart anyone's writing.

I personally love shooting down Claire Labine, who was good-but waaaay overrated IMO. And she seems to be generally loved. However-if even SHE were back-there are those who might have loved her last time, who would STILL complain.

I just want the Q's and Tracy to get some good stories before GH bites the dust. I am glad GW cares about showing them and isn't just giving us lip service, like Guza always did.

I am sad Luke's competition for Tracy is a crazy man-but I'm glad she has a story.

I wish she was on more than once a week, though.

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Yeah, except for that one time I mentioned when she was first on with that English actress playing her....I've never cared for her. I think RC comes across as wooden and bored, or maybe that's just the way she chooses to play Skye as being bored and above it all. The breathy voiced thing annoys me. Her presence to me could be better served by bringing back a more interesting Q.

Come on, think about it now. How much more interesting would it have been if Brook Lynn were more like Granny, and it was her who came back to screw with Tracy by bartering with Anthony. At least in that case, there would be layers and mixed emotions as we'd see Brook conflicted about hurting Tracy, yet still wanting to do it. LOL

With Skye, it's just petty jealousy(someone jealous of our girl IS nice, though) and hate. There's no warm feelings there, so there's not going to be layers to their scenes. It's just sounding to me like it's "nyah nyah nyah" from Skye to Tracy, and Tracy scrambling to cover her butt.

It could be so much more if Tracy/Skye had a complicated relationship. They don't.

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I liked her with Jax - that would have been a good thing to continue. It would also be fun for Tracy and Skye to see how much they truly are alike - not that that will ever happen. I just want her to cut Tracy a little slack. Why not pick on Monica or Edward?

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