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The Tracy Quartermaine Lovefest


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well..not to rain on the parade...but Luke is gone June 30th til late september/early october.


see the SID guy is on crack! six weeks my ass. so 3 months, not 4

his last scenes are with lucky and he references them as the odd couple as a hint.

not sue what that means...

But I guess that insider was right about Luke skips town when trcy won't forgive him and he helps him leave.

So i doubt any reconnect is happening before he leaeves...but at least it gives us something to look forward to in the fall when he returns. That insider also said the Tracy is at the hospital when the lockdown happens and is the one to see helena with the baby. She is supposed to have a part in the real reveal...let 's just hope she is on more than a few times til october.

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Well at least we know what dates to expect.

Here's the summary of The Odd Couple. http://www.answers.c...-couple-play-1.

Luke is Felix as far as I can see. But it should be interesting to see what Lucky does for Luke before he leaves.

I'm now wondering how much Tracy can do to him in 2 1/2 weeks, when they don't get home until next week at the earliest and then she's in the hospital... hmmmm...

The 6 weeks would have been nice, but this is still a shorter vacation for him - he's usually gone in May and returning early October. Tracy will be more than ready for him come the fall. But this also begs the question was Luke's 'confession' even accurate today??? Luke might try to explain while Tracy thinks it's back-peddling.

Bottom line I guess, she's involved in a whole host of things besides Luke which means we will have more Tracy after the first of July.

Edited by remos
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I think the luke mves in with lucky is the odd couple stuff too

I'm glad to know a date.

Hope she is there for the lockdown.

Maybe luke tells her if he can't be with her, then he can't stay there or that he wont' give up.

I think maybe she has him arrested and lucky helps him run to escape charges?

I just really hope she is around...we always are optimistic about the summer time....but we always end up getting let down. I'm trying to see if I can find out some stuff to at least know if she is taping still

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Wouldn't it be the other way around?? I can see Luke as a pig, like Oscar who likes to smoke cigars and plays poker and Lucky as Felix the super neat and clean guy?? It could make for some funny television!

Edited by nex4evr
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There was a spoiler for the 21st that says Luke makes his move...I think that is in with Lucky isntead of makes a move on Tracy or against Tracy

I can see lucky and luke realizing it isn't gonna work and maybe Lucky encourages him to skip town for a whiel and let tracy cool off. He must see Franco on his way out of town...maybe...

I guess if lulu is posioned or injured or anything, they will still have tracy caring about her. I hope they get a scene. Wonder if Tracy reposses the HS and closes it or something to spite him.

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Felix only in so far as he's the one who's wife kicks him out and he's lost. Otherwards Oscar would fit Luke better.

I am sure it will be fine for Tracy time. She's gone for at least 4 weeks of TG's time anyway, so August into September we won't see her. Lockdown is July so that's a given with Tracy, so really that only leaves about two weeks before JE's vacation and about 2-4 afterwards before Luke returns. It's not that bad. I also expect that the Spencermaine Jr. will be around with her and for her. We'll have to see.

But either way, I'm thinking the fact that Luke is gone for 12ish weeks is pretty clear that they are legally married. He would be more on top of her if they weren't and he wanted it legalized. Besides too many recent events would have to be rewritten or reinterpreted, and that's a whole lot of work for nothing. Luke can still woo her and work towards a "real" wedding without them needing to be not legally married.

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The vows were so dead on.. and so wonderful. I FLOVED them, and ALL the scenes before them.

The scene AFTER the vows?!?!?!?!! Well that might be the worst piece of cr@p that GH has ever produced.

Cr@p Cr@p Cr@p

GH YOU SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Get it together -- fast!!!

Or I'm Gone.

You sssssssuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkkk

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I know it's been forever since I stopped in, but OMG y'all - yesterday was so awesome. (Until the end, that is, which just made me roll my eyes.) I'm trying to figure out who it is that started bringing some warmth back into the show. Even Sonny is being held accountable for his years of abusive behavior.

Anyway, the kidlet is doing well. Just about completely off the O2 now and just about ready to crawl. Also saying "dada" and "hey" now and just keeps growing like a weed.

I miss you guys. Hoping things will be a bit less hectic in the near future so I can stop by more often.

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that better win the standout scene in the next SOD or SID.

Star it is so nice hearing from you and hearing your little guy is doing well. Would love to see a photo! How old is he now?

Some spoilers for SOS/SON for next week...looks like we get some more of Luke pouring out his heart...and tracy's refusal is based on fear he will hurt her again. appears they are on M T W maybe next week

and SOS

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Do you think yesterday's scenes will pick up today or they will wait til Monday. I guess Nik frees them on Monday it sounds like..

Some stuff from dish ...

I guess tracy is out of the hospital by the week of the 21st. Wonder why she is there during the lockdown and beginning of Franco stuff?

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