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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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Ethina is just a matter of time - we can all see that.

But RIGHT NOW I want Tracy. When Luke gets back we'll have her for sure, but it would be nice before JE's vacation time.

Really - she should be all over this BL/Lulu thing.

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Hey guys!

Just been reading back through the last few pages or so and catching up a bit. Colin is doing well - getting bigger all the time.

Anyway, while I can understand TG's frustration with the Charles Street years, I disagree with his assessment of Wendy Riche and Claire Labine. To me, that was the golden era of GH. BJ's death and the implosion of Bobbie and Tony's marriage, Robin and Stone, Monica's breast cancer, the beginnings of the oh-so-lately-touted Sonny and Brenda, Kevin and Lucy, the Nurses Balls... It was just an amazing time for GH with multiple REAL umbrella stories going on that featured every actor on the GH canvas and (GASP) actual stories involving the hospital (I've been watching AMC this summer and have seen more hospital stories there these few months than I have in 3 years on GH). Riche and Labine had quite a bit of clean-up to do after GM's second stint (which was total crap - the Eckerts? REALLY?) and not only did they turn it around, they turned it into the most enjoyable era of GH.

That said, LnL were DULL during that time period. They didn't start getting interesting until LnL2 started up with Liz's rape storyline and the reveal about Luke's past to Lucky. I'm pretty sure that was about the time Guza was taking over from Claire Labine. So yeah, LnL were done a disservice during the Charles Street period, but everyone else definitely was not. If you look at those storylines, they're the ones that everyone immediately point to as iconic and where they want the show to be again. So my guess is that TG didn't like Luke being neutered out of his adventure state into the happy husband. BUT, you could look at it this way - there wouldn't be Tracy/Luke if Luke hadn't realized how much that life wasn't for him and decided to dismantle it via his affair with Felicia.

Speaking of TR and the old schoolers, has anyone heard about The Bay? The cast is brimming with 80s/90s era soap stars like Mary Beth Evans, Tristan Rogers, Matthew Ashford, Lane Davies, etc., etc., etc. I'm intrigued enough to take a look when it starts up, if nothing else to see what they come up with.

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Hi Star! Great to see you. Glad to hear Colin is doing well.

The Bay sounds great. They just announced Jackie Zeman is going to be in it too.

I just came back from the american idol concert with my little one. We stayed to get autographs/pics afterwards. He met every single one of the top ten. We didn't leave til 12:20am.

This list was published somewhere but I saw on dish--Luke and Tracy come in #60 of best soap couples of all time.

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300 top soap couples? That would be close to ALL the popular soap couples, wouldn't it? These lists are funny.

But at any rate two things come to the fore - YAY, #60. That's still a lot higher than some of the well-sung couples. And yay to the person who resisted the temptation so many fall into - LnL is NOT worthy of the top spot and for a change didn't get it. Now I'm not sure Bope is either, but they are the only remaining SuperCouple on the air as of 2010 and they have a story.

I just saw on DD that the Brenda promos have even made it to Bravo. laugh.gif I really hope this doesn't bite ABC in the ass like "The Real Greenlee" did a few years ago.

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-I think JZ is going to be on TR's other web series, Reality Bytes, not The Bay. Those are two different projects aren't they? The Bay trailer actually looks really boring, considering the talent. They need a new edit.

-This "300" list was published in a magazine? It totally looks made up.

-Why are they running Brenda commercials on BRAVO? BRAVO is owned by NBC.

-I miss Tracy!

Edited by halee
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I'm glad to hear Colin is doing well, Star.

As far as Tracy...eh. I miss her, but since I don't watch when she isn't on, I'm good when someone just lets me know she has a scene, and I watch the clips when I can. Ethan and Brook are my only two other reasons for even bothering with this show, and I hate both their potential pairings and their SL's right now.

I have a feeling I will only be watching them with their families, because Johnny/Brook bores me, Ethan/Maya bores me, and I seriously want Kristina to leave town forever.

So, I'm good with Ethan/Tracy and Brook/Tracy scenes, and otherwise, I am gonna have to forget they exist.

I saw "The Other Guys" this weekend. I could have done without Samuel L Jackson being in it-I won't comment further-but otherwise, it was pretty funny. For the first hour, everyone in the theater was just ROLLING in their seats. I adore Will Ferrell-that's right, I said it-and I think he's a highly underrated (by the public) actor. This was his first "action" movie, and I just LOVED him in it. I might go back and watch it again with another friend, that's how much I enjoyed it. Nothing too complicated-definitely a "turn your brain off" movie, but very witty, entertaining, and fun. I only go to the movies a few times a year, and this was worth the price of admission. It's a guy movie, sort of, with the explosions, but women can enjoy it too-I've always been partial to these kinds of movies myself, over sappy chick flicks, but that is just me.

It has so many good actors in it-WF, Michael Keaton (I used to have the BIGGEST crush on him, and it's so good to see him in a big screen comedy again), Mark Wahlberg, Steve Coogan, Eva Mendes, The Rock, Anne Heche has a very small part.

If you're looking for something to see, it's pretty decent.

There is a particular scene early on in the movie where WF's character has a gag with MW's character where they are discussing lions and tuna(you have to watch to know what I mean) and the word is that Will ad-libbed the entire speech, which I believe, because for a second, Mark W has a look on his face like "Uh oh. What do I say now?"

It is one of the funniest parts of the movie.

Sorry about the gush, just enjoyed it a lot.

Too bad there isn't even a current rumor or spoiler about Tracy that would require that much discussion. :(

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Wow.... most of these "what ifs" have been horrible, and many talking heads have acknowledged that. But this one is really good. Loved the mention of Tracy and the honesty... she might just be the "love of his life" but he's still working that through.

Thanks for bringing that over, Hooked.

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